April I938 REVUE DE LA TUBERCUI,OSE kTOI., nl NO. IO DECEMBER 1937. *Le pneumothorax cxtrapleural (Extrapleural pncu- mothorax). M. Schmidt. 1i,:,9. *R6flexions sur la communication du Dr Schmidt. A. Maurer. 1137. (l~,enmr'ks on the papcr of l)r Schmidt.) L'apicolyse extrafascial (methode de Semb) (Extra- fascial apicolysis--the method of Scrub). M. Iselin. t 137. Sur les d~Spressions pleurales au cours du Imeumo- thorax artificiel et leurs variations avec les changcments de position du sujet (On the pleural pressures during artificial pneumothorax treat- ment and the changes in them as the result of change of posture). C. Spezzafumo. 115o. Tran.sfusion sanguine dalts In tuberculose chronique des pumons, des ganglioils lymphatiques et des s6reuses (Blood transfusion in chronic tuberculosis of the lungs, lymph glands and serous membraues). J. O. Krizevski. 116',. Ex'trapleural pneumothorax.--The author, who was responsible for the introdttction of tiffs method in the treatment of phtlfisis, sum- marizes his experience in a note read before the Tuberculosis Society in Paris. The restricted field of tlm clear indications for the operation is well presented. It was carried out in 155 patients, in 52 of whom oil was introduced later. In 7 patients a thot:acoplasty was needed subsequently because the collapse prodnced by the pneu- molysis was unsatisfactory, x 4 patients died---0 immediately after the operation, 9 from extension of the disease on the same or contralateral side, in spite of satisfactory collapse, and 3 after the subsequent thora- coplasty. In 9 other patients, who are at present alive, the disease has progressed on the same or the contralateral side in spite of good collapse. In 13 of the total nuntber of patients, lfleeding occurred in the extra- pleural cavity after the operation ; in none did this accident prove fatal, bnt blood transfitsion was found necessary. In two- thirds of the cases the pncumolysis remained 'dry,' i.e. no aspiration of fltfid, or at the most two aspirations were required. On the other hand in one patient aspiration was done .03 times. Secondary infection occnrred in some cases ; all recovered after treatment by aspiration and lavage attd replacement by oil. Remarks by Dr Maurer.--The following acts are stressed. Extrapleural pnettmo- thorax is a long attd difficult operation with an appreciable mortality. The immediate restflts are not ahvays satisfactory in the snrvivors, and the remote results are still TUBERCLE 335 problematical. Ahnost nothing is yet known as to how and when to tet'minatc the treatment. VOL. IV NO. I' J,XNUAR'," 1938. *I.es lldnlothorax tardlfs apr~:s pneumothorax. Deux cas, dont l'un sulvi de mort quatrc ans apr~'s cessation d'un pneumothorax entretenu sept ans (Delayed haemotllorax after pneumothorax. Two cases, in one of which death occurred four )'ears after abandoning a pneumothorax that had been maintained for seven )'ears). Ch. Gernez. 6. *I'ueumothorax partiel non tuberculeux h repro- ductions successives et .6 g6n6ralisation secondaire (Partial pneumothorax, non-tuberculous, which after recurring several times suddenly became generalized). M. P. Weil, V. Oumansky and A. Dreyfus. 26. Les d6formations apr6s thoracoplastles (l)eformities following thoracoplasty). M. Isclin. 45. Infection secondaire d'un pneumothorax. Pouss6es febriles rep6t66s a 42~ guerison par simples ponctlons (Secondary infection of a pneumo- thorax. Repeated bouts of pyrexia to IO7"6 ~ C. ; cured by simple aspiration). I'. Trocmd. 48. Symphyses pleurales tardives apr/:s sections de brides (Pleural symphysis following adhesion section). A. Bernou, L. Mardcaux and L. Canonne. 5 I. A propos des pneumothorax ineMcaces (On ineffective pneumothorax). J. Rolland. 55. Anomalies constat6es au cours de l'entretien des pneumotlaorax artificiels et dues "h l'existence de poches extrapleurales (Anomalies observed in the course of artificial pneumothorax due to extra- pleural air-pockets). 1'. I';. Da~ T andJ. Rolland. 57. Sur la possibilit6 de r6aliser involontalrement un dfcollement extrapleural au cours des insufllatlons (On the possibility of obtaining involt,ntarily an extrapleural detachment during refills). P. Lo~Ts. 63. Effect biologlque des radiations dans l'dtude de l'immunlt6 au cours de la tuberct, lose (Biological effect of radiations in the study of inmmnity in the course of tuberculosis). II. F,. Oliviet and P. Bonet-.\faury. 66. I'fficacit6 de In ca,re d6clive utilis6e tardivement 3 ans apr6s nne phr6nicectomie (Ffficacy of tim sloping position--raised foot of bed--applied three )'ears after phrenicectonw). J. P. Lelong and F. Chationnier. 7 I. Apropos des ombres mddiastinales (On mediastinal shadows). J. P. Lelong. 76. Pneumothorax, symphyse, obstination, danger de mort (l'neumothorax, symphysis, persistence, danger of death). I.e Bayon and Duhamel. 81. *Syndrome de Loeffler avec bdmoptysies et accidents renaux fugaces (l.oefller's syndrome with haemop- tyses and transient renal symptoms). D. Douady and R. Coben. 88. Recherches sur la stdrilisation des crachats tuber- culeux par l'eau de Javel (Research on the sterilization of sputum by means ofJavel fluid). F. van Deinse and O. Gerhardt. 9 o. Delayed haemothorax after artificial pneumo- thorax.--In one patient the condition developed I8 months after abandoning a pneumothorax maintained effectively for six years ; complete recovery took place. In

Revue de la Tuberculose

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April I938


kTOI., nl NO. IO DECEMBER 1937.

*Le pneumothorax cxtrapleural (Extrapleural pncu- mothorax). M. Schmidt. 1 i,:,9.

*R6flexions sur la communication du Dr Schmidt. A. Maurer. 1137. (l~,enmr'ks on the papcr of l)r Schmidt.)

L'apicolyse extrafascial (methode de Semb) (Extra- fascial apicolysis--the method of Scrub). M. Iselin. t 137.

Sur les d~Spressions pleurales au cours du Imeumo- thorax artificiel et leurs variations avec les changcments de position du sujet (On the pleural pressures during artificial pneumothorax treat- ment and the changes in them as the result of change of posture). C. Spezzafumo. 115o.

Tran.sfusion sanguine dalts In tuberculose chronique des pumons, des ganglioils lymphatiques et des s6reuses (Blood transfusion in chronic tuberculosis of the lungs, lymph glands and serous membraues). J. O. Krizevski. 116',.

Ex'trapleural pneumothorax.--The author, who was responsible for the introdttction of tiffs method in the treatment of phtlfisis, sum- marizes his experience in a note read before the Tuberculosis Society in Paris. The restricted field of tlm clear indications for the operation is well presented. It was carried out in 155 patients, in 52 of whom oil was introduced later. In 7 patients a thot:acoplasty was needed subsequently because the collapse prodnced by the pneu- molysis was unsatisfactory, x 4 patients died---0 immediately after the operation, 9 from extension of the disease on the same or contralateral side, in spite of satisfactory collapse, and 3 after the subsequent thora- coplasty. In 9 other patients, who are at present alive, the disease has progressed on the same or the contralateral side in spite of good collapse. In 13 of the total nuntber of patients, lfleeding occurred in the extra- pleural cavity after the operation ; in none did this accident prove fatal, bnt blood transfitsion was found necessary. In two- thirds of the cases the pncumolysis remained ' d r y , ' i.e. no aspiration of fltfid, or at the most two aspirations were required. On the other hand in one patient aspiration was done .03 times. Secondary infection occnrred in some cases ; all recovered after treatment by aspiration and lavage attd replacement by oil. Remarks by Dr Maurer.--The following acts are stressed. Extrapleural pnettmo-

thorax is a long attd difficult operation with an appreciable mortality. The immediate restflts are not ahvays satisfactory in the snrvivors, and the remote results are still

T U B E R C L E 335

problematical. Ahnost nothing is yet known as to h o w a n d w h e n to t e t 'm ina t c t he t r e a t m e n t .

VOL. IV NO. I' J,XNUAR'," 1938.

*I.es lldnlothorax tardlfs apr~:s pneumothorax. Deux cas, dont l'un sulvi de mort quatrc ans apr~'s cessation d'un pneumothorax entretenu sept ans (Delayed haemotllorax after pneumothorax. Two cases, in one of which death occurred four )'ears after abandoning a pneumothorax that had been maintained for seven )'ears). Ch. Gernez. 6.

*I'ueumothorax partiel non tuberculeux h repro- ductions successives et .6 g6n6ralisation secondaire (Partial pneumothorax, non-tuberculous, which after recurring several times suddenly became generalized). M. P. Weil, V. Oumansky and A. Dreyfus. 26.

Les d6formations apr6s thoracoplastles (l)eformities following thoracoplasty). M. Isclin. 45.

Infection secondaire d'un pneumothorax. Pouss6es febriles rep6t66s a 42~ guerison par simples ponctlons (Secondary infection of a pneumo- thorax. Repeated bouts of pyrexia to IO7"6 ~ C. ; cured by simple aspiration). I'. Trocmd. 48.

Symphyses pleurales tardives apr/:s sections de brides (Pleural symphysis following adhesion section). A. Bernou, L. Mardcaux and L. Canonne. 5 I.

A propos d e s pneumothorax ineMcaces (On ineffective pneumothorax). J . Rolland. 55.

Anomalies constat6es au cours de l'entretien des pneumotlaorax artificiels et dues "h l'existence de poches extrapleurales (Anomalies observed in the course of artificial pneumothorax due to extra- pleural air-pockets). 1'. I';. Da~ T andJ. Rolland. 57.

Sur la possibilit6 de r6aliser involontalrement un dfcollement extrapleural au cours des insufllatlons (On the possibility of obtaining involt,ntarily an extrapleural detachment during refills). P. Lo~Ts. 63.

Effect biologlque des radiations dans l'dtude de l'immunlt6 au cours de la tuberct, lose (Biological effect of radiations in the study of inmmnity in the course of tuberculosis). II. F,. Oliviet and P. Bonet-.\faury. 66.

I'fficacit6 de In ca, re d6clive utilis6e tardivement 3 ans apr6s nne phr6nicectomie (Ffficacy of tim sloping position--raised foot of bed--applied three )'ears after phrenicectonw). J. P. Lelong and F. Chationnier. 7 I.

Apropos des ombres mddiastinales (On mediastinal shadows). J. P. Lelong. 76.

Pneumothorax, symphyse, obstination, danger de mort (l'neumothorax, symphysis, persistence, danger of death). I.e Bayon and Duhamel. 81.

*Syndrome de Loeffler avec bdmoptysies et accidents renaux fugaces (l.oefller's syndrome with haemop- tyses and transient renal symptoms). D. Douady and R. Coben. 88.

Recherches sur la stdrilisation des crachats tuber- culeux par l'eau de Javel (Research on the sterilization of sputum by means ofJavel fluid). F. van Deinse and O. Gerhardt. 9 o.

Delayed haemothorax after artificial pneumo- thorax.--In one patient the condition developed I8 months after abandoning a pneumothorax maintained effectively for six years ; complete recovery took place. In


the o ther pa t ien t the h a c m o t h o r a x d e v e l o p c d four years after a b a n d o n i n g a pncumo- thorax ma in t a ined for seven years ; it was associated with b i la te ra l recrudescence of disease, and the pa t ien t died. T h e au tho r discusses full}, the pa tho logy , symptoms and t rea tment of these two forms, benign and mal ignant , of the condi t ion.

Recurrent partial pneumothorax (non-tuber- cutous) becoming generalized.----The authors c la im that an exact ly s imilar case has not previously been repor ted .

Loe.171er's srndrome.--Loefller has descr ibed a syndrome the ma in features of which were the presence o f t ransient p u h n o n a r y infil- t ra t ions associated with oesinophil ia . A b o u t a year ago he repor ted on no less than I OO cases. T h e re la t ion of the syndrome to tuber- culosis is still not de te rmined . T h e authors descr ibe a case which they believe to be re la ted to the above condi t ion.

S C H W I ' ; I Z E R I S C H E M E D I Z I N I S C H ' E W O C I I E N S C H R I F T

Vot.. LXVm No. x J.vxUaRV l, x938.

*Das Verhalten yon Sypllilis und Tuberkulose in" Familien (The incidence of syphilis and tuber- culosis in fanfilics). R. R6sslc. 3.

TUBERCLE A p r i l 1938

Si.philis and tuberculosis in families.--Post- mor tem findings are repor ted fi'om 16-o conjugal par tners of whom one or both had a tuberculous lesion. Most of the contacts (59) of the ' open ' c a s e s (69) had eithe," a hea led or inact ive lesion or no lesion at all ; only in IO cases d id both par tners have an active open lesion. T h e high immuni ty of adults , even after p ro longed exposure, is emphasized, and the resistance of some indiv iduals is descr ibed as absohlte . T h e chi ldren of such families, howeve, ' , showed a high incidence o f tuberculosis. There was no ind ica t ion of he red i t a ry predisposi t ion, and no s imilar i ty in the combina t ion of lesions or course of the disease was found in blood relat ions.

Von. LXVm No. 2 J,t.xuan," 8, 1938.

*Zur Frage der iMmiireu Mandehuberkulose (On primary tuberculosis of the tonsils). E. Schlinler. 4- ~ .

On primar.)' tuberculosis of the tonsils.--Out of 98 pat ients suffering from cervical g l andu la r tuberculosis 48 had tuberculous changes in tile excised tonsils on histological examina- tion. Tuberculos is of the tonsils is not a lways ' p r i m a r y ' l int is very often a secondary henmtogenous lesion or even a pos tp r imary reinfection.