Soal Pai Kls Viii

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  • 8/3/2019 Soal Pai Kls Viii





    TAHUN PELAJARAN 2011/2012

    Nama : Mata Pelajaran : PAI NILAI :Kelas / Semester : VIII/ I

    No. Absen : Hari, tanggal :

    O m9$# ` uHq9$#!$#O0Petunjuk Umum :

    1. Read Basmalah before doing questions2. Doing by yourself

    3. All of questions must be done correctlyA. Choose the answers a, b, c, or d that you properly!

    1. The holy book which the completely of din Islam ..

    a. Zabur b. Taurat c. Injil d. Alquran

    2. Zabur is given to.

    a. Prophet of Adam as b. Prophet of Syis as c. Prophet of Idrs as d. Prophet of Ibrohim as

    3. How many shuhufs is Prophet of Idris get ?

    a.50 Shuhuf b. 30 Shuhuf c. 100 shuhuf d. 10 Shuhuf

    4. Hasad habit is like ..

    a. someone eats rice b. fire eat hold c. watering a garden d. throw something

    5. One thing can stop amarah is..

    a. Drinking water as many as possible b. eating as many as possible

    c. Take ritual oblations d. refreshing in the sea

    6. patient and qonaah is

    a. Mazmumah habit b. Mahmudah habit c. Syariah habit c. Syetan habit

    7. Bellow are names of allah ,except.

    a. Ar-Rahman b. Al-Islam c. Al Qoyyum d. Al-Hadi8. Surah Al-Baqoroh ayah 255 is Explain about

    a. Al-Aziz b. Al Fattah c. Al Qoyyum d. Al-Hadi

    9. Allah Love All his create without choose one of his create, that because Allah Called

    a. A-Aziz b. Al-Hadi c. Ar-Rahman d. Al-Fattah10. The meaning of As-salam are, Except

    a. Who Close our bad Character from other b. Who save us from musibah

    b. Who Create us d. Who begin salam to ahlul Jannah

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    11. Allah will open the door of mercyfull for human being that pray everytime. That statement

    suitable with Asmaul Husna,that is

    a. Al-Hadi b. Al-Kholiq c. Al-Ghaffar d. al-Fattah12. In the World there are day and night rain and dry season Allah create that because Allah have


    a. Al-Hadi b. Al-Kholiq c. Al-Ghaffar d. al-Fattah13. ...continue of this ayah is..

    a. b. c. d. 14. this is wajib fasting , except

    a. Ramadlan b. nazar c. Asyura d. kafarat

    15. the law of eating soon when we are fasting is

    a. Wajib b. sunah ..c. makruh d. mubah

    16. fasting on date 09 dzulhijah is .

    a. Syawal b. arafah c. Kafarat d. Ramadlan

    17. Nisab of gold is .

    a. 20 dinar b. 30 dinar c. 40 dinar d. 10 dinar

    18. Group of people must be given zakat is.......

    a. Muzakki b. mustahik c. haul d. nisab

    19. Nisab of cow and buffalo is ..

    a. 40 animals b. 30 animals c. 25 animals d. 15 animals

    20. Who must give zakat fitrah ..

    a. young person b. every one c. old person d. childhood


    21. Mention the function of fasting Sunnah for our healthy ?

    22. What is requirement Shawal fasting?

    23. What is a sujuh Tilawah, explain ?

    24. Explain the meaning of sujud , and how many kinds of sujud?

    25. How many kinds of sigh Munafik and explain?

    26. What is difference of zakat Fitrah and Zakat Mal?

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    27. Give example 5 sentences of Ahlak Terpuji?

    28. What is law of eating Bangkai of fish from the sea?
