PHYSICAL REVIEW D VOLUME 15, NUMBER 3 1 FEBRUARY 1977 Regge spectroscopy of charmed baryons* J. Finkelstein Department of Physics, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027 S. F. Tuan Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 (Received 4 October 1976) The implication of assigning the newly discovered candidates for charmed baryons to Regge trajectories is discussed. The feasibility of using the Ademollo-Veneziano-Weinberg relation and exchange-degeneracy notion to determine the trajectory parameters is assessed. Finally the universal-slope ansatz is employed to obtain the lowest-Regge-recurrence baryon masses. Their possible decay patterns and production are briefly discussed with an eye to experimental search. The discovery of new healy baryons. with pos- sible charm quantum numbers, in neutrino' and photon-inducedz reactions has recently been an- nounced. In this note we will explore the assign- ment of those baryons to Regge trajectories and the consequent predictions of other baryons lying higher on those same trajectories. The spirit of our analysis is similar to that of an earlier work3 on Regge spectroscopy of charmed mesons. We will, however, need to draw upon some details of the SU(4) quark model calculations of De Rdjula, Georgi, and Glashow,' as input ground states; these predictions appear in any case to fit rrlell the current data trend on heavy baryons."' There exists tantalizing support from experiments for assigning the seen baryon state' with total recoiling hadron mass (i2°n'n+n'n-) 2426 i 12 MeV as the (I= 1, J~=$') Cc state (6'6~)", and the seen new antibaryon statez which decays into (An-n- a' ) with mass 2260 i 10 MeV a s the anti- state to the (I= 0, JP= $+) 11, state (6'@3t)* prc- dicted4 to be 160 MeV below C, (and with strong decay transition CEt -A,'+ a'). 'The recent photon experimentz also reports evidence of a higher- mass state (-2.5 GeV:cZ) which decays into the 2.26-~ev/c' state via the chain Ka'n'n- a- (2.5 Gev:c2) - As-n-n'(2.26 G~v/c') + n'. This anti- baryon state is again in remarkable agreement with the predicted4 state Cd (I= 1. J'= $ +) formed f r o m (6'3237) and expected at 2.48 GeV cZ. Evi- dently, if these assignments were to hold up, the photon experiment2 will need to establish the CC(Z.4Z6) state (@'31X)0, nnd the (@'@@)" mem- bers of 5,(2.426) and C,*(2.500). The latter two could be searched for via strong decays: 2.5 GeV cz A a- a- n- n ' 2.426 Gev/c2 I \ l i ' n' n' n- 2.5 GeV c2 2.426 GeV c2 -Aa+a+ nm(2.26 GeV c2) + n' . We need of course to reassure ourselves that the Ac(2.260) is indeed charmed. Hints along this line can be obtained if signals in invariant-mass dis- tributions at 2.26 GeV/c2 continue to appear in (A0a'a'n-) and (xon-a-a') hzlt not in (AOn-a-n') and (KOa'a'n-) in the experiment of Ref. 2. For definiteness, we shall assume henceforth that A,(2.260), 5,(2.426), and Cd(2.5) are indeed the low-lying ground states of the SU(4)-charm classification. In Ref. 3, the identification of the meson ground states, together with the re- lationship between trajectories proposed by Ademollo, Veneziano, and Weinberg was shown to determine the parameters of the charmed meson Regge trajectories. Suppose we try to do the same for the baryon trajectories: The AWV rule would tell us that where a,; is a JP= 5+ trajectory and )?I%, ,c is the mass of the appropriate JP= $+ particle. This rule is empirically successful for aA(,nNz) = 1 and for a,T(~~~,Z)2 ay*()izAZ), though a s pointed out by Am,' the 5- ,tr"lT,rajectory does not seem to com- pare well with the A trajectory (thus raising some questions about the validity of exchange degeneracy for baryons). Our choice of assignments leads to slopes a1=0.44 GeV2 for relation (2a) and a' = 1.35 GeY2 for relation (2b). Neither appears sensible in terms of the notion of a universal slope for hadrons (to be discussed further below) of a'= 0.93 GeVZ. Note that the AVW relations for the usual baryons [a,* ( I ~ I ~ ~ ) = aA(11lN2)

Regge spectroscopy of charmed baryons

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Page 1: Regge spectroscopy of charmed baryons

P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W D V O L U M E 1 5 , N U M B E R 3 1 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 7 7

Regge spectroscopy of charmed baryons*

J. Finkelstein Department of Physics, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027

S. F. Tuan Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822

(Received 4 October 1976)

The implication of assigning the newly discovered candidates for charmed baryons to Regge trajectories is discussed. The feasibility of using the Ademollo-Veneziano-Weinberg relation and exchange-degeneracy notion to determine the trajectory parameters is assessed. Finally the universal-slope ansatz is employed to obtain the lowest-Regge-recurrence baryon masses. Their possible decay patterns and production are briefly discussed with an eye to experimental search.

The discovery of new hea ly baryons. with pos- s ible charm quantum numbers , in neutrino' and photon-inducedz react ions has recently been an- nounced. In this note we will explore the assign- ment of those baryons to Regge t ra jec tor ies and the consequent predictions of o ther baryons lying higher on those s a m e trajector ies . The sp i r i t of our analysis i s s i m i l a r to that of an e a r l i e r work3 on Regge spectroscopy of charmed mesons. We will , however, need to draw upon some detai ls of the SU(4) quark model calculations of De Rdjula, Georgi , and Glashow,' a s input ground s ta tes ; t h e s e predictions appear in any c a s e to fit rrlell the cur ren t data t rend on heavy baryons."'

There ex i s t s tantalizing support f r o m experiments fo r assigning the seen baryon state' with total recoiling hadron m a s s (i2°n'n+n'n-) 2426 i 12 MeV a s the (I= 1 , J ~ = $ ' ) Cc s ta te ( 6 ' 6 ~ ) " , and the seen new antibaryon s tatez which decays into (An-n- a' ) with m a s s 2260 i 10 MeV a s the anti- s ta te to the (I= 0, JP= $+) 11, state (6'@3t)* prc - dicted4 to be 160 MeV below C, (and with s t rong decay transition CEt -A,'+ a'). 'The recent photon experimentz a l so repor t s evidence of a higher- m a s s s ta te (-2.5 GeV:cZ) which decays into the 2 . 2 6 - ~ e v / c ' s t a te via the chain Ka'n'n- a- (2.5 Gev:c2) - As-n-n'(2.26 G ~ v / c ' ) + n'. This anti- baryon s ta te is again i n remarkable agreement with the predicted4 s ta te Cd ( I = 1. J'= $ + ) formed f rom (6'3237) and expected a t 2.48 GeV c Z . Evi- dently, if these assignments were to hold up, the photon experiment2 will need to establish the CC(Z.4Z6) state (@'31X)0, nnd the (@'@@)" mem- bers of 5,(2.426) and C,*(2.500). The la t t e r two could be searched f o r via s t rong decays:

2.5 GeV cz A a- a- n- n '

2.426 G e v / c 2

I\ li' n' n' n- 2.5 GeV c2

2.426 GeV c 2

-Aa+a+ nm(2.26 GeV c2) + n' .

We need of course to r e a s s u r e ourselves that the Ac(2.260) i s indeed charmed. Hints along this line can be obtained i f s ignals in invariant-mass dis- tributions a t 2.26 GeV/c2 continue to appear in (A0a'a'n-) and (xon-a-a') hzlt not in (AOn-a-n') and (KOa'a'n-) in the experiment of Ref. 2.

F o r definiteness, we shal l assume henceforth that A,(2.260), 5,(2.426), and Cd(2.5) a r e indeed the low-lying ground s ta tes of the SU(4)-charm classification. In Ref. 3 , the identification of the meson ground s t a t e s , together with the re- lationship between t ra jec tor ies proposed by Ademollo, Veneziano, and Weinberg was shown to determine the p a r a m e t e r s of the charmed meson Regge t rajector ies .

Suppose we t ry to do the s a m e f o r the baryon t ra jec tor ies : The AWV rule would te l l us that

where a,; i s a JP= 5 + trajectory and )?I%, ,c i s the m a s s of the appropriate JP= $+ part ic le . This rule i s empir ical ly successful f o r a A ( , n N z ) = 1 and for a , T ( ~ ~ ~ , Z ) 2 ay*()izAZ), though a s pointed out by A m , ' the 5- ,tr"lT,rajectory does not seem to com- p a r e well with the A t ra jectory (thus rais ing some questions about the validity of exchange degeneracy for baryons). Our choice of assignments l eads to s lopes a 1 = 0 . 4 4 G e V 2 f o r relation (2a) and a' = 1.35 G e Y 2 for relation (2b). Neither appears sensible in t e r m s of the notion of a universal slope f o r hadrons (to be discussed fur ther below) of a '= 0.93 G e V Z . Note that the AVW relations f o r the usual baryons [a,* ( I ~ I ~ ~ ) = aA(11lN2)

Page 2: Regge spectroscopy of charmed baryons

= cu + ( r i l A 2 =i?zZ2) = 11 require the (,?I y* - i)z,)/ y1

(ii1,: - )>I,) to be unity; however. fob the assign- ments of De Rdjula of a1 . 4 f o r the corresponding charm s ta tes this constraint i s very poorly sat isf ied, and s o (2a) and (2b) cannot be simultane- ously satisfied. F r o m a theoret ical viewpoint t e r r ib le pathologies a r e involved in putting baryons into a dual theory. Hence we shall not pursue here fur ther the applicationof AVWto charmed baryons.

In Ref. 3 , i t was found that the t ra jec tor ies of the p and of the D* have essentially the s a m e slope. We a r e thus led to consider the ansatz that all l~nrlrorzs respec t Re*-e t m j e c l o r i e s o-f icnz~~ersnl slope. To wit. we require

despite the known much l a r g e r phenomenological m a s s for the charmed quark' ( i i z ~ = r i z ~ = 336 MeV, iu,= 540 MeV, ic'llile inp, = 1660 MeV). The belief in a universal slope i s rooted in the concept that such a slope i s the basic sca le fac tor of s t rong interact ions. In other words , charmed hadrons (D. D*: A,. Cc, c:) a r e a s much strongly interacting par t i c les a s their s t range counterparts (K,I<*. 11, C. Y:). F r o m the viewpoint of a model, an osci l la tor potential fo r quarks (qq o r qif) in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics gives r i s e to l inear level spacings which a r e not dependent on the quark m a s s e s but on the s t rength of the po- tential (e.g., the k of i k r 2 ) .

There a r e exceptions to (3), fo r instance (as- sunling exchange degeneracy f o r the mesons) . 0!$=0.33 G e V 2 i s obtained by placing the r/)(3100) and the JP= 2+ ~ ( 3 5 5 0 ) on the s a m e l inear t ra - jectory? The Regge slope of d(1019) [determined from exchange degeneracy withf" (1514)l yields cuk = 0.8 GeV-?-somewhat s m a l l e r than the uni- v e r s a l slope (3). The s m a l l e r sIopes observed for par t i c les (6, i , X , etc.) may be related dynam- ically to the smal l slope observed f o r the Ponleron and daughters (cub= 0.4 G~v") a s speculated by severa l author^.^

F o r our purposes here , we will adopt the fol- lowing ivrr~eri~onic rule url reduced q u a ~ k i ~ l n s s e s (the dynamic origin of this rule i s a s myster ious now a s the Zweig rule mus t have seemed in 1964). This rule s ta tes that the magnitude of the slope parameter i s determined by the inverse of the two-body reduced m a s s f o r the quark content of the par t i c le under consideration. F o r the (qq) sys tem, the Regge s lopes of p . D* a r e determined (in the l imit of l a rge charm quark m a s s itzw) by light quarks nz, and rihlin the reduced-mass system. F o r the ( J IG, a', X ) c l a s s and to a l e s s extent fo r the 6 , the relevant reduced m a s s e s a r e of o r d e r nz, and in,. Hence, the appropriate slope param- e t e r s a r e correspondingly reduced. The Pomeron

1s belleved to have a (@'Gt) plece, hence, ~ t s slope 1s slnl l lar to that fo r the pslons.' The baryons a r e t reated a s a superposltlon of reduced m a s s e s of two-body p a r s ( ~ n analogy to the Faddeev-type approxlmatlon). TIZZLS l te expect the a Lope p a m ~ i ~ e f e r a o t the s z t z ~ l j cl~ariized (5 - 0, - 1, -2) barjotza to follow the t rend for normal baryons and mesons a s stipulated In Eq. (3). ( F o r s l m p l l c ~ t y we now neglect the differences between ordlnary and s trange quarks.) However, the Regge recur rences of doubly charmed (6 torfzorr f o r t r lply charmed) baryons a r e ex- pected to follow a different (presumably smal le r ) slope.

Uslng Eq. (3), the Regge recur rences of 12,(2.260), Yc(2.426), and SZ(2.500) occur a t

iii, (3') = 2.694 GeV . (4a) C

i i l ( 2 ' ) = 2.835 GeV, C c (4b)

The ground- s ta te assignments of De Rlijula et nl.' f o r singly charmed baryons a r e f o r S= - 1. - 2

JP Mass (GeV)

(3) ( @ ' ~ 3 z ) ~ , (@'x@)+ + 2.470

(6) (S 'XX)~. (@"x@)+ + 2.560

( s t x n ) " ((stxs)+ + 2.610

(PtXX)" 5' 2.680

( 6 ' ~ h ) ~ st 2.720

while the Regge-recurrence s ta tes [using Eq. (3)) a r e given a s follows:

JP Mass (GeV)

Exchange degeneracy for charmed baryons would obviously complicate the spectrum considerably. F o r instance, Eq. (3) p red ic t s a JP= $- par tner to A,(2.260) a t 2.510 GeV-essentially m a s s degener- a t e with the J' = $' ~ct (2 .5) . Since exchange degen- e racy generally r e q u i r e s mjk = m Z c , which is poorly statisfied f o r charmed baryons, we shal l not analyze fur ther the possible exchange-degen- e r a t e baryon spectrum f o r charm.

Page 3: Regge spectroscopy of charmed baryons

904 J . F I N K F , L S T E I N 4 N D S . F . T U N

The production of the family of charmed-baryon- of i t s weak decays a r e antibaryon p a i r s can be searched for in e'-em annihilation a t s'I2 2 4.5 GeV. Because of the comparable m a s s e s predicted for charmed mesons and baryons, it i s not ruled out that the baryons may be produced with abundance comparable to that of the mesons , though the yield may a l so be affected by the dynamics of the three-quark sys tem for baryons ( a s opposed to the quark-antiquark configuration for mesons) . A s s t r e s s e d recently by De RGjula e t a l . , if A, (2.260) i s detected, mea- surement 3 f the reco i l -mass spectrum should show s t ruc ture due to kinematical reflections of the heavier s ta tes . Anf (o r Antn-nt of Ref. 2) can re- veal the whole fanlily of singly charrlled nonstrange baryons. The th ree isotopic doublets of charm 1, strangeness -1 baryons and their Regge recur- rences can a l so be identified analogously. Decay modes of the lightest s ta te at 2.470 GeV should be into two-body channels, e .g . , Z- n', C'K-, C ' P , AOps o r multibody channels formed from the two- body ones with the addition of p a i r s of (n+am) , e.g., Z - i - r + ( 2 ~ ) ~ , EmTi'(4n)0, etc. At s"'-5.0- 6.2 GeV, significant yield due to quasi-two-body pro- duction of charmed strange baryons i s possible . and again once a peak i s found, a study of recoi l m a s s e s can reveal the o ther s tates . The S = - 2, spin-+, charmed baryon i s a lso metastable; some

( a f x x ; J =

nq7r+, a - ~ + ( 2 7 1 ) ~ , n-n+(4n)0,. . . \ -

"OK0, Z0P(2n)0, E 0 p ( 4 n ) 0 . . . . (7) + i S Z , - CER(zn)', CiTi7(4;7)0, . . . . Higher-spin s ta tes with J ~ = $+ and Regge- recur - rence s ta tes with JP= %+, :+ would then decay to the lowest JP= 8' (Pfxx) configuration via photon emission. The e'-e- annihilation c r o s s section should be r ich in s t ruc ture owing to the opening of s o many charm baryon-antibaryon threshold^.^

In photon- (and neutrino-) induced react ions, the s e a r c h f o r the Regge-recurrence s ta tes (4b) and (4c) can employ the cascade strong-decay method Z , * ( i + ) - A,(++) + n , Zc(:) - A,($') + 71 (and their antiparticle analogs). The A,(%+) of Eq. (4a) can decay strongly into c,(;') + T, e.g. , Ad(2.694) - Zz(2.426) + n- o r AE(2.694) - Z: (2.426) + n+ .

Finally, the charmed-baryon-antibaryon p a i r can be produced in hadron- hadron collisions. An es t imate of the production c r o s s section in the central region can be made using Hagedorn- Frautschi thermodynamic^.^ F o r pp collision leading to production of a pa i r of mass ive par t i c les MBc and MLc with I spin 1,11, and ordinary spin J, J', the c r o s s section is given by

The tempera ture T i s of o r d e r 200 MeV in o r d e r given charge state. to be consistent with production charac te r i s t i cs f o r (J/$, h f ) a t El,,> 300 GeV. Application of Eq. (8) to the A, & p a i r of m a s s 2.26 GeV each and to The authors have benefited from conversations the highest-mass p a i r delineated in Eq. (6), with many colleagues (and especially with Tom ( ~ ' X X ) ~ and (gfZ)O with JP= a t 3.090 GeV, leads O'Halloran and Steve Pinsky) at the Aspen Center optimistically to pair-production c r o s s sect ions f o r Physics , where this work was done. They (assuming a l l p a i r productions a r e Zweig allowed) would like to thank the Cente r fo r i t s hospitality in the range 1.1 x cm2 to 8.4 x cm2, fo r a and i t s conducive atmosphere fo r research .

*This work i s supported in p a r t by the U . S. Energy 'P. G . 0. Freund and Y . Kambu, Phys . Rev. Le t t . 34, Research and Development Administrat ion. 1645 (1975); G . F . Chew and C . Rosenzweig, Phys . Rev.

'E. G . Cazzoli e t a1 ., Phys . Rev. Le t t . 2, 1125 (1975). D 12, 3907 (1975); Nucl. Phys. M, 290 (1976). 2 ~ . Knapp e t al ., Phys. Rev. Lett . 5, 882 (1976). 7 ~ e r e we need to modify the reduced-mass-slope rule 3 ~ . Finkelstein and S . S . Pinsky, Phys. Rev. D 3, 360 to be that s lope determined by the la rges t (reduced)


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