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PALS 10th Anniversary

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Sponsorship Package

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Page 1: PALS 10th Anniversary






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A Decade of Women Empowerment

534 Valley Way Milpitas, CA 95035 ! www.pacificlinks.org ! [email protected] ! 510.435.3035 (T) ! 505.214.0972 (F)

Sponsorship Fact Sheet

WHY SPONSOR? Sponsoring PALS’ 10th Anniversary is an effective way to:

1. Demonstrate an awareness and responsibility to help people in need 2. Enhance your business’ corporate social responsibility image 3. Generate awareness and visibility for your company 4. Partner with a highly-reputable and effective grassroots international organization 5. Promote goodwill as a leader in public service locally and worldwide

WHAT? PALS’ 10th Anniversary is a Benefit Luncheon to celebrate a decade of PALS’ accomplishments in Vietnam and seek support for our next decade of empowering and championing women as powerful agents for social change. Our projects prevent the trafficking of young girls and women, build leadership and spread knowledge in the fields of child development and social work. They include: An giang/Dong thap Alliance for the Prevention of Trafficking (ADAPT), Mekong Women for Community Development (MWCD) and Early Childhood Care & Education (ECCE). WHEN? Sunday, October 23, 2011: 12 – 3pm WHERE? University Club of Palo Alto: 3277 Miranda Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304 WHO? Attendees include community leaders with an avid interest in world affairs, international trade, development, philanthropy and Asian cultures.

Our Mission Pacific Links Foundation’s mission is to support the sustainable development of Vietnamese communities and the enrichment of their cultural heritage. Our History Founded in 2001, Pacific Links Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-governmental organization that promotes sustainable development in Vietnam. Since 2001, PALS’ projects have directly benefited over 12,000 people in Vietnam and continue to have a lasting impact on the country. Many of our beneficiaries are trainers and outreach communicators who help to bring the knowledge transferred to an even larger audience.

Page 3: PALS 10th Anniversary

A Decade of Women Empowerment

534 Valley Way Milpitas, CA 95035 ! www.pacificlinks.org ! [email protected] ! 510.435.3035 (T) ! 505.214.0972 (F)

Sunday, October 23, 2011: 12 – 3pm University Club of Palo Alto

3277 Miranda Ave, Palo Alto CA 94304

Sponsorship Levels

$2,500+ Platinum 1. Reserved 4 seats at a VIP table 2. Acknowledgement during program on stage 3. Logo/name featured on 2 e-blasts from now until event 4. Special sponsor profile featured on 2 e-blasts 5. Logo/name on website with URL link 6. Logo/name looping on slideshow during program 7. Logo/name on poster board & in the Program 8. Recognition in Annual Report $1,000+ Gold 1. Reserved 2 seats at a VIP table 2. Acknowledgement during program through announcement 3. Logo/name featured on 1 e-blast from now until event 4. Logo/name on website, on poster board 5. Logo/name looping on slideshow during program 6. Recognition in Annual Report $500+ Silver 1. Two tickets to the Luncheon 2. Name looping on slideshow during program 3. Name on website, poster board & in the Program 4. Recognition in Annual Report

Page 4: PALS 10th Anniversary
















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