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  • 8/12/2019 Quotes That Resonate


  • 8/12/2019 Quotes That Resonate



    1he oters ha e spo'en, and ran' eor#e -ac'son "ill be the /6th mayoro$ Cle eland) ) ) ) 1he so$t+spo'en ne" mayor inherits the area3s lar#est

    b!lly p!lpit) He m!st !se it "isely to raise this region's lagging self-confidence and to sell it to would-be immigrants and investors fromacross the country and around the globe 4)

    -ac'son has set a hi#h bar $or himsel$ and his administration) He hasspo'en elo5!ently o$ his desire to lead "one city," a Cleveland that is nothamstrung by old divisions of race, class and geography ) He has said thatany city m!st !ltimately be !d#ed by ho" it treats the least $ort!nate o$ its

    citi(ens) His literat!re implored e ery Cle elander to 8 pect reat1hin#s)

    In stri in# to meet those e actin# standards, Mayor ran' -ac'son can li$t!s all)

    *Ma1or %ackson2 No3 that the voters have given him the ke1sto it1 .all4 #rank %ackson 3ill inherit challenges andopport5nities* -lain 'ealer Editors

    9lain :ealer, ;ednesday, s #lobali(ed economy, it>s becomin# increasin#ly important $orimmi#rant #ro!ps to $or#e alliances amon# each other and !tili(e sharedreso!rces)

    ?re tal'in# abo!t creatin# lin'a#es bet"een ario!s c!lt!res and

    ethnic comm!nity,@ Rose Zitiello notes) ?I$ "e can brea' do"n c!lt!ral barriers,then maybe "e can all "or' to#ether and b!ild o!r o"n #lobal economy here) Ina "ay, reso!rces "ill be a ailable $or e eryone)@

    s a comm!nity de elopment specialist and co+chair o$ the s "ant to compete a#ainst each other"e "ant to learn $rom each other) In order to ha e access to "or'in# capital,


  • 8/12/2019 Quotes That Resonate


    le#al ser ices and pro$essional ser ices, "e need cross+c!lt!ral alliances) s ane ample, she says that IM% can ser e as a sort o$ clearin#ho!se $or immi#rantentreprene!rs "ho are see'in# Dmall %!siness dministration AD% B $inancin#)?Instead o$ a D% representati e #oin# to the meetin#s o$ ei#ht di$$erent c!lt!ralor#ani(ations, the ario!s entreprene!rs and the D% can meet at an IM%

    sponsored e ent,) IM% is a more e$$icient "ay to le era#e m!ltic!lt!raleconomies o$ scale) I< $act, "e no" ha e ban'ers sho"in# !p at o!r 5!arterlymeetin#s)@

    Zitello says that IM% , "hich "as $o!nded in E==F, has a #oal o$ reestablishin#

  • 8/12/2019 Quotes That Resonate


    Metro Areas Sho3s Lagging -op5lation 7ill(ring Other -ro8lems=*


    ar#e n!mbers o$ immi#rants and their b!sinesses in K)D) inner citieso$ten spar' #ro"th in obs and ho!sehold incomes L and e en broadereconomic acti ity in those locales, accordin# to a st!dy released 1!esday)

    or decades, policyma'ers ha e debated the best "ays to boost blea'inner+city economies) Immi#rants and r!ndo"n !rban nei#hborhoods areseen by some as a drain on the K)D) economy, accordin# to Har ard%!siness Dchool pro$essor Michael 9orter)

    %!t in his st!dy, 9orter $o!nd that the /)/ million immi#rants "ho li e ininner cities are 'ey catalysts to economic #ro"th and !rban in estment)

    1he immi#rants chan#e the ery $ace o$ entreprene!rship in inner citiesand pro ide a m!ch+needed shot o$ economic ibrancy to distressednei#hborhoods, said 9orter, "ho has ad ised Con#ress and the ;hiteHo!se)

    He loo'ed at E00 inner cities $rom .a'land to %oston, de$inin# them ascore !rban areas that are economically distressed, "ith a 20 or hi#her

    po erty rate)

    %y 8d"ard I"ata, KD 1.: N,

  • 8/12/2019 Quotes That Resonate


    1he corollary re eals itsel$ in cities li'e Cle eland and 'ron) Krban areasde oid o$ immi#rants are in steady decline, Har ard %!siness Dchool

    pro$essor Michael 9orter concl!ded) He said the inner cities o$ 'ron andCle eland lost abo!t 2 percent o$ their obs bet"een E==/ and 200J)

    Dome hope the st!dy breathes li$e into e$$orts to re i e O5r research sho3sthat ne3 arrivals to the )nited States still have that image4> Retsinassaid= >And the1 are likel1 to find that single?famil1 home in the inner?ring s585r8s=>

    America@s trendiest cities don@t have to 8e childless#roma .arrop


  • 8/12/2019 Quotes That Resonate


    %e3ish 7orld Revie3March ;4 9;;s mayoral candidates, demo#rapher;illiam rey o$ the Kni ersity o$ Michi#an trac'ed pop!lation anddemo#raphic shi$ts in OO lar#e K)D) cities since 2000) The studynoted that Cleveland metro area s population is the fifth-slowest

    growing in the nation, trailin# No!n#sto"n Dcranton+;il'es%arre, 9a %!$$alo and 9ittsb!r#h)

    !hat s worse, the region risks # more years of no-growth $ thatwould be a whopping %#-year period of flat-line growth goingback to & (# $ if we continue to do nothing to attract immigrantsand the businesses they bring with them)

    ran'ly, this st!dy is so important to o!r $!t!re, it o!#ht to beimprinted into the psyche o$ e ery one "ho #i es a hoot abo!t

    reater Cle eland and t it time$or Cle eland to #et started)

    Sam #5l3ood4 -lain 'ealer4 Septem8er 9B4 9;;m callin# this the ?Cle eland /00,000Q Committee,@ "hich is char#ed"ith coordinatin# the entire e$$ort) 1his isionary #ro!p "ill meetmonthly to set direction and monitor pro#ress4))

    !e are welcoming internationalism and racial+cultural diversity) Ourwonderfully diverse city is home to people from &&( countries) ome seethis as a challenge to make sure this melting pot doesn t become a

    pressure cooker) ut, . see this as perhaps one of our best opportunities)/reat cities in this country0including Cleveland0have been built by

    foreign-born immigrants) Consider that only New 1ork City andChicago welcomed more immigrants than Cleveland at the turn of thecentury )

    2 strategic attraction of immigrants will again be Cleveland s priority)

    2fter all, today we have only four percent foreign-born Clevelanders) 2t the height of our growth, the number neared 3# percent, which is thenumber in Toronto today) !e need to act not only to strengthen ouropenness to immigration, but also to guarantee real opportunity for allClevelanders =

    State of the it1 Address4 9;;Ma1or %ane L= amp8ell#e8r5ar1 9;4 9;;


    Rather than arguing that immigrants compete for jobs and take scarce resourcesaway from others, this volume takes a different approach by concentrating onhow immigrants and other newcomers revitalize America and create economic

    stability within communities

    -ohn Dibley %!tler, 9h):)Immi#rant and Minority 8ntreprene!rs, 200/Kni ersity o$ 1e as


  • 8/12/2019 Quotes That Resonate


    NE7 (LOO'

    ;hile there3s a rich di ersity o$ people and c!lt!res in Cle eland, it seems thatonly ne"comers to the re#ion appreciate it)

  • 8/12/2019 Quotes That Resonate


    recently !n eiled some o$ the initial $indin#s by local and national economists, as "ell as by comm!nity members in

  • 8/12/2019 Quotes That Resonate


    and address iss!es o$ racial se#re#ationand discrimination

    Citi(ens also commented on ho" m!ch they en oy the di ersity in their comm!nities) 1hetypes o$ di ersity they mention are ethnic and racial, a#e, ed!cation, political pers!asions,

    se !al orientation and reli#ion) Many people en oy learnin# abo!t ne" c!lt!res thro!#hdinin#, m!sic and $esti als, than's to the re#ion>s di ersity)


    .n pril 6, 2006, 9ro$essor -ohn Dibley %!tler, a researcher $rom the Kni ersity o$1e as, #a e a presentation at Cle eland Dtate Kni ersity) :r) %!tler shared his $indin#son the re itali(in# $orce o$ immi#rant and minority entreprene!rship to !rban centers)9lain :ealer Reporter Robert Dmith co ered the speech and reported the $ollo"in#P

    %!tler, a national a!thority on small+b!siness strate#ies in minority andimmi#rant comm!nities, "as the 'eynote spea'er at the EEth ann!al %!tler

    ) -ones 8ndo"ed ect!re Deries) 1he series honors $ormer CDK pro$essor %!tler -ones, a sociolo#ist and ci il ri#hts acti ist "ho died in200J) bo!t 200 people attended the ban5!et at CDK3s ;olstein Center)

    9eople "ho la!nch b!sinesses do more than ma'e money, said -ohnDibley %!tler, "ho spent a career st!dyin# entreprene!rs) 1hey tend tosend their 'ids to colle#e, "atch them #rad!ate, and $oster a can+do spiritthat ener#i(es "hole comm!nities)

    I$ old ind!strial cities li'e Cle eland are to re i e themsel es, they need toremember "hat made them #reat, %!tler told a Cle eland Dtate Kni ersitya!dience 1h!rsday ni#ht) They need to recall the immigrants andminorities who launched mom 7 pop shops and celebrate theirstories 4)

    In merica, the principal so!rce o$ ob creation and "ealth creation isentreprene!rs, said %!tler, "ho teaches sociolo#y and mana#ement at theKni ersity o$ 1e as, !stin)

  • 8/12/2019 Quotes That Resonate


    In the pril, 2006 edition o$ Inside usiness , the article ?%ra e s pop!lation contin!es to pl!mmet, Cle eland is not attractin# the ne"immi#rants, predominantly atino and sian, "hich are re itali(in# cities aro!nd theK)D) "ith ne" pop!lation, ne" entreprene!rship, and ne" cons!mer demand) 9op!lation#ro"th in the K)D) is bein# dri en by immi#rants) Cities that $ail to attract the ne" "a eo$ immi#rants "ill contin!e to s!$$er and decline)


    Cleveland has been friendly to white immigrants, but not very friendlyto nonwhite immigrants," ingh says) ".t wasn't blatant, but you feltit) ))) 5ven when you thought you had something concrete to offer, theywould pass it off)

    -aramCit Singhleveland Magazine

    April 9;;< Iss5e4 &The Immigrant 7a1*

    i'e any immi#rant #ro!p tryin# to establish a beachhead in an !n$amiliarcity, Domali men ha e $o!nd the ta i ind!stry a #ood place to start in

    reater Cle eland) ))1he Domalis say they are pro$iled by o$$icers "ho


  • 8/12/2019 Quotes That Resonate


    don3t !nderstand the c!stoms o$ their 8ast $rican nation or the tenets o$their M!slim reli#ion4) Cleveland doesn't have the lu8ury of runningany hard-working immigrant group out of town) .t needs these 2fricansas much as they need Cleveland)

    Editorial (oard4 leveland -lain 'ealerMa1 9:4 9;;s;illiam ry and other e perts

    Ro8ert L= Smith4 -lain 'ealer4 Septem8er 9:4

    9;;s people "ho!ltimately ma'e one city h!m and another ho+h!m4)

    In a %roo'in#s Instit!tion report that sho!ld be mandatory readin# $oreach o$ this city>s mayoral candidates, demo#rapher ;illiam rey o$ theKni ersity o$ Michi#an trac'ed pop!lation and demo#raphic shi$ts in OOlar#e K)D) cities since 2000) The study noted that Cleveland metro


  • 8/12/2019 Quotes That Resonate


    area s population is the fifth-slowest growing in the nation, trailin#No!n#sto"n Dcranton+;il'es %arre, 9a %!$$alo and 9ittsb!r#h)

    !hat s worse, the region risks # more years of no-growth $ that wouldbe a whopping %#-year period of flat-line growth going back to & (# $ if

    we continue to do nothing to attract immigrants and the businesses theybring with them)

    ran'ly, this st!dy is so important to o!r $!t!re, it o!#ht to be imprintedinto the psyche o$ e ery one "ho #i es a hoot abo!t reater Cle elandand t it time $orCle eland to #et started)

    Sam #5l3ood4 -lain 'ealer4 Septem8er 9B4 9;;t comin# here at the rate they>re settlin# inother parts o$ the nation, "here they help $!el an economic boom) .!reconomy s!$$ers $rom the lac' o$ their ener#y and enterprise) 41he best"ay to help the economy "o!ld be to "elcome and s!pport immi#rantsalready here, so that they "o!ld help recr!it their $amilies and $riends);hen one immi#rant does "ell and tal's abo!t it, others $ollo") D!ccessco!ld be conta#io!s4) This is Cleveland s best hope to save itself ) . erthe ne t /0 years, the lion>s share o$ the nation>s pop!lation and economic#ro"th "ill be lin'ed to the in$l! o $ people born beyond o!r

    borders4)>Cle eland "ill a#e and die4) if you don t attract moreimmigrants to revitali;e your economy, the best business to open inCleveland will be a mortuary )>

    Sam #5l3ood IIIApril :4 9;; 4 The -lain 'ealer&Immigrants Are it16s #5t5re*


  • 8/12/2019 Quotes That Resonate


    ?1he ;elcome MatP Cle eland Has to Ma'e a Dtron#er 9lay $orImmi#rants, and the Help o$ ocal ethnic Comm!nities Is 8ssential4Cle eland Mayor -ane Campbell has set a simple, !nderstandable andeasily meas!rable #oalP Ret!rn the city>s pop!lation to at least /00,000 bythe 20E0 cens!s4 )2s it reaches for =##,###, Cleveland must regain a

    skill that used to be one of its hallmarks> .t once again has to attractimmigrants) !hen this city mushroomed in the last century, up to athird of its population was foreign-born) The ### census found thatless than = percent of Clevelanders were born overseas) 5speciallyamong older industrial cities, the ability to attract immigrants hasemerged as the key factor in determining whether they continue todecline or en?oy renewed growth ) Re+establishin# Cle eland as adestination $or immi#rants "on>t be easy4)"ill re5!ire a broadcomm!nity e$$ort, City Hall, $o!ndations, b!sinesses, !ni ersities andreli#io!s #ro!ps can help4ethnic #ro!ps that are here, e en i$ in smalln!mber m!st be mobili(ed to reach o!t to their peers abroad or else"here

    in the co!ntry4"or' on m!ltiple $ronts to become a beacon $or moti atedne"comers can not help b!t #i e the city a needed olt o$ ener#y andcreati ity)

    Editorial (oard%5l1 9B4 9;;

    The -lain 'ealer

  • 8/12/2019 Quotes That Resonate


    their entrepreneurial drive and willingness to do the work that so manyother residents refuse) ut most of all, Cleveland needs more placeswhere immigrants feel comfortable )@

    Sam #5l3ood4 leveland -lain 'ealer

    &Immigrants6 )nease (odes Ill for it1*%5ne D4 9;;