Publications by P. H. Lindenmeyer 1. P. 11. Lindenmeyer and P. M. Harris. J. Chern Phys , 21, 408 ( 1953): "The Infrared Spectra ofTetranitromethane " 2. 1'. H. I~lndenmeyer. Abstracts of Doctorial Dissertations 65, The Ohio State University Press, (1954): "An Investi- gation of the Structure and Related Properties of Certain Organic Nitro Compounds.'' 3. E. D. Fuller, W. E. Henderson, and P. H. Lindenmeyrr. Chapter 26, Polythene. Ed. Renfrew and Morgan (Iliffe and Sons. Ltd.. London 1957): "Film Applications": 2nd Edition ( 1960). 4. V. F. Holland and P. H. Lindenmeyer. ,J. Polyrn Sci. 57, 589 (1962): "Morphology and Crystal Growth Kate of Polyethylene Crystalline Complexes." 5. V F. Holland. S. B. Mitchell. W. I,. Hunter. and 1'. H. Lindenmeyer. J. Polym Sci. 82. 145 (1962): "Crystal Structure and Morphology of Polyacrylonitrile from Di- lute Solution." 6 P. H. Lindenmeyer and R I,. McCullough, Am Chem Soc.. Diu Polym Chem Polym Prepr.. Vol. 3. #1 (1962): "The Model of thr Paracrystal and Its X-ray Scattering." 7 P H Lindenmeyer and K. Hosemann. J. AppL Phys.. 34. 42 ( 1963): "Application of the Theory of Paracrystals to the Crystal Structure Analysis of Polyacrylonitrile." 8. I'. H. Lindenmeyer, J. Polymer Sci. Cl. 5 (1963): "Crys tallimtion of Polymers " 9. 1'. €{. Ihdenniever. Am Chem Sx. Diu. Polym Chem, Polym Prepr.. Vol. 4. #2 ( 1963): "The Domain Structure of Polyethylene." 10. 1'. 13. Lindenmeyer and V. F. Holland, J. Appl Phys.. 35. (1964): "The Relationship Between Growth Kate and Extinction Spacing in Polyethylene Spherulites." 11. 1'. H. Lindenmeyer. SPE Transactions. 4. 157 (1964): "The Relationship Between Crystallization and Deforma- tion I'roeesses in Crystalline Polymers " 12 1'. H. Lindenrneyer and S. Lustig, J. AppL Polym Sci.. 9, 227 ( 1965). "Crystallite Orientation in Extruded Polyeth- ylene Film '' 13. P. It. Lindenmeyer. Textile Hes. J., 34. 825 (1965): "Crystallization Habit and Fiber Formation." 14. P H. Lindenmeyer. Science. 147. 1256 (1965): "Crys- tallbation and Molecular Folding " 15. V. F. Holland and P If. Lindenmeyer. Science, 147, 1296 ( 1965): "Dislocation Networks Between Folded-Chain Polyethylene Crystals." 16 V F. Holland and P. II. Lindenmeyer. J. AppL Phys , 36. 3049 (1965): "Direct Observation of Dislocation Net- works in Folded Chain Crystals of Polyethylene." 17. V. F. Holland, P. H. Lindenmeyer. K. Trivedi. and S. Amelinckx. Phys. Stat Soliris. 10. Ti43 (1965) 18 P. H. Lindenmeyer, Joint L. S.-Japan Seminar in Poly- mer Physics. Kyoto, Japan. (Oct. 18-23 1965): "Disloca- tion Networks in Polyethylene Crystals." ,I. Polym Sci.. Cl5, 109 (1966). 19. J. M. Peterson and 1'. 11 Lindenmeyrr. J. AppL Phys.. 37, 405 1 ( 1966): "Screw Dislocations in Anisotropic Me dia." 20. I' H. Lindenmeyrr. J. Chem Phys.. 14. 1902 (1967): "Theory of Polymer Chain Folding." 21 I' H. Lindenmeyer. J. Polym Sci.. C20. 145 (1967): "A Molecular Theory of Polymer Chain Folding.'' 22. Supramolecular Structure in Fibers. edited by Paul H. Lindenmeyer. Interscience Publishers, New York ( 1967). 23. J. M. Peterson and P. H. Lindenmeyer. J. AppL Phys.. 39, 4929 ( 1968): "Chain-Folding and Molecular Species Segregatlon in the Crystallization of Linear High Poly- mers." 24. J. M Peterson and P. H Lindenmeyer. Marromkcular Chemie. 118. 343 ( 1968): "Statistical Thermodynamics of Polymer Crystallization '' 25. 1'. H Lindenmeyer. Kolloid-Z. 231. 593 (1969): "Imper- fections in Polymer Crystals." 26. P. H Lindenmeyer. book reblew. "Molecular Dynamics and Structure of Solids." NUS Special Publication 301 (June 1969): J Polyn~ S~L, A8. 485 (1970). 27. K L. McCullough and P. H. 1,indenmeyer. Proceedings of the 1971 Computer Simulation Symposium Boston ( 1971): "Intrrmolecular Forces and Motion in Polymer Crystals.'' 28. P. €I. Lindenmeyer. Proceedings oflhe 197 1 International Conference on Mechanical Behavior qf Mutenals. Special Volume p. 6 3 (1 972): "Properties of Non-Metallic Mated- &." 29. P. H. Lindenmeyer. 7he Polymer Jourrid 3. 516 (1972): "Polyethylene: A Multicomponent Alloy." 30. H. I.. MrCullough and P. H Lindenmeyer. KoUold Z. 250. 440 (1972): "An Analysis of the Limiting Condi- tions of Empirical Nonbonded Potential Functions." 31. P. H. Lindenmeyer. Kobunshi 21, 243 (1972): "Why Do Polymer Molecules Fold?" 32. P. H. Lindenmeyer. MucromoL Sci Phys.. B8, 361 (1973): "Molecular Conformation in Molten and Glassy Poly- mers." 33. I'. H. Lindenmeyer. A National Science Foundation Workshop on Polymer Engineering and Its Relevance to National Materials Development (Dec. 5-6. 1972): "Poly- mers for Special Purposes - A Designer's Dream." 34. 1'. If. Lindenmeyer. "The Strength and Stiffness of Poly- mers." Frontiers in Materials Science. C. S. Stein. ed., Marcel Dekker. Inc.. New York ( 1976). 35. P. H. Lindenmeyer, Polym Erg Sci.. 14, 456 (1974) "Why Do Polymer Molecules Fold?" 36. P. H. Lindenmeyer. Polym Big. Sci.. 15. 236 (1975): "Molecular Composites." 37. 1' H Lindmmeyer. J Appl Phys , 48. 4235 ( 1975). "An Attempt to Rationalize the Apparent Incompatibility Be- tween the Random Coil and the Folded Chain Crystal." 38. K L. .McCullough. T T. Wu. J. C. Seferis. and 1'. H. Lindenmeyer. Polym Eng. Sci.. 16, 371 (1976): "1)redict- ions of Limiting Mechanical Performance for Anistropic Crystalline Polymers." 39. P. €1. Lindenmeyer and R Is. McCullough. Kolloid %. ( 1976): "The Significance of the Contiguity Parameter in Determining the Mechanical Properties of Heterogenous Systems." 40 I' H. Lindenmeyer. Proceedings of the Rrst Chemical Congress of the North American Continent. Mexico City ( 1975): "Toward a More Effective Polymer Science." 41. 1'. H. Lindenmeyer and J. P Parker. J. AppL Polym Sci. ( 1977): "On the Crystal Structure of Nvlon 6." 42. P. 11. 1,lndenmeyer. H. Beumer. and K Hosemann. Kol- loid Z ( 1977): "The Origin and Thermodynamic Stability of the Paracrystal " POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE, FEBRUARY 1994. Vol. 34, No. 4 251

Publications by P. H. Lindenmeyer

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Publications by P. H. Lindenmeyer 1. P. 11. Lindenmeyer and P. M. Harris. J. Chern Phys , 21,

408 ( 1953): "The Infrared Spectra ofTetranitromethane " 2. 1'. H. I~lndenmeyer. Abstracts of Doctorial Dissertations

65, The Ohio State University Press, (1954): "An Investi- gation of the Structure and Related Properties of Certain Organic Nitro Compounds.''

3. E. D. Fuller, W. E. Henderson, and P. H. Lindenmeyrr. Chapter 26, Polythene. Ed. Renfrew and Morgan (Iliffe and Sons. Ltd.. London 1957): "Film Applications": 2nd Edition ( 1960).

4. V. F. Holland and P. H. Lindenmeyer. ,J. Polyrn Sci. 57, 589 (1962): "Morphology and Crystal Growth Kate of Polyethylene Crystalline Complexes."

5. V F. Holland. S. B. Mitchell. W. I,. Hunter. and 1'. H. Lindenmeyer. J . Polym Sci. 82. 145 (1962): "Crystal Structure and Morphology of Polyacrylonitrile from Di- lute Solution."

6 P. H. Lindenmeyer and R I,. McCullough, A m Chem Soc.. Diu Polym Chem Polym Prepr.. Vol. 3. #1 (1962): "The Model of thr Paracrystal and Its X-ray Scattering."

7 P H Lindenmeyer and K. Hosemann. J . AppL Phys.. 34. 42 ( 1963): "Application of the Theory of Paracrystals to the Crystal Structure Analysis of Polyacrylonitrile."

8. I'. H. Lindenmeyer, J . Polymer Sci. Cl. 5 (1963): "Crys tallimtion of Polymers "

9. 1'. €{. Ihdenniever. Am Chem Sx. Diu. Polym C h e m , Polym Prepr.. Vol. 4. #2 ( 1963): "The Domain Structure of Polyethylene."

10. 1'. 13. Lindenmeyer and V. F. Holland, J. Appl Phys.. 35. (1964): "The Relationship Between Growth Kate and Extinction Spacing in Polyethylene Spherulites."

11 . 1'. H. Lindenmeyer. SPE Transactions. 4. 157 (1964): "The Relationship Between Crystallization and Deforma- tion I'roeesses in Crystalline Polymers "

12 1'. H. Lindenrneyer and S . Lustig, J. AppL Polym Sci.. 9, 227 ( 1965). "Crystallite Orientation in Extruded Polyeth- ylene Film ''

13. P. I t . Lindenmeyer. Textile Hes. J . , 34. 825 (1965): "Crystallization Habit and Fiber Formation."

14. P H. Lindenmeyer. Science. 147. 1256 (1965): "Crys- tallbation and Molecular Folding "

15. V. F. Holland and P If. Lindenmeyer. Science, 147, 1296 ( 1965): "Dislocation Networks Between Folded-Chain Polyethylene Crystals."

16 V F. Holland and P. I I . Lindenmeyer. J . AppL Phys , 36. 3049 (1965): "Direct Observation of Dislocation Net- works in Folded Chain Crystals of Polyethylene."

17. V. F. Holland, P. H. Lindenmeyer. K. Trivedi. and S. Amelinckx. Phys. Stat Soliris. 10. Ti43 (1965)

1 8 P. H. Lindenmeyer, Joint L. S.-Japan Seminar in Poly- mer Physics. Kyoto, Japan. (Oct. 18-23 1965): "Disloca- tion Networks in Polyethylene Crystals." ,I. Polym Sci . . Cl5, 109 (1966).

19. J . M. Peterson and 1'. 11 Lindenmeyrr. J . AppL Phys.. 37, 405 1 ( 1966): "Screw Dislocations in Anisotropic M e dia."

20. I' H. Lindenmeyrr. J. Chem Phys.. 14. 1902 (1967): "Theory of Polymer Chain Folding."

21 I' H. Lindenmeyer. J. Polym Sci . . C20. 145 (1967): "A Molecular Theory of Polymer Chain Folding.''

22. Supramolecular Structure in Fibers. edited by Paul H. Lindenmeyer. Interscience Publishers, New York ( 1967).

23. J. M. Peterson and P. H. Lindenmeyer. J . AppL Phys. . 39, 4929 ( 1968): "Chain-Folding and Molecular Species Segregatlon in the Crystallization of Linear High Poly- mers."

24. J. M Peterson and P. H Lindenmeyer. Marromkcular Chemie. 118. 343 ( 1968): "Statistical Thermodynamics of Polymer Crystallization ''

25. 1'. H Lindenmeyer. Kolloid-Z. 231. 593 (1969): "Imper- fections in Polymer Crystals."

26. P. H Lindenmeyer. book reblew. "Molecular Dynamics and Structure of Solids." NUS Special Publication 301 (June 1969): J Polyn~ S ~ L , A8. 485 (1970).

27. K L. McCullough and P. H. 1,indenmeyer. Proceedings of the 1971 Computer Simulation Symposium Boston ( 1971): "Intrrmolecular Forces and Motion in Polymer Crystals.''

28. P. €I. Lindenmeyer. Proceedings oflhe 197 1 International Conference on Mechanical Behavior qf M u t e n a l s . Special Volume p. 6 3 ( 1 972): "Properties of Non-Metallic Mated- &."

29. P. H. Lindenmeyer. 7he Polymer J o u r r i d 3. 516 (1972): "Polyethylene: A Multicomponent Alloy."

30. H. I.. MrCullough and P. H Lindenmeyer. KoUold Z . 250. 440 (1972): "An Analysis of the Limiting Condi- tions of Empirical Nonbonded Potential Functions."

3 1 . P. H. Lindenmeyer. Kobunshi 21, 243 (1972): "Why Do Polymer Molecules Fold?"

32. P. H. Lindenmeyer. MucromoL Sci Phys. . B8, 361 (1973): "Molecular Conformation in Molten and Glassy Poly- mers."

33. I'. H. Lindenmeyer. A National Science Foundation Workshop on Polymer Engineering and Its Relevance to National Materials Development (Dec. 5-6. 1972): "Poly- mers for Special Purposes - A Designer's Dream."

34. 1'. I f . Lindenmeyer. "The Strength and Stiffness of Poly- mers." Frontiers in Materials Science. C. S. Stein. ed., Marcel Dekker. Inc.. New York ( 1976).

35. P. H. Lindenmeyer, Polym E r g Sci. . 14, 456 (1974) "Why Do Polymer Molecules Fold?"

36. P. H. Lindenmeyer. Polym Big. Sci. . 15. 236 (1975): "Molecular Composites."

37. 1' H Lindmmeyer. J Appl Phys , 48. 4235 ( 1975). "An Attempt to Rationalize the Apparent Incompatibility Be- tween the Random Coil and the Folded Chain Crystal."

38. K L. .McCullough. T T. Wu. J. C. Seferis. and 1'. H. Lindenmeyer. Polym Eng. Sci.. 16, 371 (1976): "1)redict- ions of Limiting Mechanical Performance for Anistropic Crystalline Polymers."

39. P. €1. Lindenmeyer and R Is. McCullough. Kolloid %. ( 1976): "The Significance of the Contiguity Parameter in Determining the Mechanical Properties of Heterogenous Systems."

40 I' H. Lindenmeyer. Proceedings of t h e Rrst Chemical Congress of the North American Continent. Mexico City ( 1975): "Toward a More Effective Polymer Science."

41. 1'. H. Lindenmeyer and J. P Parker. J . AppL Polym Sci. ( 1977): "On the Crystal Structure of Nvlon 6."

42. P. 11. 1,lndenmeyer. H. Beumer. and K Hosemann. Kol- loid Z ( 1977): "The Origin and Thermodynamic Stability of the Paracrystal "