PHYSICAL REVIEW D VOLUME 22, NUMBER 11 1 DECEMBER 1980 N~nlept~nic decays of charm mesons A. I. Sanda Rockefeller Univerrity, New York, New York 10021 (Received 25 February 1980; revised manuscript received 5 May 1980) We investigate the possibility that both nonleptonic strange-particle and charm-particle decays can be understood in terms of one effective nonleptonic Elamiltonian N,,=H,+H,,,. H, is a usuzl four-fermion current-current interaction term and the H,,, is the color-radius interaction term. The color-radius interaction is known to explain the A1 = 1/2 rule in strange-particle decays. The effects of H,,, as well as those of final-state interaction on two-body charm-meson decays are examined. The theory is in qualitative agreement with all measured branching ratios. Predictions for charm-meson decays into two pseudoscalar mesons are presented. I. INTRODUCTION It has been over 20 years since the hI =+ rule to describe the nonleptonic decays of hyperons and K mesons was introduced.' Hundreds of papers have been written attempting to describe the ori- gin of the amazingly successful rule. Recently, a very simple and natural explanation of the A1 =+ rule was put forth by Shifman, Vainshtein, and Zakharov.' They have shown that the short-dis- tance behavior of the strangeness-changing effect- ive four-fermion interaction computed from the Lagrangian ~=CQFD +&QCD (1) possesses a term which is purely A1 =$ [~n what follows, we shall refer to thls interac- tion a s color-radius (COR) interactlonj and that the contribution from this term to the decay am- plitude is large for strange-particle decays. Here CQFD is the Lagrangian for the Weinberg-Salam model [quantum flavor dynamics (QFD)] with quark multiplets U C - s ~0.~0, + d sin8, and CQ,, is the Lagrangian for quantum chromo- dynamics (QCD). Indeed the effective Hamiltonian which follows from the Lagrangian given in (1) is capable of explaining all two-body decays of K mesons and hyperons. It is interesting to attempt to extend the theore- tical considerations to describe decays of D me- sons. Also, it is important to understand the role of these new interactions before a detailed test of gQ,, is made for AC# O decays. Unfortunately, urtlike in the case of K decays, the strength of COR interaction for D decays cannot be computed reliably. While the COR interaction for K-meson decay is short range, (IIM,), compared to the Compton wavelength of the K meson, the COR in- teraction for D-meson decay is long range, (LIM, ), compared to the Compton wavelength of the D me- son. This invalidates the use of the operator- product expansion and renormalization-group equation in obtaining the strength of COR interac- tion for D decays. In this paper, we consider nonleptonic charm- meson decays. In order to remedy the sbove-men- tioned difficulty, we extract the general features of COR interactions by examining the structure of Feynman diagrams which contributes to the interaction. We then parametrize the strength of the interaction and determine the parameter from the experimental ratio r(Da - K'K-)/r(DO- st s'). Predictions for various two-body decays of pseu- doscalar charm mesons are given. The import- ance of the COK interaction as well as the validity of the parametrization used rest on the varifica- tion of these predictions. A number of authors have considered two-body decays of charm particles from various points of view, for example, free-quark model with QCD corrections,' SU(3) together with heavy-quark mi~ing.~-~ The following summarizes the differ- ence between this investigation and earlier ones. We have included contributions from the color- radius intera~tion~'~ (see Sec. 111). We have used an approximation (see Sec. IV) to compute all rel- evant reduced matrix elements. We have estima- ted the effect of heavy -quark mixing and concluded that it is negligible within our framework (see Appendix B). And finally me have included effects of final-state interactions. Our results are tabulated in Tables 1-111. We are hopeful that the effective Hamiltonian based on the Lagrangian given in (1) offers a unified under- standing of nonleptonic K decays, hyperon decays, and charm-meson decays. While it is not yet con- clusive, our picture is in satisfactory agreement with experiments. Further experimental studies of D decays are crucial in understanding the the- ory of nonleptonic decays. Decays of particular

Nonleptonic decays of charm mesons

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P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W D V O L U M E 2 2 , N U M B E R 1 1 1 D E C E M B E R 1 9 8 0

N ~ n l e p t ~ n i c decays of charm mesons

A. I. Sanda Rockefeller Univerrity, New York, New York 10021

(Received 25 February 1980; revised manuscript received 5 May 1980)

We investigate the possibility that both nonleptonic strange-particle and charm-particle decays can be understood in terms of one effective nonleptonic Elamiltonian N,,=H,+H,,, . H , is a usuzl four-fermion current-current interaction term and the H,,, is the color-radius interaction term. The color-radius interaction is known to explain the A1 = 1/2 rule in strange-particle decays. The effects of H,,, as well as those of final-state interaction on two-body charm-meson decays are examined. The theory is in qualitative agreement with all measured branching ratios. Predictions for charm-meson decays into two pseudoscalar mesons are presented.


It h a s been over 20 y e a r s s ince the hI = + rule t o descr ibe the nonleptonic decays of hyperons and K mesons was introduced.' Hundreds of papers have been written attempting to descr ibe the or i - gin of the amazingly successful rule . Recently, a very s imple and natural explanation of the A 1 = + ru le was put for th by Shifman, Vainshtein, and Zakharov.' They have shown that the short-dis- tance behavior of the strangeness-changing effect- ive four-fermion interaction computed f r o m the Lagrangian

~ = C Q F D +&QCD (1)

possesses a t e r m which is purely A1 =$ [ ~ n what follows, we shal l r e f e r t o thls interac- tion a s color-radius (COR) interactlonj and that the contribution f r o m th i s t e r m t o the decay a m - plitude i s l a r g e f o r s t range-part ic le decays. Here CQFD is the Lagrangian f o r the Weinberg-Salam model [quantum flavor dynamics (QFD)] with quark multiplets


- s ~ 0 . ~ 0 , + d sin8,

and CQ,, is the Lagrangian f o r quantum chromo- dynamics (QCD). Indeed the effective Hamiltonian which follows f r o m the Lagrangian given in (1) is capable of explaining a l l two-body decays of K mesons and hyperons.

It is interesting t o attempt to extend the theore- t ical considerations t o descr ibe decays of D me- sons. Also, it is important to understand the role of these new interactions before a detailed tes t of gQ,, i s made f o r AC# O decays. Unfortunately, urtlike in the c a s e of K decays, the s t rength of COR interaction f o r D decays cannot be computed reliably. While the COR interaction f o r K-meson decay i s short range, ( I I M , ) , compared t o the Compton wavelength of the K meson, the COR in-

teract ion f o r D-meson decay i s long range, ( L I M , ), compared t o the Compton wavelength of the D me- son. This invalidates the use of the operator- product expansion and renormalization-group equation in obtaining the strength of COR interac- tion f o r D decays.

In th i s paper , we consider nonleptonic charm- meson decays. In o r d e r to remedy the sbove-men- tioned difficulty, we extract the general fea tures of COR interact ions by examining the s t ruc ture of Feynman d iagrams which contributes to the interaction. We then paramet r ize the strength of the interaction and determine the parameter f r o m the experimental rat io r ( D a - K ' K - ) / r ( D O - st s'). Predict ions f o r various two-body decays of pseu- doscalar c h a r m mesons a r e given. The import- ance of the COK interaction a s well a s the validity of the parametr izat ion used r e s t on the varifica- tion of these predictions.

A number of authors have considered two-body decays of c h a r m part ic les f rom various points of view, f o r example, f ree-quark model with QCD corrections, ' SU(3) together with heavy-quark m i ~ i n g . ~ - ~ The following summar izes the differ- ence between this investigation and e a r l i e r ones. We have included contributions f rom the color- radius i n t e r a ~ t i o n ~ ' ~ (see Sec. 111). We have used a n approximation ( see Sec. IV) to compute al l r e l - evant reduced matr ix elements . We have est ima- ted the effect of heavy -quark mixing and concluded that it i s negligible within our framework ( see Appendix B). And finally me have included effects of final-state interactions.

Our resu l t s a r e tabulated in Tables 1-111. We a r e hopeful that the effective Hamiltonian based on the Lagrangian given in (1) offers a unified under- standing of nonleptonic K decays, hyperon decays, and charm-meson decays. While it i s not yet con- clusive, our picture i s i n sat isfactory agreement with experiments. Fur ther experimental s tudies of D decays a r e crucial in understanding the the- o ry of nonleptonic decays. Decays of par t icular

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22 - N O N L E P T O N I C D E C A Y S O F C H A R M M E S O N S

interest a r e Experimentally this decay is not forbiddenlo:

Careful measurements of branching ratios for these decays will be crucial in understanding non- ieptonlc decays.

In Sec. I1 we discuss some puzzles which we en- counter if decays a r e analyzed with a free-quark model. In Sec. I11 we discuss the nonleptonic ef- fective Hamiltonian. In Sec. IV, we discuss a procedure used to evaluate matrix elements of current-current operators. In Sec. V we discuss an evaluation of matrix elements for H,,. In Sec. VI we discuss numerical results . In Sec. VII we discuss a relationship between the COR inter- actions for K and D decays. In Sec. VIII we state our conclusion. In Appendix A we discuss effects of final-state interaction on the decay amplitudes. In Appendix B we discuss effects of heavy-quark mixing. In Appendix C we present a theoretical estimate of the COR interaction strength. In Ap- pendix D we present details of the calculation which leads to H,,, presented in Sec. 111.


Consider the standard Weinberg-Salam model with doublets of quarks given in (2). If the strong interaction i s ignored, the following effective four-fermion interactions can be derived from the Hamiltonian:

H & =* sine, c o s ~ ( ~ u ) ( ~ d ) + ~ . c . , 4-2

Unless otherwise stated (qlq,) (i&q,)=&y,y-q2ij3ypy. y* = i(l + y,). If physics can be deduced naively from this Hamiltonian, we immediately encounter many puzzles.

Puzzle 1. H~~ given in (4) does not have a mechanism for suppression of K+- r+irO, a purely AI = % transition. Experimentally, this decay is highly forbiddenx0:

(D' -ROKK') -4.9 (experiment), (7) r (D+ -Ron' ) sin2Bc

B(DO-K"n+) *, ---- B(D' - ~ o n ' ) 1-33 (experiment)

[sin28, in (7) i s introduced to adjust fo r the fact that D' -ROK+ i s expected to be suppressed by sin20, compared to Cabibbo--allowed decays]. Why do D decays violate the AI = rule?

Puzzle 3. It i s easily seen that the operators which multiply cos28,, sine, cosQ,, and sin2@, in Hnc of (4) form a U-spin triplet. Since ( T ' , K ' ) form a U-spin doublet the relation r (DO -v+vm) = r (DO - K+K'-) immediately follows. Expesiment- ally this relation i s violatedlO:

Why do D decays violate the U-sfiin symmetry? PuZZbe 4. The Hamiltonian given in (4) and a

naive quark-model calculation of the matrix ele- ment leads us to conclude that"

the amplitude for Do-KOrO i s suppressed by a factor of from the Clebsch-Gordan coefficient and by a factor of 3 from the color factor. The experimental resultlo for this rat io is =I. Why do D decays contradict the naive quark-model prediction?


In this section, we discuss t h e effective Ham- iltonian density for charm-changing nonleptonic decay with specific application to two-body decays of charm meson in mind. Consider the once-Ca- bibbo-suppressed AC + 0 Ilamlltonian in the ab- sence of the strong interaction:

( a ) ( b ) (6)

FIG. 1. The leading-order QCD corrections to co- efficient functions of the short-distance expansion. (a)

Why do K decays obey the A1 = i rule? Diagrams contributing to the coefficient functions in Puzzle 2. If the AI =+ rule i s applicable to the (12a) and (12b). (b) The COR interaction gjving r ise to

charm decays, the decay D+ -ROT+ i s forbidden. the coefficient function ( 1 2 ~ ) .

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It is well known that the strong-interaction cor rec t ions , fo r example those shown in Fig. l ( a ) , lead to correct ions of ~ ( a , l n ~ , ~ / p ~ ) and that when these cor rec t ions a r e summed, the Hamiltonian density becomesll


b = 11 - 2 / 3 N f , Nf is the number of quarks with iWq < M,. Similarly,

It should be kept in mind that only the cor rec t ions which a r e dominant a t shor t distance, leading t e r m s in powers of l n ~ , ' / p ' , have been kept. The ignored t e r m s may be of the s a m e order of magnitude a s the nonperturbative effects which cannot be computed reliably. The uncertainties introduced by ignoring the long-distance interac- tion a r e expected to be l e s s than 25%.

Other opera tors which might contribute to the effective Hamiltonian can be determined by study- ing the perturbation expansion of the charm-quark decay amplitude in powers of a,. In analogy with the K-decay amplitude discussed in Ref. 2, the


COR interaction, shown in Fig. 1 (b), contributes to c h a r m decays. Unlike in the s-quark decay amplitude, the amplitude f o r c-quark decay cannot be computed reliably. Consider the interaction in coordinate space a s shown in Fig. 2. The dis tances between points x,. . . ,x4 a r e a s follows:

Since ix , - x , / is l a r g e compared to the Compton wavelength of the decaying part ic le , the COR in- teract ion h a s a long-distance range.

In addition to the diagram shown in Fig. l ( b ) , a l l d iagrams of the fo rm of Fig. 3 contribute to the interaction. Such a diagram can be written in gen- e r a l a s

sinec c o s 8, - M - ~ ( ~ ' ) y + y ~ O " l a " ' j"nyay-


where ~ l ' l * . . ~ , Pn and 0 ' ~ 1 ~ - " * !+ a r e operators

consisting of propagators and vertex factors , and ?'a1. . . , Q,, and ~ ' 0 , ~ . . . a n a r e operators in color space. In Appendix C, we show that M c a n be written a s

where F:(q2), F: (q2) a r e f o r m factors . In the s a m e appendix, we a l so show that the amplitude M c a n be generated by an effective Hamiltonian:

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FIG. 2. The color-radius interaction in the coordinate FIG. 3. The general structure of color-radius space. interactions.

where Vf and V; a r e Fourier t ransforms of F,8 (q2) and F: (q2), respectively! representing potentials for nonlocal interactions. In contrast to the complicated nonlocal effective Hamiltonian, a local one i s extremely simple. For example, ~ $ 0 " ~ i s obtained by the following substitutions:

V;(X -Y) -0 for i+1,

V:(x-y)-0 for al l i ,

The cos9, sine, transition i s thus given by an ef- fective Hamiltonian

where H,"; and H$ER a r e given in Eqs. (12) and

(17), respectively. At f i r s t sight H$&(x) s eems hopelessly com-

plicated. A close examination of (171, however, shows that for pseudoscalar-charm-meson decays to two pseudoscalar mesons, the effective Ham- iltonian takes on a very simple form. We shall s ee this in Sec. V and in Appendix C.


Cabibbo-allowed amplitudes can be determined by taking matrix elements of H:: given in (13). Here we will consider the decay D+ -ROT+ a s an example, and describe a simple approximation fo r evaluating the matrix element. The final-state interaction between two mesons a t center-of-mass energy M , modifies the matrix element consider- ably. This will be considered below. For the time being, we ignore the final-state interaction and obtain

where we have approximated the matrix element by saturating it by the lowest intermediate state. This approximation will be refer red to a s the vacuum saturation approximation. Using

(n'lG(0)~ "Y, 4 0 ) / 0) =ip;fr,

(n+ ~ G ( O ) Y ~ ~ ( O ) ~ D + ) = i l ( ~ , +P,)"f+

+(PD -~,)"f-l, and SU(3) symmetry we obtain

where we have ignored t e rms of O ( M K 2 / ~ D 2 ) . It is shown in Appendix A that the final-state in- teraction modifies the amplitudes for

(PP)27-plet, 'e' (PP)octet, and '0- (PP)8ing1et amplitudes by multiplicative factors

respectively. The le t te rs P and PC stand for a pseudoscalar meson and a charm meson, r e - spectively. Also, a = - 1 GeV, r, = - 1.76 GeV-', y =0.575 GeV, M , =1.42 GeV, and

We then obtain


This amplitude is related to the decay r a t e by

This can be compared to the semileptonic decayL2

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281% A . I . S A N D A 22 -

r(D'-Bon) ] '" ~ 0 . 5 6 (experiment 0.36 10.29) L ( D + - Koe+v)

This i s in a sat.isfactory agreement with experi- ment, In p a ~ s i n p we nv+c hbai the? frrc quark - model prediction (c+62,, = 1 ) for the rat io i s 1.8. The short -distance correction and the final-state - interaction correction a r e c, =0.50 and / Q,, / ~ 0 . 5 4 , respectively. Other amplitudes can be computed in the same manner. It is convenient to present our results in t e rms of reduced rnatrix elements defined 1n13 Ref. 6 ,

s = ( ~ , / f ( ~ ) = - ~ c - n , ,

E=(P,/~-?% 18) =$c+n, ,

F = ( P ~ / Z * 18) =+(c+ +c-)n8, (27)

G = ( P , I : * I ~ ) = ~ ( c + + c - ) s ~ , , T = { P ~ I ~ I ~ ~ ) = & C + ~ ~ ~ - ~

In Table I we give the amplitudes in t e rms of the reduced matrur elements,

V. codc sinec AMPLITUDES

The once -Cabibbo-suppressed amplitude can be obtained by taking a matrix element of

AC = H A C +NAC *cs ocs COR

given in Eqs. (12), (17'). and (18). Matrix elements of HRC", can be evaluated in the manner described in Sec. IV. Matrix elements of H;:, require a further discussion. We shall evaluate ( K ' K - ~ H ~ ~ (Do) a s an example. F i r s t note that ~z~ with the ordering of the quark field a s shown in (17) has a vanishing matrix element in the vacilum saturation approximation. This i s because each t e rm in HZ, i s a prodact of two operators which a r e color octets. The contribution to the matrix element comes from the Fierz-transformed ordering of H%,. Denote / x, ,x , ,X;P) a s a state

TABLE I. Amplitudes for charm-meson decays i n t o kvo pseudoscalar particles. These amplitudes which a r e proportional to and sin2bc are not affected by the COR ihteraction. See Ref. 13 for conventions. --


D 0 - - ~ - r ' [ Z T + (E- $1 cos2Qc

D O - - O 0 K n 1 - [3T- ( E - 31 cas2.1c

gO-KOriO - 1 fi [3T- (E - 91 C O S ~ B ~

D f - KOn+ -5T cos2ec

F t & - O t K K [ZT + ( E + S ) I cos2eC

F +- ria+ (+)i '2[3~- (E- 91 ~ 0 s ~ ~ ~

D o - ~ + n - [2T+ (I?-S)] sin28,

D O - K O T " 1 - [3T- (E - S)] sin20c JZ

D ~ - K " V O I - a [3T- ( E - ~ ) l s i n ~ Q ~

D +--K~IT+ - [ 2 ~ + (E +s)] sin2Qc

D + - K + V O 1 -- iiT [W- ( E + s ) ] s i 1 1 ~ 8 ~

of pseudoscalar meson a t position X and valence quarks q, and & at x, and x,, ~.espectively, and / ~ ; p ) a s an on-shell P state with momentum P . We have shown in Appendix C that

x { K - ; y , x ,x- IE(x)q(y) / 0 ) 1-(8- (28)

where Gy(x - y ) and G;(X - y) a r e functions which can be written in t e rms of VS(x -y), and (8 - 1) denotes

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replacing 8 by 1 representing the singlet interaction in (17). Now compare this result with the short-dis- tance limit which can be obtained by setting

G ~ ( x - y ) = $ ~ : ( x - y ) = 6 ~ ( x - y ) . , G ~ ( x - ~ ) = & G ~ ( x - ~ ) = - ~ ~ ~ ( x - ~ ) ,

Since H;g,(x) and [HAC(x)],, have similar Lorentz structures and exactly the same flavor-SU(3) structure, it i s reasonable to assume

where f i s independent of SU(3) indices a and b . In principle, the dependence on external masses may a r i s e from the detail s tructure of the wave functions. We expect such an effect to be much smaller than the e r r o r introduced in using the vacuum saturation approximation.

The matrix element of H,, given in (28) can be reproduced by a simple effective Hamiltonian,

where K~ and K~ a r e parameters to be obtained from experiments. After performing the Fierz transfor- mation we obtain

where K = K ~ +:K'. All other t e rms do not con- tribute to the matrix element since they involve either color-octet currents or flavor-singlet cur - rents. It i s easily seen that the particular linear combination of K, and K, denoted by K appears for a l l matrix elements of H,,, between a charm meson and two-octet pseudoscalar -meson states. Thus a l l D and F decays into two psuedoscalar mesons can be described in t e rms of one para- meter K. The scalar and pseudoscalar matrix element in (30) can be obtained a s follows:

given in (30) contains a t e rm of the form Gy-ciZy+u which gives r i s e to a matrix element (an /iZu 1 0)(0 I ay5c / 0). For the K-decay analysis,' this type of annihilation diagram played a crucial role. We have no reliable way to estimate this contribution for D decay. We argue however that the an form factor falls rapidly. For example, a t q2 =mD2, Fy(mD2) -mp2/(mD2 -mp2) - $. Also, the scalar form factor may behave a s m?/(mD2 -m:) -- :. Thus the contribution of this matrix element will be roughly 10°/0 of the COR interaction con- tribution computed above and we shall ignore them.

We then obtain

where we have used x ( - $ ) ( ~ T + E - S tc,) , (31) i

u(x) Y,S (x) = - - a ,E(X)Y "7,s (x) , ma + m u where

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Other amplitudes can be computed in a similar manner.

Note that consistency in writing (28) and (29) requires that when the above computation i s r e - peated, for example, for D O - s+a- decay, the resulting amplitude i s related to that of (31) by SU(3) Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. Using

this indeed can be verified. Also note that H,,, gives r i s e to a new reduced matrix element which has not been included in previous sU(3) a n a l ~ s i s . ~ If our approximation in evaluating the matrix ele- ments turns out t o be too naive to explain all the experimental observations, a general SU(3) analy- s i s including the H,,, operator should be nec- essary.

As i s seen from Table 11, we have

Relative signs of these amplitudes can easily be understood by decomposing n+n- and K'K- states

TABLE 11. Amplitudes for charm-meson decays into two pseudoscalar particles. These amplitudes which a r e proportional to cosec and sinBc may be affected by the COR interaction. See Ref. 13 for conventions.

in t e rms of U-spin eigenstates:

Noting that ~t~ is a component of the U-spin tr ip- let, H $:, i s a U-spin singlet, and DO i s a U-spin singlet, we have

We determine 5 by demanding that

This gives

< = 0.28 k0.12 o r 3.6 i 1 . 6


For the smaller solution for 5, we have

leading to a value

sin8, = 0.26 i0.04

in good agreement with 0.22, the value determined f rom K decays. For this reason we choose the smal ler solution for t .

In Appendix C we have given a naive theoretical estimate for the strength of COR interaction:

where M, 's a r e constituent quark masses, E, i s a mean value of the running coupling constant for 0 i Q' <Mc '. The experimental value for K leads to dis=4.6. Considering the fact that the long-dis- tance interaction contributes to the COR interac- tion, this value of 15, i s not an unreasonable one. Note that sN coupling constant g 2 / 4 s - 14. While validity of the estimate (39) can be questioned for such a large value of 5, , we find it very satisfy- ing that neither an ad hoc enhancement nor a sup- pression of COR interaction i s needed to explain the experimental observation (35).


Numerical results for two-body pseudoscalar meson decays of charm mesons a r e given in Table 111. We have also given branching ratios

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TABLE III. Our prediction for relative decay rates. The uncertainties in the predictions for D - Kev and F - qev a r e roughly a factor of 4. The relative decay ra tes for two pseudoscalar modes a r e considerably more re- liable. The values given under "without COR" a r e mod- ified values obtained by setting K = 0.


Do -K-T+ 1 K-ev 0.52 - K0r0 0.99 KOqo 0.33 K+ n- 0.002 6 KO*' 0.0026 K0q 0.0009 KCK- 0.084 n+s- 0.025 nono 0.061 qOIO 0.11 n0q0 0.02 K'ZO o



0.11 1.0.05 0.032 1. 0.02

normalized 7*5



Without COR

without the COR interaction contribution. In o r d e r to obtain these numerical resu l t s , we used

where the exponents correspond to N = 6,

The K T scat ter ing length and the effective range f o r the I = channel is given by l4 a = - 1 k0.05 GeV, yo = - 1.76 h0.3 GeV-l. The ~ ( 1 4 0 0 ) reso- nance p a r a m e t e r s a r e y = 0.575 GeV, M , = 1.42 GeV. These yield

A s explained i n the preceding section we u s e

The predictions given c a n be compared with four existing experimental values and a r e i n sat isfactory agreement . In addition to the predictions given in Table 111, the theory gives

The experimental value f o r the branching ra t io isLn

r(DO-K-n+)/ r ( D t - R n ~ + ) = 1.33 *0.53 . (43) I'(DO - a l l ) P(D' -al l )

This l eads to

I'(DO - al l ) r ( D + -all)

=4.5 k1.8 (exp> 5.8 k1.5) , (44)

a value consistent with the lower limit. The ex- perimental lower l imit was deduced using the measurementlo

r(DO-e v + anything) I'(DO - a l l )

<4% (95yoc.l.) . (45)

The theory indicates that th i s branching ra t io should not be very smal l compared t o the upper limit. Including the effects of the f inal-s tate in- teract ion i s crucial in understanding charm-meson decays. F o r example, r ( ~ ~ - ~ ~ n ~ ) / r ( ~ ~ - K - r + ) = 0.1 if the final-state interaction is ignored. Such a l a r g e difference is due to the fact that the re la - tive sign of octet and 27-plet amplitudes if flipped (i.e., 08 /027=-2 .0) .


We have seen that the COR interact ion contr i - butes to once-Cabibbo-suppressed amplitudes. Our analysis shows that while it makes a considerable difference i n the overall picture of charm-meson decays, i t is not the dominant contribution to these decays. In contrast , the COR interaction is the dominant contributor to K mesons and hyperon decays, thus explaining the I = 4 rule.2 How can the COR interaction give la rge contributions to K mesons and hyperon decays and much s m a l l e r con- tributions to charm-meson decays? In this s e c - tion we sha l l examine this question.'

The COR interaction f o r the AC = 0, A S # 0 Ham- iltonian i s given by

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In Appendix B, we have given naive es t imates f o r the s t rength of COR interactions:

where M , a r e constituent quark m a s s e s . Using this Hamiltonian, the rat io of K - r n amplitudes f o r AI = 5 and 4 is given by

Using the value f o r K given in (36) and the theo- ret ical est imate given in (47) we obtain

K : = -0.75 , (50)

r ( K S - T'T-) l I 2

r ( K + - n+ r O ) = 3.7 + 16.8 (experiment 21) :

where the la t t e r number corresponds t o the COR contribution. The relat ive importance of the COR interaction contribution t o K decays compared to that to D decays comes f r o m the enhancement fac- t o r of quark-mass ra t ios shown in (49). We s e e f r o m (31) and (49) that this enhancement factor i s

COR interaction needed to explain the rat io of de- cay r a t e s f o r Do-K'K- and Do- a t r - is in reason- able agreemwnt with naive theoretical expecta- tions.

The color-radius interaction a r i s e s naturally f r o m QCD perturbation theory. Inclusion of this t e r m solves many puzzles mentioned in Sec. 11: (a ) It explains why N decays obey the A I = ~ rule , (b) It explains why D decay violates the A I = i rule , and (c) it explains why D decays violate the U-spin symmetry. Fur ther experimental studies of c h a r m decays, however, a r e necessary in o rder to establ ish the COR interaction a s the integral par t of the nonleptonic Hamiltonian. Examining Table 111, i t is seen that the theory i s in qualita- tive agreement with experiments . Aside f rom the rat io J?(DO-K+K-)/ r ( D O - n'r-) the re is no c lea r - cut evidence f o r o r against the presence of COR interaction effects. Fur ther experimental s tudies of D+-KiKO, n'nO, r'qO a r e crucial in understand- ing the role of COR interaction in c h a r m decays.

The final-state interactions play a very import- ant role in understanding exclusive decays of c h a r m part ic les .

Note added. After completion of this paper , the author received papers by J.F. Donoghue and B. R. Holstein, [phys. Rev. D21 , 1334 (1980)] and by H. Lipkin [ ~ h y s . Rev. ~ x t . 44. 710 (1980)l. These authors a l s o point o u t t h e importance of final-state interact ions, but assume that the ef- fects of COR interactions a r e negligible.

The qualitative feature that th i s rat io is l a r g e fol- lows merely f r o m the m a s s ra t ios and is relat ive- ly insensitive t o uncertainties in theoret ical es t i - mates of K' and K.

To summar ize , the effective Hamiltonian H:& and H @ ~ have a s i m i l a r fo rm. They a r e neither enhanced nor suppressed. The mat r ix elements of (TT-A) ( V + A ) color-octet cur ren ts depend on cur ren t quark m a s s e s . The m a s s dependence is such that the matr ix elements f o r s t range-part ic le decays a r e much l a r g e r than those f o r charined- par t i c le decays.



Starting f r o m a nonleptonic Hamiltonian which includes the color-radius interaction in addition t o the usual current-current interaction, we have studied D- and F-meson decays, The mat r ix ele- ments were computed by saturat ing the intermed- ia te s t a t e s by only a lowest available s tate . Our resu l t s were compared with four presently avail- able branching-ratio measurements . They a r e in reasonable agreement . Also, the s t rength of the

This investigation is a n outgrowth of a n investi- gation by M. Fukugita, T . Hagiwara, and the auth- o r (Ref. 8). The author acknowledges stimulating and enjoyable conversations with M. Fukugita, T. Hagiwara, M. A. B. B6g, A. P a i s , R. Phillips, H.-S. Tsao, L . L . Wang, -L. Wolfenstein, and V. Zakharow. P a r t of this investigation was p e r - formed at Rutherford Laboratory, Aspen Center f o r Physics , and Los Alamos Scientific Labora- tor ies . The author thanks R. Phillips and G. West f o r the i r hospitalities a t Rutherford and Los Al- amos , respectively. This work was supported i n par t by the U. S. Department of ~ n e r ~ ~ - u n d e r Contract No. EY-76-C-02-2232B.*000.


Within a framework of the saturat ion approxi- mation, we can est imate the final-state interac- tion using the Omnes equation.14 The S-wave p a r - tial-wave amplitude for the KT sys tem c a n be ap- proximated by

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a, / , (s)

where the isospin is specified by the subscript and l5 k Z = [s - ( M ~ + M , ) ~ ] [ s - (MK - M , ) ~ ] / ~ s , a = -1 GeV, y o = -1.76 GeV"', y = 0.575 GeV, and M,= 1.42 GeV. We take a3/,(s) and a,,,(s) to give the S-wave partial-wave amplitudes for the 27- plet and the octet s ta tes , respectively of pseudo- sca lar meson-meson scattering. This is reason- able since a,, ,(s) reproduces the I = 2 nr partial- wave amplitude to within 25% and al,,(s) i s dom- inated by ~ ( 1 4 2 0 ) which is a member of O'octet along with ~ ( 1 4 0 0 ) and S'(960). With the partial- wave amplitudes given in (Al) , the Omnes func- tions a r e

where these functions a r e normalized to 1 at the threshold s = (MK+ M,),. The final-state interaction of an octet (a 27-plet) pseudoscalar meson-meson state i s taken into account by multiplying the ap- propriate amplitude hy 52,(52,,).


We have analyzed the effects of IJ-spin violation due to the COR interaction. Tt has been pointed out that the U-spin violation can also be introduced by a heavy-quark m i ~ i n g . ~ Fo r example, consider the six-quark generalization of Mobayashi and Maskawa.17 The weak current i s

(A21 If heavyquark mixing is ignored, V,, = V,, = cosG,, and V12= -V,, = sine,:

where C =~(V12V,,+ VllV2,) and A = ~ ( V , ~ V , ~ - v,,V,,). Note that the t e rm proportional to C (A) i s antisymmetric (symmetric) under the inter- change d- s . These modifications to H,",", lead to an amplitude


It i s reasonable to assume16

1 A/Z I s 0.02 034)

and thus expect

A < 0.022.


An estimate of X generated by the heavy-quark- mixing effect is an order-of-magnitude smal ler than the value needed to explain the experimental measurement.'' Since our approximation used in evaluating the reduced matrix element is not ex- pected to be much better than 1@0, we shall ignore al l heavy-quark-mixing effects.


In this appendix, we will present a naive est i- mate of K, using a lowest-order perturbation theory.' While we realize fully that higher-order diagrams and nonperturbative effects may con- tribute to K , we think that the comparison of the lowest-order perturbative contribution with experiment i s not entirely meaningless. A gross disagreement between the lowest-order perturba- tive prediction and experiment will imply that we a r e on a wrong track.

Consider the lowest-order COR contribution in coordinate space. The short-distance operator- product expansion implies that X,=X,=X, in the limit Mw - m. It does not, however, res t r ic t X,. This X, dependence of the coefficient function be-

Page 11: Nonleptonic decays of charm mesons

comes a Q2 dependence in the momentum space. In principle, the D-decay rate i s computed by integrating over Q 2 after folding in the wave func-

tions. Thus the Q2 dependence of the coefficient function must be studied. The lowest-order con- tribution gives



where estimate that

~ ( y ) = + ( y + Z ) ( y - 1 ) 2 1 n ( ~ 2 - 1 ) - ~ ( ~ 2 -3)ln(y+ 1 )+y2 . The Q2 dependence of [ I ( ~ , ~ / Q ~ ) - I(md2 'Q2)] i s shown in Fig. 4 for 1M,= 1500 MeV, M,= 150 MeV, and m, = 10 MeV. The average value i s

We also note that K(Q') i s proportional to u(Q2). The running coupling constant has a large Q2 var- iation in the region Q2<MC2; it increases rather rapidly a s Q2 decreases. This Q2 variation of as(Q2) tends to favor smaller Q2, thus increasing our (K). With these discussions, we roughly est i- mate K(Q') as

where 6, is some effective coupling constant. In Ref. 19, it has been argued that the COR con-

tribution is negligible. This i s based on a rough


We see from Fig. 3 that the estimate (C6) i s off by a factor of 6 and furthermore, (I) i s con- siderably larger than 0.01. While the lowest-order computation of K i s not convincing. our estimate suggests that the COR interaction may play an important role in charm-meson decays. In any case , it i s dangerous to conclude that the COR interaction is negligible based on the lowest-order computation.


Starting from a general expression for the dia- gram shown in Fig. 3

0-1 I I I -I--- .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0


FIG. 4. The Q~ dependence of the diagram shown in Fig. lb).

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we wish to derive an effective Hamiltonian given Using these relations, we can simplify M to in Eq. (17). Owing to the presence of y, and Y - factors, we can restrict ourselves to the terms in 1 Oull.e.*un which consist of an odd number of y ma- Me-

Mw , [ ~ ( p ~ ) ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ c ( p ) q ( k ' ) r , A l : q(k)

trices. First note two identities,

(yOO!J1'... * o n Y 'Y- )~ ,= -Tr(O~l '""~n + ~ ( p f ) r ~ - c ( p ) ~ ( k ' ) ~ A q ( k ) ~ , 034) YAy+)(Y?-)i,


and (D2) r,= - Tr(O"l*...*" " ~ X Y - ) ~ ' ~ ~ , . ~ . , P, 9

( ~ a ~ ~ ~ . , a , , ) -pi,...,ana bl - (ha),, +Gall*..*%G kl 7 =~a~.....a~.a~a~...~.a~, ha

where Fal'".*a and Gal*..'<'n are constructed out of f*,, and d, , , defined by A = G ~ I . . . . . ~ ~ Talt...tan .

(D3) Writing a general form for the quark current r,q, we have Eq. (16):

+ ~(P')Y%-c(P) x ~(k')k:(q2)rx+~~(q2)uX~qT+~~(q2)q,k(k) . (D5 q=u,d .s

Above, we have ignored SU(3) breaking in Fit8(q2) which we expect to be of order 10%. Using a relation

we see that the amplitude can be reproduced by an effective Hamilitonian:

Before we discuss the matrix element of H,,,, it is convenitent to prove some properties of matrix elements of nonlocal operators which will be useful below. Let Ix,, xz,X;P) be a state of pseudoscalar meson P at position X and valence quarks q, and q2 at x, and x,, respectively. (In defining such an object, we have explicitly as- sumed a quark model and the operations that follow should be considered within the context of such a model.) We will prove that

For O = 1, y,, a,,, cr,, y,. This is obvious if x , =x,, but it requires some discussion in the case x,f x,. Consider the problem in the rest frame of P. The q,, q, pair is in a state which is sym- metric under the interchange 3,- k, = -El.


We can then write

( e x , x1, x, lq l (~, )~q,(x , ) 10) =${p;x,x, ,x2 J ~ ~ , ( x , ) ~ q , ( x , ) + ~ , ( x ~ ) ~ q ~ ( ~ ~ ) l ) ~ ) .

It is clear that the right-hand side has definite transformation properties. For example, if 6 = 1 and y,, the matrix element i s a pseudoscalar and an axial vector, respectively. The available three-vectors a re 2 and gF/aS where F is a scalar function which depends on x:, xz2, XZ, x, . x,, X . x,, Xex,. It is however, clear that B F / ~ $ is again proportional to $. With only one three-vector, it i s impossible to construct the rest-frame equivalent of the pseudoscalar, axial vector, or antisymmetric second-rank tensor.

Let I P ; ~ ) be an on-shell state with momentum p. Consider an evaluation of

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A . 1. S A N D A

The f i rs t te rm in H,,,(x), Eq. (D7), gives

where we have performed a Fierz transformation on the f i rs t term, and used the vacuum saturation ap- proximation and the property of the matrix element discussed above. The matrix element of the form

(P,;Y, x,,x, k b ) y X ~ , c ( x ) px,x,,xc;pc> Cpi;y,x,X, I U(X)Y,Y,Y~) 19)

will not contribute to the integral. This can be shown in the res t frame of P, using the parity operation and the fact that P, P' a r e in the S wave.

Under the Fierz transformation of the second term, which has a lorm ;,a,, y , ~ " ~ , ~ ~ u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , color-sing- - - let terms generated a r e <,o,A,y,q,q,owwy,q, and q,y,q,y,Y,q,, Using the above discussion on the matrix element of a,,, we conclude that the second term will give a contribution of the form

The third term which contains a totally antisymmetric tensor E""~ will not contribute to a two-body decay matrix element.

The fourth term is of the structure already encountered above and we have

where Gy(x - y) and Gi(x -y) a r e functions which can be written in terms of Vj(x- y).

'M. Gell-Mann and A. Pais , Phys. Rev. 7 , 1385 (1975). 'A. 1. Vainshtein, V. I. Zakharov, and M. A. Shifman,

Zh. Eksp. Teor. E'iz. 2, 1275 (1977) [Sov. Phys.- JETP 45, 670 (1977)l; M. A. Shifman, A. I. Vainshtein, and V. I. Zakharov, Nucl. Phys, E, 316 (1977).

'J. Ell is , M. K. Gaillard, and D. V. Nanopoulos, Nucl. Phys. z 0 , 313 (1975); N. Cabibbo and L. Maiani, Phys. Lett. E B , 418 (1978).

4k. L. Kingsley, S. B. Treiman, F. Wilczek, and A. Zee, Phys. Rev. D s, 1919 (1975); ivI. B. Einhorn and C. Quigg, ibid. 12, 2015 (1975).

'L. L. Wang and F. Wilczek, Phys. Rev. Lett. 43, 816 (1979); M. Suzuki, ibid. 2, 818 (1979); L. Wolfenstein, Carnegie Mellon report (unpublished).

6 ~ . Quigg, 2. Phys. C 4 , 55 (1980). 'other investigations include V. Barger and S. Pakvasa,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 2, 812 (1979); S. B. Treiman and F. Wilczek, ibid. 43, 1059 (1979); G. L. Kane,SLAC Report No. SLAC-PUB-2326 (unpublished); K. Ishikawa,

UCLA Report No. U C L A / ~ S / T E P / ~ ~ (unpublished). his paper is an extension of an investigation described

in M. Fukugita, T. Hagiwara, and A. I. Sanda, Ruther- ford Report No. RL-79-052/~.048 (unpublished).

' ~ n addition to the authors of Ref. 8, the possible im- portance of color-radius interaction in charm-meson decays has also been pointed out independently by M. Suzuki (Ref. 5) and K. Ishikawa (Ref. 7).

'O~he experimental numbers for charm decays used m this paper a r e f rom talks presented by J. Kiskby and V. Luth, in Proceedings of the 1979 Sympos ium on Lepton and Photon Interactions a t High Energ ies , F e r m i l a b , edited by T. B. W. Kirk and H. D. I. Abar- banel (Fermilab, Ratavia, Illinois, 1979) and those on K-meson decays a r e f rom Particle Data Group, Phys. Lett. E, 1 (1978).

"M. K. Gaillard and B. W. Lee, Phys. Rev. Lett. 3, 108 (1974); G. Altarelli and L. Maiani, Phys. Lett. 52B, 351 (1974). -

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12see, for example, a lecture by J. D. Jackson, in Weak Interactions a t High Energy and the Production of New P a r t i c l e s , proceedings of the SLAC Summer Institute on Particle Physics, 1976, edited by &I. Zipf (SLAC, Stanford, 1977).

13we have used the phase conventions of J. J. de Swart, Rev. Mod. Phys. 35, 916 (1963). Our resul t differs from that of Ref. 6 by a sign for each n+ and K present in the decay product. For the decay with two identical particles in the final state, our amplitudes differ f rom those of Ref. 6 by a factor of 2. This i s compensated by the factor of 4 difference in our definition of decay

ra te and that of Ref. 6. I 4 ~ o r a background in this subject, see, for example,

G. Barton, Introduction to Dirpersion Techniques in Field Theory (Benjamin, New York, 1965.

I5p. Estabrooks et a l . Nucl. Phys. H, 490 (1978). 1 6 ~ e r e we follow the notation of Ref. 6. '?M. Kobayashi and K. Maslrawa, Prog. Theor. Phys.

49, 652 (1973). I8Fhis conclusion i s consistent with a much more gen-

e r a l analysis of Suzuki (Ref. 5). '$L. F. Abbott, P. Sikivie, and M. B. Wise, Phys. Rev.

D 21, 768 (1980).