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SMART! Fertilizer Decision Support system for agricultural laboratories

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    Thousands in 52 countries


    Unti l 2015 se l f funding. SMART

    ra ised $1 M in 2015 .

    S M A R T ! F E R T I L I Z E R M A N A G E M E N T

    A F E R T I L I Z E R O P T I M I Z A T I O N P L A T F O R M

    Currently, almost all growers rely on trial and error, estimation and past experience when it comes to fertilizer management. The broad misuse of fertilizers is a global phenomenon which results in decreased yields, fertilizer waste, damage to soils and groundwater contamination. SMART Fertilizer Management is a unique SaaS platform for optimizing fertilizer use for agriculture, enabling farmers to increase crop yields and reduce fertilizer costs. The platform enables growers to manage fertilizer utilization, in any conditions and for any fertilizers, taking into account the multiple factors required in optimizing fertilizer use for agriculture. SMART allows growers increase yields and to save tens of thousands of dollars annually on fertilizer costs.

    W W W . S M A R T - F E R T I L I Z E R . C O M [email protected] USA: +1-804-482-0973 UK: +44-2071932286

    C O M P A N Y S T A T I S T I C S

    SMART uses multiple parameters and field data, such as crop type, target yield, growth stage, soil test results, water quality and plant tissue analysis. The algorithm of SMART processes the information and returns an ideal fertilizer program. Due to the importance of a centralized database of information, SMART s knowledge base expands systematically, to continuously improve fertilizer use and crop yields.

    H O W I T W O R K S

    SMARTs goal is to rapidly bring its solutions to the market and to create a broad knowledge base of fertilizer use and optimization, in light of the dire impact of fertilizer misuse, as well as the huge financial potential in this market.