[ Published by Authority. ] Thin lieizette is piddinln-il for Pediee viiformatieni unly, mid the Culiet thnniiiliiiul Iht- I'liliniy lire III utriii-t I'll III rneiki' Ihi-iiixi'l Vfn thoreiuefhl.l/ iiririiil inte'.el iriili Hii' riiiiteiiU. GPO. I'HILLIBS, l'i,,ii,in.-.siiiiii-r 1,1 Ciilu-e. No. 10.] WEDNESDAY, MARCH P [1900. Stealing in Dwellings, from the Person, etc. Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 6«, A2/4467. Kalgoorlie—Th« watch and chain described in the above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On the 23rd ult., from the owner's dwelling at Mornington Mills, a gold horse-shoe scarf-pin, set witli (> diamonds ; a gold nugget scarf- pin, about 3 dwts., very clean and bright; and a silver scarf pin, square shape, set with a stone like a ruby; the property of C. Quinn.—A2'449.J, 27\h Februarv, 1900. Berth.—On tho 1st inst., from the Duke of York Restaurant,—a gentleman's ingtal open-faced Swiss watch and rolled gold double-curb chain, swivel broken off oue end; the property of George Edgar. Suspicion attaches to a man described as medium build, age about 21 years, height about 5ft. 7in., large red nose, smooth face, fair hair, wears glasses, smart appearance, wears blue Salvation Army coat without badge.—A2,4505, 1st March, 1900. Kalgoorlie.—On the 27th ult., fiom the owner's dwelling. Hannan Street,— a gentleman's silver huntiug key-winding English lever watch " Macrow & Sons, Perth," on dial; and a gentleman's 9ct. gold single-curb chain, about lOin. long, swivel and bar hall marked ; the propertv of Michael McNamara.— A2/4508, 1st March, 1900. Bridgetown.- -On the 25th ult.. from the Bridge- town Hotel,—a gentleman's silver hunting stem- winding Waltham watch, No. 8346175, and gold fancy chain; the propertv of Auoustus Chester.- A2/4512, 1st March, 1900. Per//i.—Between the 1st ult. and 2nd inst., from 15 Milligau Street,—a lady's gold hunting key-wind- iug watch, •' E.S.B." engraved on front case; a gold Albert chain, about 13in. long; an IBct. gold Maltese cross, engraved" E.S.B." on one side; a silver cigar- cutter, and a silver aud a gold whistle ; the propertv of Mrs. E. Eady. - A2/4529, 3rd March. 1900. Perth. On the ord inst., froui the Ascot Hotel, a plain gold bracelet, the clasp is fastened with a small chain ; the propertv of Jessie Waterman.— A2'4530, 3rd March, 1900". Albany.—Between the 2nd and 27th ult., from llu- owner's bo.\, snpjjosed at Geraldton Railway Station, —a set of communion vessels (jiaten and chalice) engraved " T. Louch, Sacerdos," in a l)rown leather case; also a pair of new black serge trousers; the propertv of the Rev. T. Louch. A2 4537. 5th March, 1900. Esperance. On the night of the 20th ult., on tbe s.s. " Yaralla," between Albany and Esperance,- a gold plate brooch with horse shoe ou front, set with four diamonds and five sapphires, very old; the prop- ertv of Mrs. Annie Peterson. Suspicion attaches to R. E. Farrell, second steward s.s. " Yaralla." Description: Slight build, age about 26 years, height about Sft. 7iu., brown hair, large red moustaclie, freckled face, long nose.—A2 4539, 5th March, 1900. Donnybrook.—Ou the 1st inst., from the owner's tent,—a gentleman's IBct. gold hunting watch, " Elgin Watch Co.. U.S.A.," both cases dented ; and a Colt's repeating rifle, three dents at top of barrel on left- hand side : the propertv of Harrv William Rvan.— A2 4543, .5th March, 1900. Kalgoorlie On the 3rd iust., from tlie owner'.s tent, at the Railway Camp,—a dark blue serge s:ic suit, stain about size of a shilling <in left shoulder uf coat, and a stain on back of left leg of trousers; the coat has a ticket pocket on inside at left side as well as outside on right side ; single-breasted vest; also a gold shield-.shaped medal, " W.F." raised on centre, saw edges, engraved on back " Presented to W^. Flanders by Railway Employees, Kalgoorlie Railway Station, as a m;irk of esteem"; the propertv "f William Flanders.- A2 4549, '6th March, 1900. " \]\TESTERN A USTR . ALIA. Puhlished by Authority . J 'f'li i/< (;"zdte 1',,/,I-i s/,," / (C'?' l'o/ i/'f i11Jonll ntiml mtl!l, 1/1/11 fi,l' IJIIII,'e rlll'lI 11 !/llfIul thl' ('nlnllY II?'P 1> II"t 'I" "rf"d //1 1/1111,'1' il, "?II ,"1'1 1' 1''' II('(!I((l illtl'd lI'ifl, 1/", I'/I/lfl'lI/., . (j /';{). I'HIL/,!/)" ('(1/111111-'</1111/', PliliCt :.. No. 10.J )IAH.C'1I I. Stealing in Dw ellings, from the Person, etc. Vtd e Police Gazette, 1900, page lit>, A2 , ,14()7. Kalgoodif' .-The watch an(I ch ain described ill the ahove reference, the propert.y of J'lhn Cashin, ha ve been recovered by P .C. K Cassidy in the pas ession of Willie Thompson. (Vide A pprehellsiOlH3.) BUllbnl'Y. On the :2 3rd nlt ., froltl t he owner's d welling at MOl'uil1gto n Mills, a go ld horse-shoe scarf-p in , set with () \lia1l1oncls; fI, gold scarf- pin, about 3 t lwt s" very cl ean a lla hright; and a silver scarf piu, square shape, set with a, stone like ,1 ruhy ; tlU' property of C. QUillll. - A2 449,), :nth Fe bruary, 1900. Perth.- Oll the 1st inst., from thl' Duke of York Rcstauntnt, a gp utl emall 's open-faced Swiss wateh and roll ed go ld double-curb chain, swivel broken off one end; the prope rty of George Edgar. Suspicion attaches to a man dpscri bed as medium build, age about 21 years, h eight about 5ft. 7in., large red nose, mo ot h face, fair hair, wears glasses, smart appeara.nce, wears blue Salva,tion Arm!' toat withont badge,-A2 4505, 1st MMch, 1900, Kalgo01'li e,-O n the 27th ult" huU1 the owner's dwelling. Haunan Street, - a gp ntl eman's silver hunting key-windin g En gli sh lewr watth "Macrow & Sons, Pert.h," on dial; and a gentleman's get. golu single-curb chaill, ,dJout lOin. long, slvivel and bar h,111 marked ; the propert y of 1\1i('hael l\i('Numunt. A2 /4508, 1st Mar ch, 1900. Bl'idgetoll'll. On the 25th nit .. from the Briage- town Hoh'l , ,1 gentleman ',' ::;i In?r hunting stem- winding " Taltham watth, No, 8:346175. and gold fancy chain; the prop ert; ' of Al1gnstus Che, tel'. A2 1 Marth. 1900. Perth . Rehvl'en tilt' l ·t nlt . anll 2111l int.. from 15 Milligun Stn'et. - a, lady' S gollllnlllting key-wind- ing' watch ... E.S.B," t'ngmved on fn ln t ease; a gold Albert "hain, ahout 13in. long; an 18d. gold l\Ialtcse cross, engmved" E.S.B." on one ·i,l e; a 'ilver cigar- cuttel', allu a silv er and a gold whi tie; the prop.'l't v of Mrs. E. Eady. A2 452£1, 3rd lar ch. 1900. ' Puth. On the 3]'(1 inst., fr011l the .1 ('ot Hott'l. a plain gold bracelt't, the dels!, is fu"h'l1t'd with a flU1all chain; the pro)le..ty of J E'Hsie \Vatl'rman .- A2,4530, 8n l Man-h. 1900. AlI)(/IIY. BetWl'Pll the and i7tlt nIt. , from Ill., owner's hux, snpposea at Geraldton Hailway 'tation, Cl 8t't of cOlumullioll ve.-;sels (pat(,ll aud ('halin') engraved" T. Low'h. 8<1('('r<1os," in fI, hrowlI n1se; also tl pa.ir of Ilew hhwl;: "erge t ]'otlSt'rs; t h., propl'rty of tlw Rp\,. T. LO\l('h. .. -)th l'ilar.'h. 1900. R.'1'r'J'(1 Ill'/:,. ()Il t ht' lIight of tbt' :Wt h lilt. (tll till' S.S. "YamIla," betwt'l'n All)<lm and ESl-'erance a gold plate brooch with horse s ilOe on front, set four dia.monds l1nd five sapphires, very old; the prop- erty of Mr '. Annie Petel"olL Suspicion attacIles to R. E. Farrell. l:ie('oncl steward s.,. .. Yaralla .. Description: Slight huild, age ,d JOut 26 Yl'urs, height about 5ft. 7in., 1>row11 hair, large red mou tacht', fre('kleli fan'. long nose.--A2 4.539 .. 5th March. 1900. Dnllllybfuol.:.-Oll the 1st in;;t., from the owner's tent,-a gt'ntleman's l ad, golt! hunting watcb, "EIglll \Vat th Co .. U.S.A.," hoth taes dented; anu a Colt's repea.ting rifle, thrt'e dent - at top of barrel on left· IJaml -ide: the pl'()perty of Harry ,Villiam Rya.n. A2 4543, .St h March, 1900. Ka/1Iflfll'lif'.-On the 3nl in;;t" from tll ... tent, at the RtihnlY Cttlup.-a dark hlue st'rge SL" uit, stain ahout size of a shilling on left slh>ul(lpl' <If coat, and a stain on hack of left h,C{ of tIlt' coat has a ticket pocket on in, ide at left side as wp)] a outside on ri:<ht si(le: singlt'-brpasted Ye!lt; also a golu hielu-shaped lllel1al. .. \".F." 1',1i" ... /1 on (·eut1<'. saw eU"'es ell u Tav\:,ll on h,lck .. Pre 'elltl'll to ,y Flal1dl'l; Employel's. Kalg'oilrlie Station, a lll.lrk (,f 'steE'lll"; tIll' property .. I' ,Villiam Fla.lld,'1'':;. fith :'IIan'h. 1 !llln.

~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On

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Page 1: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On

[ Published by Author i ty . ]

Thin lieizette is piddinln-il for Pediee viiformatieni unly, mid the Culiet thnniiiliiiul Iht- I'liliniy

lire III utriii-t I'll III rneiki' Ihi-iiixi'l Vfn thoreiuefhl.l/ iiririiil inte'.el iriili Hii' riiiiteiiU.

GPO. I'HILLIBS, l'i,,ii,in.-.siiiiii-r 1,1 Ciilu-e.

No. 10.] WEDNESDAY, MARCH P [1900.

Stealing in Dwellings, from the

Person, etc.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 6«, A2/4467. Kalgoorlie—Th« watch and chain described in the

above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.)

Bunbury.—On the 23rd ult., from the owner's dwelling at Mornington Mills, a gold horse-shoe scarf-pin, set witli (> diamonds ; a gold nugget scarf-pin, about 3 dwts., very clean and b r igh t ; and a silver scarf pin, square shape, set with a stone like a r u b y ; the property of C. Quinn.—A2'449.J, 27\h Februarv, 1900.

Berth.—On tho 1st inst., from the Duke of York Res tauran t ,—a gent leman's ingtal open-faced Swiss watch and rolled gold doub le -curb chain, swivel broken off oue e n d ; the property of George Edgar . Suspicion at taches to a man described as medium build, age about 21 years, height about 5ft. 7in., large red nose, smooth face, fair hair, wears glasses, smart appearance, wears blue Salvation Army coat without badge.—A2,4505, 1st March, 1900.

Kalgoorlie.—On the 27th ult., fiom the owner's dwelling. H a n n a n S t r ee t ,— a gent leman 's silver hunt iug key-winding Engl i sh lever watch " Macrow & Sons, P e r t h , " on dial ; and a gent leman 's 9ct. gold single-curb chain, about lOin. long, swivel and bar hall marked ; the propertv of Michael McNamara .— A2/4508, 1st March, 1900.

Bridgetown.- -On the 25th ult. . from the Bridge­town Hotel ,—a gent leman 's silver hun t ing stem-winding W a l t h a m watch, No. 8346175, and gold fancy cha in ; the proper tv of Auous tus Chester.-A2/4512, 1st March, 1900.

Per// i .—Between the 1st ult . and 2nd inst., from 15 Milligau Street ,—a lady's gold h u n t i n g key-wind­iug watch, •' E . S . B . " engraved on front case; a gold Albert chain, about 13in. long ; an IBct. gold Maltese

cross, e n g r a v e d " E .S .B." on one s ide; a silver cigar-cutter, and a silver aud a gold whistle ; the propertv of Mrs . E. Eady. - A2/4529, 3rd March. 1900.

Perth. On the ord inst., froui the Ascot Hotel, — a plain gold bracelet, the clasp is fastened with a small chain ; the propertv of Jessie Wa te rman .— A2'4530, 3rd March, 1900".

Albany.—Between the 2nd and 27th ult., from llu-owner's bo.\, snpjjosed at Geraldton Railway Station, —a set of communion vessels (jiaten and chalice) engraved " T. Louch, Sacerdos," in a l)rown leather case; also a pair of new black serge t rouse r s ; the propertv of the Rev. T. Louch. A2 4537. 5th March, 1900.

Esperance. On the night of the 20th ult., on tbe s.s. " Yaral la ," between Albany and Esperance,- a gold plate brooch with horse shoe ou front, set with four diamonds and five sapphires, very old; the prop­ertv of Mrs. Annie Peterson. Suspicion a t taches to R. E. Farrell , second steward s.s. " Yaral la ." Descr ipt ion: Slight build, age about 26 years, height about Sft. 7iu., brown hair, large red moustaclie, freckled face, long nose.—A2 4539, 5th March, 1900.

Donnybrook.—Ou the 1st inst., from the owner's tent ,—a gent leman's IBct. gold hun t ing watch, " Elgin W a t c h Co.. U.S.A.," both cases dented ; and a Colt 's repeat ing rifle, three dents at top of barrel on left-hand side : the propertv of Har rv William Rvan.— A2 4543, .5th March, 1900.

Kalgoorlie — On the 3rd iust., from tlie owner'.s tent , at the Railway Camp,—a dark blue serge s:ic suit, stain about size of a shilling <in left shoulder uf coat, and a stain on back of left leg of t rouse r s ; the coat has a ticket pocket on inside at left side as well as outside on r ight side ; single-breasted ves t ; also a gold shield-.shaped medal, " W . F . " raised on centre, saw edges, engraved on back " Presented to W . F landers by Railway Employees, Kalgoorlie Railway Stat ion, as a m;irk of e s t e e m " ; the propertv "f Wil l iam Flanders . - A2 4549, '6th March, 1900. "

'~~olttt \]\TESTERN A USTR.ALIA.

~ Puhlished by Authority . J

'f'li i/< (;"zdte ~x 1',,/,I-is/,," / (C'?' l'o/ i/'f i11Jonll ntiml mtl!l, 1/1/11 fi,l' IJIIII,'e rlll'lI 11 !/llfIul thl' ('nlnllY

II?'P 1>II"t'I""rf"d //1 1/1111,'1' il, "?II ,"1'1 1'1''' fhnr(Ju~/7"!I II('(!I(( l illtl'd lI'ifl, 1/", I'/I/lfl'lI/., .

(j /';{). I'HIL/,!/)" ('(1/111111-'</1111/', /~I PliliCt:..

No. 10.J 'VED~E~DAY , )IAH.C'1I I. [ l ~OO.

Stealing in Dwellings, from the

Person, etc. Vtde Police Gazette, 1900, page lit>, A2,,14()7.

Kalgoodif'.-The watch an(I chain described ill the ahove reference, the propert.y of J'lhn Cashin, have been recovered by P .C. K Cassidy in the pas ession of Willie Thompson. (Vide A pprehellsiOlH3.)

BUllbnl'Y. On the :23rd nlt ., froltl t he owner's d welling at MOl'uil1gton Mills, a gold horse-shoe scarf-pin , set with () \lia1l1oncls; fI, gold 11llg~et scarf­pin, about 3 tlwts" very clean alla hright; and a silver scarf piu, square shape, set with a, stone like ,1 ruhy ; tlU' property of C. QUillll. - A2 449,), :nth Fe bruary , 1900.

Perth.- Oll the 1st inst., from thl' Duke of York Rcstauntnt, a gputlemall 's ll1 ~tal open-faced Swiss wateh and rolled gold double-curb ch ain, swivel broken off one end; the property of George Edgar. Suspicion attaches to a man dpscri bed as medium build, age about 21 years, height about 5ft. 7in., large red nose, mooth face, fair hair, wears glasses, smart appeara.nce, wears blue Salva,tion Arm!' toat withont badge,-A2 4505, 1st MMch, 1900,

Kalgo01'lie,-On the 27th ult" huU1 the owner's dwelling. Haunan Street, - a gpntleman's silver hunting key-winding English lewr watth "Macrow & Sons, Pert.h," on dial; and a gentleman's get. golu single-curb chaill, ,dJout lOin. long, slvivel and bar h,111 marked ; the property of 1\1i('hael l\i('Numunt. A2/4508 , 1st March, 1900.

Bl'idgetoll'll. On the 25th nit .. from the Briage­town Hoh'l , ,1 gentleman ',' ::;i In?r hunting stem­winding " Taltham watth, No, 8:346175. and gold fancy chain; the propert;' of Al1gnstus Che, tel'. A2 451~ , 1 ~t Marth. 1900.

Perth . Rehvl'en t ilt' l ·t nlt . anll 2111l int.. from 15 Milligun Stn'et.- a, lady'S gollllnlllting key-wind­ing' watch ... E.S.B," t'ngmved on fn lnt ease; a gold Albert "hain, ahout 13in. long; an 18d. gold l\Ialtcse

cross, engmved" E.S.B." on one ·i,le; a 'ilver cigar­cuttel', allu a silver and a gold whi tie; the prop.'l't v of Mrs. E. Eady. A2 452£1, 3rd larch. 1900. '

Puth. On the 3]'(1 inst., fr011l the .1 ('ot Hott'l. a plain gold bracelt't, the dels!, is fu"h'l1t'd with a flU1all chain; the pro)le..ty of J E'Hsie \Vatl'rman.­A2,4530, 8nl Man-h. 1900.

AlI)(/IIY. BetWl'Pll the ~nd and i7tlt nIt. , from Ill., owner's hux, snpposea at Geraldton Hailway 'tation,

Cl 8t't of cOlumullioll ve.-;sels (pat(,ll aud ('halin') engraved" T. Low'h. 8<1('('r<1os," in fI, hrowlI le~1tlll'r n1se; also tl pa.ir of Ilew hhwl;: "erge t ]'otlSt'rs; t h., propl'rty of tlw Rp\,. T. LO\l('h. A~ 4'):~i .. -)th l'ilar.'h. 1900.

R.'1'r'J'(1 Ill'/:,. ()Il t ht' lIight of tbt' :Wt h lilt. (tll till' S.S. "YamIla," betwt'l'n All)<lm and ESl-'erance a gold plate brooch with horse silOe on front, set ~th four dia.monds l1nd five sapphires, very old; the prop­erty of Mr '. Annie Petel"olL Suspicion attacIles to R. E. Farrell. l:ie('oncl steward s.,. .. Yaralla .. Description: Slight huild, age ,dJOut 26 Yl'urs, height about 5ft. 7in. , 1>row11 hair, large red mou tacht', fre('kleli fan'. long nose.--A2 4.539 .. 5th March. 1900.

Dnllllybfuol.:.-Oll the 1st in;;t., from the owner's tent,-a gt'ntleman's l ad, golt! hunting watcb, "EIglll \Vatth Co .. U.S.A.," hoth taes dented; anu a Colt's repea.ting rifle, thrt'e dent - at top of barrel on left· IJaml -ide: the pl'()perty of Harry ,Villiam Rya.n. A2 4543, .St h March, 1900.

Ka/1Iflfll'lif'.-On the 3nl in;;t" from tll ... owner'~ tent, at the RtihnlY Cttlup.-a dark hlue st'rge SL"

uit, stain ahout size of a shilling on left slh>ul(lpl' <If coat, and a stain on hack of left h,C{ of tl'Pn~ers; tIlt' coat has a ticket pocket on in, ide at left side as wp)] a outside on ri:<ht si(le: singlt'-brpasted Ye!lt; also a golu hielu-shaped lllel1al. .. \".F." 1',1i" ... /1 on (·eut1<'. saw eU"'es elluTav\:,ll on h,lck .. Pre 'elltl'll to ,y Flal1dl'l; h~' R~lway Employel's. Kalg'oilrlie H.ailwa~: Station, a~ a lll.lrk (,f 'steE'lll"; tIll' property .. I' ,Villiam Fla.lld,'1'':;. A~ 4.54~1. fith :'IIan'h. 1 !llln.

Page 2: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On


Kanowna.—On the 2ud inst. , from the owner 's dweUiug, — a gent leman 's silver opeu-faced key-winding W a l t h a m watch. No . 2992721, " P . K e n n a " ou outside of back case ; the proper ty of Terence McEnroe.—A2/4550, 6th March, 1900.

Vide Folice Gazette, 1900, page 68, A2/4417. Geraldton.—The bicycle described in the above

reference, the property of F . Habe rman , has been re turned to the owner ; not stolen.

Kalgoorlie—On the 26th ult. , f rom the Miners ' Ins t i tu te ,—a gent leman's T r iumph Roadster bicycle, s t raight handles , felt grips, r a t - t r ap pedals, new back t ire, both inner tubes marked " R. A. McKean " in pencil ; the property of Rober t A. McKean .— A2/4507, 1st March, 1900.

Berth.—During the night of the 27th inst., from 5B6 Hay Street ,—a new spr ing cart saddle, small bend on front, small piece broken off r ight side, also hames, traces, reins, and breeching, all black leather with white metal buckles ; the property of See Fong . —A2/4501 , 28th February , 1900.

Kalgoorlie. —During Februa ry last, from the owner's premises, Wilson Street ,—a yellow leather por tmanteau, size about 30in. x 16in. x 15in., "A.C .B ." painted on side in white ; the propertv of Har r ie t Merton.—A2/4521, 2nd March, 1900.

Menzies.—During the night of the 27th ult., from the owner's dwelling. Brown Street ,—a brown leather por tmanteau, Sft. long, worn, fastened with two straps, and having a s t rap in middle for carrying, containing a dark greyish-brown overcoat, black lining, plaid l ining in sleeves, in good order ; a black broadcloth sac coat and pair of trousers, pa r t worn ; 2 white linen shirts , size 1 6 ; a flannelette tennis shirt, size 16 ; and 6 pairs of grey woollen socks ; a revolver and about 100 car t r idges ; a gold signet ring, set with dark-coloured stone, engraved " J . R . " ; 2 plain gold shirt s tuds ; small bundle of papers and certificates in name of A. H . P o p e ; a letter-book con­ta ining W.A. P.O. Savings Bank book in name of A. H. Pope, showing credit of 635 ; also 19 .£1 notes ; the property of Arkles Har rv Pope.—A2/4523, 3rd March, 1900.

Mt. Morgans.—About 2 a.m. ou the 22nd ult. , from Hawk ' s Nest ,—2 large copper bat tery plates, each measuring 6ft. x Bft., and weighing about 5cwt., valued at 625 each ; the property of the Golden Rhine Co. Suspicion at taches to James Coleman. Descrip­tion : Stout build, age 36 years, height 5ft. 6in. or 7in., dark hair and moustache, dark whiskers t u rn ing grey, blue eyes.—A2/4524, 3rd March, 1900.

Menzies.—During the night of the 1st iust. , from the owner's camp,—five caddies of Derby tobacco, three marked VV.J.B.M.M., and two marked E .E .R .M.M. ; the propertv of Akanzahda .—A2/4546, 6th March, 1900.

Horses, Cattle, etc. Vide Folice Gazette, 1900, page 47, A2/4111.

York.—The horse described iu the above refer­ence, the proper ty of Will iam McCullen, has been fouiid, flot stolen.


Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 70, Miscellaneous. J A M E S S I N N O T T , a t Kalgoorl ie, on the 28th ult.,

by P .C. J . J . F r a s e r ; on war r an t of commitment. 8 mon ths h.l.

Vide Folice Gazette, 1900, page 69.

W I L L I E T H O M P S O N , b rough t up a t Southern Cross on the 27th ult. ; larceny. 3 mon ths h . l . ; unlawful possession. 3 mon ths h.l . (cumulat ive) . Proper ty recovered.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 49, W. 90/1900. H A B O L D B A R K Y M C C O E M I C K , a t Bunbury , on the

2nd inst., by P .C . T. Kennedy. Discharged. General war ran t issued.

Vide PoUce Gazette, 1900, page 6.3. G E O R G E H E R B E R T P A L M E R , broug'ht

Kanowna on the 2nd inst . 6 months h.l. up at

Vide Folice Gazette, 1900, page 19, W. 21/1900. J O S E P H Ross , a t Coolgardie, on the 3rd inst., by

P.Cs . E. J . McLernon and C. Muller . Discharged. '

Vide Folice Gazette, 1897, pages 276, 386, Al,/4363. O S W A L D N E I C H , a t Kalgoorlie, on the 2nd inst., by

Sergts. Meyers and Oldfield, of the New South Wales Police, on indorsed w a r r a n t ; wife desertion in New South Wales. B r o u g h t up at Pe r th on the Sth inst . Remanded in custodv to Svdnev.

Vide Police Gazette, 1899, pages 184, 328; 1900, page 71.

A N T O N W O L F , at Kalgoorlie, on the 2nd inst., by Sergts. Meyers and Oldfield, of the New South Wales Police, on indorsed w a r r a n t ; wife desertion in New South Wales . B rough t u p at Per th on the Sth inst . Remanded in custody to Sydney.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 63. C H A R L E S A. P . M O R T O N , unde r sentence, brought

up a t P e r t h on the 1st inst., charged by Det. H. M a n n ; false pretences. Commit ted for trial.

H E R B E R T D E R E P A Z and F R A N C I S D E E E F A Z , at

Per th , on the 7th ult . , by Dets . F . G. Eggleston, H. Mann , A D u n n , and S. A. F o x ; a t tempt ing to procure abort ion. Commit ted for tr ial .

J A M E S C H A N D , a t Wi luna , on the 9th ult., by P.C.

W . Neagle, on w a r r a n t ; false pretences. Dis­charged.

J O H N B O N N E T T I , a t Kalgoorlie, on the 14th inst., by Det . P . D. K a v a n a g h ; a t tempted larceny. Com­mi t ted for trial .

L I O N E L or L E O N A R D W H I T C O M B E alias G E O R G E B .

F I E L D S alias J A M E S or G E O R G E B R O W N , at Dongara,

on the 26th ult., by P.C. Chas. Wisbey ; idle and disorderiv. 9 montlis h.l.

W I L L I A M K E L L Y aud D O N A L D M C K A Y , at Kal­

goorlie, on the 26th ult. , by P.Cs. L. O'Brien and J . P o r t e r ; unlawful possession. 1 month h.l.

T H O M A S S E A L E , exp., late Reg. No. 9562, at Nor tham, on the 27th ult., by P .C . R. J . Fu r long ; idle and disorderiv. 1 mou th h.l.

J A M E S R Y D E R F L E T C H E R , at Kalgoorlie, on the

28th ult., by Det . P . D. Kavanagh , on war ran t ; wife desertion. Brough t up a t Coolgardie on the 2nd inst. Discharged.

Kanowna.-On the 2nd inst., from the owner's dwelling,-a gentlpman's silver open-faced key­winding Waltha.m watch, No. 2992721, "P. Kenna" on outside of back case j the property of Terence McEnroe.- A2/4550, 6th March, 1900.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 68, .A.2/4417.

Gemldton.-The bicycle described in the above reference, the property of F. Haberrnan, has been returned to the owner j not stolen.

Kalgo01·lie.-·On the 26th ult., from the Miners' Institute,-a gentleman's Triumph Roadster bicycle, straight handles, felt grips, rat-trap pedals, new back tire, both inner tubes marked" R. A. McKean" in pencil j the property of Robert A. McKean.­A2j4507, 1st March, 1900.

Perth.--During the night of the 27th inst .. from 586 Hay Street,- a new spring cart saddle, small bend on front, small piece broken off right side, also hames, traces, reins, and breeL:hing, all black leather with white metal buckles j the property of See Fong. - A2 j4501 , 28th February, 1900.

Kalgoorlie. - During February last, from the owner's premiseR, Wilson Street, -- a yellow leather portmanteau, size about 30in. x 15in. x 15in., "A.C.B." painted on side in white j the property of Harriet Merton.--A2i4521, 2nd March, 1900.

Menzies. - During the night of the 27th ult., from the owner's dwelling, Brown Street, - a brown leather portmanteau, 3ft. long, worn, fastened with two straps, and having a stra,p in middle for carrying, c:ontaining a dark greyish-brown overcoat, black lining, plaid lining in sleeves, in good order j a black hroa.dcloth sat: coat and pair of trousers, part worn j

2 white linen shirts, size 16; a flannelette t.ennis shirt, size 16; and 6 pairs of grey woollen socks j a revolver and about 100 (:artridges; a gold signet ring, set with dark-coloured stone, engraved" J.R." j

2 plain gold shirt studs j small bundle of papers and certificates in name of A. H. Pope j a letter-book con­taining W.A. P.O. Savings Bank book in name of A. H. Pope, showing credit of £35 j also 19 £1 notes; the property of Arkles Harry Pope.- A2/4523, 3rd March, 1900.

Mt. Morgans.-About ~ a.m. on tbe 22nd ult., from Hawk's Nest,-2 large copper battery plates, each measuring 6ft. x 8ft., and weighing about 5cwt., valued at £25 each j the property of tbe Golden Rhine Co. Suspicion attaehes to James Coleman. Descrip­tion: Stout build, age 36 years, height 5ft. 6in. or 7in. , dark hair and moustachA, dark whiskers turning grey, blue pyes.-A2/4524, 3rd March, 1900.

Menzies. - During the night of the 1st inst., from the owner's eamp,-fi ve caddies of Derhy tobacco, three marked W.J.B.M.M., anu two mark.-d E .E.R.M.M.; thf> property of Akanzahda.- A2j4546, 6th March, 1900.

Horses, Cattle, etc. Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 47, A2/41l1.

York. - The borse described in the above refer­enec. the property of William McCullen, has been fouOd, nDt stolen.


Apprehensions. Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 70, Miscellaneous.

JAMES SINNOTT, at Kalgoorlie, on the 28th ult., by P.C. J. J. Fraser j on warrant of commitment. 3 months h.l.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 69.

WILL lE THoMPsoN, brought up at Southern Cross on the 27th ult. j larceny. 3 months h.1. j unlawful possession. 3 months h.1. (cumulative). Property recovered.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 49, W. 90/1900.

HAROLD BARRY MCCORMICK, at Bunbury, on the 2nd inst., by P.C. T. Kennedy. Discharged. General warrant issued.

Vide Pultce Gazette, 1900, page 63.

GEORGE HERBERT PALMER, brought up at Kanowna on the 2nd inst. 6 months h.l.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 19, W. 21/1900.

J OSEPH Ross, at Coolgardie, on the 3rd inst., by P .Cs. E. J. McLernon and C. Muller. Discharged.

Vide Police Gazette, 1897, pages 276, :386, A1/4363.

OSWALD NEICH, at Kalgoorlie, on the 2nd inst., by Sergts. Meyers and Oldfield, of the New South Wales Police, on indorsed warrant j wife desertion in New South Wales. Brought up at Perth on the 5th inst. Remanded in custody to Sydney.

Vide Police Gazette, 1899, pages 184, 328; 1900, pa~e 71.

ANTON WOLF, at Kalgoorlie, on the 2nd inst., by Sergts. Mf>yers and Oldfield, of the New South Wales Police, on indorsed warrant.; wife desertion in New South Wales. Brought up at Perth on the 5th inst. Remanded in ('u~tody to Sydney.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 6a.

CHARLES A. P. MORToN, under sentence, brought up at Perth on the 1st inst., charg-ed by Det. H. Mann j false pretences. Committed for trial.

HERBERT DEREPAZ and FRANCIS DEREPAZ, at Perth, on the 7th ult., by Det.s. F. G. Eggleston, H. Mann, A . DUlln, and S. A. Fox j attempting to procure abortion. Committed for trial.

JAMES CHAND, at Wiluna, on the 9th ult., by P.C. W. N eagle, on warrant j false pretences. Dis­charged.

JOHN BONNETTI, at KalgoorIie, on the 14th inst., by Det. P . D. Kavanagh j attempted larceny. Com­mitted for trial.

LIONEL or LEONARD WHITCOMBE alias GEORGE B. FIELDS alia!! JAMES or GEORGE BROWN, at Dongara, on the 26th ult., by P.C. Chas. Wisbey j idle and disorderly. 9 months h.1.

WILLIAJIl KELLY and DONALD McKAY, at Kal­goorlie, on the 26th ult., by P.C!;. L. O'Brien and J. Porter j unlawful possession. 1 month h.1.

THOMAS SEALE, exp., late Reg. No. 9562, at Northam, on the 27th ult., by P.C. R J. Furlong; idle and disorderly. 1 month h.1.

JAMES RYDER FLETcHER, at Kalgoorlie, on the 28th ult., by Det. P. D. Kavanagh, on warrant j wife desertion. Brought up at Coolgardie on the 2nd inst. Discharged.

Page 3: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On


N. S. KOHANA (Japanese), at Fremantle, on the 2nd inst., by W.P.Cs. C. Cusack and W. J. Kestell, on warrant; being indebted to Hie Toy & Co. in the

Discharged. Claim satisfied. sum of i ; l2 10s. l^d

MICHAEL BRENNAN, at Fremantle, on the 24th ult., by P.C. J. McTavish ; disorderly. 1 month h.l.; resisting arrest, 1 month h.l. (cumulative).

WILLIAM DEAN, exp., late Reg. No. 8546, at Fre­mautle, on the 28th ult., by P.C. S. E. Pimblett; uulawful possession. 7 days h.l.

JOSEPH MOTERELLO, at Fremantle, on the 2Bth ult., by P.C. J. McTavish ; unlawful possession. 1 month h.l.

JOHN NEILSON. at Fremantle, on the 28th inst., by P.C. W. F. Williams ; unlawful possession. 3 months h.l.

WILLIAM T . MCGRATH, at Fremantle, on the 1st inst., by W.P.C. E. C. Kohler; idle and disorderly. 3 months h.l.

JAMES SMITH, at Perth, on the 2nd inst., by P.C. M. Normoyle ; housebreaking and larceny. 9 months h.l. Property partly recovered.

HARRY WARNER, at Perth, on the 24th ult., by P.C. T. Hickey, on warrant; unlawful possession. 37s. 6d. fine or 14 days h.l.

DENIS CUSACK, at Perth, on the 27th ult., by P.Cs. J. Goode and M. James; idle and disorderly. 6 months h.l.

JOHN MONKMAN, at Perth, on the 15th ult., by P.Cs. M. McAuley and G. Johnston ; larceny. 4 months h i . Property jiartly recovered.

ERNEST THOMPSON, at Perth, ou the 24th ult., by P.C. T. Hickey ; unlawful possession. 14 days h.l.

TONY NEILSON, at Perth, on the 27th ult., by P.Cs. R. Anderson and T. Hickey; resisting police. •£10 fine and costs or 2 mouths h.l.

MARY RICHARDSON, at Perth, on the 27th ult., by P.Cs. R. Anderson, T. Hickey, and P. J. Carroll; obscenity. 1 month h.l.

PATRICK MURPHY, at Perth, on the 26th ult., by P.C. H. Winder; lunacy. Sent to Asylum.

THOMAS BOYLE, at Perth, ou the 28th ult., by P.C. W. C. Banfield ; lunacy. Sent to Asylum.

WILLIAM EVANIS, at Perth, on the 18th January last, by P.C. W. E. Culmsee ; unlawfully wounding. Brought up on the 2nd inst. Coimnitted for trial.

DAVID WATKINS, at Perth, on the 2ud inst., by P.C. W. A. Spark ; rogue and vagabond. 3 months h.l.

JOHN CRANSTON, at Coolgardie on the 3rd inst., by P.Cs. C. Muller and E. J. McLernon, on warrant; larceny. Remanded. Property recovered.

JOHN GETTAZ, at Fremantle, on the Sth inst., by P.C. S. E. Pimblett, on warrant; wounding with intent.

PATRICK RYAN, at Fremantle, ou the 2ud inst., by W.P.C. T . Connelly, on warrant; false pretences. Remanded.

THOMAS K E E F E , at Perth, on the Sth inst., by Sergts. Meyers and Oldfield, of the New South Wales Police, and Det. F. G. Eggleston, on indorsed warrant; wife desertion in New South Wales. Remanded in custodv to Sydnev.

Miscellaneous. KATE GREENALSH, charged at Guildford, on the

27th ult., by P.Cs. D. Stevens and J. Savage; sly-grog selling. .£30 tine and 24 hours imprisonment.

JAMES SINNOTT, charged at Kalgoorlie. ou the 1st inst. by Sergt. J. Smith; having fermented liquor on his unlicensed premises for the purpose of sale. Liquor confiscated.

HARRY FEWSTER, charged at Fremantle, on 27th ult., by Henry Harkins ; assault. .£5 fiue costs or 6 weeks h.l.

the i i id

ARTHUR A. FULLER, charged at Coolgardie, on the 2nd inst., by Hyam Nathan, Stock Inspector; breach of the Stock Quarantine Act. <£5 fine and costs (.£50).

WALTER W I N O , licensee of the Golden Age Hotel, charged at Leederville, on the 22nd ult., by P.C. J. Richardson ; supplying liquor to a person under 16 vears of age. ^ 5 fine and costs.

JAMES DONOHUE, charged at Perth, on the 28th ult., by P.C. W. Whyte; impersonating a ]iolice constable. ,£10 fine or 6 months h.l.

HENRY ABELL, charged at Kanowna, on the 3rd inst., Iiy P.Cs. A. Wilscm and F. M. Dungey; sly-grog selling. =£30 fine and costs and imprisonment until the rising of the Court.

Warrants Issued AUGUST VARIAN, thin build, age 29 years, height

Sft. bin., auburn hair and whiskers, liaz(,'l eyes, very thin visage, fair coin])lexion, dressed in light suit and felt hat, silk shirt with pink stripes; laiiourer ; native of Guildford, W.A. ; deserting his wife and child at Perth on the 1st Januarv last. Dated Perth, 27th February, 1900.—W. 160/1900.

CHARLES FIELD, stout build, age 40 years, height Sft. 9in., black hair and moustache, dark eyes, long visage, brown complexion, has a squint iu <'ne eye, a hawker, native of India; disobeying summons to appear at Perth Police Court on the 28th ult., to answer to a charge of illegal hawking. Dated Perth, 2Bth Februarv, 1900 . -W. 161 1900.

SAMUEL DEVEY, medium build, age 35 years, hei<Tht Sft. 6^iu., light hair and moustache, blue eyes, aquiline uose, eyes close together, retreating forehead, sallow complexion, has boils on the liack, rather sickly, wears black suit and brown felt hat ; accompanied by a big woman, who stoops a little, has black hair and Roman nose; Ix-ing indebted to Matthews & Brooks in the sum of .£148. To be arrested at anv seaiiort of the Colony, but not else­where. Dated Kalgoortie, 27th February, 1900.— W. 165 1900.

:N. S. KOHANA (Japanese), at Fremantle, on the 2nd inst., by W .P.Cs. C. Cusack and W. J. K estell, on warrant; being indebted to Hie Toy & Co. in the sum of £12 10s. 1td. Discharged. Claim satisfied.

MICHAEL BRENNAN, at Fremantle, on the 24th ult., by P.C. J . McTavish; disorderly. 1 month h.1.; resisting arrest, 1 month h.1. (cumulative).

WILLIAM DEAN, exp., late Reg. No. 8546, at Fre­mantle, on the 28th ult. , by P .C. S. E . Pimblett; unlawful possession. 7 days h.1.

JOSEPH MOTERELLO, at. Fremantle, on the 28th ult., bv P.C. J. McTavish; unlawful possession . 1 month h.1.

JOHN NEILSON. at Fremantle, on the 28th inst., hy P.C . W. F . Williams; unlawful possession. 3 months h.1.

WILLIAM T. MCGRATH, at Frpmantle, on the 1st inst., by W.P.C. E. C. Kohler; idle and disorderly. :) months h.1. .

JAMES SMITH, at Perth, on the 2nd inst., by P.C. M. Normoyle; housebrea.king and larc:eny. 9 months h.1. Property partly recovered.

HARRY WARNER, at Perth, on the 24th ult., by P.C. T. Hickey, on warrant; unlawful possession. 37s. 6d. fine or 14 days h.1.

DENIS CUSACK, at Perth, on the 27th ult., by P.Cs. J. Goode and M. James; idle and disorderly . 6 months h.1.

JOHN MONKMAN, at Perth, on the 15th ult., by P .Cs. M. McAnley and G. Johnston; larceny . 4 months h 1. Property partly recovered.

ERNEST THOMPSON, at Perth, on the 24th ult. , by P.C. T . Hickey; unlawful possession. 14 days h.1.

TONY NEILSON, at Perth, on the 27th ult., by P.Cs. R. Anderson and T. Hickey; resisting police. £10 fine and costs or 2 months h1

MARY RICHAR.DSON, at Perth, on the 27th ult., by P.Cs. R. Anderson, T . Hickey, and P . J. Carroll ; obscenity. 1 month h.1.

----PA'fRICK MURPHY, a.t Perth, on the 26th ult., by

P.C. H. Winder; lunacy. Sent to Asylum.

THOMAS BOYLE, at Perth, on the 28th ult., by P .C. W. C. Ballfield; lunacy. Sent to Asylum.

WILLIAM EVANIS, at Perth, on the 18th January bst, by P .C. W. E. Culmsee; unlawfull~' wounding. Brought up on the 2nd inst. Committed for trial.

DA VID W ATKINS, at Perth, on the 2nd inst ., by P.C. W. A. Spark; rogue and vagabond. 3 months h.1.

JOHN CRANSTON, at Coolgardie on the 3rd inst., by P .Cs. C. Muller and E. J. McLernon, on wal'l'ant; l~rceny. Remanded. Property recovered.

JOHN GETTAZ, at Fremantle, on t.he 5th inst., by P.C. S. E. Pimblett., on warrant; wounding with intent.

PATRICK RYAN. <l,t Fremantle, on the 2nu inst., by W.P.C. T. Connelly, on warrant; false pretences. Remanded.


THOMAS KEEFE, at P elih. on the 5th int., h, Sergts. Mevers and Oldfield. of the New outh " 'ale P olice, and Det. F . G. Eggle ton, on indor ed warrant; wife desertion in New outh Wale. Remand~d in custody to Sydney.

Miscellaneous. KATE GREENALSH, charged at Guildford, on the

27th uJt., by P .Cs. D . Sttvens and J. Savage j I,\"­grog selling. £30 tine and 24 hours imprisonment.

JA.MES SINN()TT, \:har~ed at J(alg\l\)rlit'. on tlH~ ht inst. by Sergt. J. Smith; having ferml'nted liquor on his unlicensed premises for tlw purpose of sale. LiquOJ' confiscated.

HARRY FEwsTER, charged at Fremantle, on thp 27th ult., by Hpnrv H arkin'; assau lt. £5 fine all(1 costs or ti ~eeks h}

ARTBUR A. Fur~r.ER, charged at Coolgardie, 011

the 2nd inst., by H yam N athan, Stock Inspector; breach of the Stock Quarantine Ad. £5 fine and costs (£50).

WALTER WIN G, licensee of the Golden Age Hotel, charged at Leederville, on the 22nd ult., by P.C. J . Richardson j supplying liquor to :L person under Hi years of age. £5 fine and costs.

J AMES DONoHuE, cha rged at Pelih, un tlU' ~8th ult., by P .C. W. Whyte j impersonating- ~L jlolice constable. £10 fine or 6 months h.!.

HENRY ABELL. charged at Kanowna. on the 3rd inst. , hy F.Cs. A. Wil son and F . M. Dungp\'; s]y­grog selling. £30 fine and costs and imprisonme;lt until the rising of tl1P Cou rt .

- -- ._-

Warrants Issued.

AUGUST V A.RIAN, thin build, a.ge 29 years, height 5it. 6in., a.uburn hair anu whi ken" ha.zt'l eycs. very thin visage, fa ir complpxion, dre 'sed in light suit and felt hat, silk shirt with pink stripl's; lahuurer; native of Guildforu, 1,V.A. ; deserting hi wife anu chilu at P erth on the 1st Januarv last. Dated P erth, 27th February, 1900 .-·W. 160 1900.

CHARLES FIELD, stout l,uild, age 40 years. height Sft. 9in., black hair and mOUl';tache, dark eyes, long visage, brown complexion, has a squint in ('ne eye, a hawker, native of India; disobeying summons to appear at P erth Pulice Court un the 28th ult., to answer to a charge of illegal hawking. Dated Perth. 28th F ebruary, 1900.-W. 161. 1900.

SAMUEL DEVEY, menium Imild , ag-e 3.5 years, height 5ft. 6tin .. light hair and mOl1staciw. blur eyes, aquiline nose, eyes close together, rdrl'ating forehead, sallow complexion, ha boils Oll the ha.ck. rather sickly, wears black suit and urowlI felt hat ; accompanied by a big woman, wbo stoops a little, ha" black hair and Roman nose j being inrlebteu to Matthews & Brooks in tbe slim of £14 . To be arresteu at any eaport of the Colony. hut not else­where. Dated Kalgoorlie. 27th F ehruary, 1900.­W . 165.1900.

Page 4: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On

HAROLD BARRY MCCORMICK (for description see Bolice Gazette, 1900, p. 49, W. 89/1900) ; being in­debted to Fox & Holmes in the sum of .£24 18s. 3d. To be arrested and brought ashore as often as he may be found in any vessel about to proceed to sea. Dated Bunbury, 2nd March, 1900.—W. 166/1900.

FRANK KOHLER, slight build, age 25 years, height Sft. 6in., black hair and mou.stache, dark eyes, very dark complexion, dressed in light fawn suit, with black band on arm ; a bottler, native of Queensland; being indebted to Edward Edmeades in the sum of =£23 6s. 6d. To be arrested at any seaport of the Colony, but not elsewhere. Dated Northam, Sth March, 1900.—W. 176/1900.

CHONG FOE, L E E FOW, CHOL A H PONG, CHOW LAM, F O I A H WAH, and Low A H SWEE, natives of China, all medium build, between 25 and 30 years, black hair, smooth faces, sallow complexion, very ugly appearance; firemen, late of s.s. "Sul tan" ; being prohibited immigrants at Fremantle on the 2nd inst. Dated Fremantle, 3rd March, 1900.—W. 167/1900, 168/1900 169/1900, 170/1900, 171/1900, 172/1900.

Extract. (From Victorian Folice Gazette, 1900, page 79.)

E. H. G. T. SMITH is charged, on warrant, with embezzling =£50, moneys of the Metropolitan Build­ing Society, Melbourne (Ernest Richard Winter Benson, Secretary), at Melbourne, on the 16th inst. Description: Accountant, about 42 years of age, Sft. lOin. high, medium build, dark complexion, dark moustache only, dresses well, generally in dark clothes and a brown Alpine hat. Resides in New Street, Br igh ton . -01565 , 21st February, 1900.

(The arrest of this offender is urgently requested in any of the adjacent colonies. The defalcations are large. Photo, filed at Detective Office, Perth.— A 2/4552.)

Missing Friends. Vide Police Gazette, 1899, page 372, B2/740.

GEORGE LEWIS MOON has Ijeen found at Perth.

— GEDDIS and W I F E (nee Thompson), no de­scription given. Geddis is a butcher by trade ; last heard of by letter from Perth about three years ago. Inquiry by Geo. Thompson (father of Mrs. Geddis), Auckland, New Zealand. Information to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.—B2/1134.

WALTER ABERNETHY, sturdy build, age 28 years, height about Sft. Bin., black hair, clean shaven; last heard of by letter, dated Moora, about two years ago. Inquiry by Mrs. W. Abernerthy (mother), 25 Andrew Street, Windsor, Victoria. Information to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.—B2/II75.

E M I L GUSTAV REICHET, no description given, formerly at Monaro Station, Darling River, New South Wales; believed to have come to this Colony four or five years ago. Inquiry by New South Wales Police on behalf of Herman Robert Reichet (brother). Saxony. Information to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.—B2/1183.

DANIEL R E I D , age 27 years, height 6ft., fair com­plexion, fair hair, clean shaved, or may be wearing very thin fair beard, large dark eyes, high cheek bones, long straight nose, walks slightly lame; supposed to have assumed the name of Daniel Green; left Peak Hill about 8th March, 1899, for Cue. Inquiry by Queensland Police on behalf of his wife, whom he has deserted at Warwick, Queensland. Information to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.—A2/4S4S.

Escaped Prisoner. No. 603.—ROBERT JOLLY, stout build, age 30

years, height Sft. 9jin., dark brown hair, light whiskers and moustache, grey eyes, long visage, fresh complexion; scar back of head, big toe of right foot injured ; dressed in grey coat and vest, old grey cotton shirt, dark serge or grey mole trousers and soft grey felt hat, a blacksmith, native of Victoria (vide Bolice Gazette, 1899, page 308 ; photo, in October group, 1899); escaped from Northam Lock-up at 7'40 p.m. on the 3rd inst., whilst under a sentence of 2 months h.l. for larceny, and also on remand on a charge of unlawful possession.—A2/45S1.

Conditional Release Holder. PARIAN, C . R . , Reg. No. 10405, reported his arrival

at Perth from Bunburv on the 1st inst.

Inquests , Berth.—On the 27th ult., at the Coroner's Court,

before Dr. E. Black, Acting District Coroner, on the body of Michael Brown, who was killed at West Perth Railway Station on the 2l8t ult., by being knocked down by a train. Verdict—" Accidental dea th ." -B2/1171.

Fremantle.—On the 28th ult., at the Court House, before Dr. E. Black, Acting District Coroner, on the body of Jabez Francis Hicks, who was killed on the 27th ult., by a kick from a horse. Verdict— "Accidental death."—B2/1176.

Kalgoorlie.—On the 26th ult., at the Court House, before Patk. Whelan, J.P., Acting Coroner, on the body of James Calder Scandrett, who died from a bullet wound in the head. Verdict—" Suicide whilst temporarily insane."—B2/1177.

Perth.—On the 1st inst., at the Coroner's Court, before Dr. E. Black, Acting District Coroner, on the bod}' of Charles Clarence Saunders, who was found dead in Palmerston Street on the 24th ult., with his throat cut. Verdict—" Suicide whilst temporarily insane."—B2/1180.

Wagin.—On the 16th ult., at the Court House, before W. K. Adams, R.M., Acting Coroner, on the body of William Purdy Cramond, who cut his throat on the 16th ult. Verdict—"Suicide whilst temporarily insane."—B2/1137.

HAROLD BARRY MCCORlIHCK (for description see Police Gazette, 1900, p. 49, W. 89/ H)oO); being in­debted to Fox & Holmes in the sum of .£24 18s. 3d. To be arrested and brought af;hore as often as he may 1:>e found in any vessel about to proceed to sea. Dated Bunbury, 2nd March, 1900.-W. L66/1900.

FRANK KOHLER, slight build, age 25 years, height 5ft. 6in., black hair and moustache, dark eyes, very dark complexion, dressed in light fawn suit, with black band on arm; a bottler, native of Queensland; being indebted to Edward Edmeades in the sum of .£23 6s. 6d. To be arrested at any seaport of the Colony, but not elsewhere. Dated Northam, 5th March, 1900.-W. 1'76/1900.

CHONG FOE, LEE Fow, CROL AH FONG, CHOW LAM, FOI AH WAR, and Low AB SWEE, nat.ives of China., all medium build, between 25 and 30 years, black hair, smooth faces, sallow complexion, very ugly appearance; firemen, late of S.s. "Sultan"; being prohibited immigrants at Fremantle on the 2nd inst. Dated Fremantle, 3rd March, HIOO.-W. 16'7/1900, 168/1900 169,'1900,170/1900, 17] /1900,172/1900.

Extract. (From Victorian Police Gazette, 1900, page 79.)

E. B. G. T. SMITH is charged, on warrant, with embezzling £50, moneys of the Metropolitan Build­ing Society, Melbourne (Ernest Richard Winter Benson, Secretary), at Melbourne, on the 16th inst. Description: Accountant, about 42 years of age, 5ft. lOin. high, medium build, dark complexion,

.dark moustache only, dresses well, generally in dark clothes and a brown Alpine hat. Resides in New Street, Brighton.--O 1565, 21st February, 1900.

(The arrest of this offender is urgently requested in any of the adjacent colonies. The defalcations are large. Photo. filed at Detective Office. Perth.­A 2/4552.)

Missing Friend •. Vide Police Gazette, 1899, page 372, B2/740.

GEORGE LEWIS MOON bas been found at Perth.

- GEDDIS and WIFE (nee Thompson), no de­scription given. Geddis is 'a butcher by trade; last heard of by letter from Perth about three years ago. Inquiry by Geo. rrhompson (father of Mrs. Geddis), Auckland, New Zealand. Information to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.-B2/1134.

W ALTER ABERNETHY, sturdy build, age 28 years, height about 5ft. 8in., black hair, clean shaven; last heard of by letter, dated Moora, about two years ago. Inquiry by Mrs. W. Abernerthy (mother), 25 Andrew Street, Windsor, Victoria. Information to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth. --B2/11'75.

EMIL GUSTAV REICHET, no description given, formerly at Monaro Station, Darling River, New South Wales; believed to have come to this Colony four or five years ago. Inquiry by New South Wales Police on behalf of Berman Robert Reichet (brother), Saxony. Information to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.-B2/1183.

DANIEL REID, age 27 years, height 6ft., fair com­plexion, fair ba.ir, clean shaved, or may be' wearing very thin fair beard, large Jark eyes, high cheek bones, long straight nose, walks slightly lame; supposed to have assumed the name of Daniel Green; left Peak Hill about 8th March, 1899, for Cue. Inquiry by (,Jueensland Police on behalf of his wife, whom he has deserted at Warwick, Queensland. Information to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.-AZ/4545.

Escaped Prisoner. No. 608.-RoBERT JOLLY, stout build, age 30

years, height 5ft. 9tin., dark brown hair, light whiskers and moustache, grey eyes, long visage, fresh complexion; scar back of head, big toe of right foot injured; dressed in grey coat and vest, old grey cotton shirt, dark serge or grey mole trousers and soft gre,v felt hat, a blacksmith, native of Victoria (vide Police Gazette, 1899, page 308 j photo. in October group, 1899); escaped horn Northam Lock-up at 7'40 p.m. on the 3rd inst., whilst under a sentence of ~ months h .1. for larceny, and also on remand on a charge of unlawful possession.-A2/4551.

Conditional Release Holder. PABIAN, C. R., Reg. No. 10405, reported his arrival

at Perth from Bunbury on the 1st inst.

Inquests. Pe1·th.- On the 27th ult., at the Coroner's Court,

before Dr. E. Black, Acting District Coroner, on the body of Michael Brown, who was killed at West Perth Railway Station on the 21st ult., by being knocked down by a train. Verdict-" Accidental death." - ·B2/1171.

Fremantle.-On the 28th ult., at the Court H oUSP, before Dr. E. Black, Acting District Coroner, on the body of Jabez Francis Hicks, who was killed on the 27th ult., by a kick f)'om a horse. Verdict­"Accidental death."-B2/1176.

Kalgoorlie. - On the 26th ult., at the Court House, before Patk. Whelan, J .P., Ar·ting Coroner, on the body of James Calder Scandrett, who died from a bullet wound in the head. Verdict-" Suicide whilf;t temporarily insane." -B2/1177.

Perth.-On the 1st inst., at the Coroner's Court, before Dr. E. Black, Acting District Coroner, on the body of Charlef; Clarence Saunders, who was found dead in Palmerston Street on the 24th ult., wit.h hIS throat cut. Verdict-·H Suicide whilst temporarily insane."-B2/1180.

Wagin.-On the 16th ult., at the Court. House, . before W. K: ~dams, R.M., Acting Coroner, on the body of Wdham Purely Cl'amond, who cut his throat on the 16th ult. Verdict-" Suicide whilst temporarily insane."-B2/1137.

Page 5: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On


Property Lost. Perth. —On the 26th u l t . ,—a brown lea ther wallet,

containing references, papers , etc., in the name of, and the property of, J a m e s Moffa t t .—P.L. 96/1900. On the 26th u l t . ,—a pair of gold pince nez, wi th long, fine gold chain at tached, the property of Mrs . B u r t . — P.L. 97/1900. On the 1st inst . ,—a l ight brown leather purse , containing S | sovereigns and some silver; t he proper ty of Mrs . A. M. W a d s o u . — P . L . 98/1900. On the 1st inst . ,—a gent leman ' s ISct. gold ( 1 | oz.) double-curb chain (about 8 curb links to 4 longer l inks) split r ing and broken swivel ; the property of G. W . Sul l ivan .—P.L. 99/1900. On the 2nd inst. , a gen t leman ' s silver open-faced stem-winding watch, glass back, and gold double-curb

chain, with square-shaped locket engraved " W . J . C . " on one side, d iamond set in the other s ide ; the proper ty of W . J . Corn i sh .—P.L. 103/1900.

Albany.—On the I 6 t h ul t . ,—a gold double-bar brooch, set with a red sapphire ; the propertv of Miss A d a H a r t m a n . — P . L . 100/1900. On the i 9 t h ult., a large pearl breast-pin, with a small d iamond set in the cen t re ; the propertv of Miss F i she r .—P.L . 101/1900.

Bunbury.—On the 14th ul t . ,—a gold brooch, about 2in. long, set with 4 d iamonds and 3 rubies, slide a t the back ; t he proper ty of Mrs . MiUs.—P.L. 102 1900.

P R I S O N K R S D I S C H A R G E D .

lleK. No. or late

llei!. .No. Wherf Dale o( l)iich»r|[e.

Committeo. |

From Fremantle Prison, during the week ending Saturday, Srd March, 1900.

Female Free ... Female Free ...


Uo. Female

Free . . Exp. ... Free ...


Do. Do.


Female Free ...

F 2 0 1608

F119 1461 164G

3715 F 1.55

1136 10503 1433 3097

3576 4083


F27 3092

Ooyle, Ann Skelton, Thos. Branch, Catherine McDonald, Jas. Ah Bee

Cregan, John Anderson, Lizzie ...

Tage Mahomet Taylor, Wm. Hurst, Matthew ... Gee, Henry, alias

Eoss, John Shanley, H. Dittmer, George ...

Fewster, Harry ...

Gordon, Martha ... Thompson, George

Female Free ...

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Female Exp . ... Female

F 1 0 8 1777 3492 3765 4139 4140

F 1 4 4 8146

Bluey (ab. na t . ) ... Carberry, Henry ... Lewis, J o h n Kelly, Charles ... Olsen, Carl Gordon, J . ... McCabe, Josephine Thompson, Joseph Lock, Lulu L.

Unlawful possession ... Disorderly Larceny ... Disorderly Unlawfully on premises ; giving

false name False pretences

! Obscene language ; assaulting police

Idle and disorderly Larceny ... Idle and disorderly Unlawful possession ...

Idle and disorderly Assault ...


Drunk Drunk ; obscene language ;

damaging property ; unlaw­fully using a horse ; damag­ing property

Idle and disorderly Do

Unlawful possession ... Disorderly

Do Idle and disorderly Unlawfully on premises Rogue and vagabond Forgery and uttering ...

14 days h.l. ... 20s. or 14 days h.l. ... 1 month h.l.... 7 days h.l. ... 6 months h.l.; 7s. or

3 days h.l. 1 month h.l. 22s. or 7 days h.l.;

42s. or 14 days 6 months h.l. 1 month h.l. 1 month h.l. 6 months h.l.

4 weeks h.l. ... .£5 3s. Ud. or 2 months

h.l. £8 3s. 6d. or 6 weeks

h.l. 7 days h.l. ... 10s. or 4 days h.l.;

.£2 or 21 days h.l.; 1 month h.l. ; 3 months h.l.; 7 days h.l. (cum.)

3 months h.l. 1 month 6 months h.l. 2 months h.l. 22s. or 7 days h.l. ... 7 days h.l 14 days h.l. ... 1 month h.l. 5 years p.s. ...

Perth ... Fremantle Perth ...

Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Fremantle


Do. Do.

Perth ... Do.

Fremantle Perth ... Do. Do. Do. Do.

Sup. Court

26th Feb. *26th do.

"1 I j.27th do. I

J •28th do.

-28th do.

*lst March

I 1st do.

• 2nd do.


t3rd do. 3rd do.

• Fine paid. t Sentence remit ted.

Free . Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do.


From Bunbury Gaol, during the four weeks ending 24th February, 1900.

Conway, Michael ... Cullen, Michael ... Storey, William ...

Bennett, Robert ... Robinson, Charles Blackshaw, John ... Christianson, John

Thompson, Edward

Disorderly Do

Disorderly; resisting police

Indecent exposure Drunk ...

Do Disorderly; resisting police


OS. or 3 days h.l 14 days h.l. ... ... 10s. or 3 days h.l.; 10s. |

or 3 days h.l. 7 days h.l. ... ... \ OS. or 3 days h.l. ... i OS. or 3 days h.l. 10s. or 7 days h.l.; 5s.

or 3 days h.l. 10s. or 7 days h.l. ...

Bunbury Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do.


22nd Jan. 2oth do. 27th do.

,5th Feb. 16th do.

19th do.

23rd do.

Exp. 9295

From Neivcastle Gaol, during the week ending 24th February, 1900.

Smith, John ... I Idle and disorderly ; 1 month h.l. ... I Newcastle 24th Feb. (


Property Lost. Perth. -On the 26th ult.,-a brown leather wallet,

containing references, papers, etc., in the name of, and the property of, James Mo£fatt.-P.L. 96/1900. On the 26th ult.,-a pair of gold pince nez, with long, fine gold chain attached, the property of Mrs. Burt.­P .L . 97/1900. On the 1st inst.,-a light brown leather purse, containing 5i sovereigns and some silver; the property of Mrs. A. M. Wadson.--P .L . 98/1900. On the 1st inst.,-a gentleman's 15ct. gold (1"! oz.) doubl~-curb chain (about 8 curb links to 4 longer links) split ring and broken swivel ; the property of G. W. Sullivan.-P .L . 99/1900. On the 2nd inst., a gentleman's silver open-faced stem­winding watch, glass back, and gold double-curb

chain, with square-sha.ped locket engraved" W.J.C." on one side, diamond set in the other ide; the property of W. J . Corni h.-P.L . 103/1900.

ltell. No. t..:u lldtti oo. or late

lte~. ~o.

Female Free ... F emale Free ...


Do. Female

Free .. Exp ... . Free .. .


Do. Do.


Female Free ...

F emale Free ...

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Female Exp . ... Female

Free ... Do. Vo.


00. Do. Do.


I F20 1608

F 119 14tH 1646

3715 F 155

113(; 10503 1433 3097

3576 4083


F27 8092

1"108 1777 3492 3765 4139 4140

]' 144 8146

Albany.-On the 16th ult.,-a gold double-bar brooch, set with a red sapphire; the property of Mis Ada H artman.-P.L. 100 1900. On the 19th ult ., a large pearl breast-pin, with a small diamond set in the centre; the property of Mi s Fisher.-P .L . 10111900.

Bunbuty.-On the 14th ult .,-a gold brooch, about 2in. long, set with 4 diamonds and 3 rubies, slide at the back; the property of Mrs. Mills.-P.L. 10211900.


'a.mt' . OtTt'Hce . Selltence. Wher. Committed.

From Fremantle P1'l'son, during the week ending Saturday, Brd Mm'ch, 1900.

Coyle, Ann Skelton, Tbos. Branch, Catherine Mc Donald, Jas. Ah Bee

Cregan, John Anderson, Lizzie

Tage Mahomet Taylor, Wm. Hurst, Matthew Gee, H enry, alias

Ross, John Shanley, H. Dittmer, George

F ewst cr, Harry

Gordon, Martha 'l.'hompson , George

U nla wful possession Disorderly Larceny ... Disorderly Unlawfully on premises ; giving

false name False pretences

I Obscene Ifl.nguage ; assaulting police

Idle and disorderly Larceny ... Idla and disorderly

I Unlawful possession

I Idle and disorderly Assault


Dnmk Drunk ; obscene language ;

damaging property; unlaw­fully using a horse; damag­ing property

Bluey (ab. nat.) Idle and disorderly Carberry, H enry Do. Lewis, John Unlawful possession Kelly, Charles Disorderly Olsen, Carl Do.

McCabe, J osephine Unlawfully on premises

I GOl'don, J. ... ... Idle and disorderly ...

Thompson, Joseph Rogue and vagabond .. . Luck, Lulu L. ... I Forgery and uttering .. .

14 days h .1. ... 20s. or 14 days h.l .... 1 month h.1 .. .. 7 days h.1. .. . 6 months h.1.; 7s. or

3 dfl.Y~ h.1. 1 month h.1. 22s. or 7 days h.1. ;

42s. or 14 days 6 months h.1. 1 month h .1. 1 month h.1. 6 months h.1.

4 weeks h .1. ... £5 3s. (jd. or 2 months

h.1. £8 3s. Bd. or 6 weeks

h .1. 7 days h.1. ... lOs. or 4 days h.1.;

£2 or 21 days h.1.; 1 month h.1.; 3 m()nths h.1.; 7 days h .1. (cum.)

3 months h .1. 1 month


(j months h.1. 2 months h.1. 22s. or 7 days h.l. 7 days h.1. .. . 14 days h.1. .. . 1 month h.1. 5 years p.s.

• Fine paid. t Sentence remitted.

Perth I Fremantlp

Perth Do. Do.

Do. Do.

I Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Fremantle


Do. Do.

Perth Do.

Fremantle Perth

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Sup. Court

F1'on~ Bunbu1'y Gaol, dU1'ing the four weeks ending 24th F ebruary, 1900.

Conway, Michael .,. Disorderly 5s. or 3 days h.1. Btmbury Cullen, Michael Do. 14 days h.1. .. . ... I Do. Storey, William ... Disorderly; resisting police ... lOs. or 3 days h.1.; lOs. , Do.

or 3 days h.1. Bennett, Robert ... Indecent exposure 7 days h.1. .. . Do. Robinson, Charles Drunk ... 55. or 3 days h.1. Do. Blackshaw, John ... Do. 5s. or 3 days h.1. Do. ... Christianson, John Disorderly; resisting police ... 10s. or 7 days h.1.; 5s. Do.

or 3 days h.1. Thompson, Edward Disorderly 10s. or 7 days h.1. ... Do.

FTom Newcastle Gaol, d1tring the week ending 24th Febnwry, 1900.


26th Feb. -26th do.

~27th do.

J -28th do.

l r28th do.

I ,J

I -1st March

} 1st do.


I il 2nd do.

J ( 3rd du ) .

t3rd do.

22nd Jan. 25th no. 27th do.

5th Fe], . 16th do.

) j 19th do .

23rd do.

Exp .... I 9295 1 Smith, John ... I Idle and disorderly 1 month h.1. __ . ,Newcastle 24th Fpb.

Page 6: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On


Pi - i soners Discharged—coni!m«ei.

Re^. No. I ' oiidition. or iate

Ttcg. .\(i


Offence. Where Com­

mitted. Diite of liiKcharife.

From Coolgardie Lock-up, during the month ending 2Sth February, 1900.

Bourke, John ... j Drunk I 7 days h.l j Coolgardie i 12th Feb.

Free .

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

From Geraldton Gaed, during ihe month

Sefton, S

Hiding 28th February, 1900.

Lenney, J. . Sailers, W. Connelly, J. Winghman, Kane, T. ... Cameron, C. Richardson, T


Supplying liquor to aboriginal native

Drunk ; disorderly Idle and disorderly Resisting; disorderly... Assault ... Debt Idle and disorderly Drunk

2 mon ths h.l .

5 weeks h.l . ... 1 month h.l. 3 mon ths h.l. 6 weeks h.l. ... 42 days h.l. ... 7 days h.l. ... 21 days h.l


Do. .. Do. .. Do. .. Do. .. Do. .. Do. .. Do. ..

7th Feb.

10th do.

I 13th do.

I 16th do. 26th do.


From Peak Hill Lock-up, during Ihe week ending 10th February, 1900.

Farrell, Michael ... j Drunk 1 14 days h.l i Peak Hill Oth Feb.

ES0AI*£;D PlilSON^EilS. Gazette

No. District frurn. Description mid i


.542 54.S .546 .549 551 .5.52 3.>4 .556 .557 560 369 .574 oik

576 bll 580 585 5S8

592 .59.3 599 601


Harris, Frank Morarau, David McDonald, Ja s . Burke, Wm Evan,s, Eobt McArthur, F Slack, John ... Brosnan, Timothy ... Hopkins, John Jenkins, Wm Watson, Thomas Watson, Charles Molyneux, Matthew Keid. John, f.'iVj.s

Price, Chas. O'Brien, Nicholas ... Mindham McPherson, Donald .. Cosgrove, William ... Sinclair, Henry, alias

McDougall, James, alias Cronin, Cor­nelius

Stone, WiUiam Downs, Edward Clarke, Andrew Haynes, Wm. alias

Ainsworth, Ar thur Chichong

6145 10484



Free do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.

Free T.L. do.

do. ah. nat .

Free do. do.

Free do.

T.L. Free

ah. nat.

1.5th AuK-nst, 1895... 12th Sept., 1895 ... 12th Sept., 1895 ... 1st January, 1896 ... Srd March, 1896 ... 17th April, 1896 ... 13th June , 1896 ... 20th August, 1896 9th .Sept., 1896 9th Sept., 1806 17th Sept., 1896 ... 24th June , 1897 25th D e c , 1896 21st Aufirust, 1897 ...

30th Oct., 1897 ... 24th D e c , 1897 Slst D e c , 1897 4fch July, 1898 14th Oct., 1898

9th Dec., 1898 Do

Slst Jan. , 1898 24th Oct., 1899

23rd D e c , 1899

Fremantle .. Coolgardie ... Geraldton ... Victoria Plains P e r t h Albanv Ooolifardie ... Geraldton ,.. Newcastle ... Newcastle ... Coolgardie . . Per th Per th Fremant le ...

Fremant le ... Fremant le ... Fremant le ... Kalgoorlie ... Mt. Malcolm

Pe r th Per th Fremant le ... CoUiefields

Geraldton ...

|-i,i,. Pol Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. u o . Do.


.-e i-,,izelle do.. do.. do.. do., do.. do., do., do.. do., do.. do.. do.. <io..

do.. do.. do.. do.. do..

do., do.. do.. do..


1895, do. do. 1896 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1897 do. do.

do. do. 1898 do. do.

do. do. 1899 do.


page 160 do. 169 do. 169 do. 13 do. .5.5 do. 94 do. 130 do. 19(1 do. 207 do. 207 do. 212 do. 189 do. 2.59 do. 395

do. 395 do. .395 do. 4 do. 225 do. 343

do. 410 do. 410 do 290 do. 328

do. 19

>y Authority : RICHAKD PETHER, Government Printer, Perth. V

Reg 1"0. , Ol.ld i tion. (11' late

Reg. :\0.

Free ...

Free .. . \

Do. Do. D J. Do. Do. Do. Do.



Prisoners Discharged -continued.

),:amr. Offence. !'entcnce. Wh e n ' ('001-


From Ooolga1-dif L ock-lip, Juring the month ending 2Rth F ebrua?'Y, 1900.

Bourke, J ohn ... I Drunk 17 days h.1. ... I Coolgardie

F 1-orn Gemldton Gaol, dw-illg the month ending 28th F ebruary, 1900.

Sefton, S. Supplyin g liquor to aboriginal 2 m 0nths h.1. Geraldton native

Lenney, J .... Drunk ; disorderly 5 weeks h .1. ' " Do. Sallers, VV. Idle and d isorderly 1 month h.1. Do. Connelly, J . Resisting; disorderly . .. 3 months h.l. Do. Wing hman, G. Assau lt . .. (j weeks h .1. ' " Do. Kane, T. Deb t 42 days h .1. Do. Cameron, C. Idle a nd disorderly 7 days h.l. Do. Richardson , T . Drunk 21 days h .l. Do.

Prom P eak Hill L ock- up , during the week ending 10th Feb1'uary, 1900.

F arrell, Mich :tel . .. I Drunk '" ! 14 day~ h .1. '" P eak Hill

12th Feb.

I 7th Feb.

1"( lOth do. I) } 13th do.

} 16th do.

26th do.

Uth Feb.



Gazette ...: .... Hle. !~ ... !!. ~ o. Cl,ll- 11". I,' '·"('Hpt . LH~tric;t f l 'Ulll. Descn ption Itl lli .... :iDl\r kb .

:>0. I 11iliflH.

·,40 Harris , Frank Free 1Mb A ugnst, 189.; . Fren.antle 1';,11' P ,,!;,'''' ';" zd/c:, 1895, page 160 .542 lIi orgau, David do. 12th Sept., 1895 Coo]gnrdie Do. (l o., do. do. I t3~ .5-1.3 McDonald, J as. do. 12th Sept.. lS9;, Gemldton Do. do., d o. d o . 16~ • 541) Burke, ·Wm. do . 1st J unn>try, 18~6 I'ictoriot Plains ))0. no., 18~o do. l~ .';49 Evans, Robt. do. 3Td March, 180C I Perth Do. no., do . rlo. .5-3 551 M cArtb ur, F . do. 17tb April, l S9G AlbaJ1)' Do. do., d o. no. 94 .;'52 Slack, J ohn do. 13th J une, 1896 Cookardie .. Jio. do., do . d o. 1:30 5.'» Br0snan, Timothy do. 1 20th An"nst, 1110(; (jeraldton Do. ,10., no . do . I P(I . )56 Hopkins, J"hn do . 9th Sept .. 1R9tl Newcastl ~ ])0 . 00., do. do. 2u7 .557 J enkins, Wm. do. I !ltb Sept., lsn6 Newcastle Do. do., do. d o. 20; 5(;0 Watson, Thomas do. 17th Sept., 1896 Coolgardie Do. ,10. , ']0. ,10. 212 569 Watson, Charles Free 24th .J nne, 1897 Perth D o. no., 1897 do. 189 .574 Molyneux, Matthew 6145 T.L. ~5tb Dec., IB96 Perth . Do. 110 . • ,10. do. 2.5fl ·j i 5 I Reid, J ohn, n1ins 10.J.8J do. ~lst Ang'nst, 1il97 Fremantle Do. tio., do. ,10. 395

Price, Chas. .576 I O'Brien, Nicholas .. 10470 do. 30th Oct., 1897 Fl'emantle Do. do., do . do. 395 577 Mindbam . ab. Ih'l,t. 24th Dec., 1897 Fremantle Do. d o., d o. do. 395 580 McPh erson, D onald Free 31st Dec., 1897 Fremantle D o. do., 1898 d o. 4 585 Cosgrove, William .' do . 4th J uly, 1898 Kalgoorlie .Do. do ., do. do. 225 588 Sinclair, Henry, alias do . 14th Oct., 1898 Mt. Makolm D o. do ., do. d o. 34.3

McDougall, James, (tlias Cronin, Cor· nelius

59"2 Stone, WjJliam Free 1 9th to~c. , 1898 Perth Do . d o., do . do. 410 . 593 Downs, Edward do. P er t h Do. d o. , do. d o. 410 599 Clarke, Andrew .. . 10480 T.L. 31st Ja1l. , Ul98 F r em antle .i.JO • d o. , 1899 do 290 601 Haynes, Wm. alta. I Free 24th Oct., 1899 Colliefields D o. do . , d o. do . 328

Ainswor th, Arthur 602 Chichong .. ab. nat. 231'd Dec ., 1899 Gerahltoll Do. do., 1900 d o . 19

By Authority: RICHARD PETHER. GOYt:'rnmpnt Printer, Perth .

Page 7: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On

[ Published by Author i ty . ]

This Geizette is publisheet for Police informeition emly, and the Bolice thrnngliout the Colony

a,re inntriie-teel to make themselves thoroughly acquainted with ihe ceintents.

GEO. BHILLIES, Commis.siouer of I'idlee-.


Circular Orders and Miscellaneous Information.

C.O. Ta'so-'" Notified for general iufoniiation, that the followiiif^ Appointments , Promot ions , Death , Resignations, and Trans te rs have taken place in the Police Force: -

Appointments : To be Probat ion Constables from tlie dates

specified: H . Cree, No. 558, from 20-2-1900. M. O'Donoghue, No. 559, from 1-3-1900. F . J . Loaring, No. 560, from 8-3-1900. J . Dallas, No. 561, from 8-3-1900.

Promot ions ; To be First-Class Constables from the dates

specified : Second-Class Constable P . Kilkelly, No. 279,

from 1-3-1900. Second-Class Constable W . S. Crowe, No. 282,

from 11-3-1900. To be Second-Class Constables from the dates

specified: Probat ion Constable E. F . D. H n n t , No. 523,

from 1-3-1900. Proba t ion Constable W . E . Culmsee, No. 525,

from 1-3-1900. Probat ion Constable J . P . Enr igh t , No. 528,

from 1-3-1900. Probat ion Constable J . H . D'Alton, No. 529,

from 1-3-1900. Probat ion Cimstable S. McKav, No. 534, from

1-3-1900. Proba t ion Constable M. H . vSmith, No. 530,

from 11-3-1900. Dea th :

Sec.md-Class Constable J. T. Rice, No. 322, died 10-2-1900.

Resignat ions:

Second-Class Constable H . McKean. No. 491 , 28-2-1900.

Seoond-Class Constable J . Crick, No. 307, 8-3-1900.

•T. Crockett, No. 47,

No. 45. Wvndha i

E. P . Thom])S(m,

First-Class Constable 10-3-1900.

Transfers : Sergeant A. L. Evans,

Per th , 8-2-1900. Second-Class CfmstabJe

292, Menzies to Mt. Morgan, 12-2-1900 Second-Class Constable P . H. Nelson, No.

Menzies to Mt. Leonora, 12-2-1900. Second-Class Constable P . ,T. Carroll, No.

Coolgardie to Pe r th . l(;-2-r.>0t). Probat ion Constable E. F . D. Hunt , No.

Per th to Lawlers, 19-2-1900. Second-Class Constable D. Murphv , No.

P e r t h to Kalgoorlie, 23-2-1900. Second-Class Con.-itable A. H. Tillotsou, No.

P e r t h to Nor tham, 23-2-1900. Second-Class Constable-W. J . PhiUifis, No,

Cue to Pe r th . 26-2-190O. Probat ion Constable W. J . Kestell, No.

Pe r th to Fremant le , 27-2-1900. Firs t -Class Constable J . H. McCormack,

184, Fremant le to Per th , 6-3-1900. Second-Class Constable S. .McKa\, No.

Pe r th to Cue, 9-3-1900.

u to












G E O . P H I L L I P S . Commissioner of Police.

Stealing in Dwellings, tr* ii. Oi-Person, etc.

Vide Folice Gazette, 1900, pasre 7.5, A2 4543. Donnybrook.—The n u m b e r of the watch described

in the above reference, the propertv of Har rv Will iam Rvan , is 1093429.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 54, A2;42ti7. Boulder. -The watch and other articles de>cibed

in the above reference, the property of Elizalieth Roper, have been fiiund, not st^-^len.


(Published by Authority.)

l 'hH (;Ilz~tte 1,1; YHblisitrl/ /CT l'olice i11fm'rtwtirm only, mill tllI~ jJ/){H'~ IIl""I/~lltIIHl 11t.- Coluny

(J,1'P 1:n.~h·1Ir·ff'(j '0 mOkp fl'P11lRPl1-PS fhoTou9"'y fU'quai1lil'd 1IIith till' l·flllip)ll., .

r.;TCO. PHILLIP, , f'onllni"sio/ler I~f i'o lio:.

No. 11.J WEDNESDAY, ~IA}{(,1I l Oot [UIOO.

Circular Orders and Miscellaneous Informa tion.

C.O. 1 "°00' Notified for general inform'l.tion, th'l.t the following Appointment·, Promotions, Death. Resigna.tions, amI 'l'ransters have taken plate in the Police Force: -

Appointll\ents: To be Probation Constl1bles frum the dates

specified: H. Cree, No. 558, from 20·2-1900. M. O'Dolloghue, No. 559, from 1-3-15'100. F. J . Loaring, No. 560, from 8-3- 1900. J. Dallas, No .. 5D l, from 8-3-1900.

Promotions: To be First-Class Constables from the dates

pe ,itied : Se 'ond-Class Constable P. Kilkelly, No. 279,

from 1-3-1900. . Second-Class Constable VV. S. Crowe, No. 282.

from 11-3-1900. Tu be Second-Class Coustable from the dates

spetified : Probation Con ' table E. F. D . Hunt, No. 523.

from 1-3-1900. Probation Constable W . E. Cnlmsee, No. 525,

from 1-3-1900. · Probation Cunstable J. P . Enright, No. 528.

fr D1 1-3-1900. Prohation Constable J . H. D'Alton. No. 529,

from 1-3-1900. Probation Constable S . McKay. No .. 534. from

1-3-H100. Proba.tion COll:;ta.ble M. H . Smith, No. 530.

from 1l- ;3 -1900. D('ath:

SL'l'oud-CLls ' Coustable J. T . Rice. o. 322, died 10-2-1900.

Hpsignations: (,l'oud-Class CUllstahle H. McKe'Lll. N o. 491. ~8-~-1 \100.

S(,(,OlHl- lass COllstable J. Cri(·1.:. 8-a-l [lOO .

o. 307.

First-Class Constahle J. 'rlll'kdt. o. -1-7, 10-3-WOO.

Tran~fer~ : ,'l'rgeallt A. L . Evans. No. 4·5. "\"Yllllhal1l to

Perth. 8-~-1~OO. Setuml-Clas' COllstable E. P. Th(1111jl~f)U. No

29~, 1\1 enzies to 1\1 t. Morgall, U-:Z- HHHl. Se ·ourl-Cla:-;s Comtahk P. H. Nl']soll. No. 810.

l\1enzies to It. LeullOra, 12-i-1DO(). Hecond-{'la s ConstahlE' P . .T. Can·oH. o. 4()H.

Coo lgardi(> to Pprt h. 1 I ;- :2-1 ~IO(l. Prohation Cun tab]!' E. F. D. Hunt , No . .:>:2;3.

P erth to Lawlt 'rs. Hl..2-1!IOll. f' 'ond-'Cla s Constable D. Murphy . No .. 511 , Perth to Kalgnorlie. :23-:Z-H100.

SecnnJ-Clas Con;;table A. H . Tillotson. n.: 1)7, Perth to Northam. 2:3-2-19IHI.

Second-Class Con table' "\Y. J . Pbillips, Nu. 3.')7, Cue to P erth . :26-:2-19uo.

Probation Con ' tahle W . J. Kestell, No .. ')53, P erth to Fremantle, 27-2-1900.

First-Clas Con table J . H. Mt'Cnrmack. Nu. 184 . FreUlautle to Perth, fi-3 -1900.

eumd-Cla 'Constable . McKa\. No. .5:34, P erth to Cne, 9-3-19uu. .

GEO. PHILLIP . 12 3 '1900. Commissioner of P olice.

Stealing ill Dwellings, fn II I t h.

Person, etr. ride Police Gazette, 1900. pa.ge 75, ..\.24.54-3.

DOl/l/ybrook. -The numher of the :vatch ae~':riIJt',l in the n.buve reference, the property of Harry" Illmm Ryan. is 1093429.

rIde polire n"zI,lt ... 1 !)OO. pa:.,:·{' .j~ •• \:! l:?';,

Bonltler. - The watl:h antI ot1wr art' ·1,·" ,1 .. (. il.(',i in the allove refen'nl'L'. tbt' 11l'\ll'ert~ flf Ehz.tlwth Ra per. h,1\'e ueen flluml, Ihlt ~t .I,·n

Page 8: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On


Boulder.—On the 3rd inst., from the owner's tent, near Honse-.shoe Inn,—a gentleman's silver hunting key-winding Rotherham watch, number believed to begin with 17 ; and a silver doulde chain, small fancy lin'ks no bar, with 2 watch kevs attached ; the prop­erty of H. Honnibal.—A2'4565, 7th March, 1900.

Boulder.—On the 3rd inst., from the owner's tent, uear Horse-shoe Inn,—a gentleman's silver huntiug key-winding watch, number believed to be 99555, glass cracked at edge, inner case scratched with knife in opening; the property of Thomas Waldron.— A2/4566, 7th March, 1900.

Goal gar die.—On the 27th ult., from the Grovern­ment Condenser, Fly Flat,—a gentleman's silver open-faced key-wiiiding English lever watch, " H.H." scratched on "inside of back case, back of watch en­cased in ivorv cover; the propertv ot Hugh Hogan. —A2,'4580, 8th March, 1900.

Berih.-On the Sth inst., from a house iu William Street, opposite the Oddfellows' Hall, —a gentleman's 18ct. gold ring, set with a fine pearl, claw setting, made by Nesbit, Perth; the propertv of James Henrv Ellerv.--A2,4583, 8th March, 1900.

Mi. Morgans.—On the 16th inst., from the owner's dwelling,—a lady's 18ct. gold hunting stem-winding English lever watch, |-plate, dial ornamented with roses, and a gold chain about 15in. long, small round links, with a six-strand tassel about | in . hmg, with knob at end of each strand; the property of Mrs. J. Liuuon ; also an 18ct. gold chain, about 18in. long, long rounded links, valued at ,£10, and a metal Waterliurv watch; the propertv of John Linnon.— A2 4592, 10th March, 1900.

Berth.—On the l l t h inst., from the person <>f Peter Linnen, in "Wellington Street,—a 9ct. gold Maltese cross medal, eiifj-raved " Presented to P. Linnen for all-round play, season 1899," value £2 5s.; also £4 15s. in gold and silver.—A2'4596, 12th March. 1900.

Berth.—On the l l t h inst.. from the iierson of Patrick Travnor.—a gold quartz pin, showing verv little gold . -A2 4601, I2th March, 1900.

Kiiliioiirlie. -On the lOth inst., from a worksh'.|i at Hannan's East G.M.,--a gentleman's silver stem-winding Engli;di lever stop watcli. No. 20,509, by Bennett, London, with two miniature dials, one showing the hours in Roman figures, the other registers the half hours in ordinary figures, from I to 30, chronograph centre si^conds hands, indicating jsecs. ; and a gentleinan's ISct. gold double curb chain, about I3in. long, with gold-mounted green­stone pendant attached, figure of emu on mounting; also a silver sovereign case ; the property of William Heard.—A2/4613, 13th March, 1900.

Coolgeirdie—Ou the 24th ult., from the Royal Hotel,—a Royal Progress bicycle, Westwood rims, plain Dunlop tires, straight handle-bar, no grips, rubber pedals, much worn. Brooks' Release saddle ; the propertv of Thomas McJannett.—A2/458I, 8th March, 1900.

Berth—On the 10th inst., from 20 Short Street,--a gentleman's Electra safety bicycle, straight handles, black frame, yellow rims, new saddle, an old bicvcle ; the property of George Brice.—A2,4599, 12th March, 1900.

Kalgeieirlie—On the lOth inst., from the persou of John Walter Hughes, -500 Roval Mint G.M. shares, certificates Nos. 1785, 1581, 1098, 1840 and 1683, representing shares Nos. 59201-59300, 31301-31400, 99001-99100, 67301 67400, 45801-45900; 100 '., shares, Boulder Centrals (paid), certificate No. 913 representing shares Nos. 42601-42700. Offender is described as medium build, age about 33 years, height about 5ft. 4iu., black moustache, dressed in dark tweed suit and lirown soft hat.—A2/4605, 13th March, 1900.

Berih.—Ou the 6th or 7th inst., from the Beaufort Arms hotel,—a gentleman's Singer Roadster bicycle, No. 135841, straight handle bars, cork grips, ivory tips (right hand tip missing), rubber pedals, smooth Dunlop tires ; the property of John Domenech.— A2 4614, 13th March, 1900.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 68, A2/4432.

Fremantle.—The dinghy described in the above reference, the property of J. & W. Bateman, has been fouud.

Kalgoorlie—On the 8th inst., from the Kalgoorlie Post Office,—£10 worth of West Australian Id. stamps and ,£20 worth of West Australian 2d. stamps; the propertv of the Postal Department.— A2 4597, 12th March, 1900.

Bonuybrook.— Ou the 7th inst.,—a pair of nickel silver stirrups, with stirru]) leathers, branded " C.F." on centre bar ; the propertv of Charles Fox Roberts. —A2/4598, 12th March, 1900.

Berih.—On the l l t h iust., from the Barrack Street Jetty,—a black tin box, "B.A.H." on top, containing a lady's dressing case, marked " Brighty," and a quantity of lady's dresses and underclothing; also, a black tin hat box, " E.A.H." on it, containing ladv's black felt hat, collars, handkerchiefs, etc.; the propertv of Mrs. Annie Hurlev.—A2/4600, 12th March," 1900.

Carnarvon.—Ou the 24tb ult., from the owner's shop, a cheque, No. P^ 989, on the National Bank of Australia, Perth, dated 20th Februarv, 1900, for 19s. Id., drawn by C. D. V. Foss, Resident Magis­trate, advance account, Carnarvon, in favour of W. H. Johnston or bearer; the property of Samuel Green.—A2 4620. I3th March, 1900.

Horses, Cattle, etc.

Vide Police Gazette, 1899, page 395, A2/3728.

Hiejhgate Hill.—The horse described in the above reference, the property of Henry Smith, has been found, not stolen.

Perth.—Stolen, duriug the night of the 3rd iust., from the ]>ublic pound,— a foal, brownish coloured, about 4 or 5 months old, branded M W near side or shoulder; the property of Jos. Meekins.—A2/4532, 4th March, 1900.

Nanuine. -Stolen, duriug the night of the 25th ult.,—a bay mare about 15'1 hands, long back, one

hind foot white, branded ^ near shoulder, saddle

marked ; the propertv of Darlot Bros.—A2/4555, 6th March, 1900.

BOlllder. -On the :3nl inst., from the OWllPr's tent, nea,l' Horse-shoe Inn, ft, gentleman's ilver huntiug kt'\, _ Willllill(f Rotherham wab.;h, 1111111 ber helieveu t o hpg'in with 17; anu a silver Ilouhle dmin, small fam'y linh, no har, \\'ith:2 watdl key,; attaeheu; the prop­el'h' of H. Hunnihal. A2 4565, 7th Mareh, 1900.

BO/llder. - On the 3ru illSt., from the uwner's tent, lleal' Hurse-shue Inl1 ,- -a gentleman's ilver hunting' key-winilinu' wakh, numlwr helieveu to be 99555, g'l~ss eraek;a at edge, inner ea e scratched with kllife ill opening; the property of Thomas Waldron. ­A2 45fiG, 7th Mareh, 1900.

(1uolgllrtlie.-On the 27th ult ., from the Govern­ment Condenser, Flv Flat,-a g-entleman's silver open -fa('eJ key-windi{lg E ugli h le~er watch, " H.H." ~cmteheu on inside of lmck ease, back of watch en­eased in ivory ('over; the property of Hugh Hogan. - A2 4580, 8th Man·h, 1900.

Pprfh. - On the 8th inst., from a house in William Street, opposite the Oc1dfellows' H all, - a gentleman' s 18d . gold ring-, set with a fiue pearl, claw settmg, marle by Neshit, P erth; the prope rt.y of J ames Henry Eller.v . A~ 4.')83, 8th Mal'eh, 1900.

Mt. MU/,YUIlS. - Oll the 16tb iust., from th e oWller's dwellill~, -a laJ.\" s l 8d. go lJ hnnting' stem-windillg English lever watch, i-plate, dial ornamen ted with I'd 'el>, and a gold ehain about 15in. long, small roun.l links, with a, six-st rand ta sel a bout tin. long, with knob at end of each ·tra.ud; the property of Mr '. J . Liu nUll; a.lso an 18ct. gulu chain, a,bout 18in . long, l()n~ rounded links, valued a.t £ 10, and a metal Wat.erhnry wa,teh; the propel't..vof John Linnon.-­A2 4592, lOth Mareh, 1900.

l )pdh.-()1I the 11th inst., fnlln the pl:'rl>011 IIf P der Linnen. in "\Vellington Street,- a 9et. gol(l Maltese e1'O s medal, eng'l';Lyed " Presented to P. Linnell fur <dl-l'<)und play, I>eason 1899," yalue £2 ,js.; al.·o £4 1.5 . in gold ,1.11(1 silvpr.-A2 4596, 12th March. 19uu.

Pp l'lh . On the 11th iUI>t.. ft'\llll the perl>Oll O[ Patri('k TraYllOl'. - et golcl qnu,rtz p iu, showing vprv little gohl .- A2 4tiOl. 12th lVItLl' \·h, 1900.

KO/C/l) f}I'II/'. On tllt:' l uth im,t., hOlll et \\()rl(l>h .]' at Ha;ll\<ln"t; Ec.tst G.M., - <1, ;,{t'ntleman\; silver tell1-Willc1illg' Ellgli.,lJ lever stop wrLt(·h, No. ~0,509, by B eLlnett, London, with tW\1 miniu,tul'e ulab, one slwwiu!!,' the hours ill R.umu,l1 fig-nres, the other re.{iste\'5 the half hout" in ordinc.try figures, from 1 to ;30, (,hronogrilph "entre sP('onds hands, inriieating }sees.; and a gpntleman's l5c·t. guld double curh ehain, about 13in. long, with gold-mounted g reen­stou .. pendant attached, figure of emu on mounting; <Llsl) a silver sovereig;n c:1se; the property of William Hec.trd. - A2 4613, 13th Md.rch, 1900.

Coolfjlll'die. - On the 24th ult., from the Royal Hotel,- a Royal Prog-res hicyde, Westwooc1 rims, pla.in DllUlop tires, strd.ight handle-bar, no grips, ruhber pedals, much worn, Brooks' Release saddle; the property of Thomcu; MeJannett. - A2j4581, 8th March, l!-!OO.

Perth - On tbe 10th illl>t., from 20 Short Strf'et, -Cl w'ntleman's Electra sc.tfety bi('ycle, I>traigh t hc.tnules, hlal:k frame, yellow rim, new saddle, an olu hic.ve1e; th., vroperty of Geort-{l' Briee.-A2 4.599, J :!th UUl'eh, 19UO.


KaZ£jf/(J/,Zi l' .--On tlIt' 10th inst., from the per,'on of John \Valtcr Hnu-iH:'s, 500 Royal Mint G.M. sha.res, certiu('u,tes Nos. 1785, 1581, 1'098, ] 840 anu 1683, representing' shares Nos . 59201 5~)300, 31301- 31400, 99001 - 9?lOO, 07301 674()0 , 45801 45900; 100 ;;hares, Boulder Centl'als (pai<1), cprtificate No. 913 rl'presl'nting sha.res Nos. 42(-iOI - 42700. Often deI' is ,l eserihed as lllPuium huild, age about 33 years, height about 5ft. 4in., 1lack moustaehe, dressed in Jarl{ tweed suit and hrowl1 soft hat.- A2j4605, 13th Man;h , 1900.

Perth. On the 6th or 7th inst., from the Beaufort Arms botel,- a gentleman's Singer Roadster bicycle, No. 135841 , straight hanule bars, cork grips, ivory tips (right hand tIP mis ing), rubber peJals, smooth Dnnl0l' tires; the property of John Domenceh.-· A2, 4()14, 13th March, 1900.

Vide Pol'ice Gazette, HlOO, page {it;, A2 4482.

]i'/'emantle.--The dinghy described in the above reference, the property of J. & W. Bateman, has been found . .

Kalgoorli!'.-- On the 8th inst., from the Kalgoorlie Post Oftice,-£10 worth of West Australian Id. stamps and £20 worth of West Australian 2c1. stamps; the property of the Postal Depart.ment.­A2 4597, Uth Mareh, 1900.

])onllybronk.- On the 7th inst..--a pair of nickel silver tirrups, witl! I>tirrnp leathers, branc1ec1 "C.F." on ('entre har; tllP property of Charles Fox Robel't . -A2J4598, 12th March , 1900.

Perth .- On the 11th inst., from the Barrack Street J ett.v,- a black tin box, " B.A.H." on top, containing <J. lady's c1ressing ease, marked "Bright}'," and a (luantity of lady' s dresse anc1 unc1erclothing; also, (1, blaek tin hat box, .. E.A.H." on it, containing lallv' s hlaek felt hat, tolla rs, handkerchief, etc.; the proiJcrty of lVIrI>. Annie Illlrley.-A2 /4600, 12th Mareh, 1900.

Cal'i/(//,volI. - On the 24th ult., from the oWller's shop, a cheque, No. Bf 989, on the National Bank of A.ustra,lia , Perth, dated 20th }<'ebruary, 1900, for 19s. 1c1., drawn by C. D. V . Foss, Res~c1ellt ~agis­hate, ~td\' anee aecount , Carnal"l"on, in favour of W. H. J ohnstun 01' beal'er; the property of Samuel Green. - A2 4620, 1~3th Mal'eh, 1900.

Horses, Cattle, etc.

I' ide Police Gazette, 1899, page 395, A2/3728.

lIighgate Hill. - The horse c1escribed in the above reference, the property of Hel1l'Y Smith, has been found, not stolen. .

P e1·fh. - Stolcll, during the night of the 3rd inst., fn)1D the public pound, - a foal, brownish coloured, about 4 or 5 mouths old, branded M W near side or shoulc1er ; the property of J os. Meebns.-A24532, 4th March , 1900.

Nrtnnine. - Stolen, during the night of the 25th llH .,- cl bay mare ahout 15 '1 hands, long hack, one

hinc1 foot white , branded 119 near shoulder saddle YO '

markec1 ; the propert.v of DarltJt Bros.- A2j4.s5.5, 6th March, DuO.

Page 9: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On

m Bunbury.—St(den du r ing last month fr(un Bruns­

wick,—a bay mare, 6 years, s tar ou for .head, one hind foot white (jfrobaldy two) , inclined to be Ijowed in front feet, branded H P (<onjoiued), or M E on uear ribs ; a lirowu mare, 8 years, two hind feet white.

^ supposed small star , branded M E on near r i b s ; the property of Roliert Heppings tone . Suspicion attaches to James Maguire , jun . , de.^cribed as thin build, age 24 years, height 5ft l l i n . , red hair , grev eyes, round visage, red coni |h 'xion, inclined to be cross-eyed, walks lame. These lun-ses are believed to have been sold in P e r t h or Fremant le about a fortnight ago.—A2 4570, 7th March, 190(i.

Jarrahdale—Found, a l)rowii hor.se with Mack points, height 1 5 1 hands. Police l>rand off shoulder. 3 uear sJiouldcr, jjoor coiiditioii l>iit a<-tiv<' P F 32,1900.

York.-fiohl. on the 10th inst., bv order ei W. D. Cowan, R.M.,—a bay horse, 1 4 3 hands high, three white feet, branded on ' near side under saddle like > L ( V L c(mj(.ined), white streak down face, few white hairs under saddle ; aged.

Apprehensions. Vide Folice Gazette, 1900, page 7B

G E O E G E H E R B E R T P A L M E R (under sentence), brought up at Kalgoorlie on the 8th inst., charged with false pretences. Committed for trial .

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 77. THOMAS K E K F E , b rought up at Pe r th on the 7th

inst. Bound over to pay 10s. per week. Discharged. War ran t of remand cancelled.

Vide Police Gazette, 1899, page 259 W. 59;» ! 9.

J A M E S M A R S H A L L , a t Nor tham, on the loti i inst., by P.C. James Stewart. Remanded to Newcastle.

Vide Police Gazette, 19(10, page 49, W. 100/1900. T E R E S A DOOLAN, at Bunburv , on the 8th iust.. by

Sergt. F . G. Mitchell . Remanded to Coolgardie.

W I L L I A M P O P E alias R I C H A R D H . P O P E , at

Bulong, ou the 17th ult. , by Corpl. A. Purk i s s and P.C. J. O'Connor, on war r an t ; assaul t ing a female, 6 mouths h.l. Resis t ing arrest , 1 nnuith h.l. (cumu­lative).

D E N I S D U G G A N , a t Per t l i , on the 7th inst., by Dets. F . G. Eggleston aud H . Mann, ou w a r r a n t ; larceny. Remanded. Admi t t ed to bail.

J O S E P H B U R G E S S , af Pe r th , mi the 7tli inst.. by P.C. H . Stow ; unlawfully pointing firearms. 40s. fine.

SHAM S I N G H , a t Pe r th , on tbe 7th inst., by P.C. R. Love, on w a r r a n t ; assault . Remanded.

H E N R Y S H A N L E Y , a t Bayswater , on the 3rd inst., by P.C. W . Doug las ; rogue and vagalnmd. 4 months h.l.

J A M E S C L A R K , at Pe r th , on the 3rd inst., by P.Cs. M. McAuley and W. W h y t e ; idle and disorderly. 7 days h.l.

M A T T H E W H U K S T , a t Pe r th , on the 4th inst.. by P.C. G. W . Unde rwood ; idle and disorderly. 14 davs h.l.

H E N R Y C'ARHEREY. at Pe r th , on the 3rd inst.. by P.C. M. J a m e s ; larceny. 2 months h i . Proper ty recovered.

J A M E S W A R E , at Per th , on the 4th inst., bv P.C. S. McKay ; assault , 2 months h . l . : resist ing arrest . 2 nionths h.l. (cumulative).

J A M E S M C L U R E , at Boulder, ou the l.st inst., by P.Cs. G. W . Hornsby and J . Dowd : unhiwful jios­session. 10s. fiue and costs.

M O R T I M E R H A R E and G E O R G E PIT.MAN. at Boulder.

im the 2nd inst., by Sergt. J . Kingstnu and P.C. G. W. Hornsby .- idle and disordeily. 2 mouths h.l. each.

P A T R I C K D A C E Y . at Boulder, on the 5tli inst.. bv P.C. H . Will iams .- idle and disorderiv. 14 davs h.'l.

F R K D E R I C K W I L L I A M B O E H N . at Boulder, on the

5th iust.. by I'.Cs. L. O'Bricm and I>. i^uckley ; larcenv. 7 davs h i .

CATHBRLVE M C G K A T H , at NurtlKim. mi the .'ifh

inst., by P.C. A. H. Ti l lotsou; idle and disorderiv. 30 davs h.l.

J A M E S N O O N A N , at Per th , ' i i the 2nd inst., by P.C. B. McConnell, on warrant : assault and robbery. Remanded.

J O H N C A M P B E L L iiHei.i Q U I N N . at Perth, on the 2nd inst., by Det. J . H . Lynch, on war r an t ; assault and robbery. Remanded.

W I L L I A M O ' D O N N E L L alius M C D O N A L D , at Pci t l i , on the 28th ult.. by P.Cs. T. Hickey and H. Wallace ; larceny from ])erson. Rcniaiided.

M I C H A E L O ' D O N O H U E , at Menzies, o n t h e 1st inst., by P .C. R. G. Bu t t l e ; drunk, £1 fine or 7 days h . l . ; obscenity, 1 month h.l. (cumulat ive) .

M A R Y M C C A B E , at Per th , on the 4th inst., by P .C. G. B ro w n ; idle and disorderiv. 21 davs li.l.

C H R I S T O P H E R N A U G H T O N , at Pe r th , on the 9th

inst., by P.C. T. Hickey, on w a r r a n t ; a t tempted rape. Committed for trial .

R O B E R T M A G G S and E R N E S T D A V I D P L A N T , a t

Per th , ou the 5th inst., by P .C. A. Ford ; larceny. 40s. fine or 7 days h.l. each. Pro]ierty recovered.

M A R Y L Y N C H , a t Peidh, on the 5th inst., by P .C . A. Y o u n g ; idle and disorderiv. 2 months h.l.

J O S E P H J O H N S , exp., late Reg. No. 8189, at P e r t h , on the 6th iust., by P .C. W . G. D i t t m e r ; absconding from Dej)ot. 1 month imprisonment.

W I L L I A M R O B I N S O N and E D W A R D B R E R E T O N , at

Per th , on the 6th inst., by P.Cs. A. Cassidy aud C. Rowe; assault with intent to rob. Committed for tr ial .

J O H N B O U R K E , at Kalgoorlie, ou the 9th inst., by P.Cs. T. Wil l iams and J . S. Sim]>son; disorderly. ^ 5 fiue or 2 mouths h . l . ; resisting arrest , £h fine or I month h.l. ( cumula t ive ) ; damaging uniform, 22s. 6d. fine or 14 davs h.l. (cumulat ive) .

J A M E S Hous ton , t.l.. Reg. No. 10497, aliax C H A S . W I L S O N , a t Southern Cross, on the 10th inst., by P.C. R. F i t zge ra ld ; unhnvful jiossession, 6 months h . l . : givin.e false name. 1 nieiuh h.l. (cumulat ive) .

B IIn bll ry.-St olen cl uring last month fr()In Bnm,,­wic'k,- CL hay mare, 6 year', star 011 for,·heac1, one hinu foot. whit(~ (}'rnlml!ly two), inc·linea to bp lJowe<1 in front feet, h mnded H P ('cJl1joined), or M E on lH'ar ribs; a hrOWll m a r e, 8 years, two hilld feet white,

~ sll}!}Joseu sHla ll star, haudecl M E on near rib'; the prop erty of R ohert Heppin~stone. Su!;pi('ioll a,ttac hes to .Ja m es M aguire, jun., deHTillpd a thin huild, age 24 year s, IH'ight ,Sft 11ill., rc,J hair, gn.y pye , roulld visage, red (·onq· ll'xi.oll, ill('linPI1 to 1)('

!'ross-eved , walks hUll '. T h(·sp hor~l's are I elieved to h av'e I'een sold in P erth or Fn'mantle ahout a fortllig h t ago.-A2 4,5 7(J , 7th Mar(·h, l!WIl.

Jarroftr7lJ/ p. F fJ1 lJld, a hrowll hO)'l>e with Illuck points, Iw ig h t 15' 1 ballc1s, Folic,' Imll1r1 off sboul<1er, 3 llea r s])()lllll f' )" poor ('(J])(l it illll I'llt adil'P P.F. 3~ l ~JOO .

York . RoId, on tll(' 10th inst., lJ \' on1e)' of W . D. COWUll , 11,.M .,-a hay hon,f' , 14'8 flaudl-; hig'h, thn'p white fpet, hra n ded on 'U'Cl r s ide' 1I1lc]('r l'aclclle likP >-L ( YL (:onjoined ), wh ite streak (lown fat'e, fp\\, whit e lm irs ull rle r sa(1c11 p ; ag(,r l.


Vid e Police Gazette, IH()O, P,lg'" i(l

GEORGE HEHBERT P ALM ER ( uncleI' sentE'IH:e). bI'ou gM up at K a l goorli(' on tJ ll' 8th in~t. , ('h arge(l with faJse prl't l'llCPs . Comn litt (,ll for t ri a l.

Vide Police Guzette, l !)oO, page 77.

THOMAS K EEFE, brou g ht lip ,Lt Per t h O IL t ll(-' 7th iust. Bounuover t o p eLY 10R. per we!' k . Di ~(' h arg(·11. WfLrraut of n:'JluLlHl (·a n c·ellecl.

VicZe Po/i('e Gazett e, I H!lfl , ]lagot' ~::;H W . ,iml :!J.

.JAJlTES MARSHALL, at No]'th ull1 , O il th e 10th in::;t .. by P.C. James StewaI't. H.l'nm ndL' cl t o Newca tIe .

Vi Lle Police G I1ze fte, HJOO, page 4n, W . lOO/ WOO.

'f ERESA DOOLAN, a t Bnnlmrv, on th ' 8th in t., hv SeI'gt. F . G. Mit<:hell. R ellHLlidecJ to C()olgardie. '

VVILLJAM P OPE alias RICHARD H . P OPE, a,! B ulong', on t he 17th n it., hy Corpl. A. PUrl, iss a n<1 P .C . .J. O'C0J11101', 011 wa rnlll t; ;~ssan l t ing lL f"' llJ a lp. 6 m onths h .l. R esist.in g' arrest , 1 m ou t h h .1. (nllllll ­la,tive).

DENIS DUGG AN . at P ertl) , OIl the 7th in t., l!y Det" . F. G. E gglestoll [tIlLl H. {an ll. on wa rrant; ht l'l'eny . R e m(l,nded. Adlll i t ted tn b:ul.

Jo EPH B URGESS, at P erth . ou t he 7t h iust.. 11:' P .C . H . Stow ; llnla,,,-f1111y l Joill ting firearms. 40s. fin e .

SHAll! RIN GII , a t P N th . on dj(' 7t h inst.. h\' P.C. R. J.Jove, 0 11 warrant ; a sault. RemandeJ. '

H ENRY S HANLEY, at B ayswater , on the 3rd inst., hv P. \ 'V. D 0u g'las; rogu e' ant1 'l'll;rahond. 4 n;ont b . h .1. '

.JA rES LARK, at P t'rth , on the 3nl inst., by P.C~. M. M 'Aulcy nUll ' V. 'VIlVtl' ; i(l k and (li:>onlerl:. 7 cln.y h.1. · ,

MATTHEW HUH S'l" a t. Pt'l'th, (Ill tb \' 4t h ill 't.. by P.C, G. ,V. Un(l('l'\Y(l(1(l ; i(lt" a Ull (lil·;(l1'(1(·rl .". 14 (lit \ ~ Ill.

HE,'RY CARHEltRY. at Pt'1'th. 'Ill tht' ;3nl ill t .. I" P.C. ~I. .Jamp,...: lal'l· ... n\'. :2 Jtlllnth ... h.1. Pnljlt'rr:,-rp"1 '\'1'1'1"(1.

.JAME · WARE:. at Perth, (Ill tIlt' 4th in,..t .. Il\ P.C. ,' . }lcKa\'; a~,...ault. :2 mOllth" 11.1.: r,·"i. tin!.! aITt'. t. :2 mouth' h.1. ('UllllllatiYe).

.JAlIIES ~IcLuRE. Clt B ,ul.],·r, t'll tIlt' ] ~t in"t.. Ill' P.C'. G. W. Horn"h\' an,l .J. D'H\,l: 1l\11awfnlllll~­.·e.· ·ioll. 10s. finE' alllf l o"t .....

10RTIlUER HARE awl Gr;I)RnE PIT)rA . -, ,It B(lldll, 'r. on the ~nd im,t., 1,,- ergt . .J. Kiu!.!"tnn amI p.e (3-.

'V. Horn"! • ." : i,lfl; allll di ... ,,)'ll,·rly. :! lIlllnth,... h) I'([(·h.

PATI{ICK DACEY, at Bon1<1(·r, Oil tflt' .'jtlt in,.;t.. h\ p.r'. H . '\TJlliall1~: j(lll' anll disorder).\'. J4 llal s hi.

PR~;DERrc'l{ 'YII.r.r UT BUEH.'I. at Blll/ltlt 'l', oil tIll' .')th iust.. 11\' P.t's. L. O'Bri(,1l and ]I . BIlt·kl,·y; far(·t·JI Y. (;la.\,s h 1.

CATHE.RINE bIcGkA1H, at Tortham, IIH tlil' .'ith in!;t., hy P.C. A. H. 'l.'i 1111 i 1'011 : i(11(' ;ult1 <li~ .. nlt·rl,l . :~() day>;' h 1.

.J..\J\1ES NOONAN, at Pt'rtli, 'n tl,L' :2lH1 ill~t. III P. '. B. M(:C'onDt'll, <Ill warrant: as,;Hlllt an<1 rol,IIE'l'\'. Rrl11 il1l(1 NI .

.JOHN CAMPBELJ, (/li(/8 (Jt:INN. at Perth. (Ill tl1<' 2nd illSt., by Det. .J. H. LYllch. Oil W'lfrant; a~,;a\llt amI rohber,~:. Remanaed:

' VJLLIAM O'DON ELL (/1iIl.~ .McDoNALD. at P"rlh, Oil the 2 th ult., hI' P.Cs. '1'. Hichy ;llItl H. \\'allac· : lar('ellY from pers(;)l. H(,IIHllI(l, (1. '

:M.rcHAEL O'DONOHUf:, at Ml'lll'.il's, 011 the lst ill:-it., bv P.C. R G . Blltt le; tlnlllk, £ ] fiu\, or 7 thlYH 11.1.; ob;cenity, l IllOlIth h.1. (culllulative). '

MARY MCOABl<], at Perth. on till' 4th inst., In' P.C'. G. Browll; i(llp and (1i~ol'(l\'tly. ~l (l ays 11.1. '

CHRl~TOPHER NAUUlITON, at ppI'tlt, on tfw ~Jtlt iust., 11\ P.('. T. Hi(·];:t·\" Oll warmllt; atteUlI.t('d mpt'o t'olllU1ittecl for trial.

ROBERT IAGGS an(l EItNt;WJ' IhnD PLAN1, at Pl'lth, on the 5th inst., br P. '. A. Forel; )art'('IlI.

4()·. fiup or 7 clays It.1. each. Propt'rty reCOV('I't'<1 ..

lARY LYNCH, at Perth, ou the .5th inst.. bv P.C. A. YOUIlg'; idl<-' and uis()nlerly. :2 lllonths h.(

.JOSEPH JOHNS. e:v1J., late Rt:'g·. N(I, 189, at Perth, on the 6tb inst., hy P.C, \Y. G . DittuH'r; absc"ndin~ frolll Dl'j)()t. 1 n{ollth impri::;(JlIflwnt.

" 'TLLIAM ROBIN ON anu EDWARD BRERET(IN. at Pert h. (Ill the 6tb ill"t., 1 l\' P.Cs . A. Cassid \' awl C. Rowe; ,tssault with illt~lit tu J"ub. COJlIJl1it ted for trial.

.JOHN BOURKE, at Kalgoorlip, on tbe 9th iUst ., h,l' P .C". T. , Villiams amI .J. ~ . .'im].oll; uisorderly. £5 fine lJl' :2 months h.1.; rl'sil'tin~ ane. t, £,) fin!' or 1 month h.l. (\·uU1ulati,(·): <lama~ill!.! 11l1if"n11. :2:2". OIL fin\' or 14 da.YI' h.1. (\'I1111ulatiw J,

.JAJ\1E Houston. t.1 .. Rp~. TO 1('4~17, ,,!Io.' HA".

,\VILRON, at Southern L'ro .~, on tIll' loth i[J~t., I,., P .C. R. FitzQ'l'ralcl; unlawful J'OS"'·:-;. i"ll. li Jllollth" 11 1 ; g'iYiu~ lals(· nalllt. 1 lll"llth h,) t,lIl1ll1l.t1iwj,

Page 10: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On


M.4.RTHA GORDON, at Fremantle, ou the 3rd inst., bv P.C. T. O'Connor; disorderly. 1 month h.l.

ROSE BAILEY, at Fremantle, on the Sth inst., by P.C. J. W. Bailey; idle and disorderly. 6 months h.l.

PETER RICHARDSON a/w.? "MOUSEY," at Geraldton, on the 9th iust., by Sergt. W. Lavery and P.C. E. M'Leruon ; idle and disorderiv. 14 davs h.l.

JOHN TAYLOR, at Northam, on the P C . R. J. Furlong; resisting police.

10th inst., by 7 davs h.l.

JAMES ERASER, at Albany, on the 6th inst., by P.C. W. J. Beglev ; idle and disorderiv. 1 month h.l

J O E POLETTI, at Coolgardie. on the 23rd ult., by P.Cs. W. Carroll and \V. Cahill; lunacy. Sent to Asylum.

ROBERT H . HOWARD, at Boulder, on the 27th ult., by P.C. D. Buckley ; larceuy. 6 nionths h.l. Prop­erty recovered. Unlawful possession (2 charges). 6 months h.l. on each charge (concurrent).

CHARLES LEE, at Broad Arrow, ou the lOtli inst., by P.C. J. Moorehouse; unlawful possession. ^10 fine or 3 months h.l.

WILLIAM GRAHAM and ROBERT BRYCE, at Southern Cross, on the 13th inst., by Sergt. R. H. Goodridge and P.C. R. Fitzgerald ; obscenity. £3 fine or 1 numth h.l. each.

HARRY MAUNDERS, at Kalgoorlie, on the 10th inst., by P.C. L. O'Brien, on warrant; larceny. 12s. fine and costs, and imprisonment until the rising of the Court.

JACOB A. D. RODRICKOSS, at Broome, on the 15th ult., by Corpl. F. R. Fox; larceny. 6 months h.l.

PRIMO CONTRARIS, at Broome, on the 19th ult., bv P.C. C. H. Watson ; disorderly. 1 month h.l.

JOHN CHARLES WILLIAMS, at Marble Bar, on the 12th inst., by P.C. W. Guest; disorderly. i;10 fine or 3 months h.l.

JESSIE DOWNEY, at Perth, on the 10th inst., by Dets. H. Mann and P. G. Egglestcm, ou warrant; larceny. Remanded to Kalgoorlie. Admitted to bail.

ERNEST EDWARDS alias JOHN BRIMSON, at the Lakes, York-(jluildford Road, on the 10th inst., on warrant; dog-stealinar.


the 5th inst., by P.C. Chas. liquor to aboriginal natives, h.l. in default of distress.)

charged at Moora, on H. Street; supplying ^20 fine. (3 months

ALEXANDER TAYLOR HARRIS, at Bimbuiy, on the 7th inst., ou the application of Corporal D. O'Connor, was placed on the Prohibited List for 6 months.

JAMES CHUTER SEARS charged at Donnybrook, on the 7th iust., by John Mellor; unlawful "posses­sion. £-2 fiue or 1 mouth h.l.

HUGH REGAN, licensee of the Burbanks Hotel, Burbanks, charged by George F. Eraser, Excise Officer; breach of Beer Duty Act by neglecting to deface Revenue stamps. 40s. fiue aud eosts.

A H SAM, charged at Roebourne, on the 26th ult., by P.C. John J. O'Reilly : sujiplyiug liquor to abori-aiual natives. ^£20 fine.

Warrants Issued. Vide PoUce Gazette, 1898, page 416, W. 1027/98.

'JHARLES NELSON not to be arrested. Warrant cancelled on the 12th inst.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 70, Apprehensions. FRANCIS STEVENS not to be arrested. The general

warrant issued at Albany on the 25th ult. was cancelled on the 6th inst.

SAMUEL HANSEN, stout build, age about 35 years, height about Sft. 7in., fair hair and moustache, blue eyes, round visage with heavy cheeks, reddish complexion, dressed in grey twee.l suit and straw hat ; ship's steward, native of Sweden; a member of the Salvation Army; deserting from the barque " Ragna " at Bunburv on the 26th ult. Dated Bun­burv, Sth March, 1900.—W. 181 1900.

EDWARD LEATHES WILSON (for description vide Bolice GazMe, 1900, p. 396, A2 3203, Special In­quiry). Offender was indicted to appear at the Criminal Sessions of the Sujireme Court, Perth, on the 6th inst., but failed to appear ; Bench warrant dated Supreme Court, Perth, 7th March, 1900.— W. 179/1900. (Arrest desired in any of the Austral­asian Colonies.)

ROBERT ANDREWS, stout, thick-set build, age 40 to 45 years, height Sft. 6in. or 7iu., light brown hair aud moustache, rouud visage, florid complexion, rather hoarse voice, round shouldered, addicted to drink ; a labourer, native of England. Warrant of commitment to Fremantle Gaol for 14 days h.l. iu default of payment of ^61 fine for disorderiv conduct. Dated Fremautle, 6th March, 1900.—W. 182/1900.

JOHN MERCER, stout nuggety build, age about 30 years, height about Sft. 3in., dark hair and short beard, dark eyes, oval visage, (dear dark complexion, a telegraph operator; being indebted to James Moloney in the sum of ^ 9 . To be arrested at any seaport of the cohinv, but not elsewhere. Dated Cue, 2nd March, 1900.—W. 178/1900.

GAY SALAMONS, slim build, age about 19 years, height Sft. 6in., fair hair, very slight fair moustache, generally wears blue serge coat and vest, clerk ; em­bezzling the sum of ^11 3s. 4d., the money of E. C. Shenton & Co., at Perth, on the 19th Jauuarv last. Dated Perth, 12th March, 1900.—W. 187/1900.

DAVID JAMES SMITH, slight build, age 35 years, height Sft. 7in., black hair, clean shavecl, dark eyes, thin visage, dark complexion (half caste), a marine store dealer, native of America; larceny as a bailee of a spring cart and bay geldiug, branded V2 on near shoulder, the property of W. Waters & Co., at Perth, on or about the 27th Januarv last. Dated I'erth, 12th March, 1900.—W. 1>?8 1900.

M.\RTHA GORDO , at Fremantle, on the 3rd inst., by P.C. T. O'COn1l0f; disorderk 1 month h.l. . .

ROSE BAT LEY, at Fremantlf', on the 8th inst., by P.C. J. W. Bailey; idle ~tnr1 disorderly. 6 months h.1.

PETER RICHARDSON alia.~ "MOUSEY," at Geraldton, on the 9th inst., hy Sergt. W. Laver,yand P.C. E. M'Lemon; idle and di~orderly. 14 deL," h.1.

JORN TAYLOR, at Northam, on the 10th inst., by P.C. R. J. Furlong; reHisting police. 7 days h.1.

JAMES FRASER, at Allliiny, on the 6th inst., by P.C. vV. J. Bl'gley; i(lle and disunlerly. 1 month ILl.

JOE POLETTI, at Coolgardie. on the 23rcl ulL, hy P.Cs. W. Carroll a.nd W. Oa11i11; lunan' . Sent tu Asylum . .

ROBERT H. HOWARD, at Bvulder, on the 27th ult., by P.C. D. Buckley; lan:eny. El months h.1. Prop­erty re<.:overed. Unlawful possession (2 chargps). El months h.1. on eCL<.:h charge (cOlltlUrent).

CHARLES LEE, at Broad Arrow, nn the 10th inst., by P.C. J. Moorehollse; unlawful possession. £ 10 fi'ne or :3 months h.1.

WILLIAM GRAHAM and ROBERT BRYCE, at Southern Cross, un th e 13th inst., by Sergt. R. H. Goodridge and P.C. R. Fitzgt·rald; obscenih' . £3 fine oi- 1 month h.!. each.

HARRY MAUNDEH.S, at Kalgoorlie, on the 10th inst., hy P.C. L. O'Brien, on warrant; lan:eny. 12s. fine and cost.s, and imprisonment until the rising of the Court.

JACOB A.. D. RODRICKOSS, at Broome, on the 15th ult., by Corp1. F. R. Fox; larceny. 6 months h.1.

PRIlIIO CONTRARIS, at Broome, on the 19th ult, by P.C. C. H. Watson; disor 1erl.v. 1 month h.1.

JOHN CHARLES VVILLIAlIfS, at Marl)le Bar, on the 12th inst., uy P.C. \V. Guest: disorderl.v. £10 fine or 3 months h.1.

JESSIE DOWNEY, at Perth, nn the 10th inst., by Dets. H. Mann and P. G. Egglpston, on warrant; ·larcenv. Rema.nded to Kalgoorlie. Admitted to bail. '

EHNEST EDWARD a7ias JOHN BRIMSON, at the Lake ... York-(3uildford RoaJ., on the 10th inst., on warrant; dog-~tealing.

==-===========----::::::::::::------- ------

Miscellaneous. WILLIAN JOHN PE-RKINS, charged at Moora, on

tlw 5th iust., Ly P.C. Chas. H. Street; snpplyinO' liquor to aboriginal natives. £20 fine. (3 month~ h.l. in Jef.:l.Ult of distres .)

ALEXANDER TAYLOR HARRIS, ltt Bunbul'Y, on the 7th inst., on the appli<.:ation of Corl'oral D. O'Connor, wa' ]Jlaced on the Prohi.bited Li.Ht for 6 months.

JAMES CHUTER SEARS charged at Donnvhrook, on the 7th inst., by John Mdlor; unlawful 'vosses­SlUn. £2 fiue or 1 mouth h .1.


HUGH REGAN, licensee of the Burbanks Hotel, Burbanks, charged by George F . Fraser, Excise Officer; brea<.:h of Beer Duty Ad h,v lleglecting to deface R.cvenue stamps. 40s. fine and C'osts.

A H SAM, charged at Roel'01.1rne, on the 26th ult., by P.C. John J . O'Rl'ill,y: s1.Ipplying liquor to abori­ginal natives. £20 fine.

Warrants Issued . Vide Police Gazette, 189H, page 416, W. 1027/98.

/'HARLES NELSON not to he arrested. VVarrant cancellpll on the 12th inst..

Vide Pol1ce Gazette, 1900, page 70, Apprehensions.

FRANCIS STEVENS not to be arrested. The general warrant issued at Albanv on the 25th ult. was cancdled on the 6th inst. .

SAMUEL HANSEN, stout build, age about 35 years, height about 5ft. 7in., fair hair and moustache, blne eyes, round visage with heavy cheeks, reddish eomplexion, dressed in grey twee.l suit and straw hat; ship's steward, native of Sweden; a member of the Salvation Army; deserting from thE: barque ., Ragna" at. Bunhury on the 26th nIt. Dated Bun­bury, 5th Mruch, 1900.-¥l. 181 1~00.

EDWARD LEATHES ,;VILSON (for description vide Police Qazdte, 1900, p. 396, A2320:1, Special Iu­ql1iry). Offender was indicted to appear at the Uriminal Sessions of tbe Supreme Court, P erth, on the 6th inst., but failed to appear; Bench warrant dated Supreme Court, Perth, 7th M <1reh, 1900.­W.179/1900. (Arrl'st desired in any of the Austral­asian Colonies.)

ROBERT ANDREWS, stout, tbick-set. bUIld, age 40 to 45 year', height 5ft. 6in. or 7iu., light brown hair and moustache, round vi~age, florid complexion, rather hoarse voi(;~, ronnd s}JOuldered, ad dieted to drink; a labourer, native of England. Wal'l'fl.nt of (;ommitment to Fremantle Gaol for 14 days h.1. in defa.ult of payment of £1 fine for disorderly conduct. Dated Fremantlp, 6th Mar 'h, 1900.- W. 182'1900.

JOHN MERCER, stout nuggety build, age about 30 year, heig-ht about 5ft. 3in., dark hair a.nd short be;lrd, dark eyes, oval visage, dear dark complexion, a telegraph operator; being inucbted to Jam es M 010 11 t',Y in the sum of £9. To l)e arrested at any seaport of the cl)lony, lmt not dsewhl·re. Dated Cue, 2nd. March, 1900.-W. 178 '1900.

GAY SALAMONS, slim hnil<1, ag-e about 19 Vf'ars, height 5ft. 6in., hir ha,iT, VPl',Y slight f,LiT moustache, genera.lly wears blne serge <.:oat <Lud vest, <:lerk; em­bezzling the sum of £11 3s. 4(l.. the money of E. C. Shellton & Co .. at Perth, Oll tbp 19th January last. Dated Perth, 12th March, 19uO.- W. 187 1900.

DAvlD JAMES SMITH, slight build, agp 35 years, lwight 5 ft. 7in., hlack hair, dean shaved, dark eyes, thin visa.ge, dark complexion (half easte), a ruarine st')re dealt:' 1', native of AIlJPri<:a; lareeny as a hailee of a spring cart a.nd bay gelding, branded V2 on uPfl.r sboulder, the }Jropert.v of W. Waters & Co., at Perth, on or aLout the 27th Ja.lluary last. Dated l'!'rth, 12th .Ylal<.:h, 1900. W. 11581900.

Page 11: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On


Special Inquiry. Special Inquiry is requested for EMANUEL H .

HERSHEY alias H. E. HENRY, who is charged on warrant with embezzlement of .S65,000 of public moneys, and with being a defaulter as Treasurer of the County of Lancaster, State of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Description: Age 50 years, height 5ft. 9in. to 9iin., heavy, compactly built, robust and vigorous, walks rapidly, with firm, strong stej) aud swing of his body, weight 190 to 2001bs., florid complexion, brown hair, dark browu moustache (which may be shaved off). He is blind iu the right eye, the eyeball lieing covered with a yellow-white opaque cartilage or ligament; the eyelid of blind eye is very slightlv closed, making the eye, upon close inspection, appear smaller than the left eye. He has always worn gold-riinmed spectacles. He has been engaged in several lines of mercantile trade, and understands coun'ry store-keeping for the sale of phosphates, dry goods, boots, shoes, hardware, etc. ; also cigar manu­facturing, leaf tobacco, aud grain business. He rarely uses liquor to excess, but has been addicted to daily whisky drinking, particularly in the morning. He has been a stock and grain speculator on margin, and will take a hand at draw poker and every other gambling game. Was last seen in Philadelphia, U.S.A., on December 24, 1899. .1>1,000 reward is offered by the District Att(n-uey of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., for offender's arrest. Inform­ation to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth, where offender's photo, is filed.—A2/4602.

Missing Friends. Vie.ie Police Gazette, 1899, pages 253 and 2liO, B2 (523.

ARNOLD MATHEY is at present a patient in the Government Hosjiital, Coolgardie.

HUGH POPPLEWELL, alias ATKINSON, square build, age about 36 years, height Sft. Sin. or 9iu., light brown hair and moustache, light grey eyes, large thick nose with prominent bridge, square visage, fair complexion ; a clerk, native of Bradford, Eng­land (identical with Hugh Atkinson, vide Bolice Gazrtie, 1898, page 282, W. %V)- Inquiry by Mrs. Atkinson (wife), Stirling Terrace, Albany. lufor-niatiou to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth. —B2'1181.

A H HiNCi (Chiuese), thin build, age about 45 years, height ahout Sft. 4in., black hair, black eyes, flat nose, thin vis;ige, sallow complexion, several scars on right hand, fiesh wasted away between thumb and forefinger ; a labourer ; dressed in brown mole trousers, white cott(ni shirt, black coat and yellow hat ; last seen at H. T. Kirkup's farm, Moouyoonooka, oil the 7th ult. Believed to have become insane aud wandered away into the bush. Some of the Chinese in the district state that he is suffering from leprosy. Inquiry by the Geraldton juilice. Information to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Per th.-B2/1189.

WILLIAM BUSKELL PIERCE (UO description given), late of Whangerai, N.Z. Inquiry by the Union Bank of Australia, Ltd., Perth. Information to the Criminal Investio-ation Branch, Perth.—B2 1190.

FELIX MORGAN (no description given), last heard of in Pertli 16 or 17 years ago. Inquiry by Mrs. Elizabeth Martin, " Crag-y-Nos," Coldbrook, St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. Information to the Criminal Investigation iJranch, Perth.-^BJ'1192. ^

Inquests. Vasse—On the Srd iust., at the Court House,

before L. M. Hungerford, R.M., Acting Coroner, on the body of Ann Morgan, who died suddenly on the 1st inst. Verdict—"Death from natural causes."— B2/1187.

Fremantle —On the 2nd and 6th inst., at the Court House, before Dr. E. Black, Acting District Coroner, touching the cause of a fii-e which occurred at the dwelling of Jasper Patton, in Sewell Street, Plympton, on the 2nd inst. Verdict—" Cause of fire unlaiown." - B 2 1194.

Eremantle—On the 2nd aud 6th inst., at the Court House, before Dr. E. Black, Acting District Coroner, touching the cause of a fire which occurred at the dwelling of Henry Charles Glanville, in Canning Road, Plympton, on the 1st ins*. Verdict - " Cause of fire unknown."—B2 1195.

Kalgeieirlie—On the Oth inst., at the Court House, before E. P. Dowley, R.M., Acting Coroner, on the body of John G. Duthie, who was killed on the 28th ult., bv iieing run over bv a train. Verdict—" Acci­dental" death."—B2 1196.

Berth.--On the Sth inst., at the Coroner's Court, before Dr. E. Black, Acting District Cortmer. on the body of Edward Dearsley Gouly, who was found dead in his office at Perth, on the Sth inst. Verdict —" Suicide by taking cyauide of jiotassium whilst in a state of unsound mind."—B2/118S.

Berth.— On the 10th inst., at the Coroner's Court, before Dr. E. Black, Acting District Coroner, on tho bodv of Mary O'Keefe, who was found drowned iu the Swan River on the Sth inst. Verdict—" Found drowned."—B2/1198.

Property Lost. Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page (15, P.L. 78/1900.

Eremantle—The gold bar brooch descriljed iu the above reference, the property of A. Brickler, has been fouud.

Vide PoUce Gazette. 1899, page 372, P.L. .561/99.

Fremantle—The brooch described in the above reference, the property of Mrs. M. A. Cooper, has been recovered bv the owner.

Berth.—On the Sth inst.,—a lady's silver half-huuting watch. No. 0985, gold dial, wreath of blue enamelled forget-me-nots on outside of back case, with a small piece of verv fiue gold chain attached; the property of Mrs. King.—P.L. 107 1900. On tbe 23rd ult.,—a gold beetle-shajied brooch, agate body and wings set with pearls, ruby eyes, pearl head, gold legs, and gold bar at back; the propertv of Miss J. Templeton.—P.L. 108/1900.

Fremantle—On the 7th iust.,—A lady's ISct. gold ring, set with S stones (centre stone missing); the propertv of Alexander Balharrv.—P.L. 109 1900.

Special Inquiry.

Spe(·ja1 Inquiry is reque ted. for EMANUEL H. HERSHEY ~d iaf; H. E. HENRY, who is ebarged. on warrant wIth embezzlement of .·(j5,OOO of puhlie mOlwYH, and with being a default!'r as '['reasurer of t he County of Lall<'as1.er, State of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Del>cription: Age .50 years, height 5ft. 9in. to 9~it1., h~avy, ~ompactly Imilt, rohust and. vigorous, walks nLIHdly, wIth firm, strong step a.nd swing ofbi hody, w(:!ight 190 to 20011Js., florid (:om plf'xion, brown 11air, dark brown moustache (which may be shaved. off). Hp if; hlind. in the right eye, the eyeball being covered. with a yellow-white opaque cartilage or ligament; the eyelid. of blind e.ve i very slightl.v d oseu, making t.he eye, upou dose ins}) ction, appear smaller than the left pye. He has always worn ~old.-rimmed spectacles. He hets been engaged in seveml lines of mercantile traue, and und"rstands ('ouu1ry store.keeping for thf' sale nf phosphates, dry goodH, boots, shoes, hardware, et<.:.; also cigar manu­faeturillg, leaf toba.cco, and grain business. He rarely uses liquor to excess, hut has been addicted. to daily whisky drinking, particularly in the morning. He has been a stock imd grain speculator on margin, anll will lakt' a hand. at umw jioker and every other gambling game. Was last seen in Philadelphia, U.S.A., ou De('em bel' 24, ] 890. ::-;1,000 reward is offered by the DistrieL Attorll('.v of LcL\H'aster County, PeuUfly lvania., U.S.A., for offender ',; arrest.. Inform­ation to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth, where offender's photo. is fil J .-A2/4nOZ.

Missing Friends. Vi(le Police Gnzette, 1809, pn.ges 2.,):{ and ~(;U, '82 (j2:3.

ARNOLD MATHEY is at present a patient in the Government Hospital, Coolga,n1ic.

HUGH POPPLEWELL, alias ATKINSON , l:Iquare huild, age about 36 .vear s, height 5fi. Sin . or 9in., lig-ht brown hail' and moustaehe, light grey eyes, large thick nose with prominent lll'iugt', squa.re visage, fair t:Omplexion ; Cl, clerk, native of Bradford, Eng­land (iuentieal with H ugh Atkinson, I'ide Police G(LZI-ttt', 1898, page 282, W . ~9"n. lnquir.v by Mr . Atkin on (wife), St.irling Terrace, Alhan,V. Infor­mation to the Criminal lnve~tigation Bmu"h, Perth . - B2 '1181.

AH HING (Chiuese), thin build, age about 45 yecLI'S, bpight allollt Sft. {in ., bhL<.;k ba,i r , black eyes, fl a. t no 'e, thin viscLge, sallow complexion, several sears on right lw,nd, fi e'h wasted away \ 'etween thumb and forefinger; a la,bour 'J'; dresseLl in brown lIlole trou:;ers, white cotton silirt, hlack coat and yl'llow hat ; last sel'n at H . T. Kirkup's farm , Moollyoonooka., 0 11 the 7th uIt. Believed to have lll'COlllP ili sane and wand ered away into the bush. Sllllle of the ChinE'se in tl1 e ui h'ict state that he is sHffpring from leprosy. Inquiry by the Geraldton poli('e. Information to the ()I'iminal Investigation Bl'Ilneh, Perth. - B:2 /118!:!.

,\VILLIAM BUSKELL PIERCE (no de cription given), late of 'Vhangerai, N .Z. Inquiry hy the U ni n Bank (f Australia. Lt<l ., Perth. Iuformatiol1 to th e (;rilllillal Inw tigation Branch, Perth. --R:2 1190.

FELIX .MORGAN (no uescription giVl' ll ) , la t hean] of in P erth Hi or 17 year ag. Inquiry by Ml' .

4.,.... Elizabdh Mm·tin, "Crag-;'-N\)s," Coldbrook, t. Johll l'\Y Brunswick. Camtd,L. Information to the Crillliwtl Inye~tigatillll Ilralllh. Pl'rth . El 1HU. _

Inquests. Yasse.-On the 3ru in t., at the Court HOll ·e.

hefore L. ~I. Hungerforu, R.:n .. Actin!! Coroner. on the body of Ann ~'rllrgan, who dieJ uddenly on the 1st inst. 'Verdiet-·· Death fr()ll natural cawes."­B21187.

Fl'elll(llltle. - On the 2nu anu 6th in't., at the COUli H ouse, before Dr. E. Black, Acting Distriet ('oroner, touehing the eau e of a fire which oecUlTPJ at the dwelling of Jasper Patton. in 'ewell trcet, Plymptoll. on the 2nd inst. Verdiet-" Cau 'e of fire unknown."

B:2 1194.

Fl'pmantle.-On the 2nd and 6th inst., at the Court House, before Dr. E. Black, Acting District Coroner, touching the eau l' of a fire whil'h occurred at the dwelling of Henry Charles Glanville, in Canning Roa(l, Plympton, on the 1 ,t in.·. Verdiet-"Cau e of fir!' unknown."-B2 1H).5.

Kolgool'lie.- On the 6th Ill ·t., at the Court Hou e, hE-fore E. P. Dowley, RM., Acting' Coroner, on the hoch of John G. Duthie, who was killed on the ~ th ult.: I y \ eing l'Illl ov!'r hy a train. Vfrdict-" At'l'i­c1ent:LI (ll'ath." - B:2 ] Hlf).

Perfh.--On tbe 8th in .t., at the ol'oner' Court, b~forc Dr. E. Black, Ading Di!>trid Corouer. 011 tIlt' hod\' of Edwanl Dparskv Gonlv, who was foullll dl'acl in hi!> offiee at Perth: \lll the 5th inst. Venlid

" Sui('ide by taking ('yllnifle of }lota:s:silllu whilst in iL statp of ullsound m illll. " 8:2/ 118.').

Pel'fh.-On thp 10th iust., a.t the owner's Court, before Dr. E. Black, Ac·til1~ Di triet Coronpl', on thl' bod v (If Man O'Keefe, who WlL founu urolVneu in tb(' 'Swan River Oil the th inst. VerLliet- " FOlll1U

urowneu."-B21HJ .

---- --- -- - -

Property Lost.

Vide Police Gazette, 100U, page G.), P. L. 78/1900.

Fremalltle. ·-The gold bar brooch ue cri bed in the above reference. the property of A. Brickler, has Le(>11 found.

/ 'ide Police Gazette, 1 99, page :372, P.L. 561/99.

FreIllClntle.-The brooch uesc'l'ibed in the above reference, the property of Mrs. M. A. Cooper, has been l't'coyered by the owner.

P ert h.-On the 8th in t., - a lady's silver half­hunting watch, No. 09 5, gold uial, wreath of Llue enamelled forget-me-nots on out ide of back casf', with a small piece of very fine goM thain attach,'d; the pl'olerty of lrs. King.-P.L. 107 1900. Ou the 23rd ult.,- a gold beetle-sha],ed brooch, agate hOlly anu wio<rs set with I)earL. ruLy eve, llearl heau, o . • gold legs, and gold bar at hack; the l)roperty of Mi ' J. Templeton.-P.L. 10 1~0() .

Fl'emall tle.-On the 7thin 't..-Alac1y's l;'C't. {Fold rin" et with 5 stone::. (centre stone 111i ':sin~) ; the prop:~·ty of Alexltntkr Balharr;--.-P .L. 10~1 18ull.

Page 12: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On


R E T U R N O F . L I C E N S E S issued under '"The Wines , Beer, and Spir i t Sale Act, 1880,"

for the year 1900.


Condi- Name. tlnn.

F r e e , . . D o . ..

C l a r k , S a m u e l H e n r y L o p e , R o b t . F r a n c i s

Si,i?ii. ' Town or l)i.stfict.


R o b E o y H o t e l .. A s h b u r t o n H o t e l ..

O n s l o w D o .



Free... Claris, James ..

Town or Distriol.



Town or District.


T R A N S F E R S .


From To Sign.

Court, Alfred Chesterfield, Harold Hotel Fremautle

Town or District. Date of Transfer.

Fremant le 1st March

Police Gazette Reference.

Pag-e 22, 1900.


F r o m T o S i g n , j T o w n o r D i s t r i c t . i D a t e .

M a l e y , F r e d k . Eu r ig -h t , J o h n G e r a l d t o n B r e w e r y ... ! G e r a l d t o n 2 n d F e b r u a r y

Police Gazette r e f e r ence .

P a g e 26.

ESO^JPli:i:> PlilSONEKS.

l i a / e t t e . \o .

•540 542 543 546 .149 551 .552 554 .556 557 .560 569 574 575

576 577 580 585 538

592 59.3 599 601

602 603

.Snme. lleg. So.


H a r r i s , F r a n k Mora-aji , D a v i d M c D o n a l d , J a s . B u r k e , W m E v a n s , R o b t M c A r t h u r , F .Slack, J o h n B r o s n a n , T i m o t h y H o p k i n s , J o h n J e n k i n s , W m W a t s o n , T h o m a s Wat .soi i , C h a r l e s .. i M o l y n e u x , M a t t h e w 1 6145 B e i d , J o l m , alias 10484

P r i c e , C h a s . O ' B r i e n , N i c h o l a s ... M i n d h a m


M c P h e r s o n , D o n a l d Coss?rove, W i l l i a m S i n c l a i r , H e n r y , alias

M c D o u f r a l l , J a m e s , alias C r o u i n , Cor ­n e l i u s

S t o u e , W i l l i a m D o w n s , E d w a r d C l a r k e , A n d r e w 10480 H a y u e s , W m . alias

A i n s w o r t h , A r t h u r Ch ichonf r J o l l y , R o b e r t


F r e e d o . d o . d o . d o .

. d o . d o . d o . d o . d o . d o .

F r e e T . L . d o .

d o . a b . n a t .

F r e e d o . d o .

F r e e d o .

T . L . F r e e

a b . u a t . F r e e

1 liiilf orut.cHl'e.

l o t h Auffus t , 1895.. . 12th S e p t . , 1895 ... 12th S e p t . , 1895 ... 1 s t J a n u a r y , 18C6 ... S rd M a r c h , 1896 ... 17 th A p r i l , 1896 ... 13th J u u e , 1896 20th Aut r i i s t , 1896. . . 9 t h .Sept. , 1896 9 t h S e p t . , 1896 17th S e p t . , 1896 ... 24 th J u u e , 1897 2 5 t h D e c , 1896 ... 21s t A u g u s t , 1897 ...

30 th O c t . , 1897 24 th D e c , 1897 31s t D e e . , 1897 41;li J u l y , 1898 14 th O c t . , 1898

9 t h D e c , 1898 D o

S l s t J a n . , 1898 2 4 t h O c t . , 1899

•2.3rd D e c , 1899 3 r d M a r c h , 1900 ...

District from.

F r e u i a n t l e ... C o o l g a r d i e ... G e r a l d t o n ... V i c t o r i a P l a i n s P e r t h .. A l b a n v C o o l g a r d i e ... G e r a l d t o n ... N e w c a s t l e ... Nev , ' cas t l e ... C o o l g a r d i e P e r t h P e r t h F r e m a u t l e ...

F r e m a n t l e ... F r e m a n t l e ... F r e m a n t l e ... K a l g o o r l i e ... M t . M a l c o l m

P e r t h P e r t h F r e m a n t l e ... CoUief ie lds ...

G e r a l d t o n ... N o r t h a m

l>,;MCi-iption und reuiarK h.

Vide Poll, D o . D o . D o . D o . D o . D o . D o . D o . D o . D o . D o . D o . D o .

D o . D o . D o . D o . D o .

D o . D o . JJO. D o .

D o . D o .

e li.izelle d o . . d o . , d o . . d o . . d o . . do . , d o . , d o . . d o . . d o . , d o . . d o . . d o . .

d o . , d o . . d o . . d o . . d o . .

d o . . d o . . d o . . d o . .

d o . , d o - ,

1895, d o . d o . 1896 d o . d o d o . d o . d o . d o . d o . 1897 d o . d o .

d o . d o . 1898 d o . d o .

d o . d o . 1899 d o .

IPOO d o .

p a g e 160 d o . 169 d o . 169 d o . 13 d o . 53 d o . 04 d o . 1.30 d o . 19(1 d o . 207 d o . 207 d o . 212 d o . 189 d o . 259 d o . .395

d o . 395 d o . 395 d o . 1 d o . 225 d o . 34:j

do. no d o . 410 d o 290 do. .'as

d o . 19 d o . 78


RE T URN 0 F LIe ENS E S issued under , . The Wines, Beer, a n d Spirit Sale Act, 1880,"

for the year 190 0 .


Free Do.


I\umc. Sigil.

I Clark, Samuel Henry I Rob Ray Hotel t . ope, Robt. Fmncis Ashburton Hotel

'l'o~ It 01' Distl'ict.

I On slow Do.



( '(~JH1i- I tl vll.

:\'amf>. TowlI or lJi:-trirl. ('Olldi- ! ti "l lI.

~amc. Town 01' nistl'irt.

Ion low -----'

I Geraldton Free . I Clark, James Free



From To Sign. Town or District. Date of Transfer.

Cour t, Alfred I Hotel Fremantle I Fremantle 1st March


From To Sign. Town or Di"trict. Date.

Mul~y, Fredk. Ellright, John Gemluton I 2nd Februu.ry



l.azetlc "Ime. I:el!;. :-"0. l 'oll-

Il;tl ... IJII' .. t.:JlI'~. 111~11'1Cl froHl, !)\',,;cn ptl(llI H. ll d r~lIIa.rh~. )jO, dilj'HI.

5.j,() I .

Free 15th August, 1895 .. Ji'ren;antle I Harrls, Frank Vide Poli!'t~ (~lI'zelte, 1895, page 160 54:& I More-an, David do. 12th Sept., 1895 Coolgardie Do. do ., do. do. 16P 543 McDonal(l , J"s. do. 12th Sept., 18!).5 Gernldton Do. (10., do. uo. 169 546 Burke, Wm. do. 1st January, 18£6 . Victorift Plu.i~~ Do . do., 1896 do . 13 .)4~ Evans, Robt. do. ard March, 1896 P erth .' Do. do., do. do. 53 551 McArthur, F . .. do. 17th April, 18% Albau\" Do. do., do. do. fl.t 552 Slack, J ohn uo. 13th June, 1896 Coolgardie Do. do., do. uo. 130 554 Brosnau, Timothy do . / 20th August, 189(; Geraldton Do. do., do . do. lfiC' 556 Hopkins , Jvhn do. 9th Sept., 1896 Newcastle Do. uo., do. do. 207 557 Jenkins, Wm. do. 9th Sept., 1896 Ne\\'('astle Do. do ., clo. uo. 20, .560 Wlltson , Thorn"s do. l7tll Sept., 1896 Coolgardie Do. ,10., ,10. (10. 212 569 Watson, Churles Free 24th June, 1897 Perth Do. do., 1897 do . 189 57·1 Mol~'Deux, Matthew 6145 T.L. 25th Dec., 1896 ... Perth . Do. do., do . do. 25~ 575 Reid, John, alias IQ4.84 do. 21st August, 1897 Fremantle Do. do., do. do. 39.5

Price, Chas. 576 O'Brien, Nicholas 10470 do. 30th Oct., 11<97 Fremantle Do . do., do . do. 395 577 Mindbam ub. lint. 24th Dec., 1897 Fremantle D o. do., do. do. 39b 50 ~IcPherson, Donalcl Free ~ 1st IJec ., 1897 Fremantle Do. do., 1898 do . .j 585 Cosgrove, William do. 4th July, Ih98 K:tlg-oorlie Do. do., uo. do. 225 588 Sinclail', Henry, ulifLs do. 14th Oct., 18DN Mt. Malcolm Do. do., ,10. do. 348

McDong-all, James, n1 ;os Cronin, COl'· nelius

592 Stone, WiJliam Free 19th D ec., 1898 'j Perth Do. do ., uo. do. JlO 593 Downs, Edward do. Do. Perth Do. do., do. do. 410 599 Clarke, AnUrew 10.J.80 T.L. 31st Jan., Ul98 Fremantle JJO. do., IF99 do 290 6Ul Ha.ynes, Wm. ahfls Free 24th Oct., 1899 , Collie fields Do. do., do. do. :;28

Ainswortb, Arthm' 602 Chichong ab. uat. i3rd Dec., 1899 Geraluton Do. (10., lrOO do. I!' 603 Jolly, Robert I Free :lrrl March, 190u NorthaID ... \ Do. (10., do. do. 7R

Po lire Ga •• tle Reference.

Page 22, 1900.

Police Gazette reference.

Page 26.



Page 13: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On

or late Hea. So.




Date of DiscUarce.

From h'reninnili- I'rifiein. elurinq the- u-cfk endinq Siiiurela q, Itjth March, 19(I<J.

Female ] Exp . ... Free ...

i Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Exp . ... Free ...

Do. Do.

Female Do.

Free ... Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Free ... Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Ab. na t .

F 7.-. 103:57


4128 4129 4130 3(110 4003 4115 41.")0 8546 33,-)0

3467 4119

P 3 0 F 1 5 1

690 1290 3491

4070 4132

Bemie , Mary Roberts , George ... Agust in alias Quen-

ton, T. At ta rd , F r a n k Lechoix, Eugene ... Brousse, Pau l Lindsay, George ... O 'F iaher ty , John . . . Karis t rom, Carl ... P lant , E r n e s t Dean, Wil l iam Dalton, Charles ...


Dawson, Ernes t ... Mitchell , Joseph ...

Taylor, F a n n y Carrack, Norah Smith , Alber t Crowe, T. O'Donoghue Domboski, B.

McArren, Dan Piper, W m . J.

From Newcastl

Jer red , Thomas Moore, Henry Lawrence, J ames ...

Statlley, Henry J.. . . Ah Lee, J o h n n y ... Bumbo

Drunk Idle and disordi^rly


Do. ... ' Do Do Do

Rogue and vagabond ... Idle and disorderly Larceny ... Unlawful possession ... Disorderly (two charges)

Assaidt ... In ter fer ing with police ; damag­

ing uniform

Disorderly Larceny ... Receiving Unlawfully <m premises Disorderly (two charges)

UnLawful possession ... I<lle and disorderly

e Gaed, during the fortnicjht

Breach of Railway By-laws ... Idle and disorderiv Resist ing a r re s t ; obscenity ...

Larceny ... Do


21 days h.l 2 months h.l. 1 tQonth h.l.

1 month h.l. 1 month h.l. 1 month h.l. 1 month h.l. 3 months h.l. 6 weeks h.l. ... 7 (Lavs h.l. ... 7 days h.l. . . 3,5s. or 2 months h i . ;

40s. or 1 month h.l. (con.)

2 month.s h.l. 12s. or 1 month h i .

52s. or 1 month h.l. (con.)

14 days h.l. ... 3 months h.l. (i months h.l. 12 months h.l. 3 months h.l.; 42s. or

1 month h.l. (cimi.) 3 moDths h.l. 1 montli h.l.

ending lOih March,

7 days h.l. ... 14 days h.l. ... 7 days h.l.: 14 days

h.l. 1 month h.l. 1 month h.l. 14 days h.l

F reman t l e Pe r th ... Kalg(X>rlie

Do. Do. Do.

Coolgardie Kalgoorlie F reman t l e Per th ... F remant le Coolgardie

Fremant le Pe r t h ...

Guildford Pe r t h Sup. Court Boulder ... P e r t h ...

Bulong ... Per th

1900. Nor tham

Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do.

Free ..

Freim Beeik Hill Loe:k-up, during the week eneling Srd Meirrh. 1900.

Ryan, Timothy ... , Idle and disorderly 1 7 days h.l | Peak Hill

"•oth March

6th do.

1 S7th do. J

S8th do.

;>9th do. J

^ lOth do.

20th Feb. 28th do. 1st March

Sth do.

9 th do.

2Hth Feb,

Free ...

FVom Bunbury Gaol, during the

Booking, W'altor ... I Unlawful possession

week ending lOfh March. 190(1.

40s. tine or 11 davs ; Bridgetown 7th March

Free ... Do.

Exp. ...

Female Free ...


Free ... Do.


F^rom J^oiilder Lock-uii, during Ihe four ireeks ending Srel Miire-h, 1900.

Boulder Do.

Gaskill, John ... [ Drunk Gray, Geo. Gordon \ Cruel ty to aninuils

7 days imp. ... 40s. or 14 davs h.l. I

From Guildford Loi-k-up, during the fortnight ending Kith Marrh

9405 Chopin, Alfred ... , D r u n k ; disorderly 7 days h.l . : 14 days h i .

24 hours imp. 7 days h.l. ... 20s. or 3 days imp. . . .

Greenwell, Ka te Smith, John Brockhand, Thos.

Sly grog-sell ing Drunk Trave l l ing on railway wi thout

t icket



Do. Do. Do.

From Albany Gaed. during the- week eluding Srd March, 1900.

Eraser , J ames ... Drunk , 15 days h.l Albany James , John Claud P lay ing a game of chance in a 14 days h.l." Do.

publ ic place Peterson, Francis . . . Stowing away 7 days h.l Do.

U t h Fel). 3rd March

tith March

28th Feb .

lo th March

1st March

Return of Prisoners tried at Special Sessions of the Siii>renie (Durt. iield at Kochminie. coiiiiiieiicin,!,'

Monday, oth Februarv, I'Jtiil.

Condi- Kes. tion. No.

Ah. uat. Do. ... Do. Do. ...


Carolins films Friday Poeliug alias Sharper Weedeboufr alia-' Clai>soii Bullbarroucr alias Jimmy


Murder Do. Do. Do.

Police . District. Gnzeft,- Verdict. How disposed of.


Roebourne Do. Do. Do.

p. 395 Guilty .. p. 395 Do. p. 395 Do. p. 395 Not guilty

Death. Do. Do. Discharjred.

I!v .Uithori tv: RiCHAiU) P E T H E R , Government Pr in te r , Pe r th .


.I<'elJJ alt' Exp .... Frlle ...

D0. Do. Do. Uo. Do. 0 0. Do.

E x p . . . Fr ee

Do. Do.


Female Do.

F ree. Do. Do.

n o. Do.

Free ... Do. Do.

Do. I Do.

Ab. nat.

.I<' ree ... I

.!!'rec . .. I

Free .. I Do.

E xp . ...

F emale F ree ..


Free ... Do.


I( •• ~, :\11, UJ'Ia-L(' I«~~ . . \ ".

I<' --I ·)

108:n :nG3

412H 412!-J 4130 3010 40G3 4115 41 .")0 H54G :~aGO



F:30 F 131

690 1290 :l491

4070 4132




\ "".11'- \\ LJ t"r ... Commitl~d.

Froli/ FrP- 1i/ ( I ll tle " ri8on, duriny thl' IIwk Pllrlin4 Satllrday, 10th Jloj'ch, 1.40U .

Bernie, Mary Roberts, George ... Agustin alias Quen-

ton, T. Attard, Frank Leehoix, Eugene Brousse, Paul Lindsay, George O'Flaherty, John ... Karlstl'om, Carl Plant, El'llest Dean , William Dalton, Charles

Drunk .. . 1rHe and disorderly

Do. •

Vo. Do. Do. Do.

I Rogue and vagabon(l I Iule lwd disorderly

Larceny .. Unlawful possession Disorderly (two charg'es)

21 days h.1. ... 2 months h.1. 1 month h.1.

1 month h.1. 1 month h.1. 1 month h.1. 1 month h.1.


3 months h.1. li weeks h.1. i days h.1. 7 days h 1.


Fremantlt' Perth Kalgoorlie

Do. Do. Do.

Coolgardie Kalgoorlie Fremantle Perth Fremantle Coolgardie

Dawson , El'nC'st Mitehell, J oseph

Assault... ... ... .. . I I nterfering with police; damag-

:~3s. or 2 months h.I.; 4Os. or 1 month h.1. (con.)

2 months h.1. 12s. or 1 month h.l.

028. or 1 month h.1. (con.)

Fremantle Perth

'l'aylor, Fanny Carrack, Norah Smith , Albert Crowe, T . O'DOllOghue Domboski, R.

, McArren , Dan P iper, Wm. J .

ing uniform I

])i ~orderl v Larceny .~. Receiving Unlawfully on premiSeS

I Disorderly (two charges)

Unlawful possession J dIe and disorderly

14 day~ h.1. . :3 months h.1. li months h.1. 12 months h.1. :3 months h.1.; 42s. or

1 month h.1. (emn.) 3 mouths h.l.

I 1 month h.1.

Gnildfol'll Perth Sup. Court Boulder ... Perth

Bnlong Perth

From Newcastle Goal, during the fortnight Mding 10th March, 1900.

J erred, T homas Moore, H en ry Lawrence, J allles

~tarlley, H enry J .. Ah Lee, J ohnn y Bumbo

Breath of Railway By-laws rdla and disorderly Resisting arrest; ~bsccnity

Larceny. Do.


7 days h.1. .. . 14 days h.1. .. . 7 days h.l.; 14 days


Torth<l.m Do. Do.

1 month h.1. Do. 1 month h.1. Do. 14 days h.1. . Do.

F1'o lH P ell k H ill L ock- lip, d7l1'iny the /I'eek eliding !3r'd lYlarch, 1.90().

Ry<tn , Tilllothy . .. I I dle and disorderly

F1'oln B nllu /I1'Y Gaol, during flu' Bocking', W aIter .. ' I Unlawful possession ..

Fro m B Oil /deI' Lock-Ill), dllrilllj the fIJ/lr

Gaskill , J ohn ... I Drunk .. - ... Gray, Geo. Gordon Cruelty to anillmh

.. I 7 days h.l. . .. I Pe<tk Hill I

endillf/ 10th Jl nrrh, 1.900 . .J.Os. fine 01' 11 clay' Bridgetown

h.1. '

11 · l'elt'.~ elldillg .']n{ .Ma/'l·h, 1.C]O().

7 Jays imp. ... I Boulder ... 408. or 14 (l<tys h.1. .. Do.

F1'o lJ/ GlIilc{t'o rd Lock-lip, during the /oi'flliyht PlldillY 10th Jl a/'r'h, 1.90{J.

Chopin , Alfred Dl'1lnk; clisorderly i da.ys h.1.: 14 (lays <.711ildforrl h.1.

Sly grog-selling­Drunk .. .

24 hours imp. 7 days h.l.

Greenwell, Kat e Smith , John Brockhancl, 1'hos .... T ravelling on ['ail way without

ticket 20s. or :3 days imp ....

Pro 01 Albl~ny Gaol. dlll'illY the week el1diny .']rcZ Jlarch, Frasel' J al11es Drunk 13 days h.1. .. J al11es,' J ohn Clan cl PlayinO' a U'al11e of chance in a 14 days h.1.· ...

p Ublic place P eterson, Frands.. Stowing away i days h.1.


Do. Vo. Do.

Alhany Do.


Dat~ "-I f Uisct13,r~ t".

I > 5th ;,ra re h


6th do. I ~ 7th do. J I


I ~ 8th do. I I J

I { 9th do.

J I I ~ LOth do. I


20th Feb. 2Hth do. 1st ~larch

} 5th do.

9th do.

~Hth Feb .

ith Ma.rch

14th Feh. 8rd March

6th March

28th Feh.

I} 10th March

} 27th Feb.

1st March

Hetllrn of Pl'i 80 ll e r~ tri ed at :::l pceictl ~e88iom; of the ~upre llle Co urt. ileld at RoeblJurne, cOm lllel](;ing' Monday. ;)tl! t'ebrnary. HlO(l,

Al, . nltt. D c). D c). Uo.

Reg·1 No. Name.

Ctu'oliug (llias Friday Foeling ,d in' Sharper "reedebong nlin..: Cln.psoll B1lllbarrong' ,d in, J immy


. \ ~~l'der.

. D(). Do.


Roehourue Do. Do . Do.

Police Gazette


199 p.395 p. a95 p. 3~5 p.395


Guilty Do. Do. Not f(llilty

l ly .\ uthurity : RICHARD I'ETHEIt. GOvernlllPnt Printpr, Perth .

How disposed of.

L'eath. Do. Do. DischRr1{e(l.

Page 14: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On


Page 15: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On

[Published by Authority.]

This Gazette is published for Eolice information only, anel the Bolice throughout the Cedouy

are instructed, to make themselves thoroughly acquainieei with the contents.

GEO. PHILLIPS, Commissioner of Pedice.

No. 12.] WEDNESDAY, MAECH 21 [1900.

Robbery under Arms. Kalgoorlie—OTTO KEADTH an(3 WILLIAM GEORGE

WATKINS, Railway officials, report that at Ti'lO ]i.in. on the 19th inst., when proceedin<.,' from the liailwav Station to the Bank, carrying a bag con­taining i;350 in gold, silver, and copper, they were liailed iqi in Forrest Street by a masked man, who presented a revolver at them and obtained the bag. He then mounted a bay horse and rode away. The horse was subsequently found by the police. Ofl'ender is described as about 5ft. 4in., stout build, short black whiskers, supposed false, dressed in dark coat, blue dungaree trousers and brown hat, had black material over forehead and eyes.— A2/4698, 19th March, 1900.

Stealing in Dwellings, from the

Person, etc. Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 76, A2/4550.

Kanowna.—The watch described in the above reference, the property of Terence McEnroe, was j)ledged at Krug's Loan Office, Boulder, on the night of tlie Srd inst., by a man who gave the name of Chas. Boulder. Description: Height about Sft. l l in., age about 29 years, clean shaved, sandy complexion, dressed in dark suit.

Perth.—On tho 13th inst., from the owner's store, 40 Adelaide Terrace,—a lady's silver huuting key-winding Geneva watch, case ornamented with floral design, minute hand missing; and silver double watch chain, with ball in centre; a Bengal razor, marked 6s. 6d. on case, and 21bs. of Derby tobacco ; the propertv of Ebenezer Rav Orton—A2/4625, Uth March," 1900.

Kalgoorlie—On the l l t h inst., from the Loco­motive Hotel,—a pair of 15ct. gold sleeve links, bar and oval pattern; a lady's 15ct. gold half-hoop dress ring, set with 2 small diamonds and 3 rubies, stamped on inside "SU 1/1 (in shield) 15-625"; the property of Ansell W. Kirby.—A2/4664, 16th March, 1900.

Kilejeieirlie. -On the 14th inst., from Fuller's ]iremises, HainiMU Street,—a brown tweed vest; a gentleman's r(jlled gold American hunting stem-winding watch, glass missing; and a silver single long-link chain; thepropertv of Thomas .V. Hopkins. —A2 4667, 17th March, 1900.

Perih.—On the 17th inst., from 146 Stirling Street, —a lady's gold ring, set with 2 small diamonds aud 2 opals (3 other stones missing) ; the propertv of MissRuiiv Parsons.—A2 4673, 17th March, 1900.

Perih.—During the night of the 17th inst., from the Victoria Coffee Palace,—a gentleman's silver hunting key-winding Rotherham watcli. No. 103973 ; the propertv of William Grant.—A2 4675, 18th March, 19(H)".

Boulder. -On the 16tli inst., from the owner's tent, near the Oroya Dump,—a gentleman's silver huuting key-winding lever watch, " Kleinhanimer, Broken Hill," on dial, has a dent on case near the stem ; a silver curb chain about 12in. long, alternate large and small links ; and a silver oval-shaped locket engraved with flowers; the propertv of Albert Goodrope.—A2 4690, 20th March, 1900.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page rA, A2 4260.

Boulder.—The bicycle described in the above refer­ence, the property of Alfred Lenneberg, has been recovered by P C s . G. W. Hornsbv and J. Dowd in the possession of James McLure. (Vide Apprehen­sions, p. 83.)

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 82, A2 4f!0.5. Kalgoorlie. —The scrip described in the above

reference, the property of John Walter Hughes, has been fouud, not stolen.

Wagin.—On the 9th inst.,—a gentleman's bicycle, straight handles, curved at ends, 28in. wheels, cranks bronzed at top, rublier pedals, solid rims, aljout 66in. gear, Dunloj) tires, new Dunlop multiflex tire on back wheel, block chain; the propertv of David Cummings. A2 4640, 15th March. B.UUK


[Published by Authority.]

'fhil< (ja,zp, tte is published for Police i?~tonnation only, aud the PoLice thronyhout the CII/UILY

I1t'p' instrncted to makp fhp/m.~fll?,p!l thm'oughly acquainted with the contenk

GEO. PHILLIPS, Commissioner of Folia.

No. 12.J WEDNESDAY, l\lARCH 21. [1900.

Robbery under Arms. Kalgoorlie . OTTO KRAUTH and WrLLIAlI1 GEORGE

W A'l'KINS, Railway officials, report that at 12'10 p.m. on the 19th inst., when proceeding' from the H.ailway Station to tbe Bank, earryin g a bag <:on­tainillg £3.')0 in gold, silver, and eopper, they were l)ailed up in FOlTest Street by a masked motU, who presented a revolver at them and obtained the bag. Hc then mounted a bay horse anu rode awa). The horse was subsequently found by the poliee. Offender is deseribed as about 5ft. 4in., stout build, short black w hiskcrs, supposed false, dressed in dark coat, blue dungaree trousers and brown ha.t, had black material over forehead and eyps.-­A2/4698, ] 9th March, 1900.

Stealing in Dwelling's, from the

Person, etc. V~de Pohce Gazette, 1900, pag'e 76, A2j4550.

Kanowna . - The watch deseribed in the aboye reference, the property of Terence MeEnrol', was pledged at. Krug's Loan Office, Boulder, on the night of the 3rd inst., by a man who gave the name of Chas. Boulder. Df'scription : Height about 5ft. llin., age about 29 years, clean shaved, sandy complexion. dressed in dark suit.

Perth. - On tb e ]3th inst., from the owner's store, 40 Adelaide Terrace,--a lady'S silver huntin g key­winding Gene"a watch, ease ornamented with floral design, minute hand missing; and silver double watch chain, with ball in centre; a Bengal razor, marked 6s. 6d. on case, and 2lbs. of Derby tobacco; the property of Ebenezer Ray Orton ~A2/4625 , 14t.h Mal'eh, 1900.

Kalgoorlie. -On the 11th inst., from the Loco­motive Hotel,-a pair of 15ct. gold sleeye links, har and oval p,Lttern; a lady's 15d. gold half-hoop dress ring, set with 2 small diamonds and 3 rubies, stamped on in side "SU 111 (in shield) ] 5-6;25" ; the property of Ansell W. Kirby.-A2/4664, 16th March, 1900.

Kalgliorlie. On the 14th in8t., from Fuller's premise, Haunan Strf'et,-a 1>rown twped ye·t; a gentleman's rolll'd gold American hunting' tem­winding- wat<:h, glass missing; and a silver single long-link chain; the propprty of Thomas .\. . Hopkin". -A2,4667, 17th March, 1900.

Perfh. - On the 17th inst., from ]46 Stirling Street, --a, lady's gold ring, set with 2 !<lllaU (1iamoncls and 2 opals (3 other stones missing) ; the property of Miss Ruby Parsons.- A2 4673. 17th ~lar('h, 1900.

P(1'th. -- Durin~ the night of the] itll inst., from the Victoria Ooffee Palace,- a g<'lltlelllal1'S silver hunting key-wintling Rotlll'rham watch, No. 103973 ; the property of William Grant.-A2467.5. 18th Man·h,l!:lOO.

Boulder. - On the 16th inst., from thp owner's tent, nea.r the Oroya Dump,-ft gentlpman's silver hunting ke.l-winding leyer wateh, "Kleinbammer, Broken Hill," un dial, ha. a dent on case near the stem; a ilver curb chain about 12in . long, alternate large and small links; and a silver oval-shl) lied locket engraved with flowers; the property of Albert Goodrope.- A2 4690, 20th March, 1900.

l'ide Police Gazette, 1900, page 54, A2 4260.

Bouldel'.-The bicycle described in the above refer­ence, the property of Alfred Lenneberg, has been reeovered by P.Cs. G. W. Hornshv and J. Dowd in the possession of James McLure .. (Vide Apprehel1-sions, p. 83.)

ride Police Gazette, 1900, page 82, A 2 4fl05.

K algoorlie. -The ('rip described in the ahove refprence, the property of John Walter Hug-hE'S, has been fonnd, not stolen.

TVagin. -On the 9th inst.,--a gentleman's l)icytle, straight bandIes, curved at ends, 28in . wheels, cranks bronzed at top, rubber pedals, solitl rim. alltlllt 66in . gear, Dunlop tire., new Dunlop illnltiflex tire on hack wheel, hlock chain; the prollert: of Da\"id Cummings. A~ 4640 . 15th March. Hltlo.

Page 16: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On


Kalgoorlie—On the 12th inst.,—a gentleman's Greenwell bicycle. No. 21282, racing handles, cork grips, black enamel tips, rat-trap pedals, road-racing tires. No. 7 underneath saddle on frame, in white paint, black frame; the property of Greenwell & Co. This bicycle was hired for a few hours by a man who gave the name of H. Prance. Description : Slight build, age about 22 years, height about 5ft. 9in., fair hair, clean shaved, dressed in dark coat and blue dungaree trowsers. A2/4670, 17th March, 1900.

Kalgoorlie—On the 17th inst., from the Recreation Reserve,—a gentleman's Armstrong bicycle. No. 1036, painted black, bent handles, Dunlop tires. Brooks' saddle; the property of Robert Honeymoon. ~A2/4693, 20th March, 1900.

Kalgoorlie.—On tiie 17th inst., from the Recreation Reserve,—a gentleman's Raleigh bicycle, No. 44885, straight handles, bell attached, new tire on back wheel, large Brooks' saddle, rubber pedals, black frame; the property of Richard Miller.—A2/4694, 20th March, 1900.

Mt. Morgan.—During the night of the 9th inst.,— a gentleman's Raleigh bicycle. No. 44948, front tire much smaller than back tire, rivet in chain, cork grips in bad order, rat-trap pedals, Release saddle; the property of John Harcourt.—A2/4697, 20th March, 1900.

Vide Folice Gazette, 1900, page 82, A2/4600. Berth.—The boxes and contents described in the

above reference, the property of Mrs. Annie Hurley, have been found, not stolen.

Perth.-^On the 15th inst., from the Esplanade Pavilion,—a brown check sac coat, tailor-made, nearly new; the propertv ot John R. Davis.—A2/4649, 15th March, 1900."

Bunbury.—On the 13th inst., from Gordon's Hotel,—a tailor-made dark blue vicuna sac suit, quite new, two inside pockets in coat, a stain of blood on left lappel; the property of Walter Butler. Suspicion attaches to James Byrne, medium build, age about 19 years, height 5ft. 9in., brown hair, fair complexion, large grev eyes.—A2 4662, 16th March, 1900.

Kalgoorlie—On the 12th inst., from the owner's tent, E^an Street,—a large rug, black and red draught-board pattern, marked "H.A." incomers ; a white double blanket; a new dark blue diagonal suit, tailor-made, double-breasted coat and vest; 2 white silk shirts; 1 pair of new Balmoral boots, size 8; a black Morocco album, lOin. x 8in., " Harry Anderson " stamped in corner of front cover; the property of Harry Anderson.—A2/4663, 16th March, 1900.

Fremantle.—Between tbe 13th and 15th inst., from a case in the hold of the s.s. "Coolgardie,"—14 pairs of men's lace-up tan boots of various shades, sizes from 7 to 9, round toes with toe-caps; the fronts of these boots have only one seam on the outside of each boot; supposed to be of German manufacture ; the propertv of Messrs. Mcllwraith, McEachran, & Co., Limited.—A2/4679, 19th March, 1900.

Boulder.—Between the l l t h and 13th inst., from the City Arms Hotel,—a pair of large-sized opera glasses, dent on brass of right glass, which is loose, aud will fall back if pushed; the propertv of Henry Parker.—A2/4692, 20th March, 1900.

Burglary, Housebreaking, etc.

Fortrose, Southland, New Zealand.—Stolen, during the night of the 16th ult., from the Fortrose Branch of the Bank of New Zealand, the safe being opened by the Agent's keys, ])reviously stolen from his bed­room at. Melves' Hotel, Fortrose, =£500 in Bauk of New Zealand notes, viz. :—


Auckland Plate.—Nos. 83494, 43567, 062136, 090152, 048534, 056577, 055374, 082941, 027044, 082992, 059605.

Wellinijiem Plate- 310416,284970, 295548,30904!', 285185, 309210, 291798, 286945, 310469, 309361, 309559, 309259, 309523, 309571, 309701, 309979, 309243, 310165, 310101, 285645, 309422, 289247, 287811, 310466, 309219, 321559, 289514, 309672, 310172.

T H E E E H U N D R E D .£1 NOTES.

Auckland Plate.—943510, 708412 911380, 920682, 989409, 951106, 838444, 905730, 825893, 872123, 859040, 696213, 954409, 637172.

968112, 240955, 164472, 664925, 594587, 703700, 597638, 930651, 936206, 874117, 825521,

Wellington PI 409270, 464946, 459272, 346104, 461538, 155189, 929811, 464581, 427851, 408874, 079916, 154949, 463087, 461907, 241144, 079085, 213552, 463201, 460373, 461587, 461979, 119206, 099332, 457301, 799840, 459401, 398206, 353365, 461700, 205090, 349654, 333960, 349651, 245761, 594362, 444192, 110036, 351060, 118459, 437419, 408917, 459392, 24(1489, 464217, 155896, 465830, 294088, 241913, 406128, 202491, 460480, 405717, 349149, 207283, 464854, 354144, 253393, 458842, 458352, 142474, 456654, 204897,

091998, 457523, 238930, 934974, 977275, 461755, 264394, 208466, 956330, 988255, 893123,

ate A.-406683, 043382, 983645, 411386, 155078, 206848, 463718, 351774, 162192, 461024, 171624, 462858, 458257, 455528, 460399, 163031, 461825, 352564, 354017, 456072, 180050, 461230, 434228, 241807, 352755, 986154, 099344, 193421, 459841, 353719, 448397,

Wellin 002414, 046056, 042030, 051318, 042920, 046766, 049222,

gton Plate, new 077765, 047922. 046024, 079283, 047254, 077016, 044768, 077238, 079939, 042213, 073231, 043516, 079776. 045758.

458209, 656516, 947222, 912070, 459175, 163931, 242464, 985967, 410353, 278443, 460330,

-077046, 414779, 458562, 124073, 346244, 044693, 301471, 463113, 444755, 144346, 132404, 486374, 079167, 071820, 427394, 197374, 464726, 349716, 460578, 590967, 352326, 746205, 456422, 090660, 152564, 455335, 448156, 155691, 968928, 244352, 120675, 144393,

issue 044974, 043291, 077976, 045569, 046060, 045671,

337702, 933052, 913711, 931345, 460402, 930766, 886173, 983973, 600290, 213824, 345838, 238477,

160502, 941277, 243515, 409366, 459086, 365446, 244967, 408696, 000686, 460931, 345908, 458128, 411669, 406551, 071942, 096650, 462599, 413169, 116513, 456130, 064931, 352627, 455924, 349912, 392543, 461698, 151138, 238303, 463162, 464132, 464736, 078977,

(white).— 043012, 016335, 043943, 046221, 044148, 050909,

294321, 872538, 981336, 461897, 885934, 906308, 984773, 708153, 741335, 915423, 687387, 933679,

352127, 985803, 262048, 460167, 123882, 161937, 345421, 464653, 200957, 483862, 439530, 345741, 252998, 871479, 410396, 461435, 243100, 436460, 4586G3, 459411, 387396, 237964, 352202, 236209, 458217, 487155, 349872, 952471, 352824, 353060, 140597, 460916.

-046814, 046667, 043569, 077775, 045043, 045161, 077785,

Also .£30 in silver; the propertv of the Bank of New Zepland.—A2/4660, U t h MaVch, 1900.


Kalgoo1·lie.-On the 12th inst., -a gentleman's Greenwell bicycle, No. 21282, racing handles, cork grips, black enamel tips, rat-trap pedals, roa:d- raci?g tires. No. 7 undernea,th saddle on frame, III whIte paint, black frame; the property of Green well & Co. 'rhis bicycle was hired for a few hom s by a wan who gave the llame of H . France. Description: Slight build. age about 22 years, height ahout .5£t. 9in., fair hair. clean shaved, dressed in dark coat and blue duno;aree h·owsers. A2/4670, 17th Marcb. 1900.

Kalyoorlie.-On the 17th inst., from the Recreation Re~erve,-a gentleman'S Anllstrong bicycle, No. 1031), 1Juinted black, bent halJdleR, Dllulop tires, Brook;,' saddle; the property of Rohert HOLleymoon .

A2 4693, 20th March, 1900.

Kalr/0orlie.-On the 17tb inst., from the Recreation Reserve,-a geutle1l1an's H,aleigh bicycle, No. 44885, straight handles, bell attached, new tire on back wheel, large Brooks' sadule, rubl er pedals, black frame; the property of Richard Miller. - A2j4694, 20th March, 1900.

Mt. llIoryrw.-During the night of the 9th inst.,­a gentlem1m's Raleigh bicycle, No. 44948, front tire much smaller than back tire, rivet in chain, cork grips in bad order, rat-trap l)edals, Release saddle; t.he pro}lprty of John Harcourt. -A2 /4697, 20th March, 1900.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 82, A2 ,- 4600.

P erth.-'1'he boxes and contents described in the above reference, the property of Mrs. Annie Hurley, have been found, not stolen.

P erth.-;-On the 15th inst.., from the Esplanade Pavilion ,-a brown cheek sac COllt, tailor-made, nearly new; the property of John R. Dayis. --A2/4649, 15th March, 1900.

Bllnbllry.-On the Bth inst., from Gordon's Hotel,-a tailllr-ma(le dark blue vicuna sac suit, quite new, two inside pockets in coat, a stain of blood on left lappel; the property of WaIter Butler . Suspicion attaches to J ames Bpl1e, medium build, age about 19 years, height 5ft. !Jin., brown hair, fair complexion, large grey eyes.-A2 4662, 16th March, 1900.

Kalgoorlie .-On the 12th inst., from the owner's tent, Egan Street,-a large rug, black and red draught-board pattern, marked" H.A." in corners; a white double blctnket; a new dark blue diagonal suit, tailor-made, double-breasted (;oa.t a,nd vest; 2 white silk shirts; 1 !Jair of new Balmoral hoots, size 8; a black Morocco album, lOin. x 8in., " H arry Anderson" stamped in corner of front ("ove r; the property of Harry Al1der on. - A2/4663, 16th March, ] 900.

Frernantle. - Between tbe 13th and 15th inst., from a cas in the hold of the S.s. "Coolgitrdie," - 14 pairs of men's lace.up tan boots of varions shades, sizes from 7 to 9, round toes with t oe-caps; the fronts of these boots have only one seam on the outside of each boot j supposed to be of German manufacture; the pr0perty of Messrs. McIlwraitb, McEachran, & Co., Limiteu.-A2 l4679, 19th March, 1900.

Boulcler.-Between the 11th and 13th inst., from the Oity Arms Hotel, - a pair of la.rge-sized opera glasses, dent on brass of right glass, which is loose, and will fall back if pushed; the property of H enry P arker.-A2 l4692, 20th :March, 1900.


Burglary, Housebreaking, etc.

F01·trose, Southlallcl, N ew Zealand. - Stolen, during the night of the 16th ult., from the Fortrose Branch of the Bank of New Zealand, the safe being opened by the Agent's keys, previously stolen from his bed­room at Melves' Hotel, Fortrose, £500 in Bank of New Zealand notes, viz . :-


Auckland Plate.-Nos. 83494, 43567, 062136, 090152, 048534, 056577, 055374, 082941, 027044, 082992, 059605.

W ellingtofl Plute. - 310416,284970, 295548,30904!', 285185, 309210, 291798, 286945, 310469, 309361, 309559, 309259, 309523, 309571, 309701, 309979, 309243, 310165, 310101, 285645, 309422, 289247, 287~11, 310466, 309219, 321559, 289514, 309672, 310172.


Auckland Plate.-943510, 708412, 837702, 294321 , 911380, 9681]2, 091998, 458209, 933052, 872538. 920682, 240955, 457523, 656516, 913711, V8 l336 , 989409, 164472, 238930, 947222, 931345, 461897, 951106, 664925, 934974, 912070, 460402. 885934, 838444, 594587, 977275, 459175, 930766, 906308, 905730, 703700, 461755, 163931, 886173, 934773, 825893, 597638, 264394, 242464, 983973, 708153, 8721~3, 930651, 208466, 985~67, 600290, 741335, 859040, 936206, 956330, 410353, 213824. 915423, 696213, 874t17, 988255, 2784+3, 345838, 687387, 954409, 825521, 893123, 460330, 238477, 933679, 637172.

Wellington Plute A.--077046, 160502, 352127, 409270, 464946, 406683, 414779, 941277, 985803, 459272, 346104, 043382, 45856~, 243515 , 262048, 461538, 155189, 983645, 124073, 409366, 460167, 9298]1, 464581, 411386, 346244, 459086, 123882, 427851, 408874, 155078, 044693, 365446, 161937, 079916, 154949, 206cl48, 301471, 244967, 345421, 463087, 461907, 463718, 463113, 408696, 464653, 241144, 079085, 351774, 444755, U00686, 200957, 213552, 463201 , 162192, 144346. 460931, 483862, 460373, 461587, 461024, 132404, 345908, 439530, 461979, 119206, ]71624, 486374, 458128, 345741, 0~9332, 457301, 462858, 079167, 411669, 252998, 799840, 459401, 458257, 071820, 406551, 87147~, 398206, 353365, 455528, 427394, 071942, 410396, 46]700, 205090, 460399, 197374, 095650, 461435, 349(j.54, 333960, 163031 , 464726, 462599, 243100, 34~651, 245761, 461825, 349716, 413169, 436460, 594362, 444192, 352564, 460578, 116513, 4586G3, 110036. 351060, 354017, 590967, 456130, 459411, 118459, 4S7419, 456072, 35~326, 064931, 387396, 40 917, 459392, 180050, 746205, 352627, 237964, 24()489, 464217. 461230, 4,56422, 455924, 352202, ] 558%, 465830, 434228, 090660, 349912, 236209, 294088, 24]913, 241807, ]52564, 392543, 458217, 406128, 2024Ul, 352755. 455335, 461698, 487155, 460480, 4057]7, 986154, 448156, 151138, 349872, 349149, 207283, 099344, 155691, 238303, 952471, 464854, 354144, 193421, 968928, 4-331(-;2, 352824, 253393, 458842, 45~841 , 244352, 464132, 353060, 458852, 14247J, 353719, 120675, 464736, 140597, 456654, 204897, 448397, 144393, 078977, 460916.

Wellingtoll Plate, new issue (white).-046~ 14, 002414, 077765, 047922, 044974, 043012, 046667, 0460.56, 046024, 079283, 043291, 016335, 043569, 042030, 047254, 077016, 077975, 043943, 077775, 0513 18, 044768, 077238, 045569, 046221, 045043, 042920, 079939, 042213, 046060, 044148, 045161, 046766, 073231, 043516, 045671, 050909, 077785, 049222, 079776, 045758.

Also £30 in silver; the property of the Bank of New Ze21a.nd.- A2 /4660, 14th March, 1900.

Page 17: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On


Apprehensions. Vide PoUce Gazette, 1900, page 84

EENEST EDWAEDS alias JOHN BRIMSON, brought up at York, on the 15th inst. Discharged. 1 »og recovered bv P.C. W. Don.

Vide PeiUce Gazette, 1899, page H:i.

DENIS DUGGAN, brought up at Perth, on the 15th inst. Remanded to Coolgardie. Admitted to bail.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 83. TEEEHA DOOLAN, brought up on the 15th inst.

Discharged under the First Offenders Act.

Vide PoUce Gazette, 1900, page 78, W. 171/1900. Foi A H W A H , at South Perth, on the 13th inst.,

by P.C. W. Mason and R.P.C. W. Rewell. Brought up at Fremantle on the 15th inst. To be removed from the Colony and to pay costs.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 78, W. 172/19(X). Low A H SWEE, at Perth, on the 13th inst., by

P.Cs. W. Whyte and W. Mason. Brought up a"t Fremantle on the 15th inst. To be removed from the Colony and to pay costs.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 8.3. JOHN CAMPBELL al'ias QUINN, and JAMES NOONAN,

brought up at Perth, ou the U t h inst.; larceuy from person. 2 months h.l each.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 83. JOHN CAMPBELL edias QUINN, JAMES NOONAN, and

WILLIAM O'DO.NNELL alias MCDONALD, brought up at Perth, on the U t h inst.; assault and robliery. Committed for trial.

Vide Police Geizette, 1900, page (19.

FRANCIS MENDOZA, brought up at Perth, on the 15th iust. Remanded to Geraldton.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 84.

JESSIE DOWNEY, brought up at Kalgoorlie, on the 16th iust. Discharged. Information withdrawn. Complainant to pay costs.

Vide Police Gazette, 19(X), page 83.

JAMES MAESHALL, brought up at Newcastle, on the 17th inst. 7 days h.l.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 77.

JOHN CEANSTON, brought up at Coolgardie, on the 19th inst. Discharged.

Vide Folice Gazette, 1900, page 84, W. 188 1900.

DAVID JAMES SMITH, at Cue, ou the 16th inst., by

P.C. J. T. Broclie. Remanded.

I tde Folice Gazette, 1900, page 77, W. 160,1900.

AUGUST VARIAN, at Perth, on the 17th inst., by P.C. B. McConnell.

HENRY G E E , at Perth, on the 12th inst., by Dets. S. A. Fox and J. H. Lvnch; larcenv. 6 months h.l.

HAREY WARNER, at Perth, on the 13th inst., by Dets. F. G. Eggleston and H. Mann; larceny. 7 days h.l. Property recovered.

ALFRED DAVIS, at Boulder, ou the 13th iust., by P.Cs. E. Edwardes aud J. Dowd ; disorderly. 1 mouth h.l.; pointing firearms, ^£2 tine or 7 days h.l.; being in possession of a skeleton key, 1 month h.l. (con­current).

FRANK FLOOD, at Kalgoorlie. ou the 13th inst., hy P.C. X G. Dodd and T. Williams; wounding with intent. Remanded. Giving false name. 7 days h.l.

GEORGE BONHAM, at Kalgoorlie, on the 5th iust., by the Kalgoorlie police ; keeping a common gaming house. ^25 tine and costs or 3 months imprison­ment (in default of distress). Monev seized (£76 17s. 6d.) forfeited.

MAURICE FRANKENBERG and BEANDON M . SAUNDERS, at Kalgoorlie, on the Sth inst., by the Kalgoorlie police ; assisting iu conducting a common gaming house. £1 fine and costs, or 7 days imprison­ment each.

CHAKLKS PETTERSON, GEORGE LUBKE, and OLAF F. PBITCHARD, at Denmark, near Albany, ou the 13th inst.. by P.C. W. J. Begley. on "warrants: desertiug ship. Imprisonment with hard labour until their ship is ready to proceed to sea, and then to be put on board.

CLAUD YOUNG, at Claremont, on the 15th iust., by P C . W. Lewis ; idle aud disorderiv. 2 months h.l.

OMOYAL (Jajianese female), at Geraldton, on the 8tli inst., liy P.C. E. McNamara; luuacy. Seut to Asylum.

THOMAS RAY, at Coolgardie, on the Uth iust., by P.C, J. Sayers; malicious injury to j)roperty. £3 fine and £9 9s. damages aud costs.

CARL KAELSTEOM, at Fremantle, on the l l t h iust., by W^.P.C. A. jMinieson; idle aud disorderly. 1 month imprisonment.

OSCAR HANLIN, at Fremantle, on the 12th inst., by P.Cs. L. R. Burman aud C. Jackson; disorderly, .£2 tine or 21 days h.l.; resisting arrest, ^ 1 fine or 7 davs h.l. (cumulative.)

BLUIOY (ab. nat., female), at Fremantle, on the 13th inst., by P.C. C. Hansen ; idle and dis(n-derly. 6 mouths h.l.

JOSEPH THOMPSON, exp.. late Reg. No. 8146, at Perth, on the 10th inst.. by P.C. C. Rowe; idle and disorderiv. 1 month h.l.

MONTE MONT»}OMEEY, at West Perth, on the lOth inst., bv P.C. G. W. Underwood; furious riding. 40s. tine or 7 days h.l. ; obscenity, 20s. fine or 7 days h.l. (concurrent).

RoBEET LEEDER, exp., late Reg. No. 10545, at Perth, on the 10th inst., by P.Cs. M. McAuley and W. Whtve; disorderly. £3 or 14 days h.l.

WILLIAM ALBXANDEE MCPHERSON and SYDNEY A. WALLIS. at Leederville, on the l l t h inst. (on search warrant); larceny. 20s. fine and costs f)r 14 davs h.l. each. Property partly recovered.

PATRICK BYRNES, exp., late Reg. No. 9677. at Perth, on the 13th iust., by P.C. H. H. Smith : idle and disorderiv. 3 months h.l.

STEPHEN LONG alias DUFFY, at Perth, on the 13th inst., by PCs . M. McAuley and W. Whyt^ ; idle and disorderiv. 2 months h i .

ApprehensioIls. Vide Police Gazette, HJOO, page 84

..b]RNE8T EnwARDs alias JOHN BRIMsoN, brought up at York, on the 15th inst. Discharged. ] log recovf'red hy P.C. W. Don.

Vide lJotire Gazette, 1H99, page Ha.

DENIS DUGGAN, hrought up at Perth, on the 15th inst. Remanded to Coolgardie. Admitted to bail.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 83. TEREsA DooLAN, hrought up on the 15th inst.

Discharged under the Fir. t Offenders Act.

Vide Policp Guzette, 1900, page 78, W. 171/1900. Fm AH WAR, at South Perth, on the 13th inst.,

by P.C. W. Mason and R.P.C. W. Rewell. Brought lip at Fremantle 011 the 15th inst. To be rem(lVed from the ColollY and to pay costs.

I'ide Police Gozette. 1900, page 78, W. 172/1900.

Low AH SWEE, at Perth, on the 13th inst., bv P.Us. W. Whyte and W. Masoll. Brought up at Fremantle on the 15th in!>t. To be removed from the Colony and to pay cosLs.

Vide Potice Gazette, 1900, page :3. JOHN CAMPBELL alias QUINN, <Lnd JAMES NOONAN,

brought up at Perth, on the 14th inst.; larceny from person. 2 months h.l each.

Vide Police Gozette, 1900, page 83. JOHN CAMPBELL (lh'as QUINN, JAlIfES NooNAN, and

WILLIAJH 0' DO:-;NELL ali(ls M CDONALD, hrought uI' at Perth, OH the 14th inst.; as 'ault cLnd robhen'. Committed for trial. .

Vide Police G(I,zette, 1900, pi1ge (i9,

FRANCIS MENDozA, brought IIp at Perth, on the 15th inst. Remallded to Gemldton.

Vide Police Gazette, IDOO, p~tge H4.

JESS1E DOWNEY, hrought up fLt Kalgoorlie, on the 16th iust. Discharged. Information withdrawn. Complainant to pay custs.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, pl1ge 8;~.

JAMES MARSHALL, Lrought up at Newcastle, on the 17th inst, 7 days h.1.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 77 .

JOHN CRANSTON, bruught up at Coolgardie, on the 19th inst. Discharged.

I'ide Police GCLzette, 1900, pltge 84, W. 188 1900.

DAvID JAMES SMITH, at Cue, on the 16th inst., by P.C. J . T. Brodie. Remanded.

I ide Police Gazette, 1900, pltge 77 , W. 160 1900,

AUGUST VARIAN, at Perth, on the 17th inst., by P .C. B. MeConnel1.

HENRY GEF., at Perth, on the 12th inst ., bY' Dets. S. A. Fox and J. H. Lynch; larceny . 6 months h.1.

HARRY \V ARNER, at Perth, on the] 3th inst ., by Dets, F, G. Eggleston and H , Mann ; larceny . 7 days h.1. Property recovered.

----ALFRED DA VIS, at Boulder, on the 13th in!>t.. by

P.C. E. Edwardes anu J. Dowd ; eli orderly. 1 month h.1.; pointing firearms, £2 fine or 7 days h .l.; being in posses,ion of a skeleton key, 1 month h.1. (con­current),


FRANK FLOOD, at Kalgourlie. on the 13th in t., hy P.C. J. G. Dodd and T. 'Villiarn ; wounding wIth intent. Remanded. Giving faJ e name. 7 day h,l.

GEORGE BONHAlII, at Kalgoorlie, on the 5th in t.. by the Kalgoorlie police; k~eping a cummon gaming house. £25 fine and (:0 t or 3 month imprion­llent (in default of di tre ). Money eized (£76 17 . 6d.) f .. rlpited.

MAURICE FRANKENBERG and BRANDON M, , A UNDERS, at Kalgoorlie, on the 5th inst.. hy the Kalgoorlie 1Jolil'l; as 'isting in conducting a (:ummon gallllUg bou e. £1 fine and co t , or 7 day' impri on­ment each.

CHARL8S PETTER ON, GEORG~ LUBKE, and OLA}' F. PRITCHARD, at Denmark, near Albanv, on the 13th inst., lw P.C. W. J. BeO'lev on 'warmnt .

.. t::'I ' •

deserting ship. Impri '0l1111ent wIth hard lahour until their ship is ready to proceed to ea, and then to I e put on hoard.

CLAUD YOUNG. at Claremont. on the 15th in t., In' PC. W. Lewi ; i,11e alHl di orderly . 2 months h.1.·

OMOYAL (Japauese fellHLl ,), at Geraldton. 011 tlw tll iust., h.v P.C. E. McNamara; lunacy. Seut to


THOMAS RAY, at Coolgardie, Oil the l.J,th iust.. 11\ P,C. J. ayer::;; maliciun' injury to property. £!) fiut' <LIlU £9 Us. UH.mRg'eH <ll1d co!>tl:i.

CAIGL KARLSTROl\[, at Fremantle, OD the 11th iust., by W.P.C. A. J>lmiesoll; idle and di orderly. 1 month impri,onment. .

OSCAR HANLIN, ,Lt Fremantle, on the 12th in t., by P.C!>. L. R. Burllla.ll and C. Jack Oll; disorderly, £2 tilll' or 21 days h.1.; re i:tin~ ane 1. £1 fine 01'"7

(1< • .'"" ILl. (cumnlatiyc.)

BLUI~Y «d). nat., femalf'). at Frewa.ntle, on the 13th inst., hy P.C, C. Ham;en; idlp and disoruprly. 6 months h.i.

JUSEPH THOMPSON, (>xp .. late Reg. No. 8146, at Perth, on tlu- 10th in t.. hy P.U, C. Rowe; idle an(l disorderly. 1 month h.1. .

MONTE MONTGOMERY, at West Perth, on the 10th in t., hy P.C. G. W, Underwood; furious riding. 40s. fine or 7 days b.1.; ohsceuitv, 20s. fine or 7 days h.1. (concurrent). .

ROBERT LEEDI!:R, exp., late Reg. No. 10.54.5, at Perth, on the 10th inst., bv P.Cs. M. McAnle" and W. Wht.'E'; disorderly, £3 or 14 days h.1. .

WILLIHf ALEXANDER McPHER. ON and SYDNEY A. WALL! , at Leederville, on the 11th iu t. (Oil

earch "arrant); larceny. 20s. fine and (;0 ts or 14 day h.1. each. Property partl.'· rp.eovered.

PATRICK BYRNES, exp .. late Reg, No. 9677, at Perth, on the 13th inst., b\' P.C. H. H. mith . icl.lp and disorderly. 3 month; h.1 .

STEPHEN LONG aliru; DUFFY, at Perth, on the 13th inst., by P .Cs. M. l\Ic.Aulc\· <111<1 W Wht"/ p; Idle an·l dil:lo~dt:'r1~" 2 month!'. h .'1. .

Page 18: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On


NICHOLAS WOODCOCK, exp., late Reg. No. 10525, at Perth, on the 7th inst., by Det. A. Dunn; un­lawful possession. .£10 fine or 2 months h.l.

JAMES DEVON and THOMAS GUNN, at Kalgoorlie, on the 16th inst., by P.C. Thos. Williams. Dis­orderiv. =£5 fine or 1 mouth h.l. each.

GEOEGE THOMPSON alias WILLIAMS alias MCKEOGH, at Geraldton, ou the 8th inst., by P.C. E. J. McLernon, on warrant; idle and disorderly. Remanded to Cue.

HAMILTON GORDON LUTTRELL, at Fremantle, on the 17th inst., by P.C. H. A. Laslett, on warrant; being indebted to Henry Walkerden in the sum of i l l26 17s. Discharged. General Warrant issued.

ABDUL MAHOMET, at Albany, ou the U t h inst., by Sergt. H. Stokes, being a prohibited immigrant. To be returned to Brisbane bv the A.U.S.N. Co.

JOHN O ' D E A and ARTHUR O'CALLAGHAN, at Jar­rahdale on the 4th inst., by P.C. J. S. Edmondson; larceuv. 1 mouth h.l. each.

EDWAED H . or HENEY NASH, at Perth, on the 16th inst., by Dets. J. H. Lynch and S. A. Fox, ou warrant; embezzlement. 2 months h.l.

RICHARD MAY, at Mt. Sir Samuel, on the Sth inst., by Corpl. J. P. Breen, brought up at Lawlers, on the 8th inst.; disorderly, ^ 1 fine or 14 days h.l.; as­saulting police, .£2 10s. tine ; resisting arrest, £2 10s. fine and .£8 2s. costs or 1 month h.l.

ALFRED SCOTT, at Perth, on the 29th inst., by Dets. S. A. Fox aud J. W. Lynch, on warrant; false pretences. Remanded.

Miscellaneous. ALEXANDER CLAPEETON STEWAET, licensee of the

Club Hotel, charged at Southern Cross, on the 15th inst., by Sergt. R. H. Goodridge; Sundav trading. ^ 5 fine.

A H BOON, charged at Carnarvon, on the 20th ult. by Jack Juan ; assault. 2 mouths h.l.

ALEXANDER BLACK, charged at Fremantle, on the 17th inst., by P.C. H. Fortescue; disorderly. £2 10s. fine and costs or 1 month h.l.

ALLAN NICHOLSON, charged at Niagara, ou the 14th inst., by P.Cs. P. O'Halloran and H. S. Crom­melin ; sly-grog selling. <£30 fine and costs and imprisonment until the rising of the Court.

MICHAEL SHEEN, charged at Geraldton, on the 14th inst., by Midland Railway Company ; unlawful possession of a quantity of sandalwood. ^£2 fine and costs or 3 months h.l.

Special Inquiry. Viele PoUce Gazette, 1900, page 34, W. 49/1900.

Special inquiry is requested for the whereabouts of EDWAED POWELL, described in the above reference. His iirrest is very desirable. He is believed to be on the Goldfields.—A2/3982.

Warrants Issued. JAMES MOEEY alias M O E E I S alias GEOEGE

BOURKE, middling stout build, age about 40 years, height Sft. 7in., brown hair, full brown beard and moustache turning grey, blue eyes, long visage, fresh complexion, very talkative when in liquor, a labourer ; unlawfully taking and usiug a bay geld­ing 15 hands high, branded P E (P reversed, con­joined) on ne^r side ribs under saddle. (Vide P.G., 1900, p. 2. A2/3760.)—W. 195 1900.

JOSEPH FERRAN, square build, age about 32 years, height about 5ft. 8in., brown hair, sandy moustache, blue eyes, ruddy complexion, a cook, native of Spain, speaks with foreign accent; being indebted vo D. Hastings Young in the sum of ^ 8 Us . 6d. To be arrested at any seaport of the Colony, but not elsewhere. Dated Perth, 16th March, 1 9 0 0 . - W . 203 1900.

STEPHEN F . DAY, slight build, age about 35 years, height about Sft. 9in., brown hair, slight darli brown or sandy beard and moustache, light eyes, prominent nose, long thin visage, freckled complexion, dressed in blue Beaufort coat and vest and blue check trousers, pig and poultry farmer, native of South Australia ; being indebted to Say & Robinson in the sum of =£54 l i s . 4d. To be arrested at anv seaport of the Colonv, but not elsewhere. Dated Perth, 17th March, 1900.— W. 204/1900.

THOMAS W . LYOIIS, medium build, age about 34 years, height Sft. 8in. or 9in., sandy or reddish hair and moustache, liyht eyes, straight nose, reddish complexion; usually wears tweed sac suit, clerk; being indebted to Alf. Morris & Co. in the sum of .£18 7s. Id. TO be arrested at any seaport of the Colony, but not elsewhere. Dated Perth, 17th March, .1900.—W. 205/1900.

HAMILTON GORDON LUTTRELL, stout builrl, age about 36 years, height about Sft. lOin., fair hair and moustache, full face, fair complexion, dressed in light tweed suit and drab soft felt hat, commission agent, native of New South Wales, lately discharged from W.A. Bushmen's Contingent; being indebted to Henry Walkerden in the sum of £126 17s. To be arrested and brought ashore as often as lie may be found in anv vessel about to proceed to sea.—Dated Fremantle, 17th March, 1900.—W. 206/1900.

ABDUL B I N RAHMAN (Malay), medium build, age 32 years, height Sft. 3in. or 4in., black hair aud slight moustache, dark eyes, sallow complexion, pock-marked, a seaman; has been pearling on the North-West Coast for the last tive or six years; deserting the s.s. " Saladin," at Fremantle, on the 18th inst. Dated Fremantle, 19th March, 1900.— W. 2071900.

Ticket of Leave issued to :—

JOHN MCDONALD, Reg. No inst.; convicted at Supreme Court 12th October, 1896, of larcenv, and years p.s.—B2/1208.

1 0 .•; o o > on the U t h Perth, on the

sentenced to 5

NICHOLAS ,V OODCOCK, exp., late Reg. No. ] 0525, at Perth, on the 7th inst., by Det. A. Dunn; un­lawful }Jossession. £10 fine or 2 months h.!.

JAMES DEVON and THOMAS GUNN. at Kalgool'lie, on the 16th inst., by P.C. Thos. Williams. Dis­orderly. £5 fine or 1 month h.l. each.

GEORGE THOMPSON alias WILLIAMS alias McKEOGH, at Geralclton, on the 8th inst., by P.C. E. J. McLernon, on warrant; idle and disorderly. Remanded to Cue. -

HAMILTON GORDON LUTTRELL, at Fremantle, on the 17tb iURt., by P.C. H. A. Laslett., on warrant; being indebted to Henry Walkf'rden in the sum of £12617s. Discbarged. General Warl'C1llt issued.

ABDUL MAHOl\iET, at Albany, on t.he 14th inst., by Sergt. H. Stokes, being a pi'ohibited immigrant. To he returned to Brishane hy the A.U.S.N. Co.

JOHN O'DEA and ARTHUR O'CALLAGHAN, at. Ja1'­rahdale on the 4th inst., by P.C. J. S. Edmondson; larceny. 1 month h.1. each.

. EDWARD H. or HENRY NASH, at Perth, on the 16th inst. , by Dets. J. H. Lynch and S. A. Fox, on warrant; embezzlement. 2 months h.1.

RICHARD MAY, at :Mt. Sir Samuel, on the 5th inst., by Corp1. J . P. Breen, brought up at Lawlers, on the 8th inst.; disorderly, £1 fine or 14 days h.1.; as­saulting police, £2 10s. fine; resisting arrest, £2 10s. fine and £8 2s. costs or 1 month h.1. -

ALFRED SCOTT, at P erth, on the 29th inst ., by Dets. S. A. Fox and J . W. Lvnch. on warrant· fals'e pretences. Remanded.' ,


Miscellaneous. ALEXANDER CLAPERTON S'fEWART, licensee of the

~lub Hotel, charged at Southern Cross, on the 15th lllst., by Sergt. R. H . Goodridge; Sundav trading. £5 fine. •

AH BOON, charged at Oarnarvon, on the 20th uIt ., by Jack Juan; assault. 2 months h.1.

ALEXANDER BLACK, ·harged at Fremantle, on the 17th inst., bv P.C. H. Fortescue' disorderly. £2 10s. fine and 'costs or 1 month b.1. '

.AL~AN NICHOLSON, charged at Niagara, on the 14th lllSt. , by P.Os. P. O'Halloran and H. S. Crom­melin; sly-grog selling. £30 fine and costs and imprisonment uutil the rising of the Oourt.

MICHAEL SHEEN, charged at Geraldton, on the 14th in~t . , by Midland Railway Company; unlawful possesslOn of a quantity of sandalwood. £2 fine and costs or 3 months h.1.

S.pecial Inquiry. I'Hle Po[;ce Gazette, 1900, page 34, W . 49/1900.

Special inquiry is requested for the whereabouts of EDW.A.RD POWELL. described in the above reference. His ell'rest is very desil'ahle. He is believed to be on the Goldfields.-A2J3982.


Warrants Issued. JAMES MOREY alias MORRIS alias GEORGE

BouRKE, middling stout build, age about. 40 years. height 5ft. 7in., brown hail', full brown beard and moustache tnrning grey, blue eyes, long visage, fresh complexion, very t.alkative when in liquor, a labourer; unlawfully taking and using a bay geld­ing 15 hands high, branded PE (P reversed, COll­

joined) on near side ribs under saddle. C Vide P.G., 1900, p. 2. A2/3760.)-W. 1951900.

JOSEPH FERRAN, square build, age about 32 years, height about 5ft. 8in., hrown hair, sandy moustache, hlue eyes, rud.dy complexion, ,1 ('ook, native of Spain, speaks with foreign accent; being indebted to D. Hasting8 Young in the sum of £8 14s. 6d. To ' bp arrested at allY seaport of the Colony, but not elsewhere. Dated PE'rth, 16th March, 1900.- W. 203 /1900.

STEPHEN F. DAY, slight build, age about 35 years, height about 5ft. 9in., brown hair, slight daric brown or sandy beard and moustache, light eyes, prominent !lose, long thin visage, frE'ckled complexion, dressed in blue Beaufort coat ana vest and blue ('heck troLlsers, pig and poultry fannpr, native of Sou'th Austmlia; being indebted to Say & Robinson in the sum of £54 lls. 4d. To be arrested at any seaport of the Colony, but not elsewhere. Dated Perth, 17th March, 1900.­W. 204jJ 900.

THOM~s W. LYons, medium build, age about 34 years, heIght 5ft. 8in. or 9in., sandy or reddish hair and moustache, light eyes. straight nose, reddish complexion ; usually wears tweed sac suit, clerk; being indebted to Alf. MorriR & Co. in the sum of .£18 7s. Id. To be arrested at any seaport of the Oolony, but not elsewhere. Dated Perth, 17th March, 1900.-W. 205/1900.

HAMILTON GORDON LUTTRELL, stont build, age about 36 years, height about 5ft. lOin., fail' hair and moustacl~e, full face, fail' complexion, dressed in light twe.ed smt and drab soft ft'lt hat, commission agent, natIve of New South Wales, lately disclu1l'ged. from W.A. Bushmen's Oontingent; being indebted to Henry Walkerden in the sum of £126 17s. To be arrested and brought ashore as often as he may be found in any vessel about to proceed to sea.-Dated Fremantle, 17th Mareh, 1900.·-W. 206/1900.

ABDUL BI~ H.AHMAN .CMalay), medium build, age 32 years, heIght 5ft. 3111. or 4in., black 11[1,i1' and slight moustache, dark eyes, sallow complexion, !Jock-marked, a, seaman; has been peal'ling on the N orth-West Coast for the last five or six veal'S' deserting the s.s. "Saladin," at FremantlE',' ~11 th~ 18th inst. Dated Fremantle, 19th March 1900.--W. 207/1900. '

Ticket of Leave issued to :-

. JOHN M~DOdN.A.LD, Reg. No. 'r"'(F'/oQo' all the 14th ll1st.; convIcte at Supreme Court, Perth, on the 12th October, 1896, of lareeny, and sentenced to .5 yea.rs p.s.-B2/ 1208.

Page 19: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On


Missing Friend. M E S . JEMIMA TURNBULL, nurse (no description

given) ; last heard of in Perth. Inquiry by the Commissioner of Taxation, Sydney. Information to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.—B2'1151.

Inquests. Fremantle—On the 9th and I2th inst., at the

Court House, before Dr. E. Black, Acting District Coroner, on the body of Rebecca Taylor, aged 2 years, who died in the Goveniuieut Hospital on the 9th inst. from the effects of burns. Verdict " Accidental death."—B2/1205.

Kalgooriie.—On the 12th inst., at the Court House, before W. R. Burton, J.P., Acting Coroner, on the body of Thomas Rees, who died in the Government Hospital on the 6th inst., from injuries received at the Boulder Perseverance Gold Mine. Verdict—" Accidental death."—B2 12(»9.

Fremanile--On the 13th, 16th, and 17th iust., at the Court House, before Dr. E. Black, Acting Distri(;t Coroner, on the body of Arthur Athley Ballard, who died from sulphuric acid poisoning on the 13th inst. Verdict—" Suicide whilst suffering from melancholia."—^B2/1215.

Propert.y Losi.

Perih.—On the lOth inst.,—a lady's gold-hunting key-winding watch, ornamented case, small crack in case, white dial; and small gold fob chain (2 chains) ; aud gold heart-shaped locket, jilain case, with grey hair iuside ; the propertv of Mrs. Hopkins. —P.L. 110 1900. On the 12t"h inst.,—a dog's collar, with brass plate engraved " Alfred Mever": the propertv of Alfred Meyer . -P .L . 114 1900." Ou the 13th inst., a lady's I8ct. gold bangle, red enamel links bound together with gold : gieen tortoise, farthing set with turquoise and 6d. charms attached ; value £3 16s.; the propertv of Miss E. Shenton.— P.L. 115 1900.

FremeiniU. Ou the 10th inst.,— a gold oval-shaped 2-bar brooch, w ith nugget in the centre ; the propertv of Miss Isabella Gordon.—P.L. 117/1900. Onthe Uth inst.,—a gold curb bracelet, with small gold padlock attached; the propertv of AJiss Elsie Gardener. I'.L. 118 1900.

Norseman.--On the 7th inst.,—a cheque for .£4 8s. 3d. on the W.A. Bank, Norseman, drawn bv F. M. & E. M. Cook, in favour of J. R. Scholev ; the property of G. W. W i l l i a m s - P L . 122/1900. "

P R I S O N P : 1^ > IJ> 1 S O I I A K U K 1 ) .



Exp. ... Free ...

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Exp. ...

Do. Free ..

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Exp. ,.

T.L. ... Free ...


Female Free ...

Do. Do. Do. Do.

UeK. No. or lato

Heie. .No.

F 2 4

9677 1966 52961 34.51 3836 4050 4131

4099 9392 9336 4127

4149 2447 2840 ,3711 4155 0758

10500 968


F l l 3062

3787 4146 4147 4161


From Fremautle h

Pirie, Ellen, alias Davenport

Byrne, Patrick Campbell, Jolm ... Thompson, Ernest George, Richard ... Clarke, James Marshall, Wm. Muir, Thos. K. ...

Naughton, C. J. ... Brook.'!, Wm. Walker, John . . Young, W. D., alias

Heath Smith, John Watson, George .. Cox, James Wilson, James Alsop, John Thompson. Kobt. ..

McDonald, James Robinson, Wm. Hanlon, Oscar

Palmer, Bridget .. Haynes, J., aiias


Ruswell, John Carroll, Joseph Hutchins, Richd.'. . White, Irwin


'risein. during the week ending


Idle and disorderly Disorderly Unlawful possession ... Disorderly Idle and disorderly Indecent exposure Resisting ; idle and disorderly

Disorderly Unlawful possession ...

Do Forgery

Disorderly Do

Larceny ... Obscene language Drunk . . Unlawful possession; larceny

Larcenv ... Do.

Disorderly; resisting ...

Drunk Disorderly ; threatening lan­


Unlawfully on premises Disorderiv

Do. .". Want of distress

* Fine paid.

1 Sentence. * herr '

Sediirday. 17th March, 1900.

21 days h.l

2 months imp. 29s. or 7 days h.l. ... 14 days h.l 42s. or 7 da,ys h.l. ... 7 days h.l. ... 42s. or 14 days h.l.... 20s. or 14 days h.l.;

1 month h.l. (cum.) 2 months h.l. 2 nionths h.l. 2 months h.l. 3 months h.l.

20s. or 7 days h.l. ... 50s. or 1 month h.l.... 4 months h.l. 12s. or 48 hours h.l. 7 days h.l. ... 2 nionths h i . ; 4

months h.l. (cum.) 5 years p.s. ... 1 month h.l. 40s. or 21 days h.l.;

20s. or 7 days h.l. (cum.) *

24s. or 11 days h. l . . . 22s. or 7 days h.l.;

47s. or 7 days h.l. (cum.)

12 months h.l. 32s. or 14 days h.l . . . 42s. or 14 days h.l.... .£1 l i s . 6d. or 3 days



Perth . Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.


Perth ... Do. Do.


Fremantle Do.

Northam Perth

Do. Do.

Sup. Court Perth Fremantle


Perth Do.


Coolgardie Perth ...

Do Fremantle

Dale of IXacharire.


V 12th March

J 1 1

[•13th do.

1 J 1 1 1 .14th do.

J 15th do. 16th do.

1 ! >17th do.


Mi ssing Friend.

MRS . • h~nMA 'l'U R N B ULL . nur'e (uo description given ); last heard of in P er t h . Inquiry by the Commissioner of Taxation, ydut'y. I nformation to the Criminal I nvestigatioll Branch , P ertJJ.-B2 il1 51.

Inquests. F relllflld/e. On the fltll auu 12th iu"t., at the

Court Hm18P, hefore Dr. E. Bla.ck Adiug Dish'iet Coroner, on the llouy of R(-uc('('a Ta,,Ylor, aw-u :2 years, who uied lJ1 the Gm'Cl'nllHmt HO'l'ital Oll

t he 9th ilHlt. from the eff(,(·ts of 1111rns. Vprdid "Accidental ueath." - 1321205.

K alljoorlie. Oll th(, 12th inst., at the Court House, Iwfol'e W. R. Bllr1on, .LP., Adillg (;('1'0111'1",

on the l loc\y of TllOJlla~ Rpt''';, who di('!! in the Government'Ho~pItal on tlu· nth inst., frOlJl injuries received at the BOll1d. r P('rse'eran('l' Golr1 :\line. Verdid "A('eiilentaJ cl( ath."-B2 1;W9.

Fremll ntl".--·On tbe l~'Hh, lfitb, <lUU 17th illt., at the Cou r1 Honse, hE:'fon' Dr. E. Black, Adiul; Distrid Coroner, on tIll' body of Arthur Athle.\ Balla.rcl , who died from 81ilphuri(' a( ·id poisoning on the 13th inst. Verdic;t-" Suil'ide whilst sllffE'riug­from melancholia."- B2 1215.


P roper ty Lost.

Pedh. - On tbe loth in 't.,--a laJ."·~ gold-hullting key-winding "atch, vrnamented ea' .. lllall l'ral'k in case, wbite dial; and mall golJ fo1) t:bain (~ chain~); and gold beart-hapecl locket, plain ta'e. with grey hair inside; the propt>rt.' of ~Irs. Hopkin~. - P .L. 110 HH)O. On the 12th in t,-a uog's collar, wit h Lra::-::- lllate t'ngra >eel .. Alfred Me: er"; the Vl'opf'rty of Alfrprl Meyer .- P.L. 114 l~OU. all the] 3th ill"t., it hlll.\·'s 1 ct. gplll l'<lngll·. reel en<lUlE'l links hound together with g' .Id: ~I cen tortoi 'f'. farthing et with turquoIse amI lid l'haru)." attached: vallle £;3 lli~ .; thp I'rnlJl·rty of ;\Ii,.,,, E .• lwntoll.­P.L 115 19011.

Prellllllltl.. ()u the lOth ill~t, a gold (lyal-shal'ecl 2-Lar hr()I.('h, "itb nuggd in the I'l'lltn'; 1he pr(lpert~ of Miss Isahf"JJa Gonloll. P.L. 11,190(1. On th,' 14th inst., a gold l'1ll'b bran-Jet. with small g-oJd padlud;: attadled; the P)'(ll'l'l'ty IIf .\lls EIsit> Ganll'llt'l'. P.L] IH ]nn!)

Nor,'CIIIClI/. Un the {th m.t., a dle(lue for £4 8s. :)11. on the \\r.A. Bank. NIIl'!<(-,Ulan, (h'awn lH F. M. & E. ~I. ('ook, in fa.,our of J. H. ~choJey; th·(· property of G. W . 'Villiallls.- PTJ. 1:?21POO.·

P RI S D t . , 11 A H. G E U.

I~e~. No, l 'uDd i tion or late

He • . ;'0.


Exp. ". Free " .

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Exp. ".

Do. Free ...

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Exp. ".

T.L. ". Free ."


Female Free .,.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

F 24

9677 1966 2U61 341)1 8836 4050 4.131

40$)9 ()392 tl336 4127

4149 2447 ~840 :l711 4155 6758

10500 908


Fll 3062

3787 4146 ,H 47 4161

Name. Off(>nce. \\' hf'rf' Commltterl.

Dale ot otscbar.f'

Fro /ll FTI' ll/ nI/tie Prison, d/ll'ill~1 iht' lceek enrlillq ,"'ull/reluy. 17lh .1I m·ch, 1,900.

I P irie, E llen, alias Da vonpor t

Byrne, P atrick CampbeU, J ohn Thompson , E rnebt George, Richard Clarke, J ames Marshall, Wm. Muil', Thos . R .

Nau ghton, C. J. Brooks, vVm . W alker , J ohn Young, , V. D ., alias

I H eath 1 Smit h , J ohn

W at on, neorge I Cox, J a,mes

VV ilson , J a mes I Alsop, J ohl1

Thompson , R obt ...

l\I cDon n,ld, J am es Robinson , 'Vm . Hanlon , Oscar

Pa lmer , Bl'idget Haynes, J " alias


Ruswell, J ohn Car roll, J oseph Hutchins, Richd. White, lrwin


Idle and diso rderly I Di. orderly

Unlawful possession Disorderly J dIe and disorderly Indecen t exposure Resisting; idle and disorderly

Disorderly Unl awful possession

Do. Forgery ...

Disorderly Do.

Larcen y ... Obscene language Drunk U nla wful possession; la rceny

L a rceny .. D o.

Disorderly; r esisting ...

Dr unk Disor derly; t h reatening lan­


Unlawfully on premises Disorderl,

Do. • 'Want of distress

• F ine pa.id .

I 21 days 11.1.

2 1ll0nths imp. 2()s. or 7 days h.!. 14 days hJ . . " 42s. or -; <illy h.1. i days h.1. .. 42s. or 14 da~' s h.1." 20s. 01' 14 clays h.!.;

1 Ulonth h.!. (cum.) 2 Illonths h.1. 2 month h.1. 2 1ll01l1 hs h.!. 3 months h.1.

20s. or 7 days h.1. .. 50s. or 1 month h.1.". 4 months h.1. 12s. or -1,8 hours h.1. 7 davs h.1. 2 ~lonths h L; 4

months b.1. (cum.) 5 years p.s ... 1 month h.1. 4Os. or 21 days h.1.;

205. or 7 days h.1. (cum.) "'

2-1,s. or H days h.1. " 22s. or 7 days h.1.;

47s. or 7 days h.1. (cum .)

12 months hJ. 32s. or 14 days h.1. 42s. or 14 da)-s h.1." £1 lIs . 6d. or 3 days


Fremantll' ")

Perth Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.


Perth Do. Do.


Fremantle Do.

Northam Pertb

Do. Do

Sup. Court Perth Fremantle

, Pertb Do


r12th March

J ") I

~ 13th do. I J I

1 1

~ 14th do.

I j

15th do. 16th do.

? 17th do.

Perth 1 Do

Frema.ntle j

Page 20: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On


Pl - i ;^ : ( ) l i e i " .S JOiscluW'^od.—continued.

Hi-sr .N... ' nuditinii. (.1- lali '

Keg. .No.


Where Com­mit ted .

From Albany Gaed, during the week ending 10th March, 1900.

Hong Kee I Unlawful possession; larceny ; 1 month h.l.; 12 [ Albany from dwelling 1 months h.l.

JJate of Dischar.i?p,

10th March

I'ree . Do. Do.

From Boulder Lock-up, during the fortnight ending 17th March, 1900.

Power, John ... | Obscenity Boehn, Fred. W. ... , Larceny Tonkin, John P. ... , Idle and disorderly

40s. or 48 hours 7 davs h.l 7 days h.l

Boulder ... Do. Do. ...

7th March 12th do. 14th do.


From York Gaol, during the week etiding 17ih March, 1900.

Collard, Charles Unlawfully taking and using a horse ; unlawful possession

.£10 and costs or 1 I Beverley month h.l.; ^10 and costs or 1 month h.l. (con.) 1

12th March


From Newcastle Gaol, during the week ending 17th March, 1900.

Lind, George ... i Rogue and vagabond; dis- 2 months h.l.; 14 days j Northam I orderly ' h . l . I

16th March

EiSC^ Jr»iH:j_> FHlSONi i lKS

Gazette -Vo.

540 542 .543 546 .549 551 .552 554 556 .557 560 569 574 575

576 .577 580 ,585 588

592 593 599 60!

602 603

Name. Kes. No. ffi^'^^

Harris, Frank Mor^rau; Oavid McDonald, Ja s . Burke, Wm. ... Evans, Eobt McArthur , F Slack, John Brosnan, Timothy Hopkiu.s, Jtjhn Jenkins, Wm Watson, Thomas Watsou, Charles Molvneux, Matthew Eeid, John, alias

Price, Chas. O'Brien, Nicholas ... Mindham McPherson, Douald.,, Cosg-rove, W^ilham ... Sinclair, Henry, alias

McDougall, James, alias Crouin, Cor­nelius

Stone, William Downs, Edward Clarke, Andrew Haynes, Wm. alias

Ainsworth, Ar thur Chichong Jolly, Robei-t

6145 10484



Free do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.

Free T.L. do.

do. ah. nat.

Free do. do.

Free do.

T.L. Free

ab. nat. Free

l»hte of escape.

1.5th August, 1895... 12th Sept., 1805 ... 12th Sept., 1895 ... 1st January, 1896 ... .3rd March, 1896 ... 17th April, 1896 ... 1.3th June , 1896 ... L'Oth Ausfust, 1896... 9th Sept., 1896 Oth Sept., 1896 17tli Sept., 1896 ... 24th June , 1897 ... 25th D e c , 1896 ... 21st August, 1897 ...

30tb Oct., 1897 24th D e c , 1897 ... Slst D e c , 1897 4th .July, 1S98 Uth Oct., 1898

9th D e c , 1898 Do.

31st Jan. , 1898 24th Oct., 18<)9

23rd D e c , 1899 Srd March, 1900 , .

District from.

Fremantle ... Coolgardie ... Geraldton ... Victoria Plains Pe r th AU)anv Coolgardie Geraldton ,,, Newcastle ... Newcastle ,. Coolgardie . . Per th Per th Fremant le ...

Fremant le .,. Fremant le ... Fremaut le ,, Kalgoorlie ,,. Mt. Malcolm

Per th Pertli Fremantle ... CoUiefields .

Geraldton ... Northam

Description aud r e m a r k s .

Vide Pal Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Oo. Do.

Do. Do. uo. Do.

Do. Do.

i-e Ga-zette do.. do.. do., do.. do.. do.. do., do.. d o . . do., do.. do.. do..

do.. do.. do. . do.. do..

do.. do.. do.. do.,

do.. do..

, 1895, do. do. 1896 do. do. do. do. do. do. "do. 1897 do. do.

do. do. 1898 do. do.

do. do. 1899 do.

1900 do.

page 160 do. 169 do. 169 do. 13 do. 53 do. 94 do. 130 do. 190 do. 207 do. 207 do. 212 do. 189 do. 259 do. 395

do. 395 do. 395 do. 4 do. 225 do. 343

do. 410 do. 410 do 290 do. 328

do. 19 do. 78

Hy A uthority; RrcHABD PKTHER, Government Printer, Perth.

Jt('2' 1\'u, j onditiclII. ut'lall'

Ucg . .:\0, I -----


P l'i:--:Ollc>l':-; D i::;chal'ged-conlinued.

\allll', 1- Off('ncr. ~cnt('II(,t'.

From Albtlll)f Gaol, dllring the week ending 10th Mm'ch, 1.900.

WJlere rom­mitted. Date or Di schar,Ltt'.

~'ree ... Hong Kee . .. I Unlawful possession; larceny 1 month h.1. ;

from dwelling i months h .1. 12 I Albany ... I 10th March

l!'ree ... Do. Do.

Free ...

Free ... I I

From Boulder Loc7e-up, dm'ivg the f01·tnight ending 17th Ma?'ch, 1.900.

Power, John Obsc~nity Boehn, Fred. W . ... I Larceny ... 'Tonkin, John P. Idle and disorderly

40s. or 48 hours 7 days h.1. 7 days h.1.

From YO?'k Gaol, dW'ing the weel. ending 17th Mq?'ch, 19{J0.

CollaI'd, Charles ... I Unlawfully taking and using 1 £10 and costs or 1 I a horse; unlawful possession month h.1.; £10

I and costs or 1 month h.1. (con.)

Boulder Do. Do.


From Neu'castle Gaol, dnring the week ending 17th Manh, 1900.

Lind, Geol'ge Rogue and vagabond; orderly

dis- I 2 months h.1.; 14 days I' N ortham h.1.

7th March 12th do. 14th do.

12th March

16th March



Gazette )la.

540 .';42 . '»3 .546 . )49 .5.51 552 554 556 557 560 569 574 SiS

576 . 577 580 585 5S8

592 593 599 6Ul

602 603

! H:1rris, Prank Morg-an, Da.vid McDonald, Jas . Burke, WDl. .. . Evans, Robt ... . McArthur, F ... . Slack, John .. . Bros"an, Timothy HopkillS, J"hn Jenkins, Wm ... Watson, Thomas Watson, Charles Molyneux, Matthew

I Reid, John, ((U".

Price, Chas. O'Eden, Nichola, Mindllam .. McPherson, Donald

I Cosgrove, William .. Sinclair, Henry, alias

McDougall, James, I

I "li~" Croni", Cor· I nelms

I Stone, William ... Downs, Edward .. Clarke, Andrew ... I Haynes, Wm. alto,,;;

Ainsworth, Arthur Chichong . j Jolly , Robert

Reil;. No.

6145 10484



Con­rliti f}lI. \)111 f·' of fHicn.pe.

Fre~ 1.5tll August, 1895 .. do . 12th Sept., 18nS do. 12th Sept., 1895 do. 1st J onuory, 1896 (10 . 1 3rd March, 1896 .. . do. 17th AprIl, 1896 .. . do. 13th June, 1896 do. I ZOth August, 1896 .. do. 9th Sept., 1896 ... do. Oth Sept., 1896 .. do. 17th Sept., 1896

Free 24th .June, 189i . T.L. 1 25th Dec., 1896 .. . do. 21st August, 1897 .. .

do. 30t h Oct., 1897 ab. nllt' l ~4th Dec., 1897

Free 31st Dec., 1897 do. 40h .July, 1898 do. Hth Oct., 1898


Free ,9th Dec., 1898

do. I Do. . '1'.T,. :{lst Jan., Ul98 Free 24th Oct., 1899

a.b. llat. ~3rd Dec. , 1899 Free :~r(1 March, 1900


I Distl'ict rrom .

Fremantle Coolgardie .,. Geraldton .. Victol-j"PlailJ" I Perth Albany Cool!<ardie Geraldtoll Newcastle New('astle Coolgardie Perth Perth .. Fremantle

Fremantle ". Fremantle Fremantle Kalgoorlie Mt. Makolm

Perth Perth Fremantle Colliefields

Geraldton Northam

JliJl' PIl /i/,,- ,-;,,:;t'ttt, ])0. do., Do. do., ])0. do., Do. do., Do. do., no. ,lo., Do. do., Do. do., Do. do ., Do. ,10., Do. do., Do. do., Do. do.,

Do. do., Do. do., Do. do., Do. do., Do. rID.,

Do. uo., Do. do., 1)0. do., Do. do.,

Do. do., Do. do .,

Description and rema.rk5.

189S, pa.ge 160 do. do. 169 do. do. 169 1896 do. 13 do. do. 53 do. do. 94 do. do. 130 do. do. 190 uo. do. 207 do. do. 207 rl0. do. 212 1897 do. 189 do. do. 259 do. do. 395

do. do. 395 do. do. 391> 1898 do. 4. do. do. 225 do. do. 343

do. do. HO do. do. 410 1899 (10 290 do. do. 328

1900 do. 19 do. do. 78

--- ----------


By A uthol'it,Y: RrCHARD PETHER, Government Printer, Perth.

Page 21: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On

[Published by Authority.]

Thi.i tieizette is publisheei for Police information only, anil ihe Bolice Ihroiighoal the tJotouy

are mstmcted to miike t.he/niselves ihorimghly actptiainted with the contents.

By eirder,

T. KELLY, Chief Clerk.

No. 1-3.] WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28. [1900.

Circular Orders and Miscel­laneous Information.

The Premier (the Minister controlling' the

Poliee Department) wishes to e.xpress to tlie

Members of the Police Force his profound

sorrow at the lamented death, ou tho 26th

inst., of the late Commissioner of Police,

Lient.-Colonel George Braithwaite Phillips.

The long and valued services of Lieut.-

Colonel Phillips in the Civil Service of Western

Australia, extending over nearly half a century,

were greatly appreciated by the Government,

and his high personal character was recognised

and esteemed throughout the Colony.

The example of the late Commissioner, both

as a loyal and zealous servant of the Crown,

and as a private citizen, may well be followed

by members of the Civil Service of the Colony.



Premier's Department,

March 27, 1900.

Robbery under Arms. Vide Police Gazette, 1900, piige 89, A2, Ki9S.

Kalgoorlie.—In addithm to the money reported stolen in the above reference, the property of the Railway Department, a cheque for ^£4 16s. l id . was also stolen: No. 1016, National Bank of Australia, Kalgoorlie, drawn by W. H. Stanley, counter.si^ned Wm. Thompson, in favour of T. Everard ; Depart­mental No. " 16 " written on cheque.

Stealing in Dwellings, from tbe Person, etc.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 10, A2/3827. Collie.—The watch described in the above reference,

the property of Thomas Dobson, has been recovered bv Dets. H. Mann and A. Dunn.

Moora.—On the 18th inst., from the Moora Hotel,- a gentleman's silver hunting English lever watch. No. 201918. " T. Seymour, Coolgardie," scratched on inside of back case, and a silver chain ; the propertv of Thomas Seymour.—A2'4703, 20th March, 1900.

Eo^Aesa;/.- During November last, during transit per post between Mingenew and Perth,—a packet addressed to Messrs. Stewart Dawson & Co., Perth, containing 2 lady's gold rings—(i) 3-stoiie ring, set with one red stone (others missing), cut in centre with a cold chisel, weight about Sdwts.; (2) single stone ring, claw setting (stone missing), ring broken in centre; the propertv of S. G. Linthorne.— A2 4707, 20th March, 1900.

Broome —On the 28th ult. or 1st inst.. from Marquis' Boarding-house,—a rolled gold open-faced kev-winding watch, steel hands, sunk seconds, and a roiled gold curb chain, with heart-shaped ])earl pendant attached; the propertv of CataHna.-A2/4712, 21st March, 1900.


[Published by Authority.]

Th i .• ( ; lI zeti~ Lt; }J'uulit;h ~/t ):.:r Police i'l'~formution only, mILL the fJolice tlll'u/tylwltl lhe l;u/IJItY

(tr/\ in!;t1'1 / l'twl 10 mllkf' fl,p,m~el1J(~1< Ihonntghly ((cynuinted with the content/<.

By Ol"rl el',

T. KELLr, Chief (]f(,l'k.

No. l 3.J WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28. [ 1900.

Circular Orders and Miscel­laneous Information.

The Premier (the Minit;ter controlling lhe

P olice Department) wishes to express to tilE'

Members of the Police Force his profound

80rrow at the lamented death, on the 26th

inst., of the late C0111 missioner of Police,

Li ut.·Colonel Georgc Braithwaite Phillips.

The long and valued services of Lieut.­

Colonel Phillips in the Oivil Service of Weste1'll

Australia, extending over nearly half a centm'y,

were greatly appreciated by the Gove1'llment,

and hi high personal character wa 8 recognised

a nd esteemed throughout the Colony.

'rhe example of the late Commissioner, both

af\ a loyal and zealous servant of the Orown.

and a a private citizen, may well be followed

by members of the Civil Service of the Colony.



Premier's Department.

March ~7. 1900.

Robbery under Arms. Vtde Police Guzdte, 1900, page D,.tU! 16Ul->.

](alyoorlie.- In a.ddition to the money reported stolen in the above referenec, the property of the Railway Department, a cheque for £4 16s. lId . was also stolen: No. 1016, National Bank of Australia, Kalgoorlie, drawn by W . H . Stanley, countersigned Wm. Thomp on, in fayour of T. Eycrarn; Depart­mellhtl No. le 16" written on chequf>.

Stealing in Dwellings, from the Person , etc.

I'ide Police Gazette. 1900, page 10, A2/3827 .

Collie.-The watch described in the above reference, the property of Thomas Dobson, has been recovered by Dets. H. Mann and A. Dunn.

Moo7'a .-On the 18th inst., from the Moora Hotel,-·a gentleman's silver hunting English lever watch. No. 201918. "T. Seymour, Coolgardie," scratched on inside of back ca e, al1(l a silver chain; the property of Thomas Seymour.-A:2, 4703, 20th March, 1900.

Rothesay. - During November last, during transit per post between Mingenew and Perth,-a packet addn-'ssed to Messrs. Stewal't Dawson & Co .. Perth, containing :l la.dy's gold rings- (I) 3-stone ring, set with one red stone (otber mi sing), cut in centre 'with a cold chisel, weight about. .5dwts.; (2) single stone ring, claw setting (stone missing), ring broken in eentre; the property of S. G. LinthoJ'lll'. ~.\.~ 4707, 20th March. 190U.

Bl'oome.-On the 28th ult. or ht in'L from I Marqui ' Boarding-house,-a rolled gold open-faced

ke:--winding watch. steel hand ', sunk secund '. and a rolled gold cmb chain, with heart-:;ha]Jed pearl pendant attached; the property of Catalina. A2 4712, 21st March, HlOU.

Page 22: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On


Eremantle—During the night of the 19th inst., from the persou of John Sanderson,—a gentleman's silver hunting key-winding Waltham watch. No. 3998506, and a silver curb chain, with watch kev attached.—A2 4724, 21st March, 1900.

Beaconsfield.—On the 20th inst., from the owner's vest, in a j^addock ou Forrest Road,—a gentleman's silver hunting key-wiuding Geneva watch, engine-turned case, back case difficult to open, scratched with a knife, and a silver single chain, about 7in. long, alternate long links and knots, brass bar at one end ; the property of Frederick Cooper. -A2,4729, 22nd March, 1900.

Perf^.~During the night of the 21st inst., from a room at the Palace Hotel,—a gentleman's 14ct. gold hunting watch, by Baystead ; a heavy gold square link chain and Masonic emblem (keystone with letters almost obliterated), and a silver sovereign case, con­taining 10 sovereigns ; the property of Peter Britz.— A2/4730, 22nd March, 1900.

Berth.—During the night of the 21st inst., from the person of John Liston, with violence, at Highgate Hill,—a gentleman's rolled gold hunting stem-winding watch. No. 7230406, case No. 5112023; a brass chain, aud about ^£3.—A4/4735, 22nd March, 1900.

Coolgardie.—During the night of the 15th inst., from the Coolgardie Hotel,—a 15ct. gold curb liracelet with 7 small nuggets attached, each weigh­ing 2 or odwts. ; value =£10; the property of Mrs. Mary Ann Shannahan.—A2,4737, 23rd March, 1900.

Coolgardie—Ou the 16th inst., from tiie owner's residence, at the comer of Renou aud Shaw Streets, —a lady's 15ct. gold ring, set with 5 diamonds, claw setting; and an 18ct. gold ring, set with 3 diamonds aud 2 rubies; the propertv of Mrs. Mary Pugh.— A2 4738, 23rd March, 1900.

Kalgoorlie—On tlie 21st inst., from the owner's dwelling, Brookman Street,—a 9ct. gold curb bangle, with padlock and small chain attached ; a 9ct. gold liangle, set with an amethyst, raised setting; a lady's 9ct. gold twisted fob chain, about 7in. long, with shield-shaped padlock at end, and gold knob in centre; a 15ct. gold horseshoe scarf pin, set with 3 diamond.s and 3 rubies; a 9ct. gold scarf pin, set with an ojjal, plain setting; 8 gentleman's 15ct. gold rings (i and 2), set with square-shaped pale blue amethysts, bevelled edges (3), set with an amethyst, raised setting (4), gold buckle, rough edge, set with a diamond (5 and 6), set with a sapphire, raised setting (7), digger's ring, clasped hands (8), digger's ring, heart in centre, with crossed pick and shovel; 11 lady's 15ct. gold rings (1 to 4J, half-hoop, each set with 5 opals (5 and 6), 5 diamonds, gipsy setting (7 and H), diamonds and rubies, gipsy setting (9), 2 diamonds and 1 sajijihire, gipsy setting (10), 5 diamonds, half-hoop ( u ) , 3 opals and 6 diamond chips, half-hoop; a lady's 18ct. gold ring, set with 2 sapphires and 1 diamond, gijjsy setting; a l,5ct. gold brooch, design two guns, ends reversed, united in centre, set with a diamond and a ruby; and a 9ct. gold small chain necklet; the property of Macrow A: Sons.—A2 4739, 23rd March, 1900.

Fremautle—On the 24th inst., from the lavatory at the Sailors' Rest,—2 lady's 18ct. gold half-hoop rings: (i) set with 5 small diamonds in a row ; (2) 2 diamonds aud a ruby ; the pro]jerty of Mrs. Annie McNeil.—A2/4771, 27th March, 1900.

Vide Folice Gazette, 1900, page 89, A2/4640. Wagin.—The bicycle described in the above refer­

ence, the property "of David Cummings, has been found iu the bush.

Vide Folice Gazette, 1900, page 82, A2/4o81. Coolgardie.—The bicycle described in the above

reference, the jiroperty (.)f Thomas McJannett, has been found, not stolen.

Berth.—On the night of tlie 21st inst., from the Salvation Army Barracks, Pier Street, a bicycle lamp (Jos. Lucas & Sons', Lucent), opens iu front hinge, at top, spring at bottom, red glass at side ; the property of George Plummer.—A2 4734, 22nd March, 1900.

Vide Folice Gazette, 1900, page 90, A2 4692. Boulder.—The opera glasses described in the above

reference, the property of Heury Parker, have been found, not stolen.

Berth.—Ou the 21st inst.. from a room at the Palace Hotel,—a square black Russia leather cigar case, quite jilain, nickel-plated mountings; the prop­ertv of John Robinson—A2,4721, 21st March, 1900.

Broomehill.—Between the 3rd aud 17th inst., from Goblup Station,—4 merino full fleeces of wool, branded " B " on near side, weight about 401bs.; the propertv of Alex. Morrison Nicolson.—A2/4726, 22nd March, 1900.

Berth.—During the night of the 21st inst., from the Osborne Hotel, Claremout,—a .set of pony har­ness, black leather, nickel mounted, very small, used for a pony under 10 hands high; aud a set of buggy harness, large size, black leather, brass mounted, "quite new ; the property of James Grave. Suspicion attaches to two men who left Osborne ou the morn­ing of the 21st inst., probably for Fremantle. Description : ( i ) Medium build, age about 25 years, height 5ft. 7in., dark hair and slight dark moustache, round visage, dark complexion, seafaring appearance, wore blue serge sac suit and black soft felt hat. (2) Medium build, age about 25 years, height 5ft. 6in., fair hair and small fair moustache cut short, longish visage, fair complexion, wore dark coat, grey tweed vest aud trousers, and brown soft felt hat, carried a brown leather portmanteau.—A2 4732, 22nd March, 1900.

Eremantle.—On the 18th inst., from the person of Christopher Fay,—a meerschaum pipe, plain bowl, partly coloured, bent stem with silver ferrule and amber mouthpiece, in a red case lined with blue plush.—A2 4736, 23rd March, 1900.

Berth.—On the 24th iust., from the entrance to Cremorne Lane, Hay Sti-eet,—a bamboo go-cart, 2 wheels, bent handles, iron wheels, rubber tires (1 tire missing), small piece of carpet on seat, front legs have been taken off, tops of bamboo are nickel-plated; the propertv of E. Blackmore.—A2 4756, 24th March, 1900. ~ ' ^

West Berth.—Between the 16th and 23rd inst., from 106 Stirling Street,—a fawn-coloured Chester­field overcoat, velvet collar, single-breasted, bone buttons, maker's name " J. Green, Adelaide," ou tab ; the propertv of Donald Curtis.—A2/4761, 26th March, 1900.

.F'rPllulIdle. -During the night of t.he ] 9th inst., frolll the person of John Sanderson.-a, gentlem(~ll's silver hunting' ke.v-winding· Waltham watch, No. 3998506, and a :;ilver curb chain, with watch key attached.-A2 4724, 21st March, 1900.

Be(f('(ms"/ielil.-On the 20th inst .. from the owner's w:;t, in a. i)addoek Oil Forrest Road,-a gentleman's "il vel' hunting key-winding Geneva watch, engine­turned ea8e, back case difficult to open, scratched with a knife. and a silver single chain, about 7in. long'. a.lternate long link:; and knot8, brass bar <1.t one elld; t.he property of F'rederiek Cooper. -A2,'4729, 22nd MlHeh, 1900.

Perth. -- During the night of the 21st inst., from a room at the Pa.lace Hotel,--a gentleman's l4et. gold llllllting watch, by Baystead; a heavy gold square lillk chain and Masonic em blem (keystone with letters almost obliterated), and a silver sovereign case, eon­t;lining 10 sovereigns; the property of Peter Britz.­A2 4730, 22nd March, 1900.

PPl'tj, .-- During the night of the 21 st inst .. from th person of J olm Liston, with violence, at Highgate Hill,-a gentleman's rolled gold hunting stem­winding watch, No. 7230406, case No. 5112023; a brass chain, and about £3.--A4/4735, 22nd March, 1900.

Coolgctl'die. --During the night of the ] 5th inst., from the Coolganlie Hotel,-a lSet. gold curb hracelet with 7 small nuggets attached, each weigh­ing 2 or 3dwts. ; value £10; the property of Mrs. Mary Ann Shannahan.-A2, 4737, 23rd March, 1900.

Ooolyardie.-Oll the loth inst., from the owner's residence, a.t the corner of Renon and Shaw Streets, - a lady's lSct. gold ring, ~et with 5 diamonds, claw setting; and an l8ct. gold ring, set with 3 diamonds and 2 I'u 1:Jies; the property of Mrs. Mary Pugh.­A2,4738, 23rc1 March, 1900.

Kalyoorlie.-On the 21st inst., from the owner's Llwelling, Brookman Street,-a 9ct. golel curb bangle, with padlock and small chain attached; a 9ct.. gold \)ewgle, ~et with an amethyst, raised setting; a lady' s ~ct. gold twisted fob chain, about 7in. long, with 8hield-shaped I adlock at end, and gold knob in centre; a 15ct. gold horseshoe scarf pin, set with :3 (liamonds and 3 ruhies; a 9ct. gold scarf pin, set with an ()llal. plain setting; 8 gentleman's 15ct. gold rings (I a.nd z), set wit.h square-shaped pale blue L~methysts, bevelled edges (3), set with an amethyst, mised setting (-1-), gold buckle, rough edge, set with ;1, dianJonfl (5 and 6), set wit.h a sapphire, raised setting (7), digger's ring, clasped ha.nds (8), digger's ring, heart in centn:, with crossed pick and shovel ; 11 lady's lSd. gold rings (I to -1-), half-hoop, each set with 5 opals (S auc1 0), 5 dian](lnds, gipsy setting (7 and X), diamond s an(l ru hies, gipsy setting (9), 2 <liamonds and 1 sapphire, gipsy setting (10), 5 (1ialllond~, half-hoop (J 1), 3 opals an(l 6 diamonrl I.:hi1':;. half-hoop; a la.dy's 18ct. gold ring, set with 2 sapphires and 1 diaa1Ond, gipsy setting; a l5ct. g-olrl bl'o(wh, design two guns, ends reversed, united in (·entre. et with a diamond and a ru by; and a gct. golrl small (·hain necklet; the property of Mar-row ,\( Sons.-A2 4·73U, 231'(1 Mltreh, 1900.

Prellllliitle.- On tue 24th in~t., from thE' lavat.ory at the Sailors' Rest,- 2 lady's 18ct. gold half-hoop rings: (I) ~et with 5 small diamonds in a row; (z) ~ diamonds and a ruby; the property of Mrs. Annie M('Neil. - A2 4771, 27th ~hr(;h, 1!100.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, pR.ge 89, A2!4640 .

Wagill.-The bicycle described ill the 'above refer­ence, the property of Da vicl Cummings, has been found in the bush.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page H2, A2t4581. Coolgctj·die.-The bicycle described in the above

reference, the property of Thomas McJ annett, has ueen found, not stolen.

Perth.-On the night of the 21st inst., from the Salvation Army Barracks, Pier Street, a bicycle lamp (J os. Lucas & Sons', Lucent), opens in front hinge, at top, spring at bottom, red glass at side; the property of George Plummer. - A2 '4734, 22nd March, 1900.

Vide Police Gazette, 1£)00, pR.ge 90, A2 4692.

B01lldej·.-The opera glasses described in the above reference, the property of Henry Parker, have been found, not stolen.

Pej·th.--On the 21st inst.. from a rooIU at the Palace Hotel,-a. square black Russia leather cigar case, quite plain, nickel-plated mountings; the prop­erty of John Robinson-A2 4721, 21st Mal'ch, 1900.

Broolnehill.--Between the 3rd a,nd 17th inst., from Goblup Station,-4 merino full fleeces of wool, branded" B " on near side, weight. about 401bs.; the property of Alex. Morrison Nicolson.-A2/4726, 22nd March, 1900.

Pej·th.-During the night of the 2) st inst., from the Osborne Hotel, Claremont,-a set of pony har­ness, black leather, nickel mOllnted, very small, used for a pony under 10 hands high; and a set of buggy harness, large size, black leather, brass mounted, ~quite new; the property of J ames Grave. Suspicion attaches t.o two men who left Osborne on the morn­ing of the 21st inst., probably for Fremantle. Description: ( I) Medium build, age about 25 years, height 5ft. 7in., dark hair and slight dark moustache, round visage, dark complexion, seafaring appearance, wore blue serge sac suit and black soft felt hat. (2) Medium build, age about 25 years, height 5ft. 6in., fair hair and small fair moustache cut short, longish visage, fair complexion. \yore dark coat, grey tweed vest and trousers, and brown soft felt hat, carried a brown leather portmanteau.-A2.4732, 22nd March, 1900.

.F'rernantl.e. ·-On the 18th inst., from the person of Christopher Fay,-a meerschaum pipe, plain bowl, partly coloured, bent stem with si lver ferrule and amber mouthpiece, in a red case lined with blue plush. -A2 '4736, 231'd March, 1900.

P"dh. - On the 24th iU8L" from the entrance to Cremorne Lane, Hay Street,-a bamboo go-cart, 2 wheels, bent handles, iron wheels, rubber tires (1 tire missing), small piece of carpet. 011 seat, front legs bave been taken off, tops of bamboo are nickel-plated; the property of E. Blackmore.--A2 47.56, 24t.h March, 1~00.· ""

West Pej·th.-Betweell the 16th and 23rd inst., from 106 Stirling Street,-a fawn-coloured Chester­field ovcrcoat, velvet collar, single-breastcd, bone buttons, maker's name" J. Green, Adelaide," 011 tab; the property of Donald Curtis.-A2/4701, 26th March, 1900.

Page 23: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On

Causeway, Perth.—On ihe 24th inst., from the Causeway Br idge ,—a carpenter 's tool basket, grense patch in centre, containing 1 claw hammer with nail driven in handle near head ; 1 screw wrench s tamped " W Rufus " on handle , " W . " filed on shank ; 1 steel brace, 3 nicks of file on crank : 2 twist bits, J^in. and | i n . ; 3 German bits (2 No. 6, 1 No. 4 ) , 1 j in . firmer chisel and 1 new spanner, also 3 Oregon ])lanks 12ft. X 9in. x H iu . ; the propertv of William Rufus.— A2/4770, 26th March, 1900. "

Apprehensions. Vide Police Gazette, 1900, pages 69, 91.

F R A N C I S M E N D O Z A , brought up a t Geraldton on the 20th inst. 6 months h.l. (cumulat ive) .

Vide Police Gazette, ISKJO, page 92. G E O E G E W . T H O M P S O N aliax G. W I L L I A M S nliit.i

M C K E O G H , brought u[> at Cue on the 17th inst., charged by Serg. M. O'Hal loran ; idle and dis­orderly. 3 nionths h.l.

Viele Police Geizette, 1900, page 69.

H E N R Y E D W A R D SEAGER, brought up at Cue, on

the 17th inst., fur ther charged with larceny as public servant. Commit ted for trial.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 91. D A V I D J A M E S S M I T H , brought up at Cue on the

20th inst. Discharged. Prosecntion declined.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 8;?. SHAM S I N G H , brought up a t Pe r th on the 22nd

inst. ^ 5 fiue aud costs or 2 months h.l.

Vide PoUce Gazette. 1900, page 92. A L F R E D SCOTT, brought up at Pe r th on tln' 22ii(

inst. Committed for tr ial .

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 81. W. l,82/19(«l. R O B E R T A N D R E W S , at Bunburv, on the 23rd inst.

bv P.C. P . Mull igan.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 71, W. 1.19 1900. J O H N or J A M E S S M I T H has been arrested at


Viele Folice Gazette, 1900, page 18. G E O R G E A N D E R S O N , b rought up at Per th , on the

16th Jauua rv . Committed for tr ial .

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page :W. P A T R I C K C L A R K , brought up at Per th on the 3l)tli

January . Discharged.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 48. E L I Z A D O H E R T V , brought up at Per th , on the

30th .Tanuarv. Discharged.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 05. H E N R Y H I L L , b rough t up a t Pe r th , on the 7th

ult. Discharged.

Vide PoUce Gazette, 1900, page 68.

J O H N H I N D H A U G H , b rought uj) a t Pe r th , on the 17th ult. Discharged. Information withdrawn.

Vide PoUce Gazette, 1900, page 69. R O B E R T T O D D , brought up at Pe r th , ou the l.st

inst. Discharged.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 33. B A R D O , — brought up a t Onslow, ou the 20th

J a n u a r v . C\)mmitted for tr ial .

Vide FoUe-e nazitte. UIOO. page :W. P E D R O GONSALES, lirought uj» at Broome, on the

4 th J anua ry . Commit ted for trial . (Vide Bolice Gazette, 1900. page 72, Quar te r Sessions.!

Vide PoUce Gazette, 1900, page 3. R I C H A R D H . F R A Y N E , l i rought iqi at Frfinnntlc,

on the 8th .Januarv. 21 davs h.l.

Vide Pedice Gazette. 19(K.i, page 39. F R E D E R I C K LAW, brought up at Fremant le , or. th

30th J anua rv . 3 nKuiths h.l.

T H O M A S B R O W N , at Nullagine, on the 29th J a n u ­ary last, by P .C. H. J . M a n n i n g ; unlawful jiosses­sion. 3 mouths h.l.

.JACK L . M A R T I N , at Laverton, on the 1st mst. . iiy

P.C. P . O'Halloran. on war r an t : mibczzleiiii'iit. Committed for trial.

P E T E R V I L L I A M O N A . at Broome, on the 5tli iust., by P.C. C. H. Watson, ou war r an t ; deserting ship, 12 weeks h.l.; assault , 12 weeks h.l. (cumulat ive) .

P E T E R M O T T O , at Broad Arrow, on the 20th inst., by P.C. P . E. Cusack; larceny. 3 months h.l. Property recovered.

T H O M A S H A I N E Y , at Kalgoorlie, on the l ihh inst., by Det. P . D. Kavanagh and P.C. W. Lynn, on w a r r a n t ; false ]n-etences. Committed for tr ial .

RASMUS F Y H N , at Pe r th , on the 2()th inst., by Dets. F . G. Eggleston and H. Mann, on search w a r r a n t ; larceny. £2 4*. 6d. fine or 2 months h.l. Projierty recovered.

.T,\MEs H Y L . ^ N I ) . at Peak Hill, on the 17th insf., bv Cor]>l. .1. B y r n e ; idle and disonlerly. 7 days h 1.

CAHMELIA P H A I R . at Guildford, on the l-Jth insl., bv Sergt. W. H. Osborn and Del. H. M a n n ; at tenq.tcd mui'der. Committed for trial. Admitted to bail.

C H A R L E S B A I L E Y . e\\i., late Reg. No. 10291, at Guihlford, on the 20th inst., by P.C. C. Dodd; idle aud disorderiv. 3 months h 1.

M A R Y M C K A Y , at Pe r th , on the 17th inst., by P.C: B. McConnell ; i<lle and disorderiv. 4 months h.l.

f)OOR S I N G H , at Per th , on the 7tli inst., Iiy P.C. R. Love, on war r an t ; assault . Brought up ou the 22nd inst. £5 fine and costs or 2 months h.l.

BiscHEN S I N G H , at Pe r th , on the 19th inst.. by Sergt . VV. Lappin, on w a r r a n t ; assault . Discharged.

R U D O L P H D O M B E O S K I , at Pe r th , on the 20th inst., bv P.C. E. F a r m e r : idle aud disorderly. 6 mouths h'.l.

L I Z Z I E W^ILSON. at Pe r th , on the 20th inst.. by P.C. J . S. O'Brien : idle and disorderly. 14 days h.l.

J A M E S K I N G H O R N and W I L L I A M M A R S H A L L , at

Per th , on the 16th inst., by P.Cs. M. McAuley and W. W h v t e ; larceny. 2 months h.l. each. Property recovered.

J A M E S H U N T E R , at Pe r th , on the 17th inst,. bv P.Cs. M. McAidey •,iud W. W h y t e ; hireeuy. mouths h.l. Property recovered.


(fOWiPtI'''.'/, PPi'th.---OIl 111(' 24th inst., from tllt· Ca,useway Briclgl',-a ('arpf'ldel'" tool ha.skpt, gr('(ls<' pat·h in ceutre, containing' 1 daw hammer with nail drivt'n in handle near head j 1 screw wrench stamped "W Hllfus" on handlC', "-VV." filed on shank; 1 steel hrace, 3 nicks of file on cmnlr: 2 twist hit~, ~in. tll111 ~in. j 3 German Lits (2 No. G, 1 No. 4), 1 }in. firmer (·hisel and 1 new Hpanner, als" :{ Oregoll ))lanks l~ft . x !-Jin. x 1tiu .j the l'foperty (If \Yilliam RllfllS.­A2 477t), 26th Man·h, 19()O.

Apprehensions. Vide Pnlire Gazette, 1IJOO, pages 61J, 91.

FRANCJS MENDOZA, \n'Ullght up at Geral(1toll ou the 20th inst.. 6 mnnths h.l. (·nrnlllative).

V;rle Police {f()zeite, 1 \lOO, J1a~e H2.

GEORGE W. 'fHOMPSON ((liOR It. WILLIAMS rrlillf/ M cKEOG H, hrollg'ht ul' ;Lt Cllt' oil 1111' 17th iust., eharged by Serg. 1'. O'Hltllontn: iJle and tlis­orderly . 3 lllonths h .1.

Vide Police GltZettp, )!)()O, p,tge (iB.

HENRY EOWARD SEAGEl{', bruught up at Clle, ou the 17th inst ., further charge(l with hm'l'ny as pullli(' servant. Committed for trial.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, pagc' !Jl.

DAVJD JAMES SMITH, hrollgbt IIp at Cue on the 20th inst. Dis(' hal'ged. Pros(>cHtion del·lined.

Vide Po/tee Gozette, 1U()O, pag'c /1:1.

SHAM 8INOH, Lrollght up at Pt'rth tHl the :2:2l1tl insL £5 fLU' and ('osts or :2 months h .1.

Vide Police (il!zette, l!lOI), pn,g't~ \12.

ALl~lt~]j) SCOTT, brought np Id Perth on lIlt' :Z:Zlltl inst , COll1mitted for trial.

J'ide Po/icp (i,lzette, JOOO, pltgl' HI-. ,\Y. IH2/HHKI.

ROBlmT ANDREWR, ,Lt Bl111l111l'Y, on llw :2:3nl inst., hy P. C. P. Mullig·<ln .

ride po/ire Guzrtte, 1000, pnge 71, W. J I!I ]!.IOO.

JOH N or .l AMER 8 H 'r H has h(,Pll ,11Tt'stt'll it! Ar1('iaide .

Vitle Police Gazette, 1!)()0, p:tg'e IH.

GEOIWE ANDERSON, brought up at f'nth, Oil tht, 16th Janua.ry . OOlllmittec1 for tria.l.

Vid e Police Gozette, HIOO, p,tge :lH.

PATRI CK CLARK, hnHlg'llt up at Perth on tbe :30th Janllary. DiRtharged .

ITirie Police Gazette, 1000, pagl' .J.H.

ELIZA D OHERTY, brought up at Perth, on the 30th January . Disch cLrged .

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 55.

HENRY HILL, broug-ht up at Perth, on t lw 7th nIt. Di 'th,tl'gecl.

l'itle Police Ga~ette, 1000, page G:l.

JOHN HINDHAU GH, hrou g ht UI' at Perth, un the 17th ult. Disclmrge(l. InformatitlU withdrawn.

Vide Police Gazette, 1\100, page G\).

H0BEH.'1' TODD, bronght llP at Perth, Oll thl' ht inst. Discharged .

ridt' Police Gazettl', HIOll, page :{3.

lhltnO, - bnmght l1p at On,;lnw. 011 tlw ~nth J I" "Ol1llll itte(l for tri,L!, , aUl ,.1''\. \.

T'j'/p Pr,7i,.., na:dl,. l!lt)\l. !l:1!.:'" :1!l. PETIT:" lto,,:;';ALES. l'r()l1~llt Ill' at nr'l('lllP, "11 tht'

4th Januan. COJUl11itte,l for lri,tl. (rid,. PU"" Oozeft.-, 1911(1, }Jagl-' n., Quartt'r 8e,inn~. I

ride Pnlir, (;a~eft", l!ltKI. page ;\. RTCIIARD H. FRAYNE, hrllllght ll]> at Fn'l!Ialltl",

011 thp th .Jann<1.ry. n thy" h.1.

f'itl" Pnlirt> G'I:etle, lOtXI, p,lge :~!I.

FRRDERICK LAW, hrought 111' at F'rt'lllilntlt-', Ill, lht' :~(jth January. 3 m(ll1th~ h.l.

THO~lAR BROW~, at Nulla~inl', ou t1w 2~lth Jaull-I t I) P C H J. l\I'''U;lilL"r', nlll,HI f1l1 llt)SSt'''-ary as, , .. . .1 " . ,

siim. :111i'l!lth~ h.!.

.JACK TJ. ::\1..," R1'I:O< , at T,il"t'rtlll1, 011 tht' 1st lIlSt.. 11.1' P.C'. P. O'Hallorall. oil \\,lrl'ant: l'mhpzzlt'I,lt'lll. C'011l Jll it tptl for tri;ll.

PEl'l!:R VILLIAlIIONA, ;Lt Broomt', 0\1 the ,')th iust., hI' P.C. C. H. \Yat sou, nn wann.ut: lll':o'prting "hip, 1 ~ Wpl'};" 1t.1.; a.f's<Lnlt, 1~ wppl\s It.l. (t·nmulati\'p)

PETlm 1\10TTO, ilt Bro,u1 Arrow, on tht' 20th inst., \)\ P.C. P. E. Cm;,u·k: hl\"t·el1r. :~ llltlllth,; h.1. Property l't'(·ov(-retl.

THO fAS HAINEY, ,tt Kalgoorlit', on thl' l~lth iust , In' Dpt. P. D. Kayallagh ant1 P.C. \". Lyllll, on ,~a)Tal\t ; falsp p1'l'tpn('p~. Cpm1l1ittl'tl ll'l' trial

RASM H FYHN, at Pt'rth. 011 thl' 20th inst., 1,.1' Dt'ts. F. G. Eg'~ll'stoll awl H. :\1 <lll U , 011 " .. ar('h WaJ'l'allt; lar('pul·. ;l;:~ 4 .. !id. filiI' 01' ~ lllllllth" ILl. Prtlperty rp('()v\·;·Pt1.

.T Al\1 EH HYLANJI. at Pl'a], Hill. Oil thp 17th iu,;l" h,' ('01']11. .T. ByI'lH': illlp a\l(l ,1i';oJ'(1l'rly. (Ila\'" hI.

l'ARMEJ,IA PIrAIR. at Guiltlftll'tl. till tIt\' l.jth 111,;1" 1,\ :-)en4·!. \V. H. OHhorn <1.11,1 Dt't. H. )Iallll ; ,1tt I'll \] ,ltd 11'1 11 J'(1('r. '.1l11mittl"l fill' trial. Arlllli1tt'll to I'ail

OHARLES BAILEY. l'Xp., http HI'g'. ~o. 1()~91, at Glliltlf(lnl, (lU tll<' :20th in~t., III P.C'. ('. Dlllltl: irllt' ltwl di:-;tlJ'tlt'rly. 0 lllouthH h 1.'

MARY McKAY, at Perth. Oil tlH' 17th iust., hI' P.C. B. MI'('m1llpll: itlll' anrl rI isordprly. 4 1110l1l1is h.1.

BOOR SINIlH, at PL'rth, (Ill till' '(th in~t., I,,· P.( '. R. LtI\'l-' , on warrant; as,;,lult. Broll~ht nI' ;'ll lh .. ~~lld inf't. £.5 fillt' anll (·o~t., or :2 lllonths It.1.

BIS 'HEN SINGH, at Perth, on tbe 19th inst .. 11." Sergt. W. Lappin, on warrant; assault. Dis(·harg-e(l.

RUDOC.PH DOllIBROSKI, at Perth, on tlw ~Otb ius!., by P .C. E. Farmer; idle antt (li!'orclprly. ti months h~1.

LIZZIE "\YJLSON. at Perth, on the 20th in,;t., 1):' P.C. J., . O'Brien: itUe anll (lis(lro,·rly. 14 (lay" h.l.

JAMES KINGHORN <lUll ",TILLIAM ~IARSHALI" at Pertb. on the 16th inst., hy P.('~. 1\1. ).It-) .. nlt'.' alld "'T. ,\VIlYte ; lan·ellY. ~ l\Ionths It.1. I'adl. Prtll"'rt~ recovered. .

JAlIIER HUNTER, at PI'rth, IIll tJ}I' 17th in"t , 101 p.es. }.T. ~1("Alll.'\' "1111 "T \Vl \ tt': 1;\f""l1 I.

month!' h.l. Prop;·r!.,1 n'('o\",l't'tl

Page 24: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On


JOHN FRANCIS MATHERS, at Perth, on the 21st inst., by Det. S. A. Fox ; unlawful possession. Discharged under the First Offenders Act.

THOMAS OLIVER alias JAMES OLIVER, and CATHERINE BRANCH, at Perth, on the 21st inst., by P.Cs. W. Douglas, H. Stow, and A. Ford; obscenity. 40s. fine or 14 days h.l. ; assaulting police, 2 months h.l. each (concurrent).

JOSEPH BABDSLEY, at Subiaco, on the 21st inst., by P.C. H. C. Sampson; larcenv. Discharged under the First Offenders Act.

FRANCIS MCGRATH, at Cottesloe, on the 23rd inst., by P.C. E. Huxtable, ou warrant; larceuy. 1 month h.l. Property recovered.

BARTLEY HARRINGTON, 21st inst., by Corpl. B. month h.l.

at Donnybrook, on the disorderly. 1 Slatterv ;

OLIVER WEBLEY and WILLIAM GEORGE MCLUR­KIN, at Fremantle, on the 17th inst., by P.Cs. J. Healy aud L. R. Burman; larceny from person. 6 months h.l. each.

SARAH MOORE aud MARGARET HOWARD, at Fre­mautle, on the 21st inst., by P.C. W. Cannon; idle and disorderly. 6 weeks h.l. each.

MICHAEL MADDEN, at Fremantle, on the 24th inst., by P.C. J. Leavy ; luuacy. Sent to Asylum.

WILLIAM AHLQUIST, at Bridgetown, on the 22nd inst., by Sergt. G. G. Meares; forgery and uttering. Committed for trial.

JOHN DELANEY and GEORGE GRAHAM, at Albany, on the 21st inst., by P.C. P. T. Daily ; stowing away from Adelaide to Albany. ^84 fine or 14 days h.l. each.

WILLIAM STEVENS, at Albany, on the 17th inst., by P.C. W. J. Begley; idle and disorderly. 6 months h.l.; deserting family, 6 mouths h.l. (con­current).

JOHN HEALEY and LIONEL KIRK, at York, on-the 24th inst., by P.C. P. O'Donoghue; unlawful pos­session. £1 fine aud costs or 14 davs h.l. each.

ALEXANDER HENRY, at Vasse, on the 19th inst., by Corpl. G. Buck, on warrant, deserting ship. To be placed on board ship and pay costs.

Miscellaneous. JACK NIEUNERIT (half-caste), charged at York, on

the 19th iust., by P.C. E. K. Keaven; supplying liquor to aboriginal natives. ^£20 fine.

ADGEE (Asiatic), charged at Carnarvon, on the 12th inst., by P.C. F. C. Pollard ; supjilying liquor to aboriginal natives (two charges). d£20 fine and costs in each case.

PEDRO DECASTRO, charged at Carnarvon, on the 8th inst., by P.C. F. C. Pollard : supplying liquor to aboriginal natives. ^£20 fine and costs,

ALEXANDER VINCE, (diarged at Mt. Gould, on the 28th ult., by P . C Jas. Gordon; cruelty to animals. .£5 fine and costs.

A H SUEY, charged at Cossack, on the 15th inst., bv W.P.C. Geo. Fry ; supplying liquor to aboriginal native. ^20 fine.

WILLIAM BURKE, licensee of the Perseverance .Hotel, charged at Boulder, on the 20th inst., by P.Cs. A. T. Hoy and G. A. Fraser; supiplying liquor to a person under the age of 16 years. =£5 fine aud costs.

JAMES HORTON, charged at Esperance, on the 22nd inst., by J. M. Dickson, Sub-Collector of Cus­toms ; being in possession of uncustomed goods. £13 15s. fine and eosts.

JOHN P H I L I P DINHAM, licensee of the Busselton Hotel, charged by Excise Department; breach of Beer Duty Act by neglecting to deface Revenue Stamp. £2 fine and costs.

Wairants Issued. Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 95!, W. 208/1900.

THOMAS W . LYONS not to be arrested. Warrant cancelled 23rd inst.

BRANDON M . SAUNDERS, medium build, age about 31 vears, height about Sft. 6in., dark hair and mous­tache, Jewish nose, round visage, dark complexion, wears glasses, commission agent aud tobacconist; being indebted to John Blaney Murphy in the sum of =£50. To be arrested at anv seaport of the Colony, but not elsewhere. Dated Perth, 24th March, 1900. —W. 222/1900.

DAVID GALLOWAY STEWART, stout build, age about 55 years, height 5ft. 8in., grey hair, beard and moustache, blue eyes, straight nose, full visage, florid complexion, generally wears a light tweed suit, sea captain, native of Scotland; being indebted to Michael Matthew White in the sum of ^50 2s. To be arrested at any seaport of the Colony, but not elsewhere. Dated Perth, 24th March, 1900. -W. 223/1900.

ERNEST LESTER, stout build, age about 26 years, height 5ft. 7in. or 8in., fair hair and small fair moustache, light blue eyes, sharp and straight nose, round visage, fresh complexion, a butcher, supposed native of Victoria, generally wears light tweed suit; embezzling the sum of 8s. 5^d., the money of Holmes Bros. & Co. Dated Perth," 20th March, 1900.—W. 210/1900.

THOMAS SMITH, medium build, age 31 years, height 5ft. 7in., dark brown hair, thick beard and moustache, blue eyes, thick nose and crooked near bridge, rather full visage, dark wmplexion, has a habit of holding the collar of his coat with his right hand, an engineer, native of Queensland, wears dark brown coat and vest, bluish-grey trousers and brown felt hat, and thin silver chain, doubled: deserting his wife and children at Perth on the 9th inst. Dated Perth, 21st March, 1900. —W. 217/1900,

JOHN FRANCIS MATHERS, at Perth, on the 21st inst., by Det. S. A. Fox; unlawful ]Jossession. Discha.rged under the First Offenders Act.

'rHOMAS OLIVER alias JAMES OLIVER, and CATHERINE BRANCH, at Perth, on tbe 21st inst. , by P.Cs. W. Douglas, H. Stow, and A. F(lrd; obscenity. 40s. fine or 14 da,ys h.1.; assaulting police, 2 months h.1. eacb (concurrent).

JOSEPH BARDSLEY, at Suhiaco, on the 21st inst., by P.C. H. C. Sampson; larceny. Discharged under the First Offenders Act.

FRANCIS MCGRATH, at Cottesloe, on the 23rd inst., by P.C. E. Huxta,ble, on warrant; larceny . 1 month h.1. Property recovered.

BARTLEY HARRINGTON, at Donnybrook, on the 21st inst., by Corp1. B. Slattery; disorderly. 1 month h.1.

OLIVER WEBLEY and WILLIAM. GEORGE McLUR­KIN, at Fremantle, on t.he 17th inst., by P .Cs. J . Healyand L. R. Burman; larcen.V froLD person. 6 months b .1. each.

SARAH MOORE and MARGARET HOWARD, at Fre­mantle, on the 21st inst., by P .C. W. Cannon; idle and disorderly. 6 weeks h .1. each.

MIOHA-EL MADDEN, a.t Fremantle, on the 24th inst., by P .C. J . Leav.v; lunacy. Seut to Asylum.

WIT.LIAM AHLQUIST, at Bridgetown, on the 22nd inst., hy Sf>rgt. G. G. Meares; forgery and uttering-. Committed for t.rial.

JOHN DELANEY and GEORGE GRAHAM, a.t Albany, 011 the 21st inst., by P.C. P. T. Daily ; stowing away from Adelaide to Albany. £4 fine or 14 day;; h.1. each.

WrLLIAlIl STEVENS, at Alhany, on the 17th inst., by P.C. W. J . Bogley; idlp and di;;orderly. 6 month h .1.; deserting family, 6 months h.1. (con­currenT).

JOHN HEALEY and LIONEL KIRK, at York, on·tbp 24th inst., by P.C. P. O'Donoghue; unlawful pos­session. £1 fine and cost. or 14 days h.1. each.

ALEXANDER HENRY, at Vasse, on the 19th inst., by Curpl. G. Buck, on warrant, de erting ship. To be placed on board ship and pay costs.

Miscellaneous. JACK NIEUNERIT (half. caste) , charged at York, on

the 19th inst., by P.C. E. K. Keaven; supplying liq uor to aboriginal natives. £20 fine.

ADGEE (Asiatic), charged at Carnarvon, ()n the 12th inst., by P.C. F . C. Pollard; supplvinO" liquor to aboriginal natives (two charges) . £20 fine and costs in each case.

PEDRO DEcAsTRo, charged at Carnarvon, on the 8th inst., by P.C. F. C. Pollard; supplying liquor to aboriginal nativf>s. £20 fine and costs,


ALEXANDER VINCE, eharged at Mt. Gould, on the 28th ult., by P.C. Jas. Gordon; cruelty to animals. £.5 fine and costs.

AH SUEY, charged at Cossack, on the 15th inst., by W.P.C. Geo. Fry; suppl.villg liquor to aboriginal na,tivf>. £20 fine.

WILLIAM BURKE, licensee of the Perseverance Hotel, charged at Boulder, on the 20th inst., by P.Cs. A. T . Hoy and G. A. Fraser; supplying liquor to a person under the age of 16 years. £5 fine and costs.

JAMES HORTON, charged at Esperance, on the 22nd inst., by J. M. Dickson, Sub-Collector of Cus­toms; being' in p088ession of uncustomed goods. £13 15s. fin e and costs.

JOHN PHlLIP DINHAlIl, licensee of the Busselton Hotel, charged by Excise Department; breach of Beer Duty Act by neglecting to deface Revenue Stamp. £2 fine and costs.

Warrants Issued. I'ide PoUce Gazette, 1900, page 99., V,r. 208/1900.

'rHOMAS W. LYONS not to be arrested. Warrant cancf>lled 23rd inst.

BRANDON M. SAUNDERS, medium build, age about 31 years, height abont 5ft. oitt., dark b~Lir and mous­tache, Jewish nose, round visage. dark complexion, wears glasses, eommissiull agent and tobacconist; being indebted to John Blaney Murph.v in the sum of £.50. To he arrestea at any seaport of the Colony, but not elsewhere. Dated Perth, 24th March, 1900. - W. 222/1900.

DAVID GALLOWAY STEWARI" stout build, age ahout 55 ye;1rs, height. 5ft. 8in., grey hair, beara ana monst.c1ch'3, hlue eyf'8, st.ral~ht nosp. fnll visage, fioricl complexion, gellerally wears a ligLt tweed 8uit, sea cap1ain, na.tive of Scotland; being indebted t,) Mitha.el Matthew White in the sum of £50 2s. To be arrested at flny seaport of the Colony, but not el~ewhere . Dated P erth, ~4th March, 1900. -- W . 223/ 1900.

ERNEsT LESTER., stout build. age about 26 years, height 5[t. 7in. or Rin., fair hair and small fair moustache, light hlue eyes, sharp and straight nose, round visage, fresh comph'xion, a buteher. supposed native of Victoria, generally wears light tweed suit; embezzling the surn of 8s. 5td., the money of Holmes Bros. & Co. Dated Perth, 20tb Marc·h, 1900.- W . 210/1900.

THOMAS SMITH, medium build, age 31 years, height 5ft. 7ill., dark brown hair. thick beard and mousta(·he, blut> eyes, thidc nose and crooked near bridge, rather full visage, dark complexion, has a habit of holding the collar of his coat with his right hand, an engineer, native of Queensland, wearE. dark brown coat and vest, bluish-grey trousers and brown felt hat, and thin silver chain, doubled: desert.ing his wife and children at Perth on the 9tl. inst, Dated Perth, 21st March, HlOO.-W. 217 ;1900.

Page 25: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On


JAMES MAHONY, alias LANE, medium stout build, age 35 years, height 6ft., sandy hair, moustache aud side whiskers, oval visage, ruddy complexion, has sores on back of both hands, and a white handker­chief tied round the right hand, wears verv short faded black coat, aud black soft felt hat, a labourer ; obtaining boots and goods of the value of 27s. from James Bvfield, at Northam, on the 22nd inst. Dated Northam, 23rd March, 1900.—W, 220/1900.

BENJAMIN BAXTER, medium build, age about 33 years, height about Sft. lOin., fair hair and moustache, round and full visage, fair complexion, has one front tooth missing, a commercial traveller, usually wears a shabby grey suit, is a good pigeon shot; larceny as a bailee of a double-barrelled breech-loading gun, by Greener, with case and clean­ing implements; the property of Charles Leslie Stawell, at Kalgoorlie, on or about the 1st inst. Dated Kalgoorlie, 22nd March, 1900.—W. 221 1900.

BARTLEY HARRINGTON, medium build, age 34 years, height 5ft. Sin. or 9in., dark hair and very long moustache, blue eyes, round visage, fair com­plexion, addicted to drink, wears brown suit and straw hat, a miner, native of Victoria; warrant of commitment to Bunbury for 1 month imprisonment for disorderly conduct. Dated Donnvbrook, 21st March, 1900.—W. 225a900.

Extracts. (From New Zealand Police Gazette, 1900, page 31.)

Auckland.—JOHN FRERE alias JOHN NORMAN JONES is charged with false pretences on the Union Bank of Australia, Limited, on the 7th March, 1899. Description : Supposed Irish, about 40 years of age, about 6ft. high, slight build, fair complexion, thin features, reddish-yellow hair, moustache and small side whiskers, chin shaved, chronic sore eyes, wears glasses; was usually dressed in a blue serge sac suit and hard black hat ; horsey appearance ; rented a small farm near Okoia, Wanganui district, in 1898.

Offender, whose pi-oper name is John Frere, presented a letter of credit for .£260, drawn in favour of John H. Joues by the Bank of Ireland, Kilkenny, and addressed to the Manager of the Union Bank of Australii, Limited, Auckland. He represented that he was the person named in the letter of credit, and obtained the amount on the above date. It was afterwards discovered that a Mr. John H. Jones, a settler iu the Wanganui district, is the owner of the letter of credit, and it is not known by what means offender obtained possession of it. Warrant issued on the 27th Januarv, 1900. (Arrest is verv desir­able.)—A2 4745.

Vide Folice Gazette, 1900, page 78, A2/4552.

E. H. G. T . SMITH has been arrested a' Svdnev.

Missing Friend. Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 93, B2/1151.

MRS. JEMIMA TURNBULL has been found at Perth.

Escaped Prisoners,

No. 60S.—THOMAS WATSON, t.l., reg. No. 10487, stout build, age 38 years, height Sft. 4|in., dark brown hair turning grey (may grow beard and moustache), brown eyes, round visage, sallow com­plexion, scald mark on back, woman on right arm. wreath on left arm. a groom (photo, in February, 1899, group) ; absconding from Perth district since August, 1899.—A2 4744.


Berth.—On the 19th iust., at the Cm-ouer's Court, l)efore Dr. E. Black, Acting District Coroner, on the body of Adeline Kate Hollard (infant), who died ou the 19th inst. from phosphorous poisoning, caused by eating matches. Verdict—" Accidental death." — B2/1220.

Kalgoorlie—On the 19th inst., at the Court House, before W. R. Burton, J.P., Acting Coroner, on the body of William Moor, who was killed by a fall of stone in the Boulder Perseverance Gold Mine, ou the 14th inst. Verdict—"Accidental death." — B2/1226.

Kanowna.—On the 20th inst., at the Court House, before P. Troy, R.M., Acting Coroner, touching the cause of a fire which occurred in Isabella Street em the 17th iust. Verdict--".\ccidental fire." —B2 1280.

Property Lost.

Berth. Ou the 19th iust., a small mail bag, Perth to Mt. Magnet, the property of the Postal Department.- P.L. 114 1900. On the 19th inst.,— an 18ct. gold curb bracelet, with plain gold locket attached; the property of Miss Wittenoom.- P.L. 119 1900. Ou the 20th iust.,--a gentleman's gold band riug, having FRANK iu raised letters; the property of Miss"Carter.—P.L. 130 1900. On the 17tli inst.,—a black Morocco purse, having " M.C.G." in old English letters stamped in gold, containing 3 sovereigns and money order and a lock of child's hair; the property of "Miss Griffin. P.L. 132 1900. On the 21st inst.,—a gentleman's silver open-faced chronograph watch. No. 35748 ; the propertv of J. Ward.—P.L. 133 1900.

Fremantle.—On the 21st inst.,—a lady's small leather purse, about 2|in. long, 3 compartments, small clasp fastening, containing 2 =£5 notes, 4 £1 notes, and 6 sovereigns, 1 ticket for 8 hours sports, name Spiller or Richards, and a sweep ticket on one of Chas. Cuthbert's sweeps ; the propertv of Henrv Spiller.—P.L. 117 1900.

JAMES MAHONY, nliaR LANE, medium . tout huill1, age 35 years, height 6ft., sandy hair, moustache and side whiskers, oval visage, ruddy complexion, ha sores on back of both hanus, and a white handker­chief tied round the right hand, wears very short faued black coat, and black soft felt hat a labourer ' ohtaining boots and goods of the value 'of 27s. fro~ Jamcs Byfield, at North am, on the 22nd inst. Dated Northam, 23rd March, 1900.-W. 220/1900.

BENJA~IN BAXTER, medium build, age about 33 years, beIght about 5ft. lOin., fair bair and moustache, round and full visage, fair complexion, has one front tooth missing, a commercial traveller, usually wears a shabby grey suit, is a good pigeon shot; laTceny as a bailee of a double-barrelled hreech-Ioading gun, by Greener, with case and clean­ing implements; tbe property of Charles Leslie Stawell, at Kalgoorlie, on or ab0ut the 1st inst. Dated Kalgoorlie, 22nd March, 1900.- W. 221 1900.

BAIVI'L~Y HA~RI::'GTON, ~edium huild, age 34 years, heIght 5ft.. 8m. or 9m., dark hair and verv long moustache, blue eyes, round visa<fe, fair coill'­plexion, addicted to drink, wears bro~ll suit and straw. hat, a miner, native of Victoria; warrant of comu)ltment to Bunbury for 1 month imprisonment for disorderly condnct. Dated Donnybrook, 21st March, 1900.-W. 225/1900.

Extracts. (Fl'om New Zealand Police Gazette, 1900, page 3l.)

Auclcland.--JoHN FRERE alia.s JOHN NORlIIAN JONES is chargeu with false pretences on the Union Bank of Australia, Limited, on the 7th March, 1899. Description: Supposed Irish, about 40 years of :1ge. about 6ft. high, slight builU, fair complexion, thin featlll'es, reddish-ydlow hail', moustache and small side whiskers, chin shaved. chroni(' sore eyes, wears glasses; was usually dressed in a blue serge sac suit and hard black hat; horsey appearance; rented a small farm near Okoia, Wanganui dis:trict, in 1898.

Offender, whose propel' llame is John Frere, presented a letter of credit for .£260, drawJl ill favour of John H. JOlles hy the Ba,nk of Ireland, Kilkenny, and a.ddressed to the Manager of the Union Bank of Austl'ali 'I, Limited, Auckland. He representetl that he WttS the person named in the letter of credit, and obt.ained the amount on the above date. It was afterwards discovered that a Mr. John H. Jones, a settler in the Wanganui district, is the owner of the letter of credit, and it is not known by what means offender obtained possession of it. Warrant issued on the 27th January, 190'0_ (Arrpst IS very desir­able.)-A2 474.5.

Vide Police Gazette, 1900, page 78, A2J4552.

E. H. G. T. SMI'TH has been arrested at Sydney.

Missing Friend. l ride Police Gazette, 1900, page 93, B2/1151.

MRS. JEMIMA 1'URNBULL has been found at Perth.


Escaped Prisoners.

No. 60?-THOMA.S WAT ON, t.l., reg. No. 104 7, stout bml.d, age .38 years. height 5ft. 41in .. dark hrowu haIr turnmg grey (may grow heard and moustache), brown eye. round vistlge, allow com­plexion, scald mark on back, woman on right arm. wreath on left arm. a groom (photo. in Fehruary. 1899, group); absconding from Perth di trict ~i nt'l' August, 1899.-A2 4744.


Perth.-On the 19th inst., at the Coroner's C'nurt. before Dr. E. Black, Acting Di tl'il·t Coronl:'l'. on the body of Adeline Kate Hollard (infant), who Llieu on the 19th inst. from phosphorous poisoning-, caused 1)\' eating matches. Veruict- " Accidental Jeath .""':'" B2j1220.

Kalgoorlie.-On thl-' 19th in t., at the Unurt HOll e, bpforc W. R. Burton, J.P., Acting Coroner, on the body of William Moor, who was killed bv a fall of stone in the Boulder Perseverance Gold Mine, on the 14th inst. Verdict--" ACl'idental death." ­B2/1226.

Kaltowlla. - On the 20th inst., at the Court House. before P. Troy, R.M., Ading Coroner, touching- the cause of a fire which occurred in I . abelh Street on the 17th inst. Verdict--" Aceidental firl' ." - B:2 1250.

Property Lost.

Perth. ---On the 19th inst., a small mail hag, Perth to Mt. Magnet, the property of the Postal Department.--P.L. 114, 1900. On the 19th in t.,-­an 18d. gold curb bracelet, with ph-in golu locket attached; the property of Mi>'s Wittenoom. - P.L. 119 1900. On the 20th inst.,-- a gentleman's 'folu band ring, having :FRANK in r.-tised letters; h thp property of Miss Carter.-P.L_ 130 190n. On the 17th inst.,- a black Morocco purse, having" M.C.G." in old .Engli sh letter stamped in gold, containing 3 sovereIgns and money order and a lock of child".; hair; the property of Miss Griffin. - P.L. 13~ 1900. On the 21st inst., -a gentleman's ~ilver open-faced chronograph wat~h, No. 35748; the vrupel'tyof J . Ward.-P.L. 133 1900.

Fl'emantle. - On the 21st inst.,-a lady 's small leather purse, about 2~in. long, 3 compartments, small clasp fastening, containing ;2 £5 note,', 4 £1 notes, and 6 sovereigns, 1 ticket for 8 hours sports. name SpilJer or Richards, and a sweep ticket on on" of 9has. Cuthbert'~ sweeps: the property of H,'nry SpIller.- P .L. 117 1900.

Page 26: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On


Register of Expirees and (Conditional Pardon Holders wlio have left the Colony. Vide PoUce Gazette, 1900, page 24.

F R E D E R I C K M A S O N , expiree, late Reg. No. 8075, re turned from Melbourne, per s.s. " Angl ian ," on the 20th inst.

Kauifc; uiid Ci)iniitii)n.

Allen, George Churles, (exp.)

Late Reg. No.


Date of Name of Destination. Departure. Vessel.

22ncl March. 1900 S.S. " Barlm- LondoB )-os.sa "

i 1

Sliip in which Hemarks. a m v e d . !

" Merchantman," February, 1863

Medium stout build, age 59 years, heijErlit Sft. 9i-in., Laze! eyes, grey bair, formerly light brown.

Return of Prisoners tried at Special Sessions of the Supreme Court, held at Derby, commencing Wednesday, 21st February, 1900.

Condi- Keg. t ion. , No.

Ah. nat. Do. ...


MuUahridden alid.s Tommy Woormillanah


Murder Do

District .


West Kimberley Do

Police Gazette Page

1900 p. 17 p. 17


Guilty Do.

How disposed of.

Death. Do.

P R I S O N I C l i S U 1 S C i i A K O E D.

Ab. nat.

Do. Do.

Free . Do. Do.



Ue.e. Ni.. or late

Kei!. .Vo. Group Photo. Seotpiice. Where


From Fremantle Prison, during the week ending Salurday, 24th March, 1900.

F e m a l e F r e e ...

Do. I lo. Do . Do.

D o . Do. D o .

D e b t o r F r e e . . .

Do . Do. Do. Do. D o . Do .

F 1 307

i-t;i8 41.59 3680 .S(i()8

,3937 749

23.56 41,56 3802

4103 41.57 3374 3812 3983 4101

P h i l l a m o r e , J u l i a . . . G o r d o n , D a v i d

H u r s t , M a t t h e w . . . W i l l i a m s , R a l p h . . . W a r n e r , H a r r y W h i t e , J o h n E . .. .

B a r t l e t t , J o i m M c G r a d y , J o s e p h . . . D o n a l d s o n , W m . ... Fi levvood, J o h n E . H a r r i s , J o h n

P r e s t o n , K o b e r t F . D u n n i n g , A l m a P. S m i t h , B e r t . V^on G e y e r , R o b e r t Sayer .s , J o h n G r o v e s , W m . , ali 's

G r a v e s

Disorderly Unlawful possession; giv­

ing a false name

Idle and disorderly Disorderly' Larceny ... Idle and disorderly; escap­

ing from legal custody Vagrancy Eogite and vagabond ... Idle and disorderly Debt Disorderiv ; resisting

arrest; disorderly in lock-up

Larceny ... Disorderly Larceny ...

Do Idle and disorderly Escaping from legal cus­tody ; tmlawful posses­sion (two charges) ; damaging Menzies lock-* up ; larceny (two charges)

22s. or 7 days h.l. ... 22s. or 1 month h.l.;

20s. or 1 month h.l. (eon.)

14 days h.l. ... 42s. or 7 days h.l. ... 7 days h.l

Mar., 1!I00 4 months hi.; 3 months h.l. (cum.)

j 6 weeks h.l. ... Jan., 1899 \ 9 months h.l.

1 month h.l. 14 days imp. 20s. or 21 days h.l.;

20s. or 14 days h.l. (cum.) ; 6 weeks h.l. (con.)

2 months h.l. j 40s. or 11- days h.l....

Jan., 1900 2 months h.l. Oct., 1899 2 months h.l.

1 month h.l. Mar., 190O 1 month h.l.; 20s. or

I 14 days h.l.; 14 j days h.l.; 1 month I h.l. (cum.); 1 month I h.l.; 1 month h.l. I (cum., con. with I above)

From Derby Gaol, during the fortnight ending 10th March, 1900.

T h a n g w i n alias ; Larceny Bobby i

Mooramine Yeaman alias Billy

Unlawful possession Assault; malicious injury

to property

6 months h.l.

15 months h.l. 13 months h.l.

From Bunbury Gaed, during the week ending 17th March, 1900. Redpath, John ... | Disorderly Carney, George ... I Do. Bradfield, Thomai Drunk

20s. or 7 days h.l. 24 hours imp. 3 days imp. ...

From Albany Gaol, during the week ending 17th March, 1900.

Ellis, Matthev Idle and disorderly 1 month h.l.

Perth Do.

Do. Do. Do.

Menzies ...

Fremantle Do. Do.

Perth ... Kalgoorlie

Perth ... Fremantle Kal goorlie

Do. Fremantle Kalgoorlie


Do. Do.

Bunbury Do. Do.


l>ale of IMscliar.ice.

!• 19th March

1 J-21st do.

S22nd do.

23rd do.

! !>24th do.

3rd March

9th do. 10th do.

12th March 14th do. 17th do.

16th March

From Northam Lock-up, eluring the week ending 24th March, 1900.

Taylor, ,John ... I Resisting arrest i ... | 7 days h.l j Northam ' ]Oth March


Register of' Expil'eeR and Comlitional Pardon Holder:o; who have left the Colony, Vide Polit;e Gazette, 1900, pa.ge 24.

FREDERICK MASON, expiree, late Reg. No. 8075, returned from Melbourne, per s.s. " Anglian," on the 20th inst.

I Late Date of

l'awe auJ ConJition. Reg. ~~pal'tllre . Name of Vessel.

Ship in WbiCL--, arrived. Remarks. I ~esti~ati()n ~ 1

------- .~------.,----------

Alleu, George Charles, (exp.,

G80 2Znd 1I1a"ch , 19();) S.S." Barl'I1' "ossa"

London " Merchantman," February, 1863

Medium stout build, age 59 years, height Mt. 9}in., hazel eyeH, grey hair, formerly light brown.

ltetum of PriRont'l'R trie(l a.t Hpecial SeRRions of the i)npreme Court, held at Derby. commencing Wednesday, 21st ]i'ebrllary, 19{)O.



Ab. nat. Do.


Female FI't3e ...

Do. 1)0.

Do. lIo.

Do. Do. Do.

Debtor Free .. ,

Do. Do. Do. Do. llo. Do.

Ab. nat.

Do. Do.

FreE' ... Do. Do.


Reg' l No.

Her!. Nil. or late Re~ .. ~o.

~' 1 :307

1-1,aa 41:'if.l 36!:10 ::!6Ha

3987 74\J


4151; 31:102

410S 4Hi7 a;IH atH~ 3£11;3 -1,101

Police N'l.lne. Otfence. District. Gazette Verdict. How disposed of.


1900 Mullabriddeu a/i,," 'l'ommy Murder .. West Kimberley p. 17 Guilty Death. W oOl"lllillnnah ". Do. Do. p.17 Do. '''1 Do.

- -----

PRISONh:HS L> 1 SOIl A .H. G E U 0

[- --- --1- -Oflpllcc. Gl'UU» PllOth. :\a.Ult. \\'herf- Ilale or Ihsf'l..Ia.I' l(~.


From !<'rflnantle Prison, d1l1oing the week endinq 8atm'day, 24th March, 1.900.


I Phillamol'f', Julia ... Disorderly 22s. or 7 days h.1.... Perth Gordon, David Unlawful possession; giv- 22s. 01' 1 month h.l. ; Do.

ing a false name 20s. or 1 month h .1.

Hurst, Matthew HIe and disorderly Disorderly

(con.) 14 days h .1. ... 4~s. or 7 days h .!. 7 days h.1.

r 19th Mal'ch

Williams, Ralpb ... VI'arner, Harry Larceny ... White, John E. Idle and disordedy ; escap-

Do. Do . Do.

Menzies J '1

Bartlett, J e,hn ing from If'gal custody


Mat,,, H10U 4 months h I.; 3 months h.1. (cum.)

6 weeks h.1 ... . r 21st do.

McGrady, J03eph .. . Fremantlf' j

Do. ... "1 Donaldson, Wm. Filewood, John R.

Rogue and vagabond Idle and disorderly Debt .. '

Jan., 1899 9 months h.1. 1 month h.1. 14 days imp.

Do. r 22nd do.

Harris, John Disorderly; resisting Perth j Kalgoorlie '1


Preston, Robert F.

arrest; disorderly in lock-up

Larceny Disorderly L a.rceny

20s. or 21 days h.1. ; 20s. or 14 days h.1. (cum.) ; 6 weeks h .1. (con.)

2 months h.l. ~ 23rd do.

Dunning, Alma. (~

Smith, Bert. Von Geyer, Robf'rt Sayerd, John Groves, Will .. ali '5


Do. Idle and disorderly Escaping from legal cus­tody; unl awful posses­sion (two charges); damaging Menzies lock-' up; larceny (two charges)

40s. or 1 ~ <'lays h .1.. .. Jan., 1900 2 months hJ. Oct., 1899 2 months h.1.

1 month h .1. Mftr .. 1900 1 month h.1. ; 20s. 01'

14 days h.1. ; l4 days h.1. ; 1 month h.1. (cum.); I month h.1.; 1 month h.1. (cum.. con. with above)

Perth Fremantle Kalg'oorlie

Do. Fremantle Kalgoodie

FI'!}(f2 Derby Gaol, dll1'ing the fortnight endinq 10th Ma1'ch, 1900.

'l'hangwin alias Lal'ceny ... ... I G months h.1, Derby Bobby

Mooran;ine Unlawful possession ... I 15 months h.l. Do. Yeaman alirrs Billy Assault; rnalicious injury , 13 months h .1. Do.

to property

P, 'OIl1 BUllbu?'y Gaol, dU1'ing the //leelc ending 17th March, 1900. Redpath, ,John Carney, George Braelfield, Thoma,

Disorderly Do.


20s. or 7 days h.1. ... , Bnnbury 24 hours imp. '" Do. 3 days imp. ... '" Do.

From Albllny Gaol, dn1'infl the week eliding 17th March, 1.900 .

I j '1 ~ 24th clo . I


3rd March

9th do. loth do.

12th March J4th do. 17th do .

Ellis, Ma.tthew ... I Idlt) l1,nd disorderly

N01'tham L oclc-np, £Zn1'ing . .. I ReRigting arrest ...

11 month h .1.

well7c Pncling 24th M a1'ch.

.A.lbany .. I 16th March

From Taylor, .T ohn


I 7 days h .1. ...


ortham J9th March

Page 27: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On



Gazette No.

540 1 .542 1 .54:3 516 .549 551 .552 5.51 556 .557 560 569 574 575

576 .577 1 580 5a5 588

592 59.S 599 601

602 60» 605


Harris , Frank Morifan, David McDonald, Ja s . Burke, Wm Evans, Eoht . McArthur , F . Slack, John WroKium, Timothy Hopkins, John Jenkins, Wm. .. Watson, Thomas Watson, Cliarles Molyneux, Matthew Reid, John, alias

Price, Chas. O'Brien, Nicholas Mindham McPherson, Donald .. Cos^ove , William ... Sinclair, Henry, alias

McDougall, James , alms Cronin, Cor­nelius

Stone, William Downs, Edward Clarke, Andrew Haynes, Wm. alius

Ainsworth, Ar thur Chichong JoUy, Robert, Watson, Thomas

ReR. No.


;:: ... ^ ... 6145




1 10487

Con- 1 dition.

Free do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.

Free T.L. do.

do. ab. nat.

Free do. do.

Free do.

T.L. Free

ab. nat. Free T.L.

Date or escape.

15th August , 1895... 12th Sept., 1895 ... 12th Sept., 1895 .. 1st January, 1896 .. Srd March, 1896 ... 17th April, 1896 .. 13th June , 1896 20th Auifust, 1896 . 9th Sept., 1896 9th Sept., 189« 17th Sept., 1896 ... 24th June , 1897 . 25th D e c , 1896 21st AugTist, 1897 ...

30th Oct., 1897 24th D e c , 1897 . 31st D e c , 1897 4th July, 1898 14th Oct., 1898

9th D e c , 1898 Do

Slst Jan . , 1898 24th Oct., 1899

23rd D e c , 1899 Srd March, 1900 ., August , 1899

IMslrict from.

Fremantle ... Coolgardie ... Geraldton ... Victoria Plains Pe r th Albany Coolgardie ... Geraldton ... Newcastle ... Newcastle ... Coolgardie . . Per th Per th Fremantle ...

Fremantle . . Fremantle ... Fremantle ... Kalgoorlie ... Mt. Malcolm

Pertli Per th Fremantle ,. CoUiefields ,,

Geraldton ... Northam Pe r th

Vide Police Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. D o . Do.

Do. Do. Do.

Gazette do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do., do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do..

do.. do.. do.. do.. do..

do.. do.. do.. do.,

do.. do , do..

Descnpl inn and reniftrhfr.

1895, do. do. 1896 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1897 do. do.

do. do. 1898 do. do.

do. do. 1899 do.

1900 do. do.

page 160 do. 169 do. 169 do. 13 do. 53 do. 94 do. 130 do. 190 do. 207 do. 207 do. 212 do. 189 do. 259 do. 395

do. .395 do. 3.9.5 do. 4 do. 225 do. 343

do. 410 do. 410 do 290 do. 328

do. 19 do. 78 do. 99

By Authority: RICHARD PETHER, Government Printer, Perth.

Ga.zette :.10.

540 .»2 5-1,.3 546 • '>4Il 551 .552 5-» 556 . 'i57 560 569 57.l 575

576 ;>77 .580 58.5 588

59t 593 599 601

602 603 605


I Harris, Frank Mor1{u,n, David McDonald, Jas. Burke, Wm ... . Evans, RoM . .. . McArthur, F . .. Slack, John .. Brosnun, Timothy HOl>k:ins, J ohn Jenkins, Wm ... Watson, Thomas ..

I Watson, Charles Molyneux, Matthew Reid, John, alias

Price, Chas. O' Brien, NicholuR Mindham McPherson, Donald .

I Cosgrove, William ... Sinclair, Henry, alias

McDougall, James,

I (t.lia8 Cronin, Cor­nelius

Stone, William ... Downs, Edward Clarke, Andrew Haynes, Wm. alio s

AinBworth, Arthnr Chichong Jolly, Robert ... . ... I Watsoll, TholnttS



Reg. N o. d~j~~. Date or efoicape. District, (roro. lJeijcn IJtlOD aud remar).. b.

Free do. do. do. do. do. do. (10. (10. no . do.

Free T.L. do.

I I 15th August, 1895 ..

12th Sept., 1895 . .

I 12th Sept., 1895 1st J o,nUltry, 1896

Fremantle Coolgardie Geraldton

Vide P olice Gflzette, 1895, pa.ge 160 Do. <.la., do. do. 169 Do. <.lo ., do. do. 16~

6145 10484




do. o,b. nat.

Free do. do.

Free do.

T.L. Free

3rd M arch, 1896 17th April, 1896 13th June, 1896

, 20th August, 1896 9th Sept. , 1896 9th Sept., 1896 ] 7th Sept., 1896 24th June, 1897

'I 25th Dec., 1896 . 21st August, 1897 .

30th Oct., 1897 24th Dec., 1897 31st Dec., 1897 -4,th July, 1898 14th Oct., ] 898

9th Dec., 1898 Do.

31st J an., 1898 24th Oct., 1899

::Lb. uat. 23rd Dec., 1899 Free 3rd March, 1900 T.L . I August, 1899

Victoria Plaius Perth .. Albany Coolgardie Geraldtoll Newcastle Newcastle Coolgarclie . Perth

\ Perth .. I Fremo,lltle

Fremantle Fremo,lltle

, FrCmo,lltle KIlIgoorlie ... I Mt. Malrolm

Perth Perth Fremantle Colliefields .

Geraldton NOl-tham Perth

Do. do., 1896 do. 13 Do. do., do. do. 53 Do. do., do. do. 94 Do. <.lo., cl0. do. 13U Do. do., ,10. do. I!Xt Do. (10., do. do. 207 Do. do ., do. do. 2Q7 Do. do., .10. do. 21~ Do. do., 1897 do. 189 Do. do., do. do. 25(1 Do. do., do. do. 395

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Vo. Do.

Do. Do. Do.

do ., do., do., do., do.,

do., do., do., do.,

dO., do, do.,

do. do. 1898 do. do.

do. 395 <lo. 395 do. "­do. 2'25 do. 343

do. do. H O (10. do. ·HO 1899 do 290 do. do. 32S

WOO do. ]n do. 0.0. i R cIo . do. 99

- -.:=.~--=---=----==----------By Authority : RICHARD PETHER, Government Printer, Perth.

Page 28: ~~olttt - State Library · above reference, the property of John Cashin, have been recovered by P.O. E. Cassidy in the possession of Willie Thompson. (F/rfe Apprehensions.) Bunbury.—On