Sandeep d Haw An

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  • 8/10/2019 Sandeep d Haw An



    Mobile No: +91-99110-07290 E-Mail:[email protected]

    Assignments in Bioinformatics and Computational biology with an organization of repute


    A !" #c $Biotechnology% complemened wih A& 'e(el in Bioinformatics. !ossess "nowledge o# implemening so#wa$e s%sems &'ioin#o$maics (%sems).

    Aended se*e$al p$o#essional $ainings ono Pharmacoinformatics in Drug Design

    o Scanning Electron Microscopy

    o Biotechnological Strategies in Agro Processing

    o Biotechnology in Food Processing

    ,emons$aed mahemaical anal%ical s"ills wih p$o*en commnicaion abiliies.

    ACA)E!IC CRE)E*+IA'#

    /A e*el $om ,EA33 (ocie%4 New ,elhi) Curriculum Foundation Course in Modern Biology; BasicBioinformatics; IT Tools and Application; Programming Pro!lem Sol"ing through C; Basic Mathematics

    #Pro!a!ility and Statistics; Introduction to Data!ase and $e! ena!ling technologies; Programming in PE%&and Applications to Bioinformatics; Introduction to o!'ect oriented programming through (A)A; Elements

    of Protein Se*uence# structure and modelling; Basics of +enomics and Proteomics,

    !" #c $Biotechnology%#$om 5$ 6ambheshwa$ ni*e$si%4 8issa$ wih 1sdi*ision &; ma$"s).

    B"#c" $!edical%#$om

  • 8/10/2019 Sandeep d Haw An


    ACA)E!IC .RO3EC+

    Comparisons of Immunopero4idase testwihImmunofluorescent test#o$ detection of Anti!ody

    titre against Theleria annulata.

    OR, E5.ERIE*CE

    Sep 02 Jun 04 Auroprobe Laboratories Microbioloist

    1ighlights; !e$#o$med Mic$obiological and ?mmnological diagnosic es.

    8andled isolaion o# Mic$obes and dee$mining ani mic$obial aci*i%. Managed $obleshooing and ali% Hesing o# ,iagnosics "is on

    Thyroid 2 T3# T4# TS1# FT3# FT4# 5S2TS1# Anti Tg# Anti TP6# 7eonatal T4

    Fertility 2 FS1# &1# P% 1C+

    Cancer Mar-ers 2 PSA# CEA# AFP# CA289:# CA28,# CA28:,3

    Steroids 2 Testosterone# 8