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On low bound of degree sequences of spanning trees inK-edge-connected graphs

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On Low Bound of DegreeSequences of SpanningTrees inK-edge-connected Graphs



Received July 5, 1995; revised October 29, 1997

Abstract: A graph G = (V,E) is k-edge-connected if for any subset E′ ⊆E, |E′| < k,G− E′ is connected. A dk-tree T of a connected graph G = (V,E)is a spanning tree satisfying that ∀v ∈ V, dT (v) ≤ [d(v)+k−1

k ] + α, where [·] is alower integer form and α depends on k. We show that every k-edge-connectedgraph with k ≥ 2, has a dk-tree, and α = 1 for k = 2, α = 2 for k ≥ 3. c© 1998 John

Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Graph Theory 28: 87–95, 1998

Keywords: dk-tree, dk-full vertex, out-directed tree, spanning tree, DFS algorithm


All graphs considered here are finite undirected and without loops or multiple edges.The terminology and notation used here are standard except as indicated. A goodreference for any undefined terms is Bondy and Murty’s book [1], and the setsof vertices and edges of a graph G are denoted by V (G) and E(G), respectively,and the degree of a vertex v of G is denoted by dG(v) or d(v) for simplicity. ForS ⊆ V (G), G[S] denotes the subgraph of G induced by S. An orientation of a

c© 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0364-9024/98/020087-09

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graph G means that each edge of G is given a direction. After an orientation ofG,G becomes a directed graph, denoted by ~G,G is called the underlying graphof ~G. If there is a directed (u, v)-path from u to v in ~G, then vertex v is saidto be reachable from u. A directed graph is diconnected if every pair of verticescan be reachable each other. The indegree (respectively outdegree) of a vertex vin ~G is denoted by d−~G(v) (respectively d+

~G(v)). An out-directed tree is a directed

graph with its underlying graph being a tree in which the indegree of each vertexbeing 1 except one, called root. A spanning out-directed tree ~T of a directed graph~G is an out-directed tree with V (~T ) = V (~G). A dk-tree (respectively dk-subtree)T of a connected graph G = (V,E) is a spanning tree (respectively subtree) satis-fying that ∀v ∈ V, dT (v) ≤ [d(v)+k−1

k ] + α, where [·] is a lower integer form and

α depends on k. A vertex v of a dk-subtree T of G with degree [d(v)+k−1k ] + α in

T is called dk-full.It is well-known that any connected graph has a spanning tree. Using different

parameters researchers have obtained some sufficient conditions for a graph tocontain spanning trees with bounded degrees. See, for instance, [2, 3 and 4].

Let G = (V (G), E(G)) be a connected graph, V (G) = {v1, v2, . . . , vn} and apositive integer sequenceD = (d1, d2, . . . , dn). The problem of whether there is aspanning tree T ofG satisfying that for all i, dT (vi) ≤ di, is very hard, as Hamiltonpath problem is a special case. In this article we study the connection between theedge-connectivity and the maximum degree of spanning trees of a graph, and obtaina positive integer sequenceD, where the ith component di is [d(vi)+k−1

k ]+α, whereα = 1 or 2 depends on k. Based on the results obtained, one can easily deduce that:every k-edge-connected k-regular graph has a connected [1, 3] factor. We also notethat when k ≥ 3 the value of α cannot be reduced, if the value of α were less than2, every k-edge-connected k regular graph would have a Hamilton path, but it isimpossible. A counterexample is presented by B. Grunbaum and T. S. Motzkin [5]by constructing a cubic, planar 3-connected graph with 944 vertices in which noelementary chain could contain more than 939 vertices.


The main result of this article is the following:

Theorem 1. Let G = (V (G), E(G)) be a k-edge-connected graph, then G has adk-tree.

In order to prove the Theorem 1, we first give a lemma, which is a generalizationof a result of Win [4].

Suppose that there exists some k-edge-connected graphG, which has no dk-tree.Let H be the subgraph of G induced by the set of vertices of a maximal dk-subtreeof G.

Lemma 1. There is a dk-tree T of H , and B,R ⊆ V (H), with B 6= ∅, such that

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(i) B ∪R is a subset of dk-full vertices of T .(ii) Let Ti, 1 ≤ i ≤ m, be the components of T \ B, if for some i and j with

i 6= j a vertex vi of Ti is adjacent in H to the vertex vj of Tj , then vi or vj isin R.

(iii) Let B(Ti) be the set of all vertices of B which are adjacent to some verticesof Ti in T, 1 ≤ i ≤ m. If all the vertices of B(Ti) are the endvertices of adk-tree of G[V (Ti) ∪B(Ti)]. Then in that dk-tree all vertices of V (Ti) ∩Rare dk-full vertices.

(iv) If v is a vertex of T adjacent inG to a vertex not in V (H), then v is inB∪R.(v) There is no edge in H between components of T \ (B ∪R).

Proof. We first show the existence of T,B and R satisfying (i)–(iv).Let H̄ = G − V (H) and N(H̄) be the set of all vertices of V (H) adjacent to

some vertex in V (H̄). Then N(H̄) 6= ∅ and for any t ∈ N(H̄), obviously t isdk-full vertex in any dk-tree of H , because of the choice of H . Let Ti, 1 ≤ i ≤ m,be the components of T \ {t}, and let ti be the vertex of Ti adjacent in T to t.

Suppose there is an edge xpxq in H between Tp and Tq, then for any dk-tree T ∗iof G[V (Ti) ∪ {t}], with t being an end vertex i = p, q, at least one of xp and xqmust be dk-full. Otherwise we can obtain a dk-tree T ∗ by setting

T ∗ = T − (Tp + Tq) + (T ∗p + T ∗q ) + xpxq − ttp(or ttq).

Obviously t is not a dk-full vertex of T ∗, which contradicts our observation aboutthe vertices in N(H̄). We conclude that under our supposition, at least one of xpor xq, say xp, has the following property:

(α) Every dk-tree of G[V (Tp) ∪ {t}] with t as end vertex, then xp is dk-full.

Now let B = {t}, and R be the union of the set of all vertices xp of T \ {t}having property (α) and the set N(H̄) \ {t}. Such vertex xp is called dk − t-full.Then referring to the statement of Lemma 1, (i) holds, (ii) and (iv) hold because ofthe choice of R. (iii) follows from (α) by noting that B(Ti) = {t}, 1 ≤ i ≤ m.Hence we have established the existence of T,B and R.

Now we show (v) holds by choosing T,B and R such that |B ∪R| is maximal.By contradiction: suppose that there is an edge e joining two components of

T \ (B ∪ R). Then the path in T joining two end vertices of e contains no vertexof B by (ii) and the choice of R. Thus the two end vertices of e are in the samecomponent Ti of T \B for some i, 1 ≤ i ≤ m, and the path must contain a vertex inR. Now letw be a vertex ofR on the path and let Tij , 1 ≤ j ≤ l, be the componentsof Ti \ {w}, let B(Tij) be the set of all vertices of B which are adjacent in T tosome vertices of Tij and wj be the vertex of Tij adjacent in T to w.

Assume that e = (yp, yq) connects Tip with Tiq and yp ∈ Tip, yq ∈ Tiq. If,for j = p, q, there exists a dk-tree T ∗ij of G[V (Tij) ∪ B(Tij) ∪ {w}] with thevertices in B(Tij ∪ {w} being end vertices and yj is not dk-full vertex of T ∗ij .Then T ∗i = T [V (Ti) ∪ B(Ti) \ (V (Tip) ∪ V (Tiq))] ∪ T ∗ip ∪ T ∗iq is a dk-tree ofG[V (Ti) ∪ B(Ti)], in which all the vertices of B(Ti) are end vertices but both yp

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and yq are not dk-full vertices, and T ∗i + (yp, yq)− (w,wq)(or(w,wq)) is a dk-treeof G[V (Ti)∪B(Ti)] in which all vertices of B(Ti) are end vertices, but w is not adk-full vertex which contradicts the choice of R. This contradiction shows that atleast one of yp and yq, say yp has property:

(β) Ifw and all the vertices ofB(Tip) are end vertices in a dk-tree ofG[V (Tip)∪B(Tip) ∪ {w}], then in that dk-tree yp must be dk-full.

Now let R′ be the set of all vertices of Ti \ {w} having property (β). Further,let B∗ = B ∪{w} and R∗ = (R∪R′) \ {w}. Then (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) hold withB∗ and R∗ replacing B and R, respectively. Moreover |B∗ ∪ R∗| is greater than|B∪R|, which contradicts our choice of T,B andR. The contradiction shows thatthere is no edge in H joining components of T \ (B ∪ R), which completes theproof of Lemma 1.

Lemma 2. Let T be a dk-tree of H,S be a subset of the set of dk-full verticesof T . Then the number of components of T \ S, satisfying that each of them isadjacent to only one vertex of S in T , at least is


k ] + α− 2) + 2.

Proof. (By induction on the number of vertices of S). First, we can see that:

(∗) For every vertex v of S, dT (v) ≥ 2.

If |S| = 1, the result is true according to (∗), because the only vertex s of S isnot a leaf, and each components of T \ S is adjacent to only one vertex of S in T .

Suppose the result holds for |S| < k. For |S| = k, select a vertex v0 of Ssatisfying that one of components of T \ {v0} contains all vertices of S \ {v0},say ω0, then ω0 is a dk-tree and |S \ {v0}| < k. By the induction, the number ofcomponents of ω0 \ (S \{v0}) satisfying that each is adjacent to only one vertex ofS \ {v0} in ω0 at least is


d(v)+k−1k ] + α− 2) + 2− β, where β = 1

if v0 is adjacent to some vertex of S, β = 0, otherwise. Clearly every componentof ω0 \ (S \ {v0}) is also a component of T \ S possibly except one that containsa vertex adjacent to v0 in T , Recall the property of v0, one can easily know that allcomponents of T \ {v0} except ω0 are adjacent to no one vertex of S \ {v0}, thenthe number of components of T \ S each of them is adjacent to only one vertex ofS in T at least is:∑v∈(S\{v0})

([d(v) + k − 1


]+ α− 2

)+ 2− β + dT (v0)− 1


([d(v) + k − 1


]+ α− 2

)+ 2.

where dT (v0) = d(v0)+k−1k + α, and β ≤ 1, which completes the proof.

Proof of Theorem 1. Let H,T,B and R satisfy Lemma 1 and ω1, ω2, . . . , ωlbe all components of T \ (B ∪ R). Then by the assumption of the Theorem 1

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and (v) of Lemma 1, for 1 ≤ i ≤ l, there are at least k edges with one end inV (ωi) and one end in B ∪ R. Since H is a proper subgraph of G, condition (iv)of Lemma 1 implies that there are at least k edges with one end in B ∪ R and theother not in V (H). From Lemma 2 the number of components of T \ (B ∪ R)satisfying that each of them is adjacent in T to exactly one vertex in B ∪ R is atleast


k ] +α− 2) + 2 components. Thus, the number of edges inE(G) \E(T ), with one end in V (G) \ (B ∪R) and the other in B ∪R at least is( ∑v∈B∪R

([d(v) + k − 1


]+ α− 2

)+ 2

)(k − 1) + k



([d(v) + k − 1


]+ α− 2

)(k − 1) + 3k − 2 (1)

where first item refers to the number of edges of E(G) \ E(T ) with one end inB ∪R and the other in the components of T \ (B ∪R) satisfying that each of themis adjacent in T to exactly one vertex in B ∪ R. The second item is the minimumnumber of edges between V (H) and V (G) \ V (H).

But on the other hand the number of edges in E(G) \ E(T ), with one end inB ∪R at most is: ∑



[d(v) + k − 1


]− α


(1)–(2): ∑v∈B∪R


[d(v) + k − 1


]− d(v) + k(α− 2) + 2

)+ 3k − 2

Because k[d(v)+k−1k ] − d(v) is greater than or equal to 0, one can easily deduce


(1)− (2)

{> 0 k = 2, α = 1> 0 k ≥ 3, α = 2

which is impossible. The proof of the theorem has been completed.


For a 2-edge-connected graph G, Robbins [7] showed the following theorem:

Theorem 2. IfG is 2-edge-connected graph, thenG has a diconnected orientation.

Nash-Williams [8] has generalized Robbins’ theorem by showing that:

Theorem 3. Every 2k-edge-connected graphG has a k-arc-connected orientation.

In the following we will give orientation of graphs which develops the result ofTheorem 2 and from which one can easily deduce a special case of Theorem 1 when

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G is a 2-edge-connected graph. Moreover we also present a polynomial algorithmto find a spanning d2-tree of a 2-edge-connected graph, based on the followingtheorem:

Theorem 4. Let G = (V,E) be a 2-edge-connected graph, then there exists adiconnected orientation ~G of G such that for every vertex v of G, |d−~G(v) −d+~G(v)| ≤ 1.

In the following we denote the set of all vertices of odd degree in G by o(G).For a directed graph ~H , the underlying graph of ~H is denoted by H . First we givesome lemmas.

Lemma 3. Let G = (V,E) be a graph and C be a cycle in G then o(G) =o(G− E(C)).

Lemma 4. Let G = (V,E) be a graph, u and v be two distinct vertices of odddegree in G,P is a (u, v) path in G, then o(G− E(P )) = o(G)− {u, v}.Lemma 5. Let graph G be 2-edge-connected, H a connected subgraph of G,ω acomponent of G − E(H), if |V (H) ∩ o(ω)| ≤ 1 then there exists a cycle C in ωsuch that |V (H) ∩ V (C)| ≥ 1.

Proof. By induction on the number of vertices in S = V (H) ∩ V (ω). One canobviously observe that |S| ≥ 1 by the connectivity of G.

If |S| = 1, then ω is a 2-edge-connected subgraph of G and thus there exists acycle C in ω containing one edge with one end in S.

Assume the conclusion holds for |S| = k and let |S| = k + 1, where k ≥ 1.Suppose that u and v are two vertices in S, v has even degree and u has odd degreein ω or both have even degree. We denote a (u, v)-path in ω by P , and e = (v′, v)is an edge in P . If ω − e is connected, then there is a cycle in ω containing edgee and so containing at least one vertex in S. If ω − e is disconnected, then eis a cut edge in ω and ω − e consists of two connected components, denoted byω1 and ω2. Let v ∈ ω2 and H ′ = H ∪ ω1 ∪ {e}, then |V (H ′) ∩ V (ω2)| ≤ k,and |V (H ′) ∩ o(ω2)| ≤ 1. Hence by induction hypothesis there is a cycle in ω2containing at least one vertex in V (H ′). As V (ω1) ∩ V (ω2) = ∅, one can easilysee that V (H) ∩ V (ω) 6= ∅. The result follows by the induction.

Lemma 6. Let ~G be a directed graph, ~H be a diconnected subgraph in ~G, u andv be two vertices in ~H, ~P be a (u, v)-directed-path in ~G − A( ~H) then ~H ∪ ~P isdiconnected. Where A( ~H) is the arc set of ~H .

Lemma 7. Let ~G be a directed graph, ~H be a diconnected subgraph in ~G, ~C be adirected-cycle in ~G− A( ~H) and V ( ~H) ∩ V (~C) 6= ∅, then ~H ∪ ~C is diconnected.Where A(~C) is the arc set of ~C.

Lemma 8. Let ~G be a diconnected directed graph, then there is an out-directedtree in ~G rooted at u for any u ∈ V (G).

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Let G = (V,E) be the given 2-edge-connected graph, in the following wewill present an algorithm for orienting G to be a diconnected digraph ~G with|d+~G(v)− d−~G(v)| ≤ 1 for all v ∈ V (~G).

Algorithmstep 0: Let G = (V,E) and u0 ∈ V , using DFS algorithm to find a cycle C

in G containing u0. Set G0 = C, orient G0 to be a directed cycle ~G0.~G∗ = ~G0, i = 1.

step 1: If G = G∗ stop. Otherwise take one of the components of G − E(G∗),denoted by ω.If |o(ω) ∩ V (G∗)| ≤ 1, using DFS algorithm to find a cycle C in ω suchthat V (G∗)∪V (C) 6= ∅ (from the Lemma 5 such cycle must be found). SetGi = C, orient Gi to be a directed cycle ~Gi, set ~G∗ = ~G∗ ∪ ~Gi, i = i+ 1,goto step 1.Otherwise, letu and v be two vertices of odd degree inω, use DFS algorithmto obtain a (u, v)-path P in ω. Set Gi = P , orient Gi to be a directed path~Gi with origin u, ~G∗ = ~G∗ ∪ ~Gi, i = i+ 1, goto step 1.We denote ∪j=0,...,iGj by Hi.

Claim 1. o(G) ⊇ o(G− E(H0)) ⊇ · · · ⊇ o(G− E(Hi)).

Proof. Otherwise let i0, i0 ≥ 1, be the minimum integer such that o(G −E(Hi0−1)) 6⊇ o(G − E(Hi0)), then there exists a vertex u0 ∈ o(G − E(Hi0)) \o(G−E(Hi0−1)), From Lemma 3 and Lemma 4 we knowGi0 is a path, ifu0 is not anend ofGi0 thendGi0 (u0) ≡ 0(mod 2) anddG−E(Hi0−1)(u0) ≡ dG−E(Hi0 )(u0)(mod2), this contradicts u0 ∈ o(G − E(Hi0)) \ o(G − E(Hi0−1)). So u0 is an end ofGi0 , but it is impossible since u0 6∈ o(G− E(Hi0−1)).

Proof of Theorem 4. In the algorithm for everyGi, the length ofGi is more than1 or 3, corresponding to a path or cycle, hence at the end of step 1, a graphG∗ = Gmust be obtained. From Lemma 6 and Lemma 7 we know that ~G∗ is disconnectedat any step.

In the following we will prove |d+~G(v)− d−~G(v)| ≤ 1 for all v ∈ V (~G).

First we show that |d+~G(v)− d−~G(v)| = 0 for all v ∈ V (G) \ o(G).

One can easily see that d+~Gi

(u0) = d−~Gi(u0) if u0 is not an end of a path Gi. If

there is a vertex u0, u0 ∈ V (G) \ o(G), |d+~Gi

(u0)− d−~Gi(u0)| ≥ 1 then there exists

a smallest integer i0 such that for all i < i0, d+~Gi

(u0) = d−~Gi(u0) and |d+~Gi0

(u0) −d−~Gi0

(u0)| = 1 then u0 is an end of Gi0 , hence u0 ∈ o(G − E(Hi0−1)), but this

contradicts Claim 1 since u0 6∈ o(G).Second we show that |d+

~G(v)− d−~G(v)| ≤ 1 for all v ∈ o(G).

Assume v0 ∈ o(G), if, for all i, v0 is not an end point of Gi, then |d+~G(v) −

d−~G(v)| = 0. Otherwise let j0 be the smallest integer such that v0 is an end point

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of a path Gj0 , from Lemma 4 we know v0 6∈ o(G − E(Hj0)), by Claim 1 for allj ≥ j0, v0 6∈ o(G−E(Hj)), hence there is at most one path, say Gj0 , with an endv0. So

|d+~G(v0)− d−~G(v0)| =


Gi,v0∈V (Gi)


(v0)− d−~Gi(v0))



Gi 6=Gj0 ,v0∈V (Gi)


(v0)− d−~Gi(v0))

∣∣∣∣∣∣+ |(d+

~Gj0(v0)− d−~Gj0 (v0))|

= 1

which complete the proof of Theorem 4.

By Lemma 8 there exists an out-directed tree in ~G rooted at v for any v ∈ V (G).Let ~T be an out-directed tree of ~G, for every vertex v of ~T it has the property thatd+~T(v) ≤ d+

~G(v) ≤ [d(v)+1

2 ], which also implies dT (v) ≤ [d(v)+12 ] + 1 for every

vertex v of T .Using the Algorithm for orienting G to be a diconnected digraph ~G and the

algorithm of [6] for finding an out-directed tree ~T of ~G, then one can easily see thatT satisfying the conclusion of Theorem 1.

The complexity of DFS Algorithm is O(|E|). In step 1 each time we get a pathof length at least 1 or get a cycle of length at least 3, thus the total execution time forthe Algorithm is at most O(|E|2). Moveover using DFS Algorithm for finding anout-directed tree of a diconnected graph the complexity is at mostO(|E|), then wehave an algorithm of finding a spanning tree of a 2-edge connected graph satisfyingthe result of Theorem 1 with the complexity is O(|E|2).


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