Right to Healthy Environment in the Era of Globalization

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  • 8/13/2019 Right to Healthy Environment in the Era of Globalization


    Right to Healthy Environment: in the Era of Globalization

    Author: Priya S. Dhanokar

    B. Sc. .!." P.G.D. H R" SE# " $E#.

    A%%t. Prof. in a&"

    DES'% $( a& )ollege" Pune.

    !ail *+: +hanokar,riya-gmail.com.

    )ontact $o.: /01021310.

    )o4 Author: !r. !ahe%h R. Hal+e

    .!." P.G.D. H R" $E#.

    Re%earch Scholar"

    !ail *+: hal+e.mahe%h-gmail.com.

    )ontact $o.: /02526/3/.

    A. *ntro+uction:

    Human Rights are the basic, inherent and inalienable rights, which

    are very much essential in preserving dignity of human beings. These

    rights are most essential and basic for sustaining the stability and

    development of all the individuals across the world. Hence, a great

    emphasis has been attracted towards the protection and preservation of

    Human Rights at all the levels in the world. It is done through the

    medium of various international treaties, conventions and other

    instruments. These rights manifests themselves through different

    categories of rights like, civil and political rights, economic, social and

    cultural rights etc. Right to live in healthy environment is one of such

    rights. Health of human being is most important factor of human life.

    Right from birth, every human being desires to live in healthy


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    environment. But due to urbanization, modernization and globalization

    human beings are now unable to enoy this right of living in a pollution

    free environment to the fullest e!tent. "s a matter of fact, for an

    industrialized society the use of sophisticated technologies in production

    of material re#uired for the development of social amenities on one hand

    and improving the health standards as well as the #uality of life on the

    other are very difficult tasks. "s a result, pollution becomes an

    unavoidable hazard. Hence Right to Healthy $nvironment is now

    recognized globally as a concomitant right of Right to %evelopment.

    "ccordingly, most of the International &onventions like 'nited (ations

    %eclaration of Human Rights, )*+ and &onvent of $conomic, -ocial

    and &ultural Rights, )* have recognized the right to healthy

    environment as a basic Human Right.) Thus, the ultimate aim of every

    human society or association or /overnment is to develop human being

    in healthy environment.

    0n the contrary, with the advent of globalization and the

    introduction of new technology, the need of protecting human beings

    from violation of their Human Rights is increasing. "ccordingly many

    mechanisms are evolved at global, regional as well as national levels to

    protect and preserve these rights. However the efficacy of such

    mechanisms has been #uestioned in the light of blatant human rights

    1"rticle )1 of the 'nited (ations %eclaration of Human Right in )*+.


  • 8/13/2019 Right to Healthy Environment in the Era of Globalization


    violations and disregard for basic human dignity in nearly all countries in

    one or the other form. 0n this backdrop, present research paper tries to

    through light on various issues relating to environment vis2a2vis

    development along with legal provisions and udicial response for the


    B. !eaning an+ Definition of Environment:

    Basically the word, 3environment3 is derived from the 4rench word,

    'environner' which means 3to encircle3 or 3to surround3.1 "ccording to

    ancient Indian literature, the term, 3$nvironment3 is known as,

    3Paryavaran'which is combination of two words, 3Pari3 near and 3Avaran3

    means covering. Thus, it means the covering which is near or surrounding

    the human beings.

    The word environment has been defined differently in different

    instruments and statutes . "ccording to the $nvironment 5rotection "ct,

    )* the word, 3$nvironment3 includes water, air, land and the inter2

    relationship, which e!ists among and between water, air, land and

    human beings other living creatures, plants, microorganism and property.6

    Thus the general meaning of the term environment is the condition or

    circumstances that surrounds an organism. There are various components


    %r. "mod -.Tilak, 7$nvironmental 8aw7, -now 9hite 5ublications 5vt. 8td., 4irst $dition,1::*,5. ).

    3-ection 6 of the $nvironment 5rotection "ct, )*.


  • 8/13/2019 Right to Healthy Environment in the Era of Globalization


    of the $nvironment. i.e. biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and

    atmosphere. "ll these components are getting badly damaged due to

    different developmental activities that are carried out due to increased

    industrialization and other developmental proects. The concept of

    /lobalization though is necessary for development of human beings has

    many ill effects on the environment which are discussed as under.

    ). Effect of Globalization on Environment:

    /lobalization is the system of interaction among the countries of the

    world in order to develop the global economy. /lobalization refers to the

    integration of economics and societies all over the world. Thus,

    /lobalization involves technological, economic, political, and cultural

    e!changes made possible largely by advances in communication,

    transportation, and infrastructure.

    /lobalization has a positive impact on the $nvironment to some

    e!tent but there are still some crucial negative impacts of /lobalization

    on the $nvironment. The main negative impact of /lobalization on the

    $nvironment is increase in the #uantity of industrial pollution. Besides

    this, there is overuse of natural resources due to increased industrial

    demands, damage to ecosystems due to population growth, decrease in

    soil fertility due to e!cessive use of chemicals for more productivity and

    so on. In the same way, with the advent of industrialization e!tensive


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    deforestation has occurred world2wide which has also contributed in

    degrading the $nvironmental balance. /lobalization also has another

    negative impact on the $nvironment in the form of 3global warming3,

    which is due to emission of greenhouse gases. This is the result of

    increased industrialization and over increasing use of fossil fuels in the

    developing world. %ue to emission of such gasses, the temperature level

    has increased causing in melting of ice at polar regions. This has resulted

    in increase of sea levels which has an e!tensive impact on biodiversity

    and weather systems. This shows that, /lobalization has many ill effects

    on the $nvironment as well as human beings.

    D. Environment vi%4a4vi% Develo,ment4 Su%tainable Develo,ment:

    "s a matter of fact, every individual has a Right to %evelopment and

    while carrying out various developmental activities, environmental

    degradation is caused as a necessary evil. -o there is a need to maintain a

    balance between these two contradictory phenomenon. "s a result of this,

    the concept of -ustainable %evelopment was evolved and is now has

    become well recognized and appreciated across the world.

    -ustainable %evelopment is a balancing concept between

    development and environment. -ustainable %evelopment can be defined

    as, the development that meets the needs of the present without

    compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.


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    Industries are of vital importance for the nation;s progress as they

    generate foreign e!change and provide employment but having regard to

    the pollution caused by it< the concept of -ustainable %evelopment is of

    vital importance.

    There are two principles included in the concept of -ustainable

    %evelopment. These are, 5olluter 5ays 5rinciple and 5recautionary


    i. Polluter Pay% Princi,le:

    This is one of the important principles covered under the concept

    of -ustainable %evelopment. It involves remediation of damage caused

    to the environment by the polluter himself. Thus, the polluter is liable to

    pay the cost of individual sufferers as well as the cost of reversing the

    damage to the environment.

    "ccording to this principle, it should be no answer on the part of

    such hazardous enterprise to say that, it had taken all reasonable care and

    that the harm occurred without any negligence on their part.

    ii. Precautionary Princi,le:

    This principle insists to observe precaution before the actual

    damage is caused to the environment. That is to take care before any act

    is done, which has possibility to damage the environment. "ccordingly,


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    the precautionary principle or precautionary approach states that if an

    action or policy has a suspected risk of causing harm to thepublicor to

    the environment, then the duty is imposed on that person to take

    necessary steps for protecting and preserving the environment. This

    principle implies that there is a social responsibility to protect the public

    from e!posure to harm either to their health or to their environment

    Thus the concept of -ustainable %evelopment protects the right to

    pollution free environment of future generations even in the era of

    globalization. Taking the basis of these concepts, various legislations

    have been enacted, different policies are framed in order to regulate and

    control all such developmental activities and in turn to protect and

    preserve the environment. -ome of them are discussed below.

    E. Right to Healthy Environment an+ egi%lative (rame&ork:

    "ll human beings depend on the environment in which we live. "

    safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment is integral to the full

    enoyment of a wide range of human rights, including the rights to life,

    health, food, water and sanitation. Hence enumerable laws has been

    framed at national as well as at international level for protecting,

    preserving and maintaining #uality of the $nvironment including air,

    water, wild life etc. 5resent point tries to through light on few of such

    legal provisions as under.


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    i. *nternational evel:

    =any International &onventions, &onferences are carried out in

    order to consider the measures for protection and preservation of human

    $nvironment. The ever attempt in this area is the -tockholm &onference,

    )*>1. It was the first International &onference on human $nvironment,

    organized at -tockholm from ?une @ to )+, )*>1 at the initiation of

    'nited (ations $nvironmental "gency. The &onference called upon the

    /overnments and people to e!ert common efforts for the preservation and

    improvement of Human $nvironment. The concept of -ustainable

    %evelopment was propounded for the first time in this &onference itself,

    which seeks to maintain balance between $nvironment and development.

    It has also declared @th

    ?une as 39orld $nvironment %ay3. (e!t step in

    this regards is the 9&$%, )*>.+ The 9orld &ommission on

    $nvironment and %evelopment, )*> A9&$% headed by /iro Harlen

    Bruntland proposed a set of legal principles for -ustainable %evelopment

    and suggested for enactment of a global convention for the protection of

    $nvironment. 4urther, for the same purpose and for arresting further

    degradation of the $nvironment and to repair damage already done to it,

    in the year )**1, the Rio $arth -ummit was convened at a global level.

    =aintenance of ecological balance, prevention and control of

    environmental pollution, preservation of our natural resources, disaster

    49orld &ommission on $nvironment and %evelopment, 0ur &ommon 4uture, )*>


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    mitigation and sustainable development are the basic factors of the 7$arth

    &harter7, which is also called the 7Rio %eclaration7.@Besides, there are

    many International &onventions, which seek to provide $nvironmental

    protection measures.

    Thus, International treaties, &onventions, &onferences and

    5rotocols resulted in regulatory legislations to protect the environment in

    several countries for framing policies as well as to protect and improve

    $nvironment, preventing pollution, punishing environmental crimes, and

    for compensating the persons affected by breach of protective provisions.

    ii. $ational level:

    a. )on%titutional ,rovi%ion%:

    The &onstitution of India, which is the supreme law of land seeks to

    protect the right to health of people and pollution free environment

    through its various provisions as followsC

    3. (un+amental right%:

    5Rio %eclaration on $nvironment and %evelopment, 6) I8= >+, )**1.

    4or $!ample, The &onvention on International Trade in $ndangered 4auna and 4lora, )*>6, The

    'nited (ations &onvention on the 8aw of -ea, )*+ etc.


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    4undamental rights are the basic rights of people. Right to healthy

    $nvironment is one of them. In fact this right is not e!pressly conferred

    by the &onstitution of India but is Implied interpreted as one of the

    dimensions of Right to 8ife as provided under "rticle 1). Healthy

    environment is the basic need of individuals for living life with human

    dignity. "s per the broad view taken by the -upreme &ourt of India in its

    various decisions,> Right to Healthy environment is directly related with

    right to life and liberty under "rticle 1) of the &onstitution of India.

    Hence, the ustifiability of right to healthy environment is based on right

    to life and personal liberty.

    This view of the -upreme &ourt of India is also reflected in the

    decision of &hameli -ingh vs. -tate of '.5

    In this case, it has been held

    that right to life is not ensured by meeting only the animal e!istence, it is

    secured only when the essential needs of man including food, water,

    shelter, decent environment, education etc. are fulfilled. Beside this,

    "rticle 1) also provides right to pollution free environment as given in

    decision -ubhash Dumar vs. state of Bihar* in this case, it was held that

    5I8 is maintainable for ensuring enoyment of pollution free water and

    air, which is included in Eright to life;.

    7-eeRe Noise Pollution Case "IR 1::@ -& 6)6.

    "IR )** -& @+*.* "IR 1::1 -& 6@.


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    6. Directive Princi,le% of the State Policy:

    %irective 5rinciple of -tate 5olicy under 5art IF of the

    &onstitution of India impose obligation on the -tate to protect the health

    of people and also has imposed the fundamental duties on the -tate to

    protect $nvironment.): . These provisions act as guidance that -tate

    should fellow in achieving certain standards of living for its citizens.

    "ccordingly, "rticle +2" added by the +1 nd "mendment "ct, )*>

    re#uires the -tate to take steps to protect and improve the $nvironment

    and to safeguard the forests and wild life of the country. Besides this,

    "rticle 6*Ae provides for duty of the -tate in protection of the health of

    people and to prevention of their e!ploitation by entering into avocations

    unsuited to their age and strength due to economic necessity. 9hile,

    "rticle +1 directs the -tate to make provisions for securing ust human

    conditions for life and for maternity relief at work places and "rticle +>

    of the &onstitution of India impose the duty on the -tate to raise the

    standard of living and health of public.

    In the decision of the =.& =ehta vs. 'nion of India,)) -upreme &ourt

    held that these %irective 5rinciples of -tate 5olicy individually and

    collectively impose a duty on the -tate to create condition to improve the


    -ee Intellectual 4orum Tirupati v. -tate of " 5. "IR 1:: -& )6@:.

    )) "IR )**) -& +1:.


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    general health level of people in the country and to protect natural


    1. (un+amental Dutie%:

    "rticle @)2" Ag of the &onstitution of India provides a

    4undamental %uty for citizens of India for the protection of $nvironment.

    In the decision of Intellectual 4orum, Tirupathi v. -tate of "ndhra


    -upreme &ourt held that, under "rticles 1) and @)2" it is the

    &onstitutional obligation of the /overnment to protect and preserve the


    In this way the &onstitution of India has made number of

    provisions for protecting Right to Healthy $nvironment.

    b. egi%lative ,rovi%ion%:

    Besides &onstitutional provisions, there is a bulk of $nvironmental

    8egislations in India. -ome of the important legislations are pointed out


    The most important enactment in the field of protection of

    $nvironment is, the 5rotection of $nvironment "ct, )*. =any

    provisions like definitions of $nvironment, pollution, pollutants etc.,

    functions of /overnment to protect the $nvironment, offences and

    )1 "IR 1:: -& )6@:.


  • 8/13/2019 Right to Healthy Environment in the Era of Globalization


    penalties in case of violation of Right to Healthy $nvironment are

    discussed under this "ct. It also provides for higher penalty in case of

    continuous violation.

    Besides this, there is the 5revention and &ontrol of 9ater 5ollution

    "ct, )*>+ and 5revention and control of "ir 5ollution "ct, )*. These

    are the special legislations enacted to control air as well as water

    pollution caused mainly due to developmental activities and

    industrialization carried out in the era of /lobalization. These acts e!ert

    emphasis on the setting up of precautionary and safety e#uipments

    before establishment of any new industry or continuation of the working

    of old ones. These provisions recognize the need of preventing the

    $nvironmental pollution instead of taking remedial measures after

    having the $nvironment polluted.

    In addition to this, there are other enactments relating to protection

    of $nvironment. 4or instance, the 5ublic 8iabilities Insurance "ct,

    )**), which enables the %istrict &ollector to determine immediate relief

    to the affected persons< the (ational $nvironmental Tribunal "ct, )**@,

    which creates tribunals to enforce the absolute liability principle< 5ublic

    8iability Insurance "ct, )**), which has made it mandatory for the

    occupiers of hazardous activities to provide minimum relief to the

    victims. Thus these legislations if implemented properly, will help in


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    protection and promotion of Right to Healthy $nvironment more


    (. Environmental Protection an+ 7u+icial Activi%m:

    9ith reference to conte!t of role of Indian ?udiciary in protecting

    and preserving the environment it is revealed that, the -upreme &ourt of

    India has tried to maintain the balance between the process of

    development and the protection of environment , which can be witnessed

    through many of its udgments. " substantial contribution of the higher

    udiciary is provided by the e!panded interpretation of "rticle 1) of the

    &onstitution of India which provides that, right to life includes right to

    live in safe and healthy environment. )6 In a %oon Falley case, )+ the

    -upreme &ourt of India has read the right to clean environment as a part

    of right to life vide "rticle 1) of the &onstitution of India and held that

    the permanent assets of mankind cannot be allowed to be e!hausted in

    the name of globalization and industrialization.

    4urther, in its another landmark udgment, -hriram 4oods and

    4ertilizers Industries v. 'nion of India)@which is popularly known as

    30leum /as 8eak &ase3, the -upreme &ourt of India has articulated a

    new standard of absolute liability to prevent denial of right to healthy

    13-ee =.& =ehta v. 'nion of India "IR )*> -& *@.


    A)*@ 1 -&& +6).

    15"IR )*> -& *@.


  • 8/13/2019 Right to Healthy Environment in the Era of Globalization


    environment in the hands of the industrialists engaged in hazardous

    activities. "ccording to this principle, the industry would be absolutely

    liable for the loss caused to the health of people as well as for the

    environmental damage done by the hazardous and inherently dangerous

    activities carried on by it.

    Get, another instance of udicial attempt in maintaining the balance

    between need of industrialization on one side and protection of

    environmental degradation on the other is revealed in Fellore &itizen3s

    9elfare 4orum v. 'nion of India. )In this case, the ape! court held that,

    such industries though are of vital importance to the country3s

    development, they cannot be allowed to destroy the ecology, degrade the

    environment and pose a health hazard and thus cannot be permitted to

    continue their operation unless they setup pollution control devices. The

    court further added that, such industries are of vital importance for the

    country3s progress as they generate foreign e!change and provides

    employment avenues but having regard to pollution caused by them,

    principal of 7-ustainable %evelopment 7 has to be adopted as a balancing

    concept between ecology and development.

    Thus, it is submitted that, the udiciary through its various verdicts

    has rightly imposed an absolute and non2delegable duty on enterprises

    16A)** @ -&& @:.


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    engaged in Hazardous or Inherently %angerous "ctivities posing a

    potential threat to the health and safety of the persons working in the

    factory and residing in the surrounding areas so as to ensure that no harm

    will result to anyone.

    (. )onclu%ion:

    /lobalization is important to every nation for its development. But

    due to globalization, large number of industries are developed and they

    use the petro2chemical products which increase the environment al

    pollution . However right to healthy environment is the basic human right

    of all people around the world. -o, the era of globalization imposes the

    duty upon -tate, &itizen and Industrialists to protect and maintain the

    healthy environment. "ccordingly, various &onventions, &onferences

    and &harters etc. have been framed at (ational and International levels so

    as to provide proper measure for protection and promotion of the

    environment. ?udiciary has also played a vital role in recognizing and

    enforcing this right by adopting the new concepts like, -ustainable

    %evelopment, Rule of "bsolute 8iability etc. In short it can be said that

    developmental activities and $nvironmental degradation are parallel to

    each other. 0n the one hand, for individual3s development

    industrialization and globalization are important but on the other hand

    these activities cannot be carried out without compromising the right to


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    healthy environment of individuals. It is not possible to root out

    environmental degradation completely. Hence the only remedy lies in

    adopting the concept of -ustainable %evelopment and thereby attempting

    to minimize the environmental pollution. This is nothing but the $ee+ of

