RADIOACTIVITY OF THE BOR-60 REACTOR COOLANT I. G. Kobzar', V. V. Konashov, E. S. Lisitsyn, G. I. Poznyak, V. I. Polyakov, and Yu. V. Chechetkin UDC 621.039.534.63:539.16 The widespread introduction of atomic power plants with sodium-cooled fast reactors necessitates a careful study of their safety and maintenance; in particular, the sources of radioactivity and the transport and accumulation of radioactive isotopes in deposits along the coolant circuit and in the reactor equipment must be examined. In order to perform such studies on the BOR-60 reactor an experimental complex was constructed including sodium and gas spectrometer loops fitted out with special equipment. By using interchangeable collimators and sciniillation and semiconductor Ge(Li) detectors the radioactivity of vari- ous isotopes in the coolant and on the wails of the piping and equipment could be determined without taking samples [1]. In addition the radioactivity of the coolant was measured by radiochemical and T-spectro- metric analyses of samples using Ge(Li) detectors and NaI(T1) crystals. During reactor operation most of the ionizing radiation from the equipment and pipes comes from Na 24. The ~/-dose rate reaches 7 R/sec in a box of technological equipment at a reactor power of 40 MW. The Na24 activity measured at various reactor powers and normalized to a maximum power of 60 MW re- mains practically constant. The specific activity of the other short-lived isotopes Ne23 and F 2~ is approxi- mately inversely proportional to the coolant flow rate. Table 1 lists the values of the activities of the main short-lived isotopes in the sodium coolant at the reactor outlet. After a reactor shutdown of 8-12 days the activity of Na 24 becomes less than that of Na 22 (T1/2 = 2.6 yr) and Agll~ (T1/2 = 253 days) which subsequently determine the radiation environment in boxes of techno- logical equipment of the primary circuit. The average activities of the long-lived isotopes in the sodium coolant and their changes with the time of reactor operation are listed in Table 2. It is characteristic that after 216 effective days of reactor operation at 40 MW the activity of the principal corrosion elements (Cr 51, Mn54, Fe 59, Co58, Co6~ in the sodium coolant does not exceed 0.5-3" 10 -? Ci/kg of sodium. In spite of the presence in the core of a bundle of fuel elements with assemblies which were not gas-tight (2.7% burnup), the activity of the fission products in the sodium coolant while a burnup of 5.9% was being achieved in the core was lower than the sensitivity of the method used in the analysis (_<5" 10 "r Ci/kg of sodium). Extrapolation of the measured values of the Na 22 activity to saturation for a reactor power of 60 MW gives 2 10 -3 Ci/kg of sodium. The reference value assumed in the reactor design was 4 - 10 -3 Ci/kg of sodium [2]. Radioactive isotopes appearing in the coolant as a result of the activation of impurities in the sodium are shown in Table 2. An additional source of silver, zinc, and antimony probably arises from selective corrosion of steel. This is confirmed by determining these elements in sodium and steel by chemical anal- ysis and by spectroscopy. Analysis of the data in Table 2 shows that the Agll~ activity changes more rapidly with time, and that of Zn G5 less rapidly than follows from the laws of activation and decay. Calculations predict an average increase in silver in the circuit of 4 mg/day and a decrease in zinc of 3 mg/day. The calculated results are in good agreement with the spectral analysis of the silver in sodium, confirming the increase of silver from 7 10 -7 to 5 10 -5 wt. %. The removal of zinc from the coolant was shown also by T-spectrometric measurements of the sodium oxides cold trap showing a concentration of Zn s5 15-20 times larger than in the primary circuit piping. Translated from Atomnaya ]~nergiya, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 991-992, December, 1972. Original article submitted January 31, 1972. C 1973 Consultants Bureau, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17thStreet, New York, N. Y. 10011. All rights reserved. This article cannot be reproduced for any purpose whatsoever without permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher [or $15.00. 115~

Radioactivity of the BOR-60 reactor coolant

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Page 1: Radioactivity of the BOR-60 reactor coolant

R A D I O A C T I V I T Y OF T H E B O R - 6 0 R E A C T O R C O O L A N T

I. G. K o b z a r ' , V. V. K o n a s h o v , E. S. L i s i t s y n , G. I . P o z n y a k , V. I. P o l y a k o v , a n d Yu. V. C h e c h e t k i n

UDC 621.039.534.63:539.16

The widespread introduction of atomic power plants with sodium-cooled fast r eac to r s necessi ta tes a careful study of their safety and maintenance; in part icular , the sources of radioactivity and the t ranspor t and accumulat ion of radioact ive isotopes in deposits along the coolant c i rcui t and in the reac to r equipment must be examined. In order to per form such studies on the BOR-60 reac to r an experimental complex was constructed including sodium and gas spec t romete r loops fitted out with special equipment. By using interchangeable col l imators and sciniil lation and semiconductor Ge(Li) detectors the radioactivity of va r i - ous isotopes in the coolant and on the wails of the piping and equipment could be determined without taking samples [1]. In addition the radioactivi ty of the coolant was measured by radiochemical and T - s p e c t r o - met r ic analyses of samples using Ge(Li) detectors and NaI(T1) crysta ls .

During reac to r operat ion most of the ionizing radiation f rom the equipment and pipes comes f rom Na 24. The ~/-dose rate reaches 7 R / s e c in a box of technological equipment at a r eac to r power of 40 MW. The Na 24 activity measured at var ious reac to r powers and normalized to a maximum power of 60 MW r e - mains pract ical ly constant. The specific act ivi ty of the other short- l ived isotopes Ne 23 and F 2~ is approxi- mately inverse ly proportional to the coolant flow rate. Table 1 lists the values of the activit ies of the main shor t - l ived isotopes in the sodium coolant at the r eac to r outlet.

After a r eac to r shutdown of 8-12 days the activity of Na 24 becomes less than that of Na 22 (T1/2 = 2.6 yr) and Ag ll~ (T1/2 = 253 days) which subsequently determine the radiat ion environment in boxes of techno- logical equipment of the p r imary circuit. The average activit ies of the long-lived isotopes in the sodium coolant and their changes with the t ime of reac tor operation a re listed in Table 2. It is charac te r i s t i c that af ter 216 effective days of r eac to r operation at 40 MW the activity of the principal cor ros ion elements (Cr 51, Mn 54, Fe 59, Co 58, Co 6~ in the sodium coolant does not exceed 0.5-3" 10 -? C i /kg of sodium. In spite of the presence in the core of a bundle of fuel elements with assembl ies which were not gas- t ight (2.7% burnup), the activity of the f ission products in the sodium coolant while a burnup of 5.9% was being achieved in the core was lower than the sensit ivity of the method used in the analysis (_< 5" 10 "r C i /kg of sodium).

Extrapolat ion of the measured values of the Na 22 activi ty to saturat ion for a reac to r power of 60 MW gives 2 �9 10 -3 C i / k g of sodium. The re fe rence value assumed in the reac tor design was 4 - 10 -3 C i /kg of sodium [2].

Radioactive isotopes appearing in the coolant as a r e s u l t of the activation of impurit ies in the sodium are shown in Table 2. An additional source of s i lver , zinc, and antimony probably a r i ses f rom select ive co r ros ion of steel. This is confirmed by determining these elements in sodium and steel by chemical anal - ys is and by spectroscopy.

Analysis of the data in Table 2 shows that the Ag ll~ activity changes more rapidly with time, and that of Zn G5 less rapidly than follows f rom the laws of activation and decay. Calculations predict an average increase in s i lver in the c i rcui t of 4 m g / d a y and a decrease in zinc of 3 mg /day . The calculated resul ts a re in good agreement with the spect ra l analysis of the s i lver in sodium, confirming the increase of s i lver f rom 7 �9 10 -7 to 5 �9 10 -5 wt. %. The removal of zinc f rom the coolant was shown also by T - s p e c t r o m e t r i c measurements of the sodium oxides cold t rap showing a concentrat ion of Zn s5 15-20 t imes la rger than in the p r imary circui t piping.

Translated f rom Atomnaya ]~nergiya, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 991-992, December, 1972. Original ar t ic le submitted January 31, 1972.

C 1973 Consultants Bureau, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17thStreet, New York, N. Y. 10011. All rights reserved. This article cannot be reproduced for any purpose whatsoever without permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher [or $15.00.


Page 2: Radioactivity of the BOR-60 reactor coolant

T A B L E 1. R a d i o a c t i v i t y of Sodium Coolan t D e t e r m i n - ing Mos t of the Ion iz ing R a d i a t i o n f r o m P i p e s and R e - a c t o r E q u i p m e n t fo r a R e a c t o r P o w e r of 60 MW and a Coolan t F l o w R a t e of 800 m 3 / h


N a 24

Ne 23



14.8 h 38 sec 11.5 sec

Reaction forming isotope from Na z~

(n, y) (n, p) (n, cO

Experimental value of spe- cific activ- ity, Ci/kg of sodium [2]

43:~5 t.8~0.8 1.6~0.3

Calculated value of specific ac- tivity, Ci /kg [2]

57 1.5

T A B L E 2. R a d i o a c t i v i t y of Sod ium Coolant D e t e r m i n - ing M o s t of the Ion iz ing R a d i a t i o n f r o m P i p e s and E q u i p m e n t a f t e r R e a c t o r Shutdown

Time reactor Radioactivity, ci/kg of sodium was shut down Na22 Agll0m I Zn65 ] I4b86 Sb125

August 1970 November 1970 February 1971 August 1971

4.t0-~ 4,9.10-5 %3.t0-5

,9.i0 -a

1,2.10-5 0,9.t0-5 -- i ,6.10-5 0,95.10-~I 3,8.10-5 2,5.t0-~ i,2.i0-" l . i0 -~ 0,9.t0-5 2,0.i0-5 i.10-a

2. i0-7 1,4-I0 -8 i,6.10-6

M e a s u r e m e n t s on p ip ing wi thout t ak ing s a m p l e s showed tha t the Zn G5 a c t i v i t y ~ 2 . 1 0 -4 C i / m 2 and tha t of Ag l l~ -< 10 -s C i / m 2.

The i s o t o p i c c o m p o s i t i o n ob ta ined fo r the s o d i u m coo lan t d i f f e r s f r o m the va lue a s s u m e d in the c a l - c u l a t i o n f o r o p e r a t i n g wi th h e r m e t i c a l l y s e a l e d fue l e l e m e n t s (Na 22, Mn 54, Co 58) [2], and f r o m the va lue found e x p e r i m e n t a l l y f o r o t h e r r e a c t o r s (Na 22, f i s s i o n p roduc t s ) [3].

Thus the i n v e s t i g a t i o n s show tha t a f t e r long r e a c t o r o p e r a t i o n with h e r m e t i c a l l y s e a l e d fue l e l e m e n t s and wi th fuel e l e m e n t bund les hav ing a s s e m b l i e s tha t a r e not g a s - t i g h t t h e r e a r e no r a d i o a c t i v e f i s s i o n p r o d u c t s o r c o r r o s i o n p r o d u c t s f r o m the m a i n c o m p o n e n t s of the s t r u c t u r a l m a t e r i a l s in the s o d i u m coolan t . The r a d i o a c t i v i t y of the coo l an t i s due to the a c t i v a t i o n of s o d i u m and i t s i m p u r i t i e s and to the s e l e c t i v e e s c a p e of s i l v e r , z inc , and a n t i m o n y f r o m s t e e l in to the sod ium.


I. V.I. Polykov and Yu. V. Chechetkin, Atomnaya Energiya, 31, 139 (1971). 2. A . I . L e i p u n s k i i e t a l . , P r e p r i n t F E I - 1 8 7 (1969). 3. A . I . L e i p u n s k i i e t a l . , A t o m n a y a E n e r g i y a , 23, 503 (1967).