Updates to SANE listing Editor's Note: The following updates have been received to supplement the list of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner programs that appeared in the October Journal (J Emerg Nurs i996;22:460-5). MICHIGAN YWCA Nurse Examiner Program YWCA 25 Sheldon Blvd., SE Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Contact: Chris Dunnick, RN, MSN, and Linda Rossman, RNC, MSN (616) 459-7062, ext. 285 NEW HAMPSHIRFf~RMONT The NH/VT Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program P.O. Box 1571 Claremont, NH 03743 Contact: Jennifer Tremblay, RN, CEN, SAN (603) 542~1822 (603) 675-5809 OHIO SANE Blanchard Valley Regional Health Center Emergency Department 145 W. Wallace St. Findlay, OH 45840 Contact: Jean Borkosky, RN, BS, CEN, SANE or Barbara Cramer, RN, SANE (419) 423-5206 TEXAS SANE Program Columbia/St. David's Health Care System 911 E. 32nd St. Austin, TX 78705 Contact: Kit Thompson (512) 397-4240 J Emerg Nuts 1997;23:95~9. Copyright © 1997 by the Emergency Nurses Association. 0099-1767/97 $5.00 + 0 18/64/80513 Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners Program St. Elizabeth Hospital 2830 Calder Ave. Beaumont, TX 77706 Contact: Sheila DeVaugh, RN, SANE (409) 899-7000 VIRGINIA Forensic Nurse Examiners of St. Mary's Hospital 5801 Bremo Rd. Richmond, VA 23226 Contact: Stacy Lasseter, RN, MSN, SANE (804) 281-8574 More on life after life Dear Editor: I was intrigued by the Impressions article, "Life After Life and Who Has My Glasses?" (J Emerg Nurs 1996;22:472-3). I would like to know what time of year this incident occurred and what the core tempera- ture of the patient was on arrival at the emergency department. Based on the clinical presentation and response to treatment, this sounds like a typical hypothermic arrest with an unusually (but not mirac- ulously) good outcome. Remember the basic rule of hypothermia: they are not dead until they are warm and dead.--Frank Jaworski, RN, BSN, CEN, Temple, Texas Reply A diagnosis of hypothermia is an interesting the- ory based on the information given in the article. However, Jed's arrest was purely cardiac. Jed suf- fered his cardiac arrest while sitting in a recliner watching television. He had a long cardiac history, including several bypass surgeries. I do not have a copy of Jed's chart and cannot recall his core temper- ature, but I do not remember it being low.--Carol Cramer, RN, BSN, CEN, Centerville, Utah April 1997 95

More on life after life

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Updates to SANE listing Editor's Note: The following updates have been received to supplement the list of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner programs that appeared in the October Journal (J Emerg Nurs i996;22:460-5).

MICHIGAN YWCA Nurse Examine r Program YWCA 25 Sheldon Blvd., SE Grand Rapids , MI 49503 Contac t : Chr i s Dunnick , RN, MSN, a n d L i n d a Rossman, RNC, MSN (616) 459-7062, ext. 285

NEW HAMPSHIRFf~RMONT The NH/VT Sexual Assau l t Nurse Examine r P rogram P.O. Box 1571 Claremont , NH 03743 Contact : Jenn i fe r Tremblay, RN, CEN, SAN (603) 542~1822 (603) 675-5809

OHIO SANE Blanchard Valley Regional Hea l th Center E m e r g e n c y D e p a r t m e n t 145 W. Wal lace St. Findlay, OH 45840 Contact : J e a n Borkosky, RN, BS, CEN, SANE or Barbara Cramer, RN, SANE (419) 423-5206

TEXAS SANE Program Columbia/St . David ' s Hea l th Care S y s t e m 911 E. 32nd St. Aust in , TX 78705 Contact : Kit T h o m p s o n (512) 397-4240

J Emerg Nuts 1997;23:95~9. Copyright © 1997 by the Emergency Nurses Association. 0099-1767/97 $5.00 + 0 18/64/80513

Sexual Assau l t Nurse Examine r s Program

St. E l izabe th Hospi ta l

2830 Calder Ave.

Beaumont , TX 77706

Contact : Shei la DeVaugh, RN, SANE

(409) 899-7000

VIRGINIA Forens i c Nurse Examine r s of St. Mary ' s Hospi ta l

5801 Bremo Rd.

Richmond, VA 23226

Contact : S tacy Lasseter , RN, MSN, SANE

(804) 281-8574

More on life after life

Dear Editor: I w a s in t r igued by the Impres s ions article, "Life

After Life and Who Has M y Glasses?" (J E m e r g Nurs

1996;22:472-3). I would like to know w h a t t ime of year

th is i n c i d e n t occur red a n d w h a t the core t e m p e r a -

ture of t he p a t i e n t w a s on arrival a t the e m e r g e n c y

d e p a r t m e n t . Based on the cl inical p r e s e n t a t i o n and

r e s p o n s e to t r ea tmen t , th is s o u n d s like a typ ica l

h y p o t h e r m i c a r res t w i th an unusua l ly (but not mirac-

ulously) good outcome. R e m e m b e r the b a s i c rule of

hypo the rmia : t hey are not d e a d unti l t hey are w a r m

and dead.--Frank Jaworski, RN, BSN, CEN, Temple,



A d iagnos i s of h y p o t h e r m i a is an i n t e r e s t i ng the-

ory b a s e d on the informat ion g iven in the article.

However , J ed ' s a r res t w a s pure ly cardiac . J ed suf-

fered his ca rd iac ar res t whi le s i t t ing in a recl iner

w a t c h i n g te levis ion. He h a d a long ca rd iac history,

i nc lud ing severa l b y p a s s surger ies . I do not have a

copy of J ed ' s char t and canno t recall his core t emper -

ature, bu t I do not r e m e m b e r it b e i n g low.--Carol Cramer, RN, BSN, CEN, Centerville, Utah

April 1997 95