MUFON UFO Journal - 1997 4. April

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M U F O N U F O J O U R N A LO F F I C I A L P U B L I C A T I O N O F T H E M U T U A L U F O N E T W O R K S I N C E 1967




CURRENT CASES T. David Spencer





Rev. Barry H. Downing

Dennis Stacy

John S. Carpenter









Walter N. Webb 22



COVER — (David Crisp and WFPC2 Science Team, J PL, Cal-Tech.)


(ISSN 0270-6822)103OlcitowneRd.

Seguin, TX 78155-4099Tel: (210) 379-9216FAX (210) 372-9439



Walter H. Andrus, Jr.


John S. CarpenterT. David Spencer


Vince Johnson

Copt/right 1997 by the Mutual UFO Nctivork. All Rights Resetted.No part of tliif document niin/ be reproduced in any form without the wntten permission of

the Copyright Owners. Permission is hereby granted to quote up lo 200 woids of iiuy one aiti-ele. provided the author if credited, and the statement. "Copyright 1997 by the Mutual UFONetwork. 103 Oldlownc Rd., Seguin. TV.UJs 7S155," is included.

The content* of the MUFON UFO loumal ate determined by the edilois and do not necessari-ly reflect the official position of the Mutual UFO Network. Opinions e\picssed are solely thoseof the individual authors.

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The MUFON UFO lotimal is published mcmtlily by the Mutual LIFO Network, Inc.. Seguin.Tews. Membership/Subscription rates: $3<) per year in the U.S.A.: $M> foreign in U S funds.Second class postage paid at Seguin, TX

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Page 3: MUFON UFO Journal - 1997 4. April


KILLING AN ALIENThe Legalby Herbert L. Prouty, J.D.

This paper examines the legal ramifica-tions and possible repercussions ofk i l l ing an alien. My legal research has

indicated that there is no body of law that isdirectly in point on this issue. The legal as-pects of this matter wil l have to be foundedon analogous areas of the law. Much of thisis supposition, speculation and theory.Additionally, the civi l and criminal ramifi-cations of k i l l ing an alien wi l l depend onthe facts and circumstances of how the alienwas killed and perhaps even on what type ofalien was killed. Finally, this is not exhaus-tive of the issue.

There appear to be several fundamentalissues. First, is an alien considered to have

similar legal status to a "human being" orshould the alien be treated like an "animal"for the purposes of homicide andmanslaughter statutes? Secondly, if thek i l l ing of an alien is analogous to k i l l i n g ahuman or an animal, under what circum-stances would it be excusable or justifiable?What, if any. civil remedies would be avail-able to the alien's surviving family or civi-lization and how could you hold the govern-ment responsible?


Homicide is defined as the unlawfulkilling of a human being. If it is done with


Prouty is

MUFON'sDirector of

Legal Affairs.

He lives in



April1997Number 348Pages

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One of the

most likelyjustifications

is self de-fense. A per-son who is in

imminent perilof death or

great bodilyharm has the

right to kill toprotect him-


April1997Number 348Page 4

malice aforethought, it is murder, withoutmalice, it is manslaughter (18 United StatesCode 1111, 1112). T w i l l assume that theperpetrator intended to kill the alien. If thealien is a human being, the offense wouldbe murder, the most serious felony punish-able by death or life imprisonment. Therearea number of different types of aliens, in-cluding the Nordics, Reptilians, and theGreys. Some types like the Nordics havebeen reported to resemble humans in physi-cal appearance. In fact, the Nordics havebeen variously described as being extremelyhandsome or beautiful. Even the Greys andReptilians h a \ e been described as havinghumanl ike features , although some believethat the Greys may be robots or automatons.Most of I he al len lypes described appear tobe highly intelligent, having an ability toreason and an intellectual capacity far be-yond the average human.

Various definitions of the word "human"or "human being" stress having humanform, having the ability to reason and to uselogic and having human or "humane" char-acteristics, such as compassion and sympa-thy for others (Merriam Webster Dictionary,1994 Edition). A strong argument could bemade that the unlawful killing of an alienbeing who has such characteristics shouldsubject the perpetrator to punishment simi-lar to the punishment for the crime of homi-cide. This is especially true if the primarypolicy behind the sanctity of human life de-pends on special attributes like intelligenceand humane traits. Still, it might be easier tomake this argument if a Nordic type alienwas killed, rather than a Reptilian or otheralien type not having similar human charac-teristics or not as benign.

The law recognizes a terrestrial alien(foreigners) as having legal status as a hu-man being. From all reported evidence,most extraterrestrial aliens would probablybe considered intelligent entities who wouldbe entitled to protection from being wrong-fully killed as ambassadors or officials oftheir planets or civilizations. Murder ormanslaughter of foreign officials, officialguests, or internationally protected personsis a homicide under federal law (18 UnitedStates Code 1116). Shouldn't we extend thesame protection to intelligent extraterrestrialaliens that we extend to terrestrial aliens?

Even if an alien is not a human being andis not entitled to the protection of laws pro-hibiting homicide, other laws protect mostlife forms from destruction. These laws

range from those env i ronmen ta l laws pro-tecting even some end.iiigcied lower formsof animal life from desnui_t ion , viz. the RioGrande silvery minnow, to animal crueltylaws in general (Endangered Species Act16, United States Code Annotated 1531-1543). The ki l l ing of most domesticated andwild animals, other than those bred forslaughter like sheep and goats, is a crime. InTexas, it is a Class A misdemeanor punish-able by up to a $4000 fine, up to one year inthe county jai l , or both (Texas Penal Code,Sections 12.21 and 42.09).

In summary, the unlawful , unjustifiablekilling of an alien would most probablyconstitute a crime under those criminal lawseither protecting humans or animals fromdestruction. The next issue is to determineunder what circumstances the killing of analien would be justifiable.


There are many circumstances underwhich the killing of an alien would be eitherjustifiable or excusable. If the killing of analien is justifiable then no crime has beencommitted. There is no criminal penalty.

The first justifiable circumstance wouldbe kill ing an alien on a field of battle duringa war. Al first it seems that this "War of theWorlds" scenario would be far fetched. Yetwhen you consider the accounts of alien ab-duction, kidnappings, rapes, violation of airspace and threats to the national security al-legedly caused by the UFO phenomenon,the killing of an alien by an officer or anemployee of a government might be justi-fied. However, it could be difficult to usethis defense since no government has offi-cially acknowledged the existence of ex-traterrestrial aliens, much less recognizedthem as a threat or declared war againstthem.

Another justifiable excuse is the protec-tion of property. In certain states, such

as Texas, in limited circumstances a personhas the right to take even a human life toprotect his property. In case the law deemsaliens should be treated more like animalsthan humans, it would be easier to justifythe killing of an alien to defend property.Many states, like Texas, have found killingsof animals justified to keep them from de-stroying crops, animals and other property{Jones v. State, 3 Cr. Rep. 228 (1877). Sothe farmer who kills an alien to protect his

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crops from being destroyed (LJFO's havebeen linked with crop circles) or the rancherwho kills a trespassing alien to prevent cat-tle mutilation could be exonerated by acourt of law. Under some circumstances, akill ing may be justified to prevent a breachof national security. Certain NationalAeronautics and Space Administration(NASA) employees as well as their agentsand contractors are allowed to carryfirearms and to make arrests to protect U.S.property and to prevent a felony (42 UnitedStates Code 2456). Although this stopsshort of a "license to kill," many other gov-ernmental agencies may have similar au-thority. I have heard that signs around "Area51" indicate that trespassers may be ex-pected to be repelled with deadly force. ]have not yet found the law that authorizesthis, but would not give the survivors of atrespassing alien killed in "Area 51" muchchance of having the perpetrators prose-cuted or of collecting civil damages.

One of the most likely justifications isself defense. A person who is in immi-

nent peril of death or great bodily harm hasthe right to kill to protect himself. When ahuman is the one posing the threat, thethreatened person may have the duty to re-treat if he can do so safely. But in mostcases if he believes his life is in danger hemay legally kill. The threat does not have tobe real. If the alien is reasonably perceivedto threaten the person's life or limb, even ifthere was actually no real threat, the k i l l ingof the alien would be justified. Imagine thestate of mind of a hunter, for instance, whoconfronts a UFO and an alien. Most experi-encers or abductees have described suchclose encounters of the third and fourth kindas terrifying events. Add to that the manyreports of abductions, painful and terrifyingphysical examinations, accounts of injuries,permanent scars and disease as a result ofthese encounters. Not all contacts withaliens have been pleasant nor have all aliensbeen beneficent. Jacques Vallee describesnumerous instances of serious injuries andseveral instances of UFO-caused deaths, in-cluding an incident in Rio de Janeiro, Brazilin August I%(S where two men apparentlymet their dejlhs j$ the result of an en-counter with a UFO. (See Vallee, Jacques,Confrontations, Random House, 1990.) Ajury could well conclude lhai aliens andalien encounters were duncenuis and that

the hunter's kil l ing of the alien was com-pletely justified on a theory of self defense.

Finally, there is the defense of mental im-pairment or insanity. In order to be crimi-nal ly liable, the perpetrator must have amental state, sometimes referred to as mal-ice aforethought or mens rea, where heknowingly intended to kill the alien. An in-sane person is not responsible for his ac-tions, in fact the traditional juror mightthink that you and 1 are not playing with aful l deck for even discussing this topic.With the terrifying aspect of many alien en-counters described above, temporary insan-ity is a very viable defense.

In summary, there are a number of justifi-able and excusable circumstances the lawrecognizes for killing a human being or ananimal. Many of these defenses appear to belegally applicable to various scenarios underwhich an alien is killed and could com-pletely exonerate the slayer.


This is an area which I want to touch onbriefly since I have not had much time to re-search it. The survivors and sometimes eventhe country of a person who is killed has theability under civil law to seek reparations orrestitution in the way of monetary damagesfor the wrongful death of a human being oran animal. The most obvious example ofthis is the recent success of the Brown andGoldman families in obtaining mult imil l iondollar civil damages against O.J. Simpson.There have also been instances of foreigngovernments paying damages for deathcaused and property destroyed when U.S.civilian aircraft were wrongfully shot downover their soil. Does this apply to the de-struction of an alien? ft could, even if, likein the Simpson case, the perpetrator is notfound guilty of murder. This is because in acivil case the burden of proof, by a prepon-derance or greater weight of the evidence asopposed to beyond a reasonable doubt, isless. Certainly, the alien's relatives, hisplanet and his civilization have been dam-aged by his loss. If under civil standards ofresponsibility the killer of the alien fails toact as a reasonable man would have actedunder the circumstances, and if his actionsdirectly or proximately cause the alien'sdeath, he could be forced to respond in civildamages. Intent to kill or malice is not re-quired to hold the perpetrator, the perpetra-

The threat

does not have

to be real. Ifthe alien is

reasonablyperceived tothreaten the

person's lifeor limb, even

if there wasactually noreal threat,

the killing ofthe alien

would be jus-tified.

April1997Number 348Pages

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It would be

extremely dif-

ficult to hold

the govern-ment respon-

sible for

killing analien. Having

representedgovernmentalentities, I cantell you thatthey have anumber ofdefenses to

both criminal

and civil lia-bility for itsactions thatprivate indi-

viduals andcorporationsdo not have.

April1997Number 348Page 6

tor's government or employer responsibleIf the alien is recognized as having a Iciialright not to be killed and he is killed mad-vertently through negligence, the civil lawwould award the alien's surviving familyand perhaps his civilization damages asrestitution for the civil wrong done.


Probably the most likely perpetratorwould be an officer or employee of the fed-eral government. There are a number ofgovernmental agencies like NASA involvedin the exploration of space, including theDepartment of Defense. There is a NationalCommission on Space and a National SpaceCouncil, appointed by the President, and anAeronautics and Space Strategic Planwhich, among other things, has a goal of en-couraging space settlements and the estab-lishment of Space Station Freedom under aninternational agreement between the UnitedStates, Canada, Japan and the EuropeanSpace Council. (Public Law 100.685 and1989 Executive Order) Stated congressionalgoals include not only the study of other ce-lestial bodies and the establishment of spacesettlements but the development of an air-breathing single-slage-to-orbit long rangehypersonic research flight vehicle, appar-ently capable of taking off from earth, trav-eling to outer space and returning to ourplanet in a single stage. (Public Law 101 -611,Title 1,A116, 104 Stat. 3202) A proto-type of this so-called "spaceplane" is sup-posed to be developed by NASA working inconjunction with the Department ofDefense, sometime this year. Obviously thegovernment would be interested in obtain-ing a UFO, if they don't already have one,and studying its propulsion system. So it ismuch more likely that officials and employ-ees of the government would come in con-tact with a UFO and its alien occupants thana member of the public. The governmentalso has the resources to destroy an alienwhereas many abduction encounters indi-cate the average person is rendered helplesswhen encountering aliens.

However, it would be extremely difficultto hold the government responsible forkilling an alien. Having represented govern-mental entities, 1 can tell you that the fed-eral government has a number of defensesto both criminal and civil liability for its ac-tions that private individuals and corpora-

tions do not have. Without going into detail,the defenses of governmental immunity, ab-solute immunity and qualified immun i tywould be very difficult to overcome in try-ing to hold the government legally responsi-ble for killing an alien.

Finally, we are assuming our planetarylaws are supreme. The doctrine of "su-premacy of laws" states that in case of aconflict the higher law governs. For exam-ple, federal laws would generally governover conflicting state laws, and some inter-national laws would govern over federallaws. Tt would seem logical that beingsmore in ie l l i i : en r than we have developed in-tergalaciK laus and treaties that would besupreme over our laws under which theslayer of an alien might be held responsible.

MARS - Continued from Page 8

well a number of other familiar features, in-cluding the giant Tharsis volcanos. The 16-mile (27 km) high Olympu^ Mons is nearthe center of the left-hand linage withArsia, Povonis, and Ascraeux Mnns forminga south-west to north-east Jn ie jUa i to itsright. The volcano, Elysium Mons is nearthe center of the middle image. The promi-nent dark feature just below the center onthe disk on the rightmost image is SyrtisMajor Planitia.

Hubble is being used to monitor duststorm activity to support the MarsPathfinder and Mars Global SurveyorOrbiter Missions, which are currently enroute to Mars. Airborne dust is most easilyseen in WFPC2's red and near-infrared im-ages. Weather reports derived from theseobservations are particularly valuable forMars Pathfinder, which is scheduled for aJuly 4, 1997 landing on the red planet.

A preliminary analysis of these HST datareveals enhanced dust activity over the darkVastitas Borealis region in the northernhemisphere, and over the Noachis Terra andTerra Tyrrhena regions just south of theMartian equator. There is also evidence forairborne dust and ice clouds in the Hellasbasin. However, these images show no evi-dence for large-scale dust storm activity.

Credit: David Crisp and the WFPC2Science Team ("Jet PropulsionLaborJtory/C.tlifornia Institute ofTechnolo:j\ t

Page 7: MUFON UFO Journal - 1997 4. April


Nubble's Sharpest View of Mars Yet

FOR RELEASE: March 20, 1997

PHOTO NO.: STScl-PRC97-09a

The sharpest view of Mars ever takenfrom Earth was obtained by the re-cently refurbished NASA Hubble

Space Telescope (HST). This stunning por-trait was taken with the HST Wide FieldPlanetary Camera-2 (WFPC2) on March10 1997, just before Mars opposition, whenthe red planet made one of its closestpasse^ to the Earth (about 60 million milesor 100 million km).

The Martian north pole is at the top (nearthe center of the bright polar cap) and Eastis to the right. The center of the disk is atabout 23 degrees north latitude, and the cen-tral longitude is near 305 degrees.

This view of Mars was taken on the lastday of Martian spring in the northern hemi-sphere (just before summer solstice). Itclearly shows familiar bright and darkmarkings known to astronomers for morethan a century. The annual north polar car-bon dioxide frost (dry ice) cap is rapidlysublimating (evaporating from solid to gas),revealing the much smaller permanent waterice cap, along with a few nearby detachedregions of surface frost. The receding polarcap also reveals the dark, circular sea ofsand dunes that surrounds the north pole(Olympia Planitia).

Other prominent features in this hemi-sphere include Syrtis Major Planitia, thelarge dark feature seen just below the centerof the disk. The giant impact basin Hellas(near the bottom of the disk) is shrouded inbright water ice clouds. Water ice cloudsalso cover several great volcanos in theElysium region near the eastern edge of theplanet (right). A diffuse water ice haze cov-ers much of the Martian equatorial region aswell.

The WFPC2 was used to monitor duststorm activity to support the MarsPathfinder and Mars Global SurveyorOrbiter Missions, which are currently enroute to Mars. Airborne dust is most easilyseen in WFPC2's red and near-infrared im-ages. Hubble's "weather report" from theseimages is invaluable for Mars Pathfinder,

which is scheduled for a July 4 landing.Fortunately, these images show no evidencefor large-scale dust storm activity, whichplagued a previous Mars mission in theearly 1970s

The WFPC2 was used to observe Mars innine d i lk ren t colors spanning the ultravioletto Ihc ne.ir infrared. The specific colorswere chosen to clearly discriminate betweenairborne dust, ice clouds, and prominentMartian surface features. This picture wascreated by combining images taken in blue(433 nm), green (554 nm), and red (763 nm)colored filters.

Credit: David Crisp and the WFPC2Science Team (Jet Propulsion Labora-tory/California Institute of Technology)

Image files in GIF and JPEG format andcaptions may be accessed on Internet viaanonymous ftp from oposite.stsci.edu in/pubinfo as gif/marssm97.gif or jpeg/marssm97.jpg

Higher resolution digital versions (300dpi JPEG) of the release photograph areavailable in /pubinfo/hrtemp: 97-09a.jpg(color) and 97-09abw.jpg (black and white).

GIF and JPEG images, captions andpress release text are available via WorldWide Web at http://oposite.stsci.edu/pu-binfo/PR/97/09.html and via links inhttp://oposite.stsci.edu/pubinfo/Latest.htmlor http://oposite.stsci.edu/pubinfo/Pictures.html.

At this dis-

tance, a sin-gle picture


(pixel) inWFPC2'sPlanetary

Cameraspans 13miles (22 km)

on the

Martian sur-face.

April1997Number 348Page?

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These images

show theplanet on the

last day ofMartian

spring in thenorthern

hemisphere(just beforesummer sol-

stice). Theannual north

polar carbondioxide frost

(dry ice) cap

is rapidlysublimating,revealing themuch smallerpermanentwater icecap.

April1997Number 346Paged

Hubble Captures A Full Rotationof Mars

FOR RELEASE: March 20, 1997


Pictures of the planet Mars taken with therecently refurbished NASA Hubble

Space Telescope (HST) will provide themost detailed global view of the red planetever obtained from Earth.

The images were taken by HST's WideField Planetary Camera-2 on March 10,1997, just before Mars opposition, when thered planet made one of its closest to theEarth (about 60 million miles or 100 millionkm).

These pictures were taken during threeHST orbits that were separated by about sixhours. This timing was chosen so thatMars, with its 24-hour 39-minute day,would rotate about 90 degrees between or-bits. This imaging sequence therefore cov-ers most of the Martian surface. These ob-servations will be combined with othersplanned for March 30 to provide completecoverage.

During each orbit, Mars was observed innine different colors spanning the ultravioletto the near infrared. The specific colorswere chosen to clearly discriminate betweenairborne dust, ice clouds, and prominentMartian surface features. The color picture

shown here was created by combining im-ages taken in blue (433 nm), green (554nm), and red (763 nm) colored filters. TheMartian north pole is at the top (near thecenter of the bright polar cap) and East is tothe right. The center of the disk is at about23 degrees north latitude, and the centrallongitudes are near 160, 210, and 305 de-grees.

These images show the planet on the lastday of Martian spring in the northern hemi-sphere (just before summer solstice). Theannual north polar carbon dioxide frost (dryice) cap is rapidly sublimating, revealing themuch smaller permanent water ice cap.This polar cap remnant, along with a fewnearby detached regions of surface frost aremost obvious in pictures taken through ul-traviolet, blue, and green filters. These fil-ters also show numerous bright water iceclouds. The brightest clouds are in thevicinity of the giant volcanos on the TharsisPlateau (to right of center on left image),and in the giant impact basin, Hellas (nearbottom of right-hand image), but a diffusehaze covers much of the Martian tropics aswell.

The familiar bright and dark markings onthe Martian surface are most obvious in im-ages taken through red and near-infrared fil-ters. These images clearly reveal the large,dark, circular "sea" of sand dunes (OlympiaPlanitia) that surrounds the north pole, as

Continued on Page 6

Page 9: MUFON UFO Journal - 1997 4. April


By T. David Spencer

MUFON Deputy Director, Investigations

This office received a large number of re-ports — covering sightings betweenAugust, 1992 and the end of 1995 — fromMr. John Thompson in Georgia, Three ofthe more interesting cases are summarizedhere. Others will be included in the future.

LOG # 960905SE: CE-J, 08/??/92,Franklin, GA, at 20:J5 hours, for 10 min-utes. Investigator: John C. Thompson

While driving in a convertible southwardon Bevis Road, two women saw multiplewhite lights, four red ones, and a centerpulsing red light outl ining the bottom of around or square object just to the east andmoving parallel to them. It soon disap-peared in the woods, but was out of sightfor only a short time. They drove over a hillbefore reaching an intersection withHighway 219. As soon as the intersectionwas in view, they saw the object hoveringjust over the road, as if waiting for them.

Having a distinct feeling they would becaptured if they drove under the vehicle,one of the two women started to jump fromthe car, but the driver suddenly threw thegearshift into reverse and "swerved into anearby driveway." The object moved towardand over them, then away.

The two reported the object to be aboutthe size of a car, and it came within 100 feetof them as it departed, flying only a few feetabove ground.

LOG#960904SE: CE-J, 07/19/95,LaGrange, GA, at 22:30 hours, for 10 min-utes. Investigator: John C. Thompson andSteven Brown

A total of eight witnesses, from two sepa-rate families, experienced an unexpectedvisit from a flying object one clear night inJuly 1995. Those closest to the object saidthey were out on their porch that eveningand first saw a blinking light moving veryfast high in the sky. Five minutes later, themain witness was jolted by screaming fromher children. They saw an unusual, dia-

mond-shaped object with a blue-green lightat one end, a red light at the other, and alarge soft-white light in the middle on thelower half. It was over the pine trees neartheir house and slowly dropped to an alti-tude of 50 feet as it approached.

The main witness was in terror and hidbehind their van with one of her children asthe diamond shape moved almost directlyover them. The object continued away, at aslow speed, and disappeared to their west.

The surface of the object was "dull steelto Navy ship gray," and its size was esti-mated to be about that of a minivan.

A second family saw the object aboutfive minutes later. Although seen at a dis-tance, their descriptions were enough toconfirm those given by the first family.

Checks with the police, airport, and oth-ers revealed no other reports had beenmade.

LOG#960921SE: CE-J, 11/05/95,LaGrange, GA, at 21:30 hours, for 2 min-utes. Investigator: John C. Thompson

Three witnesses viewed a ball of whiteand reddish light, like a "ball of fire" thatwas "rolling." At a distance from the phe-nomenon, the third witness was driving totake a child home to its mother when hebriefly saw what could be described as afireball, or bolide.

When the other two witnesses saw theobject from their car, they dismissed it as anairplane, but, later, they saw it again whileon another street. The object, described asabout the size of a car's roof, was at an alti-tude of a telephone pole's height, and theyhad to drive under it in order to reach theirhouse. The ball apparently moved over theirhouse then upward and away.

The light from the ball was too bright tomake out a shape. As it ascended away, thelight went out.



400 reported medical cases, 105 pages$J5 plus $2.00 for postage and handling.

Order From: MUFON, 103 Oldtowne RoadSeguin,TX 78155-4099

They saw anunusual, dia-

mond-shapedobject with ablue-green

light at oneend, a red

light at theother, and a

large soft-white light inthe middle on

the lowerhalf. It was

over the pinetrees near

their houseand slowlydropped toan altitude of50 feet as itapproached.

April1997Number 348Page9

Page 10: MUFON UFO Journal - 1997 4. April



The God

Hypothesisby Dr. Joe


Wild Flower


296 pp, $18.95ISBN: 0-

926524-40-2(800) 366-0264

April1997Number 34BPage 10

M UFON member Dr. Joe Lewels haswritten an excellent book entitledThe God Hypothesis:Extrater-

res trial Life and Its Implications for Scienceand Religion (Wild Flower Press, 1997).

Early in his book Dr. Lewels refers to meas "The foremost proponent of the GodHypothesis," which comes as no surprise toreaders of the MUFON UFO Journal.

There are three sections to the book withseveral chapters each. The first section isthe "Paradigm Shift" in which Lewels re-lates his personal encounter with UFOs andthose searching to understand them. Hetalks about his own concerns for religion,and the way in which orthodox religion, andorthodox science, failed to make sense ofmuch that he encountered. Dr. Lewels'training as a journalist gives him the free-dom to ask questions that cross boundariesbetween many fields.


He discovers in quantum physics, and inthe concept of the holographic universe, themetaphysical basis for thinking of the uni-verse as spiritual. We do not live in aNewtonian universe of colliding billiardballs, whether stars, or atoms. Rather, welive in an ocean with waves, in which all isconnected, a quantum universe. I believeLewels is right to suggest that modernphysics makes a spiritual view of the uni-verse more believable to the scientific mind.And I think it fair to say most religiousleaders are not aware of the implications ofthe new physics for spirituality.

At the same time, I think it fair to saythat many MUFON members who seethemselves as scientists, have likewise notmade the psychological transition from anatomic view of reality to a quantum view.Furthermore, I think that in our early UFOresearch, we had an atomic view of UFOs—I did. That is to say, we wanted to prove thatUFOs were real solid objects, and if we didthat, then we would prove they were real. Inthis sense, my own mind set at the begin-ning, was that of the late Maj. DonaldKeyhoe, whose books I read while in highschool in the 1950s. And it was from this

view of UFOs that I wrote The Bible andFlying Saucers in 1968.

I joined MUFON, and joined the quest toprove that UFOs were solid, and thereforereal. Our enemies were those who said thatUFOs were not real, they were a myth.Although 1 understood the validity of C. J.Jung's thesis in Flying Saucers: A ModernMyth of Things Seen in the Skies (1958), Iwanted to prove that UFOs were more thanmyth, that they were solid and thereforereal, as real as the parting of the Red Sea, orthe Resurrection of Jesus.

But here is the bad news from quantumphysics: reality is not solid. As a personwho had majored in physics in college, andwho liked his quantum physics courses best,I knew this intellectually. But I was not pre-pared for what this might mean spiritually,or for what it might mean in our UFO quest,and I am stil l not prepared.

What we have discovered in UFO re-search is that there is a huge psychic dimen-sion to the UFO mystery. This dimensionappears in the fact that there is so muchmemory suppression in many UFO abduc-tion cases, and we are not sure of the relia-bility of hypnosis in memory recovery.

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Also, there is so much psychic fall out fromabductions—dreams that are prophetic,healing experiences related to UFOs,strange distortions of time and space—thateven those of us who believe UFOs are"real" have trouble admitting that the psy-chic dimension should be part of the "seri-ous scientific quest" for UFO truth. As soonas we let psychic issues in the UFO door,can New Age Religion be far behind? Theanswer is: No. And from my point of view, Iwould rather this were not the case.Needless to say, when I was being trained inseminary to be a Presbyterian minister, rein-carnation and the Law of Karma were notorthodox topics.


Section Two of The God Hypothesismoves "Toward a New Reality," in whichissues of UFO abductions and aliens are ex-plored, the role of Eastern philosophy, neardeath experiences, and mind control are allexplored. This section of the book is themost difficult for me. The difficulty is notthat the issues addressed here do not need tobe examined, but—how do we test fortruth? In the religious professional worldwhere I work, many religious leaders doubtthat revelation from "the other side" hasever happened. Their view of religion is thatwe have created religion from our Jungianunconscious.

In the world of UFOs and related top-ics—near death experiences, or past lifetherapy, for example—religious revelationsare more common than cows in Texas. I amnot sure which is worse—no religious reve-lation, or too much revelation. A little reve-lation—which gave us clear direction—would help. But from my point of view, wenow have a blinding light of revelation atthe end of the UFO tunnel.

In Section Three of his book, Dr. Lewelsexplores "Our Hidden History," and muchof this section deals with issues I raised inThe Bible and Flying Saucers: Moses andthe Exodus in the Old Testament, and Jesusand UFO issues in the New Testament. Inthis section. Dr. Lewels concludes thatJehovah, the God of Moses, does not seemvery God-like, both in his willingness to killthe Egyptian first-born at Passover, and or-dering the Jews to kill many of the occu-pants of the "Promised Land." We live in atime when people are so ignorant of the

Bible that they are shocked to discover theGod of the Old Testament is a "killer." JackMiles in his best selling book God: ABiography (1996), argues that the personal-ity of God evolves from Genesis to Job,evolving out of the killer God of the Floodand Passover.

The ethics of Jesus—love your enemy,turn the other cheek—seems more God-liketo Dr. Lewels, but he also suspects that theApostle Paul distorted Christian truth,which should have been more gnostic. ButDr. Lewels ignores Paul's conversion as aprobable UFO event (Acts 9:1-9), or thepossibility that Paul's interpretation ofChristianity may have been dictated bysome type of UFO abduction, or out of bodyexperience (2 Corinthians 12:1-5).


After presenting his view of Jesus, Dr.Lewels realizes he is far from religious (orscientific) orthodoxy. "And just as with theprevious discussions of Jehovah and humanorigins, this interpretation is not likely toentirely satisfy either the materialists, thetheologians or the fanatical true believers"(p. 239). He is right about that, but I canhardly complain, for after all, I helped openPandora's Box.

I suspect many MUFON members willbe uncomfortable with The God Hypothesisfor both scientific and religious reasons. Butat the same time I think most MUFONmembers no longer hold a simple extrater-restrial hypothesis. By simple, I mean Idoubt many of us expect UFO aliens to landany day and say, "Take me to your leader."We may believe UFOs are real, intelligent,and highly technological. But they alsohave a strange spiritual and psychic dimen-sion: the UFO reality may have evencaused—deliberately—the Judeo-Christianreligious tradition, as well as other religioustraditions of the world. If this is true, thenUFOs have in the past, and may still be, car-rying out a god-like role in our world, asJacques Vallee has argued on purely scien-tific and historical grounds. To say only thatUFOs are extraterrestrial is to make a molehill out of a mountain. The God Hypothesisseeks to give UFOs a little more respect—but are we in danger of giving UFOs toomuch respect—respect that approaches wor-ship?

Continued on Page 16

In the world of

UFOs and re-

lated topics-near death

experiences,or past lifetherapy, for

example-religious reve-

lations aremore common

than cows inTexas. I am

not surewhich is

worse—no re-

ligious revela-tion, or too

much revela-tion.


Number 348Page 11

Page 12: MUFON UFO Journal - 1997 4. April



Viewers: The


History of


Psychic Spies

by Jim


Dell, pb, 452

pp, illus.,


ISBN: 0-440-


Reviewed byDennis Stacy




Hie Secret History cfAmEHcs'ff 'Psygiite Sptes


April1997Number 348Page 12

G/VAv <?/ the front—a«d ///fy are discussingtheir usual not very profound subjects. Thealarm—the enemv is advancing. Commandto the poltergeist girls to concentrate—andunder their chairs they stick their wads ofchewing gum.

A regiment bursts into flames, and the sol-diers are torches. Horses snort smoke fromthe combustion of their entrails.Reinforcements are smashed under cliffs thatare teleported from the Rocky Mountains.The snatch ofNiagra Falls—it pours uponthe battlefield. The little poltergeist girlsreach for their wads of chewing gum.

—Charles FortWild Talents

No one appreciates an advantage morethan the military. Which explains why

they will eventually try anything, especiallyanything relatively inexpensive. DuringWWII, for example, the Japanese launched

an extensive/j/go balloon program aimed atthe United States, discovering the jet streamin the process. Schoolgirls manufactured theballoons and the military armed them withbombs and sent them aloft, allowing the pre-vailing west-to-east winds over the Pacificto "aim" them in our direction. About10,000 such fugos were launched, resultingin only a handful of casualties. So while theprogram may have been cheap, it wasgrossly ineffective in the bargain.

On pur side there was a plan to attachsmall incendiary devices to hundreds ofthousands of Mexican free-tail bats and re-lease them over Japan's main metropolitanareas, which were largely constructed ofwood and paper. The theory was that thebats would roost under the eaves, the firebombs would go off, and the cities wouldburn down. This project had its practicaldrawbacks, too, not to mention the fact thata far more efficient, if far more expensive,method of incinerating cities was soon de-veloped, resulting in the atomic bomb.

That the military would eventually takean interest in so-called psychic powers likeclairvoyance and psychokinesis shouldhardly come as a rude shock. One might al-most ask: what took so long? Scientificskepticism, leavened with orthodox ridicule,played a major delaying role, no doubt. Whyinvestigate, however cheaply, that whichcould not possibly be? Politics played a role,too. Who wanted to risk embarrassmentshould word leak out that taxpayers' dollarswere being spent on psychic research?

When our own military did turn its atten-tion to the subject in the early 1970s, themain motivation seems to have been one offear, fear that the usual cold war suspectsand adversaries, the Soviet Union andEastern Bloc countries, were drawing farahead of us in psychic "warfare" capabili-ties, opening yet another "missile gap"equivalent. Clearly the psychokinetic sce-nario envisioned above by Charles Fort waspatently impossible. But what if other, lessdramatic possibilities, existed, like, say, theability to read classified documents at a dis-tance? Could we suffer the enemy any po-tential advantage merely out of scientificskepticism? Didn't we owe it to the FreeWorld, if not ourselves, to find out whetheror not there was anything to the growing ru-mors of voodoo warfare?

It's at this point — research into remoteviewing having been initiated in 1972 by

Page 13: MUFON UFO Journal - 1997 4. April


civilians Russell Targ and Hal Puthoff at theStanford Research Institute in Menlo Park,California —that Jim Schnabel jump startsthe imminently readable and immensely in-teresting Remote Viewers: The SecretHistory of America's Psychic Spies. Many ofyou will be familiar — if not necessarily inagreement — with Schnabel as the author ofRound in Circles and Dark White, two previ-ous books devoted to crop circles and UFOabductions respectively. Schnabel has beenroundly criticized in some circles for insert-ing himself into the story being told, al-though it's hard to see how that applies tohis first book, which is a sort of I-was-there-confessional-cum-expose. At any rate, suchcriticisms will be harder to lodge againstViewers. Save for a brief first-person appear-ance in the book's Epilogue, in whichSchnabel recounts his own remote viewingtraining at the feet of the acknowledged"master" of same, Ingo Swann, Schnabel asSchnabel is conspicuously absent from thepresent volume. As he says of his sourcesand subjects in the opening ''A Note to theReader," "This is their story, not a dramaticinvention of mine."

And what a story it is, replete with egoconflicts, government agency manueverings,political intrigues, striking psychic "hits"(and equally striking misses), bent spoons(and forks), and — did I forget? — UFOs.Famed Israeli "psychic" Uri Geller is here,along with Bob Monroe, founder of theMonroe Institute, and "shadow" figures likeAlbert Stubblebine, John Alexander, LynBuchanan, Joe McMoneagle, DavidMorehouse {Psychic Warriors) and EdDames.

Gung-ho Dames is the main thread con-necting remote viewing and UFOs. Shortlybefore retiring from the Army, while livingin Albuquerque, he and Morehead foundedPsi-Tech with the idea of using moonlight-ing military psychics as remote viewers forvarious civilian clients. During his own tourDames had become convinced that remoteviewing could be applied to unconventional,as well as conventional, targets. Troublewas, confirmation was even harder to comeby. In March, 1993, according to Schnabel,Dames told a local UFO conference that "acolony of pregnant Martian females lay be-neath the New Mexico desert. Sometime be-tween April and August, he predicted, theseMartians would give birth and emergeaboveground. 'We're sure it's going to hap-pen,' he told his audience. 'We've alerted

the media, and teams of doctors, technicians,and documentary fillmakers are on call andin place to respond at a moment'snotice...President Clinton will announce itand everyone in the world will know!'"

But August came and went without anypronouncement. Meanwhile, paying clientswere scarce, perhaps not surprisingly so inlight of the above public and spectacularfailure of prediction based on Psi-Tech's sta-ble of remote viewers. To keep the companyalive, Dames began offering training classesin remote viewing (a week long course wentfor almost $3000), passing along the tech-niques Swann had earlier developed andsupposedly perfected.

One of Psi-Tech's students was CourtneyBrown, a professor of political science atEmory University in Atlanta, who would goon to found his own remote viewing organi-zation, the Farsight Institute. FollowingDames' lead, Brown turned his own stableof viewers loose on the UFO problem. Theresults, published as Cosmic Voyage, pur-portedly detailed the interactive history be-tween several types of aliens and the planetEarth — all divined from the comfort of theremote viewer's couch.

Brown's psychic brouhaha was even morespectacular than Dames' prediction of preg-nant Martians, if for no other reason thanthat it took place in full public view on theInternet and the Art Bell Show. The occa-sion was a fake photograph purportedlyshowing a large object accompanying cometHale-Bopp into the solar system. Remoteviewing "revealed" that the "object" was"occupied" by aliens who meant us no harmand who would soon reveal themselves. Thetrouble with this scenario is that no such ob-ject existed — except in the more conspira-torial realms of cyberspace.

But this extraordinary false "hit" high-lights the problems encountered by the gov-ernment's own psychic spy program, and ex-plains why it was eventually allowed towither on the vine. (Declining cold war bud-gets would play a role, too.) Success was ahighly individualized and subjective affair,and even the best psychics, Swann included,could never guarantee absolute accuracy.But information is only viable to the extentthat it can be acted upon. Suppose, as hap-pened, that the Army psychics housed atFort Meade, Maryland, informed theirhigher ups that a hostage was being held at ahouse in Palermo, Italy. Should the house bestormed by SWAT teams solely on the basis

In March,

1993, Damestold a UFOconferencethat"a

colony ofpregnantMartian fe-

males lay be-neath the

New Mexicodesert.

Sometime be-tween Apriland August,

he predicted,these

Martianswould givebirth and

emergeaboveground.'We're sureit's going tohappen,' he

told his audi-



Number 348Page 13

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UFOs Are

Real: Here's

the ProofEdward

Walters andBruce

MaccabeeAvon, paper,

255pp, $5.99ISBN 0-380-78599-4

With wifeFrances,Walters alsowrote:

• The GulfBreezeSightings,WilliamMorrow, 1990

• UFOAbductions inGulf Breeze,Avon, 1994

Both of theabove areavailable inAvon paper-back editions.

April1997Number 348Page 14

of the psychics' say-so? Few higher-upscharged with such rescue missions werewilling lo risk their military careers whenpush came to shove, preferring to rely onmore conventional means of intelligence-gathering. No one ever got fired for buyingIBM, in other words.

Psychic spying had several code namesover the years, from Grill Flame to SunStreak, and operated under various auspicesor agencies, depending on who had moneyin their budget at the time. The two mainfunders, however, were the CIA and theArmy's Intelligence and Security Command,INSCOM. In the end the classified programlasted about 20 years and probably rarely ateup more than a million a year at its most ex-pensive. Now. that may sound like realmoney to you or me, but it was small spudscompared to the annual expenditures of theCIA alone, which are somewhere in theneighborhood of $30 billion.

Read it and reap.

They ars here! Star) ling nod incontrovertible evidence



EDWARD WALTERS<iuShor of no QuK Brwna SKf.1"!"*̂

.no BRUCE MACCABEE, Ph.D.Misxteiwrs by MAJ- GEQROE A. FILER, USA? iflelj

This is the third Gulf Breeze book pro-duced by Ed Walters, the first two being

co-authored with former wife Frances. Ed'scollaborator this time around is BruceMaccabee. who needs no introduction toreaders of this Journal. Maccabee con-

tributes a chapter on photoanalysis, whichlooks at some of Ed's pictures, old and new,and Part 3 in its entirety, entitled "MoreEvidence From Gulf Breeze," which exam-ines more recent cases. The book consists offour parts and two appendices, the secondof which, by Walters, briefly discusses suchsubjects as "Nonhuman DNA," "The GreatPyramid Coincidence" (both Giza and GulfBreeze apparently lie within a degree or twoof latitude 30 degrees north), and"Telepathy is Real."

As will shock no one here. Gulf Breezeremains a source of great controversy.Ufologists seem divided into two distinctand diametrically opposed camps. Ed's ad-herents see the Florida town as a UFO hotspot, and (as does Maccabee, for example)argue that a case can be made for the town'sstrange UFO attraction even if Walters him-self is completely removed from the picture.Detractors point to the possibility (somewould say the evidence) of a hoax, the prox-imity of military air traffic in the area, pos-sible balloon-launched flares, and the will tobelieve as mitigating factors.

Will this book settle the sand, one way orthe other? Not likely; the two sides are al-ready too entrenched for that. Too much wa-ter (and in some cases, friendships) are al-ready under the causeway. Judged as justanother book, it stacks up as something of ahodge-podge, which can be viewed, I sup-pose, as either a strength or a weakness.Weakness-wise, it means that there's nooverarching theory to account for all thedisparate contents, no unity of voice (ornecessarily even of view). There's no at-tempt to integrate Gulf Breeze into what isknown about UFOs as a whole: what maywell be discrete events gain context only inreference to Ed Walters. Gulf Breeze thetown, or both.

On the other hand, the hodge-podge fac-tor means that the whole work isn't entirelydevoted to Gulf Breeze. Over the years,Walters has received thousands of lettersand numerous photographs from around theworld from readers of his first two books.Many of those are related or pictured herefor the first time. Thus the 16-page b&wphoto section contains pictures fromMexico, Brazil, Guatemala and other lo-cales, including the Fiji Islands. Sans nega-tives and analyses, most of these — whichdo indeed resemble the classic Gulf Breeze"tea pot" UFO — have to be taken at facevalue.

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John Carpenter^i^-^i^^^^^^j^

An Examination of Aftereffects

There are often many assumptions aboutwhat people experience following their

recognition and awareness of contact withotherworldly beings. Many people th inkthat those persons must be traumatized bythe hypnosis or investigative proceduresthat would promote such ideas. However,from my own experience with 120 cases,there appears to be immediate relief, en-hanced understanding, less confusion, ahealthy but bewildering awareness, and cer-ta inly a large degree of amazement. Despiterecalling such extraordinary events andbizarre imagery, there is clearly a feeling ofresolving a puzzle. What once seemed to bea confusing mystery with missing pieces isnow a more complete picture — whichbrings some relief and processing of thenew pieces which now fit and make senseto the abductee. People have claimed tohave slept better than they have in months,comprehended previously misunderstoodevents in their lives, and experienced de-creased phobic responses to stimuli whichnow have a known origin. For example,people who had a phobic fear of "fallingup" now understand where such a reactioncould originate. Moving from a vague andconfusing sense of global fear to a specificcause is usually quite a relief as it narrowsthe ful l range of fears to an identifiedsource. And, although the subject content isso bizarre and outrageous, the subject st i l lexperiences this relief.

Another myth is that "everybody wi l lneed intensive therapy." Actually, sincesubjects of these encounters are usuallypsychologically healthy with l i t t le or nohistory of any problems, very l i t t le on-go-ing therapy has been necessary. Supportgroups have been effective for sharing feel-ings, re-establishing sanity, and returning asense of normalcy. The most common ther-apeutic process is akin to a grievingprocess. Subjects are grieving their loss oftheir former reality — one in which aliensor UFOs did not exist! Now they areforced, kicking and screaming, into havingto rethink their whole concept of reality,other forms of life, and a different view of

the Universe. They might be angry that thishappened to them without their permissionor any explanation given. They may be-come depressed over f inding themselvesalone and disbelieved. They wil l undoubt-edly try to deny such ideas and promotemundane and more acceptable explanations— although privately they know differ-ently. They may try to bargain by statingthat they will agree to believe in this phe-nomenon if they can have another en-counter — perhaps in a fu l ly consciousstate of mind. As with the other stages ofgrieving — Denial, Anger, Depression, andBargaining — the final phase. Acceptance,can be a real turning point where newgrowth influenced by new perspectives canreally flourish. Many exciting life changesoccur with acceptance; many peoplechange careers, mates, l iv ing environments,and their quality of l iving — including spir-i tual i ty and environmental awareness.Although some believe that such changesare influenced directly by alien interven-tion, these transformations are most likelydue to the growth stemming from their newview of life.

Another myth surrounds the notion thatmost abductees wi l l write books and

seek publicity once they have accepted theexperience. Barely five percent of my 120cases have tried to write a book, and hardlyany of them really desire any publicity.Writing a book is a therapeutic form ofcoping, processing the information, and ed-ucating or helping others. Several subjectshave been furious wi th the secrecy and dis-belief in what they consider to be a mostserious topic. They write or speak abouttheir experiences boldly to reduce igno-rance, enhance public awareness, and be anadvocate for those who are afraid to speakout. The other 95% of abductees shy awayfrom any public association with the sub-ject. Support groups may be the only outletfor those who need social support. Somefind the subject fascinating and become in-vestigators. Others attend UFO conferencesto privately learn more. Most cases takewhat they have gained from the investiga-tions and quietly return to their normal

There are

some fasci-nating pat-

terns of other

aftereffectswhich I am

finding con-


worldwide.Apparentlyjust after ab-duction en-

counters,many peoplehave been re-porting elec-

trical distur-

bances intheir homes.Applianceswill turn onand off by

themselves -

or continue to

operate afterbeing un-


April1997Number 348Page 15

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What soundslike simplyanother

"urban myth"

— causing

streetlightsto blow out

— has someapparent

validity. When

asked such aquestion,

many subjectshave reportedthis occur-

rence — and

with amaze-ment that it

had happened

to anybody


April1997Number 348Page 16

daily routines, attempting to blend backinto society.

It should be noted that therapists onlyreceive those contact cases where peopleare reporting upsetting and troubling en-counters. There are many people out therewho recognize and deal with this contactexperience all on their own. Their, reac-tions, beliefs, and methods of coping areless known because they did not seek thera-pists or investigators. So information pro-vided by therapists like myself represents askewed sample of data.

There are some fascinating patternsof other aftereffects which I am findingconsistent worldwide. Apparently just afterabduction encounters, many people havebeen reporting electrical disturbances intheir homes. Appliances will turn on andoff by themselves — or continue to operateafter being unplugged! Unusual shocksmay occur when touching soil, wood, andother unlikely materials. Touching dish-washers, microwaves, lights, computers,small appliances, etc. may cause thoseitems to short out. Several people lost theirjobs because they could not be around com-puters any longer! The abductee himselfseems "charged" and can produce amazingresults when utilizing Kirlian photography.What sounds like simply another "urbanmyth" — causing streetlights to blow out— has some apparent validity. When askedsuch a question, many subjects have re-ported this occurrence — and with amaze-ment that it had happened to anybody else.There is also a common report of sensitiv-ity to magnets — being able to sense wherethey are located and perhaps being unableto stay near them.

Quite a great number of cases demon-strate enhanced psychic ability and possiblypsychokinesis in the home. Although notdesired or really appreciated, these personsfind themselves knowing things well be-yond chance and often observing objectsmove or fly across the room. One girl toldme she never thought it was strange tododge flying books or clothes until shefound it did not happen in the homes of herfriends! Due to the consistent data in re-search suggesting that these beings usestrong telepathic powers, it is quite possiblethat they have "trained" or "exercised" thepowers of those abductees to the point overa lifetime that they find themselves withthese abilities on an everyday basis. Thisdoes not say that they know how to use

such an ability effectively — and may ex-plain the random psychokinetic occurrencesin the home!

Many cases report feeling that they were"up all night in a classroom-like setting be-ing taught information or trained in someskills." Exhausted when they awaken, notone case can recall what it is that they werebeing taught — but all receive the distinctimpression that they will be allowed toknow at a later point in time. If these weredreams or delusions, then we would getmany detailed reports of teachings. But it ishighly consistent among credible cases thatnobody can remember their "teachings."

John Carpenter can be contacted by emailat [email protected].

GOD HYPOTHESIS - Continued from Page 11

How do we tell the difference between avery powerful reality that is "god-like," anda very powerful reality that is the real Godof the universe? How do we discover ifthere is a God that is different from what wecall the god-like UFO reality?

These are inconvenient questions. Theyare questions scientists do not think it istheir job to ask. They are questions that reli-gious leaders ought to be asking, but arenot. But they are questions Dr. Lewels be-lieves we need to explore, and he is rightabout that.


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Page 17: MUFON UFO Journal - 1997 4. April


Letters to Mufon UFO Journal ° o

"MILAB Misdemeanor?" Rebuttal

J am responding to Victoria Alexander'sletter that was published in the February1997, No. 346 issue of the MUFON UFOJournal.

I am the author of two books, a mono-graph, and several articles about the "ab-duction phenomenon." Dr. HelmutLammer's "Project MILAB" was originallypublished on my web site athttp://www.alienjigsaw.corn. I am also oneof the abductees that Dr. Lammer refer-enced in his article when Project MILABwas published in the MUFON UFOJournal in December 1996.

Since Mrs. Alexander is accusing ab-ductees she knows absolutely nothing aboutof experiencing sexual fantasies, I believesome background information about my-self, as an "abductee," is in order.

In 1988, as part of a personal investiga-tion of my encounter experiences, I went toa clinical and forensic psychologist inPensacola, Florida, named Dan C.Overlade, Ph.D. Over a period of aboutthree weeks, Dr. Overlade administered thefollowing psychological tests to me: TheMinnesota Multiphasic PersonalityInventory; The Rorschach Ink-blot Test;The Thematic Apperception Test; TheWechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; and TheDraw-A-Person Test.

After the test results were obtained. Dr.Overlade explained that the tests showed Iwas a psychologically stable individualwith an above average IQ, and that I wasnot "fantasy prone." He told me I had noabnormalities beyond some anxieties, morespecifically what he called symptoms ofpost traumatic stress disorder or PTSD, andlow self-esteem.

For those of you who may not haveknown him, Dr. Overlade practiced clinicaland forensic psychology for over thirty-fiveyears before his death in 1990. He earnedhis Ph.D. from Purdue University and heldappointments as adjunct professor of psy-chology with the University of Florida andthe University of West Florida. He was apast president of the Florida PsychologicalAssociation, the Florida State Board of

Examiners of Psychology, and the ForensicPsychologists, Inc. He also held diplomasin clinical psychology and forensic psy-chology of the American Board ofProfessional Psychology, and the diplomain clinical hypnosis of the American Boardof Psychological Hypnosis.

In her letter to the Journal. Mrs.Alexander asks, "When will someone sepa-rate the sexually-repressed fantasies oflonely women from the abduction genreand sort out what belongs in the MUFONUFO Journal!"

Dr. Lammer referenced alleged militaryintelligence related abductions of severalabductees in his article, including CaseyTurner, the husband of the late Dr. KarlaTurner. I doubt anyone would accuse Mr.Turner of being a "sexually repressed [and]lonely woman" as Mrs. Alexander alludesto in her over-generalizing question.However, Casey Turner also had an experi-ence similar to those reported by Dr. KarlaTurner, Leah Haley, Debbie Jordan, myselfand others. I wonder how we can explainCasey Turner's experience? Perhaps Mrs.Alexander has a special category for menwho believe they have been abducted bymembers of the military.

I would also like to inform Mrs.Alexander that 1 have been happily marriedto my husband for ten years. If she has anysuspicions that I am a "lonely woman" whois experiencing "sexually repressed fan-tasies," I encourage her to contact my hus-band herself by writing to Erik at [email protected]. He would be happyto set the record straight and tell Mrs.Alexander how incorrect her out-datedFreudian hypothesis is as it relates to me.

Mrs. Alexander is incorrect again whenshe accuses us of being "acronym pos-sessed." (referring to the title of Dr.Lammer's article. Project MILAB). I'm justguessing, but perhaps it is she who is"acronym possessed." After all, she's theone married to a retired colonel of the mili-tary!

Finally—and most importantly—whatdo "stories of alleged abductions and med-ical examinations by the U.S. military,black budget or otherwise" have to do with


Number 348Page 17

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Condon did

everything in

his consider-able power

till his death

in 1974 to

discouragefurther scien-

tific or schol-

arly inquiry

into the UFO

phenomenon.His views

were so ex-treme that

they broughthim into con-

flict withother skepti-

cal scientists,including Carl


April1997Number 348Page 18

"sexually repressed fantasies"? Is theresomething we should know about Mrs.Alexander?

—Katharina WilsonPortland, OR

Awaits Another AAA

It is interesting to hear VictoriaAlexander using "fecal" language ("horsedroppings") to criticize an article of whichshe has obviously read the first two pages.Perhaps it is easier for Mrs. Alexander toridicule an abductee than comment on theevidence that I presented in "Project MI-LAB." For example, black helicopter ha-rassment near the homes of MILAB vic-tims; similarities between terrestrial im-plant procedures and devices and the re-ports of alleged mind control victims; andhypnosis transcripts containing descriptionsof human-military involvement.

Is Mrs. Alexander an expert in the "sex-ually repressed fantasies of lonelywomen," or does she simply discount allreports of abductions during which any-thing other than a sexually related event oc-curs?

I eagerly await an "AAA" (AnotherAlexander Anouncement) containing amore rational evaluation of my article.More science please — less polemic.

—Helmut Lammer, Ph.D.

Rumor vs. Fact

"Where else but in the UFO field,"Robert Todd asks in his letter in theJournal's March issue, "would a rumor betaken as a fact?"

The answer is simple: everywhere.Every human being everywhere, includingMr. Todd, believes something to be truethat is based on unsubstantiated informa-tion. In short, ufologists behave like whatthey are: human beings. Even scientists, al-legedly the most disinterested of truth-seek-ers, have been known to promulgate rumorson the mistaken belief they are facts. A par-ticularly notorious example involved theprominent physicist John A. Wheeler who— speaking to no less than the AmericanAssociation for the Advancement ofScience — charged that parapsychologist J.B. Rhine had committed fraud early in his

career. The accusation was based on rumor,not on fact, and Wheeler was forced to pub-lish a retraction (Science, July 13, 1979).

It never ceases to amaze me how muchsome ufologists like to vilify their col-leagues, and to treat ufology as if it weresome uniquely venal pursuit. For all itsfaults, ufology has a healthy tradition of de-bate, criticism, and self-correction. Ithardly merits the sort of demonization (orself-loathing?) which has become trendy insome circles.

While Todd rightly disputes assertionsthat Condon urged destruction of the BlueBook files, we ought not to get misty-eyedabout Condon's role in any of this. He dideverything in his considerable power til l hisdeath in 1974 to discourage further scien-tific or scholarly inquiry into the UFO phe-nomenon. His views were so extreme thatthey brought him into conflict with otherskeptical scientists, including Carl Sagan.

In the wake of Blue Book's closing in1969, there was concern (unmentioned byTodd) that the files would be destroyed.Twelve of the 16 participants in the AAASUFO Symposium (December 26-27, 1969),which Condon had bitterly opposed eventhough it was heavily slanted toward skep-tics, signed a letter, addressed to Air ForceSecretary Robert C. Seamans, Jr., urgingthe Air Force to preserve the records. OnJanuary 9, 1970, Donald H. Menzel wrotesymposium organizer Thornton Page to saythat while he favored storage of the files,Blue Book documents should be im-pounded for another decade and then keptforever out of the hands of pro-UFO scien-tists such as J. Allen Hynek and James E.McDonald and of ufologists.

—Jerome ClarkCanby, Minnesota

John Ford Redux

"Harry Hepcat," in the January Journal,publishes a long diatribe of spleen and in-vective against imprisoned NY UFO re-searcher John Ford, and against me forwriting in defense of John. At the end,Hepcat says he hopes John Ford is gangraped by prisoners while in jail.

It was a rather frightening outpouring,and left me bowled over that Mr. Hepcat (ifthat is his real name) had so much personalenergy to denounce another man.

Page 19: MUFON UFO Journal - 1997 4. April


Half of Harry's letter boils down to com-plaints that John Ford threw him out of theLong Island UFO Network (LIUFON) or-ganization. Given Harry's personality, howmuch of a surprise is that?

Harry also says John Ford was firedfrom his job in the Suffolk County NYcourt system, and that John Ford "tried torun down with his truck" one ViriginiaStevens, whom Hepcat says worked in thesame court building with John.

According to Steve lavarone, vice presi-dent of LIUFON, John retired from his jobon disability. "I've seen the papers,"lavarone says.

On the other allegation, I quote JohnMarafino, court officer and John's co-worker in the Suffolk court system; henever heard of Virginia Stevens. "If sheworked in any of the Suffolk court build-ings John worked in, and there was an inci-dent," Marafino says, "I would have heardof it."

Maybe Harry was jealous because no-body wrote an article about him. But whatgets me is that all of Harry's charges, addedup, do not justify what he says he hopeshappens to John Ford. Therefore, I can'trely on Mr. Hepcat's accuracy and truthful-ness, because I question his moral and psy-chological balance.

—Elaine DouglassMUFON St. Dir.

Washington, D.C.

DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE - Continued fromPage 23

edition of the MUFON Field Investigator'sManual is eligible to take the exam via mailwhen they feel qualified. The 100-questiontest may be secured from MUFON head-quarters in Seguin and returned to KathleenF. Marden, 103 Willow Road, EastKingston, NH 03827, for grading. In locali-ties where field investigator training classesare conducted, the instructor may order suf-ficient quantities of the test and administerthe exam at the conclusion of the trainingclasses. However, the majority of peoplewill study the manual like a correspondencecourse before taking the exam. It is an openbook test and other references may be uti-lized to broaden the scope of your knowl-edge. For current members, the new manualmay be purchased for $25.00 plus $3.50 for

postage and handling from MUFON inSeguin.

Congratulations to the people who haverecently taken the Field Investigator's Examand received a passing grade. KathleenMarden now grades the exams and forwardsthe name and score to MUFON headquar-ters, where Phyllis Hutson records the gradeon your membership application, revises theapplication, and mails the new FieldInvestigator their new I.D. card.


A press conference for all speakers isscheduled for Friday, July llth from 1 to 3p.m. The annual State/Provincial Director'smeeting will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.on July llth with Dr. John C. Kasher,moderating. Time will be allocated for shortactivity reports from each State andProvincial Director. If the State Directorwill be unable to attend, he/she should des-ignate someone to represent them. The MU-FON Annual Board of Directors meetingwill take place on Sunday, July 13th from 9a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

All State and Provincial Directors willsubmit their annual reports to Dr. Kasher atthe meeting if they or a representative at-tends. If they do not attend, the reportsshould be mailed to Walt Andrus. Here isyour opportunity to share with your col-leagues your accomplishments and ideas inpromoting MUFON. For people arriving onThursday or Friday, three workshops havebeen scheduled during the day on July llth.


A Report on GovernmentInvolvement in the UFO Crash

Retrievals (113 pages)by Grant Cameron and T. Scott Crain

PRICE:$19 plus $1.50 for postage and handling.

ORDER FORM:MUFON, 103 OldtowneRd., Seguin, TX 78155-4099 ,v J


Number 348Page 19

Page 20: MUFON UFO Journal - 1997 4. April


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April 1997 Number 348 Page 20

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UFO SEMINAR OF THE YEAR: Stanton Friedman (June 21)on crashed saucers, govt coverup and MJ-12. Dr. John Mack(June 22) will discuss UFO abductions, their social & spiritualimplications. Per day: $65 until March 31; $75 thereafter.Both days: $120 unt i l March 31, $150 thereafter. OmegaCommunications, Box 2051-M, Cheshire, CT 06410-5051.

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YOUR AD HERE!Reach more than 5000 readers and fellow ufologists. Advertizeyour personal publications, products, research projects, localmeetings or pet peeves here. Fifty words or less only $20 per is-sue. Add $10 for box and bold heading. Send ad copy & check,made out to MUFON, to Dennis Stacy, Box 12434. San Antonio,TX 78212. Must be MUFON member or Journal subscriber.


Number 348Page 21

Page 22: MUFON UFO Journal - 1997 4. April


Walter N. Webb

May 1997

Bright Planets (Evening Sky):

Venus (magnitude -3.9) reappears in the evening sky bymid-May, glimmering low in the WNW. It sets about anhour after the Sun.

Mars, near the Leo-Virgo border, continues to fade duringthe month, from magnitude -0.5 to +0.2. Our ruddy planetneighbor lies in the S at dusk, advancing westward duringthe night.

Bright Planets (Morning Sky):

Mars sets in the W about 3 AM in midmonth.

Jupiter (-2.4), in Capricornus. rises in the E about 1:30 AMin mid-May and shines brightly in the SE at dawn. The bigworld lies 4° S of the quarter Moon on the 28th.

Saturn (0.8). in Pisces, rises in the E about 4:30 AM in mid-month. Use the nearby crescent Moon on May 4 to find theplanet below in the twilight.

Comet Hale-Bopp:

The comet descends rapidly in the WNW. It begins themonth about 10" up toward the end of dusk but disappearsinto the twilight by mid-May. Least moonlight is fromabout May 1 to 9.

Moon Phases: ^^New moon—May 6 ^^

OFirst quarter—May 14

Full moon—May 22

Last quarter—May 29

The Stars:

Now in a fine viewing position, the Big Dipper is a handyguidepost to many spring constellations. After twilightends, this celestial ladle of 7 stars can be found upside-down and almost overhead. A line through the 2 stars onthe end of the bowl points downward to a spot near Polaristhe North Star, the end of the Little Dipper's handle. Thestellar pair on the other side of the Big Dipper's bowl pointsin the opposite direction to Regulus. the heart of Leo theLion. The dipper's arching handle traces a curve southwardto the bright orange star Arcturus in Bootes the Herdsman.And if extended even farther S. the curved line reachesblue-white Spica in Virgo the Maiden.


Fourteen papers — 308 pagesPrice: $25 plus $1.75 for postage and handing, in U.S. fundsOrder from MUFON. I030ldlowne Road. Seguin. TX 78155-4099

April 11-13 — Ninth Annual Ozark UFO Conference at the Inn ofthe Ozarks Conference Center m Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Forfurther information contact Ozark UFO Conference. #2 CaneyValley Drive, Plummerville, AR 72127-8725 or (501) 354-2558.

May 3 — Mid-Atlantic 50th Anniversary UFO Symposium mBethesda. Maryland. For further information contact BruceMaccabee, 6962 Eyier Valley Flint Rd.. Sabillasville. MD 21780.

June 21-22 — Joint UFO Seminar "1997 - 50 Years On' atRiverwood Legion Club in Sydney. Australia. For information con-tact INUFOR. P.O. Box 783, Kogarah, N.S.W 2217. Australia

June 21-22 — The UFO Seminar of the Year, Holiday Inn. NorthHaven. CT. For information, write Omega Communications. P.OBox 2051, Cheshire, CT 06410-5051.

June 26-28 — 18th Rocky Mountain UFO Conference at Universityof Wyoming. Laramie, WY For information contact Institute for UFOResearch. 1304 So. College Ave.. Fort Collins. CO 80524 or call(970)482-3731.

July 1-6 — Third Annual Roswell Days. 50th Anniversary. For fur-ther information and schedule of events write to International UFOMuseum. P.O. Box 2221. Roswell. NM 88202

July 11-13 — Twenty-eighth annual MUFON International UFOSymposium, Amway Grand Plaza Hotel. Grand Rapids. Michigan.Theme: "The Fiftieth Anniversary of Ufology." For further informationwrite to MUFON 1997 Symposium, 3628 Aragon Drive. Lansing. Ml48906-3508.

August 3-8 — Ancient Astronaut Society 24th Anniversary WorldConference at Sheraton Plaza Hotel m Orlando. Florida. For furtherinformation contact Ancient Astronaut Society. 1921 St. John'sAve , Highland Park. IL 60035-3178.

September 6 — National UFO Conference, Springfield. Ohio.Details to follow.

September 13 & 14 — Seventh Annual UFO Conference at theYokens Convention Center m Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Forinformation wnte to New Hampshire MUFON, P.O. Box 453, Rye,NH 03870.

October 4 & 5 — Second Scandinavian ET Conference, Oslo,Norway.

October 11 & 12 — 'The UFO Experience" at Holiday Inn in NorthHaven, Connecticut. Contact Omega Communications, P.O. Box2051, Cheshire, CT 06410.

October 17-19 — Australian International UFO Symposium 1997 atCarlton Crest Hotel, Brisbane, Australia. For further informationwrite to Glennys Mackay, P.O. Box 2183, Mansfield MC, Brisbane,OLD 4122, Australia.

April 1997 Number 348 Page 22

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DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE - Continued from Page 24


The success of the 1996 Symposium Proceedingscover design contest has prompted MUFON to makethis an annual competition. Fran Geremia, wife ofNew Hampshire State Director, Pete Geremia, wasthe 1996 winner. The cover design should reflect thesymposium theme "The Fiftieth Anniversary ofUfology" and include, in addition to the theme, thestatements "MUFON 1997 INTERNATIONAL UFOSYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS," the locationGRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN, and the symposiumdates "July 11-13." The contest submissions must be"camera ready" and not simply attractive designs,symbols or artwork. The contest prize winner will re-ceive $100 in cash plus $100 in MUFON publicationsmerchandise. Please submit entries to Walt Andrus,the symposium proceedings editor. Only five entrieshave been received. I am confident that there are otherartists that could produce an intriguing cover or com-puter artists that are capable of utilizing their comput-ers to depict their ideas. The deadline for cover de-signs has been extended to May 15, 1997.

MOTTO CONTESTWe are searching for a motto that best exemplifies

MUFON's goals and objectives, that is serious, in-triguing, eye-catching, and meaningful. This contestproduced more responses than any other project thatMUFON has proposed in 27 years. Five-hundred andninety-four mottos were submitted from 76 differentpeople. Nine judges are endeavoring to select whatthey consider the 25 best, in their judgment, thatmeets our objectives. The deadline was March 15thfor the judges. I can envision a run-off vote of themottos that rank at the top after we receive the judges'choices, therefore an announcement date for the con-test winner is still pending. It is imperative that we se-lect a motto that we can live with for the next 25years, therefore rushing the judges is not a wise deci-sion.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERS AUXILIARYThe entry on the back of MUFON's "Application

for Membership" defines a Field Investigator Trainee:The person engages in an open-ended period of educa-tion in the UFO subject under the guidance of experi-enced individuals in order to become familiar with allaspects of case investigation. The trainee is expectedto obtain and utilize the MUFON Field Investigator'sManual and, whenever possible, assist in conductinginvestigations of UFO events reported by the public.The definition of an Associate Member: The samequalifications as a Field Investigator Trainee exceptthat the member is under the age of 18 years.

We are cognizant that the teenagers of today will bethe future scientists and ufologists1 of tomorrow, there-fore they are significant members of MUFON andshould be more involved in our research activities. Ihave personally felt for a long time that we have not 'been utilizing the talent and unbridled enthusiasm ofour associate members. Now is the time to remedythis situation, since we have some brilliant teenagemembers who are anxious to become more involved.

A fourteen-year old high school student Thomas J.Lyon, P. O. Box 310, Warsaw, New York 14569-0310,has volunteered to spearhead in what I have tenta-tively named the "Associate Members Auxiliary."Tom joined MUFON on February 8, 1996, and a yearlater started formulating a plan which he refers to asan "involvement drive." He has already enlisted theaid of Lynda D. Poss, another 14- year old studentliving in Wyoming, New York, who joined MUFONon 2/6/97 and shares Tom's enthusiasm. Tom's tele-phone number is (716) 786-0625.

In order to kickoff the program, your Director sup-plied Tom with our computer list of every AssociateMember worldwide. This will become his mailing listto send letters to associates seeking their ideas andhow they could get more involved. He said one of hismain goals of the project is to boost membership inMUFON. Young people are quite capable of perform-ing in the MUFON classifications of Amateur RadioOperator and UFO Newsclipping Service in additionto Associate Member. Tom and Lynda feel that theMUFON logo T-shirts and ball caps, would appeal toyoung folks, presently stocked in our UFOInformation Center.

This is an appeal to other Associate Members thatare anxious to help in this project to contact Tom Lyonat the above address and volunteer your assistance.We are also looking for adult volunteers who will actas consultants and advisors to help the new AssociateMembers Auxiliary in this very important venture.These people should write and offer their services toWalt Andrus so an advisory committee may beformed.

Tom has been very active in the Boy Scouts ofAmerica and high school extracurricular activities. HisSAT scores indicate that he is a bright young man. Atgrade 6 his test grade equivalent was llth grade andhis grade 7 was that of first year of college. Tom likesthe name Associate Members Auxiliary for this group.He will organize the auxiliary by states in the sameformat as MUFON, that is, State and State SectionDirectors.

FIELD INVESTIGATOR'S EXAMAnyone who has purchased and studied the 4th

Continued on Page 19

April 1997 Number 348 Page 23

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MESSAGEWalter Andrus


MUFON 1997 UFO SYMPOSIUMMUFON's twenty-eighth International UFO

Symposium will be held July 11, 12, and 13, 1997. atthe elegant Amway Grand Plaza Hotel in GrandRapids, Michigan, hosted by Michigan MUFON.David E. Toth, Ph.D.. is the symposium coordinator.The symposium theme is "The Fiftieth Anniversary ofUfology." Several of the speakers w i l l address themonumental events of 1947 to recognize the anniver-sary of the modern era of ufology.

Confirmed speakers and their speech titles are JanL. Aldrich, " 1947: The Beginning of the UFO Era";Warren P. Aston (Austral ia) "An Analysis of the 1940Udo Wartena Case: Discovering the Alien Agenda";John S. Carpenter, Beth Collings and AnnaJamerson, "Connections: A Lifetime of SharedExperiences" (co-authors of the book Connections:Solving Our Alien Abductions Mystery): Stanton T.Friedman, M.S. (Canada): Cynthia Hind(Zimbabwe), "Sightings From an African Casebook";Budd Hopkins; J. Antonio Huneeus; David M.Jacobs, Ph.D., Bruce S. Maccabee, Ph.D.. "June 24.1947: How It All Began - The Story of the ArnoldSighting"; Vincente-Juan Ballester Olmos (Spain)."Monitoring Air Force Intelligence on Spain's UFODeclassification Process": and Dan R. Wright, M.A.,"Five Themes: Further Findings of the AbductionTranscription Project."

The host committee has announced that pre-registra-tion tickets are now available for $65 for all five ses-sions before the cutoff date of June 21,1997, and $75thereafter. Individual sessions wil l be $20 per session.The cost to attend the reception Friday evening from 6to 9 p.m. will be $ 15 per person with a cash bar.Checks or money orders should be made payable andsent to "MUFON 1997 Symposium." 3628 AragonDrive, Lansing, MI 48906-3508. Advance registrantswil l receive a postcard confirming receipt of their at-tendance fee. An information envelope with your tick-ets will be held at the registration desk in GrandRapids for your arrival. Vendor tables wil l cost $25 perday. Make your reservations for tables at the same ad-dress listed above in Lansing, MI.

The Amway Grand Plaza Hotel is located at Pearland Monroe Streets in Grand Rapids. Michigan 49503-2666. Special guest room rates for the symposium arefora single ( 1 person) $82. double (2 persons) $89,triple (3 persons) $96, and quad (4 persons) $103 pernight. Reservations may be made by calling the hotelat (616) 774-2000, 1-800-253-3590 or FAX (616) 776-6496.

April 1997 Number 348 Page 24

o o

Plan your family vacation now to visit the beautifulstate of Michigan and the historical sights in GrandRapids.

NEW OFFICERSJuval Shenkar, B.A. (Rishon Lezion) has been ap-

pointed the Representative for Israel. He is also a qual-ified field investigator. The new State Director forFalcon and Lara in Venezuela is Carlos Urquiza,B.S.M.E. (Coro,Venezuela). Dana M. Schmidt, J.D..New York State Director has selected Mrs. Diane M.Montrose, B.A. (New York, NY) to be his AssistantState Director for the greater New York City area.Diane plans to ini t iate a newsletter for New York State.We hope to revitalize the New York City area throughthe State Section Directors in each of the boroughs.

Nine State Section Directors were either selectedthis month or were assigned to different counties. Theywere Wayne G. Gracey, J.D. (Glenville, PA) for Yorkand Adams Counties; Henry H. Funston, M.S.(Hereford, AZ) for Cochise County replacing E.C.Reese: Leslie P. Smith, B.A. (Wichita. KS) forSedgwick County; and Stephen D. Henge (Appleton.WI) for Outagamie. Winnebago and Calumet Counties.

Co-State Directors for Michigan Bill and LindaMurphy have moved from Lansing to 3144Charlwood. Rochester Hills. Ml 48306. They made thefollowing revisions in their State Section Directors or-ganization: Donald K. Ashley, Jr. (Grand Haven) forOttawa, Allegan and Muskegon Counties; LeonardKeeney (Ann Arbor) for Washtenaw and LivingstonCounties; Gary R. Golem, B.S.M.E. (Canton) forWayne County: Wayne Erickson, B.S.E.E.(Marysville) for St. Clair County; and Harry G.Willnus, Ed.D. (South Lyon) for Oakland County.


New Consultants volunteering their expertise thismonth are Evelyn M. Fuqua, Ph.D. (Rocklin, CA) inPsychology (Hypnotherapist) and Janice M. Gleason,J.D. (La Jolla, CA) in Law. Seven new ResearchSpecialists joined MUFON in March. They are SusanB. Haskell, M.S.W. (Fort Lee, NJ) in Social Work;Edrie L. Greer, M.S. (Wake Forest. NO in AdultEducation; Robin A. Knott, M.A. (Pasadena, CA) inCounseling; Pepper P. Powers, M.S. (Odenton, MD)in Interdisciplinary Earth Sciences; Daniel P. Connor,M.S. (Ft. Myers. FL) in Electrical Engineering; Eric S.Lengyel, M.S. (Oakhurst, CA) in Mathematics; and A.Lee Manis, M.S. (Victorville, CA) in CulturalAnthropology.

Continued on Page 23