SIEMENS Self-Study Workbook Introduction to Course LC67-A Data Collection Tool (DCT) CRAFT Suite of Tools DCT Release No. 6.4 GU00-0000-00 Siemens lnternal Use Only

Siemens-Data Collection Tool, DCT

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SIEMENSSelf-Study WorkbookIntroduction to Data Collection Tool (DCT)Course LC67-ACRAFT Suite of Tools DCT Release No. 6.4GU00-0000-00 Siemens lnternal Use OnlyInternal Use OnlyTable of ContentsAbout This CourseWhatYou'llDo...CourseRequirements . . . . .How To Take This CourseWhat to Read . Using This Workbook Getting Help. . UpdatedDocumentation. . . .vlt vii vii viii ix1XX XActivity 1. Understandturg DCT What You'll Do . . .What to Read.t-l1-1 1-1Activity:

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Self-Study Workbook

Introduction toCourse LC67-A

Data Collection Tool (DCT)

CRAFT Suite of ToolsDCT Release No. 6.4

GU00-0000-00Siemens lnternal Use Only

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Internal Use Only

Table of Contents

About This CourseWhatYou'llDo ...CourseRequirements . . . . .

How To Take This CourseWhat to Read .

Using This WorkbookGetting Help. .

UpdatedDocumentation. . . .

Activity 1. Understandturg DCTWhat You'll Do . . .

What to Read .

Activity: Confirming a DCT InstallationActivity: Accessing and Bxiting DCT. .

Accessing DCT.Exiting DCT


Opening a DCT System File.Review. 1-5

Answers. 1-5

Activif 2. Entering DataWhat You'll Do

What to ReadActivity: Creating a New System File. .


Entering Customer InformationActivity: Importing the CONDA File. . .

"CONDA File," and "File Import Dialog Box." "

Copying the CONDA File . "

Pasting the CONDA File . .

Importing the CONDA File . .

Viewing Imported CONDA Data. .


Activity 3. Exploring the DCT Application 3-1

WhatYou'llDo... 3-1

What to Read . 3-1

Activity: Accessing Help " 3-2

Accessing the Heip Contents 3-2Printing a Help Topic " 3-2

Using the Search Function 3-3Using the Glossary and Features Buttons 3-4Using Context-Sensitive Help " 3-5

Review. 3-5Answers. 3-7

Activity 4. Designing System-Wide DataWhatYou'llDo...

What to ReadEnabling the Carry Down Option 4-2

Table of Contents iiiCopl,Tight owned by SienEos Busiress Comruoicatim Systerns, Ioc. Alteration or duplicalioo by pemission or li@ne.












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Activity: Configuring General System Data . . 4-3

Setting Code Length 4-3

Configuring SIO Ports 4-5Modifying System Parameters and System Timers 4-6

Activity: Working with Feature Access Codes . 4-8Modifying a Feature Access Code . 4-8Adding Feature Access Codes. 4-8

Review . . 4-10Answers 4-71

Activity 5. Assigning a Class of ServiceWhat You'll Do . . .

What to Read. . 5-1

Activity: Creating Class of Service Assignments 5-2

Working in the Class of Service Window. 5-2Activity: Creating LCR Class of Service Assignments 5-1

Working in the LCR Class of Service Window . . . 5-lActivity: Setting-Up Class of Service Changeover . . . . 5-10

SettingtheDaytimeCOSChangeover.. ...5-10Setting the Nighttime COS Changeover . . . . 5-11

Review . " 5-I2Answers 5-74

Activity 6. Setting-Up Feature Button TablesWhatYou'11Do... 5-1

What to Read. . 6-1

Activity: Working in the Feature Button Tables Window" 6-2

Setting-up a Feature Button Table . 6-2Using a Defauit Button Table . 6-3On-Your-Own: "".. 6-5

Review :."."" 6-6Answers 6-1

Activity 7. Setting-Up StationsWhat You'll Do " . .

What to Read" .

Enabling the Carry Down OptionActivity: Setting-IJp Stations and Editing Personal Data . .

Setting-Up a Single Line Analog StationSetting-Up a Multiline StationApplying a Template.

Using Mass Definition for StationsOn-Your-Own: ....

Viewing Stations in a Spreadsheet. . . .




1-l7-r7-1t-zJ -J


7-101-11I -147 -r97 _1'.)


Activity 8. Setting-Up Groups 8-1

WhatYou'11Do".. 8-iWhat to Read. . 8-1

Activity: Setting-Up an Attendant Group . 8-2Activity; Setting-Up Software Groups. 8-4

Setting-Up a Hunt Group . 8-4

Setting-Up a Connect Group. 8-5

iv Introduction to Data Collection Tooi (DCT)Copyright owred by Siemens Business Conmr[nicadon System, trsc. Alteration or duptcatioD by trFrmissioo q li@nse Revision 2.0 6/4/97

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Working with a Pick Up Group 8-6

Setting-Up a Speed Dial Group 8-8

Setting-Up a Communication Group 8-10Activity: Performing a Global Validation 8-11

Correcting Errors After Validation 8-12Review. 8-13Answers. 8-14

Activity 9. Creating Trunk GroupsWhat You'll Do . . .

What to Read .

Activity: CreatingTrunk Groups . . . . .

Setting-Up a DID Translation. .

Working in the Trunk Features/Parameters WindowCreating aSystemMusic Channel .. . .

Creating a DISA Group. 9-9Review. 9-i 1

Answers. 9-12

Activity 10. Setting-Up Least Cost Routing . . . " 10-1

WhatYou'llDo ".. 10-iWhat to Read . i0-1

Activity: Setting-Up Least Cost Routing Tables" 70-2Setting-Up the LCR Time Schedule . . . . 70-4Defining Values for the Area/Office Code Resffict Table 10-7Defining the Routing Order for a Call . 10-8

Creating Digit Strings . . 10-11

Review. i0-i3Answers" .."... 10-14

Activity 11. Using the Tools Menu . 11-1

WhatYou'llDo .. 11-iWhat ro Read . 11-1

Activity: Running a Second Global Validation. l1-2Running PortAssignment... 11-3

Running Backup on the DCT Systern File " . Il-4Running Restore on the DCT System 11-5

Creating Reports 11-6Transferring Data Electronically. . II-lGenerating Faceplates 11-8

Review. 11-10

Answers. ...... 11-11

AppendixA.... A-1Report Course Completion A-2

Course Evaluation A-2

Table of Contents vCopyright owned by SienEDs Business CmuDication Systems, Inc. Altentim or duplicatim by lrmissioo or li@Ds.




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vi Introduction to Data Collection Tool (DCT)

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About This Gourse

What You'll Do

The Data Collection Tool (DCT) is one of several applications that is part of the

Customer Requirements and Fulfillment Tool (CRAFT) suite. It is a Windows-basedapplication used for entering and configuring customer data for Release 9006 phone

systems. There is usually a lot of information to enter into a DCT file, that is why DCTaccepts imported data along with your typed entries. When you have finished enteringcustomer data and configuring your DCT file, you canuse the Validate feature to checkyour file for conflicts or changes that need to be made.

This course , LC67 , will guide you through data entry and system configuration usingthe DCT application on your laptop or workstation PC. You will:. Access the DCT application.. Enter and configure customer data in DCT.. Import a CONDA (Configuration Data) file into DCT.. Validate your DCT flle.

An advanced course, LC67B, is to be taken after you have finished T897. Theadvanced course covers ACD, PhoneMail, data, networking, and perfbrming upgrades

and MAC using the DCT system.

Course RequirementsThis course is designed for Installation Specialists (ISs) and Independent Distributorsthat need to enter system configuration information for a customer's telephone systempurchase. That system configuration might include standard customer featureinfbrmation such as a station location number; customer name, number, and address;

the division of a station user; and prewire locations.


You must complete the following training before taking this course:

. Windows training.

. LC81 - Touring the CRAFT Landscape, an (computer-based training) overview ofall CRAFT applications and processes.

. LC82 - Getting Startedwith CRAFT Applications, a (computer-based training)preview of each CRAFT application using tool simulation"

" TE42 - 9751CBX Release 9006i Soflware Management, wrdlor. TE96 - 9757 CBX Release 9006i Installation, Configuration, and Maintenance.

Course Materials and Equipment

You must have the following publication and software before taking this course:

. Data Collection TooI Reference Manual, order number: G281-0358-03

. The working file for training activities is installed via SMS in the

c : \ craf t \ crf t-trn directory "

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Karen toprovide . IJse File Manager to copy the boots. kon file into c: \dct54\cdb\condaSHM statement direCtOry.

You must connect to the Siemens WAN either directly or using a ROAM Dial-Inconnection. ROAM Dial-In is an application provided by Siemens that enables remotedial-up access to the Distributor CRAFT NT server.

How To Take This CourseThis course was designed under the premise that everyone has dilferent levels ofunderstanding about system configuration zmd different skill levels using the

applications associated with the Customer Requirements and Fulfillment Tools(CRAFT) suite.

Do you prefer learning through hands-on activities? Do you prefer reading the DCTreference manual first and then working on activities? Flexibility has been designedinto this course so that you can begin reading or working on activities. It isrecommended that new employees read the DCT ref-erence manual before workingthrough the activities. Experienced learners can start with the hands-on activities and

refer to the chapters as needed.

Use these time estimation tables to help plan your training. The time estimates are

approximations and will vary among individuals based on their experience and


Note: Allow time to take the prerequisites (listed on the previous page) ifnecessary"

New Installation Specialists (IS)

Course: Complete: Reading Time: Activity Time:

Part A TEg6

Part B TE91ITE42

Experienced Installation Specialists (IS)

Course: Complete: Reading Time: Activity Time:

Part A TE96

Part B TE97ITE42

viii Introduction to Data Collection Tool (DCT)

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What to Read

The DCT Reference Manual is an in-depth publication about the DCTapplication. Each chapter is task-focused with a section that explains conceptsand processes used during system configuration. It also has step-by-stepprocedures to guide you through each task. Use the review at the end of each

IJsing the DCT chapter to check your comprehension" The reference manual is organized into

Reference Manuat the eleven chapters listed below.

. Chapter 1 - Understanding DCT

. Chapter 2 - Installing and Managing DCT

. Chapter 3 - Using DCT Windows

. Chapter 4 - Using DCT

. Chapter 5 - Stirting a New Configuration

. Chapter 6 - Conliguring Stations

. Chapter 7 - Configuring Trunks and Routing

. Chapter 8 - Configuring Attendant Groups and Software Groups

. Chapter 9 - Configuring ACD

. Chapter 10 - Validating and Finalizing the Conflguration

. Chapter 11 - Generating Reports

Using This Workbook

Activities in this course, LC67 A, introduce you to all the basic features and lunctionsin DCT. Use these activities to practice working with DCT. There are scenarios fbrconfiguring a new Releas e 9006.4 installation.

Each activity lists "What You'llDo" in thepractice exercise and "Wrat to Read" in the

user guide chapters. "Steps" summarizes the tasks you perfbrm and "Scenario" givesyou a situation that waffants your activities. The "Activity" section lists customerinformation and requirements to use when completing the configuration.

Text Conventions. Information that you select or entel is in bold type.

. IJse default entries if nothing is specified for a field.

. Messages that DCT displays on the screen arc in italics.

. Filenames emd directory paths are typed like this: example " rqt

About This Course ixRevisiou 2.0 6/4/97 Coplright owned by Sienrens Brsiress Conururicatiou SysterDs, Inc. Alteralion or duplicatiol by pemrissiol or liers

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Report Course Completion

After you have completed the activities, take the End-of-Course test for DCT. Call theCentral Registration IVR at 800-227-1704 and enter your completion code for the

course LC67 A. You will be prompted to enter your evaluation of the course. Ref'er to

the last activity in this workbook fbr the course evaluation questions and informationabout the test.

For more infbrmation about CRAFT training requirements, use Netscape to access

RouteOne. Go to the Education homepage and select the CRAFT Training page.

http : / / routeone . ro1m. com/hrl educate / tool s / craf t

The End-of-Course test for DCT is available on the CRAFT Training page.

You must complete LC81 and LC82 before you can register for LC67A.

Getting Help

If you have questions about DCT when you are working on the activities, use the

following resources for assistance:

. DCT Help to search lbr information or procedures.

. The index in your reference manual to flnd answers to your questions.

. Process maps for the new install, MAC and upgrade processes located in QualitySystern documents under RouteOne.

. If you have problems with the application or network, or cannot find zmswers toyour questions, thgn call the National Support Center (NSC).

National Support Genter 492-6177

Updated Documentation

You can find the most recent version of all Field Tools release notes, training, userguides, and helpful tips on RouteOne, at this location on RouteOne"

http: / /routeone. ro1m. com/market/ fldtools

Look under Tools, CRAFT', then the specific CRAFT application for the informationyou need.

x Introduction to Data Collection Tooi (DCT)CopyrightowredbySienrensBusinessConmuDicatiooSysterrr, Ioc.AlteratiooorduplicationbyFrmissionotlieme. Revision2.0 6/4/97

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Activity 1

Understanding DCT

Data Collection Tool (DCT) is a computer application that is used to collect andconfigure information for a customer system file. DCT can be used off-line on a PC orlaptop. Part of the data used by DCT is imported from a Configuration Data (CONDA)file. CONDA file data and manually entered data is validated or checked by DCT.Validation creates a list of corrections to be made. After you make corrections to yourDCT system file you can electronically send your output to the Reference Center. TheReference Center is a Siemens organization that receives DCT output and providesloadable software with the customer's configuration--basically it is a departrnent thatdoes database generation.

One great advantage of using DCT is that it gives you the freedom to enter and save

data as you collect it. There is no particular order in which you must enter data. Theapplication offers you the ability to customize defaults and templates. Three types ofvalidation enable you to rest assured that the information in your DCT file is correct.

DCT gives you the advantage of automatic and manual port assignments. A widevariety of reports are available to you, including tnstallation Change Order (ICO)reports" Finally, DCT enables you to customize and print telephone faceplates.

Your DCT database includes CONDA file information and can include Call CenterManagement System (CCMS) server information if you have Automatic CallDistribution (ACD).

This workbook provides you wittr hands-on experience using DCT. Throughout thisworkbook we will irse scenarios based upon a fictitious customer called Boots-R-Us.These scenarios will help you to understand why you perform certain activities in DCT"

What You'll Do

During this activity, you will:. Confirm that the DCT application is installed

. Access DCT

What to Read

Data Collection ToolReference Manual

This activity uses concepts and procedures from these chapters:

Chapter 1 - Understanding DCT

Chapter 2 - Installing and Managing DCT

Chapter 3 - Using DCT Windows


Help topic references are at the beginning of each activity.

Activity 1: Understanding DCT 1-1

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Activity: Confirming a DCT lnstallation

lnstalling DGT

DCT should already be installed on yourPC or laptop. The DCT, Release 3 applicationis stored in the c: \DCT54 directory.

If DCT is not installed, refer to "Installing and Managing DCT" in Chapter 2 of theData Collection Tools rcference manual. If necessary, follow the directions writtenthere to install DCT.

DCT can be distributed on 3.5 inch, high-density diskettes via the Siemens network,and is installed on a Windows system. Before installing DCT ensure that you haveenough hard disk space to load the DCT application. DCT requires 25 MB to load,plus 5 MB to open a database. The total minimum requirement is 30 MB. DCT cannotbe installed unless sufficient hard disk space is available.

lnstalling a New Version of DCT

Installing anew version (or the same version) of DCT does notrequire thatyouremovethe existing version. You can only run one session of DCT at a time. For exarnple, youcannot have DCT release 2 running and then open DCT64 release 3. To insure that thisdoes not happen, a Warning dialog box appears if you attempt to run a second session

of DCT.

You must keep DCT 63 for release 9006"3 Moves, Adds, and Changes (MAC)"

Install DCT64 for Hicom 300E v6.4. When you install new versions of DCT54. the

existing release 3, DCT63 apptrications will be overwritten.

Your existing customer databases will not change when you install a new version ofDCT on your PC. However, you cannot open arelease 2 database into the new versionof DCT64. A dialog box appears that asks you to choose another database.

Always read the "Read Me" notice that accompanies anew release of DCT and anySMR releases.

l-Z Introduction to Data Collection Tool (DCT)Copyright owred by Siemens Busitres Comunication Systeru, Inc. Alteratim or dupliation by permission or liense. Revision 2.0 i/13l97

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Activity: Accessing and Exiting DCT

Accessing DCT

You will probably work through this course in several sessions. Each time you finish a

session you will want to exit DCT and turn-off your computer. Each time you begin asession you will want to turn-on your computer, access DCT, and open the "Boots" flleon which you have been working.

You can access the DCT application from your Windows95 desktop. The applicationis stored in the default directory c: \dct64. Your system files will be stored in the

c: \dctbase directory.

Refer to "Installing and Starting DCT" in Chapter 2 of tlrre Data Collection Toolsreference manual. Follow the step-by-step directions below to access the DCTapplication.

Greating a Shortcut to the DCT Application

You can $eate a short-cut icon on your desktop that can be used to access DCT. Ashortcut points to the location of DCT on your hard disk and goes out and opens DCTwhen you double-click on the short-cut.

1. Click the desktop with the right mouse button. (A pop-up menu appears.)

2. Choose New from the menu"

3. Choose Shortcut from the cascading menu. (The Create Shortcut window appears.)

4. Type c: \dct64\dct " exe in the Command Line field.

5. Click Next. (The selected name for the shortcut is dct . exe.)

6. Click Finish. (The oct . exe shortcut icon appears on the desktop.)

7" Double-click the Window Control menu box (in the upper-right corner of each

open window to close each of the windows on the desktop).

8. Double-click the dct. exe icon (to open the DCT application. In a moment theDCT application is open, but there are no DCT feature windows currenfly open.)

Accessing DCT via the Start Menu

You can also access DCT using the Start menu on your Windows desktop.

1. Click Start on the Windows Desktop. (The Start menu opens.)

2. Choose Programs.

3. Click CRAFT.

4. Choose Data Collection Tool Rel 6.4. (In a moment the DCT application is open.)

Activity 1: Understanding DCT 1-3

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Note: You can also access DCT by clicking the Start menu, choosing Run, typingc: \dct64\dct. exe, and pressing Enter.

Exiting DCT

You can exit the DCT application by doing the following:

1. Choose System, Exit from the menu.

Note: You can also exit the application by double-clicking on the ApplicationControl menu box.

Opening a DCT System File

You can open an existing DCT system file by doiqg_.lthe following:

1. Clickthe Openbutton at the top of the screen tffi (The Open a System windowappears. The existing DCT files will be displayed in the System Name list on the

left side of the window.)

2. Double-click on the file you wish to open. The file will open, however, no windowswill open. The filename will append to "DCT Application" in the Title Bar"

Note: You can type Ctl+O to access the Open a System window" Keyboardcommands are displayed beside their menu counterparts.

l-4 Introduction to Data Collection Tool (DCT)

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Refer to the DCT Reference Manual and the activity to answer these questions. Theanswers are on the page following this review.

1. The Data Collection Tool (DCT) application i

a. used to configure customer data

b. used to create a file to send to the Reference Center

c. one of several CRAFT tools

d. A1l of the above

2. TruelFalse. When installing DCT, any previously installed DCT application-version 2 is overwritten.

3. True/ False. When installing DCT, any previously installed DCT application-version 3 is overwritten.

4. TruelFalse" You can have more than one version of DCT installed on your FC.

5. True/ False. Existing customer databases change when you install a new version ofDCT on your PC"

6. Access the DCT application from the Desktop by choosing the

a. Run feature

b" Start menu

c" Access button

d. Both A and B

7. Your system files will be stored in the c : \ directory.

directory.8. The DCT, Release3 applicatton is stored in the c: \

Activity 1: Understanding DCT 1-5

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1. d. All of the above

2. False

3. True

4. True

5. False

6" d. Both A and B

7. dctbase

8. dct64

l-6 Introduction to Data Collection Tool (DCT)

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Activity 2

Entering Data

Scenario: The western boot distributer, Boots-R-Us, met with Siemens and discussed

what was needed to complete their telephone system. The company headquarters is inTexas. They have purchased a 9006 Model 30EX telecommunications system.

Now, it is your job as Installation Specialist (IS) to meet with a representative lromBoots-R-Us and enter information in DCT that will configure their 9006 Model 30EXtelecommunication system. The Boots-R-Us telecommunications system has all the

components shown in the illustration below. You will configure their system byentering the following information in DCT.

. The Boots-R-Us Company headquarters will have four digit extension numbers thalalways begin with number 2.For example,2229.

. They will have one Attendant Console (ATC) that will receive and route calls.

. Their trunking will include: four CO trunks that function both ways, six outgoingWATS trunks, six incoming DID trunks, and one DISA trunk.

(4) CO tnrnks(Central Office)Boots-R-Us


Hicom V6.4Model 30EXTelephones


Attendant Console (ATC)

(6) outgoing WATS

@ide-Area Telephone Service)

(6) DID trunks

@irect Inward Dialiirg)

(i) DISA trunk(Direct Inward System Access)



You'll Do

What to Read

Data Collection ToolReference Manua!

During this activity, you will:. Create a new system file

. Enter customer information

. Import a CONDA File

This activity uses concepts and procedures from this chapter:

Chapter 5 - Starting a New Configuration

Help topic references are at the beginning of each activity.

Activity 2: EnteringData 2-1Coplright owled by Sienpns Business Cotrm[nicalioo Systems, Inc. Altefttion or dupJication by pemrissior or lieneRevision 2.0 6/4/97

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Activity: Creating a New System File

You can create a new DCT database file by clicking the New System button" New illesare stored on the hard disk in c : \dctbase. Be aware of the fact that you cimnot create

a new file while a file is open. You must close an open file before creating a new one"

Follow the step-by-step instructions below to create a new file.

Help topic reference: "System Menu," click on New... and read "New Option""

1. Click the New System button on the top-left side of the toolbar.(The Create New System dialog box appears.)

2. Type Boots in the System Name fleld.

Note: You must type a name that is from one to eight characters.

3. Click OK. (A dialog box appears stating that the DCT application is working. Thefilename, Boots, is appended to the words "DCT Application" in the Title Bar. TheCustomer Information window appears.)

Note: You will usually have to use the mouse pointer to click OK in the DCTapplication. The DCT application does not consistently fbllow the Windowsaxiom where pressing the Enter key is the same as clicking OK.

2-2 Introduction to Data Collection Tool (DCT)

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Entering Customer lnformation

The Customer Information window gathers customer-specific information. Most of the

information in the window is optional, however the system number is required duringglobal validation (see illustration below).

Follow the step-by-step instructions below to enter customer infbrmation.

1. Type Boots-R-Us

2. Press Enter. (The insertion point is in the Address fleld.)

Note: You can move the insertion point from field to field by pressing Enter, Tab,or clicking in a field. You can select the content of a fleld by double-clickingon the field. Certain fields, such as the Cutover Date field, will reveal a

separate window when you double-click on them.

3. Enter the data shown in the illustration below.

Required during


Data provided by

the CONDA fiie

Note: The CONDA file provides data for the fields at the bottom of the CustomerInformation window. The status of the CONDA reflects whether you have

a pre-logged, logged, or booked CONDA.

4. Click Done. (The data you entered into the window is saved.)

Activity 2: Entering Data 2-3Coplrigir owoed by Sienpns Busiress Conmunication Systens, Inc. Alteratioo or dupLicatiou by penlission or Jiene.Revision 2.0 6/4/97

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Note: Pressing Alt+D is the same as choosing Done with your mouse pointer. Anundedined letter in a command or on a button name means that you canpress the Alt key plus the underlined letter's key to activate the command orbutton.

Clicking the Cancel button closes a window without saving changes.

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Activity: lmporting the CONDA File

The CONDA flle provides data to fields in the Customer lnformation, Purchased

Features, emd System Capacity windows under the Features menu. The CONDA filealso provides data about the Telephony Shelf, Hard Disk Shelf, and theServer/Switching Unit (SWU) Shelf. These shelves are displayed in Hardware underthe Features menu.

Help topic reference: "CONDA File," and "File trmport Dialog Box."

Copying the CONDA File

There is a CONDA llle filled with data about Boots-R-Us tbr you to work withthroughout this course. You must save the CONDA file in the "CONDA" directoryon your hard disk before it can be imported into DCT.

Follow the step-by-step instructions below to save your CONDA file in theCONDA directory.

1. Click the Minimize button lffi (b minimize the DCT application window).

2. Access boots . kon, the CONDA file. (The CONDA file is installed via SMS in thec : \dct64\reI900 e . a directory.)

3. Click boots . kon (to highlight it).

4. Choose Edit, Copy from the menu.

Pasting the CONDA File

1. Click Start on the Windows desktop.

2. Choose Run from the menu" (The Run window appears.)

3. Type c: \dct64\cdb\conda in the Open field.

4. Click OK. (The CONDA directory window is open.)

5. Choose Edit, Paste from the menu. (The boots " kon file is pasted into the

CONDA directory window.

6. Close all of the windows on the desktop.

7. Click the DCT application icon in the taskbar (to maximize DCT).

lmporting the GONDA File

Follow the step-by-step instructions below to import and view CONDA file data.

1" Choose System, Import frorn the menu.

2. Choose Import Files from the cascading menu. (The Import Files dialog boxappears.)

Activity 2: Entering Data 2-5

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Page 21: Siemens-Data Collection Tool, DCT

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3. Select the drive and directory in which your CONDA file resides. (The path isc: \dct64\cdb\conda.)

4. Select CONDA Files (*.kon) fiom the List Import Files of Type list box (ifnecessary.)

5. Select the booLs . kon file"

6. Click Import. (A dialog box appears saying that the import is in progress.)

7. Click Cancel. (The Import Files dialog box is closed).

Viewing lmported CONDA Data

1. Choose Features, Customer Information from the menu.

2. Yiew the tlottom portion of the Customer Information window. (The SystemType, Config Name, Status, Version #, and Quote ID fields are now filled.)

Copying and Pasting the Quote lD into the System Number Field

A newly installed system does not have a system number established. The systemnumber is required during global validation. In the System Number field, copy the

Quote ID number that the CONDA provided.

Help topic reference: "Sysfem Number Field"

1. Double-click the Quote ID field (to select the quote ID number).

2. Choose Edit, Copy from the menu.

3. Click in the System Number field (to position your insertion point).

4. Choose Edit, Paste from the monu. (The number is pasted.)

5. Click Done. (The data you entered into the window is saved.)

2-6 Introduction to Data Collection Tool (DCT)

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Refer to the DCT Reference Manual and the activity to answer these questions. Theanswers are on the page following this review.

1. The CONDA file provides data to fields in theFeatures menu.

e. Customer Information

f. Purchased Features

g. System Capacity

h. All of the above

window, under the

2. You can advance from field to field within the same window by

a. pressing Tab

b. clicking in the next field

c. pressing Enter

d. All of the above

3. Where will you get data for the System Type, Version #, and Quote ID fields?

4. What happens when you double-click on the Cutover Date field?

5. True/False. You can have more than one system file open simultaneously.

6. Whatis themaximumlength of anew systemname?

7 . TruelFalse. New system files are stored in the c : \dctbase directory.

8" Save entries made in a window by clicking the button.

a. Save

b" Done

c. Cancel

d. oK

9. CONDA is an acronym foq

a. Call-Out Network Device Activation

b. Conflguration Data

c. Computer Operation Data Account

d. Configured On/Off Dialing

Activity 2: EnteringData 2-7

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Answers1. d. All of the above

2. d. All of the above

3. From the CONDA file

4. The Calendar Screen appears

5. False

6. 8 characters

7. True

8. b. Done

9. b. Configuration Data

Z-8 Introduction to Data Collection Tool (DCT)Copydght owrcd by Sienens Busioes Conm[dcatiotr Systeru, Inc. Alteratior or duplication by lrrmission or liense. Revision 2.0 6/4/97