Proceedings-Vol 08 No 09-April-May-June-1969 (George Van Tassel)

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  • 7/27/2019 Proceedings-Vol 08 No 09-April-May-June-1969 (George Van Tassel)


    A BRANCH OF THE MINISTRY OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM, INC.A Non-sectarian and Non-profit Organization

    for Religious and Scient if ic Research.VOLUME 8 APRIL - MAY - JUNE 1969 NUMBER 9

    A H ESSAGE FR.OM"THE GOL.Dt=N D ~ N S 1 J " ' ( . 6

  • 7/27/2019 Proceedings-Vol 08 No 09-April-May-June-1969 (George Van Tassel)


    P R 0 C E E D I N G SOF THE COLLEGE OF UNIVERSAL WISDOMYucca Valley, CaliforniaA branch of the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, IRe.

    'Volume 8 , Apr i l - May - June 1969CONTENTS

    Number 9


    The "Proceedings" is mailed free to those people whorequest i t and financially support i t s printing bycontributions. There is no subscription rate . Alldonations, checks, money-orders, contributions and bequests should be made to the Ministry of UniversalWisdom, Incorporated."PROCESDINGS" are published by the Ministry of Universa l Wisdom, Inc . , a t Yucca Valley, California. Printedin U.S.A. Business and Editor ial off ices: CollegeUti l i ty Building. George W. Van Tassel , Director;Darlene J . Wing, Secretary-Treasurer; G.W.Van Tassel ,Editor . All r ights , including t rans la t ion , reserved.Manuscripts and photographs from our members or fr iendsmust be accompanied by a self-addressed, stampedenvelope. As we do not employ so l ic i tors nor representat ives , please address a l l correspondence concerning"Proceedings", contr ibut ions , donations, bequests, e tc . ,direct ly to :

    THE MINISTRY OF UNIV8RSAL WISDOM, INC.P.O. Box 458, Yucca Valley, California , 92284U.S.A.



  • 7/27/2019 Proceedings-Vol 08 No 09-April-May-June-1969 (George Van Tassel)



    "The so l i tary inventor, working in h is shop, has beenovershadowed by the silence forces ."Dwight D. Eisenhower

    I t i s a tough thing for science to have to swallowth e i r evolut ion theory, because advanced sc i en t i f icresearch i s now proving an in f in i te force works byresonance in a l l l iv ing things. The si lence forces may,some of them, be aware of these new phenomena, but the i rown securi ty keeps i t dead under wraps because i t willprove there i s a God, or eterna l causal force.This in f in i te force operates in resonance withini t s e l f and in attunement with a l l of i t s l iv ing par tsthrough atomic, molecular, ce l lu lar , and complex formsof th e ir matrix. ~ s i n g l e human carr ie s m illions ofvolts of po tentia l in the atomic m akeup of one body.This energy doesn 't manifest , or show i t s e l f , because i t i s par t of i t s own environment e lec t r ic a l ly , magnetic-a l ly , and physical ly.Advanced medical research, government sponsored bio-magnetic and b ioe lec tr ica l researches, and some of the"inventors in the i r shops" have now proven the fac t tha ta l l animal and vegetable ce l ls have communication,emotions, and other reactions through the resonance of' 'Mr. Cosmic Mind".T he fear of a m ouse for a ca t was recorded by apolygraph, connected to a p lant , in another room in te s t s run to analyze th is phenomena. When the ca t caughtthe mouse, and ki l led i t , the plant drove the polygraph

    to reac t wildly . As th is te s t was continued severaltimes the plan t became conditioned to the k i l l ing andthe polygraph reacted le ss wildly with each successivete s t . This i s the way the brain ce l l structure of peo-ple i s being conditioned, through war pictures on T.V.,bloody motion pic tures , pornography in magazines, andpropaganda. This leads people to be apathetic and toaccept the changing standards of hai r , wear, and bare.I f enough people accept something immoral, then i t i s nolonger immoral.


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    E. S.P . is the resonance of one individual who may bein resonance with another person, or an event, regardlessof distance or time. All communication of the above datais carried ~ through Inf in ite M ind which is everywherethere is polar i ty to activa te with. This i s where newideas come from. This is the Suprem e In tell igence ofG od.

    This resonant communication w as what w as proven byThomas Galen Hieronymus, in t racking B o r man , Lovell, andAnders around the Moon. His instruments could receivethe transmission of the ast ronaut 's ce l l structure f -ro mbehind the M oon, where radio s ignals were blacked out ,but could not receive from them when they were o n theside of the Moon toward the Earth , where the Sun did notshine on the capsule. G od, "Mr. C o s m ic Mind"-;-fs s t i l lres ting except when He manifests through His creations.Being in the environment of th is Solar System, the Sunis a par t of the System through which God manifests-oypositive polar i ty . Communication of the ce l l structureof the Astronauts fai led in the Moon shade area becausethere w as no photon positive pola ri ty ac tivi ty from theSun o n the side of the Moon in darkness. The astronautswere out of thei r environment (the Earth) and being ofnegative polar ity bodies assimilated here from theelectron Earth, negative polar i ty wil l not react without positive polar i ty . We described th is "rest area",in the "Proceedings" of N ovember and December, 1954, andthe January issue of 1955. The Moon has l i t t l e e lec tro-s ta t ic atmosphere, or magnetic f ie ld . The Hieronymusequipment w ill work in the darkness o n the Earth becauseof th is polari ty ac t ivi ty in the electro-static-magneticatmosphere, i t requires positive polar i ty from the S unin order to reg is te r from negative polar ity bodies.M ind w ill not produce resu lts by positive thinking alone,anym o re than the s ta r te r of your car w ill s ta r t withonly one pole of the batte ry connected.

    There is no l imit to the functioning of mind andthere is no loss of energy with distance. I f our princ ip les of time were based on the absolute, instead ofmotion, there would be no limi ts in time e i ther .The germ E. co li is a bacteria that thrives in thein tes t ina l t rac t . Side by side i t would take 13,000of them to meaeure an inch. Many thousands of biochemical reactions go on constantly for i t to l ive , grow andreproduce. An E. co li is an incredibly complex part ic le


  • 7/27/2019 Proceedings-Vol 08 No 09-April-May-June-1969 (George Van Tassel)


    E. S.P . is the resonance of one individual who may bein resonance with another person, or an event, regardlessof distance or time. All communication of the above datais carr ied ~ through Inf ini te Mind which i s everywherethere i s polari ty to act ivate with. This i s where newideas come from. This is the Supreme Intel l igence ofGod.This resonant communication was what was proven byThomas Galen Hieronymus, in tracking Borman, Lovell , andAnders around the Moon. His instruments could receivethe transmission of the ast ronaut ' s ce l l structure frombehind the Moon, where radio signals were blacked out ,but could not receive from them when they were on the

    side of the Moon toward the Earth, where the Sun did notshine on the capsule. God, "Mr. Cosmic Mind"-;-Ts s t i l l 'rest ing except when He manifests through His creat ions.Being in the environment of th is Solar System, the Sunis a par t of the System through which God m a n i f e s ~ s ~posi t ive polar i ty . Communication of the ce l l structureof the Astronauts fai led in the Moon shade area becausethere was no photon posi t ive polari ty act iv i ty from theSun on the side of the Moon in darkness. The astronautswere out o f their environment (the Earth) and being ofnegative polari ty bodies assimilated here from theelectron Earth, negative polar i ty wi l l not react without posi t ive polar i ty . We described th is "rest area",in the "Proceedings" of November and December, 1954, andthe January issue of 1955. The Moon has l i t t l e elect ro-s ta t ic atmosphere, or magnetic f ie ld . The Hieronymusequipment wil l work in the darkness on the Earth becauseof th is polari ty act iv i ty in the electro-sta t ic-magnet icatmosphere, i t requires posi t ive polari ty from the Sunin order to reg is ter from negative polari ty bodies.Mind wil l not produce resul ts by posi t ive thinking alone,anymore than the s ta r te r of your car wil l s ta r t withonly one pole of the battery connected.

    There i s no l imit to the functioning of mind andthere is no loss of energy with distance. I f our pr incip les of time were based on the absolute, instead ofmotion, there would be no l imits in time ei ther .The germ E. col i is a bacter ia that thr ives in thein tes t inal t rac t . Side by side i t would take 13,000of them to mea11ure an inch. Many thousands of biochemi

    cal react ions go on constantly for i t to l ive , grow andreproduce. An E. col i is an incredibly complex part ic le


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    A machine which cuts the healing time of wounds, andsurgery, up to 5 ~ i s cal led D i a p u l ~ a n d i s producedby the Diapulse Corporation of America, 4 Nevada Drive,Lake Success, New Hyde Park, N.Y., 11040.The principle of "mind over matter" has been 'j .aughtb7 the Christ ian Science Church based on the findings ofQuimby, and Mary Baker Eddy. The Kahunas, pr ies ts ofthe Polynesian Islands," used th i s resonance in bothhealing and projected effects clear across the Is lands.Psychometry i s the abi l i ty of some sensi t ives to feelthe resonance of others through objects belonging tothem. A "water witch" i s only the reaction of the ce l ls tructure in a cut divining f o ~ k from a l iving plant ,or t r ee , trying to put i t s root end down when i t sensesthe "water of l i f e" . Metal rods respond to "thought"of the l iving human ce l l structure, as an indicatprbetween man and God - to locate metals, tunnels , orwater. Prayers are never answered when one i s out ofresonance with ' ~ r . Cosmic Mind". Miracles, on theother hand, occur without human intervention when theperson healed has conformed to the fixed laws of earnedreciprocation. Some people are "accident prone", and

    prone to other react ions , because they are in tune withthe influence tha t causes these things, or they are outof resonant contact with the influence tha t preventsthem.Life i s not a mystery to those wno seek to understandi t . I t is only a mystery to those who are afra id ofi t , and expect someone to act as a "go between" forthem. Usually the "go between" doesn ' t give a rap andmay make the individual worse off than before."Holy Water" i s ordinary water, except someone madei t "Holy" by thinking resonant harmony into i t . Kosherproducts are only Kosher because someone brought theresonance of acceptance into i t through r i tua l . Sciencei s only science when i t i s f inding out new things "Mr.osmic Mind" knows. I t ceases to be science when ithides i t s findings for any reason. Science i s the actof reveal ing, not concealing.Remember, Money i s God on the Earth. The f i r s tconsiderat ion of business and pol i t ics i s , how much can


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    I make from th i s deal, and how much prest ige can I gainin my posi t ion by promoting th is deal? Repetit ions ofthese acts builds multiples of bureaucratic overlapstha t strangle the tax payers.This ever growing man-made monster is about tocommit economic suicide. No consideration i s taken inthese blood-sucking p r o ~ o s i t i o n s about emotions, welfareof the donors, or long range react ions. No thought i spresented as to whether th is action is against naturallaws, in confl ic t with _"Mr. Cosmic Mind", or in con-formance with "The Golden Rule". Destructive weapons, bombs, and war come from thece l l structure of the brain of humans, who have beeneducated and programed to believe in what they are apart of. Inspira t ion of creat ive things comes throughthe brain from the universal resonance of "Mr. CosmicMind". One must "tune in" to Him in order to achieveresonance, or get the stat ion on your dia l sp i r i tua l ly .One does not have to go anywhere to find Him. He i severywhere without bound, ad infinitum.

    DECEASEDThe Board of Directors of the Ministry of UniversalWisdom, Inc . , were shocked to receive a telegram t e l l ingof the death of Russel l Shindollar , in an industr ia laccident. "Russ" was one of our Directors . "Russ", andhis l6vely wife Margaret, have been two of our mostloyal suppor.ters since 1956. Our deepest feelings goout to Margaret, and we feel that the sp i r i t of "Russ"is watching over the "Integratron" , which had become so

    much a part of his ef for t and in te res t .ZIP CODE

    Again may we remind you, tha t i f your zip code i s noton th is issue of the "Proceedings", af te r your s ta te , wedo not have i t in our f i l es . This is a Post OfficeDepartment requirement; not ours. Please send us yourzip code.


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    With the development of the Hieronymus "ElopticEnergy" Device, a whole new c o n c ~ p t of p o s s i b i l ~ t i e s is presented. These machines could be placed a t a numberof places. People who are physically sick could sendin th e ir photographs and get a complete diagnosis of .th e ir condition. This would take the diagnostic loadoff of the doctors.

    An a r t ic le in the "Los Angeles Times" of Sunday,May 4Ul, 1969, i s t i t le d , "Nation Feels Shortage ofPhysicians". In the a r t ic le , Dr. Richard M ~ Magraw ,deputy ass is tan t secretary for health manpower in theDepartment of Health, Education and Welfare, said ,"there i s a shortage of 50,000 doctors".

    II f the diagnostic time spent by doctors could ~ e replaced by an accurate instrument, th is would not onlyrelieve the doctor shortage, but would permit a l l ofthem to devote the ir time to treatment. This wouldalso permit them more time off to re lax from th e ir de-manding practice.The photographs ofmissing a i r crash victims, andother missing persons, could be put in the Hieronymusdevice, and i t could be determined i f they were s t i l l alive , or dead.Then our wheels in the motion of insp ira tion havebeen spinning here. There i s every theore tica lposs ib il i ty of incorporating the Hieronymus princip le into our "Integratron" - and making i t a poss ib il i ty to rejuvenate people without th e ir leaving th e ir homes.They would merely have to send in the ir photograph, andby resonance tuning to the individual, we could activa te the same energy response in the ce l l structure of th e ir bodies wherever they are .Does th is sound fa r out? Well consider th is : i f anyone had to ld you a few years ago, tha t you wouldhear men halfway between the Earth and the Moon, trans-mitting to people here on Earth a recording of "FlyMeTo The Moon", you wouldn't have believed i t .


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    PICTUREOne of our readers said that the picture we printed

    on the l as t issue of the "Proceedings" was superimposed.We here are not photography experts and have no equip-ment for analysis of photographs. A lady presented ' i tto us, and said a mili tary p i lo t who l ives next door toher took the pic ture .. We have no reason to doubt herword and we assume everyone i s as honest as we are. Weonly repeated what we were to ld , and offered no explana-t ion for the pic ture .

    COMMENTSThe Board of Directors of the Ministry of UniversalWisdom, Inc. , recently decided i t would be nice to pro-vide a page, in the "Proceedings", for our readers tomake br ief comments. Your l e t te rs to us in th is respectshould be concise, and specify whether you wish us toprin t your name af te r your comments. Anonymous l e t te rswil l not be printed. We wil l also reserve the r igh t toprint short excerpts from your l e t t e r s without pr in t -ing a l l of them.

    DECEASEDI t is with deep regret that we notify our readers ofthe death of Truman Bethurum the morning of May 21st ,1969. He was discovered dead in h is bed by his wifeElvira. Truman was one of the original people to have acontact with the space people. He authored the book,"Aboard A Flying Saucer". Truman was a gentleman, anda humble man, and everyone who knew him respected himfor his plain s incer i ty . We will t ruly miss him.


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    "The ear th also is defi led under the inhabitantsthereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the ever last ing covenan 't . "Isaiah 24:5o


    In the l a s t 60 years, material sciences, industr ia lef for t, and f inanc ia l investment, have accomplished moreprogress than in the history of th is c iv i l izat ion and a l lthe past combined.In the desire to perpetuate p o l it ic a l prestige , prof i t in a viscious, competitive business world, andm ili tary supremacy in an environment of overki l l capac ity , the people have forgotten th e ir sp ir i tua l foundat ion. They have ignored natural law and los t the longrange perception of tomorrow's effec ts for today's ac ts ."As ye sow , so shal l ye reap", i s a tru th , not onlyin agricu ltu re , but in a l l th ings. We follow laws ofbreeding for fas ter race horses, more milk production,meatier turkeys, more eggs from chickens, and many moreimproved and prof itable ventures. Then we nul l i fy the

    knowledge tha t a l l th i s works, by ki l l ing off ourphysically f i t young people in four wars, and breed upfour successive generations of youth from people th a twere not physically qualif ied to fight . Now we need alaw to upbreed a generation from our prime physicalyouth, to f i l l a so-called "generation gap" of misfit&,created by the down breeding. Instead , we are breedingdown in d isease , and orphaned children , and fur ther ~ n c r e a s i n g the generation gap.

    This i s the resu l t of po l it ica l ignorance, parenta lapathy, and bureaucratic mis-management. I f we draftedthe best qualif ied of our elders to run the government,and quit appointing stooges for p ol i t ica l pay-off, th i scountry could be the America tha t was respected by theres t of the world up u nt i l 40 years ago.

    Television in i t s great poten tia l brings us pic turesfrom space, and many worldwide wonders, then i t becom es the "boob-tube" in hypocrisy of "don't smoke"


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    commercials followed by cigare t te advertisements. Someof the id iot ic commercials only show the level of themental dopes who make them. Kiddie cartoons are onescene af ter another of blow-up, bang, and k i l l .We pay a 10% surtax foisted on the people "to stopinf la t ion" , and everything has gone up in pr ice since i ts tar ted. Has anyone yet seen Congress repeal any of thelaws tha t don ' t work since Prohibit ion?Detergents, and indust r ia l waste& have ki l led mostOf the f ish in the Great Lakes and some major r ivers .But then we must have our clothes "cleaner.than c l ean" -whatever that i s . Now we have enzymes in a l l of the"whiter than white., and pre-soak cleaners . Did anyone

    in biochemistry, or government agencies ever f igure outwhat these enzymes wil l do to anything organic in lakes,and r ivers? Wildlife i s already on the decline in manyareas from D.D.T. sprays.As prof i t increases, so does nationwide pollut ionincrease. As bureaucracy increases, so does graf t ,cover-up, and the cost of l iv ing .Then comes the ult imate mistake in ignorance. Theprof i tee rs , the bureaucrats , the know-it-alls with degrees, a l l combined for the i r individual reasons toconduct atmospheric atomic and nuclear bomb t es t s . Toysfor the mili tary and scient i f ic playboys, with ahundred-million suckers financing the i r wild f iasco.After over a hundred meetings in Geneva, Switzerland,to arr ive a t an atmospheric bomb t es t agreement, withno resu l t s , suddenly President Kennedy and Khrushchevarr ive a t an overnite agreement and sign a bomb t e s t bant rea ty . Why? Because i t f ina l ly got through to them

    too l a te , tha t the fa l lout from past atomic and nuclearbomb t es t s were exceeding the c r i t i ca l leve l for humansafety in many areas . The A. E .c. says the fa l lout frompast atmospheric bomb tes t s wil l increase un t i l 1975.I t i sn ' t the earthquakes that wi l l get you, i t ' s th iss i len t , unseen curse from atomic fa l lout .A recent analysis of wildl ife in Northern C a l ~ f o r n i ashows the bones of animals loaded with Strontium 90.The areas of the country that get the most ra in , andsnow, arwhere the most fa l lout is . I f the bones ofanimals have the accumulation of radioactive debris, so


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    do the bones of people. The A . E ~ C . says the safes tplace to l ive is where there is the l eas t prec ipi ta t ion.Here our average r a in fa l l per year is three and one-half inches. What is i t in your area?U. Thant, Secretary General of the United Nations, .says we have no more than 10 years to solve our po l i t i ca l , economic, mil i tary , and social problems throughoutthe world. I f anyone thinks th is is possible theyshould examine themselves in a mirror.A Congress of scient i f ic pollut ion experts , meetingrecent ly , said tha t i f our present rate of pollut ion ofa i r , water, and land, continues there wil l not be al iving thing on the Earth in 35 years .I jus t heard th is morning (May 2 7 ~ } on the Nationalweather repor t , tha t high temperature .records were se tyesterday in the Mid-Western U.S. - while the coldestrecord in history was happening in the North-EasternStates . You haven ' t seen anything yet . Watch whathappens weatherwise the res t of th is year. This also i sthe resu l t of unbalancing the planet 's e lec t ro-s ta t ic

    a t m o s p ~ r e with hydro-carbons, photon emissions, andpolar i ty react ions from the bomb t e s t s .Authority cannot correct these mistakes, because theyare too busy buttering the i r pol i t ica l and economicbread. Most people in authori ty don' t want to see themistakes, and the mil i tary and scient i f ic people arehiding them so people won't know they make mistakes."And when ye shal l see Jerusalem compassed witharmies, then know tha t the desolat ion thereof' is n i g h " ~

    St. Luke 21:20."Hie def ic i t orbis" (Here ends the world)


    The book "Religion and Science Merged" may be ordered directly from the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc.The address i s on the back page of th is issue of the"Proceedings". The price is $3.50 postpaid.


  • 7/27/2019 Proceedings-Vol 08 No 09-April-May-June-1969 (George Van Tassel)


    ELECTRO - MAGNETIC GARDENING(Reprinted because of m a n y ~ e q u e s t a . )

    Tests conducted with vegetables growing in a garden,show remarkable resu l ts when they are grown underelectro-magnetic st imuli . They've found tha t up to30% more seeds wil l germinate af ter they have been inthe ground for 24 hours. Growth of the crop to thetime of harvest , i s accelerated by several weeks. Insome growing areas th is makes i t possible to plant thesecond crop sooner, thereby avoiding early freezes;as about 6 weeks can be gained on both the plant ingsio the time of the second harvesting.

    Leaf vegetables and above-the-ground vegetableswil l be nearly twice the size of normal vegetablestha t are grown in uncharged so i l . Root vegetables, l ikecarro ts , parsnips, e t c . , wil l not oniy be l arger , butwil l have more f lavor. Ball-shaped vegetables wil l notreact as well as pointed root and pointed leaf vegetables- . - This includes head le t tuce , cabbage, turnipsand potatoes, among others. This i s because the i rspherical shape accumulates the charge, instead of permitt ing flow of the current to keep passing throughthem.A device to perform th is ac t ivi ty can be made asfollows. Get a s t ra ight length (21 feet) of diameter galvanized water pipe. Take a standard coupl ing and weld a four-foot cross of *" pipe on one endof i t . The cross i s to be horizontal to the groundwhen the coupling i s screwed on to the top of the pipemast. Solder eleven spikes onto each arm of the crossfrom center . These wil l be spaced 2 inches apart fromthe ends coming in , and each 9 inches long. Thesespikes are made from #10 copper wire and a l l points t ra ight up. The top ends should be sharpened to a

    point by hammering, or grinding, before they aresoldered on to the cross arms.Solder 12 wires around the base of the mast, 18inches up from the bottom end. This can be #14 barecopper wire, each equal in length to your garden radius.Screw the spiked cross onto the top of the mast.Connect four guy wires to the top of the mast a t thecenter of the cross . Put an insulator on each guy wiresix fee t down from the ir connection a t the top of themast. Add ten more feet of guy wire to each of thesei nsul a tors , and put another insula tor on each of thesewi r e s . Drive four pipe stakes, a t an angle to the


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    ground, 15 f ee t from the mast and equal ly spaced aboutit. Fasten four guy wires to the s t akes , each longenough to connect to the bottom in-s u l a to r s .

    Dig a smal l hole fo r the mast . This hole should beb ig enough fo r a wide mouth, l a rge g lass peanut b u t t ~ rj a r . Be sure th e fop of t h i s j a r i s above the groundl ev e l . Put a smal e r glass j a r in the peanut b u ~ t e rj a r , and another smal ler one in it; u n t i l the j a r in -s ide i s j u s t b ig enough to fit around the p ipe mast .Sl ide the j a r s on the pipe mast lower end, se t the mastup and a t t ach the s take guy wires to the four loweri n su l a to r s . Adjus t the guy wires so the mast i s v e r t i -c a l , bu t not t i g h t enough to bend the pipe mast .Now d ig twelve , equal ly spaced, r ad i a l di tches ou tfrom the mast to the s i ze o f your garden. They a renot to exceed 200 f ee t from the mast . These di tchesshould be deeper than the working depth o f hoe or .c u l t i va to r . Extend the twelve wires out and down thesedi tches and cover them up, a f t e r placing a s take a t theou te r end of each wire; so you can always t e l l wherethe wires a re .Now p lan t your rows r a d i a l l y from the mast in your

    round garden. Do no t p lan t d i re c t ly over the wires , asroo ts may entangle them. Rows should never be c lo se rthan four f ee t to each other on the inner end. Plan twhat you l i ke bes t p a r a l l e l to th e wires .This device works by ac t iva t ing the n a tu ra l e l ec t r i ccharge in the atmosphere and the ea r th . These chargesbeing in unbalance (between the so l id ea r th and thegaseous a i r ) t ry to balance , thereby crea t ing ane l e c t r i c f lux in the mast and wires . The cur ren t inthe wires produces a magnetic f i e l d around them, and

    br ings about a gent l e magnetic vor tex perpendicu lar tothe ground. This in tu rn c rea t e s acce le ra ted ion ande l e c t r i c ac t i v i t y in the p l an t s , and ro o t s , which a re inthe v e r t i c a l l i ne of e l ec t r i c f lux . Each vegetablethen becomes a miniature atomic acce l e r a to r , and thusincreases i t s own growth and cur ren t f low.This device employs na tu ra l e l ec t r i c and magneticpr inc ip les and cos t s noth ing to opera te . It w i l l s t imu-l a t e growth over an acre of ground.


  • 7/27/2019 Proceedings-Vol 08 No 09-April-May-June-1969 (George Van Tassel)


    ON ELECTRO - MAGNETIC GARDENINGIn the l as t issue of "Proceedings" we described a"growth accelerator" and how to make i t . We aresripplementing that art ic le with a few drawings; becausesome of our readers didn ' t understand i t fu l ly . Thesedrawings are se l f explanatory, so those of you who aretrying i t in your gardens may be able to get bet terresu l t s .

    lllllff(ide vi.ew of cross ~ 111111[11 [ '4'[" " " - ~ " pipe

    Top view of cross on top of mastDots are vert ical spikee


    Pipes are *" dia. x 4' longW ~ l d pipes to each otherWeld pipe cross on top of coupling-.... , , ... . . . .

    ~ " pipe mast 21 ' long

    Ground level

    '-----.:._r #14 bare wireunderground"Glasa j a rs 3 sizes Smallest one to f i t ~ " pipe mast looselyThat one inside of next one Second one inside of larges t one


  • 7/27/2019 Proceedings-Vol 08 No 09-April-May-June-1969 (George Van Tassel)



    u.S.A. 92284



    We know tha t our many backers of our research here,wil l be glad to hear tha t we are in f inal assembly onthe world 1 s la rgest armatures. In a meeting of theBoard of Directors , i t was decided to go ahead with thework in spi te of the fac t tha t l i t t l e money is avai lablein the bank account, to pay for the help. We want tothank the workers who are wil l ing to w ~ i t for the i r pay,for the i r voluntary desire to see the project progress.We also thank those of you who have made i t possible tocome th is fa r with your f inancial support .

    Our fai th in God's work, for the benefi t of humanity,also gives us the confidence tha t some of you wll beinspired to "pick up the bal l" , and ass i s t us f iancia l lyto f inish th is great ef for t . 80% f inished, 20% to go.We match God's inspired gi f t s with progress, byspending i t as fas t as i t comes in . Without the supportof the tax payers, the t r ips to the Moon would have .been

    impossible. I t i s the combined ef for t of money, science,and ef for t tha t has made so many wonderful things . fpossible . ci >. '..... .. .. "

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