My Family and Other Animals review

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  • 8/11/2019 My Family and Other Animals review


    DO NOT DELETE THIS PLZ Farhan bhai My family and other animals


    Introd"#tion$ In as the time of inter% here everyone in my ho"se as ill! My

    sister Mar&o had s'ots% my bi& brother had #o"&hin&% it as only my eldest brother Leslieho seemed not to be ill! He as 'robably very tired to ill 'eo'le every here aro"nd

    him so he &ave the idea to move to (OF)% as he had heard it as bea"tif"l 'la#e ith

    *"st the s"nshine they needed! So% the ne+t day e 'a#,ed all o"r materials and movetoards (OF) 'ermanently!

    (OF) -isit$ .fter rea#hin&% the first thin& e did as to loo, for a -ILL. to live! The

    first day e stayed in an hotel and ne+t day the sear#h as on a&ain! There ere many

    -ILL.S b"t mom seemed to li,e no one! Every -ILL. as re*e#ted! .t last the T./IDRI-ER as,ed the reason hy she did not li,ed the -ILL.S hen she told that none of

    them had a 'rivate bathroom! The Ta+i as o"t of -ILL.S to sho so e de#ided that

    e ere on o"r on no! There as a eird feelin& &oin& all over! The lan&"a&e in

    hi#h 'eo'le ere tal,in& as very different! S"ddenly a voi#e #ame% LOO0IN1 FOR a-ILL.% eh 2 Mother re'lies 3 4ES% b"t the one ith a 'rivate bathroom! The man re'lied%

    34eah I ,no% all En&lish 'eo'le ant it5! He invited "s to sit in his #ar% and then drove "shi&h into the hills and after a hile% a bea"tif"l 'in, -ILL. #ame in si&ht! 6e all ere

    very satisfied ith it 'l"s it had a 'rivate bathroom! The man told "s that his name as

    SPIRO and he ill be here to hel' "s anytime! 6e than,ed him for his ,indness andstarted to settle o"r thin&s! I% as very fond of animals and already had a do& named

    ro&er! O"r &arden as f"ll of inse#ts and animals! Every day I loo,ed at them and

    en*oyed my day! Other 'eo'le also did their favorite a#tivities! L.RR4 read boo,s%

    Leslie did his shootin& 'ra#ti#e and Mar&o en*oyed anythin&! Every day as a bea"tif"lday!

    The Ma&'ies$ The most stran&e thin& abo"t that 'la#e as a stran&e 'erson! Every dayhen i ent o"t to loo, for inse#ts% the man 'assed by! He as a f"nny man% he had astrin& and at ea#h end as a dra&on fly! One day I S.6 SOME Ma&'ies in his bas,et%

    and as,ed abo"t its 'ri#e! He shoed ten fin&ers% hi#h seemed that he #o"ldn5t tal,!

    .fter a little bar&ain% I bo"&ht the birds from him and bro"&ht them home! I as,ed for anadvise for their names b"t everyone else as an&ry abo"t hat ere they! To every one5s

    s"r'rise% SPIRO said them that they ere Ma&en'ies% and everyone &ave a sli&ht

    la"&hter! .t the end i named them Ma&en'ies! I made a #a&e for them as no one anted

    to let them be free!The 7i& -illa$ .fter a fe days Larry anno"n#ed that some of his friends ere #omin&

    here! Mom did not seem to li,e that idea as the -illa as small and there as no room for

    them% b"t after a ar&"ment Larry a&ain for#ed "s to #han&e o"r -illa!