WINNERS RISING ST ARS Theantithes is ofeverythi ng (wethought ) Heyne keMeyerstoodfor.He surpr isedby pickin g thedaringfullbackfrom Stell enbo schwho madehis wayinto SuperRugbyvia Griqua s tobecomea match- winne r forthe Cheet ahs. Andwhata gooddecis ionitturne dout tobe– Mey erallowedLeRouxtohavehis headand herespond edby addinga good fewattacki ng optionsto theSpringbo ks’ arsenal LOSERS Withan absen teepresid entand alleg ations of wron gdoin g gatheringaroundthe head oftheCEO,themana ging bod yof loc al rugbyhas,well,failedto manage . TheKings/Lio nsSuperRugby stand o wasa deba clethat rema insunsolved ,the SuperRugbyformatis a mess,the triple -head ermid-yeartestsfailedto ignite theexcite mentof thefans,and theunion contin uedto bendits kneeto thesport depar tment,whilebeingled aroun d bythe noseby theirpartne rsin SANZA R. Andit appea rsto haveno work able solut ionfor tran sformation.No amountof “spin ”can disgu isethe factthattaking a cuefrom itsown boss,SA ’srugby adminis trat ionhas beenmissingin action Rugby’s movers and shakers Graphics24 Photos:Backpagepix SouthAfrica ’srugbycathedralhadn’t host edthe AllBlacksin nineyearsand wha tit gotinretu rnwasthegameofthe yea r.TheBoksandtheAllBla ckswen tat it hammerandtongs,scoringnine tries betw eenthem,as theKiwis clinch ed victo ryin TheRugbyChampionsh ip. Itsays somet hingfor theAll Black s thattheywerealso invol vedin the seaso n’sotherclassicagainstIrelandin Dublin RomainPoite ’sinfamouscardingof Bismar ckdu Ples sisat EdenParkin Auc kla ndwasthenadirofa badyea rfor matchocials.Inst eadof acce ssto the TMOmaking forbetterdecisio ns,all ithas doneis encouragea dere liction of resp onsibi litywith ref eree s nolonger“the solejudgeof fact . Fro m thescrumengagemen t lawsto thebreakdown,threewordssumup the prob lem– incon siste nt,inconsis tentand inconsistent It’sonething tolose senio r play ers,butto loseso manyin onehit… andintheyear of theunion’s75thanniver sary , saysonly onething:somewhere,someonetookhis eyeotheball “Fa ilingto turnup”is a phr asethat turns uptoo ofte n whenit come s toProvinc e, what everguisethey’rein,and yetagain theylosta keyknockoutgame at Newlands. Maybeit’stime theymoveto theCape Tow n Stadium Samoa ’sfullbackcommitt edone of rugby’ s no-no ’sby “bag-snatching” Adria an Str aussin thetestagainstthe Sprin gboksatLoftus. Butthe bigge stcensureshouldperhap s befor theIRB’sjudiciaryproce ssthat allows thelikesof So’o ialo,Ma’aNonu and Alesa naTuilagito geto scot -freeafte r incide ntsof foulplay,whilecomingdown hardon other s forlesserindiscr etions Theimpactplayerof theyear,highligh ting NewZealand’ s dept h in thecrucial number10 posit ion.The thirdin lineto “King”DanielCarterand behin d Aaron Cruden, Barrett’swalk-on rolesdrew stand ingovations– espe ciallyat Ellis Park,wher e hiscontribut ioneective ly wonitfortheAll Bla cks MoveoverGio Aplon ,Kolbe is aboutto assumethehot-ste ppercrown. TheCape isrenownedforproducin g pock etrocket s andKolbethrilled whene verhe hadball inhand. Here ’shopinghe isn’talsocondemned tothe “toosmall”straitja cket Gran tedtheydid notwin anythi ng,but by reachingthe Supe r Rugbyplay-o sfor thersttime,the Fre e Stat ersshowedup riche r teamslikethe Stor mersand the Sharks.Everyone’s “secondfavourite team” , asthe menfrom Bloemf ontei n havebeendubbed,playe d witha senseof adventure. Theyburiedtheiroverse asbogey, punch edway abovetheirweightand pushe d thelikesof AdriaanStrauss,Willie leRoux andCoenieOosthuize nstrongly intotheSpringbokambit Fac edwith caree r-endinginjuries,thetwo warh orse s refu sedto givein, andit was goodto seeBurgerbackfor We ster n Pro vinceandthe Baa-Baa s,and Smith makinga miracl e comeb ackfor T oulon The“moneyb all”teamdid itagain, winni ng back-to-b ackSuperRugby title s, thistimewithoutSonny BillWilliams. Theystruggl edagainstthe Australian teams butwhen itcountedin the play -osagainstthe Crusad ersand the Brumb ies,theyproduc edthe goods Byhis ownadmission ,the We ster n Pro vinceandStormerscentr e wasnot coachHeynek e Meyer ’srstchoice as capta in whenhe tookoverthe Sprin gboks lastyear, butDe Villiershas resp ondedto havin g themantleof leade rshiphungon his shoulders. He’ sclear lyin cha rgeontheeld,has a knackwithrefere es,handlesthemedia exc eptio nallywelland alsojust happe nsto haveplayedarguab lythe bestseaso n of hiscareer Tw o coach eswho areat theopposit e end ofthe SouthAfricanrugbyspectr umbut, thro ughtheir dilige nceand atte ntionto detai l,are nowwinners . Theubiquito usVenterwiththe Currie Cupon hisCV andmuscularcrooner Ston ehous e takingthePumas intothe PremierDivision,witha rec ordof playe d 28,won25,los tthreesay sit all KHANYISOTSHWAKU and DAN RETIE F run the rul e ove r the past sea sonand highl ight thei r winn ers, los ers, risi ng sta rs andchangingforce s Chiefs Cheetahs Jeande Villiers Lo vehimor hat ehim,you’v egotto hand itto SonnyBill,he’sthe ultimatewinnerin rugb y.Afterwinningthe Rugb y Wor ldCup wit htheAllBlacksin2011andtheSuper Rugb y titlewiththe Chief s in 2012,he ret urnedto RugbyLeagu e andwon Aust ralia ’sNRL titlewiththe Sydne y Roos ters ,cappingthe seas ono bybeing crow nedthe RugbyLeagueInter nation al Fed erat ionPlayerof theYear. Ther e’snot enoughspaceto listhis othe r accol ades,butsuceit tosay he’s als o gotawin und erhisbeltas a professionalheavyweight boxer Beati ngWester n Pro vincein theCurrie CupFinal canno t beviewedin isolation, butit repr esen teda massiv e strid e from thefranchis e’ssplutt eringSuperRugby outt. TheSharkswentto CapeTown witha planto expo sethe low-l yingProvinc e defe nce,andwith CharlMcLeodand Pat Lambieexec utingwithprecisio n,the boys fromKwaZu lu-Nat al str odecondent lyto victory Sharks SonnyBill Williams BrendanVenterand  JimmyStonehouse SchalkBurger and  JuanSmith Sout hAfricavs NewZeala nd atEllisPark TheSharksraisedeyebr owswhenthey decid edto appoin t SouthAfrica ’s most -capp edcaptainand playe r astheir newCEO.“Heknowsnothingof busin ess, saidthe naysa yersbutothersapplaude d amovetobringsome oneint othe commit teeroomwith an intima te knowledgeof theplayingside ofthings. Anditseemstobeworki ng– soonafter Smittookover,theCurrieCup retu rnedto KingsPark TheformerWallab y prop ,WorldCup winne r andsuccess fulReds coach succ eededNewZealande r Robb ieDeans afte r a disap pointingrun forthe Wallabies.McKenzie’s initial resultswere poo r buthis“Iam thebos s”att itu deand zero-toleranceapproach towards indisc iplinestart edto paydividend s. Fo urwinsina ro won the iryear -en d tourseemsto sugge stthe Wa llabie s mightbe back  JohnSmit EwenMcKenzie SARugbyUnion Referees TheBlueBulls BeaudenBarrett CheslinKolbe WesternProvince  JamesSo’oialo VictorMatel d’sretir ementlefta voidat numbe r vein theSpringbo k side , butthe sear chmight wellbe overwiththe emer genceof DuToit,who is the grand sonof thegreatSpringbo k prop, Piet“Spie re”du To it Pieter-Step h duToit Sensin g theBlue Bullswerein trou ble agains t theBrumbie s in theSuperRugby semin alat Loft us,the skipp erwent for broke,choosingtoesche wthreekickable penal tiesin sear ch ofa winnin g try. Fat e consp iredagainsthim,the bigscore failedtomaterialis e andPotgiet erbecame Pre toria ’spublicenemy numberone DewaldPotgieter CHANGINGFORCES Aperfe ctyear– 14winsin14 te st s.Kier an Read(abov e)was theIRB Playe r ofthe Ye ar , theAll Black s weretheTeamof the Yearand Steve Hanso n wasCoachof the Year. Nowthat’sa black outof a dier ent kind!Comin g oa pla yed14,won12,dre w oneand lostonerecordin 2012,there ’sno doubt ingthe AllBlacks’numberone status AllBlacks Williele Roux

Rugby’s movers and shakers

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8/13/2019 Rugby’s movers and shakers

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Theantithesis ofeverything (wethought)HeynekeMeyerstoodfor.He surprisedbypicking thedaringfullbackfromStellenboschwho madehis wayintoSuperRugbyvia Griquas tobecomeamatch-winner forthe Cheetahs.Andwhata gooddecisionitturnedout

tobe– MeyerallowedLeRouxtohavehisheadand herespondedby addinga goodfewattacking optionsto theSpringboks’



an absenteepresidentand allegationsongdoing gatheringaroundthe headeCEO,themanaging bodyof localyhas,well,failedto manage.Kings/LionsSuperRugby stando debaclethat remainsunsolved,therRugbyformatis amess,the-headermid-yeartestsfailedto ignitexcitementof thefans,and theunionnuedto bendits kneeto thesportrtment,whilebeingled around bythe

by theirpartnersin SANZAR.dit appearsto havenoworkableonfor transformation.No amountof ”can disguisethe factthattaking aom itsown boss,SA’srugbynistrationhas beenmissingin action

Rugby’s movers and shakers


hAfrica’srugbycathedralhadn’tdthe AllBlacksin nineyearsandt gotinreturnwasthegameoftheTheBoksandtheAll Blackswentatmmerandtongs,scoringnine trieseenthem,as theKiwis clinchedyin TheRugbyChampionship.ays somethingfor theAll Blacksheywerealso involvedin theon’sotherclassicagainstIrelandinn

RomainPoite’sinfamouscardingof Bismarckdu Plessisat EdenParkinAucklandwasthenadirofa badyearformatchocials.Insteadof accessto theTMOmaking forbetterdecisions,all ithas

doneis encouragea dereliction of responsibilitywith referees nolonger“thesolejudgeof fact”.From thescrumengagement lawsto

thebreakdown,threewords sumup theproblem– inconsistent,inconsistentandinconsistent

It’sonething tolose senior players,butto

loseso manyin onehit… andintheyearof theunion’s75thanniversary, saysonlyonething:somewhere,someonetookhiseyeotheball

“Failingto turnup”is a phrasethat turns

uptoo often whenit comes toProvince,whateverguisethey’rein,and yetagaintheylosta keyknockoutgame atNewlands.Maybeit’stime theymoveto theCape

Town Stadium

Samoa’sfullbackcommittedone orugby’s no-no’sby “bag-snatchingAdriaan Straussin thetestagainstSpringboksat Loftus.Butthe biggestcensureshouldp

befor theIRB’sjudiciaryprocessthallows thelikesof So’oialo,Ma’aNoAlesanaTuilagito geto scot-freeincidentsof foulplay,whilecominghardon others forlesserindiscreti

mpactplayerof theyear,highlightingZealand’s depth in thecrucialber10 position.The thirdin lineto”DanielCarterand behind Aaronen, Barrett’swalk-on rolesdrewdingovations– especiallyat Elliswhere hiscontributioneectivelytfortheAll Blacks

MoveoverGio Aplon,Kolbe is abouttoassumethehot-steppercrown.TheCape isrenownedforproducing

pocketrockets andKolbethrilledwheneverhe hadball inhand.Here’shopinghe isn’talsocondemned

tothe “toosmall”straitjacket

Grantedtheydid notwin anything,but byreachingthe Super Rugbyplay-osforthefirsttime,the Free Statersshowedupricher teamslikethe Stormersand theSharks.Everyone’s “secondfavouriteteam”, asthe menfrom Bloemfonteinhavebeendubbed,played witha senseof adventure.Theyburiedtheiroverseasbogey,

punchedway abovetheirweightandpushed thelikesof AdriaanStrauss,WillieleRoux andCoenieOosthuizen stronglyintotheSpringbokambit

Facedwith career-endinginjuries,twarhorses refusedto givein, anditgoodto seeBurgerbackfor WesteProvinceandthe Baa-Baas,and Smmakinga miracle comebackfor To

The“moneyball”teamdid itagain,winning back-to-backSuperRugby titles,thistimewithoutSonny BillWilliams.Theystruggledagainstthe Australian

teams butwhen itcountedin theplay-osagainstthe Crusadersand theBrumbies,theyproducedthe goods

Byhis ownadmission,the WesternProvinceandStormerscentre wasnotcoachHeyneke Meyer’sfirstchoice ascaptain whenhe tookoverthe Springbokslastyear, butDe Villiershas respondedtohaving themantleof leadershiphungonhis shoulders.He’sclearlyin chargeonthefield,has a

knackwithreferees,handlesthemediaexceptionallywelland alsojust happenstohaveplayedarguablythe bestseason of hiscareer

Two coacheswho areat theopposofthe SouthAfricanrugbyspectruthroughtheir diligenceand attentidetail,are nowwinners.TheubiquitousVenterwiththe C

Cupon hisCV andmuscularcroonStonehouse takingthePumas intoPremierDivision,witha recordof p28,won25,lostthreesaysit all

ANYISOTSHWAKU and DAN RETIEF run the rule over the past seasonand highlight their winners, losers, rising stars andchangingforces


Cheetahs Jean de Villiers

Lovehimor hatehim,you’vegotto handitto SonnyBill,he’sthe ultimatewinnerinrugby.Afterwinningthe Rugby WorldCupwiththeAll Blacksin2011andtheSuperRugby titlewiththe Chiefs in 2012,hereturnedto RugbyLeague andwonAustralia’sNRL titlewiththe SydneyRoosters,cappingthe seasono bybeingcrownedthe RugbyLeagueInternationalFederationPlayerof theYear.There’snot enoughspaceto listhis

other accolades,butsuceit tosay he’salso gotawin underhisbeltas aprofessionalheavyweight boxer

BeatingWestern Provincein theCurrieCupFinal cannot beviewedin isolation,butit representeda massive stride fromthefranchise’ssplutteringSuperRugbyoutfit.TheSharkswentto CapeTownwitha

planto exposethe low-lyingProvincedefence,andwith CharlMcLeodand PatLambieexecutingwithprecision,the boysfromKwaZulu-Natal strodeconfidentlytovictory


SonnyBill Williams

BrendanVenterand JimmyStonehouse

SchalkBurger and JuanSmith

SouthAfricavs NewZealandatEllisPark

TheSharksraisedeyebrowswhentheydecidedto appoint SouthAfrica’smost-cappedcaptainand player astheirnewCEO.“Heknowsnothingof business,”saidthe naysayersbutothersapplaudedamovetobringsomeoneintothecommitteeroomwith an intimateknowledgeof theplayingside ofthings.Anditseemstobeworking– soonafter

Smittookover,theCurrieCup returnedto


TheformerWallaby prop,WorldCuwinner andsuccessfulReds coachsucceededNewZealander RobbieDafter a disappointingrun fortheWallabies.McKenzie’s initial resultspoor buthis“Iam theboss”attitudzero-toleranceapproach towardsindisciplinestartedto paydividendFourwinsina rowon theiryear-e

tourseemsto suggestthe Wallabi

mightbe back

 JohnSmit EwenMcKenzie








Victor Matfield’sretirementlefta voidatnumber fivein theSpringbok side, butthesearchmight wellbe overwiththeemergenceof DuToit,who is thegrandsonof thegreatSpringbok prop,Piet“Spiere”du Toit

Pieter-Steph duToit

Sensing theBlue Bullswerein trouble

against theBrumbies in theSuperRugbysemifinalat Loftus,the skipperwent forbroke,choosingto eschewthreekickablepenaltiesin search ofa winning try.Fate conspiredagainsthim,the bigscore

failedtomaterialise andPotgieterbecamePretoria’spublicenemy numberone



Aperfectyear– 14winsin14 tests.KieranRead(above)was theIRB Player oftheYear, theAll Blacks weretheTeamof theYearand Steve Hanson wasCoachof theYear.Nowthat’sa blackoutof a dierent

kind!Coming oa played14,won12,drewoneand lostonerecordin 2012,there’snodoubtingthe AllBlacks’numberonestatus


Williele Roux