Russian Rhapsody

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  • 8/4/2019 Russian Rhapsody


    Have you Sean Shawn?

    OrRussian Rhapsody


    I dunno its a workin progress

    By Dorian J. est

    ! "#$$ Orange Sweater %u&'ishing

    Dis('ai)er* +ny si)i'arity to any persons 'iving or dead is pure'y (oin(iden,hahaahahaha -ust kidding a(tua''y these (hara(ters are 'oose'y &ased on )y (o,

    workers)yse'/. 0he events depi(ted1 however1 are not /a(tua'2 they were to'd to )e &ythe )an who 'ives in the &a(k o/ )y sku''1 he uses British (o''o3uia'is)s ea(h I have

    re)oved /or the ease o/ the +)eri(an readers.

    %g " 4 needs transition

    %g " 44 awkward?%g. " 444 5hange (ar to 0oyota /it.

    %g 6 4 a''ude to danger 'ess su&t'y?%g. 7 4 needs po'ishing%g. 8 4 9eed to 'earn Spanish

    %g. : 4 derogatory ter) /or Hispani( needed

    %g. $# 4 )ay need rephrasing%g. $" 4 )ay need ('ari/i(ation as to what task he gave the nannies

    %g.$6 4 )ay need re,working 'ater

    %g. $; 4 re work eventua''y

    %g. $; 44Bloody marry?


  • 8/4/2019 Russian Rhapsody


    5hapter One

  • 8/4/2019 Russian Rhapsody


    ever got his /a(e on posters or got his own we&site it in(reased his (han(e o/ &eing /ound.

    0hat 'e/t on'y restaurants1 &ars1 and )ovie theaters. Shawn /e't that i/ he worked in a

    restaurant that he wou'd (o)e to hate going there as a (usto)er. Bars were a no go ether1&eing a year shy o/ &eing a&'e to take /u'' advantage o/ the perks the position wou'd o//er.

    0hat 'e/t )ovie theaters. Aranted the )ovie theater he (hose had a restaurant atta(hed to

    it1 &ut he /e't that %er/or)an(e Ido' theaters was as ni(e as a p'a(e he was going to get.0he agen(y had /orged hi) an i)pressive resu)e. +'' the (onta(t in/o was1 o/ (ourse1

    /ake. I/ the interviewer (a''ed any o/ the nu)&ers 'isted they wou'd &e (onne(ted to

    )e)&ers o/ the agen(y and any dou&ts the interviewer )ay have had a&out Shawn werewashed away &y the wave o/ praise (o)ing /ro) the ear pie(e.

    Shawn was now ready to take his assigned ro'e in 'i/e. He had a /a)i'y1 a -o&1 and

    /uture prospe(ts &oth so(ia' and e(ono)i(a'. +'e@andre was gone. Shawn at /irst thought

    he wou'd )iss hi). +/ter three years however Shawn was 3uite (o)/orta&'e in his ro'e.He had a')ost /orgotten a&out +'e@andre 4


    + green Sedan pu''ed into an e)pty sta'' on the /orth 'eve' o/ the parking ra)p

    ne@t to Ido' 0heaters. Shawn gave the gear shi/t a tug and the (ar )ade a dis(on(erting('unk as it 'ur(hed into park.

    Jesus /u(kE Fou shou'd rea''y have that 'ooked atE

    5ae'ia was a short &rown haired wo)an o/ a&out "7. She was going /or her)edi(a' degree at the . In her /ree ti)e she p'ayed s3uash. She had a reputation o/ &eing

    the )ost aggressive p'ayer on the universities tea) earning her the na)e Ba'' Breaker1

    at 'east that is what she to'd Shawn1 he had no idea how )u(h was true. He &e'ieved the

    &a'' &reaker part. 0he /irst thing she said to hi) was hats your na)e? when herep'ied +'e@andre she pu''ed a gun on hi) and pressed it /ir)'y against his head. hats

    your /u(king na)e? 0o this he )eek'y rep'ied Shawn J. akive'.

    Four agen(y &ought )e this (ar1 ta'k to the).ere not /u(king Interpo'1 and youre not /u(king Ja)es Bond. 5ae'ia s)i'ed.

    0he /irst ti)e she had )et Shawn she had thought he had a vi(ti) o/ the wor'd

    attitude that she /ound repu'sive. However three years o/ &eing his sister see)ed to &e&ringing out a )ore prote(tive side o/ her. She sti'' ver&a''y a&used hi) &ut over the

    years a 'ot o/ the hate in her words was rep'a(ed &y genuine (on(ern. S'ow'y she had

    gotten used to Shawn and was /inding herse'/ thinking o/ herse'/ as Shawns &ig sister

    keeping hi) /ro) /u(king up.5an I (hange )y na)e to Ja)es Bond? asked Shawn.

    He had a'so re(ogniGed his vi(ti) o/ the wor'd attitude he had /irst adapted

    when he started his trans/or)ation un'ike 5ae'ia though he did not /ind it annoying. Overthe three years though he had run out o/ angst and now was )ore (o)/orta&'e around

    5ae'ia. He too thought o/ 5ae'ia as )ore o/ a prote(tive &ig sister than his /ou' )outhed

    hand'er.Fou wou'dnt &e the /irst. 5ae'ia said.

    I'' ta'k to a -udge to)orrow Shawn said1 turning o// the (ar and then a/ter a

    pause turns to 5ae'ia.


  • 8/4/2019 Russian Rhapsody


    Do you rea''y have to )eet )y (o,workers? He said in the sa)e way a s(hoo'

    kid wou'd ask his )o) i/ he had to wear that sweater nana knitted hi).

    Fes. 5ae'ia rep'ied in the sa)e tone that the )other o/ that sa)e (hi'd wou'drep'y. Its i)portant that I )ake sure the peop'e you intera(t with a')ost every day do

    not suspe(t anything.

    0rust )e they dont1 they see Shawn a 3uiet1 &ut /un(tiona' &oss.I'' de(ide that /or )yse'/. She opened her door then turning &a(k to Shawn

    &e/ore ('osing it re)inds hi) Re)e)&er you /u(k this up and you die1 I) out o/ a -o&.

    Shawn sighs and gets out o/ the (ar1 )aking dou&'y sure that the (ar is indeed 'o(ked&e/ore (at(hing up to his sister.


    +/ter a s'ight'y awkward )o)ent at the &o@ o//i(e when /e''ow )anager Reid)istook 5ae'ia /or his gir'/riend they were now inside the theater where they were

    greeted enthusiasti(a''y &y Savannah.

    S(ru//yE Savannah e@('ai)ed.

    Hi Savannah. Shawn rep'ied in a )u(h 3uieter1 'ess e@(ited voi(e.5ae'ia upon hearing Savannahs ni(k na)e /or Shawn s)i'ed &ig and &egan to

    rea''y get into her e)&arrassing &ig sister ro'e.Sooo S(ru//y huh? I havent heard this one. She said in an a')ost (hi'd 'ike


    0his is Savannah Shawn said his voi(e re)aining /'at and 3uiet.Savannah &ea)ed and waved at 5ae'ia.

    Hi. Savannah said not 'osing a sing'e oun(e o/ e@(ite)ent /ro) her voi(e1

    perhaps to (o)pensate /or Shawns 'a(k o/ e)otion.

    Hi. 5ae'ia e@tended her hand 5ae'ia.Savannah1 sti'' &ea)ing1 shook 5ae'ias hand with a surprising 'a(k o/ vigor. It

    was this (ontrast &etween voi(e and a(tion that )ade 5ae'ia a'' the )ore surprised when

    Savannah e@('ai)ed hat are you and your gir'/riend seeing today?Shawn kept a straight /a(e and i/ it were not /or the /a(t that his pa'e skin was now a

    &right red it wou'd &e a')ost i)possi&'e to te'' i/ this )an even had e)otions.

    Shes )y sister. He said with sti'' not the s'ightest hint o/ in/'e(tion in his voi(e.Oh )yE I) sorryE Savannah apo'ogiGed.

    Its /ine. 5ae'ia said1 trying not to 'augh. She see)ed to &e having a wonder/u'


    0he three o/ the) des(ended into an odd si'en(e. Shawn was sti'' red &ut straight/a(ed1 his eyes darted /ro) 5ae'ia to Savannah and &a(k. He was horri&'y perp'e@ed &y

    5ae'ias (hange in persona'ity. She hated (utesy ni(kna)es1 and whi'e she did tend to rag

    on hi) it was usua''y invo'ved a 'ot )ore swearing and (o)parisons to genita's thensi)p'y gigg'ing at things 'ike this. 5ae'ia )eanwhi'e was gigg'ing 3uiet'y outside. Inside

    though2 she was syste)ati(a''y ana'yGing Savannah1 trying to de(ide i/ her e@(ite)ent

    was driven &y si)p'e /riendship or so)ething a 'itt'e )ore pg $6. Savannah was sti''s)i'ing not sure whether Shawn was a)used or a(tua''y un(o)/orta&'e. 0he three

    (ontinued in this )anner &ut the hu)or o/ the situation was rapid'y &eing rep'a(ed &y

    e)&arrassing si'en(e. 0his )ight have gone on /or a /u'' )inute i/ not /or another (o,

    worker o/ Shawns (a)e sauntering through the door. Saunter is the on'y way to des(ri&e


  • 8/4/2019 Russian Rhapsody


    the way this )an wa'ked. He was ta'' and skinny )u(h 'ike Shawn e@(ept his &rown hair

    was 'ong1 a')ost >arrah >aw(ett in appearan(e. In his hand he toted a &o@ o/ a doGen

    doughnuts. Savannah greeted the new (o)er.Ja(o&E Fou &rought doughnutsE?

    5ae'ia1 initia''y worried that Savannah had see)ed a 'itt'e too happy to see

    Shawn1 was put at ease when she dis(overed that savannah greeted everyone in this)anner.

    O/ (ourseE Its going to &e a (rappy >riday and doughnuts a'ways )ake the day

    go s)oother. 0he one (a''ed Ja(o& said.Hey Shawn.

    He turned to Shawn and /'ipped open the doughnut &o@.

    ant one?

    Shawn 'ooked at the &o@ o/ pastries and then &a(k into the s)i'ing /a(e o/ Ja(o&.He had never /e't (o)/orta&'e around Ja(o&. He sensed there was so)ething o// a&out

    hi). Shawn /e't that Ja(o& was a'so putting on an a(t1 trying to hide in p'ain sight. Shawn

    attri&uted this to the e@tra sense he &e'ieved (a)e with hiding yourse'/2 you (ou'd te'' i/

    so)eone was doing the sa)e1 in the sa)e )anner one seria' ki''er (ou'd spot another.9o thanks. Shawn rep'ied.

    Shawn then )otioned to 5ae'ia =ets get going.Be/ore he (ou'd )ove however he heard a ShawnE A'ad I (aught youE

    hat now?? Shawn thought desperate'y. He was not having /un.

    0he voi(e &e'onged to +ndy1 a /e''ow )anager. I heard you were here today.Fep1 -ust trying to see a )ovie with )y sister. He said )otioning to 5ae'ia.

    5ae'ia s)i'ed and on(e )ore e@tended her hand. 5ae'ia.

    +ndy returned the gesture and rep'ied with a s'ight s)i'e +ndy.

    +ndy was a&out to say so)ething &ut was distra(ted &y the sight o/ Ja(o& and his&o@ o/ doughnuts.

    0hose /or )anagers too? he asked.

    O/ (ourse1 were a'' going to need a pi(k )e up a/ter tonight. Ja(o& said. Itsgoing to get (raGy 'ater.

    +ndy rea(hed in the &o@ and pu''ed out a g'aGed doughnut and a/ter a &ite said I

    dunno theres a twins ga)e tonight I think we'' &e pretty dead.Ja(o& ti'ted his head to one side ))) )ay&e I wou'dnt (ount on it though.

    0here was a s'ight hint in his voi(e that suggested that he was saying this )ore as a /a(t

    than spe(u'ation.4Ja(o& then gave a two /ingered sa'ute and sauntered down the ha''.

    I'' )iss youE Savannah shouted at hi) as he wa'ked away.0urning around Ja(o& rep'ied I'' )iss you tooE He then rounded a (orner and


    +ndy 3ui(k'y popped the rest o/ the doughnut into his )outh and produ(ed a('ip&oard and disp'ayed it to Shawn.

    Fou got a )inuet? 0he head o//i(e wants a'' the )anagers to (on/ir) our ta@1

    payro'' in/o.Shawn had )anaged to re)ain /air'y e)otion'ess during this ons'aught o/

    un(o)/orta&'e en(ounters. 9ow however his )ask was s'ipping and his /a(e noti(ea&'y

    win(ed at the re3uest.


  • 8/4/2019 Russian Rhapsody


    I )ean you dont have to do it now1 i/ you guys want to get to your )ovie.

    +ndy said.

    Its /ine1 go ahead Shawn we got ti)e. 5ae'ia said I'' -ust wait here and get toknow Savannah &etter Her voi(e was thi(k with a teasing tone.

    Shawn sighed 3uiet'y and gra&&ed the ('ip&oard /ro) +ndy.

    Just (he(k i/ the in/o is (orre(t and sign at the &otto).Shawn 'ooked over the sheet. 9a)e* akive' Shawn J. +ddress* 'ine one 76;

    er(es +ve. +pt. K "#7. Ho)e phone* L$",777,8L76. 5e'' phone* L$",777,:6#;.

    5urrent'y in (o''ege* yes. i/ not 'eve' o/ s(hoo' (o)p'etedor)s though )ade hi) s3uir). So)ethinga&out seeing his /a'se 'i/e nu)eri(a''y 'isted ea(h se(tion -ust as )u(h o/ a 'ie as the ne@t.

    5ae'ia had taught hi) to 'ook at these papers not as 'ies1 rather a new truth. 0his is who

    you are now. She used to say. Aet used to it. +/ter three years he had gotten &etter &ut

    he strugg'ed with signatures. >or )ost peop'e their signature is )us('e )e)ory1 an a(tionthey do with out taking a se(ond to think a&out it. Shawn though took his ti)e. 5are/u''y

    guiding the pen1 he wou'd think to hi)se'/* swoop up (ur' and &a(k down /or the S,

    pi(k up the pen then two strokes down1 then (ross the) in the )idd'e use that 'ine to

    (onne(t A s(ri&&'e the rest1 then pi(k up the pen one )ore ti)e and (on/ident'y )ake

    two pointed waves /or)ing the M. It did not )atter how )any ti)es he signed

    so)ething he a'ways went through these )enta' steps.

    0hanks &uddy1 hey you work to)orrow?Feah1 /ive to two

    9i(e1 see you there.

    +ndy took his 'eave1 Shawn turned to see 5ae'ia in the )idd'e o/ (hatting with

    Savannah. 5ae'ia )eets Shawns eyes. One o/ here eye&rows was raised a good in(h anda ha'/.

    +re we readyS(ru//y? 5ae'ia 'aughed.

    S(ru//y said nothing. He -ust shook his head it was odd /or 5ae'ia to keep up theteasing /or this 'ong. Shawn then took 5ae'ia &y the shou'der and wa'ked down the

    ha''way to their theater. 5ae'ia was sti'' gigg'ing and whispering S(ruuu///yyyy.

    Shawn had regained his e)otion'ess /a(e and was ignoring 5ae'ia.Bye s(ru//yE I'' )iss youE Savannah shouted at the).

    Bye. Shawn rep'ied1 (asua''y )aking a gesture that )ight have &een a wave.

    Shawn and 5ae'ia were the on'y ones in the theater. 0hey sat down s3uare'y in the

    )idd'e o/ the theater. 0hey sat in si'en(e1 it was on'y a/ter a /ew se(onds o/ 3uiet that

    Shawn rea'iGed that 5ae'ias gone /ro) (hi'd'ike a)use)ent to su''en the instant theyentered the theater.

    Soooo what do you think o/ )y (o,workers so /ar? Shawn said ratherawkward'y.

    hat the >5N was thatE? 5ae'ia said shooting Shawn a 'ook that )ade hi)

    /ee' as though he -ust got sta&&ed in the gut.hat was whatE?


  • 8/4/2019 Russian Rhapsody


    0hat 3uiet1 shy1 easi'y e)&arrassed pussy out thereE Aod. +re you a'ways this

    3uiet around the)?E

    I was to'd to re)ain 'ow key. Shawn knew he was on the de/ensive. He a'soknew that that was not the side o/ an argu)ent you want to &e on when ta'king to 5ae'ia.

    hy not -ust save a step and hang a /u(king neon sign on your ne(k that says I

    a) /u(king hiding so)ethingEhat a&out you? 0hat inno(ent1 gigg'y s(hoo' gir' (rap1 where did you pu'' that

    out o/? Shawn de(ided to try and go on the o//ensive knowing /u'' we'' that that too was

    not the (orre(t side o/ this argu)ent to &e on ether.Its (a''ed putting on an a(tE Foure not the on'y one p'aying a partE Jesus1 have

    you &een this suspi(ious /or three /u(king years?E

    0hey dont suspe(t anythingE How in the he'' is )e &eing 3uite going to 'ead

    the) to think anything other than I a) 3uite?5ae'ia took a &reath and then 'ooked away /ro) Shawn. 0hey returned to si'en(e.

    =ook I) sorry &ut I) /ine rea''y.

    ay&e1 &ut you (ou'd have -ust a 'itt'e persona'ity. 5ae'ia was regaining her

    (o)posure. + 3uiet &ut /un(tiona' &oss )y ass.Being shy and 3uiet isnt a persona'ity?

    Fou know what I /u(king )ean. 5ae'ia turned &a(k to Shawn her eyes so)ewhat so/tened. Fou rea'iGe a'' o/ this is to keep you a'ive?

    I) /ine. Honest1 and 'ets -ust say one o/ the) does a(tua''y /ind out the truth,.

    +n o'd truth. 5ae'ia re)inded hi)Right. Say they /igure it out I dou&t any o/ the) are going to &e'ieve it.

    Did it ever o((ur to you that i/ you (an &e hiding in this p'a(e so)eone e'se

    (ou'd &e as we''?

    Shawn re/'e(ted on this /or a )o)ent and de(ided he was on'y going to put5ae'ia at ease &y agreeing with her.

    I) sorry. I rea''y a). I know youre -ust 'ooking out /or )e.

    5ae'ia paused /or a )o)ent then a s)i'e spread a(ross her /a(e.See put on an a(t 'ike that and no one wou'd ever /ind you out.

    Shawn ro''ed his eyes and the si&'ings returned to si'en(e a'&eit a )u(h )ore

    (o)/orta&'e si'en(e than &e/ore. 5ae'ia rea(hed into her purse and produ(ed a g'ass &ott'eo/ &eer and (ra(ked it open.

    0he he''? Shawn said with what appeared to &e a 'ook o/ disgust on his /a(e.

    hat? Oh right1 here. She produ(ed another &eer /or) her purse1 popped the

    top o// and handed it to Shawn.0his is te(hni(a''y against the ru'es. Shawn said taking a swig o/ the drink.

    I/ you get /ired we (an a'ways get you a -o& so)ewhere e'se.

    Shawn (hu(k'ed so/t'y. 0he si&'ings s'ou(hed a 'itt'e and started to re'a@ as thepro-e(tor war)ed up and the s(reen 'it up with the /irst trai'er.


    +/ter the )ovie Shawn and 5ae'ia tossed their e)pty &ott'es in the trash and

    wa'ked out o/ the dark theater into the 'ight o/ the ha''way. 0he sight that greeted the)

    was not e@a(t'y a (o)/orting one. 0he )ovie theater had &e(o)e what (ou'd &e


  • 8/4/2019 Russian Rhapsody


    (harita&'y des(ri&ed as a &ust'ing (enter o/ (apita'is) and 'ess (harita&'y des(ri&ed as a

    ('uster /u(k. Shawn and 5ae'ia started )aking their way upstrea) /ighting the (urrent

    o/ peop'e. +ndy was in /ront o/ the)1 ('ear'y in a hurry. He 'ooked &a(kwards and (aughtsight o/ Shawn.

    Hey &uddy wish I (ou'd ta'k &ut as you (an see were swa)ped. 0he 0wins

    ga)es got rained out and apparent'y everyone de(ided to (o)e here. On top o/ thatso)eone 'itera''y shouted /ireE in a (rowded theater1 so)eone e'se threw up in I%


    Be/ore he (ou'd /inish he was &'indsided &y a very 'arge Hispani( )an. He woresi'ver sung'asses1 tattooed a')ost 'itera''y /ro) head to /oot. He sported a &'a(k shiny /u,

    )an,(hu )usta(he. I/ Dont /u(k with )e was anthropo)orphiGed it wou'd take this

    /or). +ndy had ran into this )ans shou'ders and the sheer /or(e o/ the (o''ision had

    kno(ked +ndy down. 0he &ig )an 'ooked down and snar' it )i her)ano4. He )ena(ed.

    5ae'ia he'ped +ndy to his /eet. 0he se(urity guard who was standing a /ew /eet away had

    witnessed this. A'ad to /ina''y have so)e a(tion he approa(hed the )an designated /ro)

    this point on as sung'asses.Sir is everything okay? the se(urity guard asked putting his hand on sung'asses

    shou'der.Aet te /u(k o// )eE Sung'asses roared.

    Sung'asses whir'ed around and &rought down a /ist1 the siGe o/ (hi'd1 onto the

    guards head1 the guard went down. Be/ore the giant (ou'd reve' in his vi(tory1 he wasstru(k in the &a(k o/ the head &y so)ething sharp1 s)a''1 and power/u'. His vision

    &'urred as he /e'' with a thud that was /e't throughout the theater. 5ae'ia stood &ehind hi)

    ru&&ing her e'&ow. She then he'ped the se(urity guard hand(u// and es(ort the )an to a

    s3uad (ar.Shawn had not )oved a sing'e in(h during this series o/ events. pon seeing the

    )ountain o/ a )an that is Sung'asses his &rain had stopped a'' non,essentia' /un(tions.

    9ot a sing'e thought went through his &rain. It was on'y the thud o/ Sung'asses &odyhitting the ground that snapped hi) out o/ it. Cven then he was on'y a&'e to s'eepwa'k

    through the )otions. He had wa'ked with 5ae'ia and the guard out o/ the theater1 even

    to'd the story to the po'i(e o//i(er who showed up to es(ort Sung'asses away. He wasdoing these things &ut his &rain was not registering the)1 /or the /irst ti)e Shawn was

    a(tua''y as e)otion'ess as he had pretended to &e at his -o&.

    During the (ar ride ho)e he was sti'' shaken &ut had regained )ost o/ his higher

    /un(tions. hi'e Shawn had regained his (o)posure 5ae'ia had s'ow'y 'ost hers. 9ot aword was said &etween the two the entire drive ho)e. It was on'y when he pu''ed into the

    driveway o/ 5ae'ias apart)ent (o)p'e@ that the si'en(e was &roken.

    Fou shou'd not )ention that to anyone at the agen(y. 5ae'ia said 3uiet'y.hy? I/ I took down a guy /ive ti)es the siGe o/ )e I wou'd &e &ragging a&out


    I &roke (hara(ter ShawnE I /u(ked up1 so -ust,-ust dont say anything.Shawn took a )o)ent to de(ide weather it was appropriate to )ake a -oke or &e


    Dont worry I wont.

    5ae'ia nodded her head1 opened the (ar door and &egan to get out.


  • 8/4/2019 Russian Rhapsody


    +nd I'' work on that persona'ity thing. He added

    5ae'ia a')ost s)i'ed &ut was sti'' to shaken to (o)p'ete the gesture.

    >orget it i/ you (hange now it wi'' -ust raise )ore 3uestions. I )ust ad)it youdid a pretty /u(king good -o& and re)aining sta&'e through that who'e thing.

    I was too s(ared to even think.

    5ae'ia )anaged to s)i'e at this. Shawn was rather (on/used1 )ain'y &e(ause thiswas not )eant to &e an a)using (o))ent.

    I) g'ad that you (hose a persona'ity that stays (onsistent even when your &rain

    turns o//.Shawn thought a&out this /or a )o)ent. na&'e to argue the point he -ust sat in

    the (ar with his )outh s'ight'y open. Fou (ou'd see the gears turning trying to (o)e up

    with a (ounterpoint. 5ae'ia saved hi) /urther e)&arrass)ent &y de(iding to take her

    'eave.Its okay1 you did good tonight a'' things (onsidered. Have a goodnight.

    9ight. He said and tugged the gear shi/t as the Sedan on(e )ore 'ur(hed /ro)

    park into drive.

    On the drive to his p'a(e Shawn thought &a(k on the events o/ the day andde(ided two things. >irst'y he wou'd take a 'ong shower1 and then pass out on the (ou(h

    in /ront o/ so)e &ad 0 and se(ond* he never wanted another night 'ike this ever again.



  • 8/4/2019 Russian Rhapsody


    5hapter "

    NarGoniev1 +'e@andre D.

    +'e@andre was in trou&'e. He didnt know what he was doing was wrong1 he

    knew now &ut his un('e had /ai'ed to e@p'ain to hi) why what he was doing was wrong.

    9ot that +'e@andre needed a reason he usua''y 'earned his 'esson a/ter the /irst o//ense.+'e@andre &eing in trou&'e was not unusua'1 what was unusua' was that his un('e was not

    ye''ing at hi) &ut rather his /ather. He had &een sent out o/ the roo) &ut he (ou'dnt he'p

    &ut 'isten through the door.4Joseph1 I have &een )ore than understanding its hard to raise a kid in your

    position &ut, the dark deep voi(e o/ his un('e was interrupted &y another deeper1 gru//er


    Boris this is not your &usiness. 0he voi(e &e'onged to his /ather.Hes /a)i'y to a'' o/ usE

    Hes F sonE Joseph shouted.

    +'' the )ore reason /or you to &e )ore (are/u'E Foure god da) 'u(ky that this

    thing wasnt 'oaded.=u(ky? Boris I never keep )y guns 'oaded in the house /or C+50=F this

    reasonEH+E Fou have ar)ed guards at every entran(eE Foure te''ing )e that a'' their

    :)) are e)pty?E

    His /ather was a )an who did not 'ike it when peop'e 3uestioned hi). Cven Boris1his &rother and ('ose /riend1 had never &een a&'e to dissuade hi). +'e@andre knew this

    and despite the /a(t he (ou'd not see their /a(es he knew that his /ather was staring down

    Boris with the stern 'ook o/ he so)eti)es gave +'e@andre when he argued his &ed ti)e.

    His un('e )et that stare with an e3ua''y serious gaGe o/ his own. 0hey were si'ent /or awhi'e.

    =ook1 Joseph I know you (are deep'y /or +'e@andre1 Boris said in a )u(h )ore

    soothing tone. But hes -ust an 8 year o'd &oy1 and with your -o& you (ant,I (ant what1 Boris? +'e@andres dad interrupted in a tone that was so sharp it

    (ou'd have sp'it hairs. I (ant raise )y son?

    +'e@andre heard the sound o/ his dads (hair s(rape a(ross the /'oor1 then thesound o/ Ita'ian 'eather shoes wa'king a /ew short /eet a(ross the wooden /'oor.

    I suppose youre right what with )y JOB and a''. His /ather had adapted a

    sar(asti( tone.

    0he sound o/ a /ew )ore /ootsteps e(hoed through the door and into the ha''way.0hese steps were di//erent. 0hey had a s'ower )ore )ethodi(a' rhyth). +'e@andre

    pi(tured his /ather s'ow'y (ir('ing his un('e1 )ena(ing hi) with words and sharp1 (o'd

    eyes.I dont have a -o& Boris. I have a way o/ 'i/e. It -ust happens to pay very we''.

    Bandy ne )esto d'yare&enka Boris said.

    +'e@andre (ou'd not )ake out e@a(t'y what Boris had said. He spoke Russian &ut&eing &orn in +)eri(a he was not as we'' versed in it as his e'ders. He did know that the

    grown ups on'y used it when things were too serious /or the kids.

    Cta &anda yav'yaetPsya pri(hinoi1 ya )ogu otpravit syna v shko'u His /ather rep'ied in a dark tone.


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    +/ter that there was no )ore ta'king. +'e@andre re)oved his ear /ro) the door

    and sat 3uiet'y on the other side o/ the ha''way. He did not want his un('e to get in

    trou&'e &e(ause o/ hi). He 'iked his un('e he gave hi) presents1 and piggy,&a(k rides.He didnt know that the gun was o// 'i)its. He wasnt even pretending to shoot any&ody.

    He was -ust (urious. Boris had (aught hi) though and pro)pt'y took the gun /ro)

    +'e@andre and stor)ed into his dads study. +'e@andre had /a''owed &ut was to'd to go tohis roo). +'e@andre had not &ut a/ter hearing this argu)ent he had wished he had.

    0he door opened and Boris wa'ked out. He was taken a&a(k &y the sight o/ his

    nephew sitting 3uiet'y in the ha''. His nephew was surprised &y the su& )a(hine gunresting 'i)p'y in his un('es hand.

    +'e@andre. I &e'ieve I to'd you to go to your roo). Boris said stern'y.

    +'e@andre said nothing. His eyes went /ro) his un('es &a(k to the /ire ar)1 sti''

    'i/e'ess in Boris hand. Boris1 noti(ing +'e@andres g'an(e downward1 'ooked at the gunand then 3uiet'y set it to the side.

    I never want to see you ho'ding one o/ those things again. Boris said 3uiet'y1

    knee'ing down to get to +'e@andres eye 'eve'.

    +'e@andre /ai'ed to )eet his un('es gaGe &ut so/t'y said1 I wasnt going to /ire it Iwas -ust (urious.

    Regard'ess you (ant tou(h those things. Cver.+'e@andre knew his un('e was serious and wou'd not drop the issue un'ess

    +'e@andre )et his gaGe. +'e@andre ti'ted his head up and &rushing his &right &'onde out

    o/ his eyes and nodded.His un('e s)i'ed and )ight have &een a&out to say so)ething &ut was (ut o// &y

    the door to Josephs study opening with a (reak.

    Boris. +'e@andres /ather said (o'd'y. I/ you )ind I wou'd 'ike a word with )y

    son.Boris sighed. He patted +'e@andre on the head and took his 'eave. 0his 'e/t

    +'e@andre staring into his /athers stee' &'ue eyes. His dad )otioned /or hi) to enter the

    study. +'e@andre did so.Joseph N. NarGoniev had )oved to +)eri(a in $:M6. He had 'e/t Russia /or the

    sa)e reason a 'ot o/ Russians 'e/t Russia. Russia is not a very ni(e p'a(e to 'ive )ost o/

    the ti)e. I/ you were not on the right side o/ whatever (ivi' war was going on at the ti)eyou were guaranteed to end up dead or in Si&eria. Joseph N. NarGoniev had /ound

    hi)se'/ on the wrong side. So he got took his 'ong ter) gir'/riend1 snu(k out in the dark

    o/ night1 and &ought the) a dis(rete passage to +)eri(a. 0hey got )arried in the se(ret

    (o)part)ent on the &arge that was &ound /or San >ran(is(o. He had dis(overed that'iving in +)eri(a was a 'itt'e too si)i'ar to Russia. Joseph had resisted the propaganda

    spread &y (o))unist state1 depi(ting +)eri(a as a (ountry /u'' o/ /at swine1 a''

    wa''owing in their own /i'th and arguing with ea(h other over every 'itt'e thing. He wasunderstanda&'y surprised when he /ound that not a'' o/ the propaganda had &een a 'ie.

    +)eri(ans did see) to a'ways &e /ighting ea(h other. However &eing a /air'y young

    (ountry +)eri(a had not e@a(t'y gotten the hang o/ it yet un'ike Russia. Joseph /oundthat no party was ever a(tua''y in a position o/ true power. +/ter dodging NAB /or twenty

    years the .S. i))igrations agen(y was a pie(e o/ (ake. He had taken this opportunity to

    go into &usiness /or hi)se'/. +t /irst it was -ust s)ugg'ing (heap vodka and other things

    /or) various parts o/ the wor'd. 0he rea' )oney hit when he started s)ugg'ing weapons.


  • 8/4/2019 Russian Rhapsody


    ith )oney /'owing and every (op in a'' o/ 5a'i/ornia &ought and paid /or Joseph invited

    the rest o/ his /a)i'y over. In $:88 He &e(a)e the /ather o/ a &eauti/u' &'onde haired &oy.

    He na)ed hi) +'e@andre D. NarGoniev. +/ter the /irst /ew years he dis(overed thatraising a (hi'd is hard1 espe(ia''y when you have a ship)ent o/ ka'ashnikovs (o)ing in

    every week1 and a ship)ent o/ gas grenades going out the [email protected] He usua''y he 'e/t the

    -o& o/ raising his son to the nannies &ut ever sin(e Boris had )oved into the )ansion he/ound hi)se'/ starting to hate the a)ount o/ interest his &rother had &een showing in his

    son. 9ow his son had &een /ound hand'ing an HQN %7 a s)a''1 and yet high'y

    /un(tiona' 'ight )a(hine gun. Boris had not /ound this to &e an a((epta&'e. Joseph on theother hand saw it as an inevita&'e o((urren(e. Aiven the &oys surroundings Joseph knew

    that at so)e point his son wou'd need to know his way around a gun1 8 was -ust as good

    o/ an age to start as any.

    5'ose the door +'e@i. His /ather said taking a seat in his 'eather (hair.+'e@andre did so and 3uiet'y stood on the opposite side o/ his /athers desk. 0he

    pair stared at ea(h other in si'en(e. His /athers eyes were not angry &ut rather deep in

    thought. +'e@andres )eanwhi'e g'ea)ed with the inno(en(e o/ (hi'd.

    +'e@i what did your un('e te'' you?+'e@andre paused de(iding whether or not to te'' his /ather. He to'd )e not to

    tou(h guns.+t this Joseph 'aughed. Did he now? He s)i'ed wide. 0hen rea(hing into his

    desk produ(ed a s)a'' &'a(k1 Browning :)).

    +'e@andres eyes widened. He wat(hed as his /ather popped out the ('ip and /ie'dstriped the gun se(onds. He disp'ayed the parts to +'e@andre1 s)i'ing a'' the whi'e.

    hat your un('e does not understand is that one day you wi'' need to use guns1

    or at 'east know your way around one.

    Joseph then 3ui(k'y reasse)&'ed the gun1 not turning his gaGe /or) +'e@andre /orone se(ond. He snapped the ('ip &a(k in1 (au'ked the gun and then re)oved the ('ip on(e


    0here is now a &u''et in the (ha)&er2 however to your opponent it wi'' 'ook 'ikeyou are e//e(tive'y disar)ed.

    +'e@andre had never gotten any advi(e /or) his dad &e/ore and up to this point

    had not understood why his dad was te''ing hi) these things.Here. Joseph said handing the gun &utt /irst to +'e@.

    +'e@andre had no idea what to do. He very s'ow'y took the gun. It was heavy and

    (o'd. Joseph s)i'ed.

    See that &ust in the (orner?+'e@andre turned to see a &ronGe statue o/ the head o/ %yotr I'yi(h 0(haikovsky.

    I spent :#1### do''ars on that &ust1 its one o/ -ust /our in the wor'd. His /ather

    said (a')'y.I want you to shoot it.

    His son 'ooked &a(k at hi) unsure o/ what to do.

    Dont worry you (an take your ti)e. His /ather said reassuring'y.+'e@andre 'ooked down at the hunk o/ )eta' and p'asti( in his hands then &a(k at

    his /ather. His /ather s)i'ed and gestured toward the statue. +'e@andre took a &reath and

    using &oth hands raised the gun in the dire(tion o/ the statue. ith out a ('ip the gun was

    /ront heavy and wo&&'ed un(on/ident'y in the s)a'' &oys hands.


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    0ake it s'ow1 (a') your &reath. His /ather advised. It wi'' )ake a 'oud noise

    &ut dont &e s(ared1 that -ust )eans its working.

    +'e@andre tried to do as he was to'd &ut /ound it very hard to (ontro' his&reathing. His &'onde &angs were starting to poke the edges o/ his eyes. He started to

    s3ueeGe the trigger.

    0hats it -ust a s'ow easy s3ueeGe.+'e@andre ('a)ped his eyes shut and took a deep &reath.



    Sung'asses had &een sitting in the &a(k o/ the s3uad (ar /or over an hour now. 0he

    po'i(e)an had de(ided to )ake a /ew stops on his way to the pre(in(t. 0hey were

    (urrent'y sitting outside a Super +)eri(a where the (op was getting an ar)/u' o/

    0winkies.Sung'asses wrists hurt2 the hand (u//s were a siGe too s)a'' and were digging

    into his wrists. 0he spot where the tiny wo)an had hit hi) sti'' a(hed. 0he (op returnedto the (ar throwing the sna(ks in the passengers seat.

    Fou )iss )e? the (op s)irked.

    Sung'asses said nothing.+'right you (ho'o4 /u(k1 'ets get you &a(k where you &e'ong.

    Sung'asses had spent ha'/ the hour trying to re)e)&er the /a(e o/ the tiny wo)an

    and the other ha'/ trying to (o)e up with an es(ape p'an. =a(king the )ore (reative )ind

    o/ other (ri)ina's 'ike &ank ro&&ers or drug dea'ers1 he had on'y (o)e up with onesi)p'e1 &ut e//e(tive p'an.

    Hey I gotta piss. Sung'asses grunted.

    Fou (an piss in your (e'' soon enough. 0he (op said starting up the (ar.I piss in here or in there. Sung'asses rep'ied.

    0he (op 'et out a sigh. He knew1 /or) /irst hand e@perien(e1 that i/ a (onvi(t did

    indeed piss in the &a(k seat he wou'd &e tasked with ('eaning it so he de(ided to risk itand 'et Sung'asses out.

    +'right1 a'right &ut try anything and you wi'' stay in 'o(k up /or a 'ong

    ass ti)e. sighed the (op.

    0he o//i(er got out and opened the &a(k door. Sung'asses heaved his &ody out o/the (ar and took his p'a(e in /ront o/ the po'i(e o//i(er. 0he (op gave Sung'asses a shove

    and they &egan to s'ow'y )ove toward the gas station. Sung'asses knew1 /ro) /irst hand

    e@perien(e1 he (ou'd not es(ape i/ they ever a(tua''y )ade it into the gas station. I/ therewas a window in the restroo) he was not going to &e a&'e to /it through it. I/ he tried to

    -u)p his (aptor in the store there wou'd &e &ystanders1 possi&'y so)e with de'usions o/

    herois) or worse1 guns. 9o he had to )ake his )ove here.Sung'asses 'ur(hed &a(kwards1 the &a(k o/ his head (onne(ting with the

    &ridge o/ the (ops nose with a de/ining (ra(k. 0he (op staggered &a(k. Sung'asses had

    not taken into (onsideration the da)age that 5ae'ia had a'ready in/'i(ted to hi) ear'ier in

    the evening and his initia' &'ow hurt hi) a 'ot )ore than was intended. Both )en were


  • 8/4/2019 Russian Rhapsody


    stunned te)porari'y &ut Sung'asses sti'' had adrena'ine in his veins and )anaged to turn

    around and &ring his knee into the o//i(ers sto)a(h. 0he &'ow winded the (op and he


    0he 'ast thing he saw was the &'urry /or) o/ Sung'asses 'ean over hi). 0he 'ast

    thing he /e't was a 'arge 'eg pressing on his wind pipe.


    45ae'ias apart)ent was ug'y. 0he wa''s and /'oor were your standard &eige &ut

    the /urniture she had (o''e(ted /ro) various garage sa'es and thri/t stores. +ny person

    visiting the p'a(e wou'd1 at /irst1 not noti(e anything out o/ the ordinary. She was a )ed

    student strugg'ing with her 'oans and there/ore (ou'd not a//ord a )at(hing 'iving roo)set. hi(h is part'y true &eing the hand'er o/ a person in witness prote(tion did not pay as

    we'' as she had e@pe(ted. Sure there was the /ree (o''ege &ut she a'ready had a degree in

    'aw and (ivi' prote(tion. 0he thing a visitor )ight noti(e1 'ater on at 'east1 is how

    un&e'ieva&'y nor)a' the apart)ent was. 0here were posters o/ the standard )ovies thatwere /ound in these kinds o/ apart)ents. + =ord o/ the Rings poster hung on the door to

    her roo)1 a uppet 0reasure Is'and in the 'iving roo)1 and a >a''out Boy in the ha''way.0here were dishes 'e/t out1 and a ha'/ dead house p'ant in the (orner. I/ you 'ooked

    ('ose'y at the p'a(e you /ind it the p'a(e who''y unnatura'. It 'ooked 'ike it had &een

    re)oved /ro) an 8#s /rat )ovie. I/ that sa)e visitor were to poke around they wou'd/ind that the apart)ent was de/inite'y not nor)a'. +)ong severa' other things they )ight

    /ind was the stash o/ hand guns hidden &ehind the >a''out Boy poster. In('uding a 'arge

    si'ver si@ shooter with an oak hand'e with the words Dirty Marry44 (arved into it.

    +side /or) the ti)es when the s3uash tea) (a)e over to (e'e&rate anothervi(tory she got /ew visitors. 5ae'ia 'iked it this way.

    +/ter Shawn dropped her o// she resigned herse'/ to her &ed and /i'' out &oth her

    report on the events o/ the night and her paper on ethi(s in )edi(ine. She was verytired however and never got passed writing her na)e on the sheets.

    0he heading on her ethi(s paper read*

    akive'1 5ae'ia 0.7$"$$

    Cthi(s in edi(ine

    0he heading on her report read*Johnson1 arry =.


    Su&-e(t* Shawn J. akive' update



  • 8/4/2019 Russian Rhapsody


    5hapter 6

    akive'1 Shawn J. 4unre/ined1 (on/used1 Q unsure are the words that &est

    des(ri&e )y &rain whi'e trying to write this (hapter

    Shawn spent the day s'ou(hed on the (ou(h. He had on'y had a tota' o/ one &eer'ast night &ut /or so)e reason he /e't as though he was hung over.

    Shawns apart)ent w

    +ndy poked his head in.Hey1 wanna go get drunk tonight? +ndy asked (heer/u''y

    Its a'ready " a) I dont think any p'a(e is going to &e open.

    I know a p'a(e. +ndy s)i'ed.


    0he overpass was 'it &y a sing'e street'ight. It s)e''ed 'ike e@haust and gar&age.

    Shawn 'ooked over at +ndy who was /inishing o// another ad Dog "#"#.Fa know when )ost peop'e say they know a p'a(e they )ean 'ike a 'itt'e

    underground &ar or I dunnoa &ase)ent or so)e shit.hat? +ndy asked1 throwing up his shou'ders. I said I know a p'a(e. Is this

    not a p'a(e?

    Shawn (ra(ked a s)i'e and opened another &eer. 0he two o/ the) 'eaned over therai' and wat(hed the o((asiona' (ar /'y down the road. +ndy 'et out a sigh.

    Dude I need )ore nights 'ike this and 'ess days 'ike today. +ndy said ha'/ to


    hat do you )ean? hat was so &ad a&out today?+ndy took a 'arge swig o/ &eer and then turned to Shawn. Do you know what a

    (hoke s'a) is?

    Shawn shook his head.+ndy put down his &eer. Its when you take a guys ne(k1 He )ade a 5 with

    one hand. +nd you then s'a) hi) into the /'oor or 'ike a wa'' or so)e shit. He took his

    i)aginary /oe &y the throat and s'a))ed his /a(e into the guard rai'.Shawn /inished o// the &eer and tossed it over the edge. 0he /aint sound o/ g'ass

    shattering )arked the end o/ the &ott'es de(ent.

    hat the /u(k does that have to do with your day?

    5ause so)e /u(king &it(h did it to another /u(king &it(h.hat? =ike in the, the theater? Shawn was starting to /ee' the a'(oho' ki(k in.

    >u(k yeah it didE Did you not hear a&out this? Its a'ready on the /u(king we&.

    +ndy dug into his po(ket and produ(ed a s)art phone. He tapped a /ew ti)es on thes(reen then handed it to Shawn.

    5he(k this shit.

    Shawn took the phone. He s3uinted at the /uGGy pi(ture and dis(overed that it wasin /a(t the theater he worked at. + 'arge nu)&er M was i''u)inated in the &a(kground.

    0he s(ene started pea(e/u''y enough. + 'itt'e shouting (ou'd &e heard /or) so)ewhere

    o// s(reen. Sudden'y two wo)en (a)e tu)&'ing out o/ the theater doors. One wo)an

    was wearing a &'a(k dress with go'd /ringe1 her go'd1 wavy hair was &eing pu''ed 3uite


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    vio'ent'y &y a wo)an in a pink sweater1 sporting so )u(h gaudy go'd -ewe'ry that Shawn

    /ound it hard to &e'ieve that she (ou'd )ove as 3ui(k'y as she was.


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    0his ne@t s(ene takes p'a(e in the 'ater part o/ the se(ond a(t so S%O=ICRS are

    present1 I wrote this &e(ause /rank'y I /ound the per/e(t part /or S(ott. Its very rough and('uttered &ut again S(otts part is aweso)e

    5hapter Derringer1 S(ott 0.

    Savannah was having a &oring day. 9o one was (o)ing to the theater today. 0heon'y peop'e that had shown up a'' day were an e'der'y (oup'e who were (urrent'y asking

    her (o,worker &ehind (on(essions a 'ot o/ 3uestions. She wished things wou'd pi(k up a


    n/ortunate'y things were a&out to pi(k up. >our Hispani( )en were wa'king upthe stairs. One was a&out 7 6 and was s)oking a 'arge (igar. 0he other two were

    around 7 $# and had )at(hing pink and &'ue Hawaiian shirts on. 0he )an 'eading the

    pa(k wore si'ver sung'asses1 was tattooed a')ost 'itera''y /ro) head to /oot. He sported a

    &'a(k shiny /u,)an,(hu )usta(he. I/ Dont /u(k with )e was anthropo)orphiGed itwou'd take this /or). 0he three s)a''er )en a'' (arried 'arge1 &'a(k assau't ri/'es.

    0he shortest one whose /riends (a'' hi) 5hino was rea''y en-oying hi)se'/. henthe group was at the top o/ the stairs Shino sprinted ahead o/ the group and1 &randishing

    his ri/'e1 wa'ked up to Savannah. He was so ('ose that the (igar a')ost &urned her nose.

    0he other three stood &ehind hi)1 this was 5hinos /irst ti)e in the /ie'd. 0heywere (urious to see how he wou'd do.

    ere 'ooking /or Shawn. 5hino said trying his &est to sound suave.

    )).. Savannah &ar'ey )anaged to )ake any sound. She was sti'' s)i'ing

    &ut )ore out o/ /ear than a (o))it)ent to (usto)er servi(e.5hino pointed his gun at the (ei'ing and /ired. He 'aughed as dark'y as he (ou'd.

    0he sound o/ his 'aughter )i@ed we'' with the rat,tat,tat o/ his )a(hine gun.

    +/ter 6# 'ong se(onds o/ this 5hino stopped he s)i'ed &ig and took a &ig draw o/his (igar. He had a'ways wanted to do that. His a(tions however did not have the e//e(t

    that (hino was hoping /or. 9o one /'in(hed. 0he e'der'y (oup'e turned s'ow'y around and

    'ooked at (hino with not terror &ut rather (on/usion.hatd he say? 0he o'd )an asked his wi/e.

    His (o)panions were a'so not i)pressed. 0hey -ust sho(k their heads and waited

    /or hi) to (ontinue.

    %or 3u 'os nuevos sie)pre 'o 3ue one o/ the )en in the Hawaiian shirts askedthe other.

    5hino stood in si'en(e. He &rushed a s)a'' (hunk o/ (ei'ing /ro) his hair and

    tried a )ore dire(t approa(h. He /'i(ked the (igar on the ground and pro(eeded to shovethe &arre' o/ the gun in Savannahs /a(e and de)anded*

    here. 0he >u(k. Is Shawn?

    Savannah was si'ent. Her s)i'e had indeed started to /ade.Shawn had &een taking his &reak in the s(u''ery it was (oo'er and 3uieter &a(k

    there. 0he sound o/ the )a(hine gun had gotten his attention. He spent a good )inute

    de(iding whether or not to (he(k it out. Aiven the (urrent state o/ events he de(ided to

    )an up and see what he (ou'd do to he'p.


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    hen he e@ited a'' the (on/iden(e drained /or) hi). I/ he had any (o'or in his

    /a(e it wou'd have drained with it.

    Sung'asses saw hi) right away. 0hrusting a /at /inger in Shawns dire(tion hegrunted HayE

    0he two )en in Hawaiian shirts 'unged at Shawn. 0hey /'anked hi) on ether side.

    Both )en were signi/i(ant'y ta''er1 stronger1 and /aster than Shawn.Shawns ne(k strained as he 'ooked up at his (aptors.

    Shit. I) going to die here. He thought.

    Sung'asses s)i'ed. He )otioned /or his hen(h)en to 'eave with Shawn.Shawn strugg'ed against his (aptors &ut it was point'ess. +/ter a /ew /uti'e tugs

    Shawn gave up. He )oved s'ow'y and e)pti'y with his (aptors.

    ShitI) going to die in this he'' ho'eRight here His thoughts were gri)

    &ut the (ir(u)stan(e &eing what they were this was pro&a&'y the appropriate rea(tion.Shawn s'owed down even )ore1 &ar'ey 'i/ting his /eet. 0his was )et &y a pain/u'

    s)a(k in his spine &y the &utt o/ an assau't ri/'e.

    Shit0he 'ast ting I wi'' see is this ug'y ass (arpet Shawn thought. He was

    done /ighting death.He 'ooked up at one o/ his (aptors who g'ared at hi).

    ove /u, 0he thug was (ut o// &y a 'oud &ang. Shawn /e't a war) 'i3uid rundown his (he(k. He hit the ground &ut not &e/ore his /or)er -ai'or did. He 'ooked up /or a

    sp'it se(ond to see the &ig )an was )issing a good (hunk o/ his sku''. His &right pink

    Hawaiian shirt was stained with spe(ks o/ red. His ears started to ring. He heard another&ang /a''owed &y a how' o/ pain. He tried to stand up &ut his 'egs were weak.

    S0+F DO9 SH+9EE He heard and o&eyed. He s(anned the area trying to

    /ind the sour(e o/ the voi(e.

    He /ound it and /or a se(ond he (ou'd not &e'ieve it.It was S(ott. He was standing on the stairs to the upper 'o&&y. He stood ta'' and

    his stan(e was wide. He had a 'ong &'a(k :)) trained on Sung'asses.

    9ever )ind I) not going to die 0hought Shawn I) -ust going (raGy.9ow to he'p (o))uni(ate the series o/ events that are a&out to un/o'd I )ust

    ad)it I have to &reak the narrative to take a )o)ent to (at(h you1 the reader1 up on the

    stories &ehind ea(h o/ the p'ayers invo'ved.5hino had grown up poor and a'one on the streets o/ e@i(o 5ity. He had &een in

    prison a (oup'e o/ ti)es &ut on'y /or a )inor the/t or two. He on'y -oined an a(tua' gang

    &e(ause he heard that in gangs you got to ki'' (ops1 and instant'y &e(a)e ri(h and

    power/u'. Cven i/ you were on the 'owest rung you (ou'd (o))and a'' )anner o/ respe(t/ro) your /e''ow )an. He had heard a'' o/ this /ro) one o/ his (e'' )ates who gave hi)

    the na)e o/ e@i(an gang 'eader na)e to (o)e who added* F 'as (hi(as son

    in(reT&'es.hi'e the gang 'i/e had proved &etter than 'iving o// the street he had yet to get

    any in(rei&'es (hi(as and a'so had yet to ki'' anyone at a''. 9ow 5hino had the )eans1

    )otive and an opportunity to ti(k )urder o// his o//i(ia' gangster (he(k 'ist. 0here was a&ig pro&'e) however. 5hino had was terri/ied1 he had -ust seen two o/ his (ohorts taken

    down within a /ew se(onds and despite the /ire power he he'd in his hands he /e't his

    /ight or /'ight instin(ts /ighting ea(h other.


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    >u(k you o'd )anE 5hino s(rea)ed. Fou take one )ore >5NI9A step and I

    wi'' end this &i,

    B+9A.Savannah re)ained per/e(t'y sti''. Her ar)s were (rossed tight'y a(ross her (hest.

    She was pa'e and si'ent. S(ott 'ooked around.

    0he two e)p'oyees had not &udged and were staring opened )outhed at the s(eneo/ &'ood and &u''ets in the 'o&&y. 0hey -u)ped at the sound o/ the pop(orn popper &ehind

    the) produ(ing its /ina' produ(t.

    5hino1 to his surprise1 was dead. + neat 'itt'e ho'e in his /orehead )arked thepoint were the &u''et had &ored through his sku''. 0he o'd )an and wo)en had atte)pted

    to take (over at the /irst shots &ut 'a(king the a&i'ity to (rou(h or run they had on'y

    )anaged to )ove a /ew /eet to the 'e/t.

    S(ott dropped his gun to his side and hurried over to Savannah.+re you a'right? He asked.

    Savannah nodded. Her wi'' to ta'k had &een great'y redu(ed.

    Shawn started to get up. He was sti'' sure that this was a drea) a terri&'e weird

    drea). S(ott e@tended his hand down to Shawn and he'ped hi) up.Shawn1 you okay?

    Shawn was s'ow'y (o)ing to the rea'iGation that this was not a drea).I think so&ut

    Shawn had 3uite a /ew 3uestions. 9ot sure o/ how to phrase the) he de(ided to

    keep 3uiet.S(ott then went over to the in-ured thug. He was sti'' on the /'oor grasping his

    hand. S(ott kne't down ne@t to the hit )an.

    Vuit your )oaning S(ott said dis)issive'y. Fou'' 'ive.

    0he thug ha'ted his groans.>u(k you. He said through ('en(hed teeth.

    S(ott s)i'ed. I )isspoke ear'ier1 you keep that up and I'' 'et you &'eed out right

    here.Fou dont want to do that. 0he thug s)irked.

    Oh no I rea''y do.

    Fou ki'' )e and she wi'' de/inite'y die. 0he thug 'aughed. + deep 'ow 'aughthat was interrupted &y the s)a(k o/ S(otts :)) (onne(ting with the side o/ the thugs

    /a(e. S(ott turned to Shawn who was sti'' a 'itt'e shaken.

    Shawn where is 5ea'ia? S(ott de)anded.

    Shawn sudden'y rea'iGed that this was not a drea). +'' the events o/ the 'ast /ew)inuets /'ashed through his )ind as i/ to (at(h his own se'/ up on what had a(tua''y

    happened. + 'ook o/ horror s'ow'y spread a(ross Shawns /a(e. S(ott saw this and in one

    swi/t )otion stood up and got very ('ose to Shawn. He 'ooked hi) straight in the eye.Shawn did not return S(otts in3uisitive gaGe.

    here is she? S(ott de)anded in a power/u' tone.

    Shawn said nothing instead he rea(hed in to his po(ket and pu''ed out his phone. He3ui(k'y tapped the (a'' &utton twi(e.

    0he three )en stood in si'en(e /or /i/teen 'ong se(onds whi'e Shawn started to

    pa(e &a(k and /orth1 the phone g'ued to his ear.

    >ina''y the ('i(k o/ phone opening was heard /or) the other end.


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    O'ah? + voi(e that was de/inite'y not 5ae'ias asked.

    Shawn waited /or a se(ond1 unsure o/ what to do.

    He''o? Is that &etter? 0he voi(e asked again.5ae'ia? Shawn rep'ied shaki'y.

    HahaE 0he short (a(k'e was unsett'ing. Does this sound 5ae'ia to you gringo?

    Shawn 'ooked at S(ott who was tying up the re)aining gangster. S(ott /e't Shawns gaGeand shot a g'a(e &a(kward. S(ott did not 'ike the 'ook Shawn was giving hi).

    ho is thisE? Shawn de)anded /e''ing a 'itt'e &raver seeing as how his

    opponent was on the other side o/ a phone rather than in the sa)e roo) with a )a(hinegun.

    +'e@andre you ras(a' dont you re)e)&er )eE? 0he voi(e 'aughed. Shawn


    hats the )atter +'e@? Fou used to &e su(h a ta'kative (hi'd. 0he voi(eteased.

    0a'k1 ta'k1 ta'k thats a'' you used to do. 9ow though you are si'ent? 9o

    3uestions /or )e? =ike how have you &een? hat was prison 'ike? How 'ong did you

    spend p'anning your revenge on )y /a)i'y? 9one o/ that?Shawn said nothing. S(ott1 noti(ing his si'en(e1 de)anded answers.

    Is she sa/e?E He &arked.0he thug 'aughed again1 S(ott s3ueeGed his wounded hand. 0he gangster how'ed

    and then was si'ent on(e )ore.

    Shawn sti'' had his ear to the phone a sigh was heard then the voi(e (ontinued.e''1 Shawn 0he voi(e was in(redi&'y sar(asti(. I/ you want 5ae'ia to 'ive

    what you have to do is 3uite si)p'e

    Be/ore the voi(e (ou'd (ontinue S(ott strode over to Shawn and yanked the phone

    /ro) Shawn.0his is S(ott Derringer >BI i/ you have 5ae'ia we are wi'ing to negotiate.

    Spanish 0he /u(k is this?E 0he voi(e was not happy. How )any /u(king (ops

    you got huh?ho is this? S(ott (o))anded.

    >u(k youE =ook /u(ker heres how the negation is going to go. +'e@andre dies

    and I'' 'eave 5ae'ia )ost'y inta(t. I see hi) wa'king around and I wi'' ki'' her rightnowE

    0he 'ine went dead.

    S(ott (ursed under his &reath. He handed the phone &a(k to Shawn and wa'ked

    on(e again &a(k over to the thug.+'right /u(ker1 youre (o)ing with )e. He said whi'e he pi(ked up the thug

    throwing hi) into a /ire)ans (arry.

    Fou too Shawn I need you to (o)e with )e.Shawn )ight have argued &ut he had a'ready &een shot and shouted at enough /or

    one day. He si'ent'y started to /a''ow S(ott.

    0he two e)p'oyees o/ Ido' theaters stood si'ent'y. 0he pop(orn had started to&urn.

    Fou &oys &etter du)p that kett'e S(ott shouted without turning around.
