Niagara Falls Ontario - Community Profile Tourism

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  • 7/31/2019 Niagara Falls Ontario - Community Profile Tourism


    Tour ism 1Niagara Falls, Canada Community Profile

    The Dest inat ion

    The City of Niagara Falls has been synonymouswit h t our ism - provid ing v isi t ors wi t h an array of

    at t ract ions, f ine accomm odat ions and vacat ion

    ideas t hat complem ent t he cornerst one of our

    Tourism industry - the magnif icent Niagara Falls.

    Approximately 14 mi l l ion tour ists1 visi t t he Ci t y

    each year, and over $2 bi l l ion in t our ism r evenues

    has generated some excit ing new developments,

    each of w hich contr i butes to our presence as a year round, w or ld c lass t our ism dest inat ion.

    Tourism in the Niagara Region- Quick Facts 19 mi l l ion v isi t ors per year , expected t o grow t o 20+ mi l l ion by 2004, in 10 yearsNiagara is expected t o at t ract 30 mi l l ion annual v isi t ors

    60% of vi si t or s ar e i n Ni agar a Fal l s f or a d ay -t r i p

    40% of visit ors st ay overni ght (household incom e $80,000+)

    Ove rni ght v isi t or s st ay an aver age of 2. 3 ni ght s

    29,000 visi t ors in Niagara per n ight in t he Summer mont hs

    $ 1. 5 b i ll i on t o u ri sm d ol l ar s sp en t i n 2 000 , e st i m a t ed at $ 2 b i ll i on in 2 002

    $2. 8 bi l li on of i n ve st m e nt o p por t u ni t i es av ai l ab le ov er t h e ne xt 2 0 y ear s

    Current inventory of14,500 accomm odat ion uni ts wi t h 50% of t hese in t he 3-4 st ar

    category. By 2004 t he tot a l is expected t o reach 16,000+ wit h the addi t i onal uni t s

    current ly under construct ion

    Tour ism employment est imat ed at 26% of t ota l workf orce (over 30,000 j obs)

    Source: Niagara Fal ls Tourism & Niagara Economi c and Tourism Corpor at i on & Cit y of Niagara Fal l s Tourist and

    Economic Impact St at i st ics

    1 Ni aga ra Pa rk s Co mm i ssi on - T ri vi a p age at h t t p : / / w w w . n ia ga ra pa rk s. c om / n f gg/ t r i vi a. p hpNiagara Parks Commission - Study Guide page at ht tp: / / www aboutus/ study_guide.php

  • 7/31/2019 Niagara Falls Ontario - Community Profile Tourism


    Tour ism 2Niagara Falls, Canada Community Profile

    Family Attractions.......Golf....Gaming and much more!

    A Complete Tourism Package

    Casino gaming, new accomm odat ion and at t ract ion i nvest ment , a burgeoning regional wi ne

    indust ry, cul t ural and her i t age t our ism pr oduct , and a shared t our ism vis ion have al l helped

    Niagara Fal ls, Ontar io t o develop the reput at ion of a complet e, w or ld c lass t our ism

    dest ina t ion . And wi th oppor tun i ty fo r new a t t rac t ion , en ter ta inment and re ta i l investm ent

    st i l l in abundance, t here has never been a bet t er t ime t o consider Niagara Fal ls.

    The Niagara Parks Comm ission has w orked cl osely w it h t he Cit y for d ecades in an eff ort t o

    beaut i f y our tour ist area, and al low t he publ ic to enj oy the natural w onders of t he Fal ls and

    our parks at t heir le isure. Many successful l ocal , nat ional and int ernat ional pr ivat e tour i sm

    leaders have joined the team of successful tourism related businesses located here in the

    fal ls.

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    Tour ism 3Niagara Falls, Canada Community Profile

    Market and Visi t or Inform at i on

    Niagara Falls is a Canadian Tourism Icon. Niagara is one of t he largest ent ry point s for visitor s

    to t he count ry , Niagara Fall sis the most int ernat ional ly recognized Canadian t our istdest inat ion. The Cit y s proximit y to t he U.S., as wel l as several major urban centr es (both

    Canadian and American), creates an enormous, easily accessible tourism market from which

    t o draw. The healthy st ate of Niagaras economy encourages, support s, and enhances t he

    growth of tourism in Niagara Falls.

    Exhibi t 1 - Distances to Major Urban Centr es

    City Kilomet res Miles Driving t ime

    Bal t im ore, Md. 829 515 9 hr .

    Bost on, Mass. 808 502 8. 5 hr .

    Buf f alo, N. Y. 35 18 30 m in.

    Chicago, Il l . 843 524 9. 5 hr .

    Det roi t , Mich. 380 228 4. 5 hr .

    Mont real , Que. 670 428 7. 5 hr .

    New York, N. Y. 761 473 8 hr .

    Ot t aw a, Ont . 530 315 6 hr .

    Quebec Ci t y, Que. 961 597 11 hr .

    Toront o, Ont . 130 81 1 hour

    Washingt on, D. C. 819 509 9 hr .

    For f ur t her inf ormat ion on t ravel l ing dist ances, v isi t t he Province of Ontar io Dist ance Table

    at :

    h t t p : / / www .gov .on .ca/ MBS/ engl i sh / d i stance / index .htm l

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    Tour ism 4Niagara Falls, Canada Community Profile

    Unparallel ed Exposure

    Within a 150km radius of Niagara Falls l ive 13.1 mil l ion people - a vast tourism marketcontain ing many repeat v isi t ors wi t h in a 2 hour dr ive to t he Ci t y. A market of t h is size would

    sust ain a t our ism i ndust ry on i t s own in many communit ies, but t he splendour of Niagara Fal ls

    at t ract s long haul visit ors j ust as wel l. Resident s of t he United St at es, as wel l as overseas

    t ravel lers contr i bute great ly t o the t our ism market in Niagara. The fo l low ing char ts and tables

    i l lustrat e t he st rength of t he Niagara Fal ls tour ism m arket .

    Exhibit 2a: Dr ive-i n mar ket s Exhibit 2b: Eur ope & Asian Mar ket

    - On t ar i o ( To ro nt o & So ut h e rn On t ar i o) - U. K. , Fr an ce & Ge r m an y

    - New York -Japan

    - Bost on

    - Chicago

    - Detr o i t

    - Montreal

    - Ot t awa

    - Bal t i more

    - Washingt on, D.C.

    New special i zed niche-prod uct s such as Golf, Wine & Culinary Touri sm, Meet ing & Convention

    and Incent ive Travel packages wi l l provide opport uni t ies for f ami ly/ couples mainst ream and

    af f luent markets.

    Southern Ontar io and the GTA wi l l cont i nue to be our pr im ary key domest ic t arget market .

    Of t he mor e t han 14 mi l l i on annual visit ors t o Niagara Falls, 66% are f rom t he Unit ed St ate s,

    26% are fr om Canada, of w hich 50% of t he visit ors l ive in Toront o area. Overseas t ourism

    represents a smal l , but ext remely im port ant por t ion of t he market 6-8% of a l l v is i tors are

    fr om overseas locat ions, but overseas t our ist spending accounts for 1/ 5 of t he Ci t y s t ota l

    t ourism revenues. In 2002 consumer dom est ic and U.S. visit ors increased while

    Asian/ European group t ours are down. Family/ couple consumer market remained st rong

    duri ng 2002. Increase in length of overnight st ay to an average of 2.3 night s and average

    household i ncome i ncreased t o $80,000.

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    Tour ism 5Niagara Falls, Canada Community Profile

    Market segmentat ion and length of vi sit ors overnight stays

    Visitor Type %of Total Visitors %That Stay Overnight Avg.Trip Length

    Dom est ic 26% 43% 2. 2 night s

    Am er ican 66% 22% 2. 4 night s

    Ot her Foreign 8% 82% 1. 9 night s

    Source : Citie s Repor t

    Exhibi t 4 - Demographic character istics of Ontario resident s wit hin 240 km

    Populat ion 1150 km 151240 km 1240 km

    (1996 proj ect ion)

    (2001 proj ect ion)

    6.727 mi l l ion

    7.385 mi l l ion

    1.311 mi l l ion

    1.389 mi l l ion

    8.038 mi l l ion

    8.775 mi l l ion









    Average household

    Income (1996)

    $82, 301 $67, 380 $79, 223









    6. 6



    9. 4

    4. 411.2


    6. 8



    9. 4

    4. 814.0


    6. 6



    9. 4

    4. 411.7

    Marit al stat us



    Divorced/ separated


    44.94. 9

    6. 5


    46.65. 7

    6. 6


    45.25. 0

    6. 5

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    Tour ism 6Niagara Falls, Canada Community Profile

    Exhibi t 5 - Demographic character istics of US residents wit hin 240 km

    Populat ion 1150 km 151240 km 0240 km

    (1997 est im at e) 2. 761 m i l l ion 1. 729 m i l l ion 4. 491 m i l l ion

    Average household

    income (1997 esti mate)

    US $36, 413 US $32, 959 US $34, 310










    10.19. 2





    9. 98. 9





    10.09. 1


    Marit al stat usSingle


    Divorced/ separated


    53.38. 2

    9. 7


    55.47. 9

    9. 4


    54.18. 1

    9. 5

    Source: Niagara Falls Multi-Purpose Feasability Study

    Annual Niagara Visit or Volum e and Expendit ures

    Exhibit 6 - Niagara Region - Increases in Number of Annual Visitors and Tourism Expenditures

    Time Per iod # of Annual Visitors Annual Tourism Expenditures

    1995 (Pre Casino) 10-14 m i l l ion visi t ors Approx $1. 5 bi l l ion


    (wi t h temporary casino impact )

    16-19 m i l l ion visi t ors Approx $2 bi l l ion

    2004 (proj ect ion)

    (wi t h permanent casino impact )

    20+ m i l l ion visi t ors $2 + bi l l ion

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  • 7/31/2019 Niagara Falls Ontario - Community Profile Tourism


    Tour ism 8Niagara Falls, Canada Community Profile

    The PlanTourism Area Development Strategy

    Th e Niagara Fall s Touri sm Area Developm ent St rat egydescribes the Citys vision to create

    and maintain a wor l d c lass dest inat ion, and modern urban cent re at t he heart of one of t he

    wor l d s natural w onders. The mast er p lan is st ruct ured around encouraging v isi t ors t o st ay

    longer, ret urn more f requent l y, and spend more money in Niagara Fal ls. The fo l lowi ng is an

    out l ine of our tour ism development strat egy.


    t o ensure co-operat ion and an integrated approach f rom t he Ci t y, Niagara Parks

    Comm ission, t he Niagara Region, Province of Ont ario, Government of Canada, and t he

    pri vate sector i n wor king t oward s our aggressive vision

    t o enhance the i mage of Niagara Fal ls in t he market place

    t o focus on higher y ie ld t our ist groups, bot h domest ic and internat ional

    t o increase t our ism spending, lengthen vis i tor st ays, and extend t he t our ism season


    t o provide invest ors wi t h an at t ract ive and st able invest ment environment

    t o st imul ate growt h in t he Tour ist Area of Niagara Fal ls in a st rategic manner

    Speci al Event s And Fest ival s St rat egy

    The Cit y is also invest ing in excit ing special event s and festi vals t hat enh ance the i mage of

    Niagara Falls as a fun, ent ert aining place to l ive and to visit . The Cit y is aggressively pur suing

    and planning specia l events that l ink back to our overal l st rategy; ext ending the t our ism

    season, lengt hening visitor st ays, and incr easing t ourism spending.

    Each event or festival in Niagara creates off-peak seasonal demand for accommodations,

    services, and at t ract ions, and showcases t he t ourism asset s of t he Niagara Region.

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    Tour ism 9Niagara Falls, Canada Community Profile

    Heri t age Att ract i ons and Events

    Niagara Fal ls is over f low ing wit h cul tural signi f icance. I t is t he intent ion of the c i t y to

    capture and preserve t he r ich hist ory and t r adi t ion of our area through fun and educat ionalher i t age fest ivals and events. From t he re-enact ment of t he Batt le of 1812, to t he Lundys

    Lane Histori cal Museum, t o t he Shaw Fest ival, visit i ng a cult ural site i n Niagara is t ruly a

    mem orable exper ience. In addi t ion, events h ighl ight ing contemporary cul t ure such as f ine

    wine making and cuisine are in abundance.

    Exhibit 9: Sample of Major Special Events and Fest ivals in Niagara Fall s

    Special Event /Fest ival Features Season

    Wint er Fest ival of Light s Disney light ing d ispl ays, enchant ing l andscape li ght ing al ong the par kw ay,

    f i reworks extravaganzas, l ive enter tainment, Festival Night Parade


    Ne w Ye ar s Eve Ce le br at i on Wo rl d r en ow ne d e nt er t ai ne rs at a l ive , nat i on al ly t e le vi se d ou t do or con cer t

    and celebration, f i reworks displays


    Icew ine Celebr at ion Icew ine t ast ing, t our s, luncheons and ot her special pr ogr ams Wint er

    Spr ing Fest ival 10 days of exci t em ent feat ur ing a spect acular par ade, f r ee out door

    concerts, f loral and l ighting displays, f i reworks, shows and exhibi ts


    Niagar a Her i t age Fest i val Her i t age r elat ed d isp lays and exhib i t s Spr ing

    Shaw Fest i val Wor ld class t heat r e per f or m ances of t he w or ks w r i t t en by f amous playw r ight

    George Bernard Shaw


    Falls Friday and Sunday


    Fi r ewor ks d i sp l ay s ove r t he f a ll s ev er y Fr i day even i ng t h r oughout t he season Summer

    Concer t Band Ser ies Popular Local bands per f or m ing f r ee, l i ve, out door concer t s Summ er

    Casino Niagara Int ernational


    Marathon, ha l f marathon, in- l i ne marathon, f r iendship run, (a l l tak ing p lace

    along a beauti ful Parkway route) , and runners expo


    Wine and Cul inar y Event Chef s and est abl i shm ent s f rom ar ound the region pr epar ing an ar ray of

    cul inary del ights


    Door s Open Niagar a Dozens of t he ar eas m ost hist or ical and ar chi t ect ur al l y signi f icant bui ld ings

    open to the publ i c for f ree tours


    Blues in t he Par k Out door b lues f est ival f eat ur ing l ive j azz per f or m ances Fal l

    Ar t by t he Fal l s A w eekend of out door ent er t ainment f eat ur ing ar t and cr af t d isp lays by

    Canadian ar t i sans


    Sour ce: Ci t y o f N iaga r a Fa l ls even t l i st i ngs at h t t p : / / www.n iaga r afa l l s. ca/ about_n iaga r a_ fal l s/ event s_calendar / i ndex.asp

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    Tourism 10Niagara Falls, Canada Community Profile

    Sporting Events and Attractions

    Qual i t y venues and exci t ing events combine t oget her t o st rengthen our spor t s t our ism market .

    Local and tour ing athlet es al ike enjoy t he var iety of specia l ath let ic events taking place in

    Niagara Falls, wit h many t ourists shaping a vacati on around a part icular sport ing int erest. The

    natural beaut y and geography of t he area, as wel l as our prom ot ional v is ib i l i t y provide an ideal

    locat ion for everyth ing f rom prest ig ious t ournaments t o fun and exci t i ng fami ly events. In

    addi t i on to t he sampl ing of events below, Niagara is wel l known for :

    wo r ld c lass go l f cou rses o f a l l l eve l s open to t he publ i c

    peacefu l and scenic f ish ing si tes along the many creeks and r ivers in the area

    sa il i ng a nd w at e r sp or t o pp or t u ni t i e s

    breath t ak ing, chal lenging mounta in b ike and h ik ing t ra i ls ( i .e . - Bruce Trai l )

    fami ly recreat ion t ra i ls fo r walk ing, runn ing, rol le r -b lad ing, and le isure ly b ik ing

    numerous c ross count r y sk i i ng routes sp or t s t o ur n am e nt s f o r a ll l ev el s

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    Tourism 11Niagara Falls, Canada Community Profile

    Sample of Sport ing Events in Niagara Falls

    Sport ing Event Features Season

    Casino Niagara InternationalMarathon

    Marathon, hal f m arathon, in- l ine marathon,fr iendship run, (al l taking place along a beauti ful

    Parkway route) , and runners expo


    Provincial / Nat ional

    Slo-Pitch Championships

    Hundreds of teams in di f ferent divisions compete

    throughout September for Provincial and/ orNational Championships - f requent ly held in Niagara



    Vineyard Cycle Tour and


    25km, 50km, and 65km cycle tours of Niagaras

    beaut i fu l w ine count ry


    Source: Ci ty o f N iagara Fa l ls event l i s t ings a t :ht t p: / / ww w.niagarafal about_niagara_fal ls/ events_calendar/ index.asp

    Tourism Employment in the Niagara Region

    Year Total Tourism Employment Percentage of Total Employment

    1996 20, 062 15. 8 %

    1997 30, 880 19. 1 %

    2002(m edium proj ect ed) 44, 259 22 %

    Source: Niagara Economic and Tour ism Corporat ion, Niagara Canada s Tour ism Industry Report Hight l ights , Summary of Findingsand Highlights - Niagara Tourism Investment Opportunities, Economic Impact Analysis of Tourism Development in the

    Niagara Region 1996, 1997, 2002 or visit :h t tp : / / www .n documents/ repor ts/ tour ismrepor th igh l igh ts .pdf

    Year Total Tourism Employment Percentage of Total Employment

    2001 38, 538 20. 3 %

    2002 39, 015 20. 2 %

    2007(m edium proj ect ed) 49, 321 22 %

    Source: Niagara Economic and Tour ism Corporat ion, Economic Impact Analysis of Tour ism Development in the Niagara Region2001, 2002 and projections to 2007 or visit:ht t p: / / ww documents/ reports/ TEAM_Hermus_REPORT_2003.pdf

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    Tourism 12Niagara Falls, Canada Community Profile

    Tourism Act iv i t ies

    Once again, t he st rategic development of a complet e t our ism of fer i ng is producing great

    results for Niagara Falls. Many invest ors and tour ists al ike are pl easant ly surpr ised t o learn oft he diverse range of act iv i t ies in t he Ci t y. Visi t ing the spectacular Niagara Fal ls may be the

    cornerst one of many vacat ions, but count less other act iv i t ies wi l l keep t our ist s busy for t heir

    ent i r e st ay.

    Exhibit 12: 10 Main activities participated in during trips by all visitors to Niagara area

    Total Number Participating(000's)















    Sight seeing 1299 56 1041 17. 6 620 85. 3

    Visi t ing

    Friends/ Relat ives

    930 40. 1 245 4. 1 227 31. 2

    Shopping 509 21. 9 922 15. 6 552 75. 9

    Part icipat ing in

    sports act ivi t ies

    474 20. 4 355 6. 0 113 15. 5

    Walking/ hiking 236 10. 2 --- -- -- --- --- -- -- ---

    Visi t ing Histor ical


    232 10. 0 --- -- --- -- - --- - - --- -

    Visi t ing ThemeParks

    208 9. 0 133 2. 2 131 118. 08

    Sw im m ing 163 7. 0 267 4. 5 76 10. 5

    Visi t ing NationalParks

    147 6. 3 742 12. 5 398 54. 7

    Visi t ing Museum s 143 6. 2 -- --- - --- - -- --- -- ---

    Source: Cities Report, 1997

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    Tourism 13Niagara Falls, Canada Community Profile

    The Opportuni t ies

    The Future of Niagara

    Niagara Falls touri sm is developing at a bl ister ing pace. Long t im e invest ors, as wel l as new

    players in t h is lucrat i ve market are underst anding more and more t he potent ia l f or success in

    Niagara Fall s.

    By st rategical ly foster ing t he expansion of t he diverse hospi t a l i t y and at t ract i on indust r ies, t he

    Cit y is encouraging a larger number of v is i tors to come t o t he Ci t y, t o st ay longer, and to spend

    more m oney whi le here - a l l speci f ic obj ect ives descr ibed in t he Ci t y s st rategic v ision.

    Aspects such as appropr iate locat ions, t he careful p lanning of t he Ci t y s skyl ine, and t he

    welcom ing of wel l recognized hospi t a l i t y brand names t o the c i t y wi l l a l l help Niagara Fal ls

    maint ain a prosperous and digni f ied t our ism indust ry.

    Source: 2003 New Development s Booklet - Cit y of Niagara Fal l s Websit e at:

    h t t p : / / www .n iagarafa l business/ new_developments/ index.asp

    Niagara Fall sview Casino Resort

    A par tnership bet ween t he Ci t y of Niagara Fal ls and the Ontar io Lot t ery and Gaming

    Corporat ion has paved t he way f or t he $1 bil l i on Casino Resort - scheduled f or occupancy

    Spri ng 2004 in the boomi ng Fall sview Dist r ict . The Hyatt -managed hot el wi l l be a signif icant

    e lement o f the deve lopment , bu t i t w i l l be matched by a major casino, en ter t a inment space,

    and a ret a i l faci l i t y that wi l l encourage subst ant ia l tour ism growt h. The mult i faceted si t e wi l l


    - 130,000 sq. f t of gaming space

    - 368 room Hyatt Regency Hotel

    - 120,000 sq. f t of prominent retai l / enter t a inment fac i l i ty- healt h spa

    - 1,500 seat t heat re

    - 30,000 sq. f t . meet ing/ conference space

    For up to date inform at ion, const ruct ion t im e- l ines, and l i ve f ootage of casino si te const ruct ion, v isi t Fal ls

    Management Companys website at:h t tp : / / www. f a l l smanagement . com

    or visi t Discover Niagara website for th e Niagara Fal lsview Casino Resort at:h t tp : / / d i scovern iagara .com/ fa l l sv iewcasino / main / i ndex .php

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    Tourism 14Niagara Falls, Canada Community Profile

    Maj or Tour ism Invest ors in Niagara Fall s

    Hotels/Accommodat ions Restaurants

    Hi l t on Hot el s Out back St eakhouse

    Mar r iot t and Cour t yard Mar r iot t Tony Roma s - Famous f or Ribs

    Sherat on Rainf orest Caf

    Ram ada T. G. I. Fr iday s

    How ard Johnson Applebee s

    Em bassy Suit es Kel sey s

    Great Wol f Lodge Wol f gang Puck

    DoubleTree (Hi l t on) The Keg

    Radisson Bost on Pizza

    Days Inns Ruby Tuesday

    Clar ion Hoot ers


    Polo Ralph Lauren Levi s Nat ional Geographic

    Coca Cola St ore Hershey St ore Tomm y Hi l f iger

    Guess Nike Reebok

    Liz Claiborne Spor t Chek Wal -m ar t

    Zel lers Hom e Depot Wor ld Wrest l ing Ent er t ainm ent - WWE

    Marvel Comics Canadian Ti re Mark s Work Wearhouse


    Ri pl e y s Aq ua ri um (o pe ni ng 2 00 8) Ri pl e y s - Lo ui s T ussa ud s Wa x Mu se um

    (opened 2005)

    Ripleys Believe It or Not! Museum -

    Renovated Spring 2004

    Marinelands Arct ic Cove and new r ides Niagara Fal ls People Mover Great Canadian Midway, Cl i f t on Hi l l


    Sour ce: New Developm ents at :

    h t tp : / / www .n iagarafa l / business/ new_developments / index.asp

    For a more detailed list of businesses in Niagara Falls, visit our online business directory at:

    ht t p: / / ww w.niagarafal business/ business_directory/ index.asp,

    or v isi t h t tp : / / www .n iagarafa l lstour

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    Tourism 15Niagara Falls, Canada Community Profile

    Investing in Niagara

    Niagara Fal ls favourable invest ment c l imat e includes compet i t ive land rates, h igh t r af f i c f low s

    and overal l v isib i l i t y , a cent ra l geographic locat ion, and lower operat ing and overhead cost s.

    Niagara also boast s a large, w ell t rained t ourism wor kf orce t hat com pri ses over 20% of t he

    area s to ta l work force .

    The Cit y of Niagara Fal ls wi l l grow t our ism t hrough cont inued invest ment in inf rast ruct ure and

    publ ic services, sound advert is ing and m arket ing programs, and fur t her st rengthening of t he

    special event s and festi val off er ing - smoot hing out t he seasonal ups and downs.

    Wi th oppor tun i t y fo r new a t t rac t ion , en ter ta inment and re ta i l investm ent , now is the t ime t o

    consider Niagara Falls.

    For a compr ehensive repor t on Tourist and Economic St ati st ics for t he Cit y of Niagara Falls,

    v is i t :htt p:/ / ww w. niagarafal business/ business_profi le/ t our ism_economic_impact _st at ist ics.asp

    and for a Virt ual Tour of Niagara Falls Developm ent s visit :

    h t t p : / / ww w. n iagarafa l / business/ new_deve lopments/ index.asp

    Niagara Falls Touri sm

    Niagara Falls Tourism (NFT) is the destinat ion management organizati on for t he Cit y of Niagara

    Fall s. The organizat ion is mem bership driven and develops and impl ement s a st rong andeffect ive tour ist dest inat ion market ing program.

    St rengthening the Niagara Fal ls brand in t he key market s in cooperat ion w i t h our t our ism

    part nership al l iances is t he key to t he success of NFT. Well establi shed part ners includ e

    private stakeholders, Ontario Ministry of Tourism & Recreation and the Canadian Tourism


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    Tourism 16Niagara Falls, Canada Community Profile

    In February 2004, Niagara Falls Tourism held it s 2004 Annuarl General Membership Meeti ng,

    and ci ted t he fo l l owing plans for 2004: Ex pa nd ed e f fo rt i n Me di a Re la t io ns

    a new fu l l y i n tegra ted Spr i ng/ Summer Program ( i n par tnersh ip w i th the Prov ince of Ontar i o ) a new Fal l / W in t e r Cam pa ign f oc used on t r adi t i ona l , c or e , v ol um e m ar k et s

    Niagara Fa l l s Tour i sm work ing w i th i n te rested s takeholders w i l l be rev iew ing the i r event market i ng st ra tegy to

    ensure that suppor ted events are ef fect ive, re levant and ef f icent l y presented Niagara Fal ls Tour ism is consider ing a new informat ion cent re serv ice operat ion that would be located on

    Fal lsview Boulevard in t he new Niagara Fal lsview Casino Resort Complex

    Niagara Fal ls Tour ism and Niagara Economic and Tour ism Corporat ion wi l l j o int ly publ ish a single annual v isi torguide, which wi l l increase distr ibut ion, coordinat ing efforts, and saving stakeholders hundreds of thousands of

    dol lars by el iminat ing the need to purchase advert ising in two di f ferent visi tors guides

    Niagara Falls Tourism s Plans for 2004 - Travel Trade: Niagara Fa l l s Dest i na t i on Planner - NFT w i l l add to t he ex i st i ng fo rmat an accommodat i on / conference fac i l it y

    grid l ist ing page(s), more suggested i t ineraries, and new experient ial edi tor ial

    Student & Youth Group Dest inat ion Piece - NFT wi l l develop a fu l l -colour brochure speci f ic to the student andyouth t ravel market .

    Nat ional Tour Associat ion (NTA) Marketplace Dur ing 2004 NTA being held in Toronto, N iagara Fal ls Tour ism

    wil l co-sponsor numerous events and famil iar izat ion tr ips.

    Cour ier Magazine/ Dest inat ions Magazine -NFT to work w i th OTMP and members regarding an Ontar iocooperat i ve advert isement i n t he May, July and/ or Oct 2004 issue(s) of Courier Magazine and Dest i nat ions.

    Travel Trade Shows for 2004 NFT wi l l at t end 18 Travel Trade Shows in 2004 including two new shows : Bank

    Travel (Feb) pre-scheduled appoint ment s wit h Bank Club Direct ors and Travel Connect ions (Aug) aninvi tat ional marketplace designed for travel industry suppl iers; group leaders, motorcoach operators and tour

    operat ors of Western Pennsylvania.

    French or Mul t i -L ingual Lure Brochure current ly researching the feasibi l i ty of developing a brochure designedspeci f ical ly for t he French market or a mul t i - language lure brochure.

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    Tourism 17Niagara Falls, Canada Community Profile

    Niagara Falls Tourism s Plans for 2004 - Meet ing Convent ions & Incent ive Tr avel: Promot iona l Mater i al - NFT w i l l i nvest i n new promot ional mater i al t o fu r ther p romote the dest i na t i on to

    pot ent i al and exist i ng corporate cl ient s. These are a one-page prof i le sheet, post cards, trade show shirt s and

    calculat or business card holders wit h company logo and web si te. Corporate Sales Missions - NFT wi l l organize Niagara sales mission bl i tz s in Toronto wi t h fo l low up FAM tours.

    Part ners wi l l have an opportuni t y to sel l Niagara as the m eet ings and conventions dest i nat ion t o potent ial

    c l ients and make a group dest inat ion presentat ion and net work w i th select groups of qual i f ied meet ingplanners.

    MC&IT Websi te - NFT has i n i t i a ted the c reat i on o f a web si t e ded i cated to t he MC&IT market .

    Educat ional Sales Cal ls - N iagara Fal ls Tour ism w i l l organize educat ional sales cal ls wi t h in the GTA. Theobject ive is to re-educate meeting planners and Dest inat ion Market ing Companies on Niagara and what is new.

    MC&IT Trade Show- Brochure Dist r ibut ion Program - NFT wi l l be represented at 11 qual i f ied mc&i t t radeshows

    in 2004.

    For fur ther detai ls, contact :

    Niagara Falls Tourism

    5515 St anley Ave.Niagar a Fall s, ON L2G 3X4


    ht tp : / / www. n iagara fa ll stour i

    Tourism Highlights

    Niagara Touri sm Highli ghts

    More than 17 mi l l ion v isi tors wi l l spend over $2.1 bi l l ion in the Niagara Region annual ly

    i n 2002, 14 .2 m i l l i on v i si t o rs spent $1 .8 b i l l i on i n Niagara

    Up to $ 6 b i l l i on i n fo recasted cap i ta l expend itu res by 2002 fo r i n f rast ruc ture upgrades, l uxury hote l s and the

    Niagara Gateway Casino More than $2.8 b i l l i on wor th of i nvestment oppor tun it i es over the nex t 20 y rs.

    For f ur t her St at ist ics on Niagara Tour ism and i t s invest ment opportuni t ies, v isi t :

    h t t p : / / www .n iaga

    or visit the 2003 Advantage Niagara Tourism Investment Update at:

    h t t p : / / ww w. n documents/ repor ts/ Tour ism_Investm ent_2003.pdf

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    Tourism 18Niagara Falls, Canada Community Profile

    Ont ario Tourism Highl ights

    In 2001, t our i sm employment i n t he Prov ince of Ontar io represented 4 .4% of Ontar i o s employment w i t h

    261,700 jobs In 2001, t our i sm w as Ontar i o s 7 th l a rgest expor t i ndust ry , b r i ng ing i n to the prov ince $7.3 b i l l ion i n fo re ign

    exchange,and provides 3.2% of Ontari o s tot al export s. In 2001, Ontar io s tour ism indust ry accounted for $19.4 Bi l l ion (Total Tour ism Receipts) , which is 4.4% of the

    provincial GDP.

    For f ur t her Tour ism Facts in the Province of Ontar io, v isi t :

    h t t p : / / www . t our i engl i sh / tou rd iv / r esearch/ index .h tm l

    or v isi t , t he Ont ar io Minist ry of Tour ism and Recreat ion, Tour ism Invest ment in Ontar io w ebsi t e

    at :

    h t t p : / / w w w . 2 on t ar i o. c om / t o u ri sm /

    Nat ional Tourism Highl ights

    In 2002, t o ta l t our ism spend ing i n Canada reached $51.8 b i l l i on, up 0 .3% f rom 2001. in 2002, Canadians accounted for 66% or $34.0 bi l l ion whi le foreigners spent $17.8 bi l l ion or 34%

    In 2002, Total tour ism Gross Domest ic Product (GDP) reached $23.0 bi l l ion or 2.0% increase over 2001

    In 2002, foreigners made 20.0 mi l l ion overnight t r ips to Canada, a 2.0% increase over 2001 In 2002, Amer icans took 16.2 mi l l ion t r ips or 3.8% addi t ional t r ips compared to a 5.3% decrease by overseas


    In 2002, Canada s i n te rnat i onal t ravel account de f i c it , was a t 1 .9 b i l l i on . For the f i r st t ime, t he def i c i t w i ththe Uni ted Stat es was lower t han the def ic i t w i t h t he overseas cont r ies.

    For f urt her St at ist ics and Market Research studies, vi sit t he Canadian Tourism Commi ssion

    websi t e a t :

    h t t p : / / www .canadatou r i c tx / app / en / ca/ sta t sf i

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    Tourism 19Niagara Falls, Canada Community Profile

    Tourism Relat ed Cont act s

    Business Development Department

    Cit y of Niagara Falls4310 Queen Street

    P. O. Box 1023

    Niagar a Fall s, ON L2E 6X5

    905-356-7521 ext . 5000

    h t t p : / / www .n iaga rafa l l s. ca

    Niagara Falls Tour ism

    5515 St anle y Ave.Niagar a Fall s, ON L2G 3X4


    h t tp : / / www .n iaga rafa l l stou r i

    Niagara Economic Development


    2201 St . David's Road, P. O. Box 1042

    Thor ol d, ON CANADA L2V 4T7

    Business Development / Trade Inquir i es:

    Tel. 905 685 1308, Fax. 905 688 5907

    Tourism Inquir i es:

    Tel. 905 945 5444, Fax. 905 945 3078

    h t t p : / / www .n iaga

    ht t p : / / www . tou r i smn iaga

    The Niagara Parks Commission

    Box 150

    Niagara Falls, Ontario

    L2E 6T2


    h t tp : / / www .n iaga

    Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Recreation

    9t h f l oor, 900 Bay St reet

    Toront o, Ont ario M7A 2R9

    h t t p : / / www . tou r i

    Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership


    10th Floor, Hearst Block

    900 Bay St ree t

    Toronto, Ontar io

    Canada M7A 2E1h t tp : / / www . tou r i smpartne rs. com

    Canadian Tourism Commission

    55 Met calf e St reet

    Suite 600

    Ott awa, Ontari o K1P 6L5


    h t t p : / / www .canadatou r i

    Statistics Canada

    Tourism St at ist ics Program

    Room 2100

    Main Buildi ng

    Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0T6


    h t t p : / / w w w . st a t c an . ca