Marrable Hill Chapel 110 Chapel Avenue, El Dorado, AR 71730 Phone 870-863-5189 - Email: [email protected] www.marrablehillchapel.com October 2019 C H A P E L C O M M U N I Q U E October Memory Verse: Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety. —Proverbs 11:14 ESV 2 Golden Heirs Friday, October 11th @ 6:30 pm Fellowship Hall Capt. Jason and Elyshia Perdieu from the Salvation Army will be the guest speakers for this months event. Bring a favorite potluck item and enjoy a time of fellowship. UPCOMING EVENTS: October 5 Youth Girls Day @ 2 pm in the gym October 6 Guest Speaker: Mark Harmon October 6 Elder nominations accepted from congregation October 12 Church-wide Fall Fellowship @ McKinnons house October 13 Guest Speaker: Kevin Inman (LA Tech BCM) October 13 Congregational vote for three new Elders October 20 Guest Speaker: Dan Erikson (LA Tech) October 20 OCC Shoebox Packing Party @ 6 pm October 25-27 VBC Fall Retreat October 30 Fall Festival in Gym To protect from identity theft, birth- days are not listed in the on-line version of the Chapel Communique. Thank you for understanding!

October 2019 - Cimpress

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Page 1: October 2019 - Cimpress

Marrable Hill Chapel

110 Chapel Avenue, El Dorado, AR 71730

Phone 870-863-5189 - Email: [email protected]


October 2019



October Memory Verse: Where there is no guidance, a people falls,

but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.

—Proverbs 11:14 ESV


Golden Heirs

Friday, October 11th @ 6:30 pm Fellowship Hall

Capt. Jason and Elyshia Perdieu from the Salvation Army will be the guest speakers for this month’s event. Bring a favorite potluck item and enjoy a time of fellowship.

UPCOMING EVENTS: October 5 — Youth Girls Day @ 2 pm in the gym October 6 — Guest Speaker: Mark Harmon October 6 — Elder nominations accepted from congregation October 12 — Church-wide Fall Fellowship @ McKinnon’s house October 13 — Guest Speaker: Kevin Inman (LA Tech BCM) October 13 — Congregational vote for three new Elders October 20 — Guest Speaker: Dan Erikson (LA Tech) October 20 — OCC Shoebox Packing Party @ 6 pm October 25-27 — VBC Fall Retreat October 30 — Fall Festival in Gym

To protect from identity theft, birth-days are not listed in the on-line version of the Chapel Communique. Thank you for understanding!

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Youth Fall Retreat

By Natalie Butcher

After getting back into the swing of school

this fall, the Marrable Hill Chapel (MHC)

youth and some friends went to Victory Bible

Camp (VBC) for a Youth Fall Retreat. There

were 24 youth and many adults.

Using a keyboard,

violin, guitars, Cajón

(beatbox drum), and

vocals, Alex Edmonds of

City Church in Conway

and other worship band

members, lead the

worship time during the

large group sessions.

The youth and adults

worshipped with songs like “Living Hope”, “Forever Reign”, “Joy”,

and “How He Loves”.

Scott Taylor, former MHC Youth Pastor, was the guest speaker this

weekend. He taught the students that they need to own their faith —

grow in their walks with Christ. Just like parents want their children

to grow up and be successful, our heavenly Father wants them to

growth spiritually. One of the key points he taught was how crucial it

is to read the Bible. How can you walk in Christ if you don’t know

Him? At each session, Scott handed out slips of paper to teach them

steps to maturity in Christ. The first step

emphasized that we need to “Read, Recite, and

Repeat” passages of the Bible. Each point was

backed up by scripture — 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Psalm

119:11, and Joshua 1:8. The second step was to

“Imitate, Meditate, and Initiate” — Philippians 3:17,

(YOUTH — Continued on page 11)



By Natalie Butcher

This summer at Victory Bible Camp (VBC) several campers made

professions of faith in Jesus. Some students were baptized at camp by

Blake Dailey, Marrable Hill Chapel (MHC) Youth Pastor and VBC


Several campers were not baptized at camp, because their families

couldn’t be present or they wanted to be baptized in their home

churches. As stated in the September Chapel Communique, two boys

were baptized at MHC in August.

In September, Blake baptized another camper from VBC Junior Week

during the morning service at MHC — Samantha McLelland.

Samantha is the daughter of

Chris and Angie McLelland and

granddaughter of Randy and

Jamie Snider. Her baptism, a

demonstration of the death,

burial, and resurrection of Jesus,

publicly proclaimed her faith is


Welcome, sister, to the family

of God!

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Union County Fair By Natalie Butcher

Marrable Hill Chapel once again manned a booth at the Union County Fair to share the Gospel of Jesus and let the community learn more about our church.

Johnny & Tracy Richardson, Danny & Kathy Vinson, and Danny & Beth Endel ran the booth Tuesday night through Thursday night. During the fair, 108 Freezer Pops, 150 flyers for Fall Festival, 200 brochures about Marrable Hill Chapel, and an unknown number of Gospel tracts were handed out. Also, 250 people signed up for the $50 Walmart gift card drawing. Jonathan Owers was the winner of the gift card.

As you can tell by the numbers, we reached out to many people during the fair.


Ladies Night Out — September By Joan Hershberger

The charcoal briquettes smoldered under and on the lid of the Dutch oven outside the door to the fellowship hall. Laura Rogers monitored the baking of a chocolate cake and a peach cobbler in the cast iron pots. The chocolate cake won first place hands-down as the favorite of the ladies who attended. Kay Johnston made a meal of chicken spaghetti and spaghetti and meatballs for the ladies.

Laura talked about techniques such as measuring the height of the pot and putting three more briquettes than the number of the height on top and three less on the bottom. Then turn the pot every 15 minutes to distribute the heat evenly. She also recommended buying briquettes with the highest amount of wood to keep them smoldering longer.

Just about anything can be cooked in a Dutch oven from soup to dessert. Cleaning the cast iron afterward using it requires little more than cleaning the pot and wiping it with a lightly oiled or greased cloth or paper and allowing it to dry.

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Golden Heirs — September By Joan Hershberger

The Golden Heirs gathered the second Friday of the month to fellowship and share a meal and a bit of information. Ruth Guinn connected the group to a brief message from Francis Chan,

challenging folks to speak out for God and Jesus and to invite others to join us in our worship.

The group wrapped wash cloths around bars of soap and slid them into plastic sandwich bags for the Operation Christmas Child. Ruth explained that the students packed 90 of these hygiene items after their weekly lesson. She reminded the Golden Heirs that the church will need funds to pay for the boxes and for shipping the boxes. Shipping each box costs $9. That amount is used for transporting the boxes from the church to the child. The $9 donation also pays for evangelism resources like “The Greatest Gift” Gospel

booklets”, which are written in the children’s language and distributed with the shoebox gifts. It also provides the local churches a “Ministry Partner Guide” that teaches churches how to share the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ in a child-friendly way.


Missionary Briefs By Joan Hershberger

Bill and Linda Parker work stateside mentoring future missionaries. They have recently completed mentoring Guatemalan Joel Mus, a promising young missionary candidate whose desire is to go to the unreached.

• Parkers visited supporting churches and continued to minister to with their Hispanic friends.

• Their sending ministry has changed from Camino to Avant, requiring a great deal of time as they sort through new policies, requirements of communication, new technology, and wrapping up reports. PRAY for continued dialogue and progress with Douglas and the whole team as we work together to establish new norms under Douglas Livingston, vice-president.

• Pray for growth in understanding as the Parkers disciple Hispanic professor Edgar (from Venezuela) who is using a devotional guide for 40 days based on “The Purpose Driven Life.” His wife Maggie has been attending the Spanish Bible Study Fellowship class with Linda.

• Praise and thanks for the men who came and helped the Parkers add a roof and deck to their home.

Dawson and Laurel Jones (Slovakia) serve as a pastor of a church in Nitra and have planted a new church in Bratislava. They pastor and aim to plant churches. Because the church planting movement is slowing, they gathered select students this summer and immersed them in outreach.

• Pray for the work of TCKompas, Josiah Venture Slovakia, that are working with high school students, and hope to see the pipeline resurging as a result.

• Pray for our friends Dan and Bedo in the Czech Republic at Majak Network working with high school boys. They created Draft Camps, three year / three tier summer camps, that begin

(MISSIONS — Continued on page 9)

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with a call to biblical manhood and bold leadership and end with a call to be a part of church planting.

• The Dawsons welcomed a new baby this summer.

Zac and Kim Shepperson (Slovakia) have settled their second daughter Gwyneth into college at Calvin College in Grand Rapids. Their oldest Emili is a junior at Wheaton studying nursing and Bible.

• In September, youth leaders from 14 countries in Central Europe gathered Czech Republic to be better equipped for youth ministry. Zac taught two seminars and Kim attended some.

• The family will hold Taco Tuesdays with friends of their son Sam, to practice English and prayerfully open conversations about God.

• Recently completed another EXIT TOUR in several High Schools. It’s always a pleasure to stand in the classroom with this young generation of students.

• Added 20 new monthly supporters to the support team. Only $250 per month left!

• Hampton’s friend, David, went to English camp even though the Sheppersons were not in Slovakia. Pray for the growth of seeds planted during camp.

Jim and Jodi returned to China in August after a short summer visit in states. Her visa cleared, but there was a problem with Jim’s before it cleared. China has changed. When they got back they had to find new place to live & Jim found out he would not be rehired at this time, but Jodi still has her teaching position. They teach at the university level, making contacts and praying for conversations to open about their beliefs.

Pray: A job for Jim. For Jodi, she had so many students enrolled last year & paperwork was overwhelming. Please pray for their basic needs met, not to be overloaded, & God’s direction.

MISSIONS (Continued from page 8)

(MISSIONS — Continued on page 10)


Jacob and Linda Wiebe in Mexico reported earlier that church attendance had maxed out, after a great Father’s Day Service and dinner, the Wiebes left town for some family time. 200 miles out phone calls began. The director of the local Rehab Center had run off with a mother of three — the wife of another church congregant. Police action and jail time entered the story, daily counseling and encouragement helped, but decisions had been made.

Three of AWANA children now must forfeit church, camp, friends, school, home, and father. The men and teens in the Rehab Center were scattered and devastated. Leadership turnover and a move of the church, kept everyone off balance. The Wiebes prayed and thought things had calmed when a small contingent (remnants of the Rehab Center including 2 teens) came to a Wednesday night service and were warmly welcomed. Then the very next day, the 14-year-old was dead and a promising young convert was in jail for murder! The local Rehab Center needs much prayer.

• Attendance here at Calvario fluctuates upward. • Two new converts are being discipled. • Two former rehab men joined the group. • Prayer as they prepare a church Constitution, Statement of Faith

and the Biblical basis for the beliefs for the transition to an independent church body.

• Several UIM missionaries are actively involved in translation of the Bible into the Huichol language, and multiple native congregations have sprung up in that region.

• Calvario is raising funds to help with a church construction project in Tepic. This was a first for our mission church-start, and while emotions were riding high, expendable finances were not and only 4 men were involved along with Linda and Cara.

• The mission team outreach built a church/shelter so they will no longer worship while standing in rain or muddy water.

• Once Jacob finished welding on the church the villagers lined up and made him a repair blacksmith — repairing broken car parts, tortilla presses, etc.

• The 24th of September they planned to move Corrie and Bethamy to Guadalajara.

• The summer involved Kids' Camp. The campers are still revved for next year.

MISSIONS (Continued from page 9)

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Psalm 1:2, and 2 Timothy 1:6. Paul taught the Philippians that they

should imitate him and watch those who walk according to the

examples of other believers. After the sessions, the youth would

break out into smaller groups to dig deeper into what was taught

during the sessions.

Besides the worship services, there was plenty time for food, games,

relaxation, and hanging out. Scott Taylor, Gabe West, Caleb Thomey,

and Evan McGoogan (is he really an adult leader now?) played fierce

games of basketball and Ultimate Frisby with the youth. It was very

YOUTH (Continued from page 3)

(YOUTH — Continued on page 12)


hot, but Lauren Dailey and Kennedy Webb kept everyone hydrated

with water runs.

Many adults were involved in this

event — from serving food &

drinks, counseling, leading

worship, preaching, playing

games, and organizing. Thank

you for pouring your lives into

our youth!

The youth are now back from the retreat. They had an opportunity to

recharge, learn, grow, and have fun. They were taught to own their

faith and grow in their walk with Christ by studying their Bibles and

imitating other believers. Now, like Blake constantly tells the youth

and others, they need to apply what they learned. Help encourage

them as they continue to grow in their walks with Christ.

YOUTH (Continued from page 11)

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. —Joshua 1:8