BioOne sees sustainable scholarly publishing as an inherently collaborative enterprise connecting authors, nonprofit publishers, academic institutions, research libraries, and research funders in the common goal of maximizing access to critical research. Morphometric Differentiation of Fruit Fly Pest Species of the Anastrepha fraterculus Group (Diptera: Tephritidae) Author(s): P. Perre, L. R. Jorge, T. M. Lewinsohn, and R. A. Zucchi Source: Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 107(2):490-495. 2014. Published By: Entomological Society of America URL: http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.1603/AN13122 BioOne (www.bioone.org ) is a nonprofit, online aggregation of core research in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences. BioOne provides a sustainable online platform for over 170 journals and books published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and presses. Your use of this PDF, the BioOne Web site, and all posted and associated content indicates your acceptance of BioOne’s Terms of Use, available at www.bioone.org/page/terms_of_use . Usage of BioOne content is strictly limited to personal, educational, and non-commercial use. Commercial inquiries or rights and permissions requests should be directed to the individual publisher as copyright holder.

Morphometric Differentiation of Fruit Fly Pest Species of the Anastrepha fraterculus Group (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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Page 1: Morphometric Differentiation of Fruit Fly Pest Species of the Anastrepha fraterculus Group (Diptera: Tephritidae)

BioOne sees sustainable scholarly publishing as an inherently collaborative enterprise connecting authors, nonprofit publishers,academic institutions, research libraries, and research funders in the common goal of maximizing access to critical research.

Morphometric Differentiation of Fruit Fly Pest Species of theAnastrepha fraterculus Group (Diptera: Tephritidae)Author(s): P. Perre, L. R. Jorge, T. M. Lewinsohn, and R. A. ZucchiSource: Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 107(2):490-495. 2014.Published By: Entomological Society of AmericaURL: http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.1603/AN13122

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Page 2: Morphometric Differentiation of Fruit Fly Pest Species of the Anastrepha fraterculus Group (Diptera: Tephritidae)


Morphometric Differentiation of Fruit Fly Pest Species of theAnastrepha fraterculus Group (Diptera: Tephritidae)


Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 107(2): 490Ð495 (2014); DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1603/AN13122

ABSTRACT Fruit ßies (Tephritidae) include pests of quarantine importance, some of which belongto the genus Anastrepha. Some species in this group are difÞcult to identify. We tested the accuracyof morphometric techniques to distinguish three species of the fraterculus group (A. fraterculus, A.obliqua, andA. sororcula), using images of the aculeus and wing. The geometric morphometrics of thewings, using 17 landmarks, indicated differences in the wing shape of each species, separating themsuccessfully into distinct groups. The conventional morphometrics of seven measurements of theaculeus tip, by linear discriminant analysis, also indicated differences in the species, separating theminto three groups.

RESUMO As moscas-das-frutas (Tephritidae) sao pragas quarentenarias, como algumas especies dogenero Anastrepha.Algumas especies desse grupo sao de difõcil identiÞcacao. A eÞciencia de tecnicasde morfometria na classiÞcacao de tres especies do grupo fraterculus (A. fraterculus, A. obliqua, A.sororcula) foi testada, utilizando imagens do aculeo e da asa. A morfometria geometrica das asas,usando 17 marcos anatomicos, indicou que a forma das asas difere entre as tres especies, separando-aseÞcientemente em grupos. A morfometria multivariada de sete medidas do apice do aculeo, por meioda analise discriminante linear (ADL), tambem indicou diferencas nas especies, formando tres gruposdistintos.

KEY WORDS geometric morphometry, interspeciÞc variation, conventional morphometry

Fruit ßies are economically important pests world-wide. The genus Anastrepha is the most diverse, with�250 described species (Norrbom et al. 2012), butfewer than 10 species are of agricultural importance(Aluja 1994). IdentiÞcation of Anastrepha species isbased on differences in the shape of the aculeus, tho-racic markings, wing pattern, and microtrichia. Thegenus has been divided into several species groups,including the fraterculus group. Several species of thisgroup are identiÞed by subtle morphological differ-ences in the shape of the aculeus, and the limits be-tween species are frequently difÞcult to recognize.Therefore, in addition to the external morphology,studies on molecular (Smith-Caldas et al. 2001),genetic (Selivon et al. 2005), and morphometric(Hernandez-Ortiz et al. 2012) variation have also beencarried out to clarify the identity of cryptic species.

Morphometric methods (conventional and geomet-ric) have been used to assist in identifying many insectspecies (Daly 1985, Baylac et al. 2003). For example,in Anastrepha, conventional morphometry has been

used to characterize populations of the A. fraterculuscomplex (Hernandez-Ortiz et al. 2004, 2012; Selivon etal. 2005) and to assist the identiÞcation of species inthe fraterculus group using aculeus measurements(Araujo and Zucchi 2006).

Species identiÞcation is crucial for the implementa-tion of management and control programs and quaran-tine restrictions. In this study, we tested the accuracy ofmorphometric techniques for the identiÞcation of threemajor pest species of the fraterculus group: Anastrephafraterculus (Wiedemann), Anastrepha obliqua (Mac-quart),andAnastrephasororculaZucchi,basedonaculeusand wing images.

Materials and Methods

Fruit Flies. Female specimens of A. fraterculus, A.obliqua, and A. sororcula from the collection of theInstituto Biologico of Sao Paulo were studied. Speci-mens were collected in McPhail-type traps and werealso reared from fruits. Individuals were identiÞedusing the aculeus shape, as described by White andElson-Harris (1992) and Zucchi (2000). For each spe-cies, 50 individuals with aculei and wings in goodcondition were selected for analysis. Because thefraterculus complex comprises several cryptic species

1 Departamento de Entomologia e Acarologia, Escola Superior deAgricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Piracicaba-SP, Brazil.

2 Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Departamento de Biologia Animal, Instituto de Biologia, Univer-

sidade de Campinas, 13083-862, Campinas-SP, Brazil.

0013-8746/14/0490Ð0495$04.00/0 � 2014 Entomological Society of America

Page 3: Morphometric Differentiation of Fruit Fly Pest Species of the Anastrepha fraterculus Group (Diptera: Tephritidae)

(Hernandez-Ortiz et al. 2012), the nameA. fraterculusis used here in its sensu lato.Image Capture of Aculeus and Wings. Aculei were

mounted on temporary microscope slides. The ovis-cape was dissected and treated in a solution of 10%KOH for 12 h. The aculeus was removed, placed ven-tral side up on a microscope slide with glycerin, andcovered with a glass coverslip. The aculei were pho-tographed with a Nikon DS-Fi1 camera (CCD, 5M,resolution 2560 � 1920) attached to a Nikon micro-scope (10� and 40� planachromatic objectives). Af-ter they were photographed, the aculei were stored inpolyethylene tubes with glycerin.

The right wing of each specimen was dissected andmounted on a microscope slide with Euparal and cov-ered with a glass coverslip. The slides were photo-graphed with a Nikon DS-Fi1 camera (resolution2560 � 1920) attached to a Nikon SMZ 1500 stereo-microscope (1.5� objective).Morphometrics. For the conventional morphomet-

rics, seven measurements of the aculeus apex weretaken using the Motic Images Advanced 3.2 software:

L1 � width of aculeus tip at end of cloaca opening;L2 � width of aculeus at base of serrate part; L3 �length of serrate part; L4 � distance from cloaca open-ing to apical end of aculeus; L5 � lateral part, from thecloaca opening to the apical end; L6 � distance fromcloaca opening to beginning of serrate part; and L7 �length of margin of aculeus tip from base of serratepart to apex (Fig. 1). These measurements were usedto calculate the mean and amplitude for each species,in the R software (R Development Core Team 2008).All the measurements were taken by P. P.

For the geometric morphometrics of the wings, 17landmarks (Fig. 2) were scored for each wing, usingTPSDig 2.1 (Rohlf 2006). We decomposed the form ofall the landmark conÞgurations into shape and size bymeans of geometric morphometrics (Bookstein 1991,1996; Dryden and Mardia 1998). Size was measured ascentroid size (CS), the square root of the sum of thesquared distances of each landmark from the centroid.The centroid is the mean of all landmarks and can beinterpreted as the gravity center of the landmark con-Þguration (Zelditch 2004). To measure the shape, allconÞgurationswerescaled tounitCS, andsuperimposedby a generalized least squares (GLS) Procrustes proce-dure. A mean shape was calculated for all wings, and thedifferences between its landmarks and those of eachspecimen were the residuals of the GLS procedure. WeusedtheRelativeWarps,aprincipalcomponentsanalysison the residuals of GLS, as shape variables (Bookstein1996). The last four axes are null, given the dimension-ality lost in the Procrustes superimposition.Analyses.To assess the variation in the three species

studied, we carried out a multivariate analysis of vari-ance for the aculei and the wings. To test the capacityto discriminate the species by aculeus measurementsand wing shape, we performed separate linear dis-criminant analyses (LDA) for the aculeus measure-ments and for thewing-shapevariables incombinationwith the CS. We also performed a leave-one-out cross-validation procedure, i.e., one specimen was not in-cluded in the calculations of the discriminant func-

Fig. 1. Aculeus apex with measurements. 1 � width ofaculeus tip at end of cloaca opening; 2 � width of aculeus atbase of serrate part; 3 � length of serrate part; 4 � distancefrom cloaca opening to apical end of aculeus; 5 � lateral part,from the cloaca opening to the apical end; 6 � distance fromcloaca opening to beginning of serrate part; and 7 � lengthof margin of aculeus tip from base of serrate part to apex.(Online Þgure in color.)

Fig. 2. Wing with landmarks. 1 � intersection of humeral (h) and costal veins (C); 2 � intersection of subcostal vein (Sc) withmargin; 3 � intersection of vein R1 with margin; 4 � intersection of veins R2 � 3 with margin; 5 � intersection of veins R4 � 5 withmargin; 6 � intersection of vein M with apical margin; 7 � intersection of vein Cu1 with apical margin; 8 � intersection ofvein A1 � Cu2 with posterior margin; 9 � intersection of vein R2 � 3 and R4 � 5; 10 � intersection of veins r-m and R4 � 5; 11 �intersection of vein M and base of cell bm; 12 � intersection of veins M and m-cu; 13 � intersection of veins Cu1 and Cu2;14 � intersection of veins M and r-m; 15 � intersection of veins M and DM-Cu; 16 � intersection of vein A1 with apex of cell bcu;17 � intersection of veins Cu1 and DM-Cu. Wing vein terminology was based on White et al. (1999). (Online Þgure in color.)


Page 4: Morphometric Differentiation of Fruit Fly Pest Species of the Anastrepha fraterculus Group (Diptera: Tephritidae)

tions; the specimen not used was then classiÞedaccording to this function. As we produced an LDA forthe shape variables of both structures, the results aredirectly comparable. All morphometric and statisticalanalyses were performed with the R software (R De-velopment Core Team 2008).


The aculeus tip measurements showed wide intras-peciÞc and interspeciÞc variation (Fig. 3). The ac-uleus tip lateral measurement L6 (distance from clo-aca opening to beginning of serrate part) was the

Fig. 3. Variation in aculeus apex measurements of A. fraterculus, A. obliqua, and A. sororcula (measurements as in Fig. 1).


Page 5: Morphometric Differentiation of Fruit Fly Pest Species of the Anastrepha fraterculus Group (Diptera: Tephritidae)

measurement that best distinguished the three spe-cies. For A. fraterculus, the most variable aculeus tipmeasurements were L4 (distance from cloaca openingto the extreme apex) and L5 (serrate lateral part), andmost clearly separated A. fraterculus from the otherspecies. This result was expected, as these measure-ments are part of the characters used to identify A.fraterculus. Except for A. sororcula, almost all mea-surements had outliers, reßecting the intraspeciÞcvariation in the other two species.

The differences in the shape of the aculeus amongthe species were highly signiÞcant (Pillai � 1.641,F14,284 � 92.6, P � 0.001), and multiple comparisonsusing Bonferroni correction showed that all pairs ofspecies are signiÞcantly different. LDA of the con-ventional morphometric aculeus variables clusteredthe three species very successfully. Only 2 (1.31%)individuals were wrongly identiÞed in the cross-vali-dation test (Table 1). A. obliqua was isolated fromother species on Axis 1, and A. sororcula and A. frater-culus were separated on Axis 2 (Fig. 4).

The geometric morphometric analysis showed sig-niÞcant differences in wing shape among the species(Pillai � 0.550, F10,288 � 8.644,P� 0.001), and multiplecomparisons using Bonferroni correction showed thatall pairs of species are signiÞcantly different. All spe-cies were tightly clustered by means of LDA, formingthree distinct groups (Fig. 5); only Þve (3.3%) indi-viduals had identiÞcation errors in the cross-validation

test (Table 2). Therefore, wing morphology separatesthese species quite clearly. The two axes that de-scribed the largest proportion of variation betweenspecies correspond to the posterior (Axis 1) and thedistal (Axis 2) regions of the wing (Fig. 6).


Geometric morphometrics has been used effec-tively in several genera of Tephritidae. For example,cryptic species such as Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh,1867) and Rhagoletis zephyria (Snow, 1894) can beseparated based on wing shape (Yee et al. 2009).Several cryptic species of Bactrocera were also sepa-rated by means of geometric morphometrics (Schutzeet al. 2012). Although it is an excellent tool to distin-guish closely related species, geometric morphometryhas not previously been applied to species of Anas-trepha, except for a recent study on A. pickeli Lima,1934, in which the wing shape varied signiÞcantly(BomÞm et al. 2011).

In this study, all species showed intraspeciÞc vari-ation, both in aculeus and wing measurements, withA.sororcula being the least and A. fraterculus the mostheterogeneous. Probably the heterogeneity in A.fraterculus is due to the taxon being formed by acomplex of cryptic species. However, the identiÞca-tion accuracies were high (98 and 96% for aculeus andwing, respectively). Wing pattern is used to identify

Table 1. Identification of three Anastrepha species throughLDA based on aculeus measurements, followed by leave-one-outcross-validation

Species A. fraterculus A. obliqua A. sororcula % Total

A. fraterculus 48 0 2 96% 50A. obliqua 0 50 0 100% 50A. sororcula 0 0 50 100% 50

Rows show the actual identity of the individuals; columns show theidentities indicated by the analysis.

Fig. 4. Values on the Þrst two axes of a linear discriminateanalysis based on aculeus measurements, used to identifythree Anastrepha species. (Online Þgure in color.)

Fig. 5. Values on the Þrst two axes of a linear discriminateanalysis based on wing shape and size variables, used toidentify three Anastrepha species. (Online Þgure in color.)

Table 2. Identification of three Anastrepha species based onlinear discriminant analysis using wing shape and size variables,followed by leave-one-out cross-validation

Species A. fraterculus A. obliqua A. sororcula % Total

A. fraterculus 47 1 2 94% 50A. obliqua 1 49 0 98% 50A. sororcula 1 0 49 98% 50

Lines show the actual identity of the individuals; columns show theidentities indicated by the analysis.


Page 6: Morphometric Differentiation of Fruit Fly Pest Species of the Anastrepha fraterculus Group (Diptera: Tephritidae)

some species of Anastrepha, but is not reliable to sep-arate species in the fraterculus group, and the 28 spe-cies of the group have not been taxonomically revised(Norrbom et al. 1999). However, our results showedthat wing shape discriminated these three species ofthe fraterculus group with �96% accuracy.

Both geometric and conventional morphometricsseparated the species successfully, but geometric mor-phometrics were more effective because this tool pro-vides greater statistical power and allows the directvisualization of the geometric transformations of theobjects (Rohlf and Marcus 1993). Wing images havemany advantages over aculei: the preparation of wingmicroscope slides and image capture are far easier,cheaper, and require less technical training; wingshave a venation system that allows the determinationof precise landmarks; and both the female and malecan be identiÞed. However, to apply this method alsowith males, it will have to be validated with reared orgenetically identiÞed individuals. Given that thesethree species are pests of major importance, the tech-niques presented in this study, if extended to otherspecies of Anastrepha, may conceivably be used bytechnical staff in the identiÞcation of fruit ßies inquarantine and monitoring programs and in other ap-plications. These techniques would be especially use-ful if implemented in a software package that acquiresthe wing shape variables automatically, allowing evennonexpert technical staff to identify economically im-portant fruit ßies. Such a tool is currently under de-

velopment by our group. These techniques can help toresolve taxonomic uncertainties in the fraterculuscomplex. This is a large group of cryptic species, andseveral studieshaveuseddifferent approaches to iden-tify them. Hernandez-Ortiz et al. (2004, 2012) usedconventional morphometrics of the mesonotum, wing,and aculeus, and his results suggested distinct entities.Also, through conventional morphometrics combinedwith molecular analyses, Selivon (2005) identiÞedthree species of the fraterculus group in Brazil.

The high accuracy of wing geometric morphomet-rics allowed us to identify with great accuracy thesethree pest species in the A. fraterculus group. Thehigher sensitivity and clear visualization of differencesprovided by geometric morphometrics are valuabletools in clarifying this large and cryptic complex.Moreover, this technique can be applied in automatedidentiÞcation techniques for these as well as othereconomically important species.


We thank Miguel Francisco Souza-Filho (Instituto Bi-ologico) for providing the specimens used in this study. P. P.was supported by a graduate scholarship from the Coorde-nacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nõvel Superior(CAPES). R.A.Z. and T.M.L. are research fellows of theConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientõÞco e Tec-nologico (CNPq). This study is part of the thesis presentedby P.P. to obtain the MSc in Entomology at ESALQ of theUniversity of Sao Paulo.

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Received 31 July 2013; accepted 4 December 2013.