Possible Topics to Be Covered on Exam 1

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  • 8/11/2019 Possible Topics to Be Covered on Exam 1


    Possible topics to be covered on Exam 1

    Chapter 1

    Electron configuration of atoms

    Lewis structures drawing complete and correct structures and assigning formal charges toatomsBond and molecular polarity

    Functional groups names and structuresVESPR predict shapes of molecules, bond angles both theoretical and distorted

    Atomic orbitals shapes of hybridized and nonhybridized orbitalsMolecular orbitals shapes of bonding and antibonding orbitals

    Resonance draw possible allowed contributing structures and evaluate relative importanceDelocalized molecular orbitals depicting with resonance structures

    Chapter 2

    Names of C1 C10 alkanes

    Drawing constitutional isomers in condensed and line-angle formsNaming alkanes

    Naming cycloalkanesEnergy vs. rotamer diagrams for substituted ethane systems evaluation of relative energies of

    rotamers using Newman projectionsEnergy vs. conformation diagrams for substituted cyclohexane systems evaluation of relative

    energies of conformations using chair conformations and Newman projectionsUsing planar/edge-on/3D drawings to convert cis/trans and axial/equatorial

    Using heats of combustion to evaluate relative stabilities of alkanes and cycloalkanes

    Chapter 3

    Identifying and naming chiral centers using the R, S systemCahn-Ingold-Prelog priority rules

    Enantiomers vs. diastereomersMeso compounds

    Using the Fischer projectionPlanes of symmetry in cycloalkane systems

    Optical activity calculationOptical purity and enantiomeric excess calculating the amount of R or S in a mixture

    Separation (resolution) of enantiomers