SDLC Slides

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SYSTEM DEVELOPMENTLIFE CYCLE (SDLC)SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE (SDLC)Conceptual model used in proect mana!ement"E#ample o$ SDLC met%odolo!& ' Rapid application development (RAD) oint application development (AD) T!e "o#ntain model T!e $pi%al model(ST P%ase ) S&stem Stud&Done in t*o p%ases'First p%ase + t%e preliminar& sur,e& o$ t%e s&stem isdoneSecond p%ase + more detailed and in+dept% stud&-$ter completin! t%e s&stem stud&. a s&stem proposal is prepared /& t%e S&stem -nal&st"(ST P%ase ) S&stem Stud&Done in t*o p%ases'First p%ase + t%e preliminar& sur,e& o$ t%e s&stem is doneSecond p%ase + more detailed and in+dept% stud&S&stem proposal is prepared t%at contain'0ndin!s o$ t%e present s&stemrecommendations to o,ercome t%e limitationspro/lems o$ t%e present s&stem in t%e li!%t o$ t%e user1s re2uirements3ST P%ase ) Feasi/ilit& Stud&Test o$ t%e proposed s&stem in term o$'t%e li!%t o$ its *or4a/ilit&meetin! user1s re2uirementse5ecti,e use o$ resourcest%e cost e5ecti,eness6ST P%ase ) S&stem -nal&sis In,ol,ed a detailed stud& o$ t%e current s&stem Data are collected on' T%e a,aila/le 0les Decision points Transactions %andled /& t%e present s&stem Tools used $or s&stem anal&sis' Inter,ie*s On+site o/ser,ation 7uestionnaire8ST P%ase ) S&stem Desi!n T%e ne* s&stem is desi!ned /ased on't%e user re2uirementst%e detailed anal&sis o$ a ne* s&stemProceeds in t*o sta!es'Preliminar&9!eneral desi!n t%e $eatures o$ t%e ne* s&stem are speci0edStructure9detailed desi!n computer oriented *or4 /e!ins:t% P%ase ) Codin! Sta!eCode *ritin!Translate pro!ram speci0cation into computer lan!ua!e E#ample' C. C;;.