7 Neptunian Dikes and Fissure Fills: An Overview and Account of Some Modern Examples PETER L. SMART, R.J. PALMER, F. WHITAKER, and V. PAUL WRIGHT Abstract Neptunian dikes (marine) and fissure infills (terres- trial) are deposits filling voids in older rocks and are widely reported from carbonate terrains, but sedi- ment infills from brackish and freshwater phreatic environments (termed cavern infills here) have been less widely recognized. The initiation, development, and sedimentary filling of voids can take place in a variety of environments, which may be recognized from distinctive features including morphology, distribution, fauna, and sedimentology. These en- vironments may change significantly during and be- tween each stage; thus a detailed and complex record may be established by careful interpretation of both void and sediments. The initial voids may be de- positional, synsedimentary, or tectonic in origin, while their development is controlled largely by the rapidity of erosion (slow in marine, fast in vadose terrestrial and in the mixing zone between freshwater and saline water). While the contemporaneous rate of infill is rapid, erosive development of the void may be limited. Sediment character is dependent on external environment and on the ratio of allo- chthonous to autochthonous sediment. Autochtho- nous sedimentation may be rapid in poorly lithified rock under strong erosional attack, particularly if large voids are present. These ideas are illustrated by an account of the morphology, distribution, fauna, and sediments of "blue holes" (underwater caves) from the Bahama Banks, which we recognize as modern examples of neptunian dikes. Introduction Neptunian dikes are bodies of younger sedi- ment infilling fissures in rocks exposed on the sea floor (Bates and Jackson 1980, Visser 1980) and are the marine equivalents of terrestrial (often karstic) fissure fills, with which they may be genetically related. Surprisingly, there have been no previous general reviews of their gen- esis, morphology, and development. They are a minor but widely recognized sedimentary feature, particularly associated with carbonate buildups. This association is probably due to three factors. First, carbonates become lithified much more rapidly than siliciclastic rocks and thus respond in a brittle manner to stress, de- veloping fractures even at an early stage. Sec- ond, carbonate slopes are steeper than silici- clastic slopes and tend to steepen upward (Schlager and Camber 1986). They therefore tend to develop fractures due to unloading and mass movement along the platform margins. Finally, because carbonates are soluble, circu- lation of undersaturated waters can form sub- stantial voids. In this chapter we discuss some of the factors significant in controlling the initiation, devel- opment, and sedimentation of neptunian dikes and cavern and fissure infills, and discuss their importance in paleoenvironmental reconstruc- tion and interpretation. We also compare them to underwater caves ("blue holes") in the Ba- hamas, which we consider to be modern ex- amples in which the active sedimentation pro- cesses can be studied. Finally, we discuss their importance in paleoenvironmental reconstruc- tion and interpretation. Nature and Formation of Void Infill Deposits It is apparent from the numerous published accounts of neptunian dikes and fissure infills that there is great variety in both the mor- N. P. James et al. (eds.), Paleokarst © Springer-Verlag New York Inc. 1988

Paleokarst || Neptunian Dikes and Fissure Fills: An Overview and

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Page 1: Paleokarst || Neptunian Dikes and Fissure Fills: An Overview and

7 Neptunian Dikes and Fissure Fills: An Overview and Account of Some Modern Examples PETER L. SMART, R.J. PALMER, F. WHITAKER, and V. PAUL WRIGHT


Neptunian dikes (marine) and fissure infills (terres­trial) are deposits filling voids in older rocks and are widely reported from carbonate terrains, but sedi­ment infills from brackish and freshwater phreatic environments (termed cavern infills here) have been less widely recognized. The initiation, development, and sedimentary filling of voids can take place in a variety of environments, which may be recognized from distinctive features including morphology, distribution, fauna, and sedimentology. These en­vironments may change significantly during and be­tween each stage; thus a detailed and complex record may be established by careful interpretation of both void and sediments. The initial voids may be de­positional, synsedimentary, or tectonic in origin, while their development is controlled largely by the rapidity of erosion (slow in marine, fast in vadose terrestrial and in the mixing zone between freshwater and saline water). While the contemporaneous rate of infill is rapid, erosive development of the void may be limited. Sediment character is dependent on external environment and on the ratio of allo­chthonous to autochthonous sediment. Autochtho­nous sedimentation may be rapid in poorly lithified rock under strong erosional attack, particularly if large voids are present. These ideas are illustrated by an account of the morphology, distribution, fauna, and sediments of "blue holes" (underwater caves) from the Bahama Banks, which we recognize as modern examples of neptunian dikes.


Neptunian dikes are bodies of younger sedi­ment infilling fissures in rocks exposed on the sea floor (Bates and Jackson 1980, Visser 1980) and are the marine equivalents of terrestrial (often karstic) fissure fills, with which they may

be genetically related. Surprisingly, there have been no previous general reviews of their gen­esis, morphology, and development. They are a minor but widely recognized sedimentary feature, particularly associated with carbonate buildups. This association is probably due to three factors. First, carbonates become lithified much more rapidly than siliciclastic rocks and thus respond in a brittle manner to stress, de­veloping fractures even at an early stage. Sec­ond, carbonate slopes are steeper than silici­clastic slopes and tend to steepen upward (Schlager and Camber 1986). They therefore tend to develop fractures due to unloading and mass movement along the platform margins. Finally, because carbonates are soluble, circu­lation of undersaturated waters can form sub­stantial voids.

In this chapter we discuss some of the factors significant in controlling the initiation, devel­opment, and sedimentation of neptunian dikes and cavern and fissure infills, and discuss their importance in paleoenvironmental reconstruc­tion and interpretation. We also compare them to underwater caves ("blue holes") in the Ba­hamas, which we consider to be modern ex­amples in which the active sedimentation pro­cesses can be studied. Finally, we discuss their importance in paleoenvironmental reconstruc­tion and interpretation.

Nature and Formation of Void Infill Deposits

It is apparent from the numerous published accounts of neptunian dikes and fissure infills that there is great variety in both the mor-

N. P. James et al. (eds.), Paleokarst© Springer-Verlag New York Inc. 1988

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phology of initial voids and the sedimentary in fill of voids. This reflects the different pro­cesses and geological environments in which void initiation, development, and infill can oc­cur (Fig. 7.1). Furthermore, because these de­velopment stages can span considerable time periods, the geological environment may change completely between them. Thus a pe­riod of subaerial cavity development may be succeeded by subaerial, subaqueous, or sub­marine infill. Only the latter forms a neptunian dike sensu strictu, although the void itself may have been generated under subaerial condi­tions, because the conditions of sediment de­position have conventionally been used to de­fine this term. Similarly, fissure fills are subaerial in origin. We suggest that the term cavern fill be restricted to subaqueous fills de­posited in brackish or phreatic freshwater en­vironments, although this does not imply that neptunian and fissure fills cannot be emplaced into roofed voids (cavities) as well as those di­rectly open to the surface. In the following sec­tions we will consider the three developmental stages in detail and suggest criteria for their recognition in the geological record.

Void Initiation

The morphology and particularly distribution of host voids is controlled primarily by the pro­cesses which initiate them. These provide the openings which permit the effective operation of later developmental processes, but in some cases sedimentation will rapidly follow and little modification will occur. Three types of initial voids may be recognized: primary depositional cavities, fractures arising from essentially syn­sedimentary processes, and fractures due to regional tectonism. Many neptunian dikes are associated with regional tectonism (Richter 1966, Wendt 1971, Szulcsewski 1973, Schlager 1969, Misik 1979, Stanton 1981, Wood 1981, Veraetal. 1984, Wendtetal. 1984, Blendinger 1986). They are characterized by strongly pre­ferred orientations which can be related to the regional tectonic framework. For instance, in the Middle Triassic carbonate platforms of the Dolomites, Blendinger (1986) suggested that the east-west dikes resulted from extension as a result of the northwest-southeast-oriented sinistral shear. In some cases, different gen­erations of dikes can be ascribed to specific tec-


Primary Depositional • Syn-sedimentary • Tectonic Fractures

C.v;t;" --------=T:::~-----



_____________ l ~ V'~~~r>f~ro~~'

Subaerial Subaqueous: Submarine Brackish & Phreatic


SUbmergence ______ ._~ ...... ----- Emergence ~

FIGURE 7.1. Relations between void initiation, void development, and sedimentary infill for fissure and cavern fills, and neptunian dikes.

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tonic phases or events. This is well illustrated in the Subbetic ranges of southern Spain, where Vera et al.(1984) demonstrate that the orien­tation of the second phase of neptunian dikes reflects the commencement in the Jurassic of transverse movement of the African plate in relation to Europe after a previous phase of compression. Where the regional tectonic framework is more constant and the bedrock well lithified, reactivation of fractures after infill may occur. In the Mendip Hills of southwest England this reactivation of Variscan fractures has resulted in zoned neptunian dikes, with filling sediments of Keuper to Upper Jurassic age (Stanton 1981, Robinson 1956). Brecciation of the previous sedimentary infill has also oc­curred, and the fragments have been incor­porated into the new infill.

The term synsedimentary is used here to de­scribe fractures developing as a result of sedi­mentation and erosion processes, including compaction, unloading, and mass movement. In the Devonian Canning Basin reef complexes of Western Australia, Playford (1984) dem­onstrated that the majority of neptunian dikes developed parallel or perpendicular to the platform margin (those parallel tending to be wider), and were not directly related to fault activity. He suggested that slippage along mar­ginal slope bedding and compaction of the ba­sin sediments were the major causes. These fractures may be associated with considerable extension and also show reactivation. In the general model of Bernoulli and Jenkyns (1974) for the breakup of the Mediterranean Tethy­an platform, although active block faulting is contemporaneous with development of nep­tunian dikes, joint development in the newly unconfined margins of the upstanding blocks may be the most important mechanism of de­velopment, again giving fractures paralleling the platform margin. Thus unless there is also lateral displacement, giving fractures oblique to the margin as in the example described by Blendinger (1986), it may often be difficult to differentiate between synsedimentary and tectonic fractures based on fracture orienta­tion.

Wendt (1971) distinguishes between Qfis­sures, which cut the bedding, and S fissures, which parallel it. More generally, these would be called neptunian dikes and sills, respectively, although such an extension in terminology is

probably not justifiable. Opening of bedding planes occurs both as a result of tectonic and synsedimentary induced fracturing. The rela­tive frequency of the Sand Q types is therefore probably not a generally useful technique for distinguishing these origins, although Playford (1984) suggests that there may be significant differen(;es in this ratio between marginal slope and reef deposits. Few studies have examined these distributions in detail, although Vera et al. (1984) do observe significant spatial varia­tions in the frequency of different types.

Primary depositional voids are only of real significance in reef and forereef breccia de­posits. In the former, substantial cavities may be present between the main reef-forming ele­ments, such as coral heads. These voids are largely in filled at an early stage by sediment derived from erosion of the reef itself (Land and Goreau 1970). However, some may become closed and, thus isolated from the source of sediment, persist, with slower authocthonous processes dominating the infill. Examples of this type of infill are figured by Misik (1979), Tucker (1973), and Playford (1984). Although these would not generally be described as nep­tunian dikes, they comprise a subset of such features, the only distinguishing characteristic being the relatively small difference in age be­tween the host and infilling The irregular out­line of such voids and their clear relation to the primary framework of the deposit readily dis­tinguish these types from those developed by fracturing.

Void Development

Many of the neptunian dikes described in the literature show little evidence of void devel­opment after the initial opening (Robinson 1956, Richter 1966, Wendt 1971, Szulcsewski 1973, Playford 1984, Schlager 1969, Blendin­ger 1986). Conversely, others show evidence of both dissolutional and mechanical enlargement prior to sediment infill, particularly those that are associated with periods of emergence (Wood 1981, Wendt et al. 1984, Vera et al. 1984, Whiteside and Robinson 1983, Scholl and Wendt 1971, Halstead and Nicoll 1971, Gon­zalez-Donoso et al. 1983).

Three factors are significant in determining

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the extent of void development prior to infill: first, the relative rapidity of erosion in the par­ticular environment in which the void is ex­posed; second, the resistance of the bedrock to that erosion; and third, the time available be­tween initiation of the void and infill. Of the three sets of processes recognized in Figure 7.1, submarine processes are probably least effective in void developtnent. Although solutional forms are reported on the northeastern shelf of Florida (Popenoe et al. 1984), these are thought to be inherited from earlier low stands of sealevel. Only Misik (1979) and Melendez et al. (1983) have suggested that submarine dis­solution was significant in the development of some neptunian dikes. Other authors, after careful examination of the evidence, favor dis­solution during emergence (Gonzalez-Donoso et al. 1984). Furthermore, relatively rapid rates of sedimentation would be expected in voids opening on the sea floor, and their lifetime would be sufficiently short that even the very efficaceous biological erosion by grazers and borers would have little effect. These types of neptunian dikes are therefore characterized by relatively planar walls with no erosional forms in evidence.

The uplift and flexing of the platform which causes development of the initial voids may also result in emergence. Thus subaerial karst pro­cesses may operate, giving irregular enlarge­ment of the void from the initial fracture line and generating a distinctive suite of surface dissolution features including karren, phyto­karst, and root molds. Because insoluble sedi­ment is often lacking on carbonate platforms, true paleosols may not be present, but iron-rich and calcrete crusts may be formed (James and Choquette 1984). In general, void in fill occurs much less rapidly in the terrestrial than in the marine environment, and there is thus potential for the development of large karst cavities. For instance, in the Cretaceous of the Sierra de Ca­bra (southern Spain), Vera et al. (1984) describe one karst cavity over 25 m wide and 30 m deep, although typically the cavities did not penetrate more than 8 m below the contemporaneous land surface. This decrease in the frequency of dissolution voids with depth is typical of vadose karst development and is due to progressive downward saturation of recharge water.

Surprisingly, development of voids under

water-filled phreatic conditions has not found favor in the literature on neptunian dikes. Tubes and elliptical voids guided by joints and bedding planes are reported (Wendt et al. 1984, S. Wright pers. comm.), sometimes with dis­solution-scalloped surfaces (Robinson 1956, Wendt et al. 1984), and are characteristic of this environment. They may also occur over a con­siderable depth range, but we are not aware of any observations from the fossil record on this point. Mixing corrosion (Bogli 1971) at both the water table and the base of the freshwater lens may permit relatively rapid dissolution (Wigley and Plummer 1976, Back et al. 1979, Back et al. 1986), and will be of some signifi­cance in emergent platforms. Changes in sea­level may also permit the mixing zone to affect many horizons in the platform. Furthermore, preexisting fracture systems allow the circula­tion of brackish waters, particularly along the bank margins, greatly increasing the area in which mixing zone solution can occur (Smart et al. in prep.). However, unless groundwater flow velocities are relatively high, distinctive scalloped surfaces will not be developed. Dif­ferential dissolution forms due to the varying stability of the component carbonate minerals should be apparent, both to the eye and under the microscope. These are reported for fissures in the Caobro-Ordovician of northern Scotland by S. Wright (pers. comm.), where differential dissolution of burrowed limestones along the fissure walls is apparent, and in thin sections figured by Misik (1979) and Molina et al. (1985). We believe that this type of void de­velopment is much more common than has previously been recognized and is of consid­erable significance in carbonate diagenesis, a suggestion supported by Playford (1984).


The sediments and cements filling neptunian dikes and the cavern and fissure infills include all those commonly found in the geological record. They may represent surficial or cave terrestrial environments (Halstead and Nicoll 1971), through littoral (Liss and Wojcik 1960) and shallow marine (Gonzalez-Donoso et al. 1983) to pelagic deposits (Bernoulli and Jen-

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kyns 1971). Because they are found predomi­nantly in carbonate environments which fre­quently lack sources of siliceous sediments, the infills are also commonly carbonate. These in­clude cements formed in a variety of environ­ments, which produce distinctive textures Qames and Choquette 1983 and 1984). Early marine and marine-burial cements are partic­ularly copious in the neptunian dikes of the Canning Basin, for instance (Kerans et al. 1986). In some areas, up to ten separate phases of neptunian dike sedimentation can be rec­ognized by differences in the character of the sediments (Scholl and Wendt 1971). As the analysis and interpretation of such sediments are in the general realm of the sedimentary ge­ologist, we will concentrate here on the more general factors controlling sedimentation in large voids.

The change from void development to infill is usually caused by some change in the external environment, controlling the rate of sediment supply. A particularly good example occurs in the Subbetic platforms studied by Gonzalez­Donoso et al. (1983). Under emergent condi­tions void development predominated, but on submergence, sedimentation of the voids com­menced. As the submergence was gradual there is a clear zoning, with the deeper voids hosting the earlier fills. This provides a sensitive sea­level indicator for the area, and together with interpretation of the nature of the sediments made possible a remarkably detailed account of the changing environment.

The nature of the sedimentary deposits pre­served in voids is controlled primarily by the relative rates of autochthonous and allo­chthonous sedimentation. Autochthonous sed­iments include biogenic and chemical cements and material derived from the walls. Allo­chthonous sediments must be transported into the void by gravitational or fluid transport. Thus, in addition to the dependence of the al­lochthonous sedimentation rate on the external environment noted above, the rate is also de­pendent on the degree of interconnection be­tween void and environment. This may be in­dicated by evidence of water movement such as cross-bedding and other similar sedimentary structures (for example, Misik 1979). Some cavities may be totally isolated and are decou­pled from external sediment supply, while ad-

jacent well-connected ones receive a copious supply (Kerans et al. 1986). Wendt (1971) noted that S fissures (parallel to the bedding) were characterized by much lower rates of sedimen­tation than Q fissures, whose greater vertical extent increased the probability of a direct connection to the surface. Similarly, fractures developed near the surface, for instance by va­dose karstification, will be associated with rel­atively high sedimentation rates compared with deep cavities such as those formed at the base of the freshwater lens. There is therefore some interdependence between the environment of void development and the nature of the sedi­ment infill.

Although relatively rapid biological processes such as deposition by encrusting organisms have been reported for some neptunian dikes (Gonzalez-Donoso et al. 1983, Playford 1984), these examples appear to be rare and are as­sociated with shallow bank and reef environ­ments. In a modern case described by Mac­Intyre (1984), rates of deposition by serpulid worms were very low. Autochthonous sedi­mentation is thus dominated by the rate of supply of material derived from the walls, as chemical precipitation is rather slow. Three factors are of importance here: the nature of the wallrock, the erosional environment in the void, and the size of the void. In general, small voids are mechanically more stable than larger ones, thus chemical sedimentation giving sparry calcite and other spelean infills may predomi­nate in this type, as described by Wendt (1971) and Assereto and Folk (1980). In larger voids breakdown of the wall rock is dependent on its relative resistance and the strength of the ero­sive forces. Most voids only develop in lithi­fied sediments, but in some cases cementation and conversion of metastable minerals will have proceeded further than in others, and the bedrock will therefore be both mechanically stronger and chemically more stable. The ero­sional environment is also important in con­trolling both the amount and nature of sedi­ment supply; thus chemical dissolution in the mixing zone may cause disaggregation of the rock, liberating component grains such as ool­ites, while mechanical erosion will give large fragments of unaltered bedrock. Such contrasts are apparent in the literature, but generally such detailed sedimentological considerations

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have been less important than information pertaining to the age of the deposits.

One particular process which has been sug­gested for the development of neptunian dikes is injection of unconsolidated sediment from the sea floor following the sudden opening of a fissure. Robinson (1956) and Duff et al. (1986) believe this process is important for the nep­tunian dikes in the Carboniferous limestone of southwest England. They suggest that it is in­aicated by parallel zonation of the fissure fill on both walls, but fail to recognize that this may also be achieved by multi phase movements causing a central suture to develop in the preexisting sediment (and also causing some brecciation), which is infilled by the later sed­iment. Other authors have also noted that in vertical fractures sediments appear to show weak lamination parallel to the wall (Misik 1979), but this appears to be commonly ob­served in present-day caves, where sediment­bearing waters enter from cracks in the roof and walls (Bull 1981). There is some evidence of plastic deformation, such as flame structures and disoriented primary sedimentary structures in the Mendip examples, but this may simply be due to slumping into the fissure. Sediment injection as a cause of neptunian dikes appears at most to be of minor importance.

L itt/e····· ... Bahama ··~··i;; ...... .

B?~~ . •.. ~ ..•... ~~, Gra~~·Sahamci·>. (/Abaco

iami :t .................. ":'.: ... :

Blue Holes of the Bahamas

Given numerous studies of carbonate sedi­mentation conducted on the Bahama Bank, it is surprising that the parallels between sedi­mentation in the underwater caves (blue holes) found both on the land and offshore on the shallow banks and some types of neptunian dikes have not been noted. The existence of these features is mentioned in the classic study of Newell and Rigby (1957), and an indication of their potential geological significance is given in a paper by Dill (1977). We are presently in­volved in an extensive study of the develop­ment, geochemistry, wallrock diagenesis, and sedimentation of blue holes and present here only a brief description of some of the sites we have surveyed.

The Bahama Bank (Fig. 7.2) is a tectonically stable platform whose major boundaries are defined at great depth by tectonic fractures (Mullins and Lynts 1977). The great relief of the banks and steepness of their margins is re­lated both to depositional processes and to ero­sion of the intervening channels by turbidity currents (Hooke and Schlager 1980). Geo­physical, sedimentological, and underwater surveys using submersibles demonstrate that the banks have erosional margins, and that at

" ).. . •.. EI h .~~ :.~( .~.eut era

·~ndro~\ .... ( .... ,( ... ~\. ... ~.

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....... ::.

: ... ". .: ...•• ". Cat i ~ \ '-0;';. . ..... \ ...... 15.

j • "'\ ':..... \'Exu~~s'~ .... . ... .•... .... :. .......... ····.Great Bahama Bank

......... FIGURE 7.2. Location of the Bahama Banks, Andros Island, and Grand Bahama (-500 m contour dotted).

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depth spalling and mass movement are active processes (Freeman-Lynde et al. 1981, Mullins and Neumann 1979). Lateral unloading parallel to the bank margins has produced a series of fractures. These are often multiple and com­plex, sometimes curvilinear, and near vertical, but show no displacement. Many can be traced laterally for tens of kilometers, both on the submarine banks and across the land (Fig. 7.3). Major perpendicular joint sets are also present. The geometry of these fractures is thus very similar to that described for the Canning Basin by Playford (1984, Fig. 24). On land, both sets of fractures are enlarged by surface dissolution processes giving straight but irregular rifts up to half a meter wide, which taper downward to a depth of several meters (Fig. 7.4). The rock surfaces are extensively fretted, but karren are generally absent. Infill is limited to detached bedrock blocks and coarse organic material (leaves, branches, etc.), including living tree roots which penetrate to considerable depth. These rifts are characteristic of the typical karstic voids widely recognized in the geological record (Vera et al. 1984). Some narrow frac­tures have been infilled with pink and brown micrite banded parallel to the walls, and in places these infills have been brecciated. No

detailed studies have yet been conducted but they appear similar to those described by Per­kins (1977) from south Florida.

Some of the fractures paralleling the bank margin have been greatly enlarged, and direct access may be gained to extensive cave systems below present sealevel, using specialized cave diving techniques. A survey of several related fracture-controlled blue holes is presented in Figure 7.5 (Palmer 1985). The passages average 2 m to 5 m wide (but reach 30 m in Lothlorien), and are in excess of 90 m deep, the floor being beyond the limits of air diving. They are lat­erally continuous, and can be followed from the submarine entrances under the land, where a brackish water lens may be developed (Smart et al. in prep.). The bedrock walls are rough but planar and show evidence of both solution and spallation (Fig. 7.6). Upwards, the passages terminate in bedding-plane ceilings or collapsed boulders jammed in the narrowing but contin­uing fissure. These voids are identical to some of the bigger neptunian dikes and fissures re­ported in the literature, for instance Playford 1984, Palmer et al. 1980, Molina et al. 1985. Fallen boulders of wallrock up to several meters in diameter form a jumbled mass on the floor and in places jam as bridges across the passage.

FIGURE 7.3. Aerial view ofthe north shore of South Bight, Andros Island, looking northwest. A major fracture (arrowed) can be seen with blue holes (dark zones) developed in the floor of a shallow bay.

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FIGURE 7.4. Enlargement of fracture paralleling bank margin by vadose solution, South Andros Island.

The autochthonous sediment is not limited to this coarse material, however, but sand and silt have also accumulated from disintegration of the poorly lithified and generally friable wall­rock. These caves are thus representative of neptunian dikes in which internal sediment sources predominate, and the infill is primarilly of the host rock.

Wave action and currents on the banks, combined with the tidally induced semidiurnal inflow and outflow from the submarine bank entrances, transport allochthonous sediments into some of the caves. These are predomi­nantly coralgal and shell sands and finer lime muds derived from the surface of the sur­rounding banks (Fig. 7.7). Within the blue holes the tidally induced currents may exceed 5 knots near entrances and at restricted passage cross­sections (Warner and Moore 1984), and allo­chthonous sediment may be in transport over 600 m into some smaller passages. Size sorting

along the passage and ripple and dune struc­tures including cross-bedding are also observed, as reported in the fossil record by Misik (1979). These currents would be sufficient to mobilize the spar balls reported by Playford (1984), but no comparable sediments have yet been ob­served in the blue holes. At some marine sites, the entrance slopes are colonized by corals forming an upstanding patch reef (Fig. 7.8). Within, the cave the walls are encrusted with a marine fauna including sponges, wall-boring bivalves, polychaetes, serpulid worms, and ahermatypic corals (Trott and Warner 1986). Bioturbation of the floor sediments by H olo­thuria and by crustacea is also observed. Similar faunas are reported for neptunian dikes by Wendt (1971).

Inland where a freshwater lens is present, comparable faunal activity is absent but a spe­cialized microcrustacean food chain based on the input of organic matter entering through the roof is observed (Cunliffe 1985). Bacterial activity is vigorous (cf. Playford 1984), partic­ularly at the saline interface, and conditions are frequently reducing in this zone. This fauna, which is limited to deep saline groundwaters, may be the equivalent of the ostracod faunas observed by Wendt (1971) and Misik (1979) in neptunian dikes. Thus, the presence of these apparently marine faunas in neptunian dikes does not necessarily preclude contemporaneous emergence. Indeed, the remarkable juxtapo­sition of Triassic terrestrial mammals and rep­tiles with brackish water diatoms in the cavern fills of the Bristol region described by Marshall and Whiteside (1980) may be explained by just such a brackish lens situation. The contem­poraneous fissure faunas described by Robin­son (1956) and Halstead and Nicoll (1971) for the same area also find their equivalents in the distinctive terrestrial fauna reported from the infill of a modern solution pit near Nassau by Brodkorb (1959).

Although the blue holes have originated on synsedimentary fractures, their present size and extent are due to dissolutional activity in the mixing zone at the base of the freshwater lens (Back et al. 1979, Rudnicki (1980), Palmer and Williams 1984, Smart et al. in prep.). Here mixing of fresh and saline waters occurs in a fairly narrow zone (about 10 m maximum), causing undersaturation of the water with re-

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FIGURE 7.5. Plan and passage cross-sections of fracture controlled blue holes in the Big Creek area of eastern Grand Bahama. Inset: Location map.

spect to calcium carbonate (Wigley and Plum­mer 1976, Back et al. 1979). Preferential en­largement of the fractures therefore occurs in this zone, and tubular and elliptical passages may also develop along bedding planes. These

can be seen in Aquarius Cavern (Fig. 7.9), which has developed at a previous lens base 15 m to 20 m below present sealevel (Palmer 1985). This mixing zone level is associated with the much more extensive freshwater lens which existed

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FIGURE 7.6. Star gate blue hole, South Andros Island. The diver is swimming along a lO-m-wide, dis so­lutional-enlarged cave passage developed on a frac­ture paralleling the bank margin. Speleothems de-

FIGURE 7.7. Sand waves advancing across the shallow submerged bank toward the I5-m-wide entrance of Manta blue hole (Zodiac inflatable for scale arrowed). Sediment from the bank is transported by tidal cur­rents through a lO-m-high, 2-m-wide passage de­veloped on a fracture leading inland and orthogonal

posited subaerially during Pleistocene low sealevel stands and now submerged mask the entire left wall, while on the right dissolutional etching produces a much rougher surface.

to the coast (the latter is marked by double arrows). The entrance is some 100 m south of the area shown in Figure 7.5. The much smaller entrances to Loth­lorian (L) and Helms Deep (H) can also be seen, as can the trace of the fractures which guide them.

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7. Neptunian Dikes and Fissure Fills: Some Modern Examples 159

FIGURE 7.8. Patch reef developed around entrance to marine blue hole (diver center for scale). Gorgonian corals are developed on the exposed front face of

existed in the area during the glacio-eustatic emergence of the Bahama Bank. Dissolution in a static or slowly moving mixing zone appears to be characterized by complex "Swiss cheese" macro porous channelling (Fig. 7.10), but while this is reported from oil field boreholes (Lapre pers. comm.), we are not aware of any instances reported from neptunian dikes or cavern infills. During the periods of emergence, extensive subaerial speleothems were deposited in the blue holes (Gascoyne et al. 1979). Similar banded spelean infills are also observed in much smaller voids intersected by cored boreholes in the area. No other extensive ce­ment has been observed in either terrestrial or marine blue holes.

While our observations do not extend to the very small cavities which preclude direct ex­ploration, but are well represented in the geo­logical record, it is clear that blue holes provide a very good present-day example of active neptunian dike, fissure, and cavern infill. Our

the patch reef (right), while hard-bodied corals are developed along the left and rear walls.

initial work also confirms that the clear-cut separations between these three may not be easy to demonstrate in the geological record, where periods of brief emergence and submergence are not necessarily recorded.

Significance of Neptunian Dike, Cavern, and Fissure Infills

Void-infill deposits are of great importance, because once formed they are more protected from subsequent erosion than the contempor­aneous surface sediments. They may thus pre­serve sediments and faunal remains for periods from which all other records are lacking. When the void is poorly supplied with sediment from the surface, sedimentation rates will be low, and a particularly complete sequence of deposits spanning a substantial time period may be em­placed before the cavity becomes full to capac­ity. This is well illustrated by the remarkable

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o 50m Ll _____ --',


-l~ml~( -20 c- ~~r«(X3'


~::mE~ .~~_~_ -20 -Silt--'-~I-- -

o 5 10m II


FIGURE 7.9. Plan, elevation, and passage cross-sections of Aquarius Cavern, eastern Grand Bahama, a blue hole in which development of bedding-plane tubes and elliptical passages has occurred at a previous

condensed sequences described by Wendt (1971) from the Jurassic of Sicily.

The sediments may also allow a very detailed account of the changing environment to be built up, while the processes of void initiation and development provide information on periods of emergence not represented in the sediment record. The work of Gonzalez-Donoso et al. (1983) is exemplary in this respect. The envi­ronmental interpretations may also be placed into a firm stratigraphic context because faunal remains are trapped by the voids. These may be washed in from outside the fissure and sim­ply trapped, like the Triassic lizard and mam­mal faunas from the Mendip Hills (Robinson


position of the mixing zone. Stoping of the roof has subsequently occurred, and much of the bedrock floor is now obscured by breakdown blocks.

1956), or actually inhabit the void, as is the case with the ostracods described by Misik (1979).

The development of fractures indicates the degree of sediment lithification, while the ori­entation and age of these may yield significant detailed information on the tectonic history of an area not available from regional studies of larger rock units. Some care is needed however, as non tectonic synsedimentary processes acting on bank margins are clearly very effective in developing fractures. While the often substan­tial voids thus developed (Playford (1984) de­scribes an example 6 km long, 80 m deep, and up to 20 m wide) are filled on burial, the en­hanced groundwater circulation which can oc-

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7. Neptunian Dikes and Fissure Fills: Some Modern Examples 161

FIGURE 7.10. A blue hole developed at the interface be­tween fresh (above) and saline waters (below). The sharp interface (arrow) is being disrupted by move­ment of the diver, causing mixing seen in the hazy

cur while they are open can cause significant dissolution of the surrounding rock (Smart et al. in prep.). Such sites may therefore be par­ticularly favorable for the accumulation and extraction of hydrocarbons and metalliferous deposits.

.4cknowledg;ments. Our recent fieldwork in the Bahamas was financed by Shell Exploration and Production Limited and the Royal Society of London. Commercial sponsorship was also provided by many firms, in particular Virgin Airlines Limited and Bahamas Air, while Lester Cole allowed us to use his house as a field base.


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