New Jersey Civil Defense - Feb 1943

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  • 8/9/2019 New Jersey Civil Defense - Feb 1943



    VOL. 1 - NO . 5 February 1 5, 1943WILL AHEBIOA EVER B E BOBBED?

    With the war news from all frontsskewing such rapid, imp rov emen t,it is time, we thi nk, that we at -tempt an honest and sincere answerto. this most vi tal question, Fo rironically th e OCD is perhaps theone war organization whose moralemay quite possibly be hurt ratherthan helped by good news. . hiswinter, we feel, presents a crit-ical period fo r the entire Civil-ian Defense effort.Elmer Davis is almost daily s tres s-ing the fact that th e war is notyet wo n , and that in both Germanyand japart v/e have a sly,resource-ful, ruthless enemy who is cap-able of any brutal, last min uteeffort to hurt or maim.In the opinion of many authorita-tive experts such an attempt willalmost surely be made.All Array and . Navy installations,in t h e local defense area arestill kept on twenty-four houralert - the same-war alert which,if followed at_Pearl Harbor,wouldhave told a very dif ferent sto ryin December of forty-one. Let'sbe fully prepared fo r the daywhich all of us hope will nevercornel

    OCD'NEWS Am. NOTESOOP Radio CarsThere .have n ow been posted atspecific spots a number o f two-way radio c ars whic h will be visedin the event of a full or partialbreak - down of cor.imunications.Lists of these posts are i n th e

    hands of the Zone and SectorWardens for anyone who mi ght haveneed of their s ervic es. Fixedstations are also being set up iiicase Control Center is bombed o ut .Incident^ OjCf ioer -Appointed'After several false st arts, theposition of Incident Officer hasfinally been mos t satisfacto rilyfilled by Doctor C.E.Pyle, formerDeputy Zone Warden of Zone V . Wehave no doubt that Doctor Pyle*sknowledge and ability will showresults. -Dim OutAlthough there was init ially agood deal of misunderstandingconcerning thi s recent A rm y orderthe cit iz ens, spurred on by theirlocal warden s, are beginn ing tocomply wit h this very :unportantreguD.ation. Progress is stillslower t han if should be, andsinoo the alternative to completeobservance is tot al black-out, wesuggest that all wardens and oth-er OCD officials bear do wn heav i-ly on local vi olato rs. This isserious.How Cpiit r lJ^eirfae; r WorksSince Cont rol Center is actuallythe Headquarters and clearinghouse of .all Dofenso Un it s -activ-ities, it lias been dec id ed t odramatize i t s functions i n a playtype" demonstration t o be g i venat t h e High School about t h e m i d -dle of Marc h. This dramatizationwill present t h e events in, Co n -trol Center' fro m t he receipt ofthe "yellow" signal o n t h e Policeteletype till the.moment t he All-

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    Clear comes through. This one-act play is planned as a part ofthe general training program forall units of Civilian Defense.Air Raid...WardensMrs.Norman White is doing an ablejob as Deputy Chief Air RaidWarden, and plans to be at Head-quarters a good part of the time.In order for the Air Raid WardensOrganization to function properlyit is absolutely necessary thatMrs. White be given completerecords of Warden personn el. Sheasks that you please be prompt insending her complete record cardsand informing her at once of anychanges in personnel or organisa-tion.The keeping of these records is afull-time job in itself, and any-thing you may do to help M rs .White in this arduous task willbe greatly appreciated. Addressall communicationsAir Raid Warden,quarters, Millburn.

    to the ChiefDefense Head-

    to follow theraid alarms.

    New A irn Raid^ Alarm J3ysteniNo general "all oloar" signal hasas yet been devisednew system of airUntil such a signal is given off-icial approval, individual local-ities are forbidden to improvise"all clear" .signals for purelylocal use,for the reason that theresulting confusion might welllead to a break-down of thewhole alarm system. All OCD per-sonnel will be informed, as soonas word comes through from theState OCD, In the meantime, hereis the present alarm system(with-out the "all clear1' signal) whichshall bonotice: in effect until further

    A steady b3.ast of two minutes dur-ation will be sounded on the "bluesignal." This means that there ispossibility of enemy plane attack*Lights in ho mes , office buildingsan-d mercantile establishments mustbe blacked out on this alarm,.Traffic will continue to mo ve andpedestrians will also be permittedto travel. Street lights and traf-fic lights will also remain light-ed as will ligh ts in essential warplants.When the "red" si gnal, indicatingthe immediate proxi mit y of enemyplanes, is received, a two-minutewarbling blast of sirens will besounded. This means that all traf-fic, with the exception of emer-gency vehi cles, will cease, pedes-trians seek shelter and all lightsthat were permit ted to remainlighted when the first alarm wassounded, must be extinguish ed.All Divilian Defense forces willmobilize on the first alarm andwill aid pedestrians and others toseek shelter when the second alarmis sounded. They will also seethat all light s are extin guish ed.When the enemy pianos have movedaway from the immediate prox imitythe"blue"signal will again be gi v-en. This will again be the two -min ute steady blast on the si ren.A "blue" signal will always followa "red".H eretofore the "all-clear"signal has been giv en.Mien the steady, two-minute blastis heard after the two-minute war-bling blast, street ligh ts may goon again; pedestrians and trafficcam m ov e. Automo biles, however,must use the lower down beam head-lights* Homes,offices and businessplaces must await an "all clear"signal, whic h will come over theradio or by bells or by messen ger

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    THE ALERTbefore turning on their ligh ts*Householders are advised to leavetheir radios turned on in orderthat they may receive word of the."all cloar".TheThe Word "shelter" as used by thelocal OCD d$es not raeaiij as man yhave.supposed,a place of securityduring an air raid* The Millburnshelters have been .establishedfor use as reception centers forevacueos in the event of an emer-gency. Their locations are asfollows:

    Section IMillburn Hi gh SchoolHobart Avenue Scho olButton Country Day SchoolSection IIRacquets ClubGlonwood SchoolSt. Rose of Lima SchoolShort H ills ClubSection IIIWyoming ChurchWyoming SchoolSection IVSouth Mountain SchoolSt, Stephen's Church

    C0HMQN1TX WA R SERVICESVictory GardensThe problem of producing enoughfood for our ariaod forces , ourallies, and ourselves, will growincreasingly difficult as themonths go W Shortages whicharo now limited-'to a few scattereditems, will in all likelihoodspread to many others. It is asorious situation, but unlikemany other war-time problems, itis one in which aliuost every ablebodied American can take an activoand helpful part . Gardening hasceased to bo luoroly a hobby andhas become a war duty which mustnot be shirked.

    Since crop failures, thi s yearwill be more a matter of communityloss than of personal dis appoint-ment, the Conraunity War Servic eshavo appointed a Vic tory GardenCommittee to arrange for the mostprofitable use of garden areasand for the instruction of poten-tial gardeners in the proper prep-aration of soil and th e planti ng ,care and harvesting of the cro ps .Three types of gardens have beenplanned, ' with a view to makingsome ' land available to almosteveryone who would like to beco mea war-time farmer. Largest arethe Community gardens , which' willbe under the direction of Mr,R ,C,Craig, These several large areaswill be divided into plots offifty feet square, of whic h weore told there will be in theneighborhood of a hundred. If youthink you'll be able to devoteenough time this sprin g, summer,and fall for the pro per care of agarden of this s iz e, you'd batter'phone Mr. Craig at once. Ap pli-cations are already coming in andallocations are being mad e. Youmay reach M r. Craig at Mi llburn6 - S O ' S O ,Victory Group Gardens are plannedfor those smaller areas of unusedland whic h are yet largo enoughto be worked j ointly by three orfour neighboring fami lies, M r.F.B,Fellows of Wellington AvenueShort H ills , who is in charge ofthis classification,requests thatany neighborhood with, such a pieceof land in min d inform hi m oftheir purpose as so on as po ss ible.The third classification is theordinary variety; of backyard gar-den with which most of us havo solong been familiar.This year therewill be help and expert adviceavailable even for the smallestof backyard weed-fighters, forMrsoPercival "Howe, Western Drive,Short Hills, has accepted -'thechairiuanship of this group andwill gladly con sult with you on

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    THE ALERTany problem.The series of garden in g lecturesbeing currently gi ven by M r. H ar-man of the Ess ex County Ag ric ul-tural Bureau at Wash in gt on Scho olare packed with an aprazing amountof prac ti cal inforination of v alueto the prospective gardener. Ifyou've missed the first two lec-tures, we strongly recorxr.iend thatyou* mak e every effort to attend,the last lecture on Wednesdayevening of the twen ty-f ourt h, ateight o'clock. Take steps to as -sure yourself and famil3>" of anample supply of fresh veg etablesthis summer - and a larder wellstocked with home-canned product sto carry you Safely and com fo rt-ably through the probably toughwinter of '13-M4.Don't forget that ho me processedfoods aro exempt from ration ing ,331 ock L oadersThis group has been organi zed as-a t_,v-m'';.'1137- helpful service tohov/:,cry\\'\v-. They wi ll aid in their.,.."_, .'P'r.Lon of the many com-piioa ' IDstructIons (includingp c *21 ?:": t:. 0ling) b ing curroutlyIssued by vario us G ov ernment bur*ecu; , Th ey are also prepared tog.i'/c you tips'on fat saving, tinorara picocGssingjnutrition and g ar-d :;'.:;g0 Your Bloc k L oad er wants-to D'o co ns id ered as your in fo rm-ation center fo r all Comm unityWeir Servi ce act iv it ies . Tho Bloc kL ardors will operate under th odirecti on of M r. "Victor T raub, 32Sleol T orrac o, Maplewoocl, wh o Ischairman of Communi ty War Ser-vices.

    Th e Salvage Com mi tt ee acting und ortho direction of M r. Ralph Trow-bridge, Ghainuan, reports encour-

    aging progress in its vari ous ,vitally important drives*In the five scrap c ollecti ons un-dertaken to dat o, th ere has beoncollected and turned ovo r to th oprop er so urces, a to tal of 2 0tons of mo tal.An esti mate raado February 10thshowed that appro xi mately sov en-too n and a half ton s of ti n canshad boon deposited in tho Shant yon Ess ex Street.All collecti ons cf any nature hav eboon made by To wnsh ip trucks andin this C:ouncetion sp eci al co mm en-dation is duo M r. 0"erry Gorow, oftho Department of Sani tati on , whohas for. many mo nt hs con sis ton tlydonated his afternoo ns off to thotransportation of scrap. H o wman y of us can off er a si mi larrecord of perso nal sacrif ice?The Fandango M ills who hav e in thopast mo nt hs purchased six hundredand twenty tons of paper from lo-cal resid ents , cannot accept anymore for tho pros on t.Tin Can Collection.A tin can c ollectio n will bo mad oMarch 3 and it is vi'tally Import-ant that every fam ily con tributeto this driv o.All cans,as you know,must bo pro-cessed. Romo vo both onds andlabel, Cloan can, stop on can andflatten it . Can ond s cannot bosatisfactorily remov ed wit h theordinary lover-typo can-o po no r.If you do not have a'rotary typ o,wall-attachod op ener, any clamp -typo rotary op ener, whi ch can Toobought for as lit tle as 25 0, willservo tho purpo se.To dat e, M r. Trowbridg e*s Salvage

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    _ _ T i H L A L E R T

    CoMiiitteo lias turned over to tlioO.C.D. Special Fund , a total of$3,074.64 - whic h is , wo beli eve,a record to bo envied.

    BLOOD DONORS VJANTEDOn Frid ay tlio 19t h, at th e Mill-burn Hi gh Scho ol, a unit of thoRod Cross Blood Bank will bo pro -serjt to accopt blood do nati on sfrom, the people of Mi llburn To wn-ship . If you arc between tho ages

    of 21 and 60 and hav o nev er hadtuberculosis or m alari a, you arourgently requested to call R odCross Headq uarters,(Mi 6-1188) fo ran appoin tment. The Blood BankUnit will op erate between thohours of 2 and 7 P. 3V1*Take advant age of th is opportune*-ty to donate tho bloo d, pain less-ly and saf oly, that m ay save thelife of a soldi er, sailor ormarine.


    Published Mont hly by Tho Mi llburn Defense CouncilMi llburn, Now JerseyEdit or: Rogers Tcrrill

    Advis ory Edit or: Iris N Vci t_/ , ; , . _ _ . -.__ X