N N i i h h o o n n g g o o I I n n s s t t r r u u c c t t o o r r C C l l u u b b Learn Japanese FAST in comfortable surroundings with our experienced teachers. Whether beginner or advanced, seeking comprehensive lessons, conversation or business Japanese, we customize lessons just for YOU! Tokyo – Saitama – Chiba – Kanagawa Nihongo Instructor Club Tel: 03-3454-5002 Web: www.nicjapanese.com 048-267-4539 Email: [email protected]

Nihongo Instructor Club - NIC-Japanese Language … · Nihongo Instructor Club Learn Japanese FAST in comfortable surroundings with our experienced teachers. Whether beginner or advanced,

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Page 1: Nihongo Instructor Club - NIC-Japanese Language … · Nihongo Instructor Club Learn Japanese FAST in comfortable surroundings with our experienced teachers. Whether beginner or advanced,

NNiihhoonnggoo IInnssttrruuccttoorr


LLeeaarrnn JJaappaanneessee FFAASSTT iinn ccoommffoorrttaabbllee

ssuurrrroouunnddiinnggss wwiitthh oouurr eexxppeerriieenncceedd tteeaacchheerrss.. WWhheetthheerr bbeeggiinnnneerr oorr aaddvvaanncceedd,, sseeeekkiinngg

ccoommpprreehheennssiivvee lleessssoonnss,, ccoonnvveerrssaattiioonn oorr bbuussiinneessss JJaappaanneessee,, wwee ccuussttoommiizzee lleessssoonnss jjuusstt ffoorr YYOOUU!!

TTookkyyoo –– SSaaiittaammaa –– CChhiibbaa –– KKaannaaggaawwaa

NNiihhoonnggoo IInnssttrruuccttoorr CClluubb TTeell:: 0033--33445544--55000022 WWeebb:: wwwwww..nniiccjjaappaanneessee..ccoomm 048-267-4539 EEmmaaiill:: iinnffoo@@nniiccjjaappaanneessee..ccoomm

Page 2: Nihongo Instructor Club - NIC-Japanese Language … · Nihongo Instructor Club Learn Japanese FAST in comfortable surroundings with our experienced teachers. Whether beginner or advanced,

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Nihongo Instructor Club w.nicjapanese.com Web: ww

Tel: 03-3454-5002 [email protected]



AAbboouutt NNIICC – What makes NIC so effective …………………………………… 22 BBeeggiinnnneerr CCoouurrsseess – Customized courses …………………………………… 33 IInntt..//AAddvv.. LLeessssoonnss – Including JETRO prep. …………………………………… 44 FFeeeess – Fees up to 50% less, & how we do it …………………………………… 55 TTeeaacchheerrss && SSttuuddeennttss – “Matching method” …………………………………… 66 SSttuuddeenntt’’ss WWoorrdd – What students are saying …………………………………… 77 CCoonnttaacctt UUss – We’re waiting to hear from you! …………………………………… 88


Page 3: Nihongo Instructor Club - NIC-Japanese Language … · Nihongo Instructor Club Learn Japanese FAST in comfortable surroundings with our experienced teachers. Whether beginner or advanced,

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Nihongo Instructor Club Web: www.nicjapanese.com

Tel: 03-3454-5002 Email: [email protected]



NNiihhoonnggoo IInnssttrruuccttoorr CClluubb (NNIICC) is an organization of professional Japanese teachers with extensive teaching experience and qualifications, serving the Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa areas. NNIICC teachers travel to you to hold lessons in comfortable surroundings at a place and time of YYoouurr CChhoooossiinngg. Lessons are private (one-on-one) or can be small group lessons of 2 to 5 people.

What makes NNIICC so effective and different from the rest?

Our teachers CCoommee ttoo YYoouu at your home, office or any place of your choosing in the areas we serve

Our fees are up to HHaallff of other schools

Our teachers use proven VViissuuaall MMeemmoorryy teaching methods

Our teachers are all BBiilliinngguuaall ensuring clear English explanations and effective beginner level courses

Our language lessons are CCuussttoommiizzeedd for you and your individual goals

Our lessons are FFuunn so you enjoy learning! NNIICC Japanese language school uses special visual teaching methods for beginners to guarantee fast improvement of your Japanese speaking skills. Our teachers understand that each student learns differently, and NNIICC has extensive experience teaching all ages, levels and cultural backgrounds. A teacher will be “MMaattcchheedd” to you and remain your teacher throughout your studies so continuity is guaranteed! NNIICC presents lessons that are FFuunn aanndd EEaassyy to understand for all levels of skill. We want to help you not only learn Japanese, but also gain an understanding of Japanese people and culture. NNIICC l aspects of Japan and teachers are able to teach culturaanswer any questions you may have. We want you to enjoy your time in Japan!

boouutt NNIICC

Page 4: Nihongo Instructor Club - NIC-Japanese Language … · Nihongo Instructor Club Learn Japanese FAST in comfortable surroundings with our experienced teachers. Whether beginner or advanced,

Pg 3

Nihongo Instructor Club Web: www.nicjapanese.com

Tel: 03-3454-5002 Email: [email protected]


NNIICC teaches its beginner courses using the “JJaappaanneessee ffoorr BBuussyy PPeeooppllee” teaching methodology and highly acclaimed texts. The Japanese for Busy People teaching system is designed to teach students the most important, as well as “proper”, Japanese for communication in the least amount of time.

11)) LLeevveell 11:: JJaappaanneessee ffoorr BBuussyy PPeeooppllee II 60 Hours - (Book 1) 30 Chapters, 700 Vocabulary Topics revolve around real life situations. Students will be able to go shopping by themselves, place an order at a restaurant, pay a visit, travel and make a reservation without relying on others for help. Words and phrases necessary for daily life will be taught. Students will be able to read and write Hiragana and Katakana. 22)) LLeevveell 22:: JJaappaanneessee ffoorr BBuussyy PPeeooppllee IIII 120 Hours - (Book 2) 20 Chapters, 240 Kanji Complex sentences will be introduced. Students will be able to speak to others and be able to understand what is said to them. Students will be able to say what they are thinking or feeling. During the second half of Book 2, students will suddenly find themselves making fast progress in spoken Japanese. Kanji will also be introduced. 33)) LLeevveell 33:: JJaappaanneessee ffoorr BBuussyy PPeeooppllee IIIIII 120 Hours - (Book 3) 20 Chapters Students will be able to use natural Japanese, and be able to say what they want with feeling. The ability of the student to put what they have learned into practice will improve. Students will also be able to use honorific language appropriately. (Completion of Book 3 should enable students to pass Japanese Proficiency Test Level 3.) BBaassiicc JJaappaanneessee CCoonnvveerrssaattiioonn 10 One Hour Lessons -|OR|- 20 One Hour Lessons An introduction to the basics such as: greetings, shopping, traveling, visiting the hospital, eating out, etc. Students will be able to make use of what they learn in their daily life straight away.

BBeeggiinnnneerr CCoouurrsseess

Page 5: Nihongo Instructor Club - NIC-Japanese Language … · Nihongo Instructor Club Learn Japanese FAST in comfortable surroundings with our experienced teachers. Whether beginner or advanced,

Pg 4

Nihongo Instructor Club Web: www.nicjapanese.com

Tel: 03-3454-5002 Email: [email protected]



ent. Each intermediate and advanced Japanese language courses are carefully

designed and tailored to meet the needs of each individual studcourse will be constructed with goal agreement between the student and teacher, with overall objective being progress towards “NNaattiivvee SSppeeaakkiinngg”. 11)) CCoonnvveerrssaattiioonn CCoouurrsseess –– IInntt.. && AAddvvaanncceedd Courses focus on further advancing the student’s Japanese communication ability through listening and speaking. Vocabulary will be expanded and “native speaking” will be emphasized. 22)) BBuussiinneessss JJaappaanneessee Course is designed especially for business people who want to focus on vocabulary and phrases necessary to function smoothly in a Japanese working environment. The aim is to improve overall communication ability in the Japanese business world. Business customs and etiquette are also taught in detail. ** KKaannjjii cchhaarraacctteerr ssttuuddyy, reading and writing, can be included in the courses at any level depending on student desire. JJEETTRROO TTeesstt PPrreeppaarraattoorryy CCoouurrssee The JETRO Business Japanese Proficiency Test is designed to objectively evaluate the proficiency of non-native speakers in using the Japanese language for business communication (Levels 1, 2 & 3). NNIICC offers a three month preparatory course leading up to the annual September test. JJaappaanneessee PPrrooffiicciieennccyy TTeesstt PPrreeppaarraattoorryy CCoouurrssee The Japanese Language Proficiency Test is designed to evaluate and certify the general language proficiency of non-native speakers of Japanese (Levels 1, 2, 3 & 4). NNIICC offers a preparatory course aimed at ensuring the student passes the annual December test.

IInntteerrmmeeddiiaattee // AAddvvaanncceedd LLeessssoonnss

Page 6: Nihongo Instructor Club - NIC-Japanese Language … · Nihongo Instructor Club Learn Japanese FAST in comfortable surroundings with our experienced teachers. Whether beginner or advanced,

Pg 5

Nihongo Instructor Club Web: www.nicjapanese.com

Tel: 03-3454-5002 Email: [email protected]


NNIICC offers exceptional value with the most reasonable course course fees. Our teachers CCoommee ttoo YYoouu at your home, office or any place of your choosing in the areas we serve. This way you only pay for high quality class time with one of our excellent teachers on staff!

[5% Tax included: less than 10 yen cut off] Revised 2005/08/21

(The JETRO Test preparation course costs 5,250 yen per hour per person.)

** No free trial lesson for JETRO Test Preparation course and 10 or 20 lesson Basic Japanese Conversation courses ** Transportation fee of up to 1,000 yen per class will also be charged, divisible by number of students per class **** NNOO EEnnttrraannccee FFeeee!!

All fees in Japanese ¥

1 Person

2 People

3 People

4 People

5 People

11 HHoouurr (price/person) 44,,220000 33,,115500 22,,660000 22,,220000 11,,778800

11 HHoouurr (price/group) 44,,220000 66,,330000 77,,880000 88,,880000 88,,990000

11..55 HHoouurrss (price/person) 66,,009900 44,,220000 33,,440000 22,,880000 22,,331100

1.5 Hours (price/group) 66,,009900 88,,440000 1100,,220000 1111,,220000 1111,,555500

22 HHoouurrss (price/person) 77,,887700 55,,225500 44,,220000 33,,330000 22,,770000

22 HHoouurrss (price/group) 77,,887700 1100,,550000 1122,,660000 1133,,220000 1133,,550000


Page 7: Nihongo Instructor Club - NIC-Japanese Language … · Nihongo Instructor Club Learn Japanese FAST in comfortable surroundings with our experienced teachers. Whether beginner or advanced,

Pg 6

Nihongo Instructor Club Web: www.nicjapanese.com

Tel: 03-3454-5002 Email: [email protected]


NNIICC teachers have a wide breadth of teaching experience with large companies, small companies, businessmen, full-time students, part-time enthusiasts and more in numerous countries worldwide. All of our teachers speak English and lessons in other native languages, such as French, German, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and more, can be provided on request. One of our teachers will be “MMaattcchheedd” to you based on personality, goals, skill level and country of origin, and will remain your teacher throughout your studies so continuity is guaranteed!

What makes NNIICC teachers and instruction so exceptional?

All teachers are CCeerrttiiffiieedd to teach using the Japanese for Busy People method

All teachers have a MMiinniimmuumm ooff 88 YYeeaarrss experience teaching Japanese in more than 36 countries

All teachers are BBiilliinngguuaall, speaking English for effective beginner level courses and clear explanations

All teachers use VViissuuaall MMeemmoorryy teaching methods that speed the learning process and aid in memory retention

All teachers CCaarree about your progress and about making classes fun so you’ll enjoy learning

VViissuuaall MMeemmoorryy LLeeaarrnniinngg NNIICC teachers use a proven teaching method relying on “vviissuuaall mmeemmoorryy“ to help you learn faster and remember more. Our lessons will use everything from props, photos, menus, puzzles, games to even toys! Sound silly?... Well, it works! AND IT’S FUN!! The goal is to enjoy what you learn and remember it. LLeessssoonnss aatt YYOOUURR PPaaccee All courses and lessons are customized to suit the goals and capabilities of each student. All of our teachers at NNIICC understand very well that different students learn at different paces and often in different ways! Through teacher-student “mmaattcchhiinngg” your instructor will get to know YYOOUU and keep you on a successful course.

TTeeaacchheerrss && SSttuuddeennttss

Page 8: Nihongo Instructor Club - NIC-Japanese Language … · Nihongo Instructor Club Learn Japanese FAST in comfortable surroundings with our experienced teachers. Whether beginner or advanced,

Pg 7

Nihongo Instructor Club Web: www.nicjapanese.com

Tel: 03-3454-5002 Email: [email protected]


NNIICC offers fun and truly effective Japanese language lessons at fees up to “HHAALLFF” that of other language schools. But don’t take our word for it… Read below what students are saying about their experience with NNIICC. HHeerree’’ss jjuusstt aa ssaammppllee ooff wwhhaatt oouurr ssttuuddeennttss aarree ssaayyiinngg::

LLaarraa MMaarrttiinn ((EEnngglliisshh tteeaacchheerr,, aaggee 3366)) I came from England to live in Japan with my husband 9 years ago. I didn't really know what my level was because during my 9 years here I had picked up various Japanese words and phrases, but had never studied formally for any length of time. Anyway, I underwent a level check with NIC. It turned out I was a mixture of levels, so they designed a course to suit my

needs exactly! And the lessons are great. I learn so much every time. I REALLY RECOMMEND NIC! RRoonn EElllleerrssoonn ((BBuussiinneessssmmaann,, aaggee 2299)) My company in America sent me to work in Japan. My company had a contract with a company that provides Japanese teachers, so I started studying with them. But the teachers taught totally in Japanese, without using any English, and I couldn't understand at all. And every time I had a different teacher. After about ten classes I couldn't stand it anymore, and I contacted NIC. I have been very happy with all my NIC lessons. The preparation my NIC teacher puts into her lessons is incredible. She makes kanji cards and uses various pictures to help me understand. I am sure she must spend more time in preparation than she does in teaching me. MY TWO HOUR LESSON IS ALWAYS SO MUCH FUN! CCrraaiigg FFrraahhmm ((BBuussiinneessssmmaann,, aaggee 3355))

I moved to Japan as a business expatriate accompanied by my wife, who is Japanese. I brought with me a strong desire to learn Japan’s culture and language. I discovered there are hundreds of “recognized” Japanese language schools and sadly attended 3 different schools before finally discovering NIC. The other schools, all well-known, kept changing teachers on me,

could not provide adequate English explanations and simply made learning Japanese feel like a second job. When I found NIC I could not believe how much cheaper their private classes were and how much fun I was having each lesson! My teacher is fantastic and my Japanese has dramatically improved. I’ve been with NIC for a year and a half now and THANKS TO NIC, THERE IS NO NEED TO EVER LOOK ELSEWHERE!

SSttuuddeenntt’’ss WWoorrdd

Page 9: Nihongo Instructor Club - NIC-Japanese Language … · Nihongo Instructor Club Learn Japanese FAST in comfortable surroundings with our experienced teachers. Whether beginner or advanced,

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Nihongo Instructor Club Web: www.nicjapanese.com

Tel: 03-3454-5002 Email: [email protected]

NIC Please contact us for more information or to arrange for your FFrreeee TTrriiaall LLeessssoonn. We are happy to answer any questions that you may have, and we look forward to meeting you! Let us prepare a Japanese course that is just right for you, with classes that meet on YYoouurr schedule. From everyone at NNIICC, ““LLeett’’ss hhaavvee ffuunn ssttuuddyyiinngg JJaappaanneessee!!”

NNiihhoonnggoo IInnssttrruuccttoorr CClluubb NNIICC OOffffiiccee

GGrraannddmmaaiissoonn AAzzaabbuu IIcchhiinnoohhaasshhii NNoo.. 220055 22--2200--1100 AAzzaabbuu jjyyuuuubbaann MMiinnaattoo--kkuu TTookkyyoo

TTEELL :: 0033--33445544--55000022

EEmmaaiill:: iinnffoo@@nniiccjjaappaanneessee..ccoomm

CCoonnttaacctt UUss