Sample 1 Payment Process Manager The Next Generation Payment process handler By Rezaul Karim Majumder

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Sample 1Payment Process

ManagerThe Next Generation Payment process


By Rezaul Karim Majumder

Page 2: Sample work reza

Product Breakdown Structure

Payment Process Manager

Preparation Transaction Presentation

Setup Merchant A/C

Configure Integration API

Request Payment

Capture Request Detail

Manage Payment Process

Manage Authjorzation

Manage Capture

manage Settlement

Present Process Status

Present Progressive Search

Present Processing Cost

Notification Manager

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Steps for Payment process by Authorize.net

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Payment Process Manager

Is su i ng b a nk Pro c es s in g Ca rri e r Acquiring Bank

Aith o riz e.n e t

The Processor


The customer submits his credit card for payment.

Authorize.Net manages the complex routing of the data on behalf of the merchant through the following steps/entities.

Authorize.Net passes the secure transaction information via a secure connection to the Processor.The Merchant Bank's Processor submits the transaction to the credit card network (like Visa or MasterCard). The credit card network routes the transaction to the bank that issued the credit card to the customer.

Service Acknowledgement

Authorize.Net stores the transaction results and sends them to the website for the customer and merchant to see.

Th e issu in g bank se nds t he app r opr ia te f und s for t he tr a nsact i on to t he cr ed it car d net w or k, w hic h passe s the Fu nds t o th e m e rc hant' s ban k.Th e ba nk t hen dep osi ts th e f unds in to th e m er cha nt's b ank a ccou nt. Th is is ca ll ed 'Settlement', an d t ypi cal ly t he tr an sact io n f unds ar e de posi te d i nto th e m er ch ant' s p ri m ar y ba nk acc ount w it hi n t wo to fo ur bu sin ess days.

E qor i aE qos of t

O r gm at i cs


Se ttle m en t

Payment Process Manager

Issuing bankProcessing Carrier

Acquiring Bank


The Processor


The customer submits his credit card for payment.

Authorize.Net manages the complex routing of the data on behalf of the merchant through

the following steps/entities.

Authorize.Net passes the secure transaction information via a secure connection to the Processor.

The Merchant Bank's Processor submits the transaction to the credit card network (like Visa or MasterCard). The credit card network routes the transaction to the bank that issued the credit card to the customer.

Service Acknowledgement

Authorize.Net stores the transaction results and sends them to the website for the customer and merchant to see.

The issuing bank sends the appropriate funds for the transaction to the credit card network, which passes the Funds to the merchant's bank.The bank then deposits the funds into the merchant's bank account. This is called 'Settlement', and typically the transaction funds are deposited into the merchant's primary bank account within two to four business days.






The Context Diagram

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Business Process Modeling

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The Business Requirements


Capture Payment Request

Manage Payment process

Manage Authorization

Manage capture

Manage settlement

Manage Accounting

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Business Use case: Preparation

System Use Case: Activate Merchant Account

Integrate payment request system

Integrate payment gateway with required and defined API

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Business Use Case: Make Preparation

System Use CaseActivate gateway Account

Create necessary Web services

Integration with application system and the Gateway service

Set up necessary configuration for efficient and effective web transaction and processing

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Sample 2Asset Management


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Repair Asset

Asset Register

Create Asset Record

Asset Transfer

Assign AssetEmployees

Asset Acquisition Through Purchase, Others

Based on Asset type And other parameters

Request for Asset Assignment

Assign Asset



Store Data

Store Data


Vendor Agreement

Write off Asset

Invoke Write Off

Disposal Asset

Re Evaluation

Based on Disposal Type

Invoke Revaluation

Financial Accounting

A/C Treatment

Depreciation Process

A/C Treatment

Based On configurationRequest For Asset Transder

Asset Request

Out Side Boundary

Out Side Boundary

Data Flow Diagram

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UML Use case ModelingAsset management System

Asset Management Offer

Manage AssetDisposal

Manage Asset Repair& Maintanence

Manage Asset Tax

Manage AssetInsurance

Assign Asset

Transfer Asset

Write off Asset

Manage Assetdepreciation

Add Value to Asset

Manager Asset Managemant

Manager F inance

Manage AssetAccounting

Of f i ce r F inance

Create Asset

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Asset Rgsister

PK Asset code

FK3 Asset Category CodeFK3 Asset type codeFK2 Acquisition Type CodeFK1 Vendor code Asset Name MakeiD Makedate LastupdatedBy LastupdatedDate LastAction

Asset Type

PK AssettypeCode

AssettypDescription MakeDate LastubdatedBy LastupdateDate LastAction

GL Type Account defination

PK GltypeaccountsId

GltypeaccountsDescription ControlHead make date LastupdatedBy LastupdatedDate LastAction

Depreciation Method

PK Depreciation Method Code

Description of Method : [List] Store Procedure MakerId Make Date LastupdateBy LastupdatedDate LastAction

Asset Category

PK,FK3 Asset type codePK Asset Category Code

FK2 Depreciation Method Code Asset Category Description Asset CategoryCol1 UsefulLife DepreciationRate MakerId MakeDate LastupdateBy LastupdateDate LastAction

Acquisition Type

PK Acquisition Type Code

Acquisition Type description Make Date Crud Status

Enlist Vendor/Supplier

PK Vendor code

Vendor Name Make date MakeId LastupdaredBy lastupdatedDate LastAction Address Country Zipcode NatureofBusiness : [MultiSet] Status

Transfer Asset master

PK Asset Transfer Id

Transfer Date Transfer From Transfer To Make Status LastupdatedBy LastupdateDate LastAction

Transfer Asset detail

PK,FK2 Asset Transfer IdPK,FK1 Asset code

MakerId Make Status LastupdatedBy LastupdateDate LastAction


PK AssignRef

AssignDateFK1 Asset code MakerId MakeDate LastupdatedBy LastupdateDate LastActionFK2 EmpId


PK ContractNo

ContractDateFK1 Vendor code MakerId MakeDate LastupdatedBy LastupdateDate LastAction

Repair and maintain

PK Refno

RefdateFK3 Vendor codeFK2 ContractNoFK1 Asset code MakerId MakeDate LastupdatedBy LastupdateDate LastAction


PK LocationCode

LocationName LocationType MakerId MakeDate LastupdatedBy LastupdateDate LastAction

Write off main

PK WriteoffRef

MakerId MakeDate LastupdatedBy LastupdateDate LastAction WriteoffDate

Write off Detail

PK,FK2 Asset codePK,FK1 WriteoffRef

WriteoffAmount MakerId MakeDate LastupdatedBy LastupdateDate LastAction

Disposal Type

PK Disposaltype.Code

Disposaltype.Description MakerId MakeDate LastupdatedBy LastupdateDate LastAction

Disposal Main

PK Disposalmain.RefNo

DisposalDate Total Remarks MakerId MakeDate LastupdatedBy LastupdateDate LastActionFK1 Disposaltype.Code

Disposal Detail

PK,FK1 Disposadetail.RefNoPK,FK2 Asset code

DisposalAmount MakerId MakeDate LastupdatedBy LastupdateDate LastAction


PK,FK1 Asset codePK RevalutionRefno

RevaluationDate ExecuationDate RevaluationType Value Remarks MakerId MakeDate LastupdatedBy LastupdateDate LastAction

Tax Type

PK TaxtypeCode

TaxtypeDescription MakerId MakeDate LastupdatedBy LastupdateDate LastAction

Tax Register

PK Taxrefno

TaxDateFK1 TaxtypeCode TaxperiodFrom TaxperiodToFK2 Asset code TaxAmount MakerId MakeDate LastupdatedBy LastupdateDate LastAction

Insurance Company

PK IncurancecompanyCode

InsurancecompamyName MakerId MakeDate LastupdatedBy LastupdateDate LastAction

Insurance Register Main

PK InsuranceregisterRefno

Registerdate PeriodFrom PeriodTo PolicyNo CovernoteNo CertificateNo PremiumAmount Rematks MakerId MakeDate LastupdatedBy LastupdateDate LastActionFK1 IncurancecompanyCode

Insurance Register detail

PK,FK1 InsuranceregisterRefnoPK,FK2 Asset code

Remarks MakerId MakeDate LastupdatedBy LastupdateDate LastAction


PK EmpId

EmpName MakeDate LastubdatedBy LastupdateDate LastAction

GL Integration

PK,FK1 Asset type codePK,FK1 Asset Category Code

FK2 GltypeaccountsId MakeDate LastupdateBy LastupdateDate LastAction Acno

Data Modeling

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Sample 3 Portfolio of Projects