Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by General and Intermediate . Military Government Courts This is Merely a Guide and is not to be Regarded as Directive in Nature Prepared in th• 01Hc• of th• Theater Judge AdYoc a te a11 CQl aid to CJ''t /'...f e ,μr /./tf: ;f,,.q/'(S€

Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by

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Page 1: Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by

Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals

by General and Intermediate .

Military Government Courts

This is Merely a Guide and is not to be Regarded as Directive in Nature

Prepared in th• 01Hc• of th• Theater Judge AdYoca te a11 CQl aid to CJ''t 9~11a11 /'...f e ~ ,µr /./tf: ;f,,.q/'(S€

Page 2: Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by

'J.' .d l

0 U 'l' I · I ?J J..:


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c , :R " .. r r T l .,, Jj J.

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!,'J.'O) ... J. .. OCl in ~l1~ 01:2ioo o, \.iH1 'll1t.:c.. ·~ .:r Jni ,• 2.vooc,t o c..\ra ,..n .,jd 'uC> d u 1cr··~ OfJ.J.c .!.• .18 !

1. p

Page 3: Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by

p • 11 'J.' T.

] . no:u .. U?l(,10 tr:. ndl. e to : ( v ) H lll"oool. , 1111111,0J."Y Oovc•rrnnc:nt

tiann\}.n:v . 'J.'oohnic 1 I ' ... n u .... 1 or I1 e($d.l c. n' Pr i ,,,,, 0± f 1 c cru , r ocond ...,di t I n "; a nd ... ~eJ.~ e ic tll"'rly to O.t: u lne..nce 1lo . Z, illt : .. ·.v Covoi·u­n13n·L O u1··ta; .tlul eu of Pruooduro iti 1 iliL :r.., rove. nn1 nu Oou.rt•i ; J.\.JI'I ,J I ili t~ ·.y \.I0\/04'"nJ ent O.:iu.r·11 n ; and Gnluo i:o Pro<.icH1ura in 1 111-t ·ry Govorrunoa~ Cotu·t.a . (b ) 1.a11ta:r· 1 lL dUHl.r Loi·.-l U5i"t'r , :1.G JuJ.y 1045 , 81:i.b,j•· ot : 11 1:rilll •.!'.!! ,~1" O-riJnea £:.nd 1~olc. '11 ad C1uoo•· .

'.i. .1 10 .obro viL1tiona vr tl e forc6 in~~ ro:1'oroncar1 r h roin­ftcr uco4 aro U3 follows :

0 01'"clina1100 No . ~ . i11.~c..ry Govorra·1 c1·~ C)t l'.'11 ~; ( !!;') 20-30) .

R :fiulOS Of Pi· ouec.11.tro 1n !"111~'1-r.:r IJOV1"lrnl.0 1 e CC>ill"tfJ ; ( .n ~3-41 l .

.!!1 l:'Ol1lJS l":ilj·h,.r·y llCJ v or 1.00nt 001.lr~te ( :'J 4.:J 'i'5 ) . o Q.u i do vu .r:"'rococi11ro In I*ilit"' . .1.'y Go v .:i.· u11 u n c 1n!'t1J;

( ;') ~") 42-4.6 ). I1 l, o·V~ a.· t Hu .. td < u ... r t e:i:oa Uf,}J .. .",'J\ 16 ;July l!J4b , BubjAc.it :

11 111r1 . .:i.1 vi 11...1.r 01·ir.10r:: 1:.~ nc;. Jl ..il tod U i;~L"l oa . 11

'J.'ho l'ti.'-;e :r uforana ou .. H>ovo OJ.'O ·co I'i lJ: i.. .,.i.ry OoV'orru •Oi'l'~ Gc;i;· .. 1w.ny '11uohniae.l l'un1..1..:.i.1 i'or 1,et.;;.l bntl P1'i1Jo1'\ Of:i:icorR , l:.iooa11c~ Ddi L.lon , :JU':.'I'"'· • ·d10 !'01('1' 1 111001-~ ln pv rontho r-, 1:..; :in tl!a 'bo"V oi ~hia ... >u'i;J, ino ~Hiich :i.re i n .101·11 .~1 111.u1erc.lfJ roinl ~o ti1n o.:r l, ,1o l •j ~: o.l. Orclin., noo No . 2 , 7 ~il:lt ry Cova.rtll1t0n i.. cou ·~ . 1 . 'J.1he r oi ronui1FJ i n :u~J.bj o nuina.·.::i. JJJ roJ.Ol' ·~o t ~~o· lU1111Jt:i:i. od p(; ri. L• \,'>hL> o.i: 'i;lrn c i t~ LJl on .

volHll."' 1 1 ·11i·cs.j,;"y vovor mo 1 ~ o.,ro'tEl o.t1.~ .lr!'1iO.rH {'l ((i .. te Fi'li·i;o.r~ vovul·n11u,1t O·•il.r~ ~ oh. ll con [J j f,·~ ., O!J.._JOu~ivo ly o:i • 10 ·~ l c.:..st ~h ... n .i.lvc ( b ) r.1..;'l" l.:iul fJ t.l. ltl HO ~ l oii1.1 tlic.1.n ·~hrric:i ( '1) ner .b ';t':.J , QlnCl , ln lLtl c1i·~1on , '"H 1'·u1rn o l uf tho pl .. oaoctrbion ~ln6 ·c~o:1:011 .... 0 (I. 3). 'J.'lLO f;:oriiur Ji11~·uo;i· 0; ~.ho cow.~ ·b .1.Jl.CJC:l(.m,t, .i:~ CJc..•oh L.J:';ir.•l vd J l uJ L11.J l'f•OD it1U l'~ i:.'l1d 1~~:'tiJCJ jdinL 011.ioul' 01! ·~h e 01 '\.t:L ·[, ( J .. :3 I 11. 2 ( ~i)) . 1.1 1110 Hl mbO L'EI of ·Ll10 0 (.Ju:: ·t. c.i.re ':'lOutfJtl o.J:b1 1;i..'n •·l'J l.Y ~w ·t 1 ~l1 :i ·i:Jt t . . 11'.i '.1 of·~ o..KI the J'I lH.Jid.O i ·~ i:l. Ola S!" of El 0J l iO .i." l ty .

- l ...

Page 4: Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by

-.. ~-

l' o o:uovL. hlwiC6 vi ·i.;oo 'roo ... ou'wCII.' _.ru \011 Cl"C]l'IJ:1'/l,i , 1.n·w tii,.,y aro,1 11.1an t :> ily a.~ F' re 1 d '-'r .

5 . T'O.• .RS 07 'l'EE OOUR'l'

.., 'il..,lL>l :llJ:wt:.l.',,' ·.: ~,,.rt y ~1 .1.:i u ... iy l'"'11fu.l •1.1nv1..o~co inoll.ICin~ ti'..i ·th (Q . ITI ~t.) • . . n Into1~n0qi;\,., ···ilii.1 . .7'.y Oonrt l'a .. y 1J a·~or.i1:1 a1y 1".11tnl ..; .• 1H.ol100 v· aopD ao .~11 , or :iJ'i...,rJ~ .. on; .n~ i11 0~uc...L .. ~ vr ·fiun .Jr ... -::xJ , 01 ~1i1a Ht o""'o ,ea of ( 2 , 500 ;,1.:>unf.1S - ... 10 , 000 c1oll l·rl (0 . IIJ'. :~b) . ·

Iii iihin tlio l i"~i i.a o.: t • ..L .. )o .1o:i:r. .,,J iv 1 ... t ·t.o ·~l10 1io1a: t , N1 t~. bJriii of :l.l'\~1r 1eunm •lri; .~.nc 1:. i: i111..o J 'JJ ~r be i -~.,o,, ..:lC1 ;t; dl' ·~J •. J : , n'"' ..::ii , tt'n. , ::rn d [!' fl'll'l\h1,;r tor1~ i....f i• 1 r1oom1.1n \~i11J11n. w11u i0.1wl' ,: O,i; ~i, C 1u·~ mzy bo J.n!:io13od in Cl~.i;i.;.nl"t. uf ·,)i.Jyr. .... tt 0;i.; -~~-"" .i...l.;1( (LL .Ld,r , ti., ( J )• ;~J

J n Gtlt1i'11:iol:l ·~ o 01 · ill 11 in. o 1 •• ntuno..., CJ. f:l 1 , i1"t:i1·1·vnn~nt oi· c1ou.~h ( hithin 1·~i:; J011urs ), t. 'iliLaJ:·.,r tov r111,,...n ~ Court r·1· ,/ 'lo sic .. oi·dore .. 1th :ri::R1., .... c1t tu 'C~.1.1.· ;i.;1·}on u:;. 1 .. J .(l'1U l 1d t v ::i ... ·0101t~1 , tirJ1iS.J~ , o.c 1'LLBl 'h,11::1a i•1v\1lvod in ·u • •• o:i.;t;..:J,i;;iJ i.;'fJ -.ro

.. ~:i_.iro.:iriei.to ...... 1d ... u.,l•Ol' i ~od by 'who r>ul.:i:..: 0f ·i ii ·~ 1·y Gov1..J.'1Jl'li .. JH O?UJ'.'\,s; .:.nd J:~ .. 1111 .... vu .,0\1o:r· t,o i ~'01u1d •101 J m: 1..)·~1 .. ,.r ollj-.:011c. t 'i.o /i!i1• .. •n t bcdl u11Ci ,;:;-OCU;.,.'~ .,.,1i;. .J.Ol'~Ld·~ ..31J01.lrh,1 L}J••l"'C:.l.:;.>:r. , bO Ci.'{1,,,;r &,1;r .... ::J'b ·i;o 001u};)~·l ·~Ji_ .. ~t1.ionc1. 1 o ( ... ,. lG (l) 2 ) .. .iil .orcruJ: ·~lLw ll\.iton·~.ton 1,):i

Wil.nuf.JJCJti (1, , 16 (3)t "L o adr L~1r..·U al' Oa:.t uli~ . to ;1ir11r·1h J.Jl cu i·c1_,.i.:nt (H. l 8 )t ..;.1cl euoh ot hu.J.' i:) Q~1..:rf ..... .:.:1 .J:;y l.J .... ll~C!uti~d.l.,. c.•.lld i•.ppJ:O'>~"f ~u fol tlo11.1 duo 1..dr11iAli~°bl'"t1.ti1..·n rt jHE" ~ico ( 0 . Ill ~'h.J ) .

Page 5: Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by

6 . Vw'J.' r:iv ui~ ~tU.t Itlv~ .11'fll VLl'lJ TC'1'S

If ·i;ho m rn.Ci .• re oi '(;l,1) ouu~t B$roo , 4J.1 in·tox·loouto1'Y QUOG'tions ariisi11~: du1·in3 'LjLc ·~r1,Jl <..·y b\.J doaidod by 0h.u 1'i"OGicio·1t enbj...,at M objoation by a.n.y P·.lr'h, r of ·~h . court . Unl\lFJ5 ~nc ch.>tll'.li lli;El -·.t;r .;ocl t111 t o.11 1nt.Jj, loc1.1t~.11-y 1.,110·. t ion r.. ~.l."lSit:p C'11ril1($ ·~b.J ~;rial ;-. y bo ei ... oiclOc1 ~~r UL•U rr ... r. id i::t t l'\l"Jj• · ·~ ·~o 1.11 c..iobjoot1on 'by s.ny m..ir 1bor ol:' i;;.1.:J c ..... 1.ir't , ·~11- :fint~in<_,Ct C>'.1. -~ ..... 01.. ui~t on all 1nt i·loo ut ;;ry qu,;.iotion '" \ c1 Oh t. J. 1. 0 ·1.1 ~1 .. r Cl Lh· tl ..:in ; c..rl:.:i:\.n r;· ~tu·i::i$ tho tr1~ l roc.i.nH·in0 t~L ... ~ 01r.;;ton 0.1. t l..i n.:Jn1.t ~iill ba e1~·tor ' ll1ud 1Jy a .. , jO.!'i'\;Jf VO'C.u o;c 1...ll tl~o '°' "1 ~'.K .1.'t.1 ::1·uc1. ·r~ rt -1in1.. t1n u c.~1w votv i fl i.c!1.on . 1./hon ·1.1hu l/'o~.:..jc "' v dll.Y r"1v~c.:., i;hu T110eid·.mt c e t a r:.1 f:lJCO l'' \Tote . Voti:r, it~ in tli1) jnv1J.1.·" . .:. or~..i ... ufi· o.nh. , "~· · prJ r-ii d oJil'~ ·1otin.~ l :r. t lR . 2 ( 5 )). If' , in cula­·rnt;i.n ; t:.o nUl'!bl,.J., of voliOF.I r,>'JU~~rod , · ..1..r.cc1111 r.Jl!lultr. rjuo:i.1 ~r~otlon Hill 'bo cKiUn1.1dl ... ~ 0no , .. -t,,o-vl u· u vo110 oi ... h. nu.:

111b v1ra u:i.~S 1..1.1t iEl re u1roa "o co lV";i.ot , Cl a i;o u .. ~v1m i;., "l1mifii.:t-

ni.::>n·~ on :1 ·- aoc1w ~~1 .



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coni'o .. slon o:f i.~.J

1n-1J ti

~j on

11 '-'Cl u u ci"'l ).m ... nc~· onfu ~i.Jr1 " f..£ lO l ...u1 .... ~11.V r1... u.a :i t, e o ... 1u t lkj' o .. eo J.UOA ;i.t l.Lf.; HOr ~ ... 1lOGO en,~ ,4 l'v 1 ... n~ ::fl V ... ~ ,uch I/OJ. ;..,.. t 'n in i-CfJ O:_:> i 11on i '~ ~'- ';/ tloS rvu .. i ... ol' COil iOorin vhtl f a·t~ ' tl O airov'HOt,.nooo o i a:r.ac .. rtion (li. 12(1 )( 2) , .; . ~)).

f . 00 • Li...L.tDI!,l'..1.'~ O 1.1 ·-'1 .:,:,.,,, · • f~ey orcon o 11hu Cl n n.o l•OOUS.t.1D 2'"Y bo i·equirod 110 tofjti:f~r bcxo; t, L ·I'ilj.t "y Gov • l1l.l n t 0 .::>tte"t o: uc., t c. ;erflon of 1u1 ottnd .•incl , )rov1~eil th. 'l.O .1 it;..10 c 1 . ll 'b re~uiroc.1 to incr :u 11t.. 110 1111 ouJ.f nli -,i 'Tiil e. , Jr-;o r..'•, ~ , O H' •t olu: l l uot co \pol :

. 1lJ:ont or ullild . ~ 1vo

( ~ ). 1\ .1Xico·~ .. o. ,, i ,--1 o . "" 'Ir "" \"'1 · .... J ... • - .. i.I ..... ... •/ ; VI ... • t; ' ~ ...., • I u ;> n '11.i.. a o ourr) e 01 oonfc;e :~ion ( R. J 'I ) •

1'ho f.lO 1 1.' iv ilcu_;OIJ 'l' O :i0r ... o~Ml 110 IW(• "i'i;rt Ol...'· i'l13c1 b.~" thv Hi 1111a El :J t·rC •10"" , J l.i:T1fo1J ,


.. 5 ....

Page 6: Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by

P Jj F\ 'J.' l I •

OU'.i.'I·lNJ.J Ol:1 - '

1l17' I .J1 t:., OHl. ., U.wll .. it 1l1 <1< f \llti:J .. J:Jl i'.1.·E I n .1·11

• • RY (·rOVJ..1RJ'l1 J_,i'l'~· COUJl'J.' .

PI ,[;) : '1HJ.J ouu:\'J~ 1ULI1 cur:1. 'J/J 01mu1.

v ti{Q:..,: 1J,'}1~ p) \OO J .. OU1.1.'IC.1 1·T If) j,L.1;;iJ)." I I (.) Pl-<00l.·J...1J \1 I '/R '.i.}I L • C.i1f;l!J o.... • • • • ;

1J.1H1. ·~uUU.,tJ.) (A MJJ1TJ) ( J li'~~J '.ll•.u ), r:.i l''lt 11 J .?>J,1 , 'lO­

UL1l'Hffi ~II 1.l1H ·1·.-1D H .. X~ULJ1iU•Y 1-P'l)OIN'.1. .tIJ lJ.Ll·L~lr ;... C\J UN1 .uI·.

i . '=' ·~o c·p:ol:'O.:?J,ir:co a.o ~ J. 011 i n ·~h ov a 1·t ·Ll.l.u • oov' ot.t douB no·~ ... ·. p~:le,;r 0 1 flJl'O tl" 1 Cvtu."t , !!loo pugs ..l.i_.

If -pl"c.C Cic .... blo' ll~H) r.101~~ barn or. '(j }H3 c~ l''~ uh<NJ 1 ·Jo l: Ul'­n 1 shed 11lth L dobeio1· Ji "L :iiJ a . l!IO ~'l .. ior t o tl.· :i... 1 ( ; , l~) . ·.r110 1111llbors of lille O n.u: ~li siiOtild 111.1. vo bu ... ~1·0 tl· cJ d1u·in9 t i1c ·crial co:-;iioG of tho ohar3e nc.l ,)rU"liicuJq,r·~ .

P.HLS; 1.1:1.'L UOUJ.1· Ha.h .. 'l!"PuJ1l11'.CJJ , • •• •. $ HJ1.1.'Dfi"Qjti,.1.' ·R, 1:,t 1/lLL B;cJ ~\JU?.N . 1l1ho 1u·Lorp:rotor l ' i.s .:iu rr. ic\ ~; u~oo ·Lt1a Prosid e11 t ~.t10 m.~Ji,.n : DO YOV ~~ J.o.·.JIR TI".[ 1~F l vH'J.'Y L·OJ (::3U11 · "N1t 1JJ

1.11 IH 7) '_.11 :'1.1 YuU .1ll1i1 , 1.:'0 ·-~·1-:., .t:E:./.~1 tiJ/ Yu UR

1BlJ 0 ll'Y , l '.:1Ul1Y '!l~,N .>I1 .·L]_:; 1m~ 'PJO a .1..1J.H T\;-f', 0 .1: '..1:.l ' l' OU J1.i1~ · J ,.

1J. 1:H~COU .dl' 11"'.i J1 .. tA!Uliu...'t (rt.,,,, , ~. '.L'l· , O. IV 1/),

JN'~'~ .1'fi1 ... t. .. .'l' a { : I DO ,

'11110 .~I'Ol;,[!CJU'~ uj·· , ('.BfOtH3\J OuLmr~ 131 , c..IL " l'l(.ll. 'U Ol':1 OJ.'. t •• 8 c JL'\l L

in oonc u<.nin.., ·t<ho.it incorroG.:-.t icmc: , o ... uulo ,'l"Of'v lmG l.) uir , qnos t 10ns by l -. e. c1r1o1asin~. lil•O ,ijtnem1 diri;:o'LJ.,/ , .. iC LLo .i.ll~ ur·­)l·otcn Shwuld ili:~HSL.i.to di.1~1;1o·tiy ,.,.nd v .. t:' ~ .;;r,fru , ,· nd il't ~h, s.-.ne porscrn , a v t1·y ·~1lin¥ ·L ~J -~ io t:a1..-i tl ~ubjoot ·~o c'ijl·ac·~i G'1 o;~ ~ 1.e oou.L· t; He Rl~~> lll ~ not ue_pJl'T!l~ ·~tocl -~o ..in ~~· _:;t1 j r1 colJO G~Y on li.1~, own ( .. t , 8 ), ·~Jie 1cc1.i.eecl 10 rJ ) l"li~ LlrJc1 ·t;o lkV'e i;Jle '1I'Ooooc1i 11~ r: ·b1


r. nS l ci.COd whon hu is OthOl'WH'-10 ll.i1"""1.H a ·~c 1ma01•sl...md ~ ll O '" 1 1..in su~ do in ~~1licl1 tho.), u.ro 0011Cluo·te ll (O. V'D ( ?.') ) , .

Pit._,s : ·1~r co LJ,< 'l' P. 1s 1~PronJ·.i.·J,.iJ • • • • • is , (r.;!'011· .n , n.u 1iIJ.J BD .; 1QR1'1 . 111.Lo ro~JO!' l; ur :r· ;i::a ~ ~ lei ~ ··-~n1J t ; (t Pr . 1 j c1 e nt who Cl!Jli.!3 i j)Q YUL .... 1 .. 1.H n~ l •1tHrH'f'Y (;OD (.'1()f, • 1 .. ...... . .... t 1 TH H~.1°1' ....,.utJ 1l1L1. , 'J.C '.L~H~ BL;i '.L O ·· Y\;UJ.1 .iJ'IJl , ., 'jj{lJJJY I.l .... 0 ·01Jl •• NlJ ' 1 { ;~ ~:'.icHJ ::... 0 1· 11 ! 1,ou ... ... ..uLr-11. ,_, u .L. .Jl m J•, 1n• '.L "1'

( , , • ~I 1 .il ' • 1 I ) •

t1.1'11ll ' I 1< : I JJU •

. . lJVl S:n : I :00 ,

n S: \IHOfl" DO.L..S .1.' .CGUSLD .,,.., JRE 'J.10 l"ll'.i.:RODU.H~ -·'4 COUNS .... J, ':

J.oo ; 'J.•H.E Dfil!!DNSE OOUN3DI 1. ( :R . 3 ( 2) ) •

rn tl.o o vo1'lt of apoui~l 1;ouneCJl, BU.'•h oounaa iH 1n .. 2·0-<hto ~10 ea foJ..lOH!3 :

DC 1i~m:. ~OCU;J .. J.) :Uw.-lli< .... S 'ilO Il''fROl)t.JCL .tL OJUN.:illl1 nrri-n----·-

-r( ~,:-FJ_,.t...,.i_o __ n_e.-=1~i:-:li--~':'.""', )r--(r:P~r~o=-=:i:r-e:-::s:::-,::-" 7f o::-:01)T ' mm l1~ DUI y u. L 1li 11. D 1J. 0

fuC ~ 1 O.U $1,;1(.)R.J 'J.'ll Iu CA) U1:.1: . ( R, 3 ( ~) ) •

I n t e eve>lt O;i:; o i v ilill OOW1Gol , u1. " Ae·c .1 0:...y 1 ~a elf and tho r eo.'.)!'d i \t.9 t al 011 • f~ll' .. "ivDl:· £ uch couna ol h ~ ~er ·1eeion of n~ 1s c·u~hor1~ed 'by , t~rn l"111i., v Gov ·rn­mo1 t ' ~o !'?l.Oo'Cioe iu1. A a~~·"' h 0£ u~lO l,;vUlt Ul ~L l'r.001•.{\ to Gl.t t ~ ;i.;"'ect \1111 tHtf:f ioe . (R. a ( 2 )) •

../'° rRou; 'L'IU~ n·otr10J l'NG r, ~1r .Rd 1,.JJJ' J.'KL co tm:..1 •• .F.r, ~ 1 ID'=.iD a'11; • • • • •



'i:'ROS :

No n~oi.nbo.J".' .::1.1. tl1e ooUl· ·t o:i. .. o;i; tl.B "J'OL~rJc111.il.on i!J FJwor11,

I S .. . n,JL.N '.L', H •• V IW.~ :UL.l:itl Dlr1·Jy .)1 O L1 .1. JJ .J.( J.1:' ~

11'E ..i;; ..... .l:!.i.llLR. l1 U. '.L'U11 .L o.i:· 'J HJ.J UH.,i·L .. D .n.~D Pluil'l OlJJ, .. L'- 1~ • • '

1.i.H.C J:. U8.uGU'l'lVN il!'.LL ( i 10'J.' ) C J,L .,~1Y I l .r DuR 0::.1 J.11"' 1.J JOUil'.~' 1b J ,Jl'J.''Nl.wS , 1/ H1I1 'J.'h,t., 110 'J tJ&I,l) CJ1i.I 1 ll~Y ! ~ I ~ .. J ..t{ 0 ·~ .;J

c QU1I 1.L1 , 1 s .1 II I'.L'NDS s 'i' ( ... '{ . 2 ) •

Du . : NO (Y J;S )

P.ROS: HJ18 1-1.."':JY Tlf.Or!.Bl.R 01' '.t!dL CO U .<'/ •. P :Rf:iu·t.J, IN· 1'i~HL i .. 1l' .LN · ~· 1m 01 :S r;? (R . 2 ( 1 ) ) •

1l'l:iCJ OOtu•·~ fl~lC>llld O~\QUFJO 3,1zy l•'.011;)01' OJ. ~11.0 0 1..itU't WllO v~ ill. 'bo o e.;1J. .toa au ti ~11-t.n o r:i:;. in tilHJ c2:.s 0 oi~ t.~.f~ a t1or~Jona J. i.rrtorn · ·t ;l.n it . (IL 2 ( 1 )).

Page 7: Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by


11: • ..J13 .. H O '.d-l.:.i CLJ\., 11'.1.' 1 J}:i ,,N O!'l Ju R n,anltT (Nill:· o ,---~ ' l'J.'i:i 11...,(..r J.. 'l'iv. I .'Jl t \1 , ( l.i . :5) •

11111.LJ U<Jllrfl.· £L. .:.1 ;. , 'J l •:..L· r JJ I'.1: •. :01 •• v '.d: .. J.1.· l'.L l Z P.HO~Jjt~.y O .. .'i1


~·J'I'1 U'l'J.Jl Ut.!I.1 .... ~ \ ·~·l1o1 • J,,111:J --~·IJJ :RUl1.w ;'I GuV~ .... H ·1I'M. rrfJ,J' ... ·.!:F\Y OOV.JlNi' ~,n1 OvUh'l'b .N.u ;L5 JU!UC: lJl\i-.TvN OV.~ .. d


111D pfJ~~()l 1 (F.) '• ~ .I) OJi'Ii•LN,;L ( J ) OJ;' '.1.'~·L .... uuu .si . .D . (rt . 2(1)) ' T.1i' r.:.r·.1.nm. 'l'Pi.i lJ'.1.{U.'} /.JU'.J.' luN (JI, J)~·EN·:iE Hh.S HY LrRvUNll 110R J~~ iI1J.:E;i.'l\iD oL i\TY ILl "LLR , 1 1.1' Tb ru.;r.u .. "i:;·.i i;D • ... ·m~'l' 11 .u.e DHW!O$:On 11011 . (If 110110 dir:~o1oaed , Jud) 1'1-..L;. ll1 Di:ING tlO GR.1UND ..:'0.H 01- .11,J.,N1.Ti. , l'H:1: Ch Ui •r IS '.11 .OJj:..RliD 'l10 B!.l "DHO'PJ1t! Y 00 1 -L'l'.l 'J.'Vl'!:D. (~ I 2) •

Only ul1a11en~.;,os for (J<iu:rn ua.~' 'bf! e:rnr~1 ~etl ... r,., ncl ~J.1Gr ·~Le 1-JJ~oseccrCHm nor tl;:.u ~ofon:::o in on~1111oa 1.oo :)Jl.'Oti1 'fl'1iOl'J c u.lli:in .10~ . Cl .llou··oa will 1,)o deoit1oCi 'by"" t,ti.jori~~~r vot..ri of t~ ~ C111i.r.t i:tnlei~H,; tho ba.siu fo1· ohr.1llonr:io i:J sueh t..hB Ii o i)viuLt13lY lihO ch • ...1.llon_,od 110111001, ol:luulcl au o :~ouuou 1.rnCJ i'i.. i s 11nnacese,j!'y ~o [ O thro11 .. ·11 tl10

:!:o:i:1 1a1 i ·~y 0 I VO·~ J. i'J.$ .

'PB.Li~ : 'f.li • ',i.'RJ..~L 1/ 111 E.u cu 'JDW '.i. .D TN OP.:..~ o .. Jt.H~ rll ( I I 0 .. ~ ) •

'l'h.O oou.rt oy n"-j or1 ty vo ·~ o ifJ, ori:)QWOr Od . vO 1.Jl'd '3!' t,r I .H in OCJ'lOl'a ii'. 1~ iG neounFw.ry fa:r. !;locw.-·J·1,,~ , -,rotec! Li.I i

11 o·r ,, iVnu:q!'.oa , or cr~hor [<:oo a i·os.0011 . Any o:r.•c.'\f)~' J.ur t..r1ul. ln crn•arEj \1J11 ho no~­od 011 thu :rooord ::i.na t ra')ort uL ~.'lo :1 oc.1 1J11 ... 11i11 t::.o l'O.''" 'J mo th(1i,n-fo1, (n . 10 ( 6) 1 G. 24) .

'l'H~ 1lC0 U"f-J .IJD I n.·w i·1a.. D ~ I :·J'.1. ' ~L Q '1 .1. ...,D •;) '.i.0 H lfj l~.l~l "J; , J\li ~I :1...:Jt> I J,) ,,,re .l.J t N .'J. l(J J:'l.LlL f'.l y ' J\ N:O 8 f '.'l"m •

'11hc a.couaao ·.1111 a.lw~yE:J o ... ~1d ~. ]ion lt1ch,t;1i:H oC! (0 . JI;,,,.,) ),

.i dU :

J: i •] ,..,1JI ,,t 18 v00.ra ~Jf e1,r..·o '1.1ho ·.1ro"a,.11u·o (I t ·b w ac cusoc. "1 ... 1.1

"' ~ o .... ·~ 10 will 00nL~o1 . l :tor th on ~)P..gc -...=---

!'1 J.Jb, 'l.10 •• QC : yo tJ 11 ••• JJv· r ~JLJJ J.... '1 uN~fl: •. I .... r,~;., OJ. l I .i. J. : ~r:y .ov.~tTI~,.r··J. JiJU .·Hi ... ,hl.t.' ;J) IN '.1.ll rt:: U1 w~·-1 'J.0 '-' ~!]; :,101,ro., JNCi : (O. Vn) .

1~ 'l'O HAVE l N J1JJV : 0 1. a: .!.'l'.liH I • C!J'FY O)· 'J'f:: c· .'i.RL •• t ' u"t·uN \/E1Cll YOU .. n.1, 1' .... ·rn 11m.

8 ..

,/hilfl no t1,., o tn c<..dv .nus 1.•::i: 1.:c:ie.l iw :d!'o~c · i bod , tl o u.r-ro:::io O! c}1,io pl:'o viOiOll iB to esll .'blEl t.J.oC 00\tF.ltH\ tQ ri)OOl VO , <Jo;iy of SU1Jh oh&rgea ouffiai 1.nny in ·.c'\v noo o~ t1·1~1 • ::i wlll :·oi:nu~o hil a :f'A1r i.r i~1l 1..nd o ffJ])rd hir::\ : n 09_:iortu.ni 1.y to ·)l'.'C:!Ju. l·o v., ~c:tonoo .

2 . '..1.'0· BE. 'PR.L~UN'l' / 111 YOUR 'L't<l·L , 1.l'O GJV ... h"VID.vNCLi , .PlJ 'I'O l:X.JHN.U OR CRO ... S ...i~. i.;rm~ /\ NY \JI'l 'h ... ~!.. .

~lo COurL · ti.y prooOO~ in t le tb:ionco 0'.l. t~.t l cCUS CJd .1.f ho .:11JpL1ed for Ina is gr o1t sd :lcl"l:' ilH:li 1 110 • 0 e.bD :-it, Ol; .if l.o iu bOllu vetl t..O bo tl uziLlve fr~. ,1ru;t too . (0 . '"[ . 01J ) .

. .


3 . '.1.'0 c1 .. ir .. 1su1,'.t' -'· li;~ 1r~R '1W·o11 ·.1.'lu~.1, :.ND ·.1.6 · co NDuc 1' Yu UR · (J,IN l)L,r'..,,~b"" OJ:\ '.1.0 l1L R.t;,T UJ..,,~ 1'.1.' L;ll 1.'l: 'J.HJ,, 1.1.'RIJ I, DY 1l J,:~ ~ 1Y.wR Ql· YOwR 01/N OHOIO.u t ~.,UBJ .. C'l' .t.O '1 i1.,. .rtf Gi'.L' 0 1 'l'H I 5 OOUR1.J.1 'l'U D.-..EA.R jUY r t u0 1'~ Rot '~l"PlJA lNCi :n~XHU; I'l'.

1 , IN .~NY C. •i:iD IN ii'fl!ICH A ~L'N.J.'t.mL OI' D.L .'l'H l ' ,y Et:'] TI~l'OG:...D '.L'O .t: Hill'!J.l~~D;·nm :'Y A.l 011~ IIJ...R O.v 'lHD l.JNJ'J.'l~D G· .. 1!1 •.1..1 .fl PORCf.S .

Do!on~o o~) \l.11SE3l ',':i ll be c.:~"'oint od in c.ll 01..300 ( J, . :3) .

5. '..1.'0 BR p.Jtz ·in ·.1.11.l You ·1·0 ·.1.H Is J.'.H Ltil· su cu HA-.1. _Jo( IAJ, ·,1 JYi.Jl"~ m:.u i ·~ YOtlil Oi/N llEFl!N~·l~ ,1:-:, 'YOU l .'iY ,, I:~ I CR '•'O I AV J,, 1 Ill' ,';)lJI~ ONl~ll .13Y '.L'l~ co u.· ... · .rl '.i.' YvUB f!I.l" U-~'J..' , Ill' pJ{1(L0!0J\L,)l.L.

o, ..1.0 AP?I.r '.1.0 •,,_·i;. com 11' ~'OR At·J :d)JuUi,tn J:N '1.1 1111.HL N ,(i .. :. s~uiY 'J.'0 J.Al.dJ!dJ YOU 1l'0 ' \~.t..R.U YOUi: D:..:0.1.n rh.B •

7 . ·.m· HJ. y,i;··.1:n...: 'PHOC~.~.LNGS '.1.1rrn 1SJ1.1'.L'.i.D ~ml'.;!~ YUU Jn~ 0'.L'TlJ.J!i­\IISE DN.~nr.~ '1'0 U-ND~-t 111

•1.ND '.!.'HL 1 • . 1\J\.,ilT, .• !l}J nl 11HTOJI •, ·,,y

/ffiL C ONlJU C 'l'LD •

F.3 • IN 'l1h.i.:., ~VLN1l' CJ.I.!: OO' T"VIC'J.' IUN '10 ll'lLt. :. .. Pt'J.' l 'l'ION r .. ... '.L'J' l ; 'G POJS'H GRUlJMDS \/HY '11rL .• .1It lj)lNGG .iVD f.E",1;.'}1 a D 8VuUJ.D '.:.;l•l 31.'l' 1.8 IDZ O l"'Ol)lF .LJ.,JJ . '.

Buch l'ati·~ion 1:111.:.ll oo fil.;ill ori ~' '' :.: 1 J. 'orm 1'lo . lo \l:lth ln ton ( 10 ) deyf3 l.f~or ·~ho t.i.trnounc1) r1..1.t·~ o:i. 1.o in Cvu1· ·~ 1· ::.! (\O rJlnlcm unlasu bofOJ."O tho 1JJ;:i1 i1· "'1011 of S tioh to n ( lO) r1 yr:. tr..o OvtLL't

--f.ixtA~ i~uoh poJ::i.od :foi, ij'Ood o.-t1mc t:1hovtn . (llm DiJ.", 17 J u ly ·1:5 , :J irJ v. r h:rt Uo J. : · . '

.;2. 1~n.1£~j '.J.0 J,QQ : DO 1~U UN.u .... ,Hb'.1.'.iND':'

1.00 Y.Iij8 , SIR • • f • t •


Page 8: Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by

Pt..~ 'lO Ji CO: li.fi6 ..i COPY 0.L· 'l'}L. CH.~nGL ·.HL.1,,'.!.' IL.LN :.1 ..... iV dJ Ui:'uN YOU PRIO.t. i'O 'l~lA.l.i? (H . 6 ( l ) ) ..

L~O YE8 , SJR.

'.J,~lO J')rOGic1011t !'aei.d r:i to ~i1e l {.)Otentl ~110 Ohca."~o ( ~. ) .. . n.d Pa..rt 1eu1a.;re c18 Sftt for·~h ln ~l)O ch~.1.1•t;s SllSB'L , .11-CaJ~ ·tho rc.;t111 .. in ,~ o:l:' 1!./.0H r.articul .. J.:r. n.M\ EAOH Ohc"!l'JEl tho Cotu."~ wlll t.1.Dk U1(i Ci.c Ollf oO, in ·~ho lan0Ui:..8e no::ct below FlC\t ou·~ . if hu w1c1airi·~ · n(lr~ tlio r:i.:imo a.nc Who'Chor he i.J l On~n Buil 'l~y ox- not ,!t.t .:llty tn i i, (1~ . 'I( ..i) , a. 2) . 'J'ho Oour·b 1 ·a.y l\00011~ z: )lor of ;~u11·~y 110 .. i.n ofionEHl oC:h<'ll.' than lillc; ~ o.n~·3od (R. 7 ( 5 ) ). ·

P11LS l'O .cc: 1'0 YOU Wl.i.i..R~·1•. , ?JD 1.1.'l-U, CH. Rti.1..1 (I1• 'J.'10UL .. H. ) •t

oc I i ·cho ie no OJ. iWJc..nity i~~ roiAetl , :J;1.. Fl1vuHi .. o

dona ho.re . 'J 'he oo'Ul" t ~/ill thot1 pi·o oo~d ~s ~et J;Oi··~11 on n.;; ~·o ·1 SI of thlfi on ~lino . ·· 0

- -

PJ-\l!i:J 'l10 ~.oc ; R01/ DO Y<JU FI1 'AD?

.CC , (l.- lJ lI•.J.ry) ( UO'.l.1 GUII,'1Y )

I f ~ho ,1oc iG guil~y :

!'IfoS 'J.U •• CO :

~ad YL!;l , fJ JR,

'PJl. S 1J.'O J,00 : l)O YOU D Ji1n~n '.LO CH 1NC.:C YOUR "?1.~i '.1'0 UNl~ 07:1 1'"0'.l.1 GUIJi'l'Y'r .I!. '

.. oo ~TO , :aR •

-- ) 0 -

If 1 t a et rl ' 111 1.;u ·i;hp t ·~us p l ur ... of lhd.l 11y \ 1 li bo ontoroa a finc'line of' i:,uil ~Y by no lue:.s i.h i,;t.li 1.. .. 0- ~idJ.1h 1•0 i.1.,

chould lio ·;i du 'by 'ho oourc nCi o.1tno1incod .Ln 01 n oonrt ( r1 . l" , R . 7( 6 )). '!ho 001.ll,t Hill then ro-Jc.ive ~ 11id ~1lOO to (t) iJ.Ooort tn ~=1101rn tin oirotu'.'t8t. .. nc uE, i1 .. ny , c.tnd ('b) to '2!l ltblo i c -Lo d11tor­

n1nu tliu oentonoo to ue ir\;.:)Of'lGd (.13 . fHl) ), 'l'ht 1~ m 3 ~'l'O:f> •Jl'J.~r inclu~o ~vidona 13 of ohl\l'a.01,.\}r of ~l.e • oouaoa e.J~ ::>Iio1· convi.;t icma , 1 nn.~/ · ~'ho coUl"~ \1.111 ~11l!Ol1. bo 011'):.;ed , cl.:ioido u • .,on 11hci oont onc.su tc !Jo i''':~Ol3(;;a ti;:,on tho o.uou::iad by not l uR E:J th .n t;rn-t.hirclo vot.J ,

'.1" 1.onon. ,.-ind 111111ounoo tho oa )toh o•J in o~an aOillt • .. If 11ho pluc o:i: c;u11~y 11-1 no~1; i·cc1)iV..i .itl 111 i•

l!lo~oni:.1.n d ·1,,~J.;t 1;:1, ;>lJ or no11 Bltil ty OJ.iou).~ 1J nL Ol ' Ccl. .t ,r .. 1:.c i'il.at:na d ( Ct . 1 2 , fi, 7 (6)), the oou.t''u \J;i.ll opun c.ncl tnriouno.:i:

r1 .u 'J'O .oo: :. p;_,1 ... or No'r GVII1'.1.Y 111IJ.1 n .... !'PJ.':r.R ~D 1~D ·1·}1t c 1· .:...

i!J..L .UL 111\ILD )~~ D.· '.ucH . PI.E.. HnD D ~1 l "1~D...- :JY '..t.'h.. .O C J,s.uD.

'l 'ilO oom· ·c IW.Y ~10" reio u1vu c. )lot. Ol. 1.i\1il 11y a <.: 11US t O a ~'llO •1 r tll'~v ~ 0 · ny o:ffo 'llH.i I jWOlv inr:; ~.111'.l

on.th .,hmi..lty pro\1'1dc.d , ho.11.1v~1· . ·~h. ~ t:', iilo ot ~u~1 .. y ·1..0 11 offoneo ·,uniO:ik L.1 -:. by duf'th l''c.lY bo L -ooo~Jtud l:i.. t1li...1 co 1u: t. is "'" t 10-:ti o. ~·om -~:10 :n 1turo of uJ.l 1 O.iPO ·~11." i.. ·c ~~u . UJl1i~lt11..i1 ~ of do ~th would bo 01 :..~ r1y LJ~ ooi:; ., 1vo , 1t. tl .... t a. lor.;;c;..,i· .!" i11 ,1 0 ·1 ~ vthic i

1G v1i thin iHJ ·10\,.Jr Co ill\ iJorJw \lvtilc1 :;;uffioo (R, 11 ( ~ )).

'J.'ht Coro.··t i .~' , on f·1,-;r1 own r~ o·i:;11.111 , ul .. _ t "Li~l1) ;i.~\.:l "Ud':"~ of ·cl!v 1 oor1avt' • i.1.·t • ny ~1 ::i ~)ufOJ.."u tL . .i £1,, 11 ~1. .eo , .-:11t .. u..' n ~"l~ •·' of &uiJ,ty ·~o u it l.)f 10t 61tilty ( I1 . l~ ( 3 ) ) .

I i" l;h.;;i.,o ~fj no.r•o th, .11 on.; acd:'1o,. 1<.'1c.1.11·~, ;;i1cl ~in J ur utol·o , OL'rt no·t al l, .1.1lOt'td t,:tdl~y , o:;:· 1,i J. C·inr;1.u c1Q·hmi 11·~ 1J .... t1 0 ~uil 'Cy"t.c 011J vJ· 1 :.ll'l, , 'uut 110~ J.11 of t;110 oli.-.t.J.' s,'tJf, , 1..11 .,,. c1u1 r· ·~ nlt1:•.J.l d..;ifol.~ 0 1'..illt unOO 011 r. ny o:i. ·11u ., ol.BJ.'~Ul..J \llhil ~h...; ~11. 1 0 1 li,J1 i r.I 00111 .. Jlotud 1 in o:r~o;r co 1J• "IOEJO on.: ~ .... 11..0110 0 cm. Ou01L a.,L (')rl tJ •. nt with l 'uld )1.10 ·t ·i:;o ~ll 1.1lL cll1 r $00 of Whioli 11.:. lJ.•:i..r; .; J. .i ,"' ~ •. ~ 01· b •J·.1ll lOtUld $1..i.il t y ( Cr , l~ ) •

'F ~<Li·~ 'l'O "CC: '.1.'H.LJ oo uH'l' NO\v .uDt:.r.H::.i1 'J.'u n·".L~-t,uvA'J.'JJ You. 1•r 1

l ·kl'lJR .: ·1· , c,....., 0.1 ·.t'll rs 'lRJ . Tl ~:ou .. x J .. "': • .L . r uH .. · ,, onP $ .... •'J't'l !..• N'.C' , ON 1/:UCH ~v u r·~ .! TlD OHOr_,G-LXliJ.~C11J .• D. YOU ,R.i.J nDVJ ~hJ) 1. ir,.1.._· ~ry ,.· ... ~·\'11Lr/l'.7'1'.:S YOU t~ .. .. c: 1~0\l OR J,_~'i'LR IN YOLm '.1HI J• 1J IL:1 J3}j .. :J .Wi... hJ..; JN .i.

1t! lio c i:.>.1;; . YOU -~HJ..i ,ia r.io ILDV1b.JD •11

'.1 • • 'l r.L,, rJu Ul<'1' l .. y,

DlUl\i G iJCE lNJl'JJ}11MO.J~ 1'S '.l''1- 0 I.,iC \11 »' ... 1 1,lULG JU, '-' .G/'.t JPROI ~ YOUR Rl ... JJ·Ul:L'JI, 'l'O JJ!lk1/.DH uJ:( .J/HuJ t '.YOUR J! 'J\lJ1~~L.·

- 11 -

Page 9: Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by


? .i.U 'J.'.'..~.J '1·lL.1 .;1• . D l'l YtJU11 0 l'l r.J...~, .ll . },[Oi"/ .. VD!<, Y.Vli I'".Y V'I.' Dli ... 1,11·.1..rJ(,l.,l) .OH Ju " J.~.'.L11°"'J.' IU.t Hl1Uf3.l ··i.x '.i.'U .NS 1.1..JR . ..;d.; tOU 11 IJ.1.n1u .i' l d~ *·]] ·.r:.; .1.'U 1:iU~ r·r · l IN .LL.il.HOll . 'l'ION HY ·.1.~h, 01.. L1 ,'J1'? ( I . '1 ( ., ) I H . ].0 ( b ) • 0 ( J.. 2) ) •

Hnire ... ~a .. 0011s oC: • -· Bri'tiGh o!' , ,,..,;·jo n t>11hJnot ho slwuld nvt ~o inear ... "o:_ ... ~c(l undor i·ttlo 10 ( !J ) l.lnG uJ10 u~d {.i. ;l,' :;hoi..1l d bo O)r1duc~dl in aoo..;rdv i.oe ~i:hl1. l~·li:i-,. 1 1Jl'1M~·1 J. El'",e.\J .,1·oc.:0G·-u.ce , ~ha aounGad beirlf, GWul'u H llo cneot& i;o -~~ a:i..)r (G . ·1.e ) :

Y.1.18 , •=> ll1

•;,,T .a !'.co::: idont nna than zy r ef·'.,)eJ;" O .i. ~1 J/) Co11r t j t1 uOl' .. 1·0 .; ·~01;; '11ho oCLteel:i 011 tao ·us ::>or·Lino11L1 ~o t he i:-c; .1. i;;L , j.~ ~ 1 ~ lillG oi. • .L\. o : 'J.'llo do._uio1· f tfL'ni 11 .tl ~lrn Cotu·L by 11 • .1.e ~.·~ o. ec.:u11 i on o:L ·~h r~ J.l10l3:Yi;1 ,:m OJ.'. LllC tl'~'"'°l A l~ot\ld be t'lli Od .a n '"" ~ . f.i .20r en C • .;J t \in t-i '1 of ·~Le c. oou. Jd, 1m~ o}., -uld .l.:>" bo ra~ .. rdec .; c ~ 0of OJ. t; .. o St tut:•ettvt i\, (J~lH"i1rd , .ddUH VJill h V'S i..0 be 08 C .. ~1J 1 l J~ jn Vi ­~11 1100 111 ... ha tHJti..Ll ~11ry ( t7, lZ) .

·;.ho Cut. .. l't. • y ihvu~· .1.0 ; . llU ..,}l (.: .. ~tn-V:J ed • ·~ 11 ; 0 u.irrio en. p1n .. d.l. 11J o:t . ~ ,. i.H u.i.·.L~l , bi.·rt oh.11 no~ c ) '.Ly .iny <:J1 J,•111~u1on ·rn ·,701 nilO hin to • nJ11.1r . • iy fl 'u ·L11 ·" ltt, ·~hon' e. o l\,.y 1.iG 1 ' 0~ iv ,C'1

1-0 .•v1donoe , I:t vHG aoou oe CJleoc,B t.w llC ·i:.i:...~ \.. Ii : lv11 Ll'. 'L i'O I) ~ ·Llic ·i;1·j, J. , ho r~. :,' do ao , .. H ·11 l1<i l:· .. i._y il i::i·i; 'be J" r ... u.t:re~ 1,0 clo t t) n c1 e lull nu" be s 11;:.>rn . '.L'ha . 00 \1'.J 1.1d 1 s :t·o .1110 e. li l l :I. cirra. ~ .) i:. • ·~ u... i. l 0 ~·ac1ard a 1d b~ ;i:uro oo loin.di i•_, vile in~ :ri,o~" c. i o;n t ,. a C ::JUJ' ~ n~.0 1llc' bo '",l' ill ind c~i.. 1.i r. :1 ~.001~: atl ; f!J ohoo . ..io 11 0 ·1; i.o ro ovic~oJ oo l 'u ·l :1r-t ~1 l· b t .,.;o ... nc1 -~1.are l t ';/ be io '.J.tu,·11hQ'" 1ii.z1 i;o o· ...... J •1 t:1 ld~· (n . r1 ( 4 J, ~1 . 10 ( 5 ) , (_, , 12) .

lJO.cN '.dU· P110 L(.:\JJ..ih ;1.!.,,. I.tL '.1. 0 - .1.,, 1.N lJ"' I 1 • •:> '.1.1 ·.1.1TJ'E"".L'?

( j ( . 10 ( 1 ) , ~ • .~ ) •

'J?Hu. : 'f:s;,. , ~lit . (NU , 1.J !.H) .

J . ...._. .._ ___ ..,._ .. - --.. . l )

\Ju I J.1,] I ·c.Jl,..J N..!.J

I 1.lO •

- l ~ -

'l'hO ivi·ogoln~ CJ D. ~ll 113 .;i.d11j J1 i •TUC bJ iho rro. i d l"lll ~o Ill witno' . .10 , uuc N0'.1.' to th<J .. •cott'"ed (H. lu (' ) , H , J.o ( .. l , .12 , 111 .J'1) .

'lOT."1'1 a.t.· , f • itr1J tlL)11, i n ~ho ovonu \.l li11n1 '"CJ w1 1a .n ~110 rial' nn o. J.irmotin •1, ino tov tl o, "0J..1n · an oo th , i !J i.ho tJCU1' C1 .:.i.rJ

·1 1:it tl~u H::>!ds " G!Ol<.:r".nl,y a lr1" are Sll.b1t1i.utad r~ l. 11 11.IO D.J.' by God , tho I i ·11r; hty nd (} 111ooi :n t 11 (R . 10(· ) , 1/iutlofJfJOfJ cmtl tllo a.ccttfj(lt{ 3t .... nd. w:i1il o 0 ivi . 110 ti: 01. oourt g ivoo u pue; ia.l l)UrrliA EHOn or i.hrn.i to bo • o ~od. in ~ (.)rroc;s t1n .;- t:hoc r.iey ut .. 1 11~ vr a ~,

',/J.tne s aoi:;; shwuld bo ..JOl" i1.ttoct in i.he oourt-ro01 onJ~ ~ ·a·­ill.., tll<J ~1 our~JO o theH, 1ntu:rroga/vlon.

-..',t'J'l'L Youn JJ1tnJ.Li N/.l 'I: , : .})JJiwnti , OCCUP.'l'ION , lliI.: , J ND 11.IJ,; lDJ.1\J(.lJ] I

11 T 'J1Wns G: - ·

v P1.lO~: lJU YOU KNQ/ 1J.1HL ll.CCUb1iD'~ Il1 so , 6 1J.'/l'l'.lJ Hl8 uJH-l!J .



PHOS ; lS H.G P1{.~>1 • -l 'J.' TN COU1fi1'? J1 • SO , IllDI01.'J ;..1 '.1.. 0 '.dlJ.;, OOU.rl'l' JH JOµ 1:' Ll{Su 1 H.u 111 ,

1/ I'l'NJJ! S: ( Indjo.;l: tou tho Auoun oil).

1<n:1'11l:'onuo ja mudu tu 11li~' lJl'OChJ~Ul' 1 A1l£ f}r. :.ith>nF rn'l .. "~l t '"\ ~o o~i ~Jul 1 · ·~10m; ( w:J. i.h .1..-.11wa) 1 ;)uuiui..1.1 10 ·~ian , ():Y.p u 1t yvfttnuhr. , du11umon ·~i.1.J.'Y c..vHlorwo , J.11d .i~L >.1 L'V1d mcJ ,~hio.Lt u.ru ltlCl.°lJ.'p0.1.." 1 ... vd j n ·~,hj a u1.rL 1111 a on pc,1.Go€J to hm <..of ino iuu 1 vo IOL' t1w 1)ono1'i~ CJi ouuJrnul ::ind ·~1~0 001J.L't ,

'e11m:i : NO PUJ.('J'H.tn QU.6t>'l'luN~ . ;oo .... s '.L'J{L JJ.u.L1J.JN $.J 1J .... 5I {JJ 'l'O CHO!.:,-.E..{ J) JN J.C't

DO: 'l1l1.1 DLl!1LrT~.l.!.l J)C;J,,S ( rlu'l' ) •

I'dOC : Jl~lY ~U J",'.L11UNG BY •11rn a au, ('1":'

l:'i!DS: Ykt3 ( t Q) •

l:'H I .::; : 'l'HE \J l'lll'IJ ,53 r ..,, cu .. ,LD .

}'t{Q.~ ; 'lHD PHO.JLU U'l' lU N H.Ll 5 !11t .

If any lau t io'l ::i:ol, 1.:. fintlJit~ u1 uot 1 ,uil~y 1: .. 'Lobo N Clo , 1·~ i~ 111~.ao a.'b ·~1110 · 1;iJ · 0 •lfJ :Colle.nm: ( 11. 10(2) ) ,

DO jl'lllll .D JJ1ENb.L!i MUV~ti ll'l' '.L'Hl;~ 1.1.'JI;t; FOH A JJ'l•1lllNU l.iJ:• NO'.L' \} l)lJ/L'~

-. l3 -

Page 10: Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by

:~ 'J. 0 (J~I·l· PJll-l'.1. IO UI.J~S 1 , 2 , L'.!.'C u' 11°\.., '.1.1 CE.:.l,GD l'.1:C , ) <.HJ '.1.'HL G.R<JTJNJJ ·.1. .,;,'l' JJ 1 ,µru" IS NU 1.1.1 TJ:··.Ii IQ I ,pl'l1

,1,;i rlL ... /lOL 'l'O SUPPOn 11' . ..: '1"1.U!i.H} v1· t.:U il '.lY I~ J.0 'l'IU8 ('l'HLb:E ) p,,1 ',L1ICU'­I1 R (fJ ) AND 1.c1as ( 'J'H.1~1JlJ ) 0}11.RU.IJ (Cl).

If ll\Y 1:1u.oll t1u ~iOJ1 i& l 11lt~l o , ~Lo 001u."t ,/J.l.l ~~0 ~ 01·~1 .i.w ·~~. a taeue L.•.o 111 ~~1e oa;; o of s .. ny o ·~heJ., in·~eJ."locu·tory eiu o t i1..m .-:a.nc, wlJJ s.nn1Juno e 1 t s d so 1e .1.on •

. ftol.' t.L10 oloeo of ~h11 ca.so for ·~h i;, !Jl'001.Hn~. ~.to ·ll , tl10 court raay on i·~e own po·~ivn ao<rn1 t ·~ hs aoow1 ~d vn "-·JY o 1,1l." -so b" i·~ C\o ­oidoa th.el:e i fJ not sr.t:ffieirin·L ovlc'i onoo to:Auppor ·~ ·1,. lw oh~1.J.,f.$C1 r:-.11~ that ~ho ~oottl.lcc1 Bhould net b"J re c1ni1·ed to ~n. : Ho~; 1L , dl.cl ... ,ny t1 uo~1 ac i_u itt, l shJ.11 be ..:it1to1·ed in "lihJ !'eoorG o:= ·~l.Lc Ot 1 o (R. J0( 2 ) ) .

• 11~10 ootrr t , 011 ·i p.Jllo(..tHm o.i. 'tiLO .;n."O£:uc n tio"l , 1.1l\Y tlir ot

·1.i~.at ~11J' :fm• t hvr che.rgo or ahcJ.J.' :;oc bu ~1J."1Jfuri·ol1 .,.;. 1 i 111J t ·tJ.t. u:uii..:-11.1<1 u.nd 111e.y g;J.,tm; !ll\Y neor.ce~l~' "-1,uj1..1 W."111 H1' t f or ·i,.u.:- 1.r ·rt.11·,iorrn (11 le ((; )). It no ac1jo'Ul'11i.'"'llt i:.J de01~1 ed n •rner3B~.J.7 , ·~!i0 .;otu· t mc.y ','.llOuooc'.1 ti)

m~lto i·~s f11diU6'S e1ncl eu.HHJG 6 ~ho ~1Ul1 1B hTI~en·~ on snoh .i: tu'tlH .. r ch. .. .r:;o ~ithout ~ho ro-introauatlon of tho o~idonuu a1rocl~Y hoard ,

A. Mili t ary lfoverrm1e.n·~ Oov.1·t n~.y s: en~.; ... cL.;ir :~n a t , w ·1.1~111~' be f oro iincling, providt1u that cl.11 ... 1.c:l jo'tll'rn1 on'C ia t~r~rl'~otl ' _ ii ncoofJBt' l"'Jt , r.•11!5 th .... t ilO injtu:r~;i.c~ is ·cho:r.lQby eono ·~h l ~00111.1da. (R.13 (1)).

DO 'l'H.D JJ • .J.1/LNB~ lJui., :. (NO '.L' ) DLfjllt:C '.l.Q g ,AJ!l, ls~l OPr~NING S'.LJ 'l '1lf m'.l: .

DC ~'Hi: l)fil'lj, NSE 01~1,r.s AfJ l 'l a ]'II~ FY.1.1 ii l'.J.'~1 1;,SG - --- ------·------

'.!.'ho rl!l ~:i.dunt ad · j lthHt.. .•" to ·~llv oufun~o 111'1j "1.1 100· wn ti 10 ~ r.r•v oa·~h O.dl'ini1;:11iorod t o witnon coo for ·~110 .:!l."On..io u·~ :n.on .

rR:S 1l'O AOC : llODS ·~·1! :. Jl:J Ju~ ... lJ llL!3J. •.1J,J ',I. '() ',1,•:i:,s•11I?I 'r J;O 1.L'H::; ·.CCUt1'D u0.1./. ( Nu'.1.1 ) •

Ji' r.hc ll,(JOttBOd i.:!l.JO 'vG ~v "' ' · '13 -~ ... ..., hu i o no~ !')CJ·i:~ 1i.. ·i...o l\ to t.•'J c.; ~-1..• Ol' ~l.1. t:.11d ( 5 ) , G. 12).

k.J ·~ "' 'lU ill ll i e L1Vm 1J u1 lt 1 t I

ur u "l u·~ bo ow ll"ll (}{. 10

DO '11liD lJ.wll' !~8 .:: H.JS 'J.1l3 •

l.'.d.OU: ' . .lll .... ~HuuuUUl' LU I 11t r rlO' llll"Jf ... ..,ur~ ... ·1 il-l . Dur: 'L" {)l.)IJ 1'J.' J)_fu:·w .... • NV Wl'J.' "1 ....,,,:J...,,J CJ.l\J.Jl•JJ 11H 1, .... 0 11 JlJJ.LJ't' ( '• 1.Q(:'I) ).

\14,\ ., ,•I '1'1:11,, CH,,)\_1 1,'J..' .1.J '- l .1 J 4 ( r llJ'1 1 ) ..

DC ( tu aur1..:ii i.) .

It : ll bo not C ·~z ~ u 1.1 }".c dof .... l!:j u h t 'tli. .. r1 i. t to OJ 0£0 (R . 1 ( l ) f , R . l l ).

P .. , S: l '.1.' H ., ( N0'.1. ) • 1 .

) JC t· I 11 b ( NO'l1 l -'

i? .t I s : •.1.·P .., Uh'.1.1 H JLl· Bj I Q,l.Ot>.wl>.

·.1.'hci :.Ei1~a in ~'-' o:r ~l u Ui;iw.·t th a.co uae d r.ll1c1 , .if 51111 ty .,.. a to bo by cl o oom!1u·ron~o of n'' loll.flt ~')J.'IH:IOnt l.\t ~l.11.: ti 1 lWO vo·t o 10 t

0 1".t:;) i.h~ .:;uilt U J."'

~ll oentanoo to 'b two-thir~e o;J; all lOl ( I, . 4).

iDHOt: t 1C 0 01' I ~O LI d , Jl tu) i.

t h o uinb •J' a

·114 0 ou l"t, \ .nl boo ~ ioa il the ,)r(laenoo OJ. 11h uouoo<.l .

(.1.·or o.c t1ori i.i. ... oouoad HJ ·tD-boent eoa in~t:n~ot ions un1.1 v t, t lII p. 19 , 1 ' .:.6~.ton ,11 .n. ccuaod Ci"o n t n u., ,1,...11' ...

tl"'1ul 11 ), his chU.tl:J(.J l, th~ ~ 11.er .. .1.otoi.· . tlio l"'e Oli... r , ~ni;. \:i'1.0 pc ... ~ soi u J.. o.i. i..to 'il\) !°IBl,,)ttti.:>n , .... 11 o:t .1hc111 ~.., il otcnd ~11., ( o •• oa t tJ10 r o po.1. t Ol' ) o "•d o ll ~.in o t ~ o f .1. o:J 1a cm t a.1MO m1c 0 u:

'l'lIL CuUJ.\':J.' J N 01.u:J,....f) Sw.~I~fN , d' j.D.~fJ. ·1: o- .. '1.L·ffiS OJ 'J.'H.J ~1Ll 11.H :;) P.1


~1 ·'N'.I. :1· ~ : lJ •11J J'"D 1,1.t ;, VO'J.'.!...• 1vd1S 'l'Af.EN OONOUt<.'1H1G

Ii'J liACH. J{L11.l.Jl -ii.. 0. cjU J.1.1'.1.'Y d Nl>:"> fOLi :

u]1 !&LL pj~R'l' TOUI, •l.r.(l· ,h,N.lJ 'J.'l. 11 CH.lffilrl:J : U'U Ll 'l'Y


0.!J' l 1 AfJ, 'i 'IC U! •. IR. :.; l , J.:' '~ · '.!.' ', \IJ UHJffi G"" (.iUI'i·'lY

0.ll' Fil!< 1.1.1ICHJJ.i ,R S ., IJ t ll, i;l' s 'J.1 OHARGJJ N0 1l 1 GU ll/J.'Y'

OF lJ' Il w '.!.' Qlf,Jlt~ll Gll I1.'.C'l

I'~JJ.:S ; 'l'Jl~ O~HJj1'.1.' J UQU I'.L ., Y1JU 0 .1!' ,lI1l1 l'JU}°l11UU.L ·li b J~Nj) 'l'H~ Cll/H\C.:.(~ ) •

I;t•i." OF.lpCJO'CJ V' O CJl -~ U .)700Ult u:l: t:r.iJ. 1 1 ·t..hCJ e.oc.nrnc..d W:l.11 bO r o·c'UJ., nod to ous:co~y 11011iJ1 n e; :f'i!lt.>l . d·j,P 1cG1 1.11.0n (l .• b.;..~ ).


A T'il1~rry Gr.lV1

~1:t ·u 1'G ·lt ~ OLJm• t ~Jt ull. nnounoo illD i J ·llling:. on ea.oh par ~ 101.~l~.rs .. 1d oh:•.rr~:o 'b ~ '.l'. \ iro it , ti.1\d .Gh"t,ll pron1..1m100

I ' - 15 ...

Page 11: Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by

ono oen~onoo 1n l .. ca wot of 11 ·(;ho t:har r,es U.Jon '.Illich 1.1li,.1 o.acuc,~a it-i fi..>tUld e:,--uil 1;y (I< • • l.4. ( l )) ,

'.L'h fi1Clin ·u , oo 11Jll aB i.la oEmto 100 , r,u::i L bo ,m.1ounoed ·Jn o·~on oou. t ( j, . 10 (1) '~ , j ).

J;1 1LS : ·1'llL OJU) l '.L' ,J.(1.1, HDA11 LV.lJ)LMCD 01 t'i\l.VlOtJS O'ifNVTO'J.'T!J~Tf' ' \1rJ OJi• ~~rh:' .,..,,'.J.'J:HlU j'J.'INli CI.KO UM:)'l'll NCl!JG .

r.vid s noo of'' rty ~JJ.'OViuU.J oonvio·ti1,,1n° of ~ hu Ll CC11l.•lld ln ... l.'1 Y o 1.i ur ·b f ' C\.Y o c :r o a u i v o c1 ( H • l 0 ( l ) 1 ) ) •

PHOS; ·~:B L Pl\O o;}.L.Jll Jl' J.ON llJ.S ( r~o) .CV l JJ..1 JCL 0.L' ? LY uU~ 0Ul1VTC 1l ' I J11G .

'l'n1A:i 'l'IJ 11CC: llli...,~ 'l'H.L i1Llll l•,.u ... JJ DJJ.dt\.L.i ' ... a T 1f~'RWJJU:;J:., JJV!DJ.ilJCb o~ .JC.l.'.1.JJ\Jll .. ,'l1llTU 0 U~ClJ!.·.6 11\ \JES UJ\ '.J.'(.) I~JXJ 11N Y' iUJ.U'll.cl :

5 1.1.'il',1,'JJr·;BNC!.1 '.LO JRL OOU .1. r.1., '? (R. 10 (1 ) i) ,

Do ·1·11:. 1.c;o u ,:iLD nut.a ( NO'l' ) •

~'h.i.:l l'll"'OCOULU'O 101" voLinr; on ~llCI StJnl.l:ll1CG if:I ~fr .... .. mu ;~(l for vot111 u- 011 ±'inC1it1, •f:l (I,. , 4 ) .

1l 'hu oOtU"·t y~ill bo o ~"JO ltl.Jd 111 ·~ho p:.."~rn onoo ... rL Cl.c . non.4C1Cl. . ( li1

01, a.cticm i:t ci.coufjo(4 ls u.'b::rnn·c so ..:: 1n ·::; ~11 i:i.c ·c:.1.011r Hntlur • Pc..1.r L I II "I . 19 , n 1o ·t i o n 1·Jli e11 ~1.a ~ 11FJJa do1..e not .~"1'JOC::.l' :Cor

Lrialn) , his cu Lmuoi, th e into p:i.." 1,j ·car , ~ .ho ro '01'1.11..l.l , j,·1d ·~110 ~1 ui~­l:l o11nE-J l o:i ·~1!0 p.roee aution 1 1-tll o:t ~vl1om ru:-tic.1.ln :Jl1 nc1J.nt,; ( .~:ioo}t ·Li llo reporcur ) u~ Hhioh ·~11·1 u t.~u l?~1 EmJ.C'l J1·~ c.\1ll lC>U·lC 1.J b :

:P.1. 1 2~> : 'l1H:... CO Uf\ r.1,1 IN QJ.,Q.;..JJJ c.i LbfHON , .tl'l' LJ;.:',S:.L' '.1'.,0- '.d~I <lJ, OP 'lHD 1 ~::i·rnw~s Phrs::..,~·.J.1 11·;.· ·.1. ~ '.L' I M'E •1·1 .J VV.i:J .. \IM:3 ·1~1hLN o o, .o U.i:w(J. ··u , Sl!JN'l'~NCLS YOU :

l . 'l'O 'Pli.Y .~ FI\l •. ll.L' rn r.- OH{.)!\ Dl.:L'OJ {J:J 194 ".;ND, l N D..J]' .. J.Ul1

1l ' 0JJ1 T'. 1Yl\~,0 .)'1' 11'(J ~.Jl:llV : /~ ( ~ · Olh1Ti'IT) 'J.11.;m:-t' oi:, lMPRISUNI•.'.\Ltn· UJP on, lMY .ll'OH J·: on m· lo Oli' '1'R . ..i 'l10'i11~1, JrlND !. 'J,1 OH ;.1odr 0~) 1

.. jH r r ... c •• As : . .Y JJ.J j).,t T(.H-L· j '.J.1 .ti:O DY 001 '.'l.1.tJ1l 11;N1"1viTliJ.'J'.:111'Y .. U'Llf07U'l'Y (lt . 11 ( 3 J) ,

2 . 'J'O jJJ .. Il "'f'Ifl &Ol~,1..;.i.) li'Oll \ '.!.'l:J,{1\7 0 .. / 0 01111..i·rc r 11G

;} .

' 4 .

. 1 £14 1~ ·11 01~ stlv'r1i ·v.JL.J{ 11 1 •. u. T~iAY BL' JJ,1..t'lCN.11lLD Bf 001 '1\d111.;:;T•ll\H; T'J.1.dlV ~tJ'..1.l <J1U 1.LJ •

... JG -

·.ro L ll Iti 1'1 l\~CJ Nr-=.u l'I' CO lJ • .NC IN(; H.J R'J.'H l'.t'l1 .1~· on SUCH O'.d:-~ .... h .E'1.ie.:r; AS Jr11"[ m~ JJ SIU N. 11.D.P BY ccttl3E111Ulr' 11 lLl 'J1 i.HY .lJ .L'HO i!~Y •

·10 DLA'l'll BY lJWi PI'11Jn' ION . ,'11 SUCH 'l'IlJE .AttrJ 'P~.C J, At HlGlil..R .tlU'l1HOh l 'l'Y M. Y .DIJ-\IC:.t.

D ih aentenaoe ir.lJ')oac:.rd on otl or thtl.n N tion lb 01' Cho Unitod 'Hutiona w:i.11 bo ~oou.tod by clooapito.'tion ; thooo lDl!)OsaO. on Na11iono l1' of tl n Unitoa N Ciono \/ill bo by :Jhoo t inj5 . (p rt 1, ~ e; . 2 r>ara, !2l5 , 217, 'l'echn;tos.l r•anu.l for Prieon and Le&- 1 Of:fwol"!J , ~ilitm:y Govei·nront , Gerrnany, SeuonO. ~clition : L . G) .

(Ao 11 0 sent nov pO\JOl'O of tho CoUl" t, sea p<!gt3 3 . ) -C.: 1.J.1 '.J.O Of.LI, BY 'll.liE -nh:JbTD '!NJ.1

.. l ''/ -.J

Page 12: Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by

l' A R 1.J.1 I I I .

1 . 'J.i1IA1 0]1 JUVJ.1\1 ILDS

If ·tho 1J.OCUS0d jG Unt\OJ." 1 8 yo.i.ro , bu·~ OVOl' 16 .YGlJ'.r:'fJ of o.go, ·~he .1.L'oc ad m: o wi 11 b a aD £0 lloHe: ( R. 23 ( 2) ) .

l'HlJS : 'l'HL ~OOU3EJ) WILL BE 1N'l'LHHOUJ1 1.1.'EJJ iiS 11\.i RIB l'l-IYIJTIJJ\11 .l\NJ) M.wN'l'/lL UUNDl1l 'ION I

Aitor 111tar1·og~t:Lon , tho Uou.r~ ie olosod ancl Clo~o :nn1noo by m.c:.J.jorJ:ty voto whathoz· accused \it:lll bQ t:r- iod G.13 an :-;i.c1ult. If' ouch ;ts tho dooieion , Cho l?roaida,t t unr1ut.tncus :

'P Jj8: !'11 rs 1l 'HE jjJ,,QISION ul!' 'JliL CXJUR'l' 1'Hil'l' '.i.liL PHY1JIC/tL ~ND I'". •. N'l'''.L t .1'11l1lil'l'Y uli' '1'HL J1COULt]) rn SUCH 11'11.! T HL (81Il..,) \/!LI· l~Z ~1nra:> IN A1L :R .. SP-'C'l'C ;~:,, l~N .DU1'.L' I ~,f.U N.

If H, ie 'the a oo 19 i vn of tho Cum• t ·1-h.- t ~ho ;.;.i:l.)'u ioa.1 .• ma menta l imr"El turity of ·~h~ f.l oouo od J: oqui1~ ua t l1a t hu b o ·~route c1 a:;; juvon;l.lo or 1;[ tho ooouooa 1.B undo~ tho ng~ of 16 yoara , ·~ho oo ui·t will a.aopt a f l exible p11 oaodul,G bu.uua on th..J ~Laaop~acl pro.o·tjocis of l ocal Juvonllo Cuw··ts, includinr~ , ~o fro" <J :=t praoticablo , thn i"o Jlow-

1nf'; moo.Gu:ros: (n. 2£ (1) ) •

0 • Ro port by \I olfo.ro Off:icor ln adv a.nc o of t r1. nJ. • lf nucuasary tlle oouru \Jill bn ac1journod l)l)nri ins .ra uulpt of auoh ro-per t.

111110 :ropoi·t of a .1olfn.ro lJffic.:01· ia to bu C.'Olll~itleT'otl by tho Oou:r·t to afJS ifJt it in a utJrminln..; th (,! n... ·tur0 o.nd OJCt.unt o:r thu pu.niShmont to b.a csivon LO tli .J j\UV' ~nil ~ aooll3ud . Duo .1:ognrd 1'1U:.:Jt bu htJ.d for tho p:ro·t, i;;io tJ.on o1 L lu ~ l l 1 od Jjoi·cua ' provunti on o:r lurch ill:' of1oneua , anO.. l a.a·tiy and s.o n. uuoond OJ.' ~ con:.:·i clcl:'aticn 1.ho :ro~ hu'b11 1·1,ut1on of t.ho juvonila i~volvGd . '.1110 l~~f.t 1nc1uaoo !,he mlJk­ing o£ s. goocl citizen o.f ·~11,, oiiendol' ,

IJ':tw report ·21houJd jr:oLuQo a.11 !fiC~L,Lorr.:i J~oe roJnc;; tho home oondttions , ets.t;tun :n 1/~ob Odttoutiona.1 op 1o;r"~lmt1-1ori .md o.dvanta,.,,us prevh,lte ..:·oaoJ d, .1 ~ or~hip jn evury o.l'r,an1zu·~1011 i 111n

to.1 ubilJtiae , eoc.l.c.1ol b.:tc~~ruun a a c ., that Huuld tH:1ajA·~ ~l J n ' ca ur t in arr j vi ng c:.J. t a. just f i n 1 :n g a.n A cm ton c u • .

b Dute'nuon , ;~h ero noco:.HJ<. r,y 1 ln a speoiuJ: 1nut aution or in a.r~ C1vrmt apurt frcm Ldult, of~ondo.r1;1 •

... l fJ -

Jlao~ iug ;l.nfO:l.'lll llY :tn c lotrnd !J oooionfl . I

lnto~rogation of ptl.rOnta •

;:.! . AC 111ION \lli.LN CCU:.1uD ,on~ NO'l' .. ppJ.: ~ Lt:m 1l 11llln ...

.. ~, I f lt 1l3 proved th t tho acoue~d \12 0 duly sco.·voa w,L ·Lh o. auzmuonn ~o O.J)ooar • Ol' with ci Ol")py of thu Charge Sheet 1 t.l~o Co u1·t mey p;i."Ooeed with thtJ trjal in hia abaonoo and m~ . if it oon9itloro tl10 cneo o.go.1net h1m proved , reoord ~ col'l.v;i.ction and ~Jntonoe.

b. lf it 1e not proven ~hat the nccuaod \I S' R duly am~ v ocl n.s a.bl)va proV'idod . bue tho Court io aat1e:r1ad ~hut o.i'tut .. l·oa.aonu.blo otepa hDvo been talt1:1n to !'ind nnd 1:11.U"/11i10n tho aocUEI EH\ , ha CHli111tJi be found , tho Oou:rt may proo eod in hia uboonco t'lp to bu~ rot buyond tho J•eoord.int of avidonoe ana ·tho 1 a.kins; of any o.rdur pOl"'.l'i·~ ·CGd undOT' pa.ro.gra!)h 3 below of this Hu.le , I n Lhll ovon·t oi 1.li•J root:1oa bo1ng oul.Jfloqttontly bronsht boforo tho ovurt , irnoh :i.·eoorded ~vtd 01oe uhUll bo a.Clrnieel bla ae evidonoe in Lho ouso , prov.id ud th~1t thJ . . o.ccu.aed uhu.11 bl:) untitlod to cro1.H1-ox mino on,y o'f tho or1gl nal w i tnoe :ms fo1· ·t ha pro en anti on vJh os e atte ndt:.no e oan ba pro oul.'od ( 1.n which oaao t:no ~')!'O~eoution Eihall bo onti~l1Jd to :i:·e-O:Y. ... mino) unu bo1h t.ho proe eoution s.nd tho uooua od shc.~ll bo 01·titlod to caJ. l addi~iou .... a.l ovidonoo . (If tho OolU't in \lhioh ·t;he original prooeed1n L.a wvro hold 10 no lon.;or 1n e;>cietenoo at Cha 11 imo o:f th .. u.ppl:'oh on1:1iun of tho ace ."Uod , tho niu.etor \1111 bn l,oforred to tho Api>OlntinB ,\u~hori'fV for approprlato aotion ).

O , In prooeaoln[!,EJ unOo!' inu·a:;l."S,"h 2 Obovo, tb.;i Court may, Whanevor 1t a. ppLlu?:'D ·t:,o bo j'U.G ~ i:r,nd. o.p:prop:t'iat.o , r~ku on i;ntor!m Ol.'d 01, f o1· t. rw otH.'l'Co<3y 01· 1mponnc1i 115 o:!: Dll.Y !Jl"'O p 01•ty Hh loh tho auauood owns or in \{hioh. h.o hr...S an 1ntora~t , pand1t"() tho oonolm~ion Of th o t r illl ( .. ..,, , 10 ( 7) ) .

z. AO'.J.1ION TN Q.113.u 01 HISANI'l"l 01· /ICCU"H~D.

a. . Hhanovor tho Court 19 '·"' ·tiai'iod that a. ouhA·te.ntio.l iooua ho.ti bo on 1""1ifJad on tho quuntion wh0tho:r ·bho aoo\lBOd , uitho1· V't tha timo of thtJ oonn.,., ie sion oi th~ offansu \10.0 inoano or nt t110 ti:l'ia of t:rie.l ie 1neano , tho Cow."& ahoLtld au.s~1c nd fur·~h~i, prooood~ 1nge in tho oaao a.nd OvJ:-t1fy thv r1u ·Lt1..IL· to ·Lho a~rio1ntin1t; au·~hor1w for appropr1~to aotion .

... 19 -

Page 13: Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by

P '.Ji 'l' r v.

1 .

A otipLllo.t.ion ls Jn .1gi"'on on·t bo·bwoo 11 ·Lh.J .1-rOHO out1 .-:in , uoou~od 1 Ftnd th1 du:f;'dt1J:3o oounGel , ojthor f1.u to 1'.:tatb (·~h. t "u.··t"'d n f-1c.:CS Lll'C '~lltJ) , or,uEl ·co tOEltilnO!l,Y' ( ·~11·[, if Q. u11~t lnw1·~nUf'fJ WtJ.t:l pI·asu1L in C•'l'\.ll"'L h,(,l 'ii0\1ld giVEl thu followln~ tu1:1~i1·ony) ~ ~ (h .Jro eot oui.. thu eixp~o·Cod ·to1r~i11ony) . Inn flti)ULiliion o.n ·~o l..Outimonl; ~o bu gi v.m by u wjtnaldi:i , if l"l'OLh.Jnt , t}l..,1·0 in no ,t 'l'u'l-

--1-n-oTf'G°" dt.J C-o th..; \v u1·ity) 01 F.Jt10l1 ·cuotimony, bu·~ i·~ iu on 11ho :J 1100

-rRvi-,f1 plJ.no o.J th._. t oe·~1111ony o:!: t.ho~.HJ witnwDB...iFJ who appi..10.r ill.PlJl.'t.G>n fl.nd LuGbJ:f;y . '

f.tir.in.J. .. tiona l'll'~ u11twracl into hJ th ct v1wH of ::ii...v:lnrs t~ma , l • bor ana uxpunsa . :;·~ilJUl t.iOh!! rJhould l>u tlrc..tWn ~O OOVW." t.10 l'l\ .. my11.s '°"'Gt~ of tl1o.,,1 nni!nporte..int ... tnd ttncont1.1fltod rt1cJ.~·~o:;rs which nuc .Jflltdrily '1m1t bo oo·co.blieh1o1d by 01·char DH1oJ . ' tlpu.J.1.\tionD l r.lff b•J a{~'l."'vucl to !Jy E:Lll pol"'t:1.vl3 prior to ~hu trial , but in 1.'ll aa.ui;D a£ ·~h,, 'lt01.) 01' IJ'IJipul.t'tions in Ch ... ·tr ia.1 ·~Jiu rocura. 1 uo·t. u1 .. ow that thuy aru J.tT JCJ tl ll.poti by th1.;1 p:tooooi~·eo:r , tha l?.cottoutl , cmd. tho <'lofunE.lv c..:itino .. ;L jn opun 001;11·t . 1l~'lo rocox·d nuEJt t.loo :Jhow th 'b LIL'l.ch Gti;Jul. ·tionG wuru :i.1 ocoivo<l by thu Ooil.~· t . 'l'hoy .110-'d l'l.O't b.:i C~OO'JUc.id by ·thl Ooitt't w.hon any aou'bt cxiatfl a~:i 'to ·tho l1oou.';l.:id ' u lmcla;r-::Jtcmdlrtt~ o'.l:' \Jhi:e iR j,rivolvod . St;J.p1i1a.·~ 1onY ahou.10. not bw m·L d ,: .18 ·~o vi'lis.l mt.i.ttar::t OJn.ounting -~o ~ a01.1~l~to cl·J~oneu ar oubatantir..illy ti.clni·tti1~~ tho . e.ocusod 1s gu.ilt . ¢ti1~u1 .. 1.·t :i.one r~huuld 'bo oloouJ,y oorut.Ln1zwl1 1Jy tho Cour t b~±oJ.'O aocop'bcl.nou ,

'.rho 01.Jutt ia nut buunu by u o·tipuli..ttion , u\ron if rocuill Jll. , JJ1or inetanoa , ·~hv Court re own iriC~U.tl"'y rir.\y ~vnvinoo i"tt 'bhJ:t thu s·eipU.l t.1tut1. fu.c·e ia not truo , 111hu oour.t i ..:.1J1 tJvl"n,1·~ "1i stipuH1·liion ·ca 'be withc1l!.Llvm

1 r;1J1.d if ,o v11·thdr.i:wn 1 it lo no·L ufi0ativo for 1..1,ny

J?lD:' P?S o ~ ' St ipu1n:t10nFJ us to fac·~s rn ... :;y bo v11~1t·11on ar O.'J;'ul . S1ich o.

st i pUl J. t 1011 'r1ey bu in ·!JhJ forri1 :

"r·e iB F.J'tipulc. 'ii1.. d. botHoan IJhu r..ooLU:Cd ~ h;le oounoul , and ·~ho proG..icn1·tion thu t (U0rc. n0·~ uut ~he f.i.c tfJ tJ Llr.n.tl·- tc.u) • 11

I i ·~h. otii;iult ~ion is jn 1Jr:L't..·bon ~.:inn ~h J oirl oJ af:f,n:.·lnc; it me..'! ah ow l L ~o 'thu r..i ~h,\ J." u::l.du ; .. md ulfu~· i ~ in 11vid Jrtcv . !f Qj_''f.ll , j ·~ iiJ stn·~ad ;tn Q01.U''l, . '.L~1-.1 ,,_cc.:1·1 ot"l ;..1.Ill' h1a Clu'L'\tl!lul tlhtinlc1 1 .. i.n 1otmaw in Ot>Ol1 OOU.t"l.. ~h..J:li 'Lho:v Join llL ·t,J.io 1J 'l1i1;)11l1 l,11..in . 1.J,1}11J C1J l.l.l: L 111<1,Y ulHl u.r o 1·trJ oli' b,y e1uau L .l~)u:Lnfs , 11: n ,,o u•.Wu:i.'y , l,J 1 .µ.L Ll1 . 1iuu1111 u•.l 1UllY i_1nt11.Jrut..i:neln t~l1 ,1 uf.1a!Ju11l.;u o·J; ·l:.}K.1 nt;l 1LtJ.. •• 1.tun .~1 1d ·1.;h ·L ·t·!J In 0 Ll1."1'\liUO 11.nJ)jlOl' .

• hu 001.ll I> \1,I ~ J tbu • J " U <,I ~I 1 V c!ltJ \.J,y tllli 0 lll" ~ •

1J..l w I'! ' I

~1;1~Hl.,l. [;:tcne t; 'liO .; .~1 O'W:

( t•.HCS ~ (DC) I •, i EJ f.lCi,J til ~1;11;11:.i !\\~ i1 t11..., tJr.iottrul1 , 11;.r/l ChJl~n.e:i , • il!! ·~ho ._,1 or.i ,}a ~ t ion t v li... ·~ , :1.1! wo:ro in aei1u .. ·~ , he \/01Llc1 ·~c.'·~jiy-·n1·:.; i./i'1.-ovi~ ;- :"" ... -. ( 01· wonJ.li ·b o F. ·afy ~.r:i 8 l1own on ~ (. •. t ·~ tmwrrb , ~::J 1 fb;J.·b _ , wktoh I now a r;i. m:- .)

OOU1{ 1l 1; ( J. llo aoL.r·b ul~cnJ.a r 11.n.;,un.oo 1·:;..1 d'...1,,1,_i ~'iOT'l • r ... ·i,o r scc;::!v·inc;

·cho e ·c i)ul"i:~i on 2.c: . :x.i 110 ) •

--~ -.-...... ~ ...... .a....r--~----~--__ ,. ... -·-... - ...... _..,,_....._._.. ... ·- .. ~-·· t'l ti - - .., i .. l. ... '"' - .... ~- - "' .. ....

1J.1llill .JOLI,O iflNO ::Jl(.J RJ. :1 i Y :0.1..i W3lID ::on 'j 'J.'Il'Ul. :•.1.'IOH~ .J 11J.' J., .. JJ IN'l'O TR.COB 'lO '.l'RI~ ·Ii;

i\ ~1 f,' 011 'JlU () , tit 1" r1y , 15 ,J11Jy , £)•' /j .

l t lF.1 hoi·o~)y g t j .. ml ·~utl .•nl 1.,·;~·ooc11-1y ;rul ',,-~wNm thn' .. >l~or:;emtt1on , doZ i-u:o , ~.na ·~hu -. 1 00'1.~t;io3 , ' t.0J.lo\1r: :


0111.u:t ].o·~ lL Joa . 1-1. . Ur."1.10n , JJ. d , u. b , .JJ.Y ,y , 0-1.6'70fi11.:J 1

\1' f3 a.hot d.o~rn fi<hrl~ 1'rt111011 , vur·, ~ n.y 1 on lG ,,.Jl c: y O;L J ll L' .t~1 lSl· n , c.nti ·~lJL t ha \~. 17 con:i:il1~'1 in r:o.1 oriJ \.,' ~ ~~ l•. ; J 0 ui.'·~ 3 11"JJ" '(,,1L :i 1 ·eh Cl .;iiJr oi Ji;1,niv;::.1·y J <;.i1tl:5 1 t'LTHil 20 Ch Ci.;~ o.l! · ,.ir11 10· f.l , H 1011 ll<' 'liJ. r:, l;l.bor" t. a Cl hy ·~ho t:r ..;o:"'·J of ·~110 U. f~ . •rJ.my .

'.'.1n.:n:tn :1) . J :-o'.h ,·• t~Bn ~ -rJ tr. ·ricmr mrmr ,-... Ori.·"l·b ., ) oo·i:.l· rn:.. , · )?ro· , r..:i.n. 01~ ,

ll o o i :t 12 ' • .,., o u ·~la rr:ui1;- ·""r. ~ ~:JJr:LJ; , O•-:it, , .L'H'llh ln.1... 1 JJcfSl'\'":10 Ov1•m10J. , '

.. . ' ... "

Page 14: Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by

c . ·1Ull 11l!AI, N0',1.' l,:l •• . CortnJn J jndrJ of fnoto nood n()~ 'bu p:t"Ov!lL1 'hooc.1i11rn the

i;,olll ·t le .uthori 1~1Jd ·co i,oooff1d.zo ·~ha i:r oxit•'I.. r,nc n ,,j ~hO\.\,t l')roo:r . ~~uoh i·oooa·n1tion 11:1 tormocl Judiciul Notioo 11

i.l'l11)ng 1nc.it ·~ore of which a. f•.ilitltJ.•y Gove:rnn11.:nt Oourt r1f.ly ~ l-.o judlo1al notice u.ro tl10 f.ollovdng :

'fhC:J eonutitu.tlon , ·bre ... tios , ilnd other e;on11rdl la·t12 0£ ~ho UnitoCl. ~·~a.tea ; ·tho lav, of n .... ~iono ; l"UlC:Jt=J of ~aJr o.u inl~rn·preto<l und cons·bruod by .·c11e Unitorl s.-t,,BteH o:f '.m<il'iou ,

'l'ho groat seal of ~hu Unitocl !.)to.toei an.Cl. tlhono crl: it D i)otrnoaeimw F.J.nd of 'bho LIOve:t-u.l ct, ·cos .Jn.cl '1\il'l"i·to r.1G!:l; tho oot1).B of .11 oour·~1;1 of l"aoo:i:d u.f Cho un1·coa. a·[;a~eA tmd 1LE! 'J.,orri 'Gorios o.nc1 noat':le:~s1ons o.ne 0£ ~ho FJOV'ore1 Sta~es; ·bhe .~ooJ. of a noto.;.ry puolio; Lhu eoal Of tho Adjut'111t Gune:rti.l ' n O;f:'f:ica ,

The o_ dinary a 1v1H1onra of ·L:l1110 , a.o to yot1l'B , 111ontJ.H1 , wooJ~t~ , oto .; gonaral fa.ai,s t1J1.d la."lrn oi n• 1.C11!'0 1 including ·chol:r o!'dintiry opo1·ationo and Gf:f.'oo·co ; nncl G6ner 1 faoto of hiat.:>riJ : on:r:t:on·c ooudition o.l \Hl.1., a.ntl pon.oo .

'Pho or gaH1z1:1.tion o:f ~ho i1..rrny , inc1 uding tho regulatlcma rolaLil1.f ·~har·oto , tho An1y HupJu1a:tiono 1 tho O:f'tiuial .1iny }Wf5i ~1tor , the Al'iPY Liat e.1.d JJii·eotvry , 1,ha pl.1 0Viflhrn o:C o~l::t'ioi11l / 111ly manunl'.i 1 tho G;< iutono l.l .._J.ld loouL ion 0f lil:i.li ~ u·y dop\..J: ti:iont:.; , oorpCl urono (oorvioo co1.l!w.1de) , l'uual'VJ.Licns 1 ,Juoes , '1.nu utc~iono of tl.1 00J.'}fl , af3 publiahu" ti) ·~ho 11·· y; tho faot tL1~··~ an oi'flct.ir liolon,G9 to u. oeJtain o:rgn.n1zt.t1on , b:r.1Jinoll , o·to .; thCJ oi·gu.nJzctlon a.na oom:poncn·li J."•'1.l'°Ll3 cf the Go1~11l:l.n A:i:m,y .

Oonara.l ordora , buLLobjnn , un.CI oi:i; oulc:•.ro of ~lo \'/tt:J.: .Di)J:l•ll't­m.unt: 'h.J:.-. Dopf!1•tm~;nb o~·doro !'oe;a1·ditig non\1:cn.l CJon1·b1:1-Wlrt1.n.1 1

Miljta:ry Oorr:un.1uuicn1a , l1Til1Lory 'J.•'ibuno.lF; , Ei1tl l1il.i.t(11·~r U-ovu1·nn11nt 0\.1Ur tn . Go 1.i1 ul urdoru , o il'a ula.L 1J , b1ll:l. ut 1 n:-:i , Ol't! ore l'O 1 'dl't.I i nr; Uonot'lll Cuurte M'-1l'tiu.l, l 111t~'Y Oom11i21Ji0110 ~ d '11;dbnnt:i.lf:-' , llnll M111to.ry Govu:rnr ... tl·~ Oou.r ta ot Ll10 Ctp~oin·tine;. utllo;i:j t.Y 1 •. .ind uj' ul~ hlghur U1.ttho:r1·ty; .... nd u.11 llt.J.;luOJ c•, cl JTua·i,ivoo , rul a , o;r<lq;rrJ , ,11 u publ ications of Mil:tt&J.\V Gov.n"l1!'1' •Jnt , 1"1111.;.nL;y Gov .r1un1Jn'~ OL•LU.'tu and Oonun:tasione ln oooupiiu,U~l c.1.11y .

All pro<:! l tm1crt1011e , or~ill<ll~a ... u , 1u.HC1 , no·l:d.owo , ,Jl1d Li·Lhol." l:'LlgulciCj,onB !o;r ·~ho puoplEi oi' ·~ho ocoupi1.1d turri ·tvry of Go1,111•my , Ol" u.cy aub-di vi9io1rn Lhw1•oof'; Go;r111nn L•. vm .ln ic n.J..> 111 ·t.ho to:r~·:t. borr who :roin ·cho 001u; ·c 1 .... Ed'~ ~ing; t.md' c.~J l ;rn •• \,. 001 .. rJ o:f. aornmon Jtno\~locts·o in auoh torrj ~ory •

.. 23 ...

Page 15: Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by

I •

1l1h-o Roc.tl of .... n 1ia .1utnn·~ Oon0ru.1 1 1;-1 Oi'fioo on a c0rtiflcuto is pl"imO. faoiO uvidonco ~hat tho RigI!i;'\:~u'ro thoruon if1 i:.hut of c.tn.

Ad,1 utan t Go nor DJ. or ono of hi:J asl::irJtanto .

'11110 princlplo of judioia.1 notioo ll(),je not "3'0hibH t.hJ cotu·t frar1 l·ocoivin(; 1.Jvid unou of a i'D.Ct of Hhioh i'I:. 1::3 uwthor;lZod t,o tako jua ioial notice , unt'.l. . if no·~ Eidt 1F., fi..ic1 o;f ·b h, fac:t ar \l'llic h i t ie u.ek~d ·t v LaJ.t.o juc1ioio.l notlco , 11.1 muy rQso?·t Lo l1l1.y rlUthon t io eourcu u.f illiul"lllul.1011. .!for ax mplu 1 .\.fhur u '~h..J tormn c)f fl gu11c..l"'l o.t·dor of t ho \Jar :i)opart ratJ11'b ,:ru mcttal:'i.'11 , ·thu coui~t nHy Boncl for D. co py 01: ·thJ Ol'dvr .

It is Ct.11'Jtomu.r;y for th..i B1do doOil'ing vh\J CO'lll''~ to ·~ulrn judiciJ.1 nw ·L iao of ;i. g.1vun fac t to e.Rk ~hw oou.r.·t 'Lo do rm , .... t thu amnl.'.l ·~jJnu pJ.1 osor1·~inl$ uny ll'l'li l e.bl.:i o.n·bhontio eo-u:c·oo o:I: 1n±oi~nc·t1 on on th; snbjao t.

3. .w:p En1J.1 Vf I 1J.1NZ8S t HO\/ QU.AJ1 J .i!'J L j)

If ths witness 1P. ·t;o bo uaecl 1.i.a an u~:pu1·t , jn udl1i tion to clevloping ·e11e ne.•10 1 '1$!:l , :rooido·1uo u1a nutl.11.wl ity o:l' tho w1tnoas, fac·~a fJhvulcl bo adduoeu r-ihO\{ing 'Lh a aci trnn·~ ion gonC:1ru l1y; tho l:liJGIO iilli ZEl d, o chtCt:t'CiOll J .u .l11Y J a..10l1t.:i ·~ha J.i1'l.~l;.i for vlhlch Lho w1·~nom io offered .:i.a un a:x:11e:i."t ; t ho numbu:r: of .:re s=~1-1 tho w1·~none his ~io n ona,·o.gocl in Eluoh l ino of ~,u:rk 1:1. nd tlw pli:lo O oi rnwli 1i.o:t·k ; tho oppo:t·tunitiuEJ hiB v/Ork has tti'i:O!'d r3d ±'or hiln ·~ o lea r n aix:.iu·~ h i s s 1ocia l iy; tlla taxt booltB , m"'.gazi.10 article!EI , (;l°t'J ., hG h .... g n·itton on hia a poo j uJ. ty ; honors oonf erred upon him by Govormuont P , in ... atitu.th.ns , founc1e.tions , Ol' l'Googn1z0Ll OI'E;Cmiz .. 1tio1u~ d.ovotl;Jd ·to his apeci1;.lty; an& Einy othor fEl.JtE' thu.t would bu of VL~J.\.'IB to tho ol"'dinu.l"y man in dotori1lniny ii ·t, ha \i1itrJe;1siei jJ3 so \10 11 qm.iJ.. if :Lod :l.n his sr>ocialty LJ,:J to tndl'jt ·i;he ncJ·110 of o::·;por t .

4 , :RE. L LVfD~NO.J , HOW IN'I'IDDUC ..... ] .

Mo.tE>l'i~l Lh:i.nga , such t.'.ld wntcho:J , .;onto , !') i F3toli:1 , et • , '/hen rel ovun·e , 1110.,y bo offarod co O:}:h"l1h·~o ln tL.e SU!Jo 71'h.mnar L.CC doc'Ufi'l. tmta't""'Y (JV'il\.enoo , ' .l ·bhul1~h tho cum"t h .• ~ tho r i[>l°1't t o c.rnno1Ch1r ouch uvHlonoe o.e in itiFJ opln1on h .... o vu~ tw ... is proof , t.tru:I. \1hilO no·t HE UIHI:lJ , 1't jr o t1.e;~oFJ'l;od- ... in o:i.-cJ.01· th ·~ ·the uo lU .. I; pmy 1-'0 1'tHJy o.c.:qn. lintad "j ·ch Lh•,;i fo.o tt, llo l"il1$ on tl to 1,1 un·tj :i'jcu~ion .;nc1 o rn;rLuc.ly of tho l·.l' tiula o.nd so ~heit ·i;h(I raJora lill lnuiw .. 1.to to 'I.ho J'ov;i.n\1-~ne; .. 1114. cunfirrUillB .... uLJ ... oriti08 t he BJ: ... w·~ n ... itw·c tJioroof--th . L 1..1 •CJh O.l,,ticlo ba :Id CJJ.11:.lf ia c1 by ... "":.pj1ropri .;,~c; (JV id Ol t ~t:l l ttl th ... ·L pr•(J0,1. l...>t.l 111 .lla

of ·~ho auo t ua.y o;I; ri1..1cl.t .. JJ.··~ic 1m: J.n .. 1.n. t1..11brc.dwr1 uJ.11.i 1 ~"lum ·1;,]1..i '1, i mo lihoy ur1r.i;·lnnJ..1y r11:.'1J.11J :l11 'L1J ziocio uu r1ion of' i;hi r;d.J'u.t•lrrc: D J (i11 • '\.1.n l..ll. th•J voi,y :l,t1t:i·1. o.nt 1 ~-i' i:>:J!.JuJ•in; 111 ovJcl inc.i u . 1 1 n 1ti'!;:i1a1rn :ILi

v :1.l.L1.11J.c1 ,.lli:..1 O•lll iec'\,11 d ,1:.L'y Ll••.J r'>hj llJ I• oll l ·t.:.ho •-;Jrl•J 111 (t lJ!Jll Ll l111 , 11rl I. h i • L rJuuh r'111j Ciri I; j L, .L11. 1111 1ilfl L:.o.11t. :1 l. J..y 1.11 ., r 1111J u-•ll o1 I. I r.H\ ll1l 11; W fl

- • .C\ ..

•1ho11 11'.l:'f'J°J", norn.1.n~ :inl.t..1 tho por1uouutun uf' l;JJ oiro:i::ll( ult'lu , t;J.iuru Ll;I no uouunn1·t.y .ruJ' • atr1a·i.. uoount1ng 0:1 t11 JH)t uuci:sluu 1n t.:hu 1nliorm. l :.C d u..i 1..0 ·t.1ll. l1..tturo Qf ~·ti 1l o v:11l OL10 , Ji; 1 • i1l11) :t' O.•; t. l 1H 1110 to nt.·t. l•oh 1 t Lo thu .rouord , 1.iho ii'.:!' Ii~· O;L'furin~ it 011nu1d :r11q11()n1:. c1.lt11011ty to ~1i'Lhd:t'n\I it. a t tho ond of 11ho t.l: :!.D.l, In ::null o •,Ju tho pu.r ·cy o:i11!orJ.ns J t Oliould dovulop by tou t:l:m.ony ti tlc11Jol·ipt.:Lon of the nt' 'ti olu au ff ioi cmt to ono.blo th.:i ravic\liTlf5 o.u ~h(>X'i t~ to viAU.O.lizo it .

':Cho ~rn ti.r tic loo a hould be hund od t.o ·~ho court r. ap or ·tor ·~ o bo 111m~l.t.uO. us exllibi ·L ~ "for Hlont1 f joatJon1' prio r ·~o ·~11~ cr1:i.013 'H l1 n ... irig of tho ~a t11usaea ~1ho til.ra to fUl' r1ioh tho 1~roof .1hurl.llly tlin ,: r t 1ol so nro pr op orly :td en·e ifitJcl '.fol' ticltn~J:H:tion in ov ido loo . 1r 11ay ldhould thon be of ±erGd in ovidonr.rn by eomo r:inoh atntom.ont ns :

' 1I nO\. o;fi'er in OV';ldonco rroeeo11tio l ' O ( o.J: Dofo:riee 1 11 )

m.:111 bit No . _,, (Id 011 tifioe. t ion No . ) 11 •

I N ALL CAl3.LliS 011 J~HTBl 'l'S :BE .tJ ltC 'll> IN'J1JO~JJC:C 'l'Hli EVIJJ[:1.1 !C~ AF'J.'l!R I'.L1 H11S BLDN l;ROl'.1 .•. dLY 1DL1'~'J.'1Ji'I .;1 , AlJD H VJJ ·nm li.O.:COd'.J so SHO J.

'l'ag~ . a tioltora , or adhesive 'btlpe "P1iJ3 bs 11fh:l~ by ·~ho cou(' t ro pm'·~or to a:ffix p1·oporly his m:1rk. of. ide 1tifjcu11ivn to l1.r'tiolm1 1 such ue Diutol ci , J. . .t1. ivou . [Ji.'lnB , i;i·~o ., on \1hio h ,11·1tco11 tna.rkn would. not ohow 01· would \ IOLIJ.' oti oan 1ly .

5 , '.DOCUMEN1J.1.U1Y l..VID~~~CJ·;, ll0\1 I N'.J.'RODUO.wD

r,. 1.11 dootnnen"tA ~na othe:t· \ll":Ltten i!11J~1~uin :in~1.io \ihich in tho opinion of ·~h e Court havo a bo s.:t'.i,n/~ on l,;ho ionuoa '!Jofoi,o it ana. ho.vo c>robo.tivo ve.l11e are ad11JiBSjblo ih ovtdo1100 , inclnl!Jng;

1.'rooG9din,;;o of J~ou.Ielo uml Oom~to uf Jnquiry ; invorr~:L­o;o.·~10110 by Ini.=ipoo·cor~-. .:tcm'Jrt1 l or othcn- inv· et j 3;.i. ti11c; of.f icaro unCl 1·1.:nor tu of ··1 ..r ..,:r-;Lr.icis Invuuti(Gt.1. LJ,c.in 1.rorunr~ , either in 1h0Jo or i puc t; cd::f1c,u·1itf1 .. i.na <.lopooitlvno o±' ·,,i tnoaFJon (i· lcluc1in,; ~<:t?.dde:1:Ltr: \rl :!.oh h°'vo b oon t1flne1u.·cad into a lU"1£$1iag·::> di:f:i'oron~ l;I\."lm ·i:.hat 1wad by t he \l itnoo r.;1 jn i·1alciti1,,< 'i,ho u1'i'idaV'i t ),

b . Whil e not .HDWlU:..J), ;a t d uuc~e;e~tod--:ln O!'dur- tb ... t. tho Oo wt may bo fully o.a quu.in liod ,11\,h Lho ir .no.1.ittro o.nd oom,co unt1 eo toot tho ;rooo;.·a. Hill jndio to to ~110 ;rev1e 1:t.m ru1 d oonf:l!mtni~ a.uthori t y tho' mcaa Ii n1Huro thoruof ... - thu proof of a~' Chontit:1 ·cy of all dooumon·ts uncl \,rit1.1on in1Jtrtuno11tu i~uucivod. ln ov ld1J1100 bu oetabl lehod in tho normal ·,ray .

Page 16: Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by

1~ d1:1t:i1ri;1.blQ prodioa·~e far:· tho :tntroducti..:1n of. ovJa onoe of thii.J oha ra.ctor \ uuld 1101 udo , bu ·~ l'l.Ot noc oa eo.r i ly bo l.111,.1 ·~ad t o , ·t.he follo.11ng l:lt•.J }"l!il , IJOfH11 in~ tho aooumllnt to bo l1 .. 1 ~.1'.fitlO.Vit •>J.' ''r J.tt on Id t tom on t:

(l) . Id. ontifi~o.tlon of thc.i ,/!';tt~on o ~ntomc it l)y 1.ha \litne fiEJ (Hho h.1~1 bJ1.m pluc ud on tlhl 1-3tnnd , nworn , und 1dsn~iliotl} .

( ~ l. 1l1ho. 1ntroduotior1 of ovidoneo of th ... 1 c :r.:ou11':;1 on o;~ thG doourna 1t itt ~ho .,rouono1J o;f th.:;i Ii tncrnu 01· othurvvioo by ·tho 1vroon \1h,oi;.; LJ :.dgm.1.·~u:r1:i ltpp,1c.c'tJ thoroon .

( 3), Tho iduntifith t:!.on of ~hu s l gw;~Ul·o of "ho p Cl)"J:Jo n • OXIJ Cuti 11[, i·!J •

o • Af·~ or tho oour·t hi;1.E'I 11 1;1.C'tmi ~ ~od 11 UHJ' doc umu11 t or lm~ tru-nion t, it must 'bo intl'oc1uoc:id ilt .Jvjd011co e,a an (1:xh.llJlt Jl'ld t.lv1in £m o~ihibi t nurnbo11 so th t it ¥1111 'booomo :J. ').:ld't of th .. roui)rc1.

r1 ., All aoci,mlJnts ShouJ.tl b.:i hO.novd to tho 001n~·e l"u'[)OJ: tur to oa mr;i.11 liucl us a;~hibits 11 .L'ol· iCi wr~lfi<;1 1;ttion11 'PT'io-r 'bo 'Lh .. 1 ~ti1o t1 L1.on-1nr1 o:t ·~h·J \l Hno ~ so~i vtho uro ·Lo fitrru .. 1h ·~ho p1·oof \1hn· o"by t}HJ t.n· ·li lol o s ari:i prop orly id v11 ·c1£ j \.)a ±'u ! ' acln1 i ssi on J tl iJ v:l.Cl un crn , A±'t ur tho pro poj; prod ica to ha::l 1) 1.1 011 J. 1 id J.Ol" ~hu 1;.1.d,rn iu oion of ·~hu urtlclo it should thon 'bo offo1· ... d in ov1donou by ucPnu tntch ot e.Lt o~ mon·~ a.:,; ;

11 l no-v1 oifor in ovidcn~o l?l'O~l,jontion 1 o (or lJ1.rfonou 1 c) EKhibit No . (Id0n 1J iiio'"':ti or No , ) 11

, ..___ .

- 1.!(j -

l1 AR ';J.1 V

1l1h c Co.F.10 R"cord \Till oonAiot of I1oe;~l .!!'arm No . 8 , tho front Wld i·ov ursc 01<100 uf ~Jhjch DlWUld bu fjJlutl out oCJrnpl ut uly , in \JhJ.oh should bo inoo1·tod 11110 fol l ow.lnc; :

l . a. 3 . -0. .

B. 6. ? . s. 9 .

Ol'deJ"' of Revien1 (I,tJ(i'D.l ]1orzn No . 13 (C:\/Gl/ lfJ) . neviov{ by Stu.ff JUcl (;C:J Ac1VOOc:.1.'ba (in ·L:t-1p1Jo .. :J,'~O ) . 'P0t1·t1on i~r J.:ov;i,mr (I,o;ul lJ'onn No . 10 (CA/ Gl/15) . Spoc ie.J. ora.orFJ appoj,n Ll ilfS Oou.t't ( inol ucUn{") i.:unond ing ord ars ). Lot ·~ar 01 O:t·dol' .cefei·l~1ns Case to Lh 1J OLJUrrt . Cha.r ge Sheet (I,o ;~ 11 lJ'onn No , 0 (01~/Gl/ O). , Ro cord of loo t;l..mony ( inoJ 11'1111(; O"' hi bi tt~) in clupl:i.0 nto . Oonnu:1.tmont (L1:1go.l 1101m No . 5 (C.~/"Jl/10 ) . ~"'1BOGllDllOOUS 1~apor !;l . '

- 27 -

. '•

Page 17: Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by

0 JJ1 1.L1lOS 'J' I M O NY


Gi.NJ,.j.R/.I, l''I1 I'.L1AHY GOV.tH NiviWNX' 00 UH 'J.'


_________ 1 .. n ... a .. ox ..... _______ =---------·-----,.."-~·iao ( r:T)

Arr a i grun cm t • • • I I f • i t • • • • • I • a I • I I

Tllo ae • • • • • • • • t • • • . . . .. I • • • f • • • • o I o • • • • •

Intor1·oga. t.io '1. of i~ cc tir:J aa un Chl\11800 a~t d i"c:.1..1'.' Liou l orn . . ' . . . . s t at omu n t by ;, o o 1~e o d • I I I I • • I o . ~ ~ . . . . • • • • • i • f •

.i:.'1ua;1.nsEl • ,• • • • • • • • • • • • , , • • • f • • I a • ii 9 • • •

'l'e1::1t:Unony u:~ ·~o . r oviolllJ Oonvic~ :i, l.FlO and EJ~Lu.nu~~jng Cir c umr• t fl:rJ o cm • I I I I t I

'J.'~ S '11 lJl,(l NY

Name oi ~fftno e e D1I' 00 t 'L"aeQ

cfrorn; l\::l.Pj 0

1.iudil·act l 'o.go

Noorboc 001ltt :K,11JW"' l';.i.l)O I'~.,&1 OdJ;.~ ffi

ll.:Xll IDI '.LS I ,µ/1'0. , 11.!'I'.i!INDL.D

N wn b UL"

1.1.' I )

'l'hO 01.·:n~:r·t, proo a oc1od in 0]2Ul'l. Court to ~h :i t:t' :L:..~ 1 a1' aocue i;i~ t who \lflS l)l"'U:aGnt . ( I;C tho accnC.4ud ~11..i.o not ,"lro'="'~...,.Ll'!-="1fio;r..· --,,.b-r.h·~a__....._ rooo:t'd ohou:Hl s,b0\1 tho pu.rtinont 1' acto ruciuirod lJy H1.1lo 10 ('7); s tJo rs.rt III , Outllno for 1l1ri e.ls , p ·..li· )

, e. m (~n bor i.:.1:f tho Court , iD o.n offi c or with ""'n-"tEJ-.n.-k-1-1""'"Nir-f.ll!l~. ....o --) -~

l J e;e.:L tr lli nin13 .

1l'ho dou.'I'.' t a ppo in to a, as ( G"rado ) ( l\T!llno ) ( ASN ) ( Oi:· e;sn :i.zu·e Ion)

1ntorr,ir ut0l."' for' tho r.H11:1 o t and ho .1 E1.a duly ::iwol'n ,

( If an intorpt'o·eo1· iQ u ppo1n ·boll t o aaoi':J t ·tl11• t~,c::cu oo c1. mu1 h.11:3 oounsolt th e roaoJ:d Bh~".l uld oo ind ieA.to ).

Tho Court has o.ppuin·Lod _ .. .... • ~rad o.) ( l\T&na J l AS,1 ) (011 1::~dll i Zt..~tlon

aB l'Opor·tor for ·bho oa:.lo , and hu i11 .:1E1 c:1uJ.y owarn .

(If thu Uour t D.)JpointEi an Ac1vh1ot , t 11 0 l"'ooord :1hould 80 · ind icu tiJ s.uc1 h o shoulcl bo Dworn . )

{I f it Wctt3 D..6l' uOd 'by ·~hv Oour·~ th ~t ·~ho rrou 1dun·t H0ulCl 1.'lllO on l:Lll in~crlooutory q,u.Jet.i onu , sn.bj. ot ~u bho obj vo tian uf ar:13t morub,Jr of ·~h...i Court , thi.i ;i.:·oooJ·'1 shoulc1. .. o :lncd ou.·vo ,)

ri<L .. 1: \Thom Cl.ooe the .•oourac1 a ...,airo to in~roduoo ~D cOUhlJ ul '?

DC 'J'h0 .Oo f enae Counool. ,

{DC Th A a.oeu:aod desiroa 1:,0 introdii~a ... o cc ti..IlfJOl ...,..(f ... f i.:_un_,o,...,1 ____ _

, who 1~ duly qu il 111 •d to ~~(~N~a~t~1-o-n~~ar~~~~-~-, ~,~~(~r-r-o~l-e-s-a1~0-J1""")

pro.c 1.100 'bafore thi:.i oour t , ( T:t' , uch ?lpociLll cutU1fli) l i~1 n io.wyo1· 1 Lhu i·ocort!l \Ji l l contu.in i.t BL::i.te'a11t thc.1. he j.o nc.i t <.lobnrr)cl,. 'by I J.ljt ry c+m·ttr'111 1 c 1t f:t·1:.m np·1001·ill(s 'bn£01~u ·the• Coui··t. )

All mombura of tho Coll;ct u.na tho l')Or:Jonne l of tJ10 pro e oou n on <.i.ncl thii' nne e o. "l. -. in·~ o d b~1 11 hu 1 or 1 ~o in r:, Sp o o i 11 Or cl ~u~ (l wore pro~ont ( •.n:cOiJ 'll t tlXu11e eel by n ' oJ n·ui 1£5 v. nLhu1 j:iur ) .

- 29 -

Page 18: Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by

Tho tiro£rnout ... 1r a t ci;tec1 t he gcrnorLl nc::t'~Ul'O of' tho Oh :rgo~1 ant\ !'l.\r t, lou1t1.rs •

ROS : 'l'ho pj."0£Jocution will noL oEJ.ll a.ny momb•.:n: o~ tho Oon11 ·L u1:1 a witnu::i1:1 , Hill tlHl o.oounocl oall J,ny mornba:r r~o a 11Vit1111·0 ·~

J)Q No . Oil •

1.'H01:1 : Hti.G arzy- inanbor of t ho co1:o· ·t o. pOl'HOili)l 1n~oroat in th.L~1 Os.Bo?

rro..s: (A:t''LOl:' it1 ~orroe; .·~ ill(!; tho m1.m'bur1J ot ·~hu Qourt) NO .

rllLS. : 'J.'he Oo11e t 11'Le os;t jFJ;fii;, .J iteolf thr..t :i:t 11~ rro1.,orly co not i tu tad und or tho l a.vvo Jncl. rululJ t;ov0rninu Mi1 i Lt.ll"y 11ovurnr·ont Oourta tJ.I1c.\ h~e .1ur;L:;ic.H.otion ovar thw pol."r-:10n ( a) unll oi'fomJ u(s ) oi th 1 uoouao" . I f oith~Jl' ·thw p oni.1uu·t1on 01· thu dofan>ldO ho.:J uny gr uunc1 f'o:r ohalJunr;o of' any mumbul' , 1·~ ia r1Jqttua·t '.Hl t .h".i;t it lJ~ (l lr-iclOfhid nov . ( T.:f! no no d ieoloa .Jd , udd: ) '11ho1· o b ..iing no { l'\)unc1u f 01• chnllong~, tho court iFl cl .Jo lo.rod to bo i1:t'O'P .a:ly oonn·~ i tlrHit'l. .

lRES : 'l'he: Tric: l Hill !Jo o:..inauo~o(l Jn opvn Cml ·t ( ln onn.rn) .

(If in oem.:;iro. , s ·~r:i.to J,.:iasi:inr.~ ) •

'l'ho odttrt ilr~i,.1r.ro~; tuu ·chv .. ~ooun 1.Jcl e.n ·~::i hi!3 nanio •;f>1l , r ue id 1Jno o , ILc1'Liol1cJ.l ;L 'Ly , n.t1d r:i ·~u 'Luo ( o i v11 iu.t1 or m:Ll i ~Lll' y ~ •.W fo l lOW:J ;


.cc : •

. 1'T:t:JS:


(If it t4Prum•s Uw. t ·~ho ClrJfvnd.:i.nt 12 undu1· J.8 y..>m·o , b ut ovJr 16 year s , ·ch1.. dourt proo ... ccLJ t.~i:a 'ful l O\HJ : )

'l'ho d11urt int ... :rrogt.1·Cot'l ~l1~ ':'~oooood ~ 1 1th J, i..1E-Jp;)o·~ Lo h1r: peyoio ~1 an~ munC;ll oon<'li'Hun .. ~a fo l lai1n ;


• rti.. .. 3:

1.00 :

- :3Q ...

/~j ~ur oum:I lf1Cirt~1.110rl by t.hu Court in ol.Ou11d nv1111.1.-1n , th.;.i 1.l:' 01av11·t drtnom1ood ~h.lt it \,J,J tho d.Joif,ii:.in o:i.: ·~h.:> (.!ou.rt tho~ tl1u ·1eys1oul a.no nh;n1J'- l nitur1ty of i.,}11.,, tiOl!WlC~ .mu .u(;h thu~ ho (uho) -.~olild ba trivd in u.ll J1 0:JpO<J·t;r-, a.o an s<'lnlt -;i l 1 .1cn . (I tho findin5 of tho Cou1·t ia oci11crury "o th..s forou'\11 'li , <Luouu. ~1 B hull bci ~1· ... io. to<J i:!O a j uvcm ilo offondar and tl1... ·t rit..l fl m r.>ond · u 1'1Jnd1nB' oa 11'lplltin 0 \ilth Ruli"l 22 ( t co "Ju111.1n11.:i 11 :l.n -:;a1·t J lJ , i>S.[)O 18 ) t w1101·oupo11 tlliJ trial. Vlill pl'OCOIJC1 u.11d bh..: l.' OOQ!'C~ w.1 JJ be coi..np!i·fod 1n tho no11nal way . )

't~i·aeidont fldviooc1 tho ocutJod of hio (hur) !·i ll~e D.£3 f.lll L C: ... 1"th in Ju.tiolo V, Ordino.noo No , 2 , rr:llit'-l".Y Govi.:J:runtJnl; Ooui·tn • Upon intorrognt ion thv a.ocuoJd fJt~:LJcl thc'.l.t :l.1.:i ( eho) und ..ire too Cl ouoh :r·tght fJ .

'illi~ 'l'O


~~ r<bS . td




!.ro you no·.1 raedy for 'Ll·1n.l in thiR o~:JO'(

Yoe , l:j :1.1· •

lki.e o. ~opy of th( Oh.JXg.:i ehw~t boo1 fJurvod upon ycm nr ior to ·~r1a1·~ i .

YoEJ , e11· .

J RI: :1G1'U '.a.i"N'l'

"d-{BS : 1 Will 11ov1 roa.d to ~ion thv ChD!•go "ld ..,ar~iou1o.i·n .

• '.L110 Ootu ·t thon TCHlO to ~h..'.> 4.ocita c'\ tlP Ch rg.:> Jnt'\ Li:J.l."t.:i ... t'tlo:t'LJ u.a 13.:it forth in Lha Ohd~:go Sh1.;ot .

·.:H .... S 'J'O /\Cc : Do .YOU un d OJ.' fl if.Al'ld "llu Ch '60 ' le ~t'J. ~ io u.ldl" A ':'

.1100 I do ,

i.ROS 'l'O ACO : H0\7 do you pJ ~Cld'r

(.LC ·~h ... r·c is rnoro tho. 1 on . ..1 Chn1· .;o , ~hJ i.., bovc p) ·o tH.Hhn· o fo follO•lvtl cu:1 Lo oaoh Oh..JJ p;'l , 1. '"' (l,CJCUS.Jt1 l')l.10.(\i 1'1"" to ocoh Ch· :i~gc anc1 , 0.2:-t ioul.LJ:'a oopar: t oly, )

'.CC: 'l'o tho Oh r cra ~nd ·.m1 ·c1ou J u·o , (Not <.7u1lty) ( Guill-.~') .

(1f ·1,hc pl m iCJ " GLtilty ", L.h(.J follO\Tinc; 11hou1a n.ppu .. r;)

'.L'h ~ ·'UUU8wU ~JU.I;-~ J.Bl{;,,1d Wh"·~h..il' lt..; tUlt'l.O.r'Ut00ll ~h.~ t uy a pl oa. of guil·Ly , he . arni~tod UJ L!·uu c.ll :. l'·~iu1.1l1' !'8 .\ 11a ·11Ji1,,1

Oh .. LJ'BO 1-1.a Bot i\ii.··~l~ ln i.,Jlo dhJJ.' ,j·u :jb.._u·c , aml ·1,h ~ , Wi'Ch•Hl't fu?."t.:ho1· proo;f.' , thu aow:··t coul-1 fo1pouo 1'.ny l »•tfuJ. t.:l nL ul100 ,

..., 5J .....

Page 19: Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by

iHo'.I ttdJ.'l{ d"" 'lih ( if .: 1.r.:·11.:.:· 1 1 i J ;J. (, r.y CtvV' J.' 11" \ 11;11 CJ ,J1'•- ·t) (v ) iio l C ~ l -1' f winc1 Rl: lOOtOOO , ii ... ~r1 lnuu.'.i.1"11.1(' J. ,_ ·~,J Oonr·t ) ·~o Hll .lnll h ~·. ' 1J1, '11 h.. 'li ho djd ( no~ / 'u.10 ... ro·~r:rd\ , .b.cc\t ~ i.,1it. w~ r ·t :. n · ' t.c~ -..1 . 1. "tu i· ~ L d gj_ruti to Ol'1' nuC hir.: }:) lCJ .. , ·~o Ol1u o'.i. '·NO''° l ffl ;::i,y 11

'tO a : yo s , b 1r •

(I i th1 j,1lv.;'. of u'tlil '~j~ wrs n.:> ·~ 0 l. .n c; c:oC ·~:ilu Ou1 i.· ·~ l,•,•On (~ 1lo Ch. eel . a lnd io tud in !iU:, 011:tlJ.nu :f'.01· 'J.1.:..· 1 · L )

I N'.CLfu{OLi1. 1.L1 lUN Q_· :r OC 1J'.)l. D " 'tlT OFU. J:i ~t £ q r)) · •• ~ 1t1 .TGUJ,f,R,; . •

".4'.B.a.l;j : , '.1.'l1c Oou.i ·t .1.10v/ c'.l uCiil CJ"" ·~o ~ 11'h.r1u J• ii (1 you . J~·~ , J. Ii r L '~· :;)l.i O'~ ~lliEl ·cr'.l. r,;1l ; O'Lt l ,,,,y l'· l.o t• i.1 un~lll 0..tl1 f' ~. 'ii nt , 1m wllioh you mc•,y bl!l c:roon-" :, ... 1n..i cl . You :--J; <-; < v :: 1.1

1 'UJi.-·~ . HY r:ii cv~u1l rrii~ y~1u in .. w · •L\ l :~ llCH , or l·- ·cui· i n .10111~ ·~:i..· .i; 1 , ..rill bo 1,, vi (l,"l1;io o :tit tJtir:i o r~c. :J • You E'r c . 1·~ 0 a~ vi. 1.1.;\ ·~~ .. t ·~l • .J

Ov \i.t"·b ril y ~ l:;;i,1 . vo~1 infor ono ~s r. . c t o.~· -: ir (~'l fi~i:i~. m,1.if. jnv~ify f ra y oi.i.r l" (.fa •:'1.l k1 ..;i.no11 ...n:' ar f r l ,yoi.u: :Zu11 11ro •i;o ·~ ... LCJ t h·J . '·t ... tel i n ~· 011l· O'iill U.:)l1r.1:r: . :HO'i /01/ r ' ~'OU i .. ~J 110 ·~ 'b~ u,m Loucc..J :Cm: ooa Lc:n1,.1t :t'm.· r ... iu i 1:_.i ·110 ni:u ... i· . • i u ~"OU .11.llih-:..i' 1. t 'lil ur;i 1• ili () ~o snlJ ·.1·~ ·in ~n ~ .... ri·o ... tj 0~1 by ~llu OOU'l' ·~ .

li.OO Yno , &j.r.

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Page 20: Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by

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01.<vSS ~AMifl~\ 1l'ION

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( -~:f t er ·t ho clo.foneo hJ.o offo:t·ea .;i.11 ito ovidenoo ;)

DO 1l1ho dof onee :i:·eG ·cs .

( If t ho pl"oeeoutlon ha.CJ reb11t t al ·to::rt ll 1ony 1 ur10 tho Aub­hou.t1 RL:Bu rJ:"l~' ·L u.n~ r oe: or cl ·c:n.o tent JJ11ony 1,1101· i:mnc10.1.~ . )

'J.'ho prosocut ion announ.ootl ·chut i~ h .. ~c1 no f'ur·~1101· toeit1mony ~o offer .

Tho d ofoHaa announoetl ·~hut i·~ hucl no f 1ii ·t.11or to.it.imony ·to o:ff Ol' •

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01'Bl •l·gumonh~J ~1oro • udo 1.:iy Ch1J :..•roeoanl.:ur '-'\10 :Du:f?n11n o Ooul:lu ul.

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Page 21: Outline of Procedure for Trial of Certain War Criminals by