SMCCU 2011 YearEnd Report

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SMCCU 2011 Year End Activities Report featuring our programmes and their exceptional growth last year.

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Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding (SMCCU) is a non-profit organisation established to increase awareness and understanding between the different cultures that live in Dubai.

Established under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum in 1998, the Centre operates under the banner of “Open Doors. Open Minds.” and strives to remove the barriers between people of different nationalities raising awareness of the local culture, customs and religion of the United Arab Emirates.

“When people arrive in the UAE, many do not know what to expect nor do they have a real understanding of Emirati culture. In fact, there are many expatriates who have lived and worked in the UAE for years and are yet to meet an Emirati,” says SMCCU’s Director and Founder, Mr. Abdullah Bin Eisa Al Serkal.

The programmes offered by SMCCU can help explain the customs, culture, religion and etiquette of the people of the UAE within the context of understanding Emirati life.

Our sole aim is to welcome non-Emiratis into UAE culture and give them a chance to truly integrate within Emirati society enhancing the working and living experience of those visiting and residing in the UAE.

Introduction to SMCCU

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مركز ال�سيخ حممد للتوا�سل احل�ساري هو موؤ�س�سة غري ربحية تاأ�س�ست لزيادة الوعي والتفاهم بني خمتلف الثقافات التي تعي�ش يف دبي. اأن�سئت حتت رعاية �ساحب ال�سمو ال�سيخ حممد بن را�سد اآل مكتوم يف عام 1998، وتعمل حتت �سعار "الأبـواب مفتـوحـة. الـعقـول متـفتحـة."

ال�سالمي يف والدين والعادات املحلية الثقافة العام حول الوعي ورفع النا�ش من خمتلف اجلن�سيات لإزالة احلواجز بني ن�سعى جاهدين دولة الإمارات العربية املتحدة.

، العديد منهم لي�ش لديهم اإىل الإمارات العربية املتحدة النا�ش " عندما ي�سل ال�سركال: ال�سيد عبد اهلل بن عي�سى يقول املدير واملوؤ�س�ش التواقني لالإلتقاء بح�سارة الوافدين العديد من الإمارات اأنه يعي�ش يف الإماراتي، كما ال�سعب فكرة �سحيحة عن هوية وعادات وح�سارة

الإمارات منذ �سنوات عديدة ".


برنامج ثقايف فريد من الربامج حيث كل بتقدمي املركز ويقوم للجميع يتاح " حيث ال�سوؤال " حرّية املركز وي�سم مفهوم نوعه الدخول يف للم�ساركني �سوؤال من غري حتفظ. وميكن اأي طرح ا�ست�سافة ، الرتاثية الطعام وجبات بني ترتاوح التي الأن�سطة اللغة ودرو�ش امل�ساجد وزيارة الب�ستكية، يف الرتاثية اجلولت


بغري الرتحيب هو البه ن�سعى الذي الأ�سا�سي هدفنا املتحدة العربية الإمارات دولة ثقافة على لالطالع الإماراتيني ن�سبح واأن الإماراتي املجتمع يف لالإنخراط فر�سة ومنحهم الإمارات. لزيارة القادمون يق�سدها التي الأوىل الوجهة

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Cultural Breakfasts

SMCCU was overwhelmed with the success of its extremely popular event which hosts guests for Cultural Breakfasts in our traditional wind tower house in Bastakiya, Bur Dubai. In 2011, public breakfasts were held on Mondays and Wednesdays. In addition, private breakfasts were arranged on off days throughout the year. During the visit, guests engage with an Emirati host and are encouraged to ask questions about local customs and the heritage of the UAE. In keeping with the Centre’s motto “Open Doors. Open Minds.” , no topic of interest is off limits.

In 2011, SMCCU hosted:

• 1899 guests in public breakfasts

• 671 guests in private breakfasts

In total, 2570 guests participated in SMCCU’s Cultural Breakfast Programme in 2011; an increase of 64% over 2010.

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One of the largest private groups attending breakfast in 2011 was a group of ladies whose families are new to Dubai. They chose our programme as it came recommended as a “must do” when you arrive in Dubai. Additionally, we hosted various other groups for private Cultural Breakfasts including: Shell Outpost Ladies, Merck Sorono and Spouses of Ambassadors Club.

الفطار الرتاثيالإثنني يومي �سباحا العا�سرة ال�ساعة يف تراثي اإماراتي فطار وجبة بتقدمي را�سد بن حممد ال�سيخ مركز يقوم املركز: �سعـــار حتت جدُل الأكرث الأ�سئلة طرح على ال�سيوف بت�سجيع امل�سيف يقوم حيث اأ�سبوع. كل من والأربعاء

له جواب. ت�ساوؤل وكل به، اأو مرحب �سوؤال غري مرغوب يوجد الـعقـول متـفتحـة." يف حني ل "الأبـواب مفتـوحـة.

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SMCCU continued its extremely popular tradition of hosting guests for Cultural Lunches in our wind tower house in Bastakiya, Bur Dubai. As with the breakfast programme, public events were held twice a week on Sundays and Thursdays. Many Private events were also held throughout the year. During the programme, guests chat with an Emirati host and are encouraged to ask questions about the local customs and heritage of the UAE.

In 2011, SMCCU hosted:

• 1940 guests in public lunches

• 950 guests in private lunches

In total, 2890 guests participated in SMCCU’s Cultural Lunch Programme in 2011; an increase of 76% increase over 2010.

One of the largest groups we hosted for a private lunch was a group of students from Jumeirah College. Other notable groups that SMCCU hosted for private Cultural Lunches included: Leiden University, Emirates NBD, Braedenton Prep, Nalco Water Treatment, The US Navy, and DIFF attendees.

“Come for the Food. Stay for the Culture.”

Cultural Lunches

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الغداء الرتاثي

ويقوم مركز ال�سيخ حممد بن را�سد بتقدمي وجبة غداء اإماراتي تراثي يف ال�ساعة الواحدة ظهرا يومي الأحد والثالثاء من كل املركز العادات والتقاليد الإماراتية حتت �سعار الأ�سئلة الأكرث جدُل عن اأ�سبوع. حيث يقوم امل�سيف بت�سجيع ال�سيوف على طرح

متـفتحـة." الـعقـول مفتـوحـة. "الأبـواب

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SMCCU Bastakiya Heritage & Walking Tours top the list for people who want to learn more about the historic areas of Dubai. The Heritage Tour includes a walk around the Bastakiya District and a visit inside the Diwan Masjid. The tour is followed by a lively and engaging Question & Answer session inside our traditional wind tower house where Arabic coffee and dates are served.

In 2011 SMCCU hosted:

• 1923 guests on public guided walks

• 1996 guests on private guided walks

In total, 3889 guest participated in SMCCU’s public and private Bastakiya Heritage & Walking Tours in 2011; an increase of 360% over 2010.

Private groups included; University of West Virginia, DIFF, Panorama Services, JESS Arabian Ranches, Dubai Modern School, ITE Singapore, and Cambridge International School.

Creekside Tour

Bastakiya Walking Tours & Heritage Tours

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SMCCU’s newest programme, the Creekside Tour, has gained in popularity this year and includes all the features of the Bastakiya Heritage Tour as well as a visit to the Textile, Spice and Gold Souks. The mode of transportation across the Creek is in one of Dubai’s many abra allowing guests to witness the bustling activity of local trade.

اجلوالت الرتاثية

Creekside Tour

حماذاة يف اجلولة برنامج العام هذا اأ�سيف وقد النجاح من الكثري ا�ستقطب حيث دبي خور �سوق اإىل زيارة اجلولة تت�سمن حيث وال�سهرة �سوق اىل العربة ركوب ثم ومن القدمي الأقم�سة جميع اإىل بالإ�سافة الذهب، و�سوق البهارات

ال�سابقة يف جولة الب�ستكية الرتاثية. الفعاليات

را�سد بن حممد ال�سيخ مركز يف ويقام داخل تراثية �سياحية جولت برنامج دبي، يف التاريخية الب�ستكية منطقة عن معلومات امل�سيف يقدم حيث زيارة يليها كما املنطقة وح�سارة تاريخ للم�سجد ومن ثم العودة اىل املركز حيث كما للزوار العربية القهوة تقدمي يتم يتيح للزوار طرح الأ�سئلة واحل�سول على وطريقة تاريخ عن املعلومات من املزيد

احلياة يف املنطقة.

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Ramadan Programme

The Iftar Dinners are a seasonal event held in the holy month of Ramadan. During September 2011, SMCCU invited guests to join a traditional “breaking-of-the-fast” meal at our house in Bastakiya.

This month long event strives to give visitors and expatriates a glimpse of the Islamic tradition of fasting and prayer. Following the meal, guests are guided on a casual after dark walk around the beautiful and historical Bastakiya neighbourhood.The evening closes with a visit to the Diwan Masjid in the Bastakiya which is frequented by local worshippers preparing for the evening prayers.

In 2011 SMCCU hosted:

• 605 guests in public Iftars

• 650 guests in private Iftars

In total, 1255 guests participated in SMCCU’s Ramadan Iftar Programme in 2011; an increase of 21% over 2010.

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اليات رمضان ّفع

تت�سمن حيث املبارك رم�سان �سهر خالل الفعالية هذه تقام العادات �سرح يتم حيث رم�سان يف الرتاثي الإماراتي الإفطار الإماراتية والقيم واملبادئ الإ�سالمية لفعاليات رم�سان كال�سيام يف الرائعة الب�ستكية منطقة يف جولة يليه ، وال�سالة والإفطار

امل�ساء وتختتم الفعالية يف زيارة للم�سجد.

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Ramadan Programme

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Jumeirah Mosque Visits

In an effort to de-mystify Islam and educate visitors on the role of religion in UAE society, SMCCU hosts guided visits of masjids in Dubai. Over the past twelve years, the Jumeirah Mosque has become a focal point for SMCCU’s “Open Doors. Open Minds.” programme as well as our newest campaign “The Freedom to Ask” where visitors are free to inquire about the culture, traditions and religion of the people of the UAE without restraint.

In 2011, SMCCU hosted:

• 22,799 guests on public masjid tours

• 4666 guests on private masjid tours

In total, 27,465 guests participated in the Jumeriah Mosque programme in 2011; an increase of 3% over 2010.

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زيارة مسجد مجريا

يف الزوار اآلف را�سد بن حممد ال�سيخ مركز ي�ست�سيف امل�سجد �سمن برنامج زيارة م�سجد جمريا لالإجابة على والعادات الإ�سالمي الدين حول الت�ساوؤلت من العديد حتت املتحدة، العربية الإمارات دولة يف والتقاليد حيث متـفتحـة." الـعقـول مفتـوحـة. "الأبـواب �سعار الزوار ل�ستقطاب حمورية نقطة جمريا م�سجد اأ�سبح

واملقيمني يف الدولة.

يف عام 2011، ا�ست�ساف مركز ال�سيخ حممد بن را�سد ما جمموعه جمموع من ٪2 بن�سبة متوا�سعة بزيادة امل�سجد يف زائر 22799الزوار يف العام ال�سابق. كما ا�ست�ساف املركز 4666 من الزائرين يف اجلولت اخلا�سةحيث اأ�سبح اجمايل عدد الزوار 27465 زائر

يف عام 2011.

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The Grand Mosque & Diwan Mosque Visits

The popularity of the Jumeirah Mosque Visit was the catalyst for the opening of two new venues for both public and private visits in 2010. The Grand Mosque in Rashidiya primarily invites private visitors from schools and universities whilst the Diwan Mosque in Bastakiya welcomes visitors as part of the Centre’s Bastkiya Heritage & Walking Tours.

In 2011 SMCCU hosted:

• 1396 guests on private Grand Mosque visits in Rashidiya

• 1141 guests on public Diwan Mosque visits in Bastakiya

• 1675 guests on private Diwan Mosque visits in Bastakiya

In total, 4212 guests participated in SMCCU’s Grand Mosque & Diwan Mosque Visits in 2011; an increase of 387% over 2010.

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برنامج زيارة املسجد الكبري و مسجد الديوان املطلوبة من الوجهات اأحد الب�ستكية وجعله الديوان يف الزائرين اىل م�سجد ا�ستقطاب الأ�سا�ش يف زيارة م�سجد جمريا كانت حجر فعالية من للزيارات امل�سجد بتكري�ش املركز قام الرا�سدية،حيث يف الكبري وامل�سجد الب�ستكية يف الرتاثية اجلولت برنامج �سمن ، والزوار ال�سياح

داخل وخارج الدولة لطالب وطالبات املدار�ش واجلامعات.

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Schools & University Programme

In 2010, SMCCU established its educational Schools & University Programme providing a customised programme of tours for students of all ages from both the UAE and visiting international institutions. We have continued these efforts in 2011 and have firmly established this campaign as part of SMCCU’s various activities.

The programme consists of Cultural Walks, Mosque Visits, Breakfasts and Lunches as well as in house Cultural Awareness presentations with a full range of activities to help children and older students integrate and understand the Emirati way of life.

In 2011, SMCCU hosted:

• 520 students in private breakfasts

• 296 students in private lunches

• 1429 students in Cultural Walks

• 1978 students in Mosque Visits

In total, 4223 students participated in SMCCU’s Schools & University Programme in 2011; an increase of 311% over 2010.

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الربامج التعليمية للمدارس واجلامعاتبن حممد ال�سيخ مركز بها يقوم التي الرئي�سية الفعاليات اأهم اإحدى الب�ستكية منطقة يف واجلامعات للمدار�ش التعليمية اجلولت برامج تعد را�سد والتي تهدف لزيادة وعي الطالب واملدر�سني املقيمني والزائرين لالإمارات حول تاريخ املنطقة وطريقة احلياة فيها بالإ�سافة اىل الإجابة عن

العديد من الت�ساوؤلت حول الدين والعادات يف دولة المارات.

املدار�ش دعوة يف جهوده تكثيف على حري�ساً مركزنا كان 2010 عام خالل لالن�سمام لربنامج تثقيف الطالب حيث متت دعوة العديد من املدار�ش املحلية.

لقد وا�سلنا جهودنا يف هذا الإطار خالل عام 2011 حيث ازدادت اأعداد املن�سمني للربنامح اإىل اأكرث من ال�سعف مقارنة بالعام ال�سابق.

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Cultural Awareness Presentations

SMCCU hosts in house Cultural Awareness Presentations (CAPs) for corporate clients to introduce the customs, culture and heritage of the UAE within the context of running a successful business in the region.

In 2011, SMCCU Cultural Awareness Presentations included presentations at the Women in Leadership Conference, Dubai Women’s College NCBSP, FAWCO Conference, Jebel Ali Resorts Corporate Training Seminar and HSBC.

In 2011, SMCCU hosted:

• 1593 executives and senior managers in Cultural Awareness Presentations

FAWCO Conference

Jebel Ali Resorts Cultural Induction

Jebel Ali Resorts Cultural Induction

Dubai Women's College

NCSBP Conference

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حماضرات التوعية بالثقافة احمللية

Women In Leadership Conference

Dubai Women's College

NCSBP Conference

Eton College Ramadan Workshop مركز ال�سيخ حممد بن را�سد يقيم العديد من املحا�سرات لزيادة الوعيبالثقافة املحلية والعادات والدين لدولة الإمارات العربية املتحدة حيث تقام هذه املحا�سرات يف ال�سركات و يف املوؤمترات واجلامعات واملنتديات.

“The Freedom To Ask”

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SMCCU launched a campaign in 2010 offering customised Cultural Partnership Programmes to all institutions wishing to enhance their current induction for new arrivals and current UAE based staff. These programmes contribute towards fulfilling corporate social responsibility objectives and provide staff with exceptional experiences and insight into the local customs and culture of the UAE. Each cultural programme is unique and focuses on the objectives outlined by individual corporations. Sessions are held in the Bastakiya as well as in house company venues. Participants can engage in activities from Cultural Meals, Heritage Tours, Mosque Visits and Arabic Classes.

UAE based companies who choose to partner with SMCCU can be sure that their employees will directly benefit from cultural awareness training, which is proven to enhance the workplace environment and help companies attain success. Some notable groups that participated in this year’s programmes were Emirates NBD, Bristol Meyers, Estee Lauder, Emirates Airlines, Praxis, and Google Executives.

الوعي لزيادة تدريبية برامج را�سد بن حممد ال�سيخ مركز يقدم حول ال�سركات لدى للعمل والوافدين املقيمني املوظفني لدى حيث ، الإماراتي املجتمع يف والدين والعادات املحلية الثقافة متاآلف عمل فريق بناء يف الراغبة لل�سركات الفر�سة املركز يقدم يف للم�ساركة دعوتها خالل من الإماراتي املجتمع مع ومن�سجم وتاريخ ح�سارة عن توعية جل�سات وح�سور املركز وبرامج فعاليات الإمارات بالإ�سافة اإىل اجلولت الرتاثية وزيارة امل�ساجد، كما ميكن من املحددة الأهداف على يركز بحيث خا�ش تثقيفي برنامج عمل

ال�سركة. قبل

Corporate Guests

Bristol Meyers

Google Executives

Praxis Gobal Research

برامج استضافة الشركات

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As part of SMCCU’s educational programmes, we provide expatriates and visitors with the opportunity to learn Spoken Gulf Arabic with one of our qualified instructors.The class sizes are small and are available on week days or weekends. Our students learn traditional Khaliji Arabic, the dialect spoken in the GCC states in the Arabian Gulf.

In addition we have expanded our Arabic programme, offering both Classical Arabic classes and private classes for institutions wishing to train their staff in Arabic language skills both in and outside of the workplace.

يقيم املركز دورات لتعليم اللغة املحلية الإماراتية كجزء من الربنامج حيث والزوار، واملقيمني للطالب يقدمه الذي والتعليمي التدريبي يقدم هذه الدورات مدرب موؤهل من املركز على مدى اأيام الأ�سبوع اأو باللهجة العربية اللغة الطالب تعليم الأ�سبوع، ويتم نهاية يف عطلة مدار على اخلليجي التعاون جمل�ش دول و المارات لدولة املحلية اللغة على موظفيها تدريب يف الراغبة لل�سركات ميكن كما ال�سنة،

العربية اللتحاق بهذا الربنامج �سواء داخل اأو خارج مكان العمل.

Spoken Gulf Arabic Courses

ة ّدورات اللغة العربية احمللي

Google Executives

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Special Events

In 2011, SMCCU hosted a number of high profile special events to mark significant occasions providing traditional Emirati food and educational seminars on Emirati and Islamic history.

Highlights of SMCCU special events in 2011 include our participation in the Ramadan Tents at Dubai Festival City, Min Beladi at Dubai Mall, the Faces of the Middle East exhibition and hosting renowned author, Karen Armstrong as a guest speaker at the Multaqa venue in Mamzar.

الفعاليات اخلاصة من العديد مكتوم اآل را�سد بن حممد ال�سيخ مركز ي�ست�سيف الثقايف واحل�ساري حول الوعي زيادة اإىل الهادفة الفعاليات اخلا�سة والفعاليات التلفزيونية الربامج و الفنية املعار�ش مثل الإمارات

وغريها. الرم�سانية،

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National Day

In 2011, in honour of the 40th Anniversary of the UAE’s unification, SMCCU hosted a full day of events in the Bastakiya open to the general public where guests attended Cultural Breakfasts and Lunches as well as Bastakiya Heritage Tours that took place throughout the day.

احتفاًل بالذكرى الأربعني لحتاد الإمارات العربية ، قام املركز هذا العام بفتح ال�سيافة لعامة الزوار على الفطار والغداء بال�سافة اىل العديد من اجلولت الرتاثية يف الب�ستكية للعامة.

اليوم الوطني

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Celebrity Guests

In 2011, SMCCU had the honour of hosting several celebrity guests across our various programmes. Martha Stewart took part in a Creekside Tour and Real Madrid footballer KaKa and his brother Digao joined us for a late afternoon Bastakiya Heritage Tour.

Thai Ambassador

Afghani Government Delegates


KAKA and Digao and Family

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Martha Stewart

US Congress Q & A

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Future Projects

SMCCU Volunteers

Emirati volunteers are encouraged to join SMCCU on a part time, full time or free lance basis providing them with a memorable experience and deeper understanding of the inner workings of the modern, multi cultural UAE.

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Future Projects

Culture Awareness Academy

The SMCCU Majlis Building has been completed and we are in the process of designing the interior of the venue. The space is planned to house a café and interactive museum about the culture, traditions, history and religion of the Emirates. We are always keen to develop partnerships with institutions who embrace the concept of cultural understanding and welcome contributors to the project.

SMCCU in association with several leading UAE academic institutions provides an internship programme to inspire young Emirati students wishing to learn about their history and interact with other cultures within the evergrowing, dynamic social and business environment of the UAE.

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Companies List

� 24 Degrees

� ABC Tours

� Accor Hotels

� Air Berlin

� Al Qasr Hotel

� Al Shamel Travel & Tourism

� Al Tamimi

� Alpha Tours

� ARA Art Gallery

� Arabian Adventures

� Arabian Incentive

� Arabian Trails

� Armani Hotels

� Beyond Relocation

� Big Bus Tours

� Bloomberg

� Blue Oasis Veterinary Clinic

� BNI Networking group

� Bonnard and Lawson

� Bonnard and Lawson

� Bristol Myers

� British Business Group

� British Embassy Dubai

� Burj Al Arab

� Center for Management & Professional Development

� Church of the Latter Day Saints

� Clyde & Co

� Colpitts Travel, Edinburgh

� Cosmos

� Crown Worldwide

� Custard Communications

� Damas Latinas Ladies Group


� DTCM Australia & New Zealand

� DTCM Canada

� DTCM China

� DTCM Hong Kong

� DTCM Japan

� DTCM London

� DTCM South Africa

� DTCM Trainee Tour guides


� Dubai Chamber of Commerce

� Dubai Convention Bureau

� Dubai Financial Services Authority

� Dubai International Film Festival

� Dubai Tourism & Commerce Marketing

� Dubai World Cup Guests


� Dusit Thani


� Emirates Airline

� Emirates Home Nursing

� Emirates Oasis Tourism

� EmiratesNBD

� Estee Lauder

� Eton Institute

� Explorer Publishing

� Face Card

� Falcon and Associates

� Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas

� Flight Centre

� Flydubai

� French Ladies Association

� Frontier

� Glamour Magazine

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� Gmasco Al Futtaim

� Gulf News

� Gulf Ventures

� Halliburton

� Hexagon


� Huawei


� International Expat Community

� InterSystems

� Intouch Relocation

� IPR – GDF SUEZ Middle East, Turkey & Africa

� Italian Embassy

� ITE College Singapore

� Jebel Ali International Hotels & Resorts

� Johnson Controls

� Knight Tours

� KNPC Kuwait

� Kuoni UK

� Lufthansa

� MAF Hotel Group

� Marriott Hotels

� Meeting Point UAE

� Merck Sorono

� Michelin

� Move One Inc

� Movenpick Hotel

� Musafir.com

� National Bank of Abu Dhabi

� Netherlands Business Council

� Neutral Group

� Nike

� Oliver Wyman

� One & Only the Palm

� Orient Tours

� Ovation Arabia

� Panorama Services, Florida

� Park Hyatt Hotel

� Praxis Global Research

� Ritz Carlton Dubai International Financial Centre


� Sacoor Brothers

� Scandinavian Social Club

� Schlumberger

� Senat FZC

� Shell Outpost

� Silent Gliss

� Singapore Toursim

� Siren Events

� Sony

� Stanton Chase

� Sukar.com

� Swiss & Canadian Business Councils

� Swiss Arabian

� Tawazon TV

� The Address Hotel

� The National Business Report

� Thomas Cook Skymax Holidays

� TNS Marketing

� Tour Nordic


� Travelling Shoe

� Travelscene - Australia

� Travelscene Berwick

� UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs

� Unlimited Power Online Events

� US Consulate

� US Navy

� Westin Hotel

� Women in Leadership Forum

� WSP E&E (Middle East)

Page 32: SMCCU 2011 YearEnd Report


� American Academy for Girls

� American School of Dubai

� American Academy

� Aviation College

� Bradenton Preperatory Academy

� Cambridge International School

� Canadian University of Dubai

� Center for Management & Professional Development

� Deira International School

� DePaul Univeristy, Chicago

� Dubai and Northern Emirates Homeschool Association

� Dubai English Speaking School

� Dubai International Academic City

� Dubai Men’s College

� Dubai Modern High School

� Dubai Women’s College

� Duke University

� Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management

� Eton College Dubai

� GEMS Royal Dubai School

� GEMS World Academy

� German International School

� German University

� Global Indian International School

� Greenfield Community School

� Hamline Universtiy Minnesota

� Harvard University

� Higher Colleges of Technology

� Hult International Business School

� JESS Arabian Ranches

� ITE College - Singapore

� JESS School

� Jumeriah College

� K12 School Group

� Kings College London

� Kings School Dubai

� Leiden University

� Middlesex University

� Panorama Services - USA

� Nanyang Technological University

� New York University of Abu Dhabi

� Philadelphia School

� Raffles International School

� Regent International School

� Repton School

� Safa School

� San Jose State University

� School of International Training (Oman)

� Scout Group Dubai

� The Teen Group dubai

� Universal American School Dubai

� Universität Duisburg-Essen - Germany

� University of Connecticut

� University of Dubai

� University of Maryland

� University of North Carolina

� University of West Virginia

� Wellington International School

Page 33: SMCCU 2011 YearEnd Report

� JESS Arabian Ranches

� ITE College - Singapore

� JESS School

� Jumeriah College

� K12 School Group

� Kings College London

� Kings School Dubai

� Leiden University

� Middlesex University

� Panorama Services - USA

� Nanyang Technological University

� New York University of Abu Dhabi

� Philadelphia School

� Raffles International School

� Regent International School

� Repton School

� Safa School

� San Jose State University

� School of International Training (Oman)

� Scout Group Dubai

� The Teen Group dubai

� Universal American School Dubai

� Universität Duisburg-Essen - Germany

� University of Connecticut

� University of Dubai

� University of Maryland

� University of North Carolina

� University of West Virginia

� Wellington International School


Breakfast Lunch


Heritage Tour

Iftiar �


R. Mosque

J. Mosque




















18 204

27 88

29 45

- -

- -

11 -

414 2,375

353 203

3,921 76


71 213

51 212

67 29

4 -

- -

7 -

- 2,619

338 368

4,173 75


218 127

202 148

156 88

27 170

- -

- 13

- 102

2,899 706

118 4,974



194 23

212 138

107 9

118 45

- -

- 115

- 250

2,511 249

- 3,971



227 86

190 12

57 -

87 337

- -

55 38

- -

1,274 383

70 2,816



- 95

25 22

- 21

29 -

- -

40 -

174 777

250 14

1,563 49


- 73

- 5

- 6

- -

- -

21 -

- 887

282 195

1,527 37


- -

- -

- -

- -

605 650

- -

- -

921 262

160 2,598



140 49

112 9

52 26

147 -

- -

15 -

65 1,111

459 75

2,336 60


226 87

188 325

34 14

159 420

- -

- 94

- 280

2,035 375

95 4,332



212 38

237 -

20 -

282 152

- -

- -

- 111

2,494 349

185 4,080



224 81

277 112

72 32

341 371

- -

53 -

- 2,896

660 110

5,229 94


L1,899 671 1,940 950

782 291 1,141 1,675 605


407 -

1,396 22,799 4,666 1,593 41,520 802

Activity H


� Q&A, Dinner, Creek side Tour

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