Project Scheduling Probabilistic PERT

Project Scheduling -- Probabilistic PERT

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Page 1: Project Scheduling -- Probabilistic PERT

Project Scheduling

Probabilistic PERT

Page 2: Project Scheduling -- Probabilistic PERT

PERT Probability Approach to

Project Scheduling• Activity completion times are seldom known with


• PERT is a technique that treats activity completion times as random variables.

• Completion time estimates can be estimated using the Three Time Estimate approach. In this approach, three time estimates are required for each activity:

– Results from statistical studies

– Subjective best estimates

a = an optimistic time to perform the activity P(Finish < a) < .01

m = the most likely time to perform the activity (mode)

b = a pessimistic time to perform the activity P(Finish > b) < .01

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3-Time Estimate Approach

Probability Distribution• With three time estimates, the activity completion time

can be approximated by a Beta distribution.

• Beta distributions can come in a variety of shapes:

a m b ba mm a b

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Mean and Standard Deviation for

Activity Completion Times

• The best estimate for the mean is a weighted

average of the three time estimates with weights

1/6, 4/6, and 1/6 respectively on a, m, and b.

• Since most of the area is with the range from a to

b (b-a), and since most of the area lies 3 standard

deviations on either side of the mean (6 standard

deviations total), then the standard deviation is

approximated by Range/6.


a-b=deviation standard the=


b+4m+a= timecompletionmean the=

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• Assumption 2– There are enough activities on the critical path so that

the distribution of the overall project completion time can be approximated by the normal distribution.

PERT Assumptions

• Assumption 1– A critical path can be determined by using the mean

completion times for the activities.

– The project mean completion time is determined solely by the completion time of the activities on the critical path.

• Assumption 3– The time to complete one activity is independent of the

completion time of any other activity.

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The three assumptions imply that the

overall project completion time is normally

distributed, with:

The Project Completion Time


= Sum of the ’s on the critical path

2 = Sum of the 2 ’s on the critical path

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Activity Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic

A 76 86 120

B 12 15 18

C 4 5 6

D 15 18 33

E 18 21 24

F 16 26 30

G 10 13 22

H 24 28 32

I 22 27 50

J 38 43 60

The Probability Approach(76 + 4(86) +120)/6 (120-76)/6


90 7.33 53.73

15 1.00 1.00

5 0.33 0.11

20 3.00 9.00

21 1.00 1.00

25 2.33 5.43

14 2.00 4.00

28 1.33 1.77

30 4.67 21.81

45 3.67 13.47


90 7.33 53.73

15 1.00 1.00

5 0.33 0.11

20 3.00 9.00

21 1.00 1.00

25 2.33 5.43

14 2.00 4.00

28 1.33 1.77

30 4.67 21.81

45 3.67 13.47


90 7.33 53.73

15 1.00 1.00

5 0.33 0.11

20 3.00 9.00

21 1.00 1.00

25 2.33 5.43

14 2.00 4.00

28 1.33 1.77

30 4.67 21.81

45 3.67 13.47



90 7.33 53.73

15 1.00 1.00

5 0.33 0.11

20 3.00 9.00

21 1.00 1.00

25 2.33 5.43

14 2.00 4.00

28 1.33 1.77

30 4.67 21.81

45 3.67 13.47

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Distribution For Klone Computers

• The project has a normal distribution.

• The critical path is A-F-G-D-J.

45 20 14 25 90

μμμμμμ JDGFA


13.44 9 4 5.44 53.78

σσσσσσ 2












85.66σσ 2


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Standard Probability Questions1. What is the probability the project will be finished

within 194 days? • P(X < 194)

2. Give an interval within which we are 95% sure of completing the project.

• X values, xL, the lower confidnce limit, and xU, the upper confidnce limit, such that P(X<xL) = .025 and P(X>xU) = .025

3. What is the probability the project will be completed within 180 days?

• P(X < 180)

4. What is the probability the project will take longer than 210 days.

• P(X > 210)

5. By what time are we 99% sure of completing the project?

• X value such that P(X < x) = .99

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Excel Solutions

NORMDIST(194, 194, 9.255, TRUE)

NORMINV(.025, 194, 9.255)

NORMINV(.975, 194, 9.255)

NORMDIST(180, 194, 9.255, TRUE)

1 - NORMDIST(210, 194, 9.255, TRUE)

NORMINV(.99, 194, 9.255)

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Using the PERT-CPM Template for

Probabilistic Models

• Instead of calculating µ and by hand,

the Excel template may be used.

• Instead of entering data in the µ and

columns, input the estimates for a, m ,

and b into columns C, D, and E.

– The template does all the required


– After the problem has been solved,

probability analyses may be performed.

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Enter a, m, b instead of

Call Solver

Click Solve

Go to PERT OUTPUT worksheet

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Call Solver

Click Solve

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To get a cumulative

probability, enter

a number here

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P(Project is completed in less than 180 days)

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Cost Analysis Using the

Expected Value Approach

• Spending extra money, in general

should decrease project duration.

• But is this operation cost effective?

• The expected value criterion can be

used as a guide for answering this


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Suppose an analysis of the competition


– If the project is completed within 180 days,

this would yields an additional profit of $1


– If the project is completed in 180 days to

200 days, this would yield an additional

profit of $400,000.

Cost Analyses Using Probabilities

Page 18: Project Scheduling -- Probabilistic PERT

• Completion time reduction can be achieved by

additional training.

• Two possible activities are being considered.

– Sales personnel training: (Activity H)

• Cost $200,000;

• New time estimates are a = 19, m= 21, and b = 23 days.

– Technical staff training: (Activity F)

• Cost $250,000;

• New time estimates are a = 12, m = 14, and b = 16.

• Which, if either option, should be pursued?

KLONE COMPUTERS -Cost analysis using probabilities

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Sales personnel training (Activity H) is

not a critical activity.• Thus any reduction in Activity H will not affect

the critical path and hence the distribution of

the project completion time.

Analysis of Additional

Sales Personnel Training

This option should not be

pursued at any cost.

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Analysis of Additional

Technical Staff Training

• Technical Staff Training (Activity F) is on

the critical path so this option should be


• One of three things will happen:

– The project will finish within 180 days:

• Klonepalm will net an additional $1 million

– The project will finish in the period from 180

to 200 days

• Klonepalm will net an additional $400,000

– The project will take longer than 200 days

• Klonepalm will not make any additional profit.

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The Expected Value Approach

• Find the P(X < 180), P(180 < X < 200), and P(X > 200) under the scenarios that– No additional staff training is done

– Additional staff is done

• For each scenario find the expected profit:

• Subtract the two expected values. If the difference is less than the cost of the

training, do not perform the additional training.– Caution: These are expected values (long run average

values). But this approach serves as a good indicator for the decision maker to consider.

Expected Additional Profit

1000000(P(X<180)) + 400000(P(180<X<200)) + 0(P(X>200))

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The Calculations• The PERT-CPM template can be used to

calculate the probabilities.No Additional



µ = 194

= 9.255

µ = 189

= 9.0185

.065192P(X < 180)

P(180 <X < 200) .676398

P(X > 200) .258410

X $1000000

$ 0

$ 65,192

$270,559X $400000

X $0

Total = $335,751


$ 0





Total = $450,976

Net increase = $450,976-$335,751 = $115,225

This is less than the $250,000 required for training.

Do not perform the

additional training!

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Review• 3-Time Estimate Approach for PERT

– Each activity has a Beta distribution

– Calculation of Mean of each activity

– Calculation Variance and Standard Deviation for each activity

• Assumptions for using PERT approach

• Distribution of Project CompletionTime

– Normal

– Mean = Sum of means on critical path

– Variance = Sum of variances on critical path

• Using the PERT-CPM template

• Using PERT in cost analyses