Our Town November 29, 1929

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 29, 1929



    Price, Three Cents


    Bake Sale December 14011 S at ur da y, D ec em be r 14, th e

    Ladies Aid Society of the L uth er anChurch will hold a home-bake sale inthe social rOOlll , Fancy go ods a ndthose nluch-called-for aprons ma y alsobe obtained.

    By Tommy Macklin,Eight s ec on ds t o go. Th e enemy

    shoots a pass far down the field iil alast d e sp e ra t e e f fo r t to eke ou t a vict o r ~ ;OVCI' a superior foe, Suddenly afig-me (Iarts from somewhere in thebackground, reaches into the air ane!takes the hall meant for another andis away do wn t he field b e fo r e a n yo n eknows what it is all about. Th e halli s a hoo tl1e rang . It con\('s ha ck up thefield clutched c lo se t o t he b re as t of af ly ing f igure w ho c ros se s the chal kl IIa rks o f t he g r id ir on like the wind,Interfercnce forms from nowhere ane!the hall and its c ar ri er a re O\'er thegoal Ii I l l ' , L o \\ ' er M e ri o n, r,; Radnor,U.

    Such was the finish of a glorioussea Sdll f or the Maroon an d vVhite.Startiug the year off with an overwhelllliug victory o ve r B er wy n, CoachA da nl 's b oy s h ad t ra m pl ed over everyfoe, an d fate would not have dealtkindly had thi'S final g at ne o f t he s ea so nended iu a tie.

    Ti p Peters, AI IIfandes, GeorgeHansl'11 aJl(I Ol d Ma n Opportunityscored the touchdown that e nd ed t he

    s ea so n s o sensationally for t he M ar oo nteam,


    The :\' arherth F ir e C om pa ny willparticipate in t he p ar ad e a nd housing'exercises o f the ne\\' aerial ladder truck

    oi the :\1 erion F i re C om p an y of Ard.IItore o n S at ur da y, Th e C o m p a n y ' ~three pil'cl's o f a pp ar at us , t hi rt y menau d a band, will t ak e p ar t. Sevent"tire c( lnlpanies f ronl 1\1 ontg-omery an;'I ) el aw ar e C ou ll ti es h av e b ee n i nv it edt o p ar ti c ip at e an d it is e xp ec te d t h atth e g r ea t t l l aj o ri t y of thl'nl wi ll b e represented, Th e exereises will comIlIl'nel' at 2 I'. i l l . with the paradeand the housing e x er ci se s f ol lo wi ngilllmediately a fte r a t the fire h ou se o nGreenfield Avenue,

    :\ t the ! ' eg u la r t n el ' li n g of the Na rhert It Fire COlllpally on Tuesday night" r es i de l lt Tr i st a n B. duMarais spokeof the loss of t\\ 'o f"rll'tl'l' m em be rs o fthe contpany, Charles E. HUJllphriesan d Richard H, \Vallace, A motion,expressing- the s.\lItpathy of th e company to the IIlelllbers o f t he ir families,was p as se u a nd a nroJl1ent of silentp r a , \ ' t ~ rw a s j o in e d in by all present.

    Narberth Fire Company toJoin in Ardmore Parade

    Pennypacker ElectedLower Merion Captain

    ,1ohl1 I 'e nn yp ac ke r. o f AnllIIore, son oi the l at e I 'r in ci pa lC. 11. Pennypacker, wa s unanilIIo usly l'!ected captain oi th eLOWCI' :\Ierion football t ea ll1 forI ')30 in an el ec tion he ld b y theletter JIIen :\Ionday nlOrning- atthe hig-h schoo!. John was astat en d on the tealll t h is s e as o n,his tackl ing- a nd a ll -a r ou nd "deiellsive w or k m ak ing hilll notonly on e oi t he nl ost v al na bl eInl'n on the squad, hnt on e of

    outs tanding- ahi l ity and courag-e,.I olm w il l l IIa ke a popular lead,

    er for the :\/aroon and \Vhite.II e is a JIIell1lwr oi the JuniorClass an d a star hasket hall playl'r an\\'l'r :llt'rion Hig-hSchool last :\Ionday in celehration ofthe sensat ional v i ct o ry o v cr the Radnorfoothall team last Saturday, i\ t a rallyheld in the auditol'iulII in the morningsession, a n n ( ) U n c e . n l ~ n twa s made ofJ oh n P en ny pa ck er 's election to th efootball captaincy, wh ic h w as recei\ 'edwith thunderous applause, an d th em em be rs o f t he victorious t ea m s po keto t h e a s se m hl e d nll1ltitudes,

    Spel'ches wen' mack- also hy Superintendent S. E. Downs, E dwar d H,SIIO\\', Junior 1-1igh Principal; 'Villianl:--iash, of the h i gh s ch oo l famlty; CoachA lb er t A da m, Barney F is hl 'r , t he annual holder of the h or sc sh oe a t theRadnor g-allle and popular alumnus,an d Frank McCready, pn'si(k-nt of th eAlull1ni Association,

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 29, 1929


    Deliciousas HomeMade

    Friday, November 22, 1929

    W H I T E ' S


    - a n d far more easy to obt a in -a re the pies, cakes,

    candies and ice cream madef resh dai ly in the Main Line'smos t modern bakery-we al-lude to

    Pastry - Candy - Nr4ts219 Haverford Ave., Narb.

    Phone NARBERTH 4005

    Phone Narberth 4182

    what extraordinary improvements havebeen made in e ve ry a sp ec t o f radio reception-the noteworthy contributionwhich 1930 model s a r e making to thecause of the Home Beautiful by thedesign and c ra f tsmanship o f t he c ab inets-art is t ic gems, all o f t he m, irrespective of the price y ou p ay I



    Every sale is accompanied by ourpledge o f i mm ed ia te s er vi ce , d ay orevening, should it be required, at thehands of those who know their subject exceedingly well-Knowing it bette r each succeeding day.

    This S ho p h as l on g b een th e trainin g s ch oo l o f radio me n an d the bestb oa st o f ou r p up il s i s their statemp.ntthat they pnce . worked here .

    Ma y they aJ J have t he b es t of luck!

    So, t hen , co me to p r ov en g ro un dwhen y ou want to p lan fo r BetterRadio and don't forget that whenT ha nk sg iv i ng c om es it means thatChristmas cannot be v er y f ar behind!

    VICTOR RECORDS - - - The Complete Line

    241 Haverford Avenue


    II There's always a filler edge to th e 'I--============'".Gift when it is 1Iot th e victim of : =====-last-minute selectioll.

    ~ A l 2 I 3 ~ l 2 T I l~ L ~ C T l 2 I CIlUV

    Wal te r G. Ca se

    To b e u nm in df ul of th e marvelouss tr id es o f r ec en t m on th s, an d to att em pt t o d ra gn et t h e won der ful Universe with anything less than is possible to y ou , w ou ld seem to indicatey ou h av e no t ha d the opportunity topost your se l f on t he m an y brand-newfacts which have been added lately tot he R ec or d o f Radio.


    Dividends of pretty much everythingwhich adds to the zest and value oflife.

    A b ro ad c on ta ct w it h t he great worldoutside and of all the best it has tooffer.

    And with m ore than a hint, in thet r emendous m yst e ry of th e t hi ng , o fwhat lies beyond old Earth itself!

    I n st ruc t ion , i nf o rm at ion , th e bigshots of ~ h e day an d generationb ro ug ht t o t he i nt im ac y o f ou r veryhearthsides; news t he i ns ta nt i t occurs;with music, e n te r ta i n men t and rollickin g no end.

    Th e n ex t t hi ng , m ay be, will be tohear the witnesses on t he s ta nd , s am eas P hi li p L iv in g st on h as b ee n doing as

    he sat a t first b as e i n th e jury box atNorristown.

    An d if, perchance, something comesin w hi ch we d on 't want or like, thenforthwith we c an s na p it out , a f te r th em an ner we exit Beezlebub an d histribe.









    Page Two

    2106-08 Market Street

    Rittenhouse 7070Deliyeries T w i ~ eDail'Y

    Charge Aeeorlnts W e l ~ o m e d


    - for now, as in days of old.there is s til l obtainable the kindof meat that is in demand all.year-round; the kind that madefeasts enjoyable in old Englandand would have been hailed as aGodsend in New England by thefirst settlers, who had to bringtheir meat with thel1l from Eng.land, on the Mayflower and otherships of rhe Puritan-Pilgrim shipline.

    Our ~ h o i c emeats are deliyered twicedail'Y in 'Y0llr neighborhood, and the'Yare fresh and delicious. Tr'Y them!


    Edward Woolman FillsCollege Board Vacancy

    Decis ion was r ea ch ed b y t he Board chology exclusively and to g ive coursest o h old the May m ee ti ng o f t he group in education.at Haverford, in addition to the two Harvey j. Hannan, football coachfall m ee ti ng s in O ct o he r a nd N ave 111-- - - her. and in st ruc to r in athletics, showed the

    Engineer Chosen As Member of I Th e dinner w it h t he faculty at 7:15 educational a nd m or al v al ue of footballBoard of Managers at I was m ar ke d b y s pe ec he s b y members in connection w it h t he college curricu

    lo f th e faculty, who ou tl ined th e work lum. He emphasized t he a dv an ta ge t oHaverford. lo f their d ep ar tm en t a nd s ho we d t he ir H av er fo rd of t he p ub li ci ty brought by

    - - - Irelations with other college courses. spor t s, po in ti ng to newspape r s to r ie sEdward \"oolman, o f H av er fo rd , D ou gl as V. S te er e, a ss oc ia te p ro fe s- a nd t o n um er ou s i ns tan ce s w hen he

    was e lected to t he B oa rd o f M an ag er s Is or o f Philosophy, stressed Haverford's' ha d b ee n i nt ro du ce d to audiences asl as t F ri da y to fill the vacancy left by unique opportunity to t ea ch m or e t ha n 'Haverford football coach,"t he d ea th of \Villiam H. Haines. Fol- Philosophy when students had accessl ow in g t he a nn ua l c us to m, the Board to the best collection of works on I I ~me t at Haverford, takin/{ dinner w it h r el ig io us m ys ti ci sm II I the United H B WALLth e f ac ul ty a t n ig ht . States possessed by th e college library

    As an alumnus and neighbor of H av - an d Dr . Ruf us M. jones. Pillmbing ... Heatingerford Mr. Woo lm an h as for years Mr. St ee re suggested that in th e 100 FOREST AVENUEbeen interested in the college and h as c ou rs e of a f ew year s the c ol le ge w ou ld Phone: Narberth 365ZM

    worked fu r i ts b e t ~ r m e n t .A l l ~ c h a n -~ ~ ~ e ~ l ~ t ~ h ~ e ~ n ~ e ~ e ~ d ~ o ~ f ~ a ~ I l ~ l a ~ I ~ I ~ t ~ o ~ t ~ e a ~ c ~ h ~ p ~ S ~ y ~ical engineer by calling, h e w as b efo re Ii . _. IIIhis retirement successively affil iated!wit h t he Wel sbach L ig ht Co., F. J.Stokes Chemica l Machinery Co. , E . W.Woolman D ai ry Co., Supplee- \Villsjones M ilk Co. a nd Highland Dairies,Inc.

    T he Sign o f the Best Meats

    ulsoCalendars Grecting Cards I

    Holidul' Supplics und No\'eltlesMoll Orders }"ltled-8end tor i

    Holiday Cotnlog

    Be Thankful

    THE BAPTIST BOOK SHOP1703 Chestnu t Street

    Sccond Floor (Takc Elevator)Fo r Books of th e

    BET TER Kind

    When in Philadelphiavisit

    In co njunc tio n with the CampusClub, Mr. \Voolman has recently been

    engaged in p la nt in g s ee dl in gs at thes ou th ea st er n c or ne r of th e college Iproperty. He is a m em be r o f t he State IForestry Association and is active inforestry. h un ti ng a nd fishing.

    A grant of $1000 was placed at the Idisposal of R. J. johnston, superin-!ten dent of buildings a nd g ro un ds , asa r es ul t o f his r equest fo r funds to beused in special c ar e o f the trees on thecampus.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 29, 1929


    Page 'three

    at this PARTIAL list ofChristmas gifts and toys,for sale at moderate


    Drop-leaf Tables & ChairsDoll FurnitureDoll CoachesTrunksCedar ChestsDoll HousesDollsRolltop DesksVelocipedesScooter BikesBicyclesC o as te r Wag o nsPedal Cal'sKiddie CarsLionel TrainsElectr ic-driven AutosGymnasiumsSlidesSeesawsHealth RidersRoller Coasters

    SwingsLead ~ o l d i e r s .Cowboys an d

    IndIansAeroplanesZeppelinsFire TrucksDel ive ry TrucksArmy TrucksAutomobilesTool ChestsHammers, Hatchets, Axes

    an d SawsFootballsBasketballsBoxin&, GlovesPunching BagsSkiisH oc ke y S t ic ks a nd PucksMechanical ToysGamesBlocksTinker ToysG on g B el l ToysE r ec t or S e tsToo ts ie Toy sSteak K ni v es a nd ForksCarving SetsFlashlightsOrnamental Po t t eryPyrexAluminumwareELECTRIC Toasters, Waf

    fle Irons, Griddles, Percolators, Stoves, IIeatersan d Irons


    Yo u can't go wrongwhen yo u buy of yourlocal merchant. He sellsno t only for immedia teprofit, bt lt also f or yoursatisfaction, because hi sfuture success in t he c om .111 unity d e p e n d s onfriends made with his cus.tamers. Think it o'l'erand l oo k us up. Yo u ar ;rmder no obligation tobuy, of course

    NarberthHardware Co.

    Highway Committee ExplainsWynnewood Court Paving

    The Highway Committee of t he B orough Council, Messrs. \Vood, Bates

    and Haws. b y d ir ec ti on of COllncil,held a hearing m the Council Cham-'her last F ri da y e ve ni ng in responseto a petition from property owners on

    vVynnewood Court who wished to have Ia re vi ew and revision of the chargeswhich had been levied against them I

    for the recent paving" of tlll'ir street.,Councilman \V;lod. a s c ha ir ma n o f the,~ o n l l l l i t k e .'presided, and J. E. Shewell!was the spokesman for the peti t ioners.

    T he p et it io ne rs had asked to be Iheard on four counts which were: ( I ) ;

    ' .


    cxcesslve englnel'nng costs: (21 grad-ji ng a nd end wall and curbing: (3 ) differences between estimated contracta nd a ct na l c os ts p er l inea r foot : (..)the hardsh ip o f the manner of payment.( I ~chargl's: E a c l ~oj these counts .was Ilhscnssed nl dl'lalI and the conml1ltee I:Inswerc,! all q ue st io ns a nd p ro ,l uc ed Iall r ec or ds ha ving" a hcaring uon thisl11aUl'r. I

    At t he conclusiou of the hearing. the I\Vynne\\'ood Court petitioners statedthat whi le i t ha d b ee n t he ir hope thatthey might he ahle to secure a reduc- 'cion in the char ges, they had heen.,atisned at the h ea ri ng t ha t the bills Iwere properly determined and equablyapportioned. Th e pet i ti one rs had not!expected that the improvement wouldcost Sll mllch, bu t after t he y h ad been Igiven a ll of the facts they had no Icriticisllls to make of the manner mwhich the work had heen done :1IIe1 ofthe actual expense incurred.

    IWo m a n ' s M i s s i o n a r y S o c i et y I

    TIll' \ \ 'oman's ~ l issionary Society ofthe ~ a r h e r t hPresbyterian Church WillImeet \V l 'dnesday afternoon, December4. at the c hu rc h a t 2:30 oclock. Th edevotional service for the day will beled hy Mrs. Harry B. Weld, Topicsfor the day: "Candles o f God," byMrs. Frederick C. Torrey: hostess,Mrs. F L. Smith. Th e calendarsnlled with dimes will he returned atthat meeting. i

    OUR TOwN

    A c on st an tl y i nc re as in g number of p eo pl e a reusing Pea coal in place of S to ve size o n account ofthe saving of $4.45 a ton.

    Yo u ca n use Pe a coal just as effectively as Stovesize an d it will not fal l through the grate a s somepeople t hi nk , i f a li ttl e care is us ed i n shaking downthe fire. .

    Yo u will find i t much easier t o k ee p a s ma ll fireduring the mild weather with Pea coal than withany of the larger sizes-yet Pea c oa l is just a s g oo das a heat producer during rea l cold weather.

    Jeddo-HighlandA n t h r a c i t e

    Join the R ed C ro ss .

    Friday, Novemberi9, 1929

    Repertory TheatreRehearsing 2d Play


    Nine thousand six hundred and sixty-Andreyev ' s 'H e W h o G e t s t hr ee Ch ri st ma s C lub d ep os it or s fro m

    S l a p p e d ' t o B e P r e s e n t e d b y It he Main Line b an ks o f A rd mo re , Nar-berth, Bryn Mawr and BOlla-Cynwyd will

    M ai n L in e G r o u p . receive checks this week for a total ofI$ 5 ~ 1 , 9 6 3 .. ., ,

    IS T H U R S D A Y, DEC. 121 fh e }'ferll)IJ rltle and rrust Company

    '1 \ :i th i ts hranches at.N a r ~ ) e r t h

    and BalaTh e M ai n L in e Repertory Theat re ' Cynwyd kads the hs t wIth 4403 deposi'! t or s and a total of $2RZ.000. This J"t'pre-which opened its s ea so n o n October I ., t ' . $1 - OO(). sen s an mcn'ase ot I. OVl'r last29 with th e silccessful presentation .of Iy ea r' s figures. ."The Circle," is now rehearsing Its i Ne xt on the hst come t he Bryn Mawrsecond play of th e season, which willi b an ks : the Bryn Mawr Nat ional Bankhe given at the \Voman's Club of with IR05 d e p o s i t o r ~who will receiveBala/Cynwyd on Thursday evening, Christmas plums totaling $90.250. and tIll'December 12. Th e vehic les for these B ry n Ma wr Tru st COlllpany w it h U52t al en te d p la ye rs o n t hi s elate will be depositors and a total of $93.7U.the we ll- kno wn "He Who Gets T he !\rdmore Ti tl e an d Trust ComSlapped:' written hy t he R us si an elra- pany. fourth on the l is t. wi ll d is tr ihut l'm at is t, L eo ni d A nd re ye v. W hi le the $tiO,OOO to ISOO depositors. This repretendency of all Russ i an wr it e rs is to- sents an incn'ase of $1.0.000. which iswa rd the morbid, this pl ay is written I he seond highest gain reported.in a lighter vein, and the more dra- The i '\arherth Nat ional Bank's Chr is tmatic scenes arc halanceel somewhat mas Cluh deposits total $30,000 with thehy others containing some comedy. cll'positors numher ing 450.

    Th e t it le role of the play is beiJ Tl'n thousand dollars will he mailed outinterpreted hy R. H. MacBride, of G e ~ ~to the 'Cluh depositors oj the CountiesIHantown; whi le the part of the beau-j Title and Trnst COlllpany. ArclnlOre.tiful Consuelo is he ing p layed by Jo - . Till:. : - J a r l ~ e r t hN:1tional !lank heads. till'anne Chew, of l\ferion. Dorothy R. I hst \\ Ith hlghl'st ,l\'Cragl' pl'r depOSitor.Loder, of Haverford. will appear as $()(,. The Merion Title is second withZinida, th e lion tamer, and J. Dean $()4 average pl'r depositor. The CountiesJoly, of \Vynnewood, will he seen as Title and the Bryn !\Iawr Trust hothCount Mancini. Jackson, the l e a d i n ~i will pay au a\'erage of $(,1 per depositor.c low n, is pla ye d h y No rm an B ry an t Ithe Bryn Mawr :'-Jational $5.1 average andof Overbrook, and Baron Regnard wil i I the Connt ies Tit le an average of $40.be portrayed by G eor ge F. Joly, ofWynne\,",ood. Briquet, t he m an ag er Wohlert to Furnish Treesof the c ircus, wil l b e p la ye d by Harri- F D' I Gson C. B ar tl et t, o f Cynwyd; while I or IS P ay arden on L. I.Richard Y. Medary, o f Bal a, is cast I - - -a s B ez an o, a bareback rider. Lew' A. E. \Vohlert, n u rs er y ma n: J oh n

    IS I']'S IV. E as by, o f Narberth, w il l p la y the ,: . c leepcrs, New York florist. andgentleman from "out t here." O th er s I. A. Havemeyer, sugar nlanufacturerin the cast are Tilly anel Polly, llIusi-: of New York. arc arranging a displa)

    c al c lo wn s, M iri am Vane , o f M er io n Igarden at Brookville. Long Island.a nd P eg gy Doyle Garrick, of G e r m a n ~Mr. \Vohlert has furnished thetown; E st el le a nd Angelica, trapez I Oriental flowering t re es f or th e "Gar

    e d .. I' I I Iperformers, Lisel and Helena Bo- en. I\' Ill' 1, IV Jen camp eted, l\'ill conericke, of Wynnewood; Vera, a snake tain one of the n ne st c ol le ct io ns o fc ha rm er , E li za be th F. McCloy, of flowers, trees and shrubs in the worldOverbrook; Renee, a sword dancer; It is expected that in years t o c om eAnne Sayen, of the Ar t Alliance, Phil- this garden will attract thousands ofadelphia; Grab, F lo ra an d Hel en b al - v is ito rs from all parts of the countryl et g ir ls , Anne Polk Speed, o f' Nar- just as the Arnold A rb or et um a ndbe rth, Georget t e C. A rc he r, o f O ve r- C he rr y Season at the nation's capitalbrook, a nd D or ot hy Russell, of C yn - n ow d ra w m ul ti tu de s a nn ua ll y.I\'yd.

    Th e action of "H e \Vho GetsSlappeel" takes place in th e manager'soffice of a French circus. "He," agentleman from "out t here ," jo in s thecircus to b ec ome a clown and forgetthe other world. H e p re fe rs t he slaps

    as a c lo wn t o the slaps to an intellectual man "out there." While in th ecircus, he sees that Consue lo , r epresenting B ea ut y, is ahout to be destroyed by a S pi de r, t he B ar on , an dwhen he sees it is i mp os si bl e f or h er !to escape, he saves her in t lie only waypossible.

    Th e production is under the direction of Julian \V. Gardy, who s o s uccessfully staged "The Circle" an d "TheRomantic Age,"

    Th, ~ ~ ~ ~ "0 1 . ~ : , ~ U ! ; P : ~ " n , ; n n,IConnnandery. Knights Templars, N0.II97, o f A rd mo re , will h ol d an ovster NARBERTH COAL COMPANYs up pe r a nd hazaar in !II asonic Hall, IArdmore Avenue, Ardmore, on Tues- Ralph S. Dunneday, December 3, f ro m 4: 30 to 8:30. I

    230H a v er f or d Av en u e

    Th e lad ies in charge s ta te t ha t the af-/ Main Line Distributors Narberth 4177fair will be the "best ever" and cor- N A R B E RT H 24302431

    ilially invite eVffyone to attend. J \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ e ~ ~ ~ e ~ /

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 29, 1929


    Friday, November 29, 1929

    UNCLE CY'S COLUMNDissatisfaction

    Most of the people of t h ~ worldarc dissatisfied. I f this w er e no t sowe s ho ul d n ev er have w a rs , s tr i ke s ,crimes or injustice. On t he o th e r haud\ ~ ' esl.lOuld never have religion, educatU)JJ, mdustry nor progress in any field

    My point is no t that th e satisfiedma n is a detriment to society, b ut t ha this normal dissatisfaction lIlay bet ra ns la te d i nt o e it he r d es tr uc ti ve activity or i n to cons t ruc t ive labor an dthought which will benefit both presentan d future generat ions.

    This seems to be becoming a sermon, bu t even that w il l b e a \\' elc on l\;relief to you from t h e an noyance list"that h av e d is tu rb ed y ou for so l on g.

    I f }{obert Fulton had no t b ee n d is satisfied with the uncertaiuty of tlKwind he m ig ht n ev er h av e a st on ish edthe Ne w York na ti ves wi th the "ClerInont" an d the chances arc that the"Bremen" would n ot h av e b rok en thet ra ns- At la nt ic r ec ord a s soon a s shedid. I f A l ex a nd e r G r ah a m Bell h adnot been d i scont ent w i th shou t ing froIl'o ne h ou se to another, if Samu e l F i nl e \Br ee se M or se h ad n ot grown weary 0'1delays of the post, if Gug-lielmo 1\larconi had not been urged beyond th tlong tangle of cross-country wires, W f~ h o u l dn ot n ow b e a bl e to pick up anI ns tr um en t h er e o n t he Main Line an dconverse with London, Paris or otheldistant points as t hongh they were nea lat hand.

    If t he h ar dy Puritans had n ot heeni rk ed h y t he r eg ul at io ns o f t he Ch ur chof England, if th e Cavaliers had nolheen weary of placidity an d ease at till 'Bri t ish cour t , if t he D ut ch , G er ma nsQuakers and Swedes had not lookedto Pennsylvania as a spiritual refuge,we s ho ul d n ot have ha d t he basis fOIthe country that n ow l ea ds the worldin prosperity, p ro gr es s a n d good liv"ing , if not in s cho la r sh ip and spiritualguidance.

    Two or t hr ee v ea rs sOllle forwardlooking. c i tizens jllanned to h a\'e th eRiver l{oad along the Schuylki l l f rom\V cs t Conshohocken widened andpaved for m ot or t ra mc to City Lineor at l e as t \Ves t Manayunk . This w a ~t hr ow n o ut by t h e Leg is l at u re for vario us r ea so ns . At that time the laIC'General John ]'. vVood an d I att em pt ed t o i nt er es t influential people inreserving this road for a beautifulbridle path to c on ne ct w it h the pathsin Fairmount Park. This notion failedto materialize. Ou r g oo d n ei gh bo rswere an d ar c satisfied, and the RiverRoad is a filthy path full of holes an dlittered with ruhbish. A little ahs ~ n c e'of complacency might havlgl\'en us a drive as heautiful as t h a ~along the \Vissahickon.

    Fo r years t he s ol on s an d citizens ofPhiladelphia have deplored the sigh:of the banks of the Schuvlkill in thec en tr e o f our ne ighhor ing ' city. ~ I u c htalk has h ee n in an d on th e a ir : m an yarticles an d editorials have filled t hecity papers, hu t s ti ll we have the 1111~ i g h t l ycommerc i al i sm tha t is depress1I1g- to us a nd a st on is hi ng to visitorsfrom other c it ie s. \ Vh il e we have bel 'ntalking- our contemporary Chicago hasrazed huilding-s a nd w a re h ou se s alongthe river the re and co nstructed adouble-deck drive a nd d ra wb ri dg es o fa rc hi te ct ur al b ea ut y t ha t a st on is h t heworld. \Vhilc we' snort, debate an

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 29, 1929




    Page Five


    ,., .

    .. .

    Thanksgiving Rotary TopicTh e s igu ifi ca nc e a nd h is to ry

    .. ..

    Thauksgiviug n ay f or me d t he topic

    at t h e week ly lIIeeting of th e B a l a- Cyn

    wyd-1\arherth Rotary C lu h T ue sd ay .

    Rev. Frauk :\1. Cray was th e speaker.1\1 r. Cra .' " e m ph a si z ed t he religious

    si/i;nificance of the day, convincing hish ea re rs t ha t t he occasion meant more

    . than foothall an d turkey.

    CallArdmore 17 5


    .. .........

    Yo u are invited to join th e ranks

    Member Federal Reserve System




    with which to do Christmas shopping.

    Christmas savings club fo r n ex t year IS now

    This week 45 0 depositors received $35,000

    of those who have reason to be thankful . .

    by saVing a small amount regularly, each

    week .... I t becomes fifty times that amountby next December.

    Th e music an d t he addresses willall be "home talent," as i t s ho u ldbe for t h e occas ion .

    Reason forThanksgiving

    .. ..

    ~ " ' sqiWilUP . . ~ ~ . . - .. . . ""qpzu . iCC JEUM;;a.+X:iiIiO P E N I:RIDAY EVENINGS FROM 7 U N T I L 9 O'CLOCK

    Mrs. MiHer HostessTh e \V oJ1lan's Foreign :'1 issionary

    S oc il t r of thc :\1 ethodist Episcopal

    ChuI'ch will J1Icl'! on : ' Ionday, Dccem

    hcr 2. at 2:30 o'clock at th e Iwnle of:\Irs. Frank :'1 i l ler. 228 1\arherth Avenul', C hr is tm as I "" e o ff er iu g will hetakeu at the ull'l'ting.

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




    .. ...............

    The Home of Happy Mondays---


    spotless washing-beautiful starched linen-soft, clean blankets-dry, fluffy bathtowels-hand-ironing of small pieces-these are the products of the pla nt t ha t hasbanished Blue Monday.

    A r dm o re 3 4 33

    Tony an d Ernie

    For prompt, reliable service,Narberth , Bala-Cynwyd andMer ion folks can cal l them at

    P E N M A N ] . WOOD

    53 Eas t Lancaster Ave .ARDMORE

    A N T H O N Y RICCHEZZA an d

    E R NI E R A NC IT E LL I, formerradio an d electrical servIce men

    for the Narberrh Electric Shop,

    are now 111 charge of radio an d

    eIecrric sales an d service for

    whose Main Line Headquarrers

    ar e

    Baptist Church 0/ the E'Vo/lgelRobert E. Keig-hton, Minister.

    Sunday, December I.lJ:45 A. l If . -Church School.

    IO:()O A. lIf .-Men's Class taught byI'rof. Rittenhouse 1\eisser,

    II :00 A. 1\f . - . \ f orning worship andCommunion. This IS th e fifthauuiversan ' of ou r new churcha nd p re se ,i t p as to r . Th e serlllonwill be preached by Dr. J, 1\1 il-.uo r \Vilbur, o f t he B ap ti st I ns titute. iu P hi la de lp hi a. D r. Wilbu r is a f or m er p a st or .Th e Lord's Supper will he observed.

    i :30 1'. ~ l . - E v e n i u gworship. Th eYo un g I 'e op le o f our church willpreseut th e work of these pastfive \ 'ears iu the Ch urch Schoo la nd i he challeug'e of the f!Jlm'e.

    Tuesda\', December 3,10:30 :\ . M . - ~ ' I c e t i n gof thc White

    Cross.s:OO I'. i \ 1 . - ~ l e e t i u g -o f t he truslecs.

    \Vcdnesc!ay, Decemher 4.0:30 1'. : ' l . - r i f t h a u u ivc r sa r l ' chu rch

    diuncr. \Ve hope that the m C I l lb ers au d friends of our c hurc hwill attend t hi s d in ne r a nd t ak epart in t he r ec og ni ti on of Ollrgnlwth aud p r ogr e s s.

    . . . . . . . . .up

    . . .

    Friday, November 29, 1929

    \Vrnnewood, 1'a.l):(JO A. : \ I . -Holy COJllJllunion.

    IO:()() A. : \ I . -Church School.II :(JO A. ~ 1 . - 1 I ( 1 1 ) 'Comllltmioll al ld,

    s er mo n. A nt he m, " Th e D ay ofJudg'll1cnt. 1t .L\rkhangelsky. !

    7 :.lO 1'. 1\1.-E-l oly COJllmuniol l an dserlllon,

    Th e Presbyterian ChurchRev. John Va n Ness, M. A., : 'liuister

    Meetings for December 1:9:45 A. 1\L-Bible School. ]. H. ~ l c

    Clay, Superintendent .II :00 A. M.-Morn ing worship. Se r

    ilion thcme: "The Profitablen es s o f Prayer."

    II :O() A. ~ I . - T h e) un ior Church. :\1 rsA. S. Digby. Superintcudent.

    7:00 P. l \ l . - juuior Endeavor meetingdirected by 1\1 is s :\f argaretDempstcr. I

    i :00 1'. M.-lntermediatc Endca\"(lI Ime et ing . Le ade r, E l iz abe th K ric ! ~ . ~ . ~ ~ . ~ - ~ ~ . ~..~ ~..~ ..~ ~..~ - ~ ~ . ~ . ~ ~ - ~bel. I

    7 :O() 1'. : \1.-5 euior Endeavor IIIcet,ing. Leader, Betty Rohb. I

    i:45 }'. l \ 1 . - I ~ Y e n i n gworship. Ser- iilion theme: "Out of Egypt." 1

    :\ext \Vednesdav at 2:30 1'. ~ 1 . th eluonthly meet ing of t he \Vomen's :'1 issionar}' Society. Th e D ev ot io na l E xcrcises will be conducted In' :',1 rsHarry B. \Vehl. Th e topic, "Candlesof tiod," will be presented by Mr sFrederick C. Torry. Th e hostess isMrs. E. 1.. Smith.

    Next \Vednesday at 8 J'. :'1. prayermeeting. An interestiug a nd h el pf ulmeeting, Le t us all b e p re se nt .

    N ext Thursday, 10 A. :'1. to 4 P. 11-Meet ing o f t he \Voll len 's Auxiliary.

    N e xt F ri d ay, g P. M.-Session meet ,ing.

    Methodist Episcopal ChurchRev. Samuel 1\[ acAdams, 1\1iuister.

    Sunday, December I.9:45 A. M.-Sunday School. Mission

    ar y Day.I 1:00 1\,1\1.-M ()ming- worship and

    sermon. "The Ex t ravagance of iLove." 1

    6 :4 j P. M . -De\ 'ot ional meeting' oft he E p wo r th League.

    7:45 P. M.-Even ing worship andsermon. "The Old Paths."

    MandaI', December 2.2:30 P. M.-l\fceting- of t he \ \ 'oman '"

    Foreign 1\1 i ss io na r y S oc ie ty atthe home of Mrs. Frank \V.Miller, 228 Narberth Avenue.Christmas love o ff er in g a t t hi"meeting.

    8:00 P. M . - ~ l c e t i u gof the officialboard.\\'ec1nesda v. Dccemher 4.

    7 :30 I'. ~ I . - I r e i ' a r a t o r y7\1('IIlhcrs'Class.

    8:00 P. M . - P r a y e r ml'l,tillg.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 29, 1929



    lb., 25clb., 42c

    3 Pkgs., 25e

    Can , 1ge

    Pkg., 1ge

    can, 25c


    Large Pkg ., 23e

    5 Cakes , 19c

    2 cans, 29c

    Friday, November 29, 1929

    2 cans, 29c

    2 cans, 25clarge pkg., 23c

    2 cans, 25c

    can, IOc; 6 cans, 55c

    tall can, 29c.-_.- .. - - - - - - - . - . - - . _ - _ .. _ . _ - - - - - . _--

    pkg., 15c~ - - - - _ . ~ - - - - - - - - -

    2 cans, 25cA II article of real merit


    PANCAKE FLOUR2 large pkgs. 25 c

    Chipso SOAP CHIPS


    JELLO-Assorted Flavors

    Diplomat SOUPS


    Skipper SARDINES in Pure O li ve O il , C an , 19c



    Snider's TO MATO ES , S P IN A CH , S LI CE DBEETS, in Glass Glass, 25e

    Heinz TOMATO CATSUP, Medium SizedBottle, 15e Large Bottle, 2ge

    Friends BAKED BEANS Large Can, 25e

    King Taste FRENCH DRESSING Bottle, 20e

    Babbitts CLEANSER 2 Cans, lI e

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . - - - - - - - - - -

    DRIED PEACHES, Extra Fancy- - - - - - - - - _ . - - - - - _ . - . - - - - - - - - - - -

    Quaker COFFEE, Splendid Quality, Freshly Roasted- - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Cotter's MarketIVORY SOAP

    MEDIUM SIZE3 for 19c

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . _ - - - - - - - " - - - - - - ' - ' - ' - - .. _ - - - - - -

    Log Cabin SYRUP

    Clark's Fancy Country Gentleman CORN

    TOMATOES, Fancy, Red Ripe, New Pack

    Conewago Small June PEAS. - - - - - - _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . - .

    Schinlnlel's APPLE BUTTER, Absolutely PureWHEATENA Wheat Cereal

    Gorton's Ready-to-Fry CODFISH CAKES

    Horse Shoe RED SALMON- - - . _ - - - _ . __ . - - - - - - - .. -,._. -- ---_. ~ - -Smyrna LAYER FIGS- ---------- - - _ . _ - - - - - - _ .. _ - - _ .. _ . - - _ . ~ ~ - - - _ . - _ . _ - - _ . _ - , . _ - . _ . _ - _.. _-."-

    Florida Gold GRAPE FRUIT Juice


    Page Six

    W. w. Atterbury Holds 5, 55an d 555; Johnson Gets I

    Number 10 . I

    Fourteen of t he first 100 motorcar

    l icense tag's for 1930 will he seen frc-Iquently on th e Main Linc during' th e I

    next year. According to the list an-In ou nc ed b y the Bureau of M ot or Ve

    hicles twelve prominent 1\1ain Line res-!

    idents .have ~ e c e i \ ' e dthe covcted nUIll- iIhcrs. 1I1c1udmg' two, 5 an d 55, for I J\\T. \\T. Atterbury, R ad no r, p r es i de n t!

    of thc Pellnsylvania Railroad. Mr.At tc r bu r y a l so holds number 555. Anadditional number which is of local

    interest is No. 10, held by CharlesJo hn so n, N orr ist ow n, S ec re ta ry o f

    Hevenue an d G. O. 1'. political leaderof M ontgolllcry County.

    Other lIumhers assign cd to l \hinLine folks fol low:

    27- \V. Freeland Kendrick, Ovcrbrook , forl l le r Mayor of Philadclphia.

    36-George D. Ogden, Ithan, trafficllIanager Pennsylvania Railroad.

    40--Frank A. S m it h, A r dm o re , for-Imer State Senator from DauphinCounty.

    45-Mrs . Fannie G. D ix on , Haverford, w id ow o f fOrIncr Health Commissioner.

    56-Will iam L. Schaffcr, Havcrford,!J us ti ce o f State Supreme Court. I

    66-Samuel M. Vaucla in , Roscmont,chairman of the board, Baldwin Locomotive Works.

    74-Alba B. J oh ns on , R os cm on t,president, Pennsylvania State Chambero f C om me rc e.

    75-David S . L ud lu ll l, Overbrook,automobi le manufacturer.

    7 6 - E . H. R eu ss , J r., Mcrion, manufacturer.

    871-Charles J: Rhoads, Villanova,U. S. Commissioner of Indian Affairs.

    9 .3 -G eo rg e W ha rt on P ep pe r, forme r Unit ed S tat e s Senator.

    To Roosevelt's GraveTh e Garden N ur se ri es , l oca tc d on I

    Montgomery Avenue, Narbcrth, re- Ic e nt l y s h ip pe d a numbcr of Oriental Iflowering trees to Oyster Bay, LongIsland, where they werc planted at the Ig'rave of Thcodore Roosevclt In' theRoosevelt Memoria l Association.

    14 of First 100 TagsGo to Main Line Folk

    MUELLER'SMacaroni, Spaghetti,

    Noodles2 pkgs., 25c

    Phone Narberth 4050)

    Truly America's FinestQuaker Sweet

    CRP. .\M BUTTERIb.,59c


    Al l GoldFancy Bartlett

    PEARSlarge can, 38c

    Legs Genuine Spring Lamb, 45c lb. Shoulde rs Genuine Spr ing Lamb , 35c lb.FreshKilied Chickens, Country Sausage and Scrapple




    Mitchell's Market1 4 4 N. 8 t h St.We Never Fall to Pleale a Clultomer

    Rich QualitT Food One P ri oe t o All





    ROASTFresh Ground 18 IbHamburg S teak . . C 'Iceberg Lettuce, 5c Head I

    !!hU!."!:.,~ 1 l 1 ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! : ~ H. i Where Narbe rth Buys I ts Food1 BOBton I\lllckerel, 13. I

    MITCHELL'S MARKET, Inc. i We Deliver From City Line t o B ry n Mawr144 N. Ei,hth St., Philadelphia I

    10 , 12 S. Ol'. . . n AYe. CIt thl Flrrlll'

    EaIUUlb .. 42 VOIh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 29, 1929


    Friday, November 29, 1929 OU R TOWN Page Seven


    Phone: Pennypacker 2524 .

    A/I/)I/1/8 8f""';""I/I,/c(/Ufl lorry !flslliou.1/1,/ .. ,

    j l r x i f / l l " d I / ll t ! x l /p c r-vi s ..d bll .II. Allclnul/ty/,,,,.XUlllllll/.


    B la ck a n d Logwood

    Master F u , , " f t '


    Also a great selectionof Hudson Seal Coats

    Va1'iolls1y Trimmed





    Exclusive representative f : nLA YOLA MODES, SmartFrocks for Matron and Miss.Be well dressed at all timesin an economical manner.Join aliT dress club. For par-tiClllars, call

    NARBERTH 2324

    Mrs. Suzanne Joret Gill


    4 Pony Coats, Trimmedwith Beaver and Fitch.

    Formerly to $500.

    4 Sea Dog Coats, SelfSkunk a n d . LeatherTrimmed.

    Formerly to $495.


    Sizes 16 to 40

    Values up to $575



    1 Gray Kid-beautifully modeledl ig ht a nd w ar m.Formerly . . . . . . . . . . $450


    17 COATS Taken out of regula r stock . . . a n ar eof the highest

    grade in every respect, bu t only one of amodel. Values fa r below anything we haveever offered.

    4 American BroadtailTan s a nd Browns-Selfand Nutria trimmed

    Formerly to $575.

    4 Muskrat Coats, 'frimmed in Beaver, Otterand Fitch.

    Formerly to $395.

    eRAS. F. EBERTJobbing

    CarpenterPhone : NARBERTH 4129

    103 Dudley Avenue

    Bell Co. AnnouncesAppointments an d Plans

    Fo r Expansion Program

    Main Line Residents Ge tLettered License Tags

    Driver in Student's DeathHeld on Manslaughter

    S ev er al r es id en ts of t he M ain Lil1c

    will have the d is t inc tion of posst'ssit1J.( Harrv \VoodlJlan. district l in c f or eautomobile licenses hearillg" Ictters il1- ma u fo'r th c Bell Telephone Company

    of Pennsylvania in the ]\'lain Linc disstead of numht'rs, Th c sinJ.(le letters trict. has heen appo iut ed d i st r i ct COIl-a ud c om hi na ti on s will supplant I1Utn- struction foreman, it wa s annoul1cedhcred licenses. this weck hy George K. Erh, district

    manager for the company here. M r,TaJ.( n will he had hy ;"I ..s. ~ I a r y\Voodman succeeds Harry Walker,

    Fisher B row n, o f Haverford, daug-h- \ \'ho ha s hecn appoin ted d i st r ic t cquip-ment supe r int endcn t, w i th headqua rt c r s

    ter of Governor Fisher. A. A tw at er a t O go nt z.K en t. o f A r dm or c, will receive a l icense jesse V. Fite. d is tr ic t s af e ty s u pe rbearing h i s in it i al s , AK . Other single visor, has heen appointed district linelettt 'r lict'nst's ar e ;"1. hv 1\1 ar y A. f or em an . C la re nc e L. Reif sneider sucKellcy, o i H av cr io rd : \; . bv : \nne c ~ c d s~ I r .F i t ~as d is tr i ct s af et y s up er -

    T , IvIsor. ~ Ir. J ~ r 1 )also announced tha'!\. a U c l ~ l n ,J ~ o s e m o n l .Other c o m h m ~ -Tbomas E. Hidge. formerly line fore-t lOn s l Il cl ud e D ~ I , hy Donald 1\1. M 11- 11Ian in t.he Uppcr Darhy d i st r ic t . ha s Iler. oi Bala; El' . Edward Pcskay. of hcen appointcd district line foremanCvnw\"ll: (;L. A. B. Littleton. e V I l - in the 1\[ain Line district, with head-

    ' J ) . ' q u ar te rs a t \ Ve st C he st er.wyd: .II . jallles Belin; j r .. of \\ ' Ynnc-, A $44,000.000 const ruc t ion p rog ral l twood: .1.1. jalllcs \\ 'helan. of Anl- of Statewidc proportions is p la nn e d b ynlOre: ;"1 K, ;"1 ar y :\ . K el le y. o f Hav- the Telephonc Company for 1930. acerford: V C. H. C. C;rubbs, of 1\1criot1; c or din g t o a n a n n o u n c e m ~ nt made thi.s\'1' : 'I il to n ( ; Baker o f \ Va \"n c week hy Leonard H. KlI\nard, presl-. . . . . ' dcnt.

    Although a larJ.(e p or ti on o i th e BellCompany's 1930 apnropriations will bcdevotcd to e xt en si on o f central otlicefacilities, nearly o ne -th ir d o f t he tot alr

    w il l h e spent on " ou ts id e p la nt ." T hi scon,titutcs th c equipmcnt an d appa-Hl'nry I ~ n s h ,of : \nhnore, allcged r at us o ut si de th e central officcs, in

    dri"er oi thc h it -r uu c ar wh ic h l as t eluding- such itellls as poles, crossarlllsSIInl!; l'" kil led Isadorc \Vilensk\', ;: Iand aeri'.d an d underg,:ound cahles. In

    ' . . . ' r o u n d fiJ.(ures thc outslllc plant expcn-student at \ Illanova Lt'lIeJ.(e, wa s held I diture w il l ht, $1 (,,200,OOO.wit hout bail on a charg-c oi l1Ian-slaughter last F ri da y ui ght hy ;"laJ.(ist rate Stil lwagoll at t he Ardt l lo r e police,tation,

    Th e hearinJ.( wa s held a f ew l I li uut c ,aiter an i nq ue st w as c on du ct t' d byCoroner C;corJ.(e Huff. of ;"IontgomeryCounty, Hcnry Townsley. of Hryll;"Iawr, who is said to h av e h ec n in th eca r wht'n it struck \Vilensky on Lanc as te r P ik e in B ry n M awr . wa s heldundtT $15.0()O bail as a witnt'ss.

    R us h s ur re nd er t' d to police 011\Vednesday niJ.(hl. Hi s cousin, Rohert

    R us h. o f :\rdnlOre. a nd t wo girls, whoart' said to have bet'n in t he c ar . we reirced upon t heir p ro mi se t o r ea pp ea rwbl'nn't'r sUllllllOnt'l1.


    Market Street at EighteenthPHILADEI.PHIA

    Jewelers Since 1837

    Tw o of Our Most PopularWATCHES . . .

    c. R . SmitL &> Son


    For M e n -Hamilton Strap Watch, I7-Jewel, $55

    For Wo m e n -Greun Wrist Watch, I5-Jewel, $3 5

    Free S e r v i c ~by Oll r Repair Shop for On e Year

    'Color in th e Home' to Be Discussed by Katherine

    L. Kirby.

    Interior DecorationIs Club Subject


    On Tu es da y. D e ce m be r 3, thc :\Tarh cr th \ Vo ll lc n' s Community Cluh pro

    J.(ralll will bc in chargc of the American H o me D ep a rt m en t . 1\lrs. W, N.l\lills. chairman, An i n t e n ~ s t i n J . (talkon practical interior decoration and anunu,ual demonstration oi s imp le waysto plan effective color schemc, forllIodern homes will be J.(i\en b y K at herinc 1.. Kirby.' M i s s Kirby is a J.(raduate of thePhiladelphia School of Design for\\ ' omen. rn her address cntitlcd"Colnr in the Homt'" sh e d i scussc s thefundamentals of color harmony andits a pp li ca ti on t o interior decoration.the cxprcssion of individuality in tastefully-planned interiors: th e balancing'of colors. S am pl es o f d ra pe ry ma tcr ia ls , w al l finishes, woodwork, floor,.arc u se d in an actual demonstration oft:olor scheme planning'.

    Therc will be a collection of theChri,tlllas packaJ.(t's to be sent to thehoys au d girls at South 1\lountain Sanitarium. Th e packaJ.(es must bewrapped an d labeled for J.(irl or boyand th e aJ.(e. " 'arbcrth H al l. t he homefor orphan babie s at Crossnore School.i\ arth Caroliua. will also he oue of th ehencficiaries of th e c lu h's Chri , tmascharity. 1\lrs. C. H. Shaw, chairmanof \V clfare Committee. w il l rc ce iv ethesc donations.

    Rchearsals fo r th e Chri , tma,pagcant to he g ivcn Sunday, Deccmber22, ar c undcl' wa y au d the beautifulChri,tmas thouJ .(ht i s shown in th ecluh', cntire Dt'cember proJ.(ram.


    Buys Haverford Residence!\[ rs. Ht'llry S. Williatlls. or Rose- Wynnewood Lot Improved

    1I10ltt, has p u rc h as e d t hr o ug h Ellllcllf ;"!c:\lullin 1\: ~ J c M u l l i l lhavc effecte

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 29, 1929


    Dick Merriwell to the Fore as Lower Merion Tells Radnor, "They Shall Not Pass"P a ge N i neUR TOWNriday, November 29. 1929

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    ,Friday, November 29, 1929UR TOWNage Eight

    Battery and Electric


    W U N D E R

    WlInder Starts Them All

    ON L Y (/.95 uP. less tubes'P ()r $119


    108 Fores t Avenue

    Phone NARBERTH 2866

    Liberal A 1l011'aJlCe 011 Your

    Old Set; COi!velli':71t Terms

    . ...

    The l7nited Stales I'uhlie HcalthS e n 'i c e s a y s there IS a r at j ur everyluall, \\ ,olllall anel child III the 1lIiteelStall'S, J t always has S l' l' lI led to liSthat the lIulllher o f p e r su n s IIrgillg the(le-eoratioll of dottl 'el lilies \\as muchgrea kr.

    * * *Everybody kl lows t h at : \, '\ \" York IS

    th,' world's greatest s e ap o rt , h u t I litso lIIallY kllow that its traffic exceedsby SO per cellI. that o f a n y other port,


    ~ 1 4:

    1:J 1-1 l l i l1 1;) tlHI(S 1;1 1r,tIfiti 1Ii IIi::JI : 1 j Iii f

    1S ,..7i!.

    C O LT S


    HI JOST /; I:SI t i J t ' r .5t ring-Ii,'11l .. , , .I t 0 t ' S .f):l,'il-: .\Va l ' l l , .

    Help. . .. , , .

    :'I .. c :Ia I ( ' h ~ ' ' , ..non: l I l l H ~ .:'I('"han , , .f ~ ( l l l l l ' , r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l . ~ a ( I Y., .

    'rota):;; .LIO: ' \S lor t h a t A l l tw e r p s t a ll d s seCOII(1.

    HUl1Iphrit>:--; ];)S 117 : ! ~ 1. 1""" . " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '~ I u r r a . r :!(It) 1 !i;') 1a 1 1" ' p i " J.n 1:1iI 17C ~lIa i,t 178 1 6 ~ 1 8 ! 'Alh . rl" 1-1: 11 1 17'1 I

    ; - t ":::s'~p'~r'~u~c':e~~T:':"e':-'a'~RoS:-o::ll-n~;;:~:i f Folks,t ~ ~ yOIl ha1![, 710 idea what

    i a r ea l r ad io i s - u n t i l~ f or t ho se w ho KNOW good ~ y ou s ee t he~ f o o d - c o u r t e o u s s e rv i ce - a t ~ kt moderate prices t ~ Atwater Kent! L ,l II ch eo lu T ea s Dinners ! ~ i~ SCREEN.GRID~ Personally Supervised t RADIO

    1501 Spruce St. PENnypacker, Philadelphia 9634 W h e n y ou b u y an At.!-...-.. ~ . _ . ~__ ~ . - . . . _..-...__._ ,.-:.. w a t e r K e n t R a d io h e r e

    you're s u ~ eof three


    things: F ir st , y ou rradio is right; second,it i s in s ', a ll ed b y e x

    perts; t h ir d , t he p ay -

    . ment t er ms a re m os t


    ~ 2 1

    178I ~ 1140131141


    148I ' ) "

    t 171-101 1

    707 ( j H ~ 7 ~ 1

    J.I2 1:'2 l

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 29, 1929




    FridaYI November 29, 1929

    D AV I S '

    Outfit No. 5511Only $119 Less Tubes

    Hilltop 233Boulevard 1600

    Then, when you are satisfied thati t is just dIe set you've been waitin g for, p ay f or it in easy install.ments as you enjoy it !

    Another outs tanding AtwaterKent feature we offer-your choiceof several beautiful cabinets to harmonize with your own furniture.

    If Cute Toys Intrigue Yo uat the assortment in DAVIS ' window an d showroom.latest dol ls , dogs, etc" arc h er e t o c ap ti va te c hi ld re n' s

    Wayne 3

    just lookTh e veryhearts,

    T E R M S

    SCREJEN ... G R I D

    R A D I O I


    Ardmore 3500Bryn Mawr 327

    Ask Yo ur H ome Service Representative

    a n d p r i c e d a 8 lo w a 8

    E A S Y

    . a t A ll Stores

    NEW , different, astonishinglybet te r- t ruer tone, greatervo lume , longe r range, complet estation separation-and no t a hu min a storeful! That is whatthis improved Screen-Grid does fo r you- Screen.Grid as Atwater Kentknows ho w t o use it. Results thatwill surprise you.

    We shall be glad to insta ll a setin your home today - that yo uyourself may judge of its merits.


    ~ O M P A N Y

    'JOBLeSS u b e s

    Here i t i s

    AT WAT E R


    Page Te n

    THE f ines t coa l mined-that's the coal you're

    entitled to. It cost s no more .It brings you t h e c o mf o rt i ngwarmth you have a right toexpect.

    . All h ~ a tCOl/US from t h ~W I l , " is t rueHere is the fiery fllel for YOIl.

    Five-Year Development [ Estate NoticeP lan for Gir l Scout s I C L A H E N C ~ ~ ' i i c ~ ~ ? : E T T ,Dec',l.- - , L et te rH ' )' eH ta me nt .a ry o n t.he Ilhov

    A live-year develoument p lan , fo r I I ~ H t . a t eha\'e heen grant.ed to th e uneler"higg-er a n d h et te r (;irl Scout ing" w a ~IHIg-IIl'd, wh o rN/ueHtH all erHons hav

    -. lu g e)airl1:-i o r dCIJHUH1H n g a ln : -l t t h o J ' ~ N 'outhned at the anl1nal b;I1l'ltlct of the I tat .e o f the ] )eC'"den t tll I ll ake ) ,nowll. / 'hiladelphia an d 1\lain Line Leaders" the ",,,me, an d al l 1""'",onH Ind,,).I,,,1 toA ss oc ia ti on a t t he Bellevue last Mon-I lhe Dec'edent. to m a l 'e a ym e nt , w i th o utclay night. illi,;s Doris Hough, of the d el ay, t o ~National Staff of New York, was the % J ~ L 1 I ~A. HOBINg'rT, Sr.,

    IThe Oldes/ Store in Narberth

    speaker. an d to ld h ow th e Men's Na-I 207 ConHhohoel,en Ave." I D O N ' T F O R G E T O UR CIRCULATING LIBRA'RYtional A dv is or v C om m it t ee feeling. Bala-Cynwyd, 1 'L

    . '.

    .: 01 ' h e r A t t or n e y: H S T HE N EW E KSthat GII'I Scou.tlng has the very best I A. A H e I H ~ Renoss , A S T BO O

    program f or l ei su re h ou rs t o offer the 216 Bala Avenue 224 Haver fo rd Avenue P h o n e Narbe r th 4035growing girl, has g ua ra nt ee d t he Bala-Cynwyd, PR. . . : : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~..~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $3.000,000 n ee de d f or the expansion. (12-13-29) .,

    Th e new plan will include a CampD i re c to r t o deal solely w it h c am p m atters: three Reg-ional Directors in each Iof the eleven rcg-ions of th c U. S ' - Ito be in ch arg -e o f camping. organiza- Ition a nd t ra i ni ng of leaders. i ns te ad o fthe on e Director for all three activities as at p r es e nt ; e n l arg e me n t of theGirl Scout magazine, "The AmericanGirl," and e n l arg e me n t o f all trainingfacilities f or l ea de rs . In this way, itis hoped that the goal of 500.000 Scoutsin t he U ni te d States in l ive years willhe real ized wi th case -and perhaps exceeded!

    A gift of ~ 2 5 0 , 0 0 0from John D.Rockefeller, Jr., w a s a n no u nc e d at th erecent National Convention in i\ 'ewOrleans. ill i s s I -!ough said. bringingt he De ve lo pm ent Fun,1 past the$1.500.000 m a rk a l re a dy.

    H ea cl qu ar te rs r or t hi s dist r ic t -District {(o'. 8, of P h i la d ( l p hi a - ar e a t 25E a st A t he ns Avcnue, A r dm o re . w h e rea F i el d C a nt a in is in c h arg e, r e ad v too rga n i ze t r oo p s amI answer allY ' Inestions.

    Pens hurst Farm AyreshiresMake High Production

    Testing un de r t he Ayr sh ir e HerdTest plilll t he o ne h un dr ed a nd ei gh teen A v rs hi re s o wn e d b, ' PenshurstFarm. ~ a r b e r t h ,during September. secured the s ec on d h ig he st p ro du ct io naverage in Pennsylvania. w it h a n a\'erag e of 1135 pounds of 4.08 pe r cenl.milk, 25.88 pounds of butterfat. Everycow in the herd that had once freshened w as i nc lu de d in comput ing thisaverage, regarclIess of age o r stage oflactation, r ep or ts A dv an ce d R eg is tr ySuperintendent \\T. A . K yl e, o f t he National Av r sh i re B r el 'd e rs ' A ss oc i at i onat IJralH!on. VI.

    ! ndiviclnal honors in the h l' l'l l f orproduct ion were wo n by /'ensl11lrst Sadie , a 4-year-ol ll . ' I 'hirh eo\\' producedIIlSI pounds of l Il ilk. 63.71 pounds ofbutterfat.~ p p ~ ~

    L. M. TholllpSOnB A L A C Y N W Y D

    Phone CYNWYD 280


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 29, 1929





    Page Eleven

    Th e Louis XV PeriOd

    Multiply it

    Th e result?


    Add 30/0 interest.


    check jus t when you need it most.

    Figures Don ' t Lie

    R 4 M S V E L l c 117 South 12th St., Philadelphia

    Put away a small sum each week.

    by 52 .



    N A R B E R T H B A L A - C Y N V \ l Y D



    ~ h'jIITHEM A I N L I N E I I ~ ~, ~ - I BANKING INSTITUTION , - ~


    Serving Over

    2 00 0 H ome s


    C A S H P R I C E SStove-$15.00 Pea-$10.50Egg-$14.50 Nut-$14.50 Buck-$7.75

    ~ . J . J I \ ~ LT f ) ~& ( ) ~\ Bala-Cynwyd, Pa .Phones: Cynwyd 700 and Greenwood 7484

    Friday, November 29, 1929


    - - - -- - -/ c h a ~ I I I ,no t long continued, bu t often Iecoming ou r n e i g h b ~ r sa n ' ~; ~ ; ~ 1 I J : I ~ ri ~ ; l r ~ U g h t ; l e ~ p ; i : l g\ \ : o o d ~ .and. :0dOIll-A MORNING WITH TH E r ep ea te d. A nd t hi s w ar bl e o f th e Yel- companions t he y r ea ch a place in ou r inate t he s on g sounds reach ing th e ear.

    Ilow consti tutes the t ype fo r a fair n um - h ea rt s which onlv t ho se w ho s ha re o ur t hat it is n o w on de r t he nallle "War-WARBLERS b er of t he commoner migrating species-, I homes can fill. 'N p - w e cannot afford bier" has been given to the wholeI

    as the Magnolia. th e Chestnut-side, the to do without the K en tu ck y, t h e M a ry - group. especially as th e songs of theBy Will i am J. Serrill Black-throatcd-grecn. the Hooded, th e land Yellow-throat, th e Yellow-breast- numerous o th er w ar il le r s pe ci es ar e

    H e ~ : ~ f ~ I ~ ~ I ~ t C I ~ c~ ~ ~ e s o ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ aI C an ad ia n a nd t he R ed -s ta rt . No w th e ed Chat o r t he O ve n- b ir d . \;Vithout mostly relatively inconspicuous.!

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 29, 1929


    Friday, November 29, 1929

    Your grocer will


    /' " 1/01

    .. - - - - - - - - - - -

    tr y it.

    I. Fold wrapper back 0'11'" Oiet l ,tld fl iloaf.

    2. RelllOve as 1/11111.1' J!i.-{'s liS dcsirrtl.


    Brothers CompanyNUKK/S / UWN. PA


    We consider i t a privi lege to invite yo u to

    bu y a loaf an d

    supply you.

    You Will Like

    Sliced Kew-Bee


    Just follow these je w , ~ i m p l eInstrlLctions

    I. Opell wrapper at one cl/d.' ,or off.

    O UR TOW N


    S e rv e d D a il y f r om 5.30 to 8.30 P. M.

    Dinner S e rv e d S un d ay f r om 12.30 to 8.00 P. M.

    SI l{ ; ! 'I WAS'{' ST t WI,' I ' ; / l c o t 1:-011 ny c II I (' " 1';:-; _*I . : : ~ ,n O A H T PHIl I" ' ; n I B s O F In;I;I" $1.1111H O A S T LI';

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 29, 1929


    Page Thirteen

    neg". u. S. Pa t . ofC

    Walnut St . a t 1 2t hPhiladelphia

    714 Fifth AvenueNew York City

    P e t e ~ o m s o n

    C U S T O M M A D E

    R E A D Y T O W E A R

    COATS toKeep out theWintry Blasts

    We would like t o show ourcoats in a refrigerator roomso they could be demonstrated. Althou Zh you cantell w hen yo u get ahold ofthem what a g oo d jo b theywill do .

    Boys8 to 15 , f rom $30.75

    Students16 to 20 , from $36.75

    , Cooler Days HereTempera tu r c s fo r th e wcek cnding

    ' l \l o nd a y, N o vc l nb c r 25, showcd a high

    mark of 53 an d a lo w o f 29, accordingto t he r ep or t o f C harl es D ec ker, of

    Narber th , w e a t h e ~ohs erver for the

    ~ Iai n Line. C loudy days held a bi g

    edge, s ix of thell1 to on e clear. Five

    days showed a temperaturc frol1l on e

    to e ig ht d eg re cs u nd er normal .



    . .. .. ..

    "7772 -

    . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Bargain-At That!Due to a misplaced decill1al

    point, a 11 odcl C Frankl in tour in g car wa s adver t ised in thiscolull1n m last week 's I ss ue f or$3.50. l\luch a nn oy an ce t o th eadver t iser wa s caused as a result and considerable am usement wa s had at the expense ofthis paper ' s staff. An official ofan a ut om oh il e c lu b p ho ne d t heoffice to ship hi m "a dozen,"Th e automohile should have beenadvertised for sale at t hr ee h un(ked and fifty ($350) dol lars .I t sounds like a hargain, eVl'nat t he c or re ct p ric e, f or whichit still is held fo r sale: Th ecorrected ad fol lows:I'OH S A L I ~ - M o ( l e lC Fran ld in

    touring", :1.1,000 mileage. Exeell e n t l l l eehanica l c o n d i t i o n . XC,,"pa in t , g oo d ru h he r, n t ' \ \ " ~ J ) a.. e,run" like ne w .. ar . A fine h u ~ 'at$ : ~ 5 0 . P h o n e A r d n l o r e 11 :ai.

    HaulingDaily. Trips t o A rd mo re

    and CityPhone Narberth 3651-R

    Observe ThanksgivingTh e Thanksgiving Da y nleet ing of

    th e : \ r dn lo r e Rotary Cluh. held a claycar ly so that 11Iei1lIJers lIIight spend

    th e d ay w ith th eir falnilies. was unclel'

    th e chairl1lanship of th e !{Cl ' . Albert

    C. Kanzinger. rector of St. 1';Iul's Lu

    t h er a n C h u rc h . Th e d a y' s s p ea k er wa s

    Ithe R ev. L ou is \ \ ' . P it t, o f St. l f a r y ' sChurch, Ard1l1llre.

    1 _

    Income Ta x RefundGranted Mer ion Ma n


    Th e most intelli"'f'lIt s to rv t ha t couldco me o ut of \ Vas h il l gt on n o w wouldhe a n e xp la na ti on of the m ea ns used

    to shut up To m HeRin.* * *A Bri t ish manufacturer says that

    his firm w ou ld h av e to go ou t ofbusiness excel>! fo r t he d em an d f romA merica for handcuffs. Handcuffsa cr os s t he sea. I~ M t = I M M ~ 1


    :. COKE .:. i$11.00 a Ton [

    ~ r ! ~ ~ ~ " " ~ ~ l i... _-----------1

    Charles WAFER ILocal a nd L on g I

    Distance II


    ~ o r t o i s e she l lPhone ~ a r h e r t h


    We t Weather-W et Clothes



    Lost a nd Fo un d

    Situations Wanted

    - a n d suits an d t op coa ts won 't l ook right again until they are cleaned andpressed-or perhaps just pressed-by capable tailors, Let tis call f or t he m

    and do t he work as only good, dependable t ai lo rs can do i t.


    LOS'r- -Blaek. white & yellow l". conSlllll 'fo'

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 29, 1929


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 29, 1929


    Page Fifteen



    Easrbound-SUNDA YS

    Th e d in nc r, w hi ch included filetmignon, wa s am pl e, good, an d wellserved.

    I f you don't sec what you want in

    this p ap er , a sk for i t -o r, hetter still,write u ~ about it.

    D I R E C T O R S

    Wynnewood Road RouteLeave M o n t g o m e r ~ 'an d Morris

    A \ eues. B ryn M awr, for Ardmore,\ Vyn n e wo o d, M e r io n a n d S ix t y- Se con d an d L a n c a s t e r Ave.


    L e av i n g M o rr is an d MontgomeryA venues, B r yn 1 Ia \v r. .

    Sla l ' l ing 6.00 A. I\f .. 0.30. 7.00, 7.30.8 . 0 0 . 8 . : 1 0 . 9 . 0 0 . 1 0 . 0 0 , 1 1 . 0 0 , 1 2 . 0 0P. lII.: 1.00, 2.00. 3.00, 4.00, 4 .3 0 , 5 . 00 .5.:10, 6.00, 6.30, 7 .0 0, 7 .3 0. 8 .0 0, 8.30,9.00, 10.00, 11.00, 1 2. 00 A . lIf.

    WESTBOUND" ' I ~ I ~ l i U A\. S

    Leaving S ix ty -s eco nd an d L ane a s t e r Avenue .

    Star t ing G.30 A. M . 7.00. 7.30, 8.00,S.:W. !I.OO, 9.:10. 1 1I.:lO. II.:jO. 12.30P. 1\1.: 1.:10. 2.:lO. 3.:W. 4.:10. 5.00, 5.30,n.Oll, G.:lO. 7.00, 7.:lO. 8.00. 8.30. 9.00.9.:lO. 10.:10, 11.:10 P. I\f.. 12.30 A. 1If.

    Leaving Montgomery an d MorrisAvenues, B ry n M aw r.

    Start ing at 6.30 A. M., thene ve ry h ou r on the half hour to11.30 P. 1\1.


    called f ro m t hc s pe ak er s' table to conduct th e c ho rus, w hic h he ha s spon

    sored, in a strikingly effective rendiof th e tion of "Morning," hy Speaks an dtoast- Baldwin.

    R onle follows: E a H t - b o u n d -Stu- I L e a v i n g S i x t y- s e co n d a n d L a n ca s te r

    A venues fOI- B r y n M awr viaWynnewood an d M o n tg o m er y Av e.nues to B r ~ ' nMawr.


    F U N E R A L


    s. P. Frankenfield Sons


    N a r be r th S h o rt Line

    EastboundPennsylvania R. R.

    tion, Narberth

    Carpenter & Builder100 N N b h A Phones: nay-Xarherth .'073-M. ar er t venue Even ing- X arherth .1828-R.

    Leaving Pennsylvani a R . R . Sta-tion in Narbmth 19 minuteslater than the above-mentionedtimes.

    WEEK DAYSS t a r t i n ~!1.t :;. 50 A. M.Then 6.30, 7.10, 7.50, 8.30. 9.10,

    9.50, 10.30, 11.10 an d 11.50 A . M.Then 12.30 P. M ., 1. 10, 1. 50, 2 .30 ,

    3 .10, 3 .50, 4 .30, fi.IO, 5.fiO, 6.30,7 .10, 7 .50, 8 .30, 9 .10, 9 .50, 10.30 ,11.10 an d 11.50 P. 1\1.

    SUNDAYSL ea vi ng 6 .3 0 A . M . an d every

    hour on t he h al f hour therea ft er t o 11.30 P. M.


    Schedule of Montgomery Bus Co., Inc.

    Banquet Speaker

    M o n tg o m er y Av en u e Lines

    EastbOUfldLea ving A nd er son and 1\1 onr...

    gomery AvenuesW EE I{ D AY S

    Start ing at fi.40 A. M.Then every 20 m in ut es u nt il 12.00

    P. M. midnight. LeavingThen 12.30 an d 1.30 A. 1\1.

    SUNDAYSStart ing a t 5.30 A.1\).Then e v er y h al f- ho ur until !l.00

    A. 1\1. .l 'hen 9.20 A. 1\1. an d every 20 IIlin

    utes until 12.00 P. 1\1. midnight.Then 12.30 and 1.30 A. 1\1.Leaving P"nnsylvania R. R. St a

    tion in Narberth 7 minutes late1'than the above-mentioned times.

    Leaving 51,th Street and City L ine21 minutes la ter than the abovementioned thnen.

    WestboufldLeaving 62d and Lancast e r Avellue

    WEEI{ DA YS WestboundStart ing at 6.00 A. M.Then 6.25 A. M. a n d e ve ry 20 Ill in- Ll'aving 54th a;;,:} C it y L in e

    utes until l U i ) P. 1\1. WEEK DAYSThen 1 2. 05 A. M., 12.30 A. 1\1., 1.00 Starting at 6.10 A. M.

    an d 2.00 A. M. Then 6.50, 7.30, 8.10, 8.50, 9.30,SUNDA YS I 10.10, 10.50 an d 11.30 A. M.

    Start ing a t 6. 00 A . 1\1. Then 12.10 P. M ., 1 2. M, 1. 30, 2 .1 0,Then 6.25 A. M., 6.55, 7.25, 7.55, 2.50, 3.30, 4.10, 4.50, 5.30, 6.10,

    8.25 A. M., 8.55, 9.25, then &.45 6.50, 7 .30, 8 .10, 8 .50, 9 .30, 10.10 ,A. M. 10.50 an d 11.30 P. M.

    T h l ~ . nl\e,v.er y 20 m inu te s un ti l 11.45 And 12.30 A . M .~ Westbound-SUNDAYS

    Then 12.0fi A. M., 12.30 . 1 .00 ~ n d SUNDAYS Leaving S ix ty -s ec on d a nd L an -2.00 A. M. L . 7 00 A M d caster A venue.

    Lefwing 54th and City L ine 571dn-/ 1 e a v m g . " an every I Start ing at 7.00 A. M., thenutes l at er t ha n the above-'men- hour on th e h o u r there- e ve ry h ou r on t he hour to 12.00tioned times. after, to 12.00 P. M. Imidnight.

    IClattcnburg, th c Rev, Bcnjamin N.Bird, Dr. H. VV. Biebcr a nd t he Rcv.Frank M. Gray.

    Prcsident James E. Hammer,Neighhorhood C lu h, a ct ed asmaster.


    : A thrilling", fric ndly a nd i nt en se lyh um an o ra ti on , "Front L in e R cv cl at i o n ~ , "was given by Captain Ti m

    IHealy, of Australia, who flcw from

    IChicago to mcet in time his c1uh cngagcment he re .

    Ig i ~ I ~ : : ' ~ J ~ ) I : ; : ; ; ~ ; ~~ : : ~ ~ :o ~ ff ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ c : ~'" - - - - - - - - - - - - f!dircc tcd by Joseph Smith, and as si st cd VENETIAN SERENADERSIby Miss Vehlla Godshall, soprano an d DANCE aRCHES TRAIbanjo soloist. B ra hm s' " Lu ll a by," E. S. HAWK. sung a c ap cl la , was especially artistic 5920 Oxford St., PhiladelphiaIan d pleasing. Rates on RequestI Dr. Herhcrt J. Tily. C yn wy d, w as p '_ __ .

    IFrank H. Sykes , Cynwyd, presi.j

    dent of the L. M. Town sh i p Com Imission, wh o praised "Our Community" at th e Ba la -Cynw ydNe i ghborhood Club 's ban qu e t Tues. Iday. i

    i- - - - .. I ;. . ~wh.o ",e.re. g u ~ ' s t s( ~ ~. : r o w n ~ l : i pT ~ c ~ s - I I ~urer J L l e ~c... I 1e ss . L l1\ Hr Mer lOJ l , Al l Sorts of Jobbing and AlteratIon WorkS ch oo l S up l' l' In te nd en t S. Edgar I .Dcwns. Junior Hig-h School Principal j Quickly and Rea.wnably DoneE. H. Snow. President Richard J.Hamilton. of Ardmore Chamher ofCommerce, and BaJa -Cynwy d ', c l ergymen 1

    Dr. Henry A. F. Hoyt . r ec t or ellleritus of St. John's C hu rc h, w ho pronounceel th e invocation; Dr. A. E.

    Friday, November 29, 1929

    Neighborhood ClubBanquet a Success

    Four H un dr ed M en A tt en d 2 2d

    Annual Fete Tuesday at


    "I w ant to go t o R nt le ." a travelingman ~ a i dto the elerk in a railroadticket office. Th e c le rk looked sadlyat him (he knew his Rulte) anel said:,

    "Brother, you dOll' l want to go to IBut t e: you have to go tlll're." 1

    n al a- Cy nw yd , L ow er M er io n and Ithe res t of the Main Li ne w as cont r a ~ t e dfavorahly w it h B ut te a nd othercommunities in t he U ni te d States hyP re si de nt F ra uk H. Sykes, of theLower Merion Towllship C O l 1 l m i s ~ i o n .w ho spoke at the t w e n t y - ~ e c o n e lannualbanquet of th e Bala-Cynwyd f\ eighhorhood Cluh, held in the Penn A. C.November 9. His s ub je ct was "Our

    Community."" \Ve he ar o f p la ce s where people

    came frOlIl," Mr. S yk es d ec la re d: " ou rcOlllmullity is a place of a differelltsort. Few loca l res i, It :l lt s were hornhe n'. A ft er all. the p la ce o f ou r hirthi ~ an a cc id en ta l m at te r. b ut t he placcof ou r adoption is a great reflectionon ou r intelligence."

    Mr. Sykcs pra ised , in a hrief hutglowing address, L ow er Me ri on 's~ c h o o l s ,both pu bl ic a nd private; itsvoluntary fire department, its zoningadjustment board a nd b ui ld in g r eg ulations; its hcalth hoard's safeguardso f d ri nk in g w at er, m il k, contagious Id is ea se , e tc ., a nd i ts ef fi cie nt govern-,in g body. He alluded to the town~ h i p ' st ax ra te as lower than that of /./

    a ny n ca rb y municipality."\Vebster tells us," he said, "that I;

    a community is a body of people hav-/Iing a common interest. I t is more It ha n l an d, h ou se s an d highways; it isa c ommuni ty o f people. O u r g ov er n -/mcnt, our trees, la wns a nd gardensmake thi s reg ion t h e a t tr a ct i vc ~ u h u r ha n rc gi on that it is, hut they arc,'after all, only cvidences that we arc,a community of ' .... o r th -wh il e peop le ;

    , 'who i ns is t on good , c le an government; 11. \I 'ho belicve t ha t m ak in g a life is at :I ~ s ta s impor tan t as making a living.: 'It {!oesn't make a lot of difference! iwhcre you arc; it's the people you live IIwith that counl. II'

    "I f t he N ci gh ho rh oo d C lu h accomplished nOUling l'1se hut to cnahle !Bala-CynwY'l's citizens to set aside 'wealth, s t ri " ings and position, and tosit down in p l e a ~ a n tc om pa ny a ndbreak hrca'i together in good fellowsh ip - tha t a lo ne wo uld justify thec1uh's existencl ....

    Four hnndred people attended thchanquet , inc luding chiefs of the LowerMerion and N arherth fire c o m p a n i e ~ ,

    ELECTRICIA N(Sl,>rvicing all appliances)

    G U S W E L S H(forme,l" with

    Narbe,th Elect, ie Shop)ShllP: Broom e' s Hd w. Store49 Anderson Ave., Ardmore

    Ardmore 1125

    Re!;idence: 145 Carson St . !I

    - - = : : : ~ : : ~ : : : = J ~ F ~ O ~ R ~ I N i i i i i i i ! F ~ O ~ _ R ~ ~ ~ A i i i i I i i ~ l i i i O _ ~ N ~ 0 j . .Li!iiiiiES~,!i!iii~~H~O~N~E~B~R!i!iiiY~N~MA~~W!i!iii_R~_~__1 i i i i !i2 ~ ~ O ~ . I ~28 ~ I ~ J

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 29, 1929


    " :

    ........... . : .. :.:.:.:::::::.:.


    Friday, November 29, 1929

    Monday and Tuesda'Y 1Thomas Meighan in

    "The A r gy le C a se "


    Today and Tomorrow

    Su e CarrollDavid Rollins-Nick Stuar t

    - S i n g -- D a n c e -- T a l k -

    Y O U ' L L


    (Why Leave Home,'Movietone Adaptation of(Cradle Snatchers' - Narberth

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    IMiss Krout WedsMr . Elmer

    I Friday an d S a tu rd ay, D e ce m be r GM I

    an d 7, h av e b ee n sC't aside at the Egyp-enges tian Theatre for "The G re en M ur de r

    Case," all-talking o f c ou rs e, an d laud-Th e marriage of 1fiss Louise Krout, ed as even more of a success than " T h e

    daughter of 11 r. an d M rs . P. B. Krout, Canarv 11 urder Case." vVilliam Powell,of Essex Ave nu e, t o Mr . Elmer Men who m ade the canary- ta lking thrillerg es , s on of Mr. an d Mrs. H. E. Men- a hit, a ga in a s Philo Vance s ol v cs b afges, o f J Je rm ud ia n, 1'a., which took fling murders in t he G re en c a sc , w h ic hplace Monday evcning at th e Holy is said to be th e best of S. S, Va nT ri ni tv L ut he ra n Church, Narberth, Dine's books. F o r a n a d de d a t tr a ct io n ,was a' br i l liant affa ir. Th e R ev. C l et us a;1 f u r Gang talking comcdy is schedA. Senft, p as to r o f the c hurc h, pe r- u e< ,f or me d t he c er el ll on y.

    Th e c hur ch w as b ea ut if ul ly d ec ora ted with ferns an d palms an d white,o rc h id a n d ) 'e ll ow chrysanthcmums,

    Th e b ri ck 's g ow ll wa s of white briodal s at in a nd h er h ou ql le t w as of whiter os es a nd sweet peas, l I e r veil was Cail 'ly, l11usic an d you th - these ar c

    t h e h i gh li gh ts o f " W h} ' L e av e H o me ? "of lace with a panel down the hack the 1I111sicai cOllledy version of "Cradlea nd her slippcrs were o f white satin. Snatchers," which starts it s local show-

    Miss Helen K ro ut , s is te r of t he in g to day at t he N a rh e rt h Theatre an db ri d e, w a s th e maid o f h on or an d wore c ~ ) J ] t i n l l e sS a tu rd ay m at in ee a nd eve-

    a maize satin s i lh o ue t te g o wn an d a n l l ~ ~ s s e das one of th e best come-maize !Jic!ure hat. He r slippers

    . dies Yl'l t o reach th e speaking screen,a t ch ed h er gown. She carned a buu.t hi s a ll -t al ki ng , s in gi ng , d an ci ng F ox

    qu et of orchid chrysanthenllllllS, :\Ill\ ' ietone feature s pe er ls f r, m] on eTh e brldesl1laids, :\1 i ss B la nc he 11 h il ar io us s it ua ti on to a nl 1t he r w it h

    :\1 enges, of York, and ;\1 iss M ildre