PHYTOECDYSONES OF Serratula IV. SOGDYSTERONE I. L. Novosel'skaya, M. B. Gorovits, and N. K. Abubakirov UDC 547.926:591.147 Previously, from S. sogdiana Bge. family Compositae we isolated ecdysterone [1] and viticosterone E [2]. Subsequently, by repeated rechromatography on silica gel and alumina of a methanolic extract from the flowers of the plant we have obtained a new phytoecdysone which we have called sogdysterone. Yield 0.003 %. Sogdysterone (I), C2zH4408, is an amorphous substance, [ol]~ + 43.9 ° (c 0.41" methanol); ~C2HsOI-I 242 nm ' ""Inax (log e 3.98); -vKBr 3300-3500 (OH), 1665 cm -1 (C~C-C~O). It is a more polar compound than the other "max phytoecdysones isolated from _S" sogdiana - Rj 0.16 [SiO2/gypsum; chloroform-methanol (4 : 1)]. The op- tical rotatory dispersion curve of (I) (dioxane) showed positive ([M]358 + 3520°; [M]315 - 622°; a = +41 °) and negative ([M]260 -3800°; [M]233 + 14,300°; a =-181 °) Cotton effects. This nature of the curve showed the presence of a 5fl-j-6-oxo-14-hydroxy grouping in sogdysterone [3]. In the high-mass region of the mass spectrum of (I) there are peaks of ions with m/e 478 (M-I-I20), 460 (M-2H20), 442 (M-3 H~O),424 (M- 4H20), 409 (M-4H20- C I-Is ) and 406 (M-5~O), due to processes involving dehydration and the splitting off of one of the methyl groups. The peaks of ions with m/e 379, 361,343, and 325 show the presence of four hydroxy groups in the steroid skeleton of the new phytoeodysone [4-6]. The fragmentation of the side chain of (i) is similar to the decomposition of the side of ecdysterone and is characterized by ions with m/e 99, 81, and 69 [7, 8]. NMR spectrum of (I) (C~HsN , 100 MHz; HMDS, 5, ppm): 1.06 (3 H at C18, s), 1.25 (6 H at C26 and C2z, s), 1.46 (3 H at C21, s), 3.50 (H at Cg, m), 3.75 (H at C22, m), and 6.15 (H at C7). A broad four-proton multi- plet in the 4.07-4.40 ppm region shows the presence of protons at C~, C 3, and Cts. The absence from the NM:R spectrum of I of the absorption of a C19-methyl group permits the assumption that one of the hydroxy groups is located at C19. The acetylation of sogdysterone gave a mixture of the amorphic 2,3,19,22-tetraacetate (II), C35HszOt2 (M+ --AcOH -H20; m/e 586); [~]]~ + 56.4 ° (c 0.39; methanol) and the amorphous 2,3,19,22,25-pentaacetate 011), C37H54013 (M+ -AcOH - 2H20; m/e 610). N1VIR spectrum of (i-I) (CDC13): 0.80 (3 H at Cts, s), 1.18 and 1.15 (6 H at C26 and C27, s), 1.22 (3 H at C2t , s). In solution in dry acetone under the action ofphosphotungstic acid, phytoecdysone (I) forms an amor- phous diacetonide (IV), C33H5208 (M+ 576), [o~]~ + 50.0 ° (c 0.48; methanol). The production of the diaceto- hide (IV) shows the cis orientation of the hydroxy groups at C~ and C 3. Bearing in mind the fact that the same plant contains ecdysterone and viticosterone E, the glycol grouping in sogdysterone can be assigned the 2fl,3fl-configuration. The results of a comparison of the chemical shifts of the C18, C21, C25, and C27 methyl groups of the new phytoecdysone with ecdysterone and of the tetraacetate of (II) with the triacetate of ecdysterone [1, 2, 7], and also the facts given above on mass-spectrometric fragmentation and optical rotatory dispersion per- mit the structure of 19,20R-dihydroxyecdysone to be proposed for sogdysterone: Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances, Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR. Translated from Khimiya Prirodnykh Soedinenii, No. 3, pp. 429-430, May-June, 1975. Original article submitted Feb- ruary 20, 1975. ©19 76 Plenum Publishing Corporation, 22 7 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $15.00. 445

Phytoecdysones of Serratula IV. Sogdysterone

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Page 1: Phytoecdysones of Serratula IV. Sogdysterone

PHYTOECDYSONES OF S e r r a t u l a


I . L . N o v o s e l ' s k a y a , M. B. G o r o v i t s , a n d N. K . A b u b a k i r o v

UDC 547.926:591.147

Previous ly , f rom S. sogdiana Bge. family Composi tae we isolated ecdys te rone [1] and v i t icos terone E [2]. Subsequently, by repea ted r e c h r o m a t o g r a p h y on s i l ica gel and a lumina of a methanolic ex t r ac t f rom the f lowers of the plant we have obtained a new phytoecdysone which we have cal led sogdysterone. Yield 0.003 %.

Sogdysterone (I), C2zH4408, is an amorphous substance, [ol]~ + 43.9 ° (c 0.41" methanol); ~C2HsOI-I 242 nm ' " " I n a x

(log e 3.98); -vKBr 3300-3500 (OH), 1665 cm -1 ( C ~ C - C ~ O ) . It is a more po la r compound than the o ther " m a x

phytoecdysones isola ted f rom _S" sogdiana - Rj 0.16 [SiO2/gypsum; c h l o r o f o r m - m e t h a n o l (4 : 1)]. The op- t ical r o t a to ry d i spers ion curve of (I) (dioxane) showed posi t ive ([M]358 + 3520°; [M]315 - 622°; a = +41 °) and negative ([M]260 -3800° ; [M]233 + 14,300°; a = - 1 8 1 °) Cotton effects . This nature of the curve showed the p re sence of a 5 f l - j - 6 - o x o - 1 4 - h y d r o x y grouping in sogdysterone [3].

In the h i g h - m a s s region of the m a s s spec t rum of (I) there a r e peaks of ions with m / e 478 (M-I-I20), 460 (M-2H20) , 442 (M-3 H~O),424 ( M - 4H20), 409 ( M - 4 H 2 0 - C I-Is ) and 406 ( M - 5 ~ O ) , due to p r o c e s s e s involving dehydrat ion and the spli t t ing off of one of the methy l groups . The peaks of ions with m / e 379, 361,343, and 325 show the p r e s e n c e of four hydroxy groups in the s te ro id skeleton of the new phytoeodysone [4-6].

The f ragmenta t ion of the side chain of (i) is s im i l a r to the decomposi t ion of the side of ecdys te rone and is c h a r a c t e r i z e d by ions with m / e 99, 81, and 69 [7, 8].

NMR spec t rum of (I) (C~HsN , 100 MHz; HMDS, 5, ppm): 1.06 (3 H at C18, s), 1.25 (6 H at C26 and C2z , s), 1.46 (3 H at C21, s), 3.50 (H at Cg, m), 3.75 (H at C22, m), and 6.15 (H at C7). A broad four-pro ton mul t i - plet in the 4.07-4.40 ppm region shows the p re sence of protons at C~, C 3, and Cts. The absence f rom the NM:R spec t rum of I of the absorpt ion of a C19-methyl group p e r m i t s the assumpt ion that one of the hydroxy groups is located at C19.

The acetylat ion of sogdys terone gave a mix tu re of the amorphic 2 ,3 ,19 ,22- te t raace ta te (II), C35HszOt2 (M + --AcOH - H 2 0 ; m / e 586); [~]]~ + 56.4 ° (c 0.39; methanol) and the amorphous 2,3,19,22,25-pentaacetate 011), C37H54013 (M + - A c O H - 2H20; m / e 610). N1VIR spec t rum of (i-I) (CDC13): 0.80 (3 H at Cts, s), 1.18 and 1.15 (6 H at C26 and C27, s), 1.22 (3 H at C2t , s).

In solution in dry acetone under the action ofphosphotungst ic acid, phytoecdysone (I) f o r m s an a m o r - phous diacetonide (IV), C33H5208 (M + 576), [o~]~ + 50.0 ° (c 0.48; methanol). The production of the d iace to - hide (IV) shows the cis or ienta t ion of the hydroxy g r o u p s at C~ and C 3. Bear ing in mind the fact that the same plant contains ecdys te rone and v i t i cos te rone E, the glycol grouping in sogdysterone can be ass igned the 2fl,3fl-configuration.

The r e s u l t s of a compar i son of the chemica l shifts of the C18 , C21 , C25 , and C27 methyl groups of the new phytoecdysone with ecdys te rone and of the t e t r aace ta t e of (II) with the t r i ace ta te of ecdys te rone [1, 2, 7], and also the facts given above on m a s s - s p e c t r o m e t r i c f ragmenta t ion and optical r o t a to ry d i spers ion p e r - mit the s t ruc tu re of 19,20R-dihydroxyecdysone to be proposed for sogdysterone:

Inst i tute of the Chemis t ry of Plant Substances , Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR. Trans la t ed f rom Khimiya Pr i rodnykh Soedinenii, No. 3, pp. 429-430, May-June, 1975. Or ig inal a r t i c le submit ted F e b - rua ry 20, 1975.

©19 76 Plenum Publishing Corporation, 22 7 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011. No part o f this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission o f the publisher. A copy o f this article is available from the publisher for $15.00.


Page 2: Phytoecdysones of Serratula IV. Sogdysterone


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

OR..,OR5 RI R2 R3 R, R~ ~6 Y ¢ ' ~ J ~ ~ nR ~"~'%,,.-"-,~ 0 I, H H H H H H

R n C:I,~ ~!. ~ R6 II. Ac Ac Ac H Ac H ~U - " ~ 1II. Ac Ac Ac H Ac Ac

fit IV. C M e 2 H CMe.tt J


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