Prints, Paintings, Puppets - Exploring the Art of Vietnam

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  • 7/28/2019 Prints, Paintings, Puppets - Exploring the Art of Vietnam


    Prints, Paintings, Puppets - Exploring the Art of Vietnam

    Even though his army was small he felt it was a good time to establish relations with the

    allies. In return he asked for weapons and finances. The Chinese immediately arrested him

    as a spy and kept him in prison for over a year before being released.

    Meanwhile, his friends Pham Van Dong and Vo Nguyen Giap stayed busy expanding thecommunist party and building the Vietnamese army. Of all the Vietnamese leaders, Giap

    probably had more reason to hate the French than any one else.

    In 1944 Giap was 33 years old, 20 years younger than Ho, and people said that he never

    smiled. People knew him as an intelligent man of action. He constantly studied the

    campaigns of Napoleon and understood the teachings of Clausewitz and had studied at a

    guerilla warfare came in China. He returned with Ho to the caves at Pac Bo with 40men and

    their families.

    Giap was born into a family for French militants. His father died in prison. His sister died

    shortly after being released from prison. His sister-in-law was arrested after a visit to Russia,

    sentenced to death and shot. Giap studied for his final school exams while in jail then

    attended law school but failed to pass the bar. He became a teacher of history. His luck did

    not change as he grew older. His wife was arrested and sentenced to 15 years in Hanoi

    Central Prison. She died there while Giap was training his forces near the caves.

    Ho Chi Minh's chance to work with the Americans came when Lieutenant Randolph Shaw

    experienced engine trouble in his airplane over Vietnam and bailed out. Some of Giaps'

    soldiers brought him to Ho.

    Ho realized this was his opportunity to make contact with the Americans and he personally

    escorted Shaw to China. Ho refused money for rescuing Shaw and he waited patiently at the

    Dragon's Gate caf to be contacted. What he wanted was American recognition for his

    League of Independence, medicine, and arms. An agreement was soon worked out and

    Major Allison Thompson and several soldiers returned with Ho to Vietnam to establish an

    American unit named the Deer Team.

    Ho moved from the cave to the small village of Tan Trao near the provincial capital of Thai

    Nguyen. While there he fell gravely ill. More soldiers arrived for the Deer team including a

    medic named Paul Hoagland. He examined Ho and found him suffering from either malaria,

    dengue, or dysentery (he was not sure because he was not a doctor) and near death. He

    treated Ho with quinine, sulfa, and other drugs for several days. Ho was soon back on his

    feet and ready to resume work. In a small bit of irony it is possible that an American savedthe life of Vietnam's leader.

    Major Thompson and his small force of Americans help General Giap train a specialized

  • 7/28/2019 Prints, Paintings, Puppets - Exploring the Art of Vietnam


    force of 200 Vietnamese. Together they attacked and beat the Japanese at Thai Nguyen.

    With this victory Giap had the confidence to launch a general insurrection throughout

    Vietnam. Ho and Thompson parted as good friends and hoped for a long, supportive, and

    friendly relationship between their two countries.

    Today, tourists can visit the cave of Ho Chi Minh at Pac Bo. dong ho, dong ho nam, dong ho
