DOW OFFLOADS POWDER BUSINESS The Dow Chemical Co. has s igned an ag ree ment to se ll its Powder Coatings Business ro Amsterdam- based AkzoNobel, the worl d 's large st pro d ucer of paints and coat ings, for an und isclosed s um . Th is news come s less than a year after Dow ac quir ed the powder coati ng seg me n t fro m Rohrn & Haas of Philadelp hia, Pa, The deal, accord ing to Dow, is part of its deleveraging plan, which aims ro reduce the co m pany 's deb t loa d. That' s according ro a s tatement by And rew N. Liveris, 00\ \' cha irman and CEO. "This divestitur e is part of o ur ongoing process to sell non-c or e assets," Liveris not ed. "We will conr in- ue o ur practice of act ive po rt fol io managemenr ro improve profitability and focus resou rces on higher growth , highe r margin op portu nities." Abo will acquire forme r Ro h rn & Haas po wder ma nu facturi ng fac ili- ties in the U.S., Europe , and China. "This is a strategic acqui sition I rhar ] will enable us co furt her penetrate key in du stria l coati ng s segments," Lcif Da rner , the AkzoNobel board mem- ber res ponsi ble for p erfor ma nce coat- ings, explained. "By a dd ing new pow- d er technologie s to our exte nsive po rtfolio, we will be even be tte r equ ipped ro lead the wa)' in meeting the increasing dem and for inn ovative pro du cts with strong environ menta l profiles." Formal ization of a fi nal dea l is expec ted in the seco n d q ua rre l' of 2010 , pen ding ad her ence ro clos- ing co nd itions a nd local regu la ror y ap prova ls. NACE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR RESIGNS To n)' Kean e, execu tive director of t he co rros io n society NACE International, recent ly ann ounced his resig natio n. Th e organi zation 's me mb ership has grown more tha n 50 % und er Kean e's leade r sh iP. accord ing ro lACE data, with in te r- 'NWW.metalfinishing.com nat io na l mem bership increasing ro u pwards of 6,000 me mb ers (30% of t ota l membership). Kean e will offi- ciall y ste p do wn onJan.8,2010. "The board of directors recognizes that NACE has benefited greatly from Mr. Kean e's leadershi p an d dedica- tion " reflected Mark Bverlev NACE , , " preside nt, "Under his lea der shi p, NACE has ex pe rie nced dy na m ic g rowt h , an d I k nowt hat he put ACE in a position ro conrinue to succeed." Del Doyle, NACE senior direct or for strategic init iatives, will serve as inte rim executive director wh ile th e NACE board searches for a rep lace- merit. Doyle is a registered profes- sional eng ineer, with m or e th an 35 years of experience. He also has a mas te r's degree in environ me ntal e ng ine er ing fr om Purdue Unive rsity. POLS ATTEMPT TO LIFT U.S. AIRLINE/AEROSPACE INDUSTRY Gu lf Coas t gov ernor s -i nclud i ng Bob Riley (R-AL), Haley Barbo ur (R- 1'vIS), and Bobby Jindal (R-LA)- recent ly annou nce d the esta blish- m en t of Th e Aerosp ace Allian ce, a 50 1(c) p rivate /p ub lic par tn ers h ip seeking to esta blish the G ulf Coas t and su rrou ndi ng region as a world - cla ss ae ros pace , space, and aviation corridor. Mem bers of The Aeros pa ce Alliance incl ude bus iness lead ers, eco no mic develo pm en t profession- als, and governme nr officials who will h elp prom ot e the regio n's assets to the aero space industry. M emb ers will a dvoca te for po licies, pro gra ms. a nd specific aeros pace projects on the local, s ta te, a nd nat io nal levels. Parr icipa ting sta te s and orga niza- tions ho pe co aid t hi s sector's gro wth, there by arrracring m o re j obs and suppliers ro the region. The Alliance's primary objective will be sec ur ing th e KC-45 aeria l tanker pro gram for the Gulf Co ast area , bur the organ izat ion said it will Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. ( IMA GE COU RTESY OF U.S. D EPT. OF TRA N SPORTA TlON) not focus exclusively on thi s projecr. "This alliance will go far in p romot - i ng o ur region for wha t it is -o ne of the largest aeros pac e cor ri do rs in th e world and a grea t place for com pa- nies in this secto r ro do business," G overn o r Bar b ou r stated. Further efforts ro prop up the ail- in g ai rli ne in d us t ry in the U.S. i nclude d a recent a nnoun cement by Tr an sportat ion Secretary Ray LaHood. He revealed the for mation of a "special pan el" to examine the sCl'ugg ling in du srry, which is c ur - rc nr ly lo si ng billions ofdollars, along w ith th ou sa nd s of j ob s. LaH ood p ro m ised the pan el wou ld pr o du ce a reporr providin g "a roa d map fo r th e f ut u re of the av iati on indu stry," inclu d ing a new air traffic control system, k no wn as "NexGcn," based on G PS tec hn ology ra t he r than radar. Sources:AP, The Aerospace Alliance IN MEMORIAM ALLan Ray Putnam, FASlvl, ret ired ma nagi ng di rector of ASi,1 lnrcm arional, passed away rcccnrly in Palm Beach Ga rdens, Fla., at the age of 89. Purn am served as manag- i ng director of ASNI, the society for materials scientists and engi neers , fro m 195 9 -8 3. Du ring \983-85 he served as senior man aging director, a po si t ion esta blished ro allow for the ef fec tive t ra ns iti on o f exec u tive m an - age me nt ro a successor. He retired in 1985 bu tc onti n ued ro contribute ro ASM's success by o verseeing the \ 988 Worl d Mat erials C onfe rence hosted by ASM d ur ing the society's December 2009 Imetalfinishing I5

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DOW OFFLOADS POWDER BUSINESST he Dow Chemical Co. has signedan agree ment to se ll it s Powd erCoatings Busin ess ro Am sterd a m­based AkzoNobel, the worl d 's large stprod ucer o f pain ts and coatings, foran und isclosed sum. This news comesless than a year after Dow acquiredthe powder coati ng segme n t fro mRohrn & Haas of Ph iladelp hia, Pa,T he deal, acco rd ing to Dow, is pa rt ofits deleveraging plan , which aims rored uce the co m pany's deb t load.That's accordi ng ro a statement byAnd rew N. Liveris, 00\\ ' chairman andCEO . "T h is d ivestiture is par t of ourongoing p ro cess to sell no n -coreasse ts," Liveris noted. "We will conrin­ue o ur practice of active po rt fol iomanagem enr ro im prove pro fit abil ityand focus resou rces on h ighe r growth,higher margin o pportun ities."

Abo will acqui re fo rme r Rohrn &Haas po wder manu facturi ng facili­ties in the U.S., Europe, and Ch ina ."T his is a st ra tegic acquisition Irhar ]will enable us co furt he r penetr a te keyindu strial coati ngs segme n ts," LcifDa rner, the Akzo Nob el boar d m em ­ber responsible for performa nce coat­ings, expla ined. " By add ing new pow­d er technologies to our extensiveport fo lio , we will be even be tte requipped ro lead the wa)' in m eetingthe increasing demand for innovativeproduct s with st rong enviro n mentalp ro files." Formal iza tio n o f a finaldea l is expec ted in the seco nd q ua rre l'of 2010, pend ing ad herence ro clos­ing co nd itions and loca l regu laroryapprovals.

NACE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR RESIGNSTo n)' Kean e, execu tive d irecto r o ft he co rros io n so ciety NACEInternational, recently ann ou ncedhis resig nation. Th e organiza tion 'smembership has grown m ore than50% under Keane's leade rsh iP.according ro lACE da ta, with in te r-


natio na l membersh ip increasing roupwards of 6,000 m embers (30% oftotal mem bersh ip ). Keane will o ffi­ciall y ste p down on Jan. 8 , 20 10.

"T he boa rd of d irecto rs recogn izesthat NACE has benefited greatly fro mMr. Kean e's leadershi p an d d ed ica­tio n " reflected Mark Bverlev NACE, , "p resid ent, "Und er h is lea dershi p ,NACE has expe rie nced dy nam icgrowth, an d I know that he pu t ACEin a po sition ro conr in ue to succeed."

Del Doyle, NACE sen io r d irect orfor st rategic initiatives, will serve asinterim exec utive d irect o r wh ile th eNACE board sea rches for a rep lace­m eri t. Doyle is a registered pro fes­sio na l engineer, wit h m ore th an 35yea rs o f experience. He also has amas te r's d egree in envi ro n mentalengineer ing from Pu rd ue Unive rsity.

POLS ATTEMPT TO LIFT U.S.AIRLINE/AEROSPACE INDUSTRYGu lf Coas t governors-i nclud ingBob Riley (R-AL), Haley Barbour (R­1'vIS), and Bob by J ind a l (R-LA)­recent ly an no u nced the estab lish ­men t of The Aerospace Allian ce, a50 1(c) p rivate/ p ub lic par tn ers h ipsee king to establ ish the Gulf Coas tand su rrou nd ing region as a world ­cla ss ae ros pace, space, and aviati oncorrido r. Mem bers of T he Aerospa ceAllianc e incl ude busine ss lead ers ,eco nomic d evelo pm en t pro fession ­als, and governmenr officia ls whowill help promote the reg ion's asse tsto the aerospace in d ustr y. Memberswill advoca te fo r po licies, pro gram s.and specific aerospace project s onthe loca l, state , and natio nal levels.Parricipa t in g state s and organiza­t io ns ho pe co aid t hi s sec to r'sgrowth , thereby arrracring m o re jobsand su p pliers ro the regio n .

T he Alliance's p rim a ry objectivewill be securin g th e KC-45 aerialtan ker p rogram for the G u lf Coastarea, bur the organ iza tion sai d it will

Transport at ion Secreta ry Ray LaHood .( IMA GE COU RTESY OF U.S. D EPT. OF TRA N SPORTA TlON)

not foc us excl usively on thi s proj ecr."T h is alli ance will go far in promot­ing o ur region for wha t it is-one ofthe la rgest aero space corrido rs in th ewo rld and a great place for com pa­ni es in thi s secto r ro d o busi nes s,"Governo r Bar bour sta ted.

Fu rt her effo rt s ro p ro p u p the ai l­in g ai rli ne in d us t ry in the U.S.included a recen t announcement byT ran spo r ta t ion Secretary RayLa Hood . He revea led th e for mationo f a "specia l pan el" to exam ine thesCl'uggling in dusrry, wh ich is cur­rcnrly losing billions o f d o lla rs, alongwith thou sa nds o f jobs. LaH o odpro m ised the pan el wou ld produce arepo rr providing "a road map fo r th efutu re o f the av iati o n indus t ry,"inclu d ing a new air t ra ffic co n t ro lsystem, known as "NexGcn ," basedon G PS techn o logy ra t he r thanrada r.

Sources :AP, The Aerospace Alliance

IN MEMORIAMALLan Ray Putnam, FASlvl, ret iredmanagi ng di recto r o f ASi,1ln rcm arional , passed away rcccnrl yin Palm Beach Gardens, Fla ., at theage o f 89. Purnam served as manag­ing d irecto r of ASNI, the society forma teria ls scie n tis ts and engi neers,fro m 195 9-83. Du ring \ 983- 85 heserved as sen io r m an aging d irect o r, apo si t ion establishe d ro allow fo r theeffective t ra ns iti on o f execu tive m an ­age me nt ro a successo r. He reti red in1985 but conti n ued ro con tribu te roASM 's s ucces s by overseeing the\ 988 World Materia ls Conferencehosted by ASM d uring the society' s

December 2009 Imetalfinishing I5

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Allan Ray Putnam

75th anniversary in Chicago.Putnam was elected an ASM fellow

for his lifetime of achievement andleadership in the materials commu­nity. In 1988, the society establishedthe Allan Ray Putnam Service Awardin appreciation for the man who was"Mr. ASM" for so many members

and colleagues. Putnam spent virtu­ally his entire career in the manage­ment of technical organizations.Following his graduation from theWharton School of Finance at theUniversity of Pennsylvania in 1942and four subsequent years in the U.S.Air Force, he joined the executivestaff of the American ElectroplatersSociety in 1946. In 1949, the Societyof Manufacturing Engineersappointed him assistant executivesecretary and publisher of Tool andManufacturing Engineer.

Putnam was married to the lateMarion Witmer Putnam for SO years,and then for 15 years to Ann K.Putman, who survives him. He is alsosurvived three of his four children,12 grandchildren, and three great­gtandchildren.

APPOINTMENTSKraton Polymers LLC, a global pro­ducer of styrenic block copolymers,has named Mark Siebert its new vicepresident for Kraton's Adhesives,Sealants, and Coatings (ASC) end-

use market. Siebert, who has morethan 20 years of experience, will beresponsible for the development andexecution of the strategic growthplan for the ASC global business."We believe Mark's executive leader­ship, as well as his sales and market­ing experience, will enhance ourefforts and commitment to growthin the adhesives, sealants, and coat­ings markets," said David Bradley,Kraron's COO. "Mark is a tremen­dous addition to our senior manage­ment team, and we are excited tohave him join Kraton."

Siebert held various commercialleadership positions with DowChemical Co. before joining Kraton,including global business director forperformance epoxies and global mar­keting director for epoxy and special­ty chemicals. He holds a bachelor'sdegree in industrial engineering fromthe University ofMissouri-Columbia.


6 I metalfinishing I December 2009

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Rinehart Racing recently enteredinto a new production arrangementwith Clearline Industries, LLC, forthe manufacture of its motorcycleperformance exhaust product line.Although this is the V'Twin indus­try's first time seeing the C1earlinename associated with the RinehartRacing line, it is not Clearline's firstexperience with Rinehart. UnderRinehart's previous manufacturingarrangement, Clearline was responsi­ble for product polishing, finishing,and chrome plating. In addition toClearline, numerous other suppliers,fabricators, and vendors alreadyinvolved in the manufacturingprocess will continue to performtheir established role under the newarrangement. Vendors new to theRinehart line are those replacing theportion of fabrication that was previ­ously performed by BUB Enterprises.

"Clearline Industries is honored tobe awarded this momentous oppor­tunity with Rinehart Racing and

ery of supplies, sundries, spray equip­ment, and coatings. The ProVisionsprogram is supported by an extensive,Web-based catalog that includes aselection of brand-name supplies andequipment ranging from abrasivesand test and safety equipment tospray equipment, including pumps,pressure pots, hoses, and, now, pow­der coating equipment.


Independence, Ohio."I cannot be happier to be forming

Asterion with Benchmark Products,"said Roger Sowinski, president ofNew Surface Technologies. "The cul­tures of both companies are a greatfit, and I have the highest respect forthe people of Benchmark Products.We truly complement each other'sstrengths." Blair Vandivier, presidentof Benchmark Products, echoedSowinski's sentiments. "The peopleof Benchmark Products and NewSurface Technologies work welltogether," he said. "Asterion is a join­ing of equals, and the result is trulysynergistic." Blair Vandivier will serveas president and CEO of Asterion,with Roger Sowinski named seniorVP and chief technology officer.

NEW VENTURESThe Sherwin-Williams Co. andWagner Systems, Inc., have formedan agreement designed to expand therelationship between the two compa­nies. The partnership will enableproduct finishers using Sherwin­Williams' ProVisions program to pur­chase Wagner's line of manual indus­trial powder coating equipment.ProVisions augments Sherwin­Williams' complete line of coatingssolutions by helping finishers reduceadministrative and inventory carryingcosts through simplified order place­ment, tracking, and just-in-time deliv-

MERGERS & ACQUISITIONSBenchmark Products, lnc., ofIndianapolis, Ind., and New SurfaceTechnologies, LLC, of Bedford, Ohio,recently announced the formation ofAsterion, LLC, effective Dec. 1.Asterion will manufacture and sellthe entire metal finishing productline of both companies and will beheadquartered in the formerBenchmark Products facility inIndianapolis. The location will serveas the production and manufactur­ing center for the new company, witha research and development facilityoperating in the Cleveland suburb of

duties for two of its executive officers,senior VP John J.Keane and vice pres­ident Peter G. Lambert. The changesfollow the previously announcedretirement of vice president MichaelGroos, who will leave his positionleading the company's EuropeanAdhesive Dispensing Systems organi­zation and officially end his 30-yearcareer with Nordson on Nov. 30,2009. Effective Dec. 1, Keane will addNordson's DAGE and EFD productlines to his current oversight func­tions, which include the ASYMTEK,YESTECH, and MARCH productlines. He holds a bachelor ofscience inmechanical engineering from MITand attended the advanced manage­ment program at Harvard.

Also effective Dec. 1, Peter Lambertwill begin serving as vice president,with global responsibility for theAdhesive Dispensing Systems seg­ment. Lambert is currently the VPresponsible for the EFD and DAGEproduct lines within the AdvancedTechnology Systems business­duties that will now be under Keane'smanagement. Lambert, a 16-year vet­eran of Nordson, was named a com­pany officer in 2005. He holds: abachelor of arts degree in engineer­ing from Dartmouth; a master of sci­ence degree in aeronautical engineer­ing from the Air Force Institute ofTechnology; and an MBA from CaseWestern Reserve University.

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proud to be associated with one ofthe most renowned names in theexhaust industry," said James Trotter,Clearline's vice president of businessdevelopment. "Because of our priorinvolvement and experience with theRinehart product, we are confidentwe have the team in place to meet thedemands of the industry, both inquality and quantity." GeraldRinehart, founder and president ofRinehart Racing, explained the logicbehind the selection of ClearlineIndustries as a partner: "In exploringcandidates, we put potential manu­facturers through a rigorous test todetermine the depth of their qualifi­cations. Clearline unmistakablyexemplified the highest standard ofcommitment and dedication to takeevery step necessary to manufacture apremium product."

Vendite LLC of Bowling Green, Ky.,has agreed to market Florachem's

new electronics and precision clean­ing solvents in North America.Vendite will initially be concentrat­ing on vapor degreasing applicationswith the Solvokane and VaporFlorproduct lines. Vendite will also pro­vide technical sales assistance to cus­tomers and distributors ofFlorachern's CitraFlor and AquaFlorproducts, part of Florachem's line ofsolvents designed as alternatives topetroleum distillates, chlorinatedsolvents, and certain ozone-deplet­ing halogenated solvents.

NEW FACILITIESMetoKote Corp., a U.S.-basedprovider of protective coating appli­cations, has chosen Germany as thesite for its new manufacturing plant.MetoKote recently broke ground onthe new facility in the southernGermany city ofMannheim. The newinvestment, which represents $9.7million, will also serve as a pilot proj­ect focused on reaching more cus­tomers in continental Europe.

The move marks MetoKote's first

office in Germany. The 11,500­square-meter site will include a pro­duction facility, warehouse, andadministration building. MetoKoteexpects to begin production as soonas July 2010, with plans to eventuallyemploy 50 workers at the plant. "Weare very much looking forward toproducing in Germany," saidDeWayne Pinkstaff, MetoKorespresident and CEO, who attendedthe groundbreaking ceremony. "Thesite is optimal for us, as it is locatedin the Rhine-Neckar metropolitanarea, one of the most dynamic areasin Europe."

PRICE HIKESTronox, lnc., has enacted priceincreases for all Tronox titaniumdioxide (TiOz) grades, beginning Nov.1, 2009, or as contracts allow. Pricesfor these products will be raised by£100 per metric ton in Europe, theMiddle East, and Africa, or by $150per metric ton in U.S. Dollar markets.Tronox noted that these increases areIn addition to the previously

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wellness culture, improved behav­ioral understanding and appreciationof wellness and workplace safetyobjectives, shift from reactive healthcare spending to proactive wellnessspending, and improved employeehealth and injury accountability arecounted among the potential bene­fits of the program. Jim Stevenson,president and CEO of Anoplate,extolled the positives from such aplan. "Since the implementation ofthis program, Anoplate has seen an86% active employee participationrate, which has resulted in a substan­tial increase in employee morale."

Kelli LaPage, president ofWellTrail, cited statistics showingthat more than 70% of illnesses, andover 90% of all injuries are directlycaused by harmful but modifiablehuman behaviors. "Even small stepstoward wellness can reverse theharmful effects of these behaviors,and these initial steps can lead to sig­nificant, sustained reduction inhealth risk factors," she said. "This is


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gram designed by WellTrail-anemployer/employee wellness solu­tion provider specializing in on-sitewellness programs.

The WellTrail program created forAnoplate includes: one-on-oneWellGuide consulting services; healthrisk assessments; employee screen­ings; wellness credit programs; injuryprevention programs; wellness chal­lenges; and educational seminars.Increased employee participation,acceptance, and appreciation for the

Anoplate 's president and COO. Jim Stevenson.

dedicates Anoplate's new "WellTrail" employeefitness trail. (Left to right) Jim Stevenson; AnnStevenson; Milt Stevenson, Sr., Anoplate'sfounder; Becky Wolf, WellTrail WellGuide; andKelli LaPage,WellTrail president and founder.

FINISHER DOING ITS PART TOCONTROL HEALTH CARE COSTSAnoplate Corp. and WellTrailrecently hosted a dedication ceremo­ny and luncheon at Anoplate'sSyracuse, N.Y., facility to officiallydedicate its new employee fitnesstrail with exercise stations. The trailwas implemented as part ofAnoplate's employee wellness pro-

announced price hikes in these loca­tions, and other increases may beannounced locally within each region.

NEW CERTIFICATION PROGRAMFOR SOLAR MANUFACTURERSUnderwriters Laboratories hasintroduced its new Master and FastTrack certification programs,designed to help photovoltaic (PV)module and production equipmentmanufacturers get products to mar­ket faster by using innovativeapproaches to certify complete turn­key solution production lines.Program participants are able to sup­ply PV module manufacturers withpre-certified designs, greatly reduc­ing project turnaround time, andoffering greater efficiency by avoid­ing redundant testing. These pro­grams will test to both national andinternational UL InternationalElectrotechnical Commission (IEe)standards, including ULl703, UL61730, IEC 61215, IEC 61646, andIEC 61730, and will be made avail­able to global markets in NorthAmerica, Europe, and Asia.

"The solar industry continues tolook to third-party certification com­panies to provide customized servic­es that will save time and resources,"said Jeff Smidt, vice president andgeneral manager of UL's GlobalEnergy Industry. "UL plays a leadingrole in this transformation throughprocess enhancements and invest­ments in innovative safety testingand programs to bring solar energysolutions to market faster." For moreinformation on these certificationprograms, visit www.ul.com.

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a crucial tool in helping employersand employees prepare for healthcare changes being discussed as partof the health care reform proposal."

EXPANDED SERVICESCanton, Ohio-based Ohio Gratings,manufacturer of bar grating-fromtraditional industrial flooring to

architectural applications-has start­ed a new powder coat finishing lineaimed at producing more durable,higher-quality finishes. The compa­ny extolled the benefits of powdercoating, noting the product'S envi­ronmentally friendly benefitsbecause it uses less energy, no sol­vents, has minimal waste, and its costeffectiveness compared with wetpainting lines. Ohio Gratings willoffer powder coat in gray or black,and also maintains facilities inRidgeland, S.c., Lindon, Utah, andHouston, Texas.

REBRANDINGAsymtek, provider of dispensing,coating, and jetting technologies, willsoon refresh its visual brand identityand change its name to NordsonASYMTEK. This modification is partofan initiative by its parent company,Nordson Corp., to more clearly andconsistently identify its businesses inthe marketplace. All other aspects ofwhat was formerly called "Asymtek"will remain the same.

"While we may be changing ourlook, we are not changing the way wedo business," said, John P. Byersm,Nordson ASYMTEK president."Regardless of our visual identity, weremain the same strong organizationthat we have always been and willcontinue to provide the same out­standing products and high level ofcustomer service that our customershave come to expect." NordsonASYMTEK identity changes will bephased in and should be completedin 18 months. The updated identitywill include a new logo and newdesigns for marketing materials, inaddition to the name modification.

10 I metalfinishing I December 2009

AWARDSDuranar powder coatings by PPGIndustries earned a 2009 R&D 100Award, which recognizes the 100most technologically significantproducts introduced in the past yearas selected by an independent judg­ing panel and editors of R&DMagazine. According to PPG, itsDuranar products enable powdercoatings to be economically pro­duced in small batches of customcolors, tailored precisely to individ­ual customers' specifications, while athe same time having the potentialto make powder coatings for archi­tectural aluminum "greener" by sig­nificantly reducing the materialwaste and amount of energy used intheir manufacture. PPG and theDuranar powder coatings team­including Ron Ambrose, KristinBartlett, Dennis Carson (deceased),Tony Chasser, Carol Jackson, HenryLowman, Steven Sternberger andHoward Wright-were recognized fortheir achievement at R&D Magazine'sawards banquet this past November.

The Aluminum Association present­ed its annual Marlan BoultinghouseAward to Bob Longenecker, chair­man of KB Alloys. The award is pre­sented in memory of late ARCOAluminum president Marlan T.Boultinghouse, and honors therecipient'S commitment and dedica­tion to the entire industry. "BobLongenecker has played a vital part inthe Aluminum Association andacross this industry," said SteveLarkin, president of the AluminumAssociation. "Bob has a gift for bring­ing together leaders holding con­trasting views. His work has promot­ed metal and made the AluminumAssociation stronger. This recogni­tion is well deserved."

Dow Coating Materials was awardedthe Euroclip Award for best presen­tation at the Eurocoat 2009 TradeFair and Congress. The Euroclipcompetition, held this year inBarcelona, is an annual Eurocoatforum in which participating compa­nies present key innovations or newtechnologies. Dr. Houshang

Kheradmand, European ProductStewardship & SustainableDevelopment manager for DowCoating Materials and technical com­mittee chairman for the EuropeanResin Manufacturers Association(ERMA) presented "ChemicalIndustries: Trends & Sustainabiliry,"which focused on how the globaliza­tion of markets, economic condi­tions, population growth, and eco­logical/environmental issues willimpact all facets of the internationalcoatings industry. Noting that exist­ing, ongoing, and future regulationswould create both challenges andopportunities, Dr. Kheradmandemphasized the importance ofantici­pating future regulations throughsustainable design to help companieswithin the coatings industry create a"safe zone" for maintaining sustain­able markets and earnings.

"The future safe zone could bequite different from our currentmarket, and we should anticipateand prepare ourselves in order tomaintain our industry and technolo­gy leadership positions," Dr.Kheradmand said during his presen­tation. "Companies need to seizeopportunities, focus on long-termsustainability, and create a culture ofinnovation to answer the needs oftomorrow's society. A revolution inmindset, conception, and operations[is] needed to ensure that our use ofresources and the environment todaydoes not restrict their use by futuregenerations."

NEW WEBSITEFanta Equipment, a leading fabrica­tor of metal finishing equipment inNorth America, has launched a newwebsite featuring its Fanta, Napco,and Udylite brands. The new site,www.fantaequip.com. includesinformation on the custom capabili­ties, brand-name machines, andreplacement parts available fromFanta, Napco, and Udylite. Fanta'snew website offers easy-click tabs thatprovide access to information onautomated hoists, return-typemachines, waste treatment systems,loaders, barrels, parts, tanks, andservice.
