TECHNICAL TRANSLATING 13 but with suitable 1ibra.ry research one "skilled in the art" can translate in unfamiliar fields of technology. a translator should develop his passive technical vocabulary in the foreign language by technical reading, to the exclusion of other language skills, Fluency of expression in the language into which he translates is especially desirable The Russian language is recommended as a fruitful study for technical personnel. After studying the foreign language ACS BOOKLET REVIEW Suggestions on How to Organize, Present, and Illustrate a Technical Paper, Bulletin 8, American Chemical Society, Washington 6, D. C., 18 pp., 1961, $1.00 or $0.50 on orders of 10 or more. Thousands of technical papers are presented before the various ACS Divisions during the two national meetings. The Society through its Divisions is thus vitally concerned that these presentations fulfill four requirements: (1) be based on technically sound work; (2) be oriented towards and organ- ized for a listening audience; (3) be delivered concisely and clearly with emphasis on significance, not details; and (4) be illustrated with effective slides. This short booklet is directed towards the speaker's obligation in these four requirements towards his audience, and how he may meet his obligation. lineated and the principles for clear oral presentation are well covered. ducing effective projection slides are adequately described. The serious use of this booklet by authors will do much in making ACS meetings even more rewarding for all participants. The best practices known today are de- Reliable methods of pro- BOOK REVIEW Saline Water Converskn, Advances in Chemistry Series, No. 27, American Chemical Society, Wash- ington, D. C., 1960, 246 pp. $5.85. This collection of 22 papers comprised the Symposium on Saline Water Conversion presented before the Division of Water and Waste Chemistry at the 137th National Meeting, April, 1960, at Cleveland, Ohio. One of the major problems in our civilization is the winning of potable water from saline water at a reasonable cost. esses are well known which probably will achieve it. cussed, and evaluated in this book, including extraction, freezing, demineralization, evaporation, distillation, osmosis, and electrodialysis. In each of these broad process areas, considerable ad- vancements have been made, and the goal of "low cost", although still elusive, is closer as each of these processes is researched with new ideas and creative approaches. The problem has not been solved, nor is its solution apparent although the proc- These processes are thoroughly described, dis- In this advancing field of great importance to most nations, it is essential that the programs be reviewed constantly and that the technologies used be examined thoroughly. This is successfully done by this book.

Reviews Suggestions on How to Organize, Present, and Illustrate a Technical Paper

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but with sui table 1ibra.ry r e s e a r c h one "ski l led i n the a r t " can t r a n s l a t e i n unfamil iar f i e lds of technology. a t r a n s l a t o r should develop his pas s ive technical vocabulary i n the fo re ign language by technical

r ead ing , t o the exclusion of other language s k i l l s , Fluency of e x p r e s s i o n in the language into which he t r a n s l a t e s is especial ly des i r ab le The Russ i an language is r ecommended as a frui t ful study f o r technical pe r sonne l .

After studying the fo re ign language


Suggestions on How to Organ ize , P r e s e n t , and I l l u s t r a t e a Technical P a p e r , Bulletin 8 , Amer ican Chemica l Society, Washington 6 , D. C., 18 pp., 1961, $1.00 o r $0.50 on o r d e r s of 10 o r m o r e .

Thousands of technical p a p e r s a r e p r e s e n t e d be fo re the va r ious ACS Divisions during the two national mee t ings . The Society through its Divisions is thus vitally concerned that t hese p re sen ta t ions fulfi l l fou r r e q u i r e m e n t s : (1) be based on technical ly sound work; (2) be o r i en ted towards and o r g a n - i zed f o r a l is tening audience; (3) be de l ive red concisely and c l e a r l y with emphas i s on s ignif icance, not de t a i l s ; and (4) be i l l u s t r a t ed with effective s l i des .

This s h o r t booklet is d i r ec t ed towards the s p e a k e r ' s obligation i n these four r e q u i r e m e n t s t owards his audience, and how he m a y m e e t his obligation. l ineated and the p r inc ip l e s f o r c l e a r o r a l p re sen ta t ion a r e wel l cove red . ducing effective project ion s l ides a r e adequately d e s c r i b e d . The s e r i o u s u s e of t h i s booklet by au tho r s will do m u c h i n making ACS mee t ings even m o r e rewarding f o r all pa r t i c ipan t s .

The bes t p r a c t i c e s known today a r e d e - Rel iable methods of p r o -


Saline Wate r C o n v e r s k n , Advances i n C h e m i s t r y S e r i e s , No. 27, A m e r i c a n Chemical Society, Wash- ington, D. C., 1960, 246 pp. $5.85.

This col lect ion of 22 p a p e r s compr i sed the Symposium on Saline Wate r Conversion p resen ted be fo re the Division of Wate r and Waste C h e m i s t r y a t the 137th National Meeting, Apr i l , 1960, a t Cleveland, Ohio.

One of the m a j o r p r o b l e m s i n ou r c ivi l izat ion is the winning of potable w a t e r f r o m sa l ine wa te r a t a r easonab le cos t . e s s e s a r e wel l known which probably will achieve i t . c u s s e d , and evaluated in th i s book, including ex t r ac t ion , f r eez ing , demine ra l i za t ion , evaporat ion, dis t i l la t ion, o s m o s i s , and e l ec t rod ia lys i s . In e a c h of t h e s e broad p r o c e s s a r e a s , considerable a d - vancemen t s have been m a d e , and the goal of "low cost" , although s t i l l e lu s ive , is c l o s e r a s e a c h of t h e s e p r o c e s s e s is r e s e a r c h e d with new i d e a s and c rea t ive approaches .

The p r o b l e m has not been solved, n o r is its solution appa ren t although the p r o c - These p r o c e s s e s a r e thoroughly d e s c r i b e d , d i s -

In this advancing field of g r e a t impor t ance to m o s t nat ions, i t i s e s sen t i a l that the p r o g r a m s be reviewed constant ly and that the technologies u s e d be examined thoroughly. This i s success fu l ly done by this book.