some girls s1 ep1 script

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  • 7/29/2019 some girls s1 ep1 script




    Speaking:Viva BennettMelAmber DeanHolli VavasourSaz KaurAliyahAnna TrenchRob BennettJamie BennettBrandon


    Baldie (Mel's baby)SchoolkidsSkateboard kidsFootball squad #1Holli's younger siblingsWest Hill football squad

    Animals:GoldfishDog (flashback - i/v?)

    LOCATIONS:EXT. The EstateINT. School Changing RoomEXT. School Playing FieldINT. Estate StairwellINT. Viva's FlatINT. Viva's BedroomINT. Holli's HouseEXT. Holli's HouseEXT. Brandon's HouseINT. Brandon's BedroomEXT. Football PitchEXT. SchoolEXT. Estate Play AreaINT. Amber's BedroomEXT. West Hill Football PitchsideEXT. West Hill Football PitchEXT. Playground

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    INT. VIVAS BEDROOM. DAY 1. TIME 07501/1pt1 1/1pt1

    Music plays.

    Montage of Viva is getting ready for school.

    We cut between her: drinking some juice, doing her hair,checking her teeth, shoving files in her bag, laughing at atext, checking reflecton of her back view in mirror, puttingiPod in bag, putting on her lip gloss, zipping up her bag,headphones in, football boots in bag, grabbing a banana.

    CUT TO:

    EXT. THE ESTATE. DAY 1. TIME 08151/1 1/1

    Its the type of estate where blocks are arranged round acentral area that has some trees and attempts at greenery anda small childrens battered play area.

    Viva walks along the walkway of her block. She sees a girl inthe play area below with her baby on the swing.

    The girl waves at VIVA.

    VIVAHey, Mel.

    We hear Vivas v/o as she comes along the walkway, and down

    the stairs.

    VIVA (V/O)No way youd catch me gettingpregnant. Ive got it all plannedout. First of all Ive got to get

    my career sorted - as a top childpsychologist. Im alreadypartially qualified...

    As she reaches the bottom of the stairs two kids runs towardseach other in front of her at top speed pushing abandoned

    supermarket trolleys which smash into each other right infront of her.

    VIVA (V.O.) I know loads of kids who area bit mental.

    She shoves the trolleys out of her path and crosses towardsMel.

    MELBaldies been up all night,screaming his big bald head off.

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    VIVACareful, youre dropping ash on hishead.


    Whoops, sorry mate.

    Mel kisses Baldie lovingly. Viva films them on her mobile.


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    VIVAYou had any breakfast?

    She puts a banana on the swing next to Mel and walks awaythrough the estate. During Vivas next v/o about Mel perhaps

    we see a flash vivas mobile footage of Mel/Baldie.

    VIVA (V/O)Take Mel - to the Government shesjust another pramface after a flat,but I know the real Mel and whats

    made her how she is... cidermostly.

    Another girl - AMBER - appears on her bike.


    AMBER rides up to VIVA and stops.

    VIVA (V.O.)Amber is one of my oldest friends.Shes a lovely girl with hardly anyissues - unless...

    Smash cuts of Amber being thick with doors:

    1. Pulling with all her might on a door that says PUSH in bigletters.

    2. Going round and round in a revolving door.

    3. Stuck with head thru a cat flap.

    VIVA (V.O.)... is being a bit thick an issue?

    AMBERDyou want a lift to the bus stop?


    Yeah, thanks.(She arranges herself onthe dip in the handlebarsof Ambers bike.)

    So, did you see Brandon last night?

    Amber rides off with Viva on her handlebars out through thealleyway leading from the estate to the main road.

    AMBERYeah but Im worried. Its not thesame any more. When we used tokiss it was like this lovely

    whooshy, tingly feeling...

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    straight to my pants, but now Idont even stop thinking what Imthinking - like last night I was

    wondering how come Brandonsgoldfish got so fat. And then I

    suddenly felt Brandons tongueflicking that dangly bit in theback of my throat and I was like ohyeah, this is occurring...

    Amber stops suddenly at the bus stop, and VIVA jumps off thebike. Other kids in the same school uniform are there.


    Amber starts to cycle off.


    But you think I should dump him?

    CUT TO:

    INT. CHANGING ROOM. DAY 1.TIME 15401/2 1/2

    There are a few other girls in the back ground but VIVA andAmber are part of a group of four girls.

    There is a much younger girl - Aliyah - not part of the gangwho is sitting on the bench in her coat with her bag.

    Aliyah is a small Muslim girl wearing a veil, the full niqabwhere just the eyes are showing. Her eyes are large andexpressive flicking back and forth between the girls as shetakes it all in.

    HOLLIYeah, dump him, what a loser!

    AMBERI havent completely made up mymind yet anyway. I dont know whatto do.

    They are getting changed for football training. Amber hasher school shirt off and is wearing football shorts and abra.

    AMBERWhat you all looking at?

    They are all staring at her chest.

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    AMBER (cont'd)

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    VIVADid Brandon do that?

    There is writing on Ambers chest. It says in thick blackcapitals. THESE ARE MINE.

    Aliyahs eyes widen in shock.

    HOLLIThat is well creepy.

    VIVAHes even signed it.

    SAZHes got really babyishhandwriting. I hate boys who donthave interesting writing.

    HOLLILike youve got a massive choice.Ooh, Max from the Wanted, let mejust test you on your writingbefore I let you bang me.

    SAZJust cos youd do it with anyonefor a packet of Tangfastics, Ivalue my body a bit higher thanthat.

    HOLLIYou calling me easy?

    (Saz just shrugs)You calling me easy?

    SAZI didnt say that.

    HOLLIWhat did you mean then? What didyou mean? Eh? Eh?

    VIVA (V.O.)Hollis violent outbursts arelegendary but shes thumped so manypeople that if she hits someoneagain shell be permanentlyexcluded so shes had to find other

    ways to release her aggression thatdont hurt anyone.


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    Back in the changing room Kelli is absent-mindedly stranglingSazs football boot.

    AMBERIve never dumped anyone before. Idont know how to start.

    VIVAJust tell him - oy bruv, youre abit too weird for me...

    SAZYeah, you could reply to him onyour boobs. Write its over, Inever want to see you again, dyouget me? P.s. You are a creepy,

    weirdo loser.

    AMBERIf only my boobs were that big.

    HOLLIOr you could just send him a textsaying fuck off.

    AMBERBut hed get upset and when he getsupset he does this thing.

    Smash cut to c/u Brandon making sad-eyed face like cat fromShrek.

    VIVANo, just tell him, no messingabout, Ive had enough of you.

    AMBERBut what if he does the face?

    HOLLIPunch it.

    Saz turns to stash her bag in a locker and finally noticesAliyah sitting on the bench.

    SAZWhat you doing here? You waitingfor me?

    Aliyah nods.

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    ANNAThe head is an area that bleeds alot. So it looked worse than it


    VIVAHer nose was broken - thats quitebad.


    AMBERShe still having counselling?

    HOLLIYeah, and shes gotta have surgeryon her face.

    VIVACos after what happened she kind ofhad an extra nostril.

    SAZEuurgh, stop talking about it.

    ANNAShut up! Forget last year. That

    was last year. It was completelydifferent last year.

    VIVAYeah, last year Hayley only had twonostrils.

    ANNAViva! You are not wearing whitesocks. Thats a detention.

    Vivas mouth drops open.


    Do 20 press ups.

    Viva drops to the ground.

    HOLLIThats not fair Miss...

    ANNAMake it 30 press ups. You tooHolli. And this is how you do aproper press up.

    She manically starts doing amazing press ups, even doing some

    with a handclap in between.

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    When she does the handclap press-ups Viva quietly saysbitch bitch bitch on each clap, so Anna doesnt hearher.

    Viva and Holli ignore her and do their press ups.

    HOLLIYou heard what theyre saying abouther?

    Holli indicates Anna. Viva shakes her head. Annas whistleblows.

    CUT TO:

    EXT. THE ESTATE. DAY 1. TIME 18101/5 1/5

    Viva walks back through the estate. A few kids are loiteringabout. A couple on skateboards whizz either side of Viva atthe same time.

    CUT TO:

    INT. STAIRWELL. DAY 1. TIME 18131/6 1/6

    Vivas steps clang and echo up the concrete stairs. Sheunlocks her front door and goes in, slamming the door loudly.

    CUT TO:

    INT. VIVAS FLAT. DAY 1. TIME 18141/7 1/7

    Vivas flat is clean, warm, comfortable. There is a sittingroom just inside the front door.


    VIVAIm starving.

    ROBYou know where the kitchen is.

    Viva goes to the kitchen for food.

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    VIVAWould it kill you to get me a snackready? *


    Im not prepared to take the risk. *

    Viva comes into the room with a jar of Nutella and a largespoon.

    ROB *Youre late today.

    VIVAYeah, my stupid nazi football coachgave me a detention.

    Now Anna comes into the room wearing a vest and pants, and werealise Viva actually lives with her stupid nazi footballcoach.

    ANNAAre you just going to sit there and *let her abuse me? Rob?

    ROBNo, no Im not... Well I am goingto sit here... can I get back to *you on the other one?

    VIVAShe made me stay behind to scrubthe balls, for no reason except totorture me. For fun.

    ANNAThey get muddy and sweaty.

    VIVASwitty? Whats that?


    Sweaty. Sweaty.

    ROBShes saying sweaty.

    VIVATheres a rumour going round thatyoure pregnant.

    They just look at her.

    VIVAEveryones talking about it.

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    ROB and ANNA both just look at her.

    VIVAYoull be wanting to nip that inthe bud, I expect.

    They still stay silent.

    VIVAOh for fucks sake! Youre nottelling me its true! I mean,how... why... we have to listen toendless lectures about *contraception and you two cantevan manage to.. well youll haveto get rid of it, its all reallyeasy. Chanelle had a terminationlast month and was back in schoolby dinner time.

    (getting out her phone)Shall I text her and get the numberof her clinic...


    No. No, no, no, - Viva, it wasplanned.


    ROBIt was planned. Was it? *

    ANNAYep, we decided to get pregnant andfour weeks later I was checking itoff my to do list, oh yes.

    ROBYou didnt really have it writtenon a to do list did you.

    ANNAThe to do list is a highlyeffective tool.

    Jamie wanders in, focussing on his mobile. He flops down,without taking his eyes from his phone.

    VIVADoes Jamie know?

    ROBWe were going to tell you both

    tonight. Jamie - me and Anna arehaving a baby.

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    Jamie grunts, non-comittally.

    VIVAJamie, theyre having a baby.

    JAMIESo? Im busy.

    VIVABut where will it sleep?

    ANNAFirst off, baby will sleep in ourroom and then later...

    ROBWhen youve gone off to uni...

    ANNAOr to work in Poundland or MickyDsor whatever...

    ROBThe baby will have your room.

    VIVASo youre throwing me out?

    ROBNo, thats not gonna happen.

    ANNAYes, basically we will be needingyour room.

    VIVAWhy dont I just leave nowthen!!!????

    Off she stomps slamming the door.

    ROB and ANNA look at each other.

    CUT TO:

    INT. VIVAS BEDROOM. DAY 1. TIME 18201/8 1/8

    Viva packs stuff into a rucksack. Shes upset.

    VIVA (V.O.)Miss Hitchcock imaginatively *

    nicknamed Bitchcock is somehow kind *of my stepmum. *

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    What does my Dad see in her? I *dont know. Ive got some ideas *though. *

    CUT TO:

    MONTAGE1/9 1/9

    Quick montage of times Vivas interrupted Rob and Anna havingsex...

    1. Viva opens door to see Anna in her pink football coachgear and Rob in his firemans gear having sex on the table -quickly shuts door.

    2. Viva opens door and sees Rob topless being vigorouslymassaged by Anna. Rob is making noises of pleasure thatsicken her. She quickly shuts door.

    3. Viva opens door to see Anna dressed in Robs firemansgear and Rob in Annas too small pink football coach gearhaving sex on the table. Quickly shuts door.

    Now Viva hoists her rucksack onto her back and walks past theliving room door to leave. Rob and Jamie are on theplaystation and dont notice her, but Anna gives her a goodbye wave and a smirk.

    VIVA (V.O.) *

    Yes, they are both giant sex *maniacs! *

    CUT TO:

    INT. STAIRWELL. DAY 1. TIME 1825.1/10 1/10

    Vivas front door bursting open. Viva comes out lugging a


    She stamps off down the stairs passing Mel on her way out.

    VIVA (V.O.)When Im a famous psychologist -

    with my own show on Living -theyll be sorry.

    As she leaves another whizzing shopping trolley nearly takesher out.

    CUT TO:

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    VIVA (V.O.) (cont'd)

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    INT. HOLLIS HOUSE. NIGHT 1. TIME 18351/11 1/11

    We are close in on Viva and Holli.

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    VIVAHe doesnt care about me any more.All his cares about his penis, hisho, getting his penis into his ho -oh, and beating his top score on

    Assassins Creed.

    Reveal, several of young grubby siblings of Holli sitting theother side of the table watching and nodding sagely.

    VIVAIs it okay if I stay here?


    CUT TO:


    Amber is coming towards us, diverting up Hollis path to ringon the doorbell. Hollis front garden is full of largeplastic toys in various states of dirty brokenness.

    Holli opens the door. Behind her Amber can see Viva sittingon the stairs. She gives Amber a smile and a wave. Amber

    comes in. Theres a lot of background noise from all thechildren playing in different bits of the house.

    AMBERIm just on my way round Brandons.

    HOLLITo dump him?

    AMBERTo dump him.

    HOLLIOh my God.

    AMBERIm really worried.

    HOLLIDont be worried. Dyou want oneof my Mums tablets? Theyrereally calming. Vivas had one.

    Viva waves from the stairs.

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    AMBERNo, Im okay. I just want topractise what Im going to say.


    Go on then. Well give you sometips, wont we Viva. Viva?

    Viva is gazing with dreamy fascination at her own hand.

    AMBERRight. So he opens the door. Yoube him, right. So he opens thedoor and I go hi.

    HOLLIHi, sexy.

    AMBERWe need to talk.

    HOLLII dont want to talk. Ive got theright horn. Get your tits out andlet me have a feel of those badboys.

    She grabs one of Ambers breasts. Viva starts laughing.


    Shut up, I really need to talk.

    HOLLICome on babe, me mums out, letshave a quickie.

    AMBERThis is so not helping.

    HOLLICan I wank on your tits?

    Viva and Holli both laugh now.

    AMBERNo, I wouldnt let him anyway, coslast time he did that, a blob ofspunk suddenly shot in my eye andit really hurt and my eye went allbloodshot and my Mum kept saying

    whats wrong with your eye and Ihad to quickly make something up soI pretended a robin had flown intoit.

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    VIVAI love robins.

    CUT TO:

    EXT. BRANDONS HOUSE. NIGHT 1. TIME 19501/13 1/13

    Amber knocks on Brandons door.


    BRANDONHi sexy.

    Amber looks a bit taken aback.

    BRANDONCome in. My mums out. Weve onlygot ten minutes.

    AMBERNo Brandon.

    BRANDONYou look incredible in that top.

    Ive been dreaming about your titsall day. Ive got the right horn.

    He starts trying to undo her top.


    BRANDONFeel this.

    He tries to put her hand on his trouser front.

    AMBERGet off! I didnt come here forthat.

    (She manages to step backfrom him.)

    We need to... give each other somespace cos my Nans ill cos a beetlecrawled into her ear and ate partof her brain and Im really behindon my textiles coursework.


    What youre dumping me?

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    He does the big puppy eyes look referred to earlier.

    AMBERWell, I mean, Im, Im... yes, Iam.

    BRANDONBasically theres no way Imletting that happen.

    AMBERArent you?

    BRANDONNo. Youre my girlfriend.

    (He puts his arms roundher.)

    Were good together. You know thatbabe.

    (very tender and sweet) *I just really really love you. *


    CUT TO:

    INT. BRANDONS BEDROOM. NIGHT 1. TIME 20051/14 1/14

    BRANDON and AMBER on his bed having sex. Amber peers

    sideways at a goldfish bowl with a very fat goldfish in it.

    CUT TO:

    INT. CHANGING ROOM. DAY 2. TIME 15401/15 1/15

    Viva, Holli and Saz listen to Amber. The rest of thefootball squad are getting changed in the background. Aliyahis standing behind Saz.

    AMBER... so we went upstairs and, youknow, did it, and then his Mum camein and talked to us about the Biblefor a bit and then I went home.

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    SAZBut you dont like him any more.

    Aliyah pulls on the sleeve of Sazs football top to attracther attention.

    SAZIve got a match. I cant go busstop with you.

    Aliyah sits down.

    SAZIll be ages. Whatever.

    Aliyahs big dark eyes watch EVERYTHING.

    AMBERIts funny - when were doing itits the only time I ever get tohave a good think about things...

    SAZPlease dump him.

    HOLLIWant me to do it? I could dump himso he stayed dumped.


    (eager)Could you?

    SAZNo. Shes got to do it.

    AMBERHave I?

    SAZCome on. Think of your future.All the boys and men youll go out

    with and then need to dump. Youcant just get Holli. She mightnot be available. She might be inprison by then.

    HOLLIYou what!


    VIVA(interrupting to calm

    things down)

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    Just think it through - What arethe pros of sticking with Brandon?What are the cons? Weigh it all upthen decide.

    AMBERWell the pros are - other girls arejealous of me cos hes so fit, and

    we both really love Ice RoadTruckers.

    SAZAnd thats it?

    AMBERAnd the cons are - my Minniehahanever gets a moments peace. Andhes jealous of everything - likeeven when I had to go and help turnover my Grandad so he didnt getbedsores.

    The girls give her a weird look.

    AMBER (CONTD)... And theres another thing, butI cant tell you.

    HOLLITell us or Ill give you a Chinese


    VIVAIts important to share all therelevant information here Amber -so we can help you.

    AMBERIts the noise he makes.... when heyou know.... comes.


    What sort of noise is it, exactly?Wet? Sticky? Mental?

    HOLLIIs it like water going down aplughole?

    AMBERIts kind of...

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    VIVA (cont'd)

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    She makes the bleating noise.

    SAZA sheep having a fit.

    Aliyah is watching it all, transfixed.

    HOLLIYou should record it on your phone.Make it Brandons ringtone!

    VIVAGive us your phone.

    They are all having a go making the noise and Viva recordsit on Ambers phone. They dont notice Anna has come in.

    ANNAWhat the hells going on in here?

    Amber stops mid bleat. They all just listen in silence.

    Everyone else is waiting. We needto treat this friendly like a dressrehearsal for Westmount. I wantyou to go out there now and killthem dead.

    She storms out. All four of them burst out laughing.

    CUT TO:

    EXT. FOOTBALL PITCH. DAY 2. TIME 15501/16 1/16


    Holli runs down the pitch, covered in mud running for a ballabout to go out. She doesnt make it.

    Close up - her face as she mutters, BOLLOCKS

    VIVA dribbling the ball, is tackled and left flat on herbackside. Her face as she yells FUCK

    The choral music soars beautifully as Amber clumsily hacksdown the oppositions striker who clearly screams

    YOU FUCKING BITCH to which Amber replies



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    Now Saz scores, they all start to celebrate but the ref rulesit offside.

    Behind the refs back Viva calls him a WANKER and Hollicalls him a BLIND BASTARD and the beautiful soaring music

    scratches horribly to a stop as they are both ordered off thepitch.

    They troop glumly past Aliyah who is standing watching.

    CUT TO:

    INT. CHANGING ROOM. DAY 2. TIME 17501/17 1/17

    The girls football team are getting back into their clothesafter the match. The mood is a bit glum. Anna stands beforethem.

    ANNAOne-nil. To them. The worst teamin the borough. I feel likepuking.

    She goes.


    I dont know how your Dad can standher.

    VIVANor me.

    HOLLIShe probably takes it up the bum.Its well known that New Zealandersare off the hook dirty. Shesprobably done it with wallabiesback home.

    SAZWallabies are from Australia.

    HOLLIYeah, yeah, I know... She flewthere to do it with them.

    AMBERCould a wallaby do it with a human?

    They just give her a look.

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    I know exactly what they all looklike and Im gonna dress them allin matching outfits. Im nothaving no boys though, if I have aboy one of you lot can have him.


    Anna comes back in. All the girls immediately stop chattingand concentrate on getting dressed and ready. Some clusterround a mirror to touch up their make up. Anna sits down onthe bench next to Viva who is doing up the laces on hertrainers.

    ANNA talks to Viva in a low voice. As Anna and Viva talkHolli grabs Vivas phone from the bench and starts to filmthem.

    ANNAThat was poor.

    VIVAMaybe if you coached us better we

    wouldnt be so shit.


    Viva I expect you to talk to merudely at home, but not here. Here

    Im the head (sounds like HID) ofJ.K. Rowling House and you need totreat me with respect.

    The other girls realise this is super intense and leave.

    We are with the girls now outside the changing room listeningto Anna and Vivas argument and filming themselvesreacting...

    VIVA (O.S.)One - I dont know what a hid is.

    Two - I feel sorry for you cos youdont even know my Dad.

    HOLLIOoh cuss...

    ANNA (O.S.)I think I know him after twoyears...

    VIVA (O.S.)Yeah, but you still dont knowbasic stuff about him, like the

    fact he hates babies.

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    AMBER (cont'd)

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    ANNA (OSNo he doesnt.

    And now we are back with Viva and Anna in the changing room.

    VIVAMy mum told me he wouldnt evenlook at us till we were three. Hesaid he was allergic.

    ANNAIm sure thats not...

    VIVAAnd thats just one of the reasonsshe left.

    ANNAI thought she just ran off withanother bloke.

    Viva looks very angry - obviously doesnt like Anna talkingabout her Mum.

    VIVABy the way Im resigning from theteam so I wont be playing Friday.

    Viva bursts out of the room and sees her three friendswaiting for her all now looking stricken on her behalf. She

    pushes through them and runs off.

    Holli chases after her - to comfort her and give her phoneback. Music over.

    CUT TO:

    EXT. OUTSIDE SCHOOL. DAY 2. TIME 18001/18 1/18

    Viva follows her group of friends down the road.

    Holli turns round and sees Viva trying to catch up.

    HOLLIViva! You coming back to mineagain?

    Vivas face.


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    Very fast sequence of images flash through her head of hernight at Hollis house. Clashing sounds of rap music, pop

    music, dog barking throughout.

    Holli opening the fridge - its almost empty. A dangerous

    looking bull terrior leaps in and grabs the last item fromthe fridge in his foaming maw before Holli can get it.

    Baked beans being flicked at Vivas face.

    Boys running into the room dropping their trousers to showoff their bottoms and running out again.

    Kids jumping on the bed where Vivas trying to sleep.

    Vivas face back in present.

    VIVANot tonight Holls. I need to gosomewhere quiet and think.

    Hollis face, disappointed.

    CUT TO:

    EXT. ESTATE PLAY AREA. DAY 2. TIME 18301/19 1/19

    Amber and Brandon are sitting on the swings. Both arewearing parkas with the fur trimmed hoods zipped all the wayup and sticking out, like stubby green periscopes.

    AMBERMy Mum wants me home early tobabysit so I cant stay out long.

    BRANDONWant me to give you a push?


    BRANDONDyou fancy giving me a quickhandjob in the wendy house?


    Theres a pause. They both swing a bit in time together, thenstop.

    She looks at him. We cant really see her face just the sideof her hood.

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    Amber stands up from the swing.

    AMBERYou know what I said the othernight...

    BRANDONOh no...



    He tries his cute cat from Shrek look again. She turns awayso she cant see his face.

    It suddenly starts raining very hard.

    AMBERIm sorry, its not you, its just,

    were so different... I mean - Ilike JLS and you think JLS are allbraindamaged.

    BRANDONIll give you space. I promise.


    You wont give me space cos yourereally possessive and jealous.

    A text message arrives on Ambers phone.

    AMBER (V.O.)Like normally youd try to grab myphone and see who that message wasfrom.

    BRANDONNo I wouldnt. Why who is it from?

    AMBERI dunno.

    BRANDONWhy arent you answering it?

    AMBERCos Im talking to you.

    BRANDONWhat you trying to hide? Is itabout me?

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    AMBEROh my God!

    She takes out her phone. He snatches it.

    BRANDONIts from Saz.

    AMBERDont read my private messages!

    BRANDONWhy not? What does it say?

    He clicks on the message and it appears across the screen


    There is a brief moment and then he sniffs.

    AMBEROh no, no, no. Please dont cry.


    Im not crying! Dont be stupid!

    She puts her arms round him to give him a comforting hug. Hedoes puppy eyes and a big sniff.

    AMBEROh God! Okay! Okay! Well giveit a bit longer but youve got tolet me see my friends sometimes.

    Brandon makes a miraculous recovery.

    BRANDONAll right.

    AMBERWithout you being there as well.


    AMBERAnd dont cry. And dont write on

    my body. And dont call my boobsAnt and Dec. Ever again.

    BRANDONNo problem.


    Ive got to go now.

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    He holds her and kisses her. But we cant see their faces soits just the meeting of their two hoods.

    Now hes had a snog Brandon immediately goes back to hisformer plan of getting sex.

    BRANDONYou sure you dont want to come inthe Wendy House for a minute?

    He drags her towards the house - then they get a surprise asthey see that Viva is sitting there with her backpack.

    Amber and Brandon: wtf


    CUT TO:

    INT. AMBERS BEDROOM. NIGHT 2. TIME 19201/20 1/20

    They are having a mug of tea on Ambers bed, playing somemusic and eating biscuits.

    The doorbell rings consistently thru first part of this


    AMBERI just cant seem to dump him.

    VIVAYou have to be tough.

    AMBERI dont know how to be tough.



    AMBER(looking a bit worried)


    The doorbell rings and Amber gets up to answer it.

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    VIVA (V.O.)It seems a bit harsh I know, butexperience tells me Amber responds *to things expressed loud and clear. *

    There is a knock on the bedroom door and Rob appears.

    ROBThis has gone on long enough.Youre coming home.

    VIVAJust leave me alone, I dont wantto talk to you.

    ROBWhat are you so angry about?


    Im not angry you big fuckingmoron!

    ROB(also furious)

    Do not call me a fucking moron.


    (hurt) *I cant believe youre swearing at


    A moment.

    ROBYou dont want the baby to haveyour room - even if youre notthere? I dont get it.


    You dont get anything! You know, Iwasnt that bothered when you firsthooked up with her. I thoughtyoud do it with her a couple oftimes and realise what a bitch sheis. I didnt realise you and her

    were gonna shack up and start adynasty.

    ROBSweetheart... Im not very good *

    with this stuff... fighting *fires... football... Im good. *

    This is out of my comfort zone. *

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    VIVAWhy couldnt you find a woman who

    wasnt a teacher at my school?

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    Anyone but her wouldve been allright. Anyone.

    ROBCome on, pack your stuff, were


    Viva looks obstinate.

    ROBSo what are you gonna do - live atfriends houses?

    Vivas face as she considers what it would be like living atfriends houses...

    Flashes of each place -

    1. Sazs house - Saz is one of 4 girls. All sitting verypolitely and quietly on a sofa sipping tea.

    2. Ambers house - Amber sits on a sofa playing with a dollwhich she has styled to look like a mini-Amber.

    AMBERBlah blah blah blah Brandon blahblah blah blah Brandon blah blahblah Brandon...

    Viva looks defeated.

    VIVAOkay, Ill come home.

    There is a loud bleating noise from Ambers bed. It isBrandons come noise that she has recorded earlier and madeher ringtone. Its quite loud and weird and gives them botha fright.

    ROBWhat the hell kind of ringtone isthat?

    CUT TO:

    INT. FLAT. NIGHT 2. TIME 19401/21 1/21

    Viva and Rob enter the flat.


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    VIVA (cont'd)

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    ANNA (O.S.)In here.

    They walk through the flat, and find Anna in Vivas bedroom.

    VIVAWhat you doing in my room?

    She is standing on a table putting up a baby mobile.

    Viva looks to her Dad, pissed off.

    ROBThis is Vivas room. The baby can


    VIVAIm gonna come back to the footballteam. Ill play Friday.

    Rob looks from Viva to Anna. Anna takes down the mobile.

    CUT TO:


    Brandon is watching and waves to Amber.

    The team from Westmount are mostly the kind of girls whosegender its quite difficult to establish on first glance.

    Anna is giving a pre-match talk to the team. Our lot arepartly listening, and partly giving the other team worriedlooks.

    ANNA...use your skill - Saz, Viva, areyou listening? Those of you whohavent got skill - thats therest of you, particularly you

    Amber, you need to use your muscle.I mean, really lay some lumber onthem, Holli, especially the one wholooks like Wayne Rooney. But

    whatever you do dont get caught.

    AMBERMiss, its not fair, some of themis boys.

    VIVAMaybe it is Wayne Rooney.

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    ANNADont be stupid. Theyre justgirls. Start warming up.


    Seriously, wheres her lumps?

    The girls jog off slowly as part of their warm up. *

    ANNA *(to herself really) *

    Were fucked.


    Westmount are shown being effective in a brutal sort of way.

    Enormous girls manage to foul the Greenshoots Academy girlsand get away with it. Our girls are getting muddier,bloodier and angrier.

    Half-time whistle.

    CUT TO:

    EXT. PITCHSIDE. DAY 3. TIME 11401/23 1/23

    Saz is really annoyed when she leaves the pitch.

    SAZShe hacked me down. That was afoul. She fouled me.

    ANNAI know she fouled you. The refs afucktard. Its probably her Dad.


    Im shaking.

    ANNAWere 3-0 down, but we can comeback. Mark more. Pass more. And,if you get the chance, stamp ontheir Achilles tendons when therefs not looking.

    Anna goes off.

    Saz, Holli, Viva and Amber stand in a group eating their halftime oranges.

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    VIVAAmber, dont turn round butBrandons coming over...

    Holli makes a small bleating noise.

    AMBERI dont believe this - Im not inthe mood for this now.

    Then we see BRANDON who has indeed come over - but hes got adifferent expression on his face than weve ever seen him


    BRANDONCan we have a word?

    SAZI dont know if you noticed bruvbut shes in the middle of afootball match here.

    AMBERBrandon, remember what we agreed?

    BRANDONThis wont take a minute.

    AMBERIm seeing you tonight, arent I?

    BRANDONAll right, Ill talk in front ofyour mates. If thats what you


    The mates look delighted.



    Im ending it.


    BRANDONUs. Its over. Sorry but...

    AMBERHang on a minute, what dyou meanyoure ending it. How come?

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    BRANDONSome little Year 7 kid is goinground telling everyone all theprivate details of us. Reallypersonal stuff bout baby Brandon. *

    AMBERWhat kid? What you on about?

    BRANDONSome girl. You must know who itis - youve told her everythingabout me.

    AMBERI havent told no-one nothing.

    BRANDONCant believe you even told thembout my noise.

    The four girls look at each other - its a bit baffling.

    AMBERSeriously I havent told no-onenothing - except you three.

    VIVAI havent said nothing.

    HOLLINor me.

    AMBERThat is well strange.

    Anna comes up.

    ANNAGet on the pitch.


    I feel all churned up and angry.

    SAZI feel angry after what that WayneRooney bitch did to me.

    HOLLIIm just always angry.

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    VIVAOkay, okay, Ive got a plan... weneed to channel this aggressioninto BEATING THE LIVING SHIT OUT OFTHEM.

    CUT TO:


    Angry Saz charges down the pitch and scores.

    Angry Amber scores.

    Angry Holli scores.

    Viva scores the winner....

    The final whistle blows. All the girls go crazy.

    VIVA (V/O)My psychological training isalready helping me in so many


    On the pitch the girls are doing a silly celebration, hoppinground like bunnies or something....

    CUT TO:

    EXT. ESTATE PLAY AREA. DAY 3. TIME 16301/24a 1/24a

    Music over.

    Viva walks through the play area.

    Mels baby asleep in the swing. Mel is slumped on the benchasleep. Viva removes a cigarette from Mels fingers and stubsit out.

    VIVA (V.O.)... and Im on a mission to helpall my friends deal with theirissues.

    A shopping trolley hurtles towards them and Viva puts a handout behind her to deflect it without even turning round.

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    EXT. PLAYGROUND. DAY 4. TIME 11301/25 1/25

    VIVA (V.O.)Its kind of a work in progress...

    Holli, Amber, Viva and Saz all hanging about in theplayground, showing each other stuff on their phones,generally mucking about.

    AMBERI still dont get how come word

    went round bout Brandon. I mean Ididnt tell no-one.

    SAZRemember that girl I mentored...

    On the other side of the playground we see a bunch of youngerkids. We recognise Aliyah, the girl who Saz was mentoring.She and a group of girls are laughing together.

    Then back to Viva, Amber, Saz and Holli.

    AMBERI know this sounds stupid... but Ikind of miss him now.

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    SAZYeah, it must be 30 seconds sinceyou split up...


    Dont be mean shes really upset.

    SAZYoure not gonna cry are you. Youdont even like him!

    Amber looks upset.

    Holli starts to bleat, Brandon-style. Amber looks at her fora moment, then remembers... and begins to laugh.

    The four of them walk across the playground together,bleating occasionally.


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