Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish Please don’t leave me in the church — I am meant to be taken home with you. Cathedral, Stanley Street, Townsville, St. Mary’s, West End, St. Francis Xavier, Railway Estate, St. Patrick’s, South Townsville and St. Joan of Arc, Magnetic Island This parish acknowledges the Bindal and Wulgurukaba peoples as the traditional custodians of the land on which we live and work and we pay our respects to their Elders, past and present. 1st Sunday in Lent Year C (14/02/16) God brings us through difficult experiences and always leads us to life. Depend on the Holy Spirit to guide you on the path of life. (Luke 4:1-13) P ARISH P RAYER L IST O Almighty, everlasting God, eternal salvation of those who believe, hear our prayers on behalf of your ailing servants for whom we implore the aid of your mercy, that with health restored to them, they may offer thanksgiving to you. Amen * Please be advised that the parish office requires individual and/or family permission for inclusion in the public prayer list under the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012. Please pray for : Heather Backwell Bishop Ray Benjamin; Polly Betts Brian Keogh John Mehedy; Kevin Pitt Maureen Whiteside Fr Mick Walsh LITURGY OF THE WORD First Reading (Deuteronomy 26:4-10) Responsorial Psalm Ps 90:1-2, 10-15, R. v.15 (R.) Be with me, Lord, when I am in trouble. Second Reading (Romans 10:8-13)) Gospel Acclamation (Matthew 4:4) Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory! No one lives on bread alone, but on ever word that comes from the mouth of God. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory! Gospel (Luke 4:1-13) Memorial Acclamation: Save us, Saviour of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free. NOTICE FOR THE HOLY DOOR: PLEASE ENTER THE CATHEDRAL THROUGH THE DOOR OF MERCY. PARISH ADORATION TIMES Every Friday Holy Hour at Sacred Heart Cathedral, 11am —12 noon Every Saturday St Mary’s Church, West End after the 9.00am mass COME ALONG TO ADORE THE LORD IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT LENTEN SCRIPTURE REFLECTION Lenten Scripture Sharing books are available at a cost of $8 in our parish churches. Sacramental Program 2016 First Reconciliation will be offered in May with the Confirmation and First Eucharist in October. Please contact the Parish office with your details if you wish your child/ children to participate. Parish Mass Times WEEKDAY MASSES (DURING LENT) Anointing of the Sick and Healing Mass every 1st Friday of the month 9am at St Patrick’s Church Tuesday 12.15pm Sacred Heart Cathedral Before the 12.15pm mass: 11.45am Reconciliation Wednesday 6.30am St Mary’s Church West End 12.15pm Sacred Heart Cathedral Before the 12.15pm mass: 11.45am Reconciliation Thursday 7.00am St Francis Xavier Church Railway Estate 12.15pm Sacred Heart Cathedral Before the 12.15pm mass: 11.45am Reconciliation 7.00am St Francis Xavier Church Railway Estate Friday 12.15pm Sacred Heart Cathedral Before the 12.15pm mass: 11am-12noon Holy Hour 11.30am Reconciliation 6.30pm Sacred Heart Cathedral Station of the Cross Saturday 9.00am St Mary’s Church West End After the 9am mass: Reconciliation Miraculous Medal Novena Adoration 5.15pm St Joan of Arc Church Magnetic Island Sunday 7.00am St Francis Xavier Church Railway Estate 8.30am St Mary’s Church West End 10.00am Sacred Heart Cathedral

Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish - Amazon S3s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/os-data/tsv-catholic-org... · 2016-02-14 · Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish ch — u. Lenten Scripture Sharing

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Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish


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Cathedral, Stanley Street, Townsville, St. Mary’s, West End, St. Francis Xavier, Railway Estate,

St. Patrick’s, South Townsville and St. Joan of Arc, Magnetic Island This parish acknowledges the Bindal and Wulgurukaba peoples as the traditional custodians of the land on which we live and work and we

pay our respects to their Elders, past and present.

1st Sunday in Lent Year C (14/02/16) God brings us through difficult experiences and always leads us to life. Depend on the Holy Spirit to guide you on

the path of life. (Luke 4:1-13)


O Almighty,

everlasting God,

eternal salvation of

those who believe, hear

our prayers on behalf of

your ailing servants for

whom we implore the

aid of your mercy, that

with health restored to

them, they may offer

thanksgiving to you.


* Please be advised that the parish office requires individual and/or family permission for inclusion in the public prayer list under the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012.

Please pray for : Heather Backwell Bishop Ray Benjamin; Polly Betts Brian Keogh John Mehedy; Kevin Pitt Maureen Whiteside Fr Mick Walsh

LITURGY OF THE WORD First Reading (Deuteronomy 26:4-10)

Responsorial Psalm Ps 90:1-2, 10-15, R. v.15 (R.) Be with me, Lord, when I am in trouble.

Second Reading (Romans 10:8-13))

Gospel Acclamation (Matthew 4:4) Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory! No one lives on bread alone, but on ever word that comes from the mouth of God. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory!

Gospel (Luke 4:1-13)

Memorial Acclamation: Save us, Saviour of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free.





Every Friday Holy Hour at Sacred

Heart Cathedral, 11am —12 noon

Every Saturday St Mary’s Church,

West End after the 9.00am mass



LENTEN SCRIPTURE REFLECTION Lenten Scripture Sharing books are available at a cost of $8 in our parish churches.

Sacramental Program 2016

First Reconciliation will be offered in May with the Confirmation and First Eucharist in October.

Please contact the Parish office with your details if

you wish your child/children to participate.

Parish Mass Times


Anointing of the Sick and Healing Mass every 1st Friday of the month

9am at St Patrick’s Church

Tuesday 12.15pm Sacred Heart Cathedral Before the 12.15pm mass:

11.45am Reconciliation

Wednesday 6.30am St Mary’s Church West End

12.15pm Sacred Heart Cathedral Before the 12.15pm mass:

11.45am Reconciliation

Thursday 7.00am St Francis Xavier Church Railway Estate

12.15pm Sacred Heart Cathedral Before the 12.15pm mass:

11.45am Reconciliation

7.00am St Francis Xavier Church Railway Estate


12.15pm Sacred Heart Cathedral Before the 12.15pm mass:

11am-12noon Holy Hour

11.30am Reconciliation

6.30pm Sacred Heart Cathedral Station of the Cross

Saturday 9.00am St Mary’s Church West End After the 9am mass:


Miraculous Medal Novena


5.15pm St Joan of Arc Church Magnetic Island

Sunday 7.00am St Francis Xavier Church Railway Estate

8.30am St Mary’s Church West End

10.00am Sacred Heart Cathedral

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INFANT AND CHILD BAPTISMS: Baptisms are held at the Cathedral every 2

nd and 4

th Sunday and every 1

st and 3

rd Sunday at all other parish churches. Parents

are required to attend an interview prior to being booked in for Baptism. Baptism Preparation evenings are held at St Mary’s Hall, 28 Ingham Road West End. For further information please contact the Parish office.

CATHEDRAL PIETY STALL: The Cathedral Piety Stall is open before and after Sunday Mass at the Cathedral. There is a variety of devotional material available including Bibles, Rosaries and Missals.

PARISH HOY: Our parish hoy is held fortnightly on Fridays at 10 am at St Patrick’s Hall, South Townsville. The next is on 19th February at St Patrick’s Hall, South Townsville. If you have any Items you would like to donate for prizes, please contact Ruby Franklin on 4779 9464, or Parish office.

CHERISH LIFE TOWNSVILLE: Next meeting on 29th February 2016 at Aitkenvale Library meeting room at 7.30pm.

PRAYER VIGIL: Abortion clinic McIllwraith Street, South Townsville. Every third Monday 5pm-6pm.

CHURCH BULLETIN DEADLINE: The deadline for the submission of articles for the parish bulletin is 4pm Wednesday for the following weekend. Please provide info in a concise Word format with font Arial 11pt if possible.

PARISH YOUTH GROUP: Our first Parish Youth Mass is on the 6th March 2016 at the Sacred Heart Cathedral, youth meeting will follow after the mass at St Mary’s Hall from11:30 pm to 1:00pm. All Youth are welcome.

CATHEDRAL CHOIR Leading the singing at Sunday Liturgies is an important, exciting and very rewarding Ministry. If you are, or have been in a choir before, or have sung as a soloist please consider giving of your time and gifts by joining the Cathedral Choir and /or becoming a Cantor. Please see Jackie Crocker, the Cathedral Music Director, after mass or contact Jackie at: [email protected] Phone: 47263200 or Juliet at the Parish office: 47714461

150TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FIRST MASS IN TOWNSVILLE: Sunday 21 February 2016 Fr Terry Lyons will preside at a special Mass to commemorate this sesquicentenary of the first mass in Townsville marking 150 year of Catholic life in our city. The mass will be held at the Sacred Heart Cathedral commencing at 10am.


Jesus often withdrew from the crowds and from his disciples in order to spend some time in prayer. He told his followers: pray for those who persecute you (Matthew 5:44) and he himself prayed that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you (John 17:21). We are all familiar with the account of Jesus’ anguished prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mark 14:32-42). At the same time Jesus extoled the humble prayer of the tax collector: O God, be merciful to me a sinner and stated that it was the tax collector who went home justified because those who humble themselves will be exalted (Luke 18:9-14). Jesus also praised the generous offering of the poor widow who went up to Jerusalem to pray (Mark 12:43-44). Before he departed this world, Jesus left his followers the legacy of a prayer that combines two great desires centered on God, with three cries of petition centered on the urgent basic needs of humanity. Jesus tells the Father the two desires of his heart: hallowed be your name and your kingdom come. That is followed by the three cries of petition: give us bread, forgive our debts, and do not bring us to the time of trial. As a result of the Incarnation, God understands our needs, understands that we are broken and wounded, and in the person of Jesus all those realities are raised up to the Father!

Sacred Heart Cathedral Church:

Carmel Cannon Emelita Nadua

Karin Donohue Teresita Trovato Paul Malan Travis Coles John Shinnick Kama Weir

St Mary’s Church:

Jason Miller Losa Guise

Gavin Alexander Warren Northey

Marie McAuliffe Cclaire Turpin

Nila Crossan

St Francis Xavier Church:

Jim Stone Gillian Pearce

Ruby Franklin M.F. Niroshan

Sumangala Antonypillai

St Joan of Arc, Magnetic Island:

Pam Barlow Emrys Mills

Kevin Coyne Ursula Mills

Mairin Ivers John Wicking

Michael Keating Kristin Wicking

Andrew Sholl Val Zimmerman


To the following people for the generosity of their time & commitment to the Ministry of Extra Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion:

CELEBRATE 150 YEARS SINCE THE FIRST CATHOLIC AND ANGLICAN BAPTISMS IN TOWNSVILLE: Thursday 18th February 2016. Gather at the Sacred Heart Cathedral from 4.45pm and a procession will leave at 5.15pm for the Old Court House Building, Sturt Street, Townsville. All are invited to attend and renew their Baptism on the important occasion.

THE CORPORAL AND SPIRITUAL WORKS OF MERCY WORKSHOPS: Fr Damian McGrath will be holding a series of workshops for the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy on the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. These will be held from 7:00 – 8:30 pm at Mater Conference Centre, Fulham Road, Pimlico on the following dates: 17th and 24th February, 2nd, 9th, 16th and 30th March and 6th April. For more information contact Cheryl Rens on 4726 3200 or [email protected]

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Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish Details Parish Office: 28 Ingham Road West End, Townsville

Office Hours: 8.30am – 12.30pm and 1pm – 3pm Monday to Friday Postal Address: PO Box 1335 Hyde Park, Castletown, Q4810 Phone: 4771 4461 Email: [email protected]

Website: www.tsv.catholic.org.au; Facebook: www.facebook.com/TSVDiocese

Parish Pastoral Council: Kama Weier, Alfred Thomas, Niranjan Seneviratne, Teresita Trovato, Jim Stone, Lee-Ann Barton, Michael Cannon, Marie McAuliffe (secretary) Chairperson: Vacant, Deputy Chairperson: Vacant.

AN INVITATION: We are seeking nominees for the Parish Pastoral Council as some members have completed their term of office. If you wish to nominate yourself or others, kindly contact Fr Jose or the Parish Office.

Parish Finance Council: Fr Jose Koyickal, Alex Milicevic, Col Stout (Chair), Warren Northey, Ray Nicholls

Administrator: Fr. Jose Koyickal Assistant Priest: Fr Vitalis C. Oguh Director of Music: Jackie Crocker, Sacred Heart Cathedral Townsville - [email protected] Parish Admin Secretary: Juliet Walker Parish Bulletins can be accessed via the Townsville Catholic Diocese website. http://www.tsv.catholic.org.au.

BUSINESS DIRECTORY These businesses support us, please support them

Sunday mass collections from 06 / 07 February - all churches

Cathedral St Mary’s St Francis Joan of Arc Totals

P/Giving (DD/Cash) $60.00 $284.00 $121.00 $20.00 $485.00

First $446.50 $141.75 $186.45 $64.30 $839.00

Second $164.30 $55.05 $99.70 - $319.05

Totals $670.80 $480.80 $407.15 $84.30 $1,643.05

Thank you to al l par ish ioners fo r your ongoing f inanc ial suppor t o f our par ish and i ts good works . Your generosity helps continue the important ministries and services provided across the many worshipping communities in our Parish - Centred in Christ. Missions – Maintenance – Ministries

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Next Week’s Parish Roster: 20 / 21 February 2016, 2nd Sunday of Lent - Year C


Commentator/Leader Michael K N Crossan Lee-Ann Barton


Reader Dot Jim Stone A Carman Michael Cannon


Reader Val Z Francis Jakis S Carman Maria Moon

Prayers of Faithful Francesca Jakis N Crossan Monica Donohue

Collection John W Lee-Ann Barton

Communion 1 Mairin Sr Josephine W Northey Emelita Nadua

Communion 2 Ruby Franklin M McAuliffe Karin Donohue

Communion 3 Lee-Ann Barton

Communion 4

Musician/organist Kristin

Pickup/ Drop Off Fr Joanne H

Counters Tuesday 16th February 2016 Terry McAuliffe and Elizabeth Shinnick

Children’s Liturgy - - -

Piety Stall - - Peter Young

Parish Fete 15th May 2016 St. Mary’s West End - Townsville Heritage Day We would like to return to our previously highly successful parish fete in collaboration with the Heritage day held by the Townsville City Council at the West End Cemetery. We are seeking merry souls to help out on the various stalls and activates. We would like to run similar times as in the past 10am to 1 pm.

Current program would include lunch under the figs, nationality food stalls, tea room, plants, jumble stall, cake stall, church tours, dressed doll competition add to the list bring your friends and family. Please contact the Parish office or Mike Cannon 47751616.