PDS Report of Rajasthan

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  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan








    Justice Wad !a c"##ittee "$ Pu%&ic Dist'i%uti"$ S(ste#

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan



    C a)te'N"*

    C a)te' Pa+e N"*

    A. Preface 1-9

    B. Broad Overview i-xvii

    1. Introduction 1-3

    2. Di tri!ution of food "rain #-39

    3. $%eat &'our( Atta #)-#*

    #. +ode of A,,oint ent of &P Dea'er #/-02

    0. ia!i'it of &air Price %o, 03-*1

    *. ou,on te *2-**

    /. Identification of Beneficiarie */-/1

    4. Diver ion of food"rain /2-/*

    9. i"i'ance5 Enforce ent 6 o ,'aint+ec%ani


    1). o ,uteri ation 4/-44

    11. Reco endation 49-1)3

    12 APPENDI7I ue rai ed in Pu!'ic 8earin"



  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    1* I$ W'it Petiti"$,C- N"*./01233. 4 Pe")&e5s U$i"$ 6"' Ci7i&

    Li%e'ties V1S U$i"$ "6 I$dia a$d O's*8 8on !'e u,re e

    ourt of India ! Order dated t%e 12./.2))* con tituted a

    o ittee to !e %eaded ! e to 'oo: into t%e a'adie

    affectin" t%e ,ro,er functionin" of t%e Pu!'ic Di tri!ution

    te ;PD < and to u""e t re edia' ea ure . T%e

    o,erative ,ortion of t%e order read a under=

    After having heard learned counsel for the

    parties, we find that there is practically nomonitoring over the sums allotted for the Public

    Distribution System (in short PDS) by the Central

    overnment, and its utili!ation" #he amount

    involved, we are told is in the neighborhood of

    $upees #hirty #housand Crores annually"

    Certain suggestions have been given by %r"Colin onsalves, learned senior counsel as to

    the modalities to be adopted in such cases" At

    the present stage we feel it would be necessary

    to constitute a Central &igilance Committee

    headed by a retired 'udge of the Court to be

    assisted by Dr" "C" Sa ena, the Commissionerearlier appointed by this Court" *e re+uested %r"

    'ustice D"P" *adhwa to head the Committee"

    #he Committee shall loo into the maladies

    which are affecting the proper functioning of the

    system and also suggest remedial measures"

    -or this purpose the Committee shall amongst

    other things, focus on./

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    a) #he mode of appointment of the dealers,

    b) #he ideal commission or the rates payable

    to the dealers, and

    c) %odalities as to how the Committees

    already in place, can function better,

    d) %odes as to how there can be

    transparency in allotment of the food

    stoc s to be sold at the shops"

    *hile dealing with the +uestion of the mode ofappointment, the Committee shall also suggest

    as to a transparent mode in the selection of the

    dealers" #he Committee shall also indicate as to

    how more effective action can be ta en on the

    report of the &igilance Committee already

    appointed" 0t goes without saying that the sameshall be in addition to the legal remedies

    available to any citi!en in setting law into motion"

    *e re+uest the Committee to give its report

    within period of four months so that further

    instructions1directions can be given"

    #he Committee would invite suggestions fromgeneral public, organi!ations and would consider

    the suggestions, if any received in the proper


    2. 8on !'e ourt direction wa initia'' "iven for t%e

    >overn ent of De'%i to !e fo''owed on an a'' India !a i .

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    3. o ittee u! itted t%e re,ort on De'%i on 21.4.2))/.

    #. B order dated 1).)1.2))45 8on !'e ourt5 w%i'e acce,tin"

    t%e re,ort5 directed t%e o ittee to underta:e a i i'ar

    exerci e in ter of t%e ear'ier order for t%e entire countr .

    0. co,e of t%e ta : a i"ned to t%e o ittee t%u %avin"

    !een en'ar"ed5 t%e o ittee ,ro?ected to t%e De,art ent of

    &ood 6 Pu!'ic Di tri!ution5 additiona' re@uire ent of taff5

    ,ace and de'e"ation of financia' ,ower for it oot%functionin". T%e De,art ent di'' da''ied and did not eet t%e

    re@uire ent . T%e o ittee %ad to a,,roac% t%e 8on !'e

    ourt a"ain and a"ain. It wa on' after a ,ere ,tor Order

    dated 20.4.2))4 wa ,a ed ! t%e 8on !'e ourt t%at t%e

    De,art ent tarted ta:in" te, for creatin" nece ar

    infra tructure. It wa on' t%ereafter t%at t%e o ittee cou'dtart functionin" in ri"%t earne t. T%e 8on !'e ourt extended

    t%e ti e for u! ittin" t%e re,ort ti'' A,ri' 2))9.

    *. T%e o ittee u! itted it re,ort for t%e tate of

    ttara:%and5 %ar:%and5 Ori a and Carnata:a. T%ereafter5

    t%e 8on !'e ourt %a !een ,'ea ed to extend t%e ti efurt%er ti'' Dece !er 2))9. T%e o ittee %a ince

    u! itted t%e re,ort on t%e tate of And%ra Prade %5 Bi%ar

    and >u?arat. T%e o ittee i ,re ent' u! ittin" it re,ort

    on t%e tate of Ra?a t%an.

    /. T%e o ittee %a a'read u! itted a e,arate

    co ,re%en ive re,ort on o ,uteri ation of PD . o e

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    tate %ave %own intere t toward co ,uteri ation of PD .

    It i t%e andate of t%e Pu!'ic Di tri!ution te ; ontro'overn ent5

    o-o,erative ocietie runnin" w%o'e a'e and & I.

    o ittee record it a,,reciation of t%e a i tance

    rendered. o ittee et variou officia' of t%e tate>overn ent. T%e o ittee %ad a' o ,u!'ic eetin" at

    ai,ur5 dai,ur and od%,ur. Due ,u!'icit %ad !een "iven

    of t%e vi it of t%e o ittee. o ittee wi %e to record it

    a,,reciation of t%e %e', and "uidance rendered ! +r. A?a

    A wa'5 RA w%o acted a Noda' officer on !e%a'f of t%e

    De,art ent.

    10. +eetin" wa a' o %e'd at ai,ur5 t%e tate 8ead@uarter .

    8owever5 %ief ecretar and t%e Di trict o''ector cou'd not

    attend in view of %u"e fire at t%e oi' de,ot and t%ere were

    nu !er of ca ua'tie and re'ief o,eration were on.

    Partici,ant in t%e eetin" at variou ,'ace are a under=

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan



    +r. O.P. +eena5 Princi,a' ecretar H +r. O.P. Fadav5

    Additiona' o i ionerH +r. Par e %war a'5 D .

    o i ioner5 &ood 6 ivi' u,,'ie H +r. +u:e % %ar a5

    Re"i trar5 oo,erative ocietie H +r. +. . Na",a'5 >enera'

    +ana"er5 & I5 ai,urH +r. A.D. a ue'5 +ana"er ; tora"e 6

    a'e enera'

    +ana"er5 & IH +r. .D. C%an5 D O and Dr. A!%a ain D O

    ;Rura'o a'5 D O5 A? erH

    +r. R.C. Ro%i''a5 A tt. Re"i trar5 oo,erative ocieitie and

    +r. .C. +eena5 D . Re"i trar5 oo,erative ocieite .

    J"d )u'

    +r. A %wani Cu ar5 Area +ana"er5 & IH +r. Ani' +e%ta5 D .

    Re"i trar5 oo,erative ocietie and +r. .P. . in"%

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    B%u''ar5 D OH ,!%o"ta +ar"dar %an a iti J +A 5

    od%,urH +anav Ca' an a t%an od%,ur ;Indu Cu arovind in"%5 In ,ector.


    +r. P. . Ci %an5 o''ectorH + . Tina oni5 DOH +r. Navneet

    Puro%it5 D OH +r. >. . Rout5 A tt. Re"i trar5 oo,erative

    ocietie H +r. B. . Fadav5+ana"er5 & I5 dai,urH +r. eev

    Ra? Roat5 +ana"er5& IH +r. B. Pande 5 >enerta ana"er5

    C H Te?,a' ain >enera' +ana"er5 oo,eratie $%o'e a'eB%andarH +r. C.R. Roat5 Re"iona' +ana"er5 RTAD & td.H

    +r. a"ra +eena5 Additiona' .P. and Ca',ana Ca' an

    ociet .


    +r. Anand Cu ar5 o''ectorH+r. 8i at in"% B%ati5 D OH+r. N.C. C%a! a5 +ana"er ; tora"e< & IH +r. Pre Pra:a %

    +andot5 A tt. Re"i trar5 oo,erative ocietie H +aruti

    eva a itiH Aa t%a5 an t%an ;8ari O oni< H out%

    Ra?a t%an +a door nion ;+adan ai %nav

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    an"at%an5Dun"ar,ur ;Canti'a'

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    ,Justice D*P Wad !a-C ai'#a$

    Ce$t'a& Vi+i&a$ce C"##ittee"$ Pu%&ic Dist'i%uti"$ S(ste#


    1. A !road overview of t%e entra' i"i'ance o ittee re,orton t%e functionin" of Pu!'ic Di tri!ution te in t%e tate

    of Ra?a t%an i ,re ented !e'ow. A detai'ed re,ort coverin"

    different a ,ect of o,eration of t%e te fo''ow t%e !road


    2. T%e o ittee durin" it vi it to t%e tate of Ra?a t%an fro

    1 t to 4 t% Nove !er 2))95 covered ei"%t di trict of t%e tate5

    na e' 5 ai,ur5 A? er5 dai,ur5 Dun"ar,ur5 od%,ur5 A'war5

    Ra? a and and Pa'i. T%e o ittee5 durin" t%e vi it5 ade

    on t%e ,ot tud of t%e functionin" of t%e PD in different

    re"ion of t%e tate and interacted wit% t%e officia' of t%e

    tate "overn ent5 con u er 5 &P dea'er 5 N>O 5 e'f-%e',

    "rou, 5 w%o'e a'er 5 con u er or"ani er 5 edia etc. to

    a e t%e efficac of PD o,eration in t%e tate. T%e

    o ittee5 in ,articu'ar5 'oo:ed into t%e fo''owin" a ,ect of

    t%e PD =

    +ode of a,,oint ent of &P dea'er H

    I uin" of ration card H

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    Di tri!ution of food "rain H

    ia!i'it of &P H

    &unctionin" of vi"i'ance co ittee H

    Enforce ent and co ,'aint ec%ani H

    Ro'e of officia' of t%e De,art ent at different 'eve'

    connected wit% PD H

    Tran ,ortation of food "rain H

    Ro'e of &ood or,oration of IndiaH

    I ue of !o"u ration card (cou,on te H u,,' of w%eat f'our to AP card %o'der in /

    divi iona' %ead@uarter of t%e tateH

    ,ecific ,ro!'e of t%e ,eo,'e in%a!itin" de ert and

    %i'' area H and

    >enera' awarene of t%e ,eo,'e re"ardin" t%e

    !enefit f'owin" fro t%e PD .

    T%e findin" of t%e o ittee are di cu ed in detai' in t%e

    ain !od of t%e re,ort.

    3. At t%e out et5 !efore di cu in" ,ecific i ue 5 t%e

    o ittee wou'd 'i:e to %i"%'i"%t two di tin"ui %in" feature

    of ,ro!'e encountered in t%e functionin" of PD in t%e

    tate not found in ot%er tate . T%e e feature are derived

    fro t%e de o"ra,%ic ,attern o!tainin" in t%e tate and it

    di tinctive "eo"ra,%ic terrain. T%e ,o,u'ation i cattered in

    far-off ,'ace wit% on' 1)-10 fa i'ie 'ivin" in a'' %a 'et

    and t%e PD !eneficiarie %ave to cover u, to 3) : to

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    reac% a &P . In t%e rura' area 5 due to drou"%t and de ert

    'i:e condition 5 ,eo,'e 'ead a %ard 'ife. T%eir ,ro!'e "et

    accentuated in o e area inc'udin" de ert area and %i''

    terrain5 ,articu'ar' in out%ern Ra?a t%an w%ic% i deficient

    in rainfa'' and face fre@uent drou"%t-'i:e condition . T%i

    ituation direct' affect t%e ,roduction of cro, at uc%

    ,'ace . T%e o!viou re u't of t%i ituation i increa ed

    de,endenc on PD w%ic% i t%e on' c%anne' for ,rovidin"

    food ecurit to ,eo,'e5 ,articu'ar' 5 in uc% area .

    #. T%e o ittee findin" in a u ar for 5 are ,re ented


    0. &unctionin" of PD in t%e tate of Ra?a t%an=

    T%e over-a'' functionin" of PD i un ati factor in t%e tate.T%i i 'ar"e' due to 'ar"e ca'e diver ion of PD food

    "rain into !'ac: ar:et a!etted ! inefficient "overn ent

    ac%iner 5 'ac: of accounta!i'it at different 'eve' 5 ,oor

    vi"i'ance ec%ani 5 ,ro'iferation of !o"u ration card 5

    non-ad%erence to "overn ent "uide'ine on PD 5

    !ott'enec: in tran ,ortation of food "rain and irre"u'aritieof variou :ind at &P 'eve'. T%e detai'ed re,ort cite

    variou in tance at different ,oint in PD o,eration to

    u! tantiate t%e e o! ervation . T%e e %ortco in" 5 een

    in variou re"ion of t%e tate5 %ow a 'ac:adai ica'

    a,,roac% in t%i i ,ortant area u,on w%ic% de,end t%e

    u tenance of ,oor ,eo,'e in%a!itin" rura' area 5 %i'' terrain

    and tri!a' !e't .

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    r"ent te, are re@uired to trea 'ine PD ac%iner to

    cater efficient' to vu'nera!'e "rou, of ,eo,'e5 ,articu'ar'

    t%o e 'ivin" in drou"%t ,rone5 %i'' 5 ,ar e' ,o,u'ated and

    de ert area of t%e tate. Di tri!utin" PD food "rain

    t%rou"% o!i'e van in area not we''- erved ! &P i one

    o,tion w%ic% erit eriou con ideration. T%i wi''5 in

    addition5 %ave two advanta"e . &ir t5 at ,'ace w%ere t%e

    &P i not ituated in t%e i ediate vicinit 5 o!i'e van

    cou'd !e de,'o ed for di tri!ution of food "rain . econd' 5o!i'e van cou'd !e u ed a a u! titute for &P ervin"

    t%e co unit at ,'ace w%ere t%e &P 'icence %a !een

    cance''ed or w%ere t%e &P %a !een re'ocated.

    *. Inade@uacie in $%o'e a'e di tri!ution=

    In t%e tate of Ra?a t%an5 it i t%e w%o'e a'er w%o 'ift food

    "rain fro & I "odown . oo,erative ocietie w%ic% "o !

    t%e na e of $%o'e a'e ,!%o:ta a%a:ari B%andar and

    Cra i:ra a%a:ari a iti ;C < are "iven ,riorit

    under t%e ru'e for a,,oint ent a w%o'e a'er . T%e e

    coo,erative ocietie do not di c%ar"e ,ro,er' t%eira i"ned re ,on i!i'itie of 'iftin" food "rain ince t%e

    tran ,ortation rate fixed ! t%e tate "overn ent do not

    cover t%e tran ,ortation co t incurred ! t%e . T%i induce

    t%e to ave co t ! :i,,in" wei"% ent of food "rain

    w%ic% re@uire en"a"e ent of 'a!our or ! endin"

    con i"n ent of food "rain in one "o ! c'u!!in" t%e

    re@uire ent for two-t%ree ont% in tead of i uin" food

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    "rain to &P dea'er ever ont%. iftin" of food "rain on

    ti e and t%eir ti e' de'iver to &P a' o uffer in ca e of

    de'a ed ,a ent ade ! t%e w%o'e a'er to 'ift t%e food

    "rain . Nu erou uc% in tance in different di trict of t%e

    tate were found ! t%e o ittee in t%i re ,ect and t%e e

    are di cu ed at 'en"t% in t%e ain re,ort.

    /. Inc'u ion(Exc'u ion Error =

    Nu erou in tance of uc% error were found ! t%eo ittee5 ,articu'ar' 5 in BP (AAF cate"orie . T%e

    o ittee wa a,,ri ed t%at urve done in 199/ in t%e

    rura' area for t%e !a i for inc'u ion in t%e BP cate"or 5

    w%erea for ur!an area 5 2))3 urve i ta:en into account

    for deter inin" e'i"i!i'it . T%e o ittee i of t%e view t%at

    t%ere i a need to carr out a ,ro,er urve in t%e rura' andur!an area on ,riorit !a i . T%i wi'' re ove t%e current

    di content ent a on" t%e ,eo,'e over non-inc'u ion of

    need and de ervin" ,eo,'e in BP (AAF cate"orie . T%e

    tate "overn ent a' o infor ed t%e o ittee t%at t%e

    centra' a''ocation under BP (AAF cate"orie on' 2#.31 'a:%

    !eneficiarie w%erea t%e actua' nu !er of uc%!eneficiarie in t%e e two cate"orie i 20.4# 'a:% . T%i %a

    'ed t%e tate "overn ent to ta:e a deci ion to reduce t%e

    ont%' @uota for BP fa i'ie fro 30 C> ,er ont% to 3)

    C>5 :ee,in"5 %owever5 t%e ont%' @uota of 30 C> for AAF

    cate"or intact. &or t%e AP cate"or 5 w%ic% "et w%eat and

    :ero ene5 t%e ca'e of di tri!ution de,end u,on a''ocation

    received in t%i re ,ect fro t%e centra' "overn ent. T%e

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    for u'a fo''owed for di tri!ution of w%eat i to divide t%e tota'

    nu !er of AP card wit% t%e a''ocation of w%eat received

    on t%i account. T%e o ittee a' o o! erved t%at t%e

    nu !er of AP card i re"i terin" i"nificant increa e ince

    it i ta:en a a ,roof of identit for derivin" !enefit under

    variou entra' and tate "overn ent c%e e . One uc%

    exa ,'e i NRE>A under one ration card entit'e one to "et

    one ?o! card. T%i encoura"e ?oint fa i'ie to "et !ifurcated

    into 2-3 nuc'ear fa i'ie 5 eac% "ettin" one ration card and

    ore nu !er of ?o! card in t%e a e ,ro,ortion. T%eco ittee i of t%e view t%at ration card %ou'd !e di-'in:ed

    for identification ,ur,o e for derivin" !enefit under variou

    c%e e . Ration card %ou'd !e u ed on' for "ettin" food

    "rain under t%e PD . T%e o ittee a' o o! erved t%at

    t%e nu !er of unit in o e of t%e fa i'ie i on' one or two

    w%i'e t%ere are fa i'ie con i tin" of ten-twe've ,er on wit%one ration card. 8ence5 it wi'' !e ore a,,ro,riate to ta:e

    unit a a !a e for drawin" ration fro t%e &P . T%e

    o ittee a' o noted t%at on' 3)-#)G AP card %o'der

    draw ration fro t%e &P and t%e !a'ance food "rain eant

    for t%i cate"or i diverted into t%e !'ac: ar:et. 8ence5 t%e

    o ittee i of t%e view t%at food "rain eant for APcate"or a !e re tricted to fa i'ie wit% annua' fa i'

    inco e of around R one 'a:%. T%i cate"or a !e ca''ed

    AP -I or +ar"ina'' A!ove Povert ine ;+AP

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    i"i'ance o ittee are eit%er non-functiona' or non-

    exi tent. T%e >ra Prad%an i t%e c%air an of vi"i'ance

    co ittee !ut doe not "enera'' vi it an &P . In fact it i

    t%e &P dea'er w%o carrie docu ent certif in" ,ro,er

    di tri!ution of food "rain to t%e >ra Prad%an and ot%er

    e !er of t%e vi"i'ance co ittee. T%i %ow t%at t%ere i

    no inde,endent verification of food "rain at t%e recei,t ta"e

    in t%e &P .

    9. T%e o ittee fee' t%at vi''a"e 'eve' vi"i'ance can !ei ,roved if t%e

    co ,o ition of vi"i'ance co ittee i en'ar"ed to inc'ude

    re,re entative of N>O 5 8> and educated out%. T%ere

    i a' o a need to %o'd eetin" of vi"i'ance co ittee once

    in a ont% for w%ic% ,ecia' in truction %ou'd !e i ued. To

    en ure t%at uc% eetin" are not reduced to farce5 ,ro,erinute of t%e e eetin" %ou'd !e drawn and ent to

    concerned %i"%er aut%oritie for infor ation(nece ar

    action. Action ta:en on t%e !a i of t%e inute %ou'd !e

    reviewed in t%e next eetin".

    T%e non-officia' e !er of t%e e co ittee a !e

    uita!' re unerated for ,artici,ation in t%e eetin" inorder to u tain t%eir intere t .

    1). Enforce ent +ec%ani =

    T%e o ittee o! erved deficiencie in t%e functionin" of

    enforce ent ec%ani . A 'ar"e nu !er of vacancie exi t

    in t%e cadre of enforce ent in ,ector wit% t%e re u't no

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    ur,ri e c%ec: are carried out. urrent' 5 t%ere i a' o no

    e,arate enforce ent win" for PD . It i i ,ortant t%at trict

    action5 inc'udin" ,ro ecution under E entia' o oditie

    Act5 i ta:en a"ain t ,er on 5 !e it "overn ent officia' or

    &P dea'er 5 or tran ,orter or w%o'e a'er found indu'"in"

    in a',ractice . T%e o ittee i a' o of t%e view t%at an

    in titution of re"u'ator a !e created re"u'ator wit% we''

    defined function 5 ,ower and re ,on i!i'itie to c%ec:

    a',ractice and initiate action a"ain t "ui't ,er on on a

    uo oto !a i .

    11. o ,'aint Redre a' +ec%ani =

    T%e te of attendin" to co ,'aint i not efficaciou wit%

    t%e re u't t%e co ,'aint re ain unattended and t%ere i no

    ati factor redre a' of "rievance . Accordin" to t%eexi tin" ,ractice5 co ,'aint received in t%e D O office are

    ar:ed to enforce ent in ,ector. But on c%ec:in" it wa

    found t%at t%e e co ,'aint are not en@uired into ,ro,er' . It

    i t%erefore e entia' to ,ut in ,'ace a ,ro,er co ,'aint

    redre a' ec%ani . uc% a ec%ani %ou'd %ave

    in!ui't feature 5 uc% a 5 ti e fra e for exa inin" andre ,ondin" to co ,'aint A to''-free %e', 'ine functionin"

    round t%e c'oc: wou'd a' o !e u efu' and need to !e

    introduced. on u er Protection ounci' %ou'd !e

    con tituted at t%e tate5 di trict5 te% i' and !'oc: 'eve' w%ic%

    can ,ur ue i ue rai ed ! con u er wit% t%e "overn ent

    functionarie . ,ecia' %earin" a a' o !e or"ani ed to

    di cu in" PD i ue at t%e vi''a"e 'eve' at 'ea t once in a

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    ont% to ett'e t%e co ,'aint on t%e ,ot. T%e concerned

    officer of t%e De,art ent a we'' a re,re entative of

    N>O and 8> %ou'd !e invited to uc% ,ecia' %earin" .

    T%e e te, a %e', in re torin" t%e confidence of t%e

    ,eo,'e in t%e te .

    12. A,,oint ent of &P Dea'er =

    T%ere are "overn ent "uide 'ine and order for

    a,,oint ent of &P dea'er . T%e e "uide'ine are not !ein"o! erved trict' in a:in" uc% a,,oint ent . T%e

    o ittee5 on ,eru a' of o e fi'e on t%e u!?ect5 found

    t%at docu ent u! itted ! a,,'icant are not !ein"

    verified ! t%e concerned officia' ! conductin" fie'd

    en@uirie . T%e e officia' ,re,are on t%e !a i of docu ent

    received wit%out en@uirin" t%e veracit of uc% docu ent .&urt%er5 certain ca te were "iven ,reference at t%e

    di cretion of t%e Advi or o ittee for w%ic% no rea on

    are adduced. T%e o ittee wa infor ed t%at ,o'itica'

    ,re ure i ,ut on officia' and Advi or o ittee in

    a,,oint ent of &P dea'er . T%e o ittee i of t%e view

    t%at extraneou con ideration %ou'd %ave no ,'a in uc%a,,oint ent w%ic% %ou'd ta:e into account con ideration

    'i:e ca,a!i'it of t%e a,,'icant to run t%e &P out'et. &urt%er 5

    fro via!i'it an"'e5 a,,'icant runnin" a :irana %o, %ou'd

    !e "iven ,reference in a''ot ent of dea'er %i,.

    13. Di tri!ution of oar e >rain t%rou"% &P Out'et=

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    T%e o ittee o! erved t%at coar e "rain 5 ai e5 ?owar

    and !a?ra are "rown in different re"ion of t%e tate and in

    t%e e re"ion t%e for t%e ta,'e diet of t%e ,eo,'e. T%i

    !ein" t%e ca e5 ,eo,'e wou'd 'i:e to %ave t%e e coar e

    "rain ade avai'a!'e t%rou"% PD networ:. T%e tate

    "overn ent need to ta:e initiative to identif variou re"ion

    and di trict and deter ine t%e @uantu of uc% food "rain

    w%ic% can !e u,,'ied t%rou"% t%e PD networ:. It a

    u! it a ,ro,o a' to t%e entra' >overn ent in t%i re"ard

    w%ic% wou'd a' o reduce t%e ,re ent ca'e of a''ocation ofw%eat to t%e tate. T%e tate "overn ent %ou'd ,rocure

    coar e "rain fro far er at ini u u,,ort ,rice decided

    ! t%e centra' "overn ent and a' o a:e arran"e ent for

    tora"e of coar e "rain. T%e o ittee found t%at in even

    di trict of +arwar re"ion5 !a?ra i con u ed ! t%e ,eo,'e

    t%rou"%out t%e ear5 w%erea in five di trict of 8adot%ire"ion5 ?owar i t%e ta,'e food. In t%e di trict of out%ern

    Ra?a t%an5 i.e.5 dai,ur5 Dun"ar,ur and near! di trict 5

    ai e i t%e ta,'e food.

    1#. ia!i'it of &P =

    T%e o ittee o! erved t%at t%e &P doe not run on co t

    ,'u !a i and t%at i one of t%e rea on for it ,oor via!i'it .

    T%e inco e derived fro co i ion ! t%e &P dea'er i

    not enou"% to eet t%e co t of runnin" t%e %o, and 'eave

    o et%in" in %i %and to eet t%e fa i' !a ic need . T%e

    ,re ent rate of co i ion i R 4 ,er @uinta' on w%eat and

    #/ ,ai e ,er 'itre on :ero ene oi' w%ic% i ver 'ow. ince

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    Nu !er of card attac%ed to a &P and a''ocation of food

    "rain and :ero ene oi' i !e'ow t%e t%re %o'd for arrivin" at a

    co t ,'u fi"ure5 t%e dea'er a:e extra one ! re ortin"

    to a',ractice 5 uc% a 5 e''in" PD ite at a %i"%er ,rice5

    %ort wei"% ent of food "rain and diver ion of food "rain

    and :ero ene oi' into !'ac: ar:et. uc% ,roc'ivit on t%e

    ,art of &P dea'er find encoura"e ent fro %ar,

    difference in t%e PD ,rice of food "rain in co ,ari on to t%e

    ,rice at w%ic% uc% ite of food "rain e'' in t%e o,enar:et. &urt%er5 :ero ene oi' i not avai'a!'e in o,en ar:et

    and t%erefore5 diver ion of :ero ene oi' !eco e an

    attractive ,ro,o ition. T%i ,ro!'e can !e iti"ated if t%e

    "overn ent revi it it ,o'ic and a''ow o,en a'e of

    :ero ene oi' at a rea ona!'e ,rice . &or i ,rovin" t%e

    via!i'it of &P 5 t%e o ittee i of t%e view t%at increa in"in t%e co i ion of &P dea'er doe not ,rovide t%e

    an wer. T%i ca t a direct !urden on t%e "overn ent and

    !eneficiarie wou'd a' o "et adver e' affected con e@uent

    u,on an increa e in ,rice of ite o'd t%rou"% t%e PD

    networ:. $%i'e t%ere a !e a ca e for a oderate increa e

    in t%e rate of co i ion5 t%ere i a need for ta:in" certainadditiona' ea ure a indicated !e'ow=

    Cirana %o, owner %ou'd !e "iven t%e re ,on i!i'it

    to run &P . T%i ave on additiona' infra tructure co t

    invo'ved in runnin" a tand-a'one &P . +oreover5 t%e

    :irana %o, owner wi'' %ave dua' inco e5 one fro t%e

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    :irana %o, and extra inco e ! wa of co i ion

    on a'e of PD ite H

    Cirana %o, owner w%o "et t%e 'icence to run &P

    %ou'd !e a''owed to e'' a'' ot%er ite exce,t t%e

    PD ite w%ic% %ou'd !e o'd on' t%rou"% &P H

    oan on ea ter %ou'd !e ade avai'a!'e fro

    co ercia' !an: to &P dea'er to toc: non-PD

    ite for a'e to cu to er H and ,a ent of e'ectricit 5water and te'e,%one !i'' etc. t%rou"% &P wou'd "ive

    extra inco e to &P dea'er ! wa of co i ion for

    ,rovidin" t%e e ervice .

    10. &unctionin" of &P =

    A nu !er of inade@uacie wa o! erved ! t%e o ittee

    in re"ard to t%e functionin" of &P . T%e e can !e

    cata'o"ued a fo''ow =

    T%ere i no fixed ti e c%edu'e for o,enin" and c'o in"fair ,rice %o,. A "enera' co ,'aint wa t%at t%e dea'er

    o,en t%e %o, at %i weet wi'' and at o e ,'ace 5

    t%e %o, o,en for a da or two in a ont%H

    No di ,'a !oard i found out ide t%e %o, nor i t%e

    a ,'e ,ac:et di ,'a edH

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    T%e vi"i'ance co ittee are virtua'' defunct and

    u,ervi ion fro t%eir ide i virtua'' ni'. T%e

    concerned "overn ent officia' a' o do not exerci e

    an u,ervi ion of &P H

    T%e direction of 8on !'e u,re e ourt "iven in 2))3

    and t%e variou in truction i ued ! t%e "overn ent

    are not !ein" trict' fo''owed ! &P dea'er .

    In tance of infraction of t%e e order re@uire to !e

    tern' dea't wit% and t%e tate "overn ent %ou'd

    en ure co ,'iance of t%e e direction (order .

    1*. ou,on te =

    T%e tate "overn ent %a ado,ted cou,on te for

    !eneficiarie in BP (AAF cate"orie . T%e o,eration of t%e

    cou,on te 'eave uc% to !e de ired. T%e cou,on do

    not contain re'evant detai' 5 uc% a 5 ration card nu !er5

    nu !er of !eneficiarie etc. T%e e detai' are fi''ed ! t%e

    &P dea'er w%ic% a:e uc% detai' a u ,ect. T%e

    cou,on u! itted ! t%e &P dea'er to t%e D O office are

    not verified and u ed a a !a i for a''ocation of food "rain to

    a &P .T%e cou,on are u,,o ed to !e di tri!uted ! t%ePanc%a at officer in t%e vi''a"e and t%e Executive officer in

    t%e unici,a' co ittee area. In ,ractice5 %owever5 t%e e

    cou,on are %anded over to t%e &P dea'er for di tri!ution to

    t%e !eneficiarie . It i t%u een t%at t%e ver ,ur,o e of

    introducin" cou,on te "et defeated. T%e o ittee i

    of t%e view t%at t%e ,re ent deficiencie in t%e cou,on

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    te %ou'd !e rectified ur"ent' . In no ca e uc% u ed

    cou,on u! itted ! t%e &P dea'er %ou'd !e ta:en on

    t%eir face va'ue for deter inin" @uantu of a''ocation of food

    "rain and t%eir re'ea e unti' t%e e u ed cou,on are ,ro,er'


    1/. o ,uteri ation=

    It wa o! erved ! t%e o ittee t%at co ,uteri ation of

    PD in t%e tate i ti'' a far cr . T%e o ittee u,,ortend to end co ,uteri ation of t%e PD o,eration in order to

    en ure ,ro,er functionin" of t%e te . o ,uteri ation

    can %e', in a:in" PD tran action at variou 'eve'

    tran ,arent and a' o introducin" an e'e ent of accounta!i'it

    in t%e te t%ere! en urin" ,ro,er enforce ent of

    ru'e (order . T%e o ittee %a a'read "iven aco ,re%en ive re,ort e,arate' on co ,uteri ation of PD

    and t%e tate "overn ent %ou'd con ider it ado,tion to

    i ,rove PD functionin" in t%e tate. T%e tate "overn ent

    can ee: financia' a i tance fro t%e centra' "overn ent

    for t%i venture.

    14. Need Ba ed A''ocation of Ration Ite to Different Di trict =

    T%e tate of Ra?a t%an5 "eo"ra,%ica'' 5 cover a va t area wit%

    diver it in food %a!it 5 cu'ture5 natura' re ource and 'eve' of

    ,ro ,erit . T%erefore5 di tri!ution of PD ite for different

    re"ion %ou'd ta:e into account food %a!it 5 t ,e of food "rain

    ,roduced 'oca'' in different re"ion and t%e re@uire ent of t%e

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    ,eo,'e. A differentia' treat ent %ou'd !e accorded in t%e atter of

    a''ocation of food "rain !etween drou"%t ,rone area and uc%

    ,art of t%e tate w%ic% %ave "ood irri"ation faci'itie and !etter

    ie'd of cro, . Drou"%t-,rone area %ou'd receive ,referentia'

    treat ent in re"ard to a''ocation of food "rain under t%e PD and

    a''ocation %ou'd !e need !a ed.

    19. Di tri!ution of Atta ;$%eat &'our

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    of t%e "overn ent. In t%e rura' area 5 %owever5 t%e

    ,reference i for w%o'e w%eat.

    T%e deci ion of t%e tate "overn ent to u,,' Atta and it

    di tri!ution t%rou"% ara Dair out'et and ,!%o:ta

    an"% B%andar in tead of &P %a !een c%a''en"ed in t%e

    Ra?a t%an 8i"% ourt t%rou"% a writ ,etition.

    2). Pro,o ed Nationa' &ood ecurit Act=

    T%e entra' >overn ent ,ro,o e to enact t%e Nationa'&ood ecurit 'aw w%ic% wou'd ,rovide a tatutor

    fra ewor: to en ure food ecurit for a''. T%ere i a ,rovi ion

    in t%e 'aw for u,,' of 20 :" of food "rain ever ont% to a

    BP fa i' at t%e rate of R . 3.)) ,er :". T%e o ittee

    wa infor ed durin" a eetin" wit% t%e tate "overn ent

    officia' t%at t%e tate "overn ent %a 5 ! and 'ar"e5 a"reedwit% t%e ,ro,o ed enact ent. T%e tate "overn ent5

    %owever5 ee: increa e in t%e nu !er of unit current'

    ad i i!'e to BP (AAF fa i'ie . T%e tate "overn ent i of

    t%e view t%at t%ere are 'ar"e nu !er of fa i'ie w%o need

    food "rain a i tance and ,rovided wit% 1) :" of w%eat ,er

    ration card. It doe not favour do'in" out ca % in 'ieu of food"rain . T%e tate "overn ent i a' o of t%e view t%at a''

    c%e e for BP fa i'ie %ou'd !e er"ed to reduce ,a,er

    wor: and record :ee,in".

    21. u ar of Reco endation =

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    ;i< ero to'erance a,,roac% %ou'd !e ado,ted in dea'in"

    wit% corru,tion urroundin" PD o,eration.

    ;ii< te, %ou'd !e ta:en to identif o t vu'nera!'e

    "rou, in tri!a'(rura' area and PD ac%iner

    tren"t%ened5 ,articu'ar 5 in uc% area .

    ;iii< De,'o ent of o!i'e van 5 ,articu'ar' 5 in re ote5

    inacce i!'e and far-f'un" area 5 'ac:in" t%e faci'it of

    &P in t%e near vicinit 5 %ou'd !e con idered5 fordi tri!utin" PD food "rain .

    ;iv< oca' food %a!it of t%e ,eo,'e and t%eir ta,'e diet

    %ou'd !e ta:en into account for ,rocure ent and a'e

    of food "rain t%rou"% &P o,eratin" in t%o e area .

    T%e tate "overn ent %ou'd u! it a ,ro,o a' to t%eentra' >overn ent in t%i re"ard.

    ;v< $%o'e a'e di tri!ution of food "rain 5 current'

    entru ted to coo,erative ocietie 5 %ou'd !e

    trea 'ined ! creatin" a tate 'eve' &ood or,oration

    for faci'itatin" ,rocure ent5 'iftin" and di tri!ution ofPD food "rain for t%e entire tate. It %ou'd a' o

    ,rovide tora"e "odown in eac% !'oc:.

    ;vi< It %ou'd !e ade andator for t%e &P dea'er to 'ift

    t%e toc: ever ont% fro t%e w%o'e a'er and

    di tri!ute it to !eneficiarie on a re"u'ar !a i .

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    ;vii< In ur!an area 5 :ee,in" in view t%e ,reference of t%e

    ,eo,'e5 Atta %ou'd !e di tri!uted in ,'ace of w%eat to

    a'' cate"orie of ration card %o'der t%rou"% &P .

    ;viii< Dedicated f'our i'' on Pu!'ic M Private Partner %i,

    a !e e ta!'i %ed for "rindin" PD w%eat. T%e !a"

    of Atta %ou'd carr t%e date of "rindin" a we'' a t%e

    date of ex,ir . An officer of t%e De,art ent %ou'd !e

    ,re ent on t%e ,ot at t%e ti e of "rindin" of w%eat.

    ;ix< $%eat !a" 'eavin" t%e & I "odown5 %ou'd !e !ar

    coded and c%ec:ed ! t%e officia' of t%e de,art ent at

    t%e i'' ,oint w%o %ou'd a' o certif recei,t of ,ro,er

    @uantit and "ood @ua'it of w%eat.

    ;x< T%e o ittee doe not favour continuance of APcate"or in it ,re ent for and wou'd rat%er 'i:e to

    re trict it to fa i'ie %avin" an annua' inco e of around

    R . One 'a:%. T%i cate"or of !eneficiarie a !e

    ca''ed +ar"ina'' A!ove Povert ine ;+AP

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    ;xiii< te, %ou'd !e ta:en to trea 'ine ,rocedure for

    i uin" ration card w%ic% %ou'd !e done after

    eticu'ou verification. T%e co,e for exerci in"

    ,o'itica' inf'uence in t%i atter %ou'd !e ini i ed if

    not a'to"et%er e'i inated.

    ;xiv< T%e ,rocedure for di tri!ution of cou,on %ou'd !e

    rationa'i ed to en ure t%eir ti e' de'iver to

    !eneficiarie . T%e cou,on %ou'd contain a'' re'evant

    detai' 5 'i:e5 t%e na e of t%e !eneficiar 5 ear and dateof ,rintin"5 t%e ration card nu !er5 t%e na e of t%e

    &P to w%ic% t%e !eneficiar i attac%ed a a' o t%e

    @uantit of "rain entit'e ent.

    ;xv< $%o'e a'er %ou'd en ure de'iver of ea'ed a ,'e

    ,ac:et of food "rain to &P w%en food "rain aredi ,atc%ed fro w%o'e a'e ,oint .

    ;xvi< T%e & I officia' %ou'd indicate t%e fact of i uin"

    a ,'e ,ac:et on t%e "ate ,a and t%e wei"%t c%ec:

    e o w%ic% %ou'd a' o %ave t%e i"nature of t%e

    concerned & I officia' and t%e w%o'e a'erre,re entative w%o co e to t%e & I to 'ift food "rain .

    ;xvii< i"i'ance ec%ani %ou'd !e tren"t%ened at a''

    'eve' and vi"i'ance co ittee e !er %i, !e

    en'ar"ed to inc'ude re,re entative of N>O and

    8> a we'' a educated out%.

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    ;xviii< A ,ro,er ec%ani 'i:e O !ud an %ou'd !e et

    u, to attend to co ,'aint of a',ractice and ta:e

    ,ro ,t te, toward redre a' of co ,'aint .

    ;xix< T%e ,ractice of %o'din" ,u!'ic %earin" on t%e 'ine of

    o: Ada'at ever two-t%ree ont% %ou'd !e tarted

    for re o'vin" out tandin" PD i ue .

    ;xx< >P %ou'd !e u ed to trac: and onitor ove ent of

    truc: carr in" PD food "rain .

    ;xxi< &or en urin" via!i'it of &P 5 t%e &P 'icence %ou'd

    a' o %ave a c'au e w%ic% re@uire t%e 'icencee to run a

    :irana %o,. uc% a 'icencee %ou'd !e ,er itted to

    e'' a'' ite exce,tin" t%o e covered under t%e PD .

    ;xxii< te, %ou'd !e ta:en to rationa'i e nu !er of card

    w%ic% are attac%ed to a ,articu'ar &P to i ,rove

    via!i'it of ration %o,.

    ;xxiii< &P 'icence %ou'd !e "iven to a 'oca' re ident of t%e

    ,'ace w%ere t%e %o, i to !e o,ened.

    ;xxiv< T%e o ittee favour t%e conce,t of a vi''a"e

    ecretariat w%ere a'' "overn ent office inc'udin" &P

    cou'd !e 'ocated. Re ource avai'a!'e under + A

    &und and +P AD fund cou'd !e u ed for t%e ,ur,o e.

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    ;xxv< Ration card %ou'd !e u ed for t%e ,ur,o e of

    drawin" food "rain fro PD out'et and not u ed a

    a ,roof of identit . T%i wi'' di coura"e t%e ,ractice of

    ,'ittin" ration card to derive !enefit under variou

    centra' and tate "overn ent c%e e .

    ;xxvi< T%e ont%' a''ocation of food "rain to a &P %ou'd

    !e !a ed on t%e @uantit of food "rain di tri!uted to

    t%e !eneficiarie in t%e ,reviou ont%.

    ;xxvii< te, %ou'd !e ta:en to u e 'oca' tv c%anne'5

    %oardin"5 ,a ,%'et etc. to create awarene a on"

    t%e !eneficiarie a!out t%eir entit'e ent and t%e

    inco in" a''ocation of food "rain to &P .

    ;xxviii< End to end co ,uteri ation of PD o,eration wou'd"o a 'on" wa in reva ,in" t%e PD and re torin" t%e

    confidence of t%e ,eo,'e in t%e te .

    C a)te' .


  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    1.1 T%e tate of Ra?a t%an i 'ocated in t%e nort%we tern ,art of t%e

    u!continent. It i !ounded on t%e we t and nort%we t ! Pa:i tan5 on

    t%e nort% and nort%ea t ! t%e tate of Pun?a!5 8ar ana5 and ttar

    Prade %5 on t%e ea t and out%ea t ! t%e tate of ttar Prade % and

    +ad% a Prade %5 and on t%e out%we t ! t%e tate of >u?arat. T%e

    tate %a an area of 13251#) @uare i'e ;3#25239 @uare

    :i'o etre

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    1.3 T%e ,o,u'ation of t%e tate i 0*#./3 'a:% a ,er t%e 2))1 cen u 5 out

    of w%ic% #30.0# 'a:% i rura' and 129.19 'a:% i ur!an. T%ere are 2#1

    Te% i' 5 23/ Panc%a at a iti and 95144 Panc%a at . Not ever

    vi''a"e %a a Panc%a at of it ownH rat%er one Panc%a at i e'ected for

    2-3 vi''a"e . T%e tota' nu !er of ration card in t%e tate i 1#4 'a:% .

    T%e nu !er of AP i 122.1* 'a:% 5 BP i 1*.02 'a:% 5 AAF i 9.32

    'a:% . T%ere are a' o 1.)0 'a:% Anna,urna card .

    1.# T%e o ittee vi ited t%e tate of Ra?a t%an in t%e ont% of

    Nove !er 2))9. T%e o ittee vi ited t%e Di trict of A'war5 ai,ur5

    A? er5 Ra? a and5 dai,ur5 Dun"ar,ur5 Pa'i5 od%,ur.

    1.0 PD in t%e tate i "overned ! t%e Pu!'ic Di tri!ution te

    ; ontro'< Order5 2))15 Ra?a t%an &ood"rain and Ot%er E entia'

    Artic'e ;Re"u'ation of Di tri!ution< Order 19/* and Ra?a t%an Trade

    Artic'e ; icen in" 6 ontro'< Order 194) and in truction i ued !

    t%e tate >overn ent fro ti e to ti e.

    1.* T%e o ittee %ad di cu ion wit% t%e Princi,a' ecretar 5 Additiona'

    o i ioner5 De,ut o i ioner5 &ood5 ivi' u,,'ie 6

    on u er Affair 5 variou di trict o''ector and ot%er enior officer of

    t%e De,art ent of connected wit% t%e Pu!'ic Di tri!ution te .

    1./ T%e function of w%o'e a'e di tri!ution i a i"ned to oo,erative

    ocietie w%ic% are an inte"ra' ,art of t%e PD in Ra?a t%an.

    1.4 T%e retai' di tri!ution of PD ite i done t%rou"% aut%ori ed &air

    Price %o, in t%e tate. T%e tate of Ra?a t%an i a' o di tri!utin"

    Atta to t%e AP !eneficiarie t%rou"% ara Dair Boot% and

    ,!%o"ta B%andar . T%e o ittee vi ited variou &air Price %o,

    and ara Dair Boot% acro t%e tate.

    1.9 In order to "et ,u!'ic o,inion5 t%e o ittee invited t%e view of t%e"enera' ,u!'ic t%rou"% new ,a,er . T%e o ittee a' o %e'd Pu!'ic

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    eetin" in ai,ur5 dai,ur and od%,ur. ariou i ue were rai ed

    re'atin" to functionin" of t%e PD in t%e tate5 w%ic% are attac%ed a

    a,,endix. T%e o ittee a' o went to t%e vi''a"e to eet t%e

    con u er ( !eneficiarie and t%e tri!a' and to t%e fair ,rice %o,

    and "odown of t%e w%o'e a'er . T%ere were variou ,ro!'e wit%

    re"ard to increa in" co i ion5 de and for coar e "rain5 increa in"

    a''ocation5 error in identification5 acce i!i'it of &P ,articu'ar' in

    $e tern Ra?a t%an and tri!a' area .

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    C a)te' 2


    2.1 T%e Pre ent c%a,ter dea' wit% t%e di tri!ution of food"rain in t%e

    tate of Ra?a t%an fro t%e & I "odown to t%e $%o'e a'er and

    fro $%o'e a'er to &P and fro &P to t%e !eneficiarie .

    2.2 T%e di tri!ution of PD food"rain in t%e tate of Ra?a t%an can !e

    under tood ! 'oo:in" at t%e ro'e and functionin" of t%e fo''owin"

    entitie invo'ved in t%e Pu!'ic Di tri!ution te =

    1. &ood or,oration of India

    2. ,!%o:ta a%:ari B%andar ;of oo,erative de,art ent of tateovern ent for

    i ue of food"rain durin" t%e a''ocation ont%H

    ;e< If fu'' ont%' a''ocated @uantitie of food"rain are not avai'a!'e in

    a ,articu'ar & I de,o it ( >odown5 t%e tate ( T >overn ent

    wi'' %ave to 'ift t%e fro t%e ,re-a i"ned a'ternate de,ot (


    ;f< Exten ion of va'idit ,eriod for 'iftin" in re ,ect of un'ifted @uantitie

    of food"rain a"ain t a''ocation of a ,articu'ar ont% %a'' not

    !e "ranted ! Di trict +ana"er of & I. Exten ion of va'idit

    ,eriod u,to 10 da wi'' !e "ranted ! t%e re ,ective ona' E.D.

    of t%e & I on' in uc% ca e w%en fu'' ,a ent for t%e

    a''ocation %ad !een received ! t%e & I ! 10 t% of t%e a''ocation

    ont%5 and w%en fu'' @uantitie of a''ocated food"rain were not

    avai'a!'e durin" t%e va'idit ,eriod in t%e a i"ned or a'ternate'

    a i"ned & I de,ot ( "odown .

    ;"< A'' ca e of exten ion of va'idit ,eriod !e ond 10 da 5 if an 5 wi''

    %ave to !e referred wit% fu'' ?u tification to t%e +ini tr for

    deci ion .

    ;%< Ratio of rice5 w%eat and coar e "rain in t%e ont%' a''ocation

    ade to tate and T >overn ent under t%e TPD %a'' not

    !e c%an"ed ! & I. Re@ue t of tate ( T >overn ent in t%i

    re"ard5 if an 5 wi'' !e decided on' ! t%e +ini tr H

    ;i< To avoid de'a in ,a ent5 tate and T >overn ent a

    introduce on account ,a ent ( e'ectronic tran fer of fund to

    & I.



    2.#.1 In t%e tate of Ra?a t%an t%e w%o'e a'er are a,,ointed ! t%e Di trict

    co''ector or Di trict u,,' officer in t%eir di trict to 'ift t%e food"rainfro & I. ircu'ar dated 21 t e,te !er 2))# i ued ! t%e tate

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    >overn ent contain t%e "uide'ine for a,,oint ent of t%e w%o'e a'er

    ! t%e Di t. co''ector or Di trict u,,' officer. It ,rovide t%at t%e

    w%o'e a'er %a'' !e a,,ointed for one financia' ear. T%e tate %a

    oo,erative ocietie and w%i'e a,,ointin" t%e $%o'e a'er t%e ,riorit

    i to !e "iven to t%e oo,erative ocietie a ,er t%e ru'e . o e of

    t%e a,,ointed w%o'e a'er are J ,!%o:ta a%:ari B%andar w%ic% are

    direct' run ! t%e oo,erative De,art ent and ot%er are Cra i:ra

    a%a:ari a iti ;C < w%ic% are re"i tered wit% oo,erative

    De,art ent . A,,oint ent of ,rivate w%o'e a'er ! contract i to !e

    done on' in ca e t%e oo,erative ocietie refu e to wor: a

    w%o'e a'er.

    2.#.2 Ti e i it for 'iftin" food"rain fro & I

    & I "ive 0) da to t%e w%o'e a'er for 'iftin" t%e food"rain5 t%u 5 t%e

    food"rain can !e 'ifted fro t%e 1 t da of t%e ,reviou ont% to t%e 2) t%

    da of t%e concerned ont% to w%ic% toc: !e'on" . T%u 5 if t%e toc:

    i to !e 'ifted for t%e ont% of Nove !er5 w%o'e a'er can 'ift it fro 1 t

    Octo!er to 2) t% Nove !er. 8owever5 t%e o ittee o! erved t%at in

    t%e tate t%e ti e 'i it %a !een furt%er reduced ! t%e De,art ent to

    3) da 5 i.e.5 w%o'e a'er can 'ift a ont% toc: fro t%e 2) t% of t%e

    ,reviou ont% to t%e 2) t% of t%e ont% in w%ic% toc: i to !e

    di tri!uted. Pa ent %a'' !e ade ! t%e w%o'e a'er !efore t%e 10 t% of

    t%e concerned ont%. If t%e de and draft i not de,o ited at & I !

    t%e w%o'e a'er5 t%e @uota of t%at ont% 'a, e in ,ite of t%e ,er i ion

    ! t%e D O to 'ift t%e a''ocation. $%en t%e ,a ent i ade !

    w%o'e a'er at & I5 & I i ue Re'ea e order and accordin"' t%e

    food"rain i 'ifted fro & I. Pa ent ! w%o'e a'er i a''owed to !e

    ade in two in ta'' ent a found in od%,ur.

    2.#.3 Re ,on i!i'itie of t%e $%o'e a'er

    1. T%e $%o'e a'er are re ,on i!'e to 'ift t%e food"rain fro & I

    wit%in t%e ,re cri!ed ,eriod a ,er itted ! t%e D O and tode'iver it at t%e door te, of t%e &air Price %o, .

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    2. T%e w%o'e a'er i !ound to arran"e for t%e wei"%in" ac%ine

    and to i ue t%e food"rain to &P after ,ro,er wei"% ent.

    3. 8e i a' o re ,on i!'e to arran"e tran ,ortation to 'ift "rain fro

    & I and to de'iver it direct' to t%e &air ,rice %o, .

    #. T%e w%o'e a'er i !ound to arran"e for t%e 'a!our for 'oadin"

    and un'oadin" of t%e food"rain.

    2*> Facts "%se'7ed %( t e C"##ittee )e'tai$i$+ t" 6u$cti"$i$+ "6 t e

    C"")e'ati7e S"cieties a$d =VSS as ! "&esa&e's

    2.0.1 T%e oo,erative ocietie and C are not functionin" ,ro,er' a

    w%o'e a'er and t%ere are an rea on for t%e a e and t%e

    irre"u'aritie found in t%e functionin" of t%e w%o'e a'er were different

    in different di trict .

    2.0.2 T%e w%o'e a'er "et R . 0 ,er @uinta' a o i ion and R . 13./)

    ,er @uinta' a tran ,ortation c%ar"e . T%e w%o'e a'er %a to eit%er

    a,,oint tran ,orter t%rou"% tender or %a to %ire t%e truc: for re"u'ar

    'iftin" fro & I and de'iver at &P .

    2.0.3 T%e tran ,ortation rate fixed ! t%e tate "overn ent in Au"u t 2))05

    for tran ,ortation of AP 5 BP 5 AAF food"rain ! t%e w%o'e a'er i

    entioned !e'ow=

    ,to 0 : - R . 4.0) ,er @uinta'

    &ro 0 : to 10 : R 0.2) ,er @uinta'&ro 10 : to 1)): R . ).1/ ,er @uinta' ,er : A!ove 1)) : R . ).13 ,er @uinta' ,er :

    2.0.# A t%e a!ove rate are not rea'i tic and t%e w%o'e a'er never find

    tran ,orter read to tran ,ort food"rain at t%e a!ove rate . T%e rate

    at w%ic% t%e contract i entered into ! t%e $%o'e a'er i different in

    different area . &or in tance5 officia' fro od%,ur a%:ari ,!%o:ta

    $%o' a'e B%andar i ited infor ed t%e o ittee t%at t%etran ,ortation rate "iven ! t%e to tran ,orter i a fo''ow =

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    ,to 0: M R . *.4) ,er uinta'.

    &ro 0 : to 10 : M R 1).*# ,er uinta'.

    2.0.0 T%e tran ,ortation rate "iven ! t%e A? er a%:ari ,!%o:ta

    $%o' a'e B%andar i ited for de'iver of food"rain at &P in A? er cit

    i a fo''ow =

    ,to 0 : R . 4.0) ,er

    A!ove 0 : R 13./) ,er uinta'

    2.0.* T%e +ana"er of t%e A? er a%:ari ,!%o:ta $%o' a'e B%andar

    i ited infor ed t%e o ittee t%at t%e "et R 14./) ,er @uinta' in

    tota' fro t%e >overn ent i.e. R . 0 ,er @uinta' a o i ion and

    R . 13./) toward tran ,ortation co t. A ,er t%eir tran ,ortation

    ex,en e t%e ,end R . 10 ,er @uinta' and %ence on' R . 3./) i

    aved a o i ion out of w%ic% t%e !ear t%e co t of tora"e5

    taff5 e'ectricit and tationer . A t%e o i ion and tran ,ortation

    co t to t%e w%o'e a'er i ver 'ow it i a'wa difficu't to ana"e t%e

    o,eration ,ertainin" to t%e PD .

    2.0./ ariou oo,erative ocietie ( C infor ed t%e o ittee t%at

    o i ion of R . 0 ,er i ver 'e to eet ex,en e and it %ou'd

    !e increa ed to R . 2) ,er @uinta'. T%e a' o re@ue ted t%e

    o ittee t%at t%e tran ,ortation rate are not rea'i tic and need to !e

    revi ed a ,er t%e ,re ent co t of tran ,ortation.

    2.0.4 T%e w%o'e a'er tr to ave one eit%er on tran ,ortation and 'a!our

    c%ar"e . In order to ave t%e a e t%e often :i, t%e wei"% ent of

    t%e food"rain. T%e o ittee found t%at $ei"%in" ac%ine are not

    avai'a!'e at "odown of $%o'e a'er . +oreover5 a t%e tate

    >overn ent %a directed t%e to 'ift food"rain fro & I and direct'

    de'iver it to &P o e w%o'e a'er tated t%at it i never ,ractica' fort%e to wei"% at eac% &air Price %o,.

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    2.0.9 T%ere i anot%er ,ractica' difficu't faced ! o t of t%e w%o'e a'er a

    in od%,ur Di trict i t%at t%e ,a ent of t%e fair ,rice %o, dea'er i

    not received u,to ,re cri!ed ti e 'i it. Often *) G fair ,rice %o,

    dea'er do not ,a at a''. T%o e #)G w%o ,a 5 do not ,a in advance5

    %ence if a truc: %a to !e 'oaded fro & I to de'iver food"rain to t%e

    &P dea'er it i not ,o i!'e to fo''ow an route ,'an for de'iverin"

    food"rain a a'' t%e &P dea'er of an area do no ,a one %ence5

    de'iver of food"rain can t !e done at t%eir door te,. In uc% ca e t%e

    food"rain i on' tored at t%e "odown of w%o'e a'er.

    2.0.1) T%ere i no c%ec: on ua'it of food"rain i ued to &P dea'er .

    $%o'e a'er do not !rin" a ,'e fro t%e & I nor t%e i ue a ,'e

    of food"rain to &P dea'er .

    2.0.11 T%ou"% t%e oo,erative ocietie ( C are u,,o ed to 'ift

    food"rain fro & I and direct' de'iver it to &P dea'er !ut a t%e do

    not %ave ,ro,er tran ,ortation faci'itie and for t%e it i not fea i!'e

    to de'iver food"rain to a'' &P of t%e area at one ti e due to t%e

    rea on entioned a!ove5 t%e often tore t%e toc: in t%eir "odown

    w%ic% are ver a'' and in !ad condition. T%e e "odown do not

    %ave ,ro,er tora"e ,ace.

    2.0.12 T%e o ittee found t%at t%e PD in t%e tate %a co''a, ed o far a

    t%e i ue of food"rain to &P dea'er i concerned. T%e w%o'e a'er

    are 'iftin" fu'' @uota of food"rain fro & I ever ont%. 8owever5

    food"rain i not i ued to &P dea'er ever ont%. o ittee

    o! erved t%at in a'' t%e di trict 5 &P dea'er are i ued food"rain for 3

    to * ont% in one "o. T%e o ittee a' o found an in tance

    w%ere food"rain i i ued to &P dea'er once in *-1) ont% and

    even once in 21 ont% . On a :in" rea on w%o'e a'er tated t%at it i

    !ecau e of non-,a ent ! &P dea'er . T%e o ittee on ,eru a' of

    record of one C at ura?,o'5 ai,ur found t%at ,a ent of one

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    wa done we'' in advance ! &P dea'er and et food"rain wa

    i ued after 3-# ont% fro t%e date of ,a ent.

    2.0.13 8owever5 in A? er o ittee found t%at food"rain i i ued to &P

    dea'er w%en t%e a:e ,a ent. If ,a ent ! &P dea'er i de'a ed

    i uance i a' o de'a ed. In od%,ur o ittee o! erved t%at t%ere i

    no et nor a!out date of ,a ent. ,!%o:ta B%andar runnin"

    under oo,erative De,art ent are 'iftin" fu'' @uantit of food"rain fro

    & I. 8owever5 a ,er t%eir a'e record t%e are i uin" food"rain to

    few &P dea'er on' . On a :in" t%e rea on for t%e a e5 t%e

    o ittee wa infor ed t%at it i !ecau e of t%e non- ,a ent ! &P

    dea'er . T%e a,,ointed &P dea'er are not on' t%e individua' !ut

    a' o t%e ,!%o:ta a%:ari B%andar . It wa rea'' di a,,ointin" to ee

    t%at on' 3) to #) G &P dea'er were 'iftin" food"rain and re t were

    not 'iftin" food"rain at a''. T%e >enera' +ana"er ,!%o:ta a%:ari

    B%andaar5 od%,ur infor ed t%e o ittee t%at it i rea'' difficu't for

    t%e to ana"e PD a &P dea'er are not ,a in" t%e an one

    and t%e %ave to rea'' ,u % &P dea'er to a:e ,a ent to t%e . It

    wa a' o tated t%at on' #)G &P dea'er ,a after continuou '

    ,ur uin" t%e to a:e ,a ent and *)G are not intere ted at a''.

    2.* Di trict ai,ur

    2.*.1 T%e o ittee found t%at t%e C 'ocated in ura?,o'5 in ai,ur

    received ,a ent fro &P dea'er in advance and t%e do not de'iver

    t%e toc: of food"rain to t%e in ti e. o ittee found t%at food"rain

    wa i ued to t%e &P dea'er after 3-# ont% . ix &P dea'er were

    i ued Au"u t )9 toc: of w%eat in Octo!er end. One &P dea'er

    na ed Dine % :u ar 'ifted +a 5 une5 u' and Au"u t toc: on

    22.9.)9 even w%en %e %ad ade ,a ent on fo''owin" date =

    11.0.9 *0)))(-

    1).*.9 *)5)))

    4./.9 *)5)))13.4.9 *)5)))

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    Tota' 25#05)))

    2.*.2 Dine % :u ar i runnin" two %o, ; %o, no. */1 and %o, no. */1


  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    2.*.0 &or t%e ont% of +a 5 une and u' t%e dea'er ade t%e ,a ent in

    ti e %owever5 %e wa "iven food"rain on 11 t% e,te !er. &ood"rain

    toc: of 3 ont% wa i ued to %i to"et%er after de'a of 3-0

    ont% .

    2.*.* iftin" detai' of !e'ow entioned 3 dea'er i a' o intere tin"=

    Na e ofdea'er

    %o,nu !er

    a''ocation No. ofcard

    iftin" on 10.1).)9for t%e ont% of

    Au"u t5 e,t andOct

    +u:e %


    /21 3* 1)3


    49.9) 'iftin" of fu''toc: i not done

    Nawa'Ci %ore

    2 B 2* /* 3# 'iftin" of fu''toc: i not done

    Tu' i ra 3B 29.#) 4# #0 'iftin" of fu''toc: i not done.

    2./ Di trict A? er

    2./.1 T%e o ittee vi ited ,!%o:ta a%:ari B%andar and et >enera'

    +anan"er +r. >. >u,ta w%o i a' o D . Re"i trar oo,erative

    De,art ent . 8e tated t%at t%e "et R . 13./) for tran ,ortation andR . 0 a t%eir o i ion t%u in tota' t%e "et R . 14./). 8owever5

    t%e %ave to ,a R . 10 to tran ,orter and on' R . 3./) i 'eft to eet

    ex,en e ,ertainin" to t%e taff a'ar 5 tationar 5 e'ectricit !i'' and

    "odown rent. T%e ,!%o:ta a%:ari B%andar in A? er i di tri!utin"

    PD food"rain ince 19*3. Initia'' PD wa under coo,erative on'

    !ut 'ater C were a' o a,,ointed a w%o'e a'er . It wa infor ed to

    t%e o ittee t%at tran ,ortation rate were fixed on 1.4.)0 and arenot revi ed after t%at. T%e "odown ,re i e i ta:en on rent and t%e

    a e wa in ver !ad tate5 da , and "ivin" fou' e''. It %a tora"e

    ca,acit of 2))+T. T%e "odown inc%ar"e end ont%' re,ort to D O

    i.e. fro 21 t of a ont% to 2) t% of t%e next ont%. 2/) &P are

    attac%ed to t%i w%o'e a'er. Out of t%i 1)3 &P di tri!ute BP ( AAF

    and AP food"rain5 re t of t%e %o, di tri!ute on' AP food"rain .

    Pa ent i done ! t%e &P dea'er in ca % on t%e date of 'iftin" on' .

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    Dea'er do not ,a in advance to t%e w%o'e a'er. Pre ent' t%e two

    ont% toc: of food"rain i i ued to &P dea'er .

    2./.2 o ittee a' o vi ited t%e A? er oo,erative ar:etin" ociet td

    and et t%e >enera' +ana"er Datar in"% Rat%ore. 12) &P are

    attac%ed to t%i w%o'e a'er and it cover 2)1 vi''a"e . T%e a''ocation for

    3 ont% i

    1/*) for BP

    1)39) for AP

    92) for AAF

    143 for Anna,urna

    2./.3 Pa ent ! &P dea'er i ade in ca % and t%e are i ued a recei,t

    for t%e a e. $ei"% ent i not done w%i'e i uin" food"rain to t%e

    &P dea'er . A fu'' !a" are "iven to t%e &P dea'er 5 if t%e food"rain

    i "iven in exce of t%e @uantit fixed for t%e &P a e i ad?u ted

    next ont%. e". Dine % :u ar one of t%e &P dea'er w%o e a''ocation

    wa 2/.0 for one %o, and 02.4 for ot%er %o, wa "iven 24 and 03

    for t%e ont% of Oct5 2/ and 02 for ont% of e,te !er and 2/

    and 03 for t%e ont% of Au"u t.

    2./.# It wa infor ed t%at t%ere are 13 &air ,rice %o, w%ic% are attac%ed to

    ot%er &P dea'er . T%u 5 13 &P dea'er are runnin" two &air ,rice

    %o, eac%. It wa furt%er infor ed t%at one %o, at %iv,ura i

    officia'' run ! one %. Pa,u in"% Rawat5 %owever5 t%i ,er on Pa,u

    in"% Rawat never ade an ,a ent nor %e ca e durin" i uance of

    food"rain to aid %o,. T%e ,a ent and ,urc%a e of food"rain for

    aid %o, i done ! anot%er fair ,rice %o, dea'er of Carno +r.

    Dine % :u ar. T%e officia' at w%o'e a'e de,ot infor ed t%at t%e

    ,er on Pa,u in"% never ca e to t%eir de,ot and it i on' Dine %

    :u ar w%o i runnin" %o, ri"%t fro t%e !e"innin".

    2.4 Di trict Dun"ar,ur

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    2.4.1 T%e o ittee vi ited & I de,ot in Dun"ar,ur and et De,ot

    +ana"er eevra? Roat. T%e ca,acit of t%e "odown i 1))) +T in

    AP and 0))) +T food"rain can !e tored in o,en ,ace. T%e

    w%o'e a'er ( C a:e ,a ent to t%e & I t%rou"% DD a'on" wit%

    t%e ,er it i ued ! t%e D O. T%e +ana"er De,ot ;& I< i ue

    Re'ea e Order and accordin"' food"rain i i ued to t%e w%o'e a'er (

    C . T%ere i no wei"%!rid"e in ide t%e & I de,ot and wei"% ent i

    done at ,rivate wei"%!rid"e. T%e wei"% ent 'i, i ued ! t%e ,rivate

    wei"%!rid"e o,erator i :e,t at & I for record. T%e +ana"er De,ot

    infor ed t%e o ittee t%at "ate,a 5 wei"%t c%ec: e o and

    wei"% ent 'i, i "iven to t%e truc: driver w%o carrie food"rain fro

    & I to w%o'e a'er ( C "odown. At t%e ti e of wei"% ent at ,rivate

    wei"%!rid"e & I taff re ain at t%e wei"%!rid"e. $%en truc: 'eave

    & I de,ot for wei"%!rid"e t%e "ate,a i i ued 'eavin" t%e co'u n

    for wei"%t a !'an: and after wei"% ent at t%e ,rivate wei"%!rid"e t%e

    wei"% ent 'i, i i ued to t%e truc: driver ! t%e o,erator at

    wei"%!rid"e. Truc: driver carrie t%e a e wit% %i and de'iver "ood

    at C a'on" wit% t%e a!ove entioned docu ent .

    2.4.2 T%e o ittee vi ited t%e "odown of w%o'e a'er na ed Ra?a t%an an

    aati C %etri a i:a a%:ari an"% i ited a' o ca''ed Ra?a t%an

    Tri!a' Area Deve'o, ent or,oration i ited ;RTAD

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    and wei"%t and nu !er of !a" carried ! it wa not found in t%e

    w%o'e a'er "odown and %e tated t%at a e i not i ued ! t%e & I.

    >odown +ana"er of RTAD tated t%at a ,'e are not i ued !

    t%e & I a'on" wit% t%e food"rain. T%e o ittee found t%at a'' t%e

    Truc: carr in" food"rain to w%o'e a'er are not wei"%ed ! & I

    Dun"ar,ur w%ic% i evident fro t%e fact t%at truc: carr in" food"rain

    fro Pun?a! are directed to de'iver a e to w%o'e a'er "odown and

    wei"% ent 'i, i ued fro Pun?a! i acce,ted ! t%e w%o'e a'er . On

    ,eru in" t%e record t%e o ittee found t%at food"rain i i ued

    wit%in t%ree to 1) da after t%e ,a ent i ade ! t%e &P dea'er .

    o ittee a' o found t%e variation in ont%' a''ocation for &P .

    i i'ar' 5 o ittee found a''ocation for AP food"rain of t%e

    w%o'e a'er a' o differ ont% to ont%. 8owever5 t%e rea on for t%e

    variation in ont%' a''ocation wa not ade c'ear to t%e o ittee.

    2.4.3 A t%e & I officia' tated t%at t%e re"u'ar' i ue a ,'e to t%e

    w%o'e a'er and w%o'e a'er tated t%at t%e never received a ,'e

    fro t%e & I t%e o ittee i of t%e view t%at & I %ou'd ention t%e

    fact of i uin" a ,'e !ot% in t%e "ate,a and t%e wei"%t c%ec:

    e o a'on" wit% t%e i"nature a"ain t t%at of !ot% t%e & I officia' and

    w%o'e a'er re,re entative w%o co e to t%e & I to 'ift t%e food"rain.

    2.9 od%,ur Di trict

    2.9.1 od%,ur a%:ari ,!%o:ta $%o'e a'e B%andar

    1. T%e o ittee vi ited od%,ur a%:ari ,!%o:ta $%o'e a'e

    B%andarS and et +ana"er5 O Pra:a % Rat%i. +r.Ra?a Ra

    %aud%r and +r . Nee' Ca a'5 Enforce ent In ,ector ;E.I< were

    a' o ,re ent. o ittee wa infor ed ! t%e E.I ,re ent t%at t%e

    for er D O5 %. Tarac%and C%atri5 %ad fixed t%e AP a''ocation for

    ever &P dea'er a #0 . 8e "ot tran ferred in &e!ruar )9 and after

    %i new D O +r. i?a Pa' in"% fixed t%e AP a''ocation a ,er t%e

    nu !er of card attac%ed wit% t%e &air Price %o, . o itteeo! erved t%at t%ere are no fixed ru'e re"ardin" t%e fixin" of a''ocation

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


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    +a )9 20 /*une )9 1* 40u' )9 23 /4

    Au"u t )9 3# */e,te !er


    #* 00

    Octo!er)9 /2 29Tota' #/)

    / T%ou"% t%e exact nu !er of BP attac%ed to ever &P i not :nown

    !ut o e &P dea'er %ad 3) BP card and o e %ad ore t%an 1))

    BP card . Fet con iderin" on t%e 'ower ide5 if on an avera"e 2) BP

    card are attac%ed to one %o, t%en in #/) %o, tota' BP fa i'ie

    are 9#)) w%ic% ean food"rain for 9#)) fa i'ie wa not di tri!utedH

    w%ic% ean 242) food"rain eant for BP fa i'ie wa not

    di tri!uted fro t%i "odown durin" t%e ,eriod fro A,ri' )9 to Octo!er


    4 o ittee vi ited t%e "odown and t%e "odown :ee,er infor ed t%at

    t%e tora"e ca,acit of 21)) food"rain w%ic% ean #2)) !a" can

    !e tored in t%e "odown of w%o'e a'er. It i wort% notin" t%at t%e

    tora"e ,ace in t%e "odown i 'e t%an t%e undi tri!uted food"rain in

    BP cate"or on' .

    9 T%e o ittee found t%at t%ere were two roo in t%e "odown. One

    roo wa fu'' and a'' !a" were ' in" intact5 not a in"'e "rain wa ' in"

    out ide t%e !a" . In t%e ot%er roo an uinta' of w%eat wa ' in"

    cattered on t%e f'our w%ic% wa indicative of t%e fact of ,i'fera"e. Auc% %u"e @uantit of cattered "rain cannot !e a re u't of t%e ,i''in"

    durin" %and'in" of !a" . T%e un% "ienic %and'in" of t%e food"rain wa

    evident in t%e "odown and o ittee o! erved t%at t%e "odown

    +ana"er and :ee,er never rea'i ed t%at t%e a e food"rain i eant

    for %u an con u ,tion. econd' 5 it i ea to i,%on off t%e cattered

    and 'o e food"rain.

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    1) On a :in" t%e rea on for t%e a e "odown :ee,er tated t%at it i

    !ecau e of t%e tearin" of !a" at t%e ti e of un'oadin". 8owever5 it i

    @uiet unacce,ta!'e t%at t%e e an ute !a" of food"rain "ot

    da a"ed durin" un'oadin" of "rain.

    11 T%e o ittee ,eru ed t%e record ,ertainin" to t%e a'e done ! t%e

    w%o'e a'er and found t%at neit%er t%ere wa an ti e c%edu'e for

    i uin" food"rain to &P nor t%ere wa an fixed 'i it a!out t%e

    @uantit to !e i ued to &P . Irre"u'arit and a',ractice ! variou

    ,er on ( aut%oritie invo'ved in t%e di tri!ution of PD food"rain can

    ea i' !e under tood ! t%e detai' ,ertainin" to i uance of food"rain

    ! w%o'e a'er to one of t%e &air Price %o, w%ic% i ,!%o:ta a%:ari

    B%andar no. 33(1*9 5 ana"ed ! t%e dea'er na ed Ani' >a%'ot. T%e

    %o, i attac%ed wit% t%e od%,ur a%:ari ,!%o:ta w%o'e a'e

    B%andar. Tota' ont%' A''ocation of t%i %o, wit% re ,ect to BP 5

    AAF i 33.4# uinta'. T%e %o, %a 9/ BP !eneficiarie and / AAF

    !eneficiarie attac%ed to it. &or"ettin" t%e nu !er of AP !eneficiarie

    attac%ed to t%e %o,5 it i wort% notin" t%at tota' ont%' a''ocation for

    BP co e out to !e 29 1) :" on t%e !a i of 3):" w%eat ,er card.

    It i @uiet ur,ri in" t%at t%e a!ove aid &P dea'er5 ;w%ic% i !%o:ta

    a%:ari B%andar< 'ifted *2#.34 uinta' of food"rain in t%e ont% of

    Octo!er 2))9 under BP cate"or .

    *2#.34 *2#34 :"

    uantit 'ifted ,er BP card *2#34(9/ *#3.*9 *## :"

    Nu !er of ont% for w%ic% toc: of One BP fa i' 'ifted

    *##(3) 21 ont% .

    12. It i wort% notin" t%at t%e a!ove aid &P dea'er 'ifted toc: of 21

    ont% at one "o in Octo!er )9. Previou to t%i 5 t%i &P dea'er %ad

    'ifted 1/*.// of BP w%eat in u' )9 w%ic% co e out to !e toc: of

    * ont% .

    1/*.// 1/*//:"

    uantit 'ifted ,er card 1/*//(9/ 142.23:"

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    Nu !er of ont% for w%ic% toc: i 'ifted 142 :" divided ! 3) :" *

    ont% Q

    13. A!du' $a%a! i runnin" two &air ,rice %o, ( ,!%o:ta a%:ari

    B%andar . 222 BP !eneficiarie are attac%ed %o, no. 39(1905 and

    104 BP !eneficiarie are attac%ed wit% %o, no. 39(19*. 8i ont%'

    a''ocation fixed ! D O i /1.4# and 01.13 re ,ective' . T%u 5 in

    a ont% tota' 122.9/ BP w%eat i to !e u,,'ied ! t%e w%o'e a'er

    to %i . T%e o ittee o! erved t%at A!du' $a%a! ,urc%a ed on' 3)

    uinta' of BP w%eat fro t%e w%o'e a'er in t%e ont% of A,ri' )9.

    Not%in" wa ,urc%a ed in t%e ont% of +a 5 une5 u' 5 Au"u t. In

    e,te !er %e ,urc%a ed 0# BP w%eat. In t%e ont% of Octo!er %e

    ,urc%a ed 122.)* BP w%eat fro t%e w%o'e a'er. No action ever

    wa ta:en a"ain t defau'tin" &P dea'er and w%o'e a'er. It i @uiet

    unacce,ta!'e t%at t%e concerned officia' of food and u,,'

    De,art ent are not aware of t%e e fact . It ?u t %ow t%ere

    connivance in t%e a',ractice and t%e dee, rooted corru,tion.

    1#. T%e a!ove two in tance are not t%e on' in tance . Detai' of ever

    &P dea'er %owed i i'ar irre"u'aritie in i uance of food"rain.

    T%e e in tance %ow "ro ne"'i"ence on t%e ,art of t%e officia' of

    De,art ent of food and ivi' u,,' of tate. T%e in tance %ow t%at

    t%ere i no ti e c%edu'e for i uin"('iftin" food"rain fro w%o'e a'er.

    &P dea'er can co e an ti e and ,a one and 'ift a uc%

    @uantit a %e wi %e . T%e De,art ent officia' are 'ea t !ot%ered to

    c%ec: w%et%er t%e @uantit 'ifted ever reac%ed t%e !eneficiarie . T%e

    ,oor !eneficiar w%o can not even afford to 'ift one ont% toc: fu''

    and a'wa de and t%at t%e %ou'd !e a''owed to 'ift in in ta'' ent

    wi'' never !e in a ,o ition to !u toc: of 21 ont% fro t%e &P

    dea'er. T%e w%o'e a'er i direct' under t%e oo,erative De,art ent

    and t%e officia' of oo,erative De,art ent are e@ua'' ne"'i"ent in

    ,erfor in" t%eir dutie . No ru'e %a !een fo''owed ! t%e entitie

    invo'ved in t%e PD . T%e u! idi ed food"rain for t%e ,oor!eneficiarie %a !een diverted and a'' t%e entitie i.e. food and civi'

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    u,,' de,art ent5 coo,erative de,art ent5 tran ,orter 5 &P dea'er .

    No action i ta:en a"ain t t%e .

    2.9.2 T%e o ittee a' o vi ited t%e od%,ur oo,erative +ar:etin" ociet

    i ited w%ic% i a' o wor:in" a w%o'e a'er for PD food"rain and

    et >enera' +ana"er O Pa' in"% B%atti.

    2.9.3 It wa infor ed to t%e o ittee t%at w%en truc: "oe fro & I to

    &P no officer acco ,anie truc: and it i on' &P dea'er w%o

    o eti e acco ,anie truc:. T%e aid ar:etin" ociet %a tora"e

    ca,acit of 3))) . ,on ,eru a' of record 5 t%e o ittee found

    t%at one &P dea'er na ed +eena Cu ari w%o e %o, i 'ocated in

    Ba ni5 od%,ur %a 2) BP card . On ,eru a' of record it wa found

    t%at R . 0*5))) were ,aid ! t%e &P dea'er on 31.4.)9 for BP and

    AP food"rain and %e 'ifted food"rain on 10./.)9. %e a' o 'ifted BP

    food"rain on 23.1.)9 for w%ic% %e ade ,a ent on /.2.)9. T%ere

    are two i ,ortant t%in" w%ic% i wort% notin" fir t' 5 t%e a!ove aid

    dea'er wa a:in" ,a ent for BP food"rain on' after 'iftin" t%e

    a e. econd' 5 t%at t%e a!ove aid dea'er on' 'ifted BP food"rain

    twice !etween t%e ,eriod fro 10.#.)4 to 31.4.)9. It i @uiet

    un!e'ieva!'e t%at t%e officer of t%e &ood and ivi' u,,' De,art ent

    of t%e tate are not aware of t%e a e a t%e %ave not ta:en an

    action a"ain t uc% errant &P dea'er . It i @uiet c'ear t%at t%e officia'

    are ne"'i"ent in ,erfor in" t%eir dutie .

    2.9.# >enera' +ana"er5 od%,ur oo,erative +ar:etin" ociet i ited5

    infor ed t%e o ittee t%at often t%ere i de'a on t%e ,art of &P

    dea'er in a:in" ,a ent for t%e toc: of BP and AAF. 8e furt%er

    infor ed t%e o ittee t%at a!out *)G &P dea'er are not a:in"

    ,a ent ti e' and t%e %ave to rea'' ,u % eac% &P dea'er to

    de,o it one for t%e toc:. It wa infor ed ! t%e >enera' +ana"er

    and wa a' o evident fro t%e record of t%e w%o'e a'er t%at o t of

    &P dea'er were 'iftin" AP food"rain re"u'ar' . T%e ti e' ,a entand 'iftin" of AP food"rain i !ecau e of t%e fact t%at AP food"rain i

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    i,%oned off ! t%e &P dea'er and i a ean of re"u'ar inco e for

    t%e . T%e AP card %o'der infor ed t%e o ittee durin" ,u!'ic

    %earin" and durin" vi it to vi''a"e t%at "rain wa never di tri!uted to

    t%e .

    2.9.0 T%ere are two a?or difficu'tie in di tri!ution of food"rain. &ir t5 t%at

    t%e &P dea'er are not a:in" ,a ent ti e' . A ,a ent of &P

    dea'er i done at different ti e even if two &P are on a e route

    t%e food"rain cannot !e de'ivered to !ot% %o, at one ti e !ecau e

    ,a ent i done ! on' one of t%e and wit%out !ein" ure a!out t%e

    ,a ent fro &P food"rain cannot !e de'ivered at %i door te,. A it

    i door te, de'iver !ut a e,arate truc: cannot !e ent for eac% &P

    dea'er a it increa e co t of tran ,ortation. T%e w%o'e a'er t%u

    ,refer to tore t%e "rain 'ifted fro & I at t%eir "odown and "ive

    food"rain to &P dea'er w%en t%e a:e ,a ent. econd a?or

    ,ractica' ,ro!'e i ,ertainin" to di tri!ution of food"rain i wei"% ent

    of food"rain. If t%e truc: direct' "oe fro & I t%e 'ar"e @uantit of

    food"rain can t !e wei"%ed at &P a t%e do not %ave wei"%in"

    ac%ine to wei"% 'ar"e @uantit of food"rain. T%e o ittee wa

    infor ed t%at t%e & I do not "ive e'ectronic wei"% ent 'i,. It wa

    found t%at >ate ,a i a' o not :e,t in t%e record at t%e office of t%e

    a!ove na ed w%o'e a'er. On' anua' wei"%t %ec: e o wa found

    in t%e record . It wa a' o found on ,eru a' of record t%at t%ere are

    few &P w%ic% 'ift food"rain fro one "odown at one ,oint of ti e and

    fro ot%er "odown fro ot%er ,oint of ti e. On a :in" t%e rea on

    o ittee wa infor ed t%at it wa done on t%e ora' in truction of t%e

    D O.

    2.9.* o ittee a' o vi ited t%e aid %o, w%ic% wa found c'o ed and

    t%ou"% evera' ca'' were ade to t%e aid dea'er and t%e concerned

    u,,' In ,ector5 !ut t%eir ,%one were witc%ed off.

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    ont%' . T%e re,re entative of w%o'e a'er ta:e t%e de'iver fro & I

    "odown and do not acco ,an t%e truc:. T%e taff wa of t%e view t%at

    tran ,ortation c%ar"e fixed ! t%e >overn ent %ou'd !e increa ed.

    2.11 At ri Carni >ra eva e%:ari a iti ;> < w%ic% i a,,ointed &P

    dea'er for PD t%e o ittee found t%at ,to Octo!er )95 five ont%

    toc: of w%eat for BP !eneficiarie wa i ued to > ! t%e

    w%o'e a'er to"et%er. No BP toc: wa i ued after 1* t% Octo!er.

    2.12 At & I >odown in od%,ur5 De,ot +ana"er +.C Puro%it infor ed t%e

    o ittee t%at toc: i a' o i ued to w%o'e a'er direct' fro

    Rai'wa ,oint. It i wort% notin" t%at in uc% ca e wei"% ent of

    food"rain i ued to t%e w%o'e a'er i dou!tfu'.

    2.13 T%e o ittee reco end t%at a'' t%e & I "odown feedin" t%e

    w%o'e a'er in t%e tate of Ra?a t%an %ou'd i ue e'ectronica''

    "enerated wei"%t c%ec: e o to t%e truc: carr in" t%e food "rain of

    t%e w%o'e a'er.

    2.1# & I %ou'd not i ue food"rain to t%e w%o'e a'er direct' wit%out

    wei"%in" t%e truc:5 a t%e o ittee found t%at t%e truc: co in" fro

    Pun?a! were directed to t%e w%o'e a'er wit%out wei"% ent of t%e


    2.10 T%e & I %a'' i ue to t%e w%o'e a'er tac:-wi e ea'ed a ,'e of

    t%e toc: of food"rain u,,'ied to t%e for di tri!ution under t%ePu!'ic Di tri!ution te at t%e ti e of di ,atc%. tate >overn ent

    %a'' exerci e nece ar c%ec: to en ure t%at fu'' @uantit 'ifted !

    t%e reac% t%e fair ,rice %o, . tate >overn ent %a'' en ure t%at

    toc: of e entia' co oditie under t%e Pu!'ic Di tri!ution te 5

    a i ued fro t%e & I "odown 5 are not re,'aced ! toc: of inferior

    @ua'it durin" tora"e5 tran it or an ot%er ta"e ti'' de'iver to t%e

    ration card %o'der. T%e o ittee found t%at t%ere wa no te of

    @ua'it contro' in t%e tate. No a ,'e are "iven to t%e &P dea'er

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    ! t%e w%o'e a'er . T%ere i no c%ec: on @ua'it of "rain !ein"

    u,,'ied to t%e !eneficiarie . T%e te of a ,'in" %ou'd !e trict'

    o! erved. T%e retai'er u t di ,'a t%e a ,'e at %i &P %o, o t%at

    t%e @ua'it can !e c%ec:ed ! t%e officia' 5 vi"i'ance ac%iner 5

    enforce ent ac%iner and t%e con u er.

    2.1* o ittee o! erved t%at not on' t%e food"rain i not i ued to ever

    &P !ut a' o t%o e &P w%ere food"rain reac% do not di tri!ute t%e

    a e to !eneficiarie fu'' . T%e ,attern of irre"u'aritie &ound can !e

    !road' c'a ified into 3 :ind .

    1. o e &P ,urc%a e BP food"rain once in 2-3 ont% and ,urc%a e

    AP food"rain re"u'ar' fro w%o'e a'er . T%e e &P dea'er i ue

    food"rain to BP fa i'ie once in 2-3 ont% !ut t%e do not di tri!ute

    AP food"rain and i,%on off t%e a e. T%e ,ur,o e of de'iver of

    BP food"rain once in 2-3 ont% wa a,,arent' t%e avin" of

    tran ,ortation co t ! t%e w%o'e a'er.

    2. o ittee found t%at an &P dea'er ,urc%a e BP food"rain once

    in 9 to 21 ont% fro w%o'e a'er . It a,,ear t%at t%e e &P dea'er

    not on' i,%on off AP food"rain !ut a' o t%e BP food"rain a it i not

    acce,ta!'e t%at t%e di tri!ute food"rain toc: of one ear or ore to

    t%e !eneficiarie at one ti e w%en t%e ,oor !eneficiarie do not even

    %ave one to !u one ont% @uota at one "o. T%e di tri!ute

    food"rain toc: of 2-3 ont% i re,re entin" to !eneficiarie t%at

    on' t%i uc% toc: %a co e and t%e undi tri!uted !a'ance toc: i

    diverted in o,en ar:et. T%e ea ine of e''in" t%e 'ar"e @uantit of

    "rain at one "o to o,en ar:et i a,,eared to !e t%e ain rea on for

    'iftin"( i uance food toc: of 9- 21 ont% to"et%er ! t%e &P

    dea'er .

    3. T%e o ittee found t%at t%ere are an &P dea'er w%o do not 'ift

    food"rain at a''. T%i wa found ain' in od%,ur w%ere axi u&P dea'er are ,!%o:ta a%:ari B%andar. A t%e are under

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    coo,erative de,art ent and are e''in" ot%er "rocer ite and

    earnin" ,rofit t%e %ard' !ot%er to a:e an effort and devote ti e for

    unvia!'e PD . T%e don t 'ift food"rain at a''. It t%e !eneficiarie

    u'ti ate' w%o uffer a t%e are unaware a!out t%e c%e e and

    !enefit ,rovided to t%e ! t%e >overn ent.

    2.1/ T%e o ittee i of t%e view t%at a,,oint ent of oo,erative ocietie

    a w%o'e a'er %a fo''owin" draw!ac: .

    1. T%e o ittee o! erved t%at entitie invo'ved in $%o'e a'e

    di tri!ution are not ,ro,er' functionin" in t%e tate a t%ere i no

    u,ervi ion and onitorin" ! t%e &ood and ivi' u,,' De,art ent

    or t%e oo,erative De,art ent on t%e functionin" of t%e oo,erative

    ocietie ( C a w%o'e a'er for ,u!'ic Di tri!ution te . In ca e

    of an irre"u'aritie found in t%e functionin" of w%o'e a'er t%e

    ,ro ecution under E entia' o oditie Act can !e initiated on' !

    t%e De,art ent of &ood and ivi' u,,'ie . 8owever5 t%e de,art enta'

    ,roceedin" can !e initiated on' ! oo,erative de,art ent. T%u 5

    t%ere i dua' aut%orit re ,on i!'e for :ee,in" c%ec: on t%e functionin"

    w%ic% re u't into 'a, e in onitorin" t%e functionin" of t%e

    w%o'e a'er .

    2. T%e officia' of t%e tate De,art ent %ave fai'ed to c%ec: w%et%er t%e

    !eneficiarie "et t%eir a''ocation ever ont% and t%e cou,on are

    u! itted ! t%e &P to t%e D O. Re"i trar of oo,erative ociet

    %a a' o fai'ed in it dut in not c%ec:in" oo,erative ocietie wor:in"

    a w%o'e a'er under %i c%ar"e re"ardin" t%eir ne"'i"ence in not

    de'iverin" t%e PD food"rain ever ont% to &P . Re"i trar of

    oo,erative ocietie %a not ta:en an action a"ain t t%e officer of

    t%e De,art ent attac%ed to w%o'e a'er for ne"'ectin" t%eir dutie

    under t%e contro' Order. T%ere i "ro ne"'i"ence of dut ! a'' t%e

    officia' of t%e &ood5 ivi' u,,' and on u er Affair De,art ent of

    t%e tate and t%e oo,erative De,art ent in not trea 'inin" t%ete re u'tin" in %u"e diver ion of PD food"rain.

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    3. If t%e oo,erative ocietie are not runnin" in ,rofit t%e >overn ent

    officia' of oo,erative De,art ent5 are "iven on' additiona' c%ar"e

    and not a a fu'' ti e officia' to u,ervi e t%eir function .

    #. T%e 'iftin" of food"rain ! t%e w%o'e a'er i not done re"u'ar' . T%ere

    i no unifor it in t%e functionin" of oo,erative ocietie of different

    di trict . o far a C are concerned t%e e are oo,erative

    ocietie re"i tered wit% t%e oo,erative De,art ent. T%ere i no

    unifor it re"ardin" t%eir functionin" in t%e tate and different C

    wor: in different wa .

    0. T%e financia' tatu of o t of t%e C i not ound w%ic% affect

    t%e ti e' offta:e fro & I and u,,' to t%e &P dea'er . A t%e

    tran ,ortation co t i initia'' to !e !orne ! t%e w%o'e a'er and 'ater

    rei !ur ed ! t%e De,art ent on u! ittin" !i'' ,ertainin" to t%e co t

    of tran ,ortation5 t%e e C cannot inve t one for tran ,ortation

    ! truc: %ired ! t%e !ecau e of w%ic% t%e a'wa :ee,

    ani,u'atin" t%in" to ad?u t t%e co t of tran ,ortation.

    *. ua'it c%ec: i not en ured a no a ,'e are "iven ! t%e e

    w%o'e a'er to t%e &P dea'er for di ,'a at t%eir %o, .

    /. T%e w%o'e a'er ,!%o:ta B%andar ( C are not in a ,o ition to

    u,,' t%e food "rain in ti e for di tri!ution and and t%e u,,' t%e

    food "rain of an ont% to"et%er to t%e &P dea'er fordi tri!ution5 t%u defeatin" t%e ver ,ur,o e of PD and t%e food

    ecurit .

    4. No!od acco ,anie t%e truc: %ired ! t%e w%o'e a'er w%i'e

    !rin"in" fro t%e & I "odown for de'iver to t%e &P dea'er or at t%e

    "odown of t%e w%o'e a'er . It wa infor ed t%at "enera'' t%e door

    te, de'iver i "iven ! t%e w%o'e a'er !ut in ca e @uantit to !e

    de'ivered i a'' t%e &P dea'er t%e e've 'ift fro t%e "odown of

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    t%e w%o'e a'er %owever5 rei !ur e ent of t%e tran ,ortation co t i

    done ! t%e w%o'e a'er to t%e &P dea'er.

    9. No wei"% ent i done at t%e "odown of w%o'e a'er

    2.14 T%e o ittee i of t%e view t%at in order to trea 'ine di tri!ution of

    food"rain t%rou"%out t%e tate5 t%e tate >overn ent %ou'd

    con titute it own or,oration w%ic% %ou'd !e %avin" it own "odown

    and taff to 'oo: after tora"e5 and di tri!ution of food"rain .

    2.19 &AIR PRI E 8OP

    2.19.1 T%ere are 2243) &air Price %o, o,erationa' in t%e 33 Di trict of t%e

    tate of Ra?a t%an. &P dea'er %ave to a:e ,a ent to t%e

    w%o'e a'er and a ,er t%e a''ocation fixed ! t%e D O for a ,articu'ar

    &P 5 t%e w%o'e a'er ( C i ue food"rain to t%e &P .

    2.19.2 +ont%' a''ocation of food"rain for &P i fixed ! D O for a ,eriod of

    one ear and i not on t%e !a i of di tri!ution done in ,reviou ont%.

    T%e o ittee found t%at t%ere i no ti e c%edu'e for &P dea'er to

    a:e ,a ent to t%e w%o'e a'er . $%en ever t%e &P dea'er wi % to

    "et food"rain %e a,,roac% aut%oritie to i ue ,er it and t%e D O

    i ue ,er it and t%e w%o'e a'er i ue food"rain to t%e &P dea'er

    u!?ect to t%e ,a ent of one o eti e !efore or o eti e'ater. It varie fro w%o'e a'er to w%o'e a'er w%et%er t%e ,a ent i to

    !e de,o ited in advance ;a o! erved ! t%e o ittee in ai,ur< or

    at t%e ti e of i uance of food"rain ;a found in A? er< or after t%e

    i uance of food"rain ;a found in od%,ur

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    A. Para 0;ii< of t%e Annexure to PD contro' order 2))1 ,rovide t%at eac%

    &P wi'' di ,'a t%e fo''owin" infor ation on a notice !oard w%ic% i to

    !e ,ut u, at a ,ro inent ,'ace in t%e %o, on a dai' !a i =-

    ;i< i t of BP and Antoda a !eneficiarie 5

    ;ii< Entit'e ent of e entia' co oditie 5

    ;iii< ca'e of i ue5

    ;iv< Retai' i ue ,rice 5

    ;v< Ti in" of o,enin" and c'o in" of t%e fair ,rice %o,5

    ;vi< toc: of e entia' co oditie received durin" t%e ont%5

    ;vii< O,enin" and c'o in" toc: of e entia' co oditie and

    ;viii< T%e aut%orit for redre a' of "rievance ('od"in" co ,'aint wit%

    re ,ect to @ua'it and @uantit of e entia' co oditie under

    t%e Pu!'ic Di tri!ution te .

    B. Order ,a ed ! t%e 8onU!'e u,re e ourt in $.P. ;c< no. 19*(2))1

    T%e 8onU!'e u,re e ourt ! t%e Order dated )2.)0.2))3 directed a

    fo''ow =

    VIt i nece ar to i ue i ediate direction to evo've a te

    w%ere! e'i"i!'e BP fa i'ie 5 w%ic% a not !e on BP 'i t5 are o

    inc'uded a a' o re"ardin" t%e ration %o, and ot%er out'et re ainin"

    o,en and "ivin" de'iverie of food-"rain to t%o e5 w%o are on t%e 'i t

    and %o'd t%e re@ui ite card WW. t%e re ,ondent %a'' en ure t%at t%e

    ration %o, re ain o,en t%rou"%out t%e ont% durin" fixed %our and

    t%e detai' of w%ic% %a'' !e di ,'a ed in t%e notice !oard.

    To faci'itate t%e u,,' of t%e "rain5 we i ue t%e fo''owin"

    direction =-

    ;1< icencee 5 w%o

    ;a< do not :ee, t%eir %o, o,en t%rou"%out t%e ont% durin" t%e

    ti,u'ated ,eriod5

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    ;!< fai' to ,rovide "rain to BP fa i'ie trict' at BP rate and no


    ;c< :ee, t%e card of BP %ou e%o'd wit% t%e 5

    ;d< a:e fa' e entrie in t%e BP card 5

    ;e< en"a"e in !'ac:- ar:etin" or i,%onin" awa of "rain to t%e

    o,en ar:et and %and over uc% ration %o, to uc% ot%er

    ,er on(or"ani ation 5

    %a'' a:e t%e e've 'ia!'e for cance''ation of t%eir 'icence .T%e

    concerned aut%oritie (functionarie wou'd not %ow an 'axit on t%e


    . T%e ti in" of o,enin" of &air Price %o, in t%e tate are

    In winter= 9.)) a. to 1.)) ,.

    In u er= 4.)) a. to 12.)) ,.

    2.19.# Irre"u'aritie found

    1. T%ere wa a "enera' co ,'aint t%at &P dea'er o,en t%e %o, at t%eir

    weet wi''. +o t of t%e %o, owner 5 ,ecia'' in rura' area 5 o,en t%e

    %o, on' for two-t%ree da in a ont%.

    2. $ei"%in" !a'ance are not ,ro,er in ever %o, and o ittee found

    t%at &P dea'er u e ,rin" !a'ance a' o to wei"% food"rain w%i'e

    i uin" t%e a e to !eneficiarie .

    3. Re@uired infor ation wa not di ,'a ed on t%e Di ,'a Board .

    #. Re"i ter are not ,ro,er' aintained ! t%e &air ,rice %o, dea'er .

    T%e ,a"e of t%e re"i ter were not found to !e ta ,ed a re@uired

    ! t%e ru'e of t%e tate "overn ent.

    0. o ittee found t%at t%e &P dea'er do not :ee, a ,'e of food"rain

    at %o,. +o t of t%e co ,'ained t%at t%e do not receive a ,'efro w%o'e a'er .

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    *. T%e Beneficiarie co ,'ained t%at t%e &P dea'er often i !e%ave

    wit% t%e !eneficiarie .

    /. T%e i"i'ance o ittee do not onitor w%en and %ow uc% toc: ireceived ! t%e &P dea'er and %ow uc% i actua'' di tri!uted !

    %i to t%e !eneficiarie .

    4. T%e o ittee a' o o! erved t%at t%e officia' of t%e &ood and u,,'

    De,art ent are ne"'i"ent and do not :ee, an c%ec: on t%e

    functionin" of &P .

    9. o ittee found t%at &P dea'er 'ift t%e AP food"rain !ut do not

    di tri!ute t%e a e to t%e !eneficiarie and i re,re ent t%at t%e are

    not receivin" an toc: of AP cate"or .

    1). +o t of t%e dea'er di tri!ute food"rain to BP !eneficiarie once in 3-

    # ont% . T%ere are an dea'er w%o do not 'ift BP food"rain for

    an ont% rat%er t%e 'ift t%e toc: of an ont% to"et%er.


    2.2).1 T%e i ue ,rice of w%eat for AP !eneficiarie i R . *.4)(- ,er :". To

    BP !eneficiarie w%eat i i uedL R . #./) ,er :" and to AAF

    !eneficiarie w%eat i i ued L R 2 ,er :". AAF !eneficiarie are

    "ettin" 30 :" ,er ont%. uantit i ued to BP !eneficiarie differ

    fro 24 :" to 31 :" fro di trict to di trict. o far a t%e AP

    !eneficiarie are concerned t%e @uantit ,er card a''ocated i 0 :".

    8owever5 1) :" w%eat ,er card wa a''ocated to &air Price %o, on

    rotationa' !a i .

    2.2).2 T%e o ittee wa a' o infor ed ! t%e officia' of t%e tate

    >overn ent t%at t%e tate %a ta:en fo''owin" te, to en ure food

    ecurit for t%e vu'nera!'e ection =

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    1. tate "overn ent i di tri!utin" food"rain free of co t to t%e two

    tri!e JCat%odi in dai,ur Di trict and tri!e na ed J a%aria in Baran

    Di trict.

    2. T%e tate >overn ent 'aunc%ed t%e &ood ta , c%e e in t%e

    ear 2))#. nder t%i c%e e ar,anc% of a'' t%e >ra Panc%a at

    are !ein" u,,'ied wit% 1)) food ta , wort% 1) :" of w%eat eac%

    ever ear. A need ,er on can o!tain a food ta , fro t%e "ra

    Panc%a at once a ear and "et 1) :" w%eat fro t%e &P free of

    co t.

    2.2).3 A OT+ENT AND I&TIN> O& &OOD>RAIN

    A. +ont%' a''ot ent ( No. of Beneficiarie under TPD

    ;A on +arc% 2))9overn ent in De'%i "et a con o'idated a'ar of

    a!out R . 4)))(- ,er a:in" it R . 9*5)))(- annua'' . T%i

    cate"or a !e ca''ed +ar"ina'' A!ove Povert ine

    ;+AP overn ent5 tate >overn ent %ou'd con ider ,rocure ent

    of t%e coar e "rain i.e. +ai e5 owar and Ba?ra w%ic% i 'oca''

    ,roduced in t%e tate. o ittee found t%at in different re"ion of t%e

    tate coar e "rain i.e. +ai e5 owar and Ba?ra i t%e ta,'e food. tate

    >overn ent a ta:e nece ar action for identif in" t%e variou

    re"ion and Di trict w%ere t%e coar e "rain i in de and and t%e

    @uantit of coar e "rain re@uired for uc% di trict .

  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


  • 8/13/2019 PDS Report of Rajasthan


    C a)te' ;


    3.1 T%e tate >overn ent of Ra?a t%an %a underta:en u,,' of

    w%eat f'our ;atta< in tead of w%o'e w%eat to AP cate"or of ration

    card %o'der in t%e ur!an area of / di trict M ai,ur5 od%,ur5

    Bi:aner5 A? er5 Cota5 dai,ur and B%arat,ur. Atta i !ein"

    di tri!uted in t%e ,o' t%ene !a" of 1) C". eac% and t%e di tri!ution

    i !ein" done not t%rou"% t%e &P !ut t%rou"% t%e ,!%o:ta an"%

    B%andar and out'et of ara Dair . T%e deci ion wa ta:en ! t%e

    tate >overn ent and order wa i ued ! t%e De,ut

    o i ioner and De,ut ecretar to t%e >overn ent of

    Ra?a t%an in t%e De,art ent of &ood5 ivi' u,,'ie 6 on u er

    Affair . T%i wa vide co unication dated 24.)4.2))9.

    3.2 T%e o ittee en@uired fro t%e officia' a to w% di tri!ution of

    atta wa not !ein" done t%rou"% t%e &P 5 t%e an wer wa "iven

    t%at ince &P dea'er indu'"e in corru,t ,ractice and divert t%ePD food "rain to t%e !'ac:- ar:et5 it wa 5 t%erefore5 decided to

    :ee, t%e awa fro di tri!ution of atta. T%ou"% uc% deci ion wa

    not recorded in t%e officia' fi'e 5 it wa entioned !efore t%e

    o ittee t%at t%e arran"e ent ( te of di tri!ution of atta wa

    introduced to !rin" a!out tran ,arenc in t%e di tri!ution of atta and

    ,u' e t%rou"% ara Dair out'et and ,!%o:ta an"% B%andar

    and to ,rovide ore faci'itie and convenience to t%e con u er .

    3.3 on iderin" t%e de and and ,o,u'arit of atta5 t%e tate
