Speak Good Things or Else Remain Quiet

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  • 7/30/2019 Speak Good Things or Else Remain Quiet


    Speak good things or else remain quiet

    Umme Habibah Radhiallaho anha has reported Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam as saying

    that anything uttered by a person becomes his own burden. Nothing is beneficial, except

    ordering goodor prohibiting evil or remembering and praising Allah Taala. After hearing this

    Hadith, a person remarked that it was very severe. Sufian Thauri Rahmatullah alaihe said,

    "What to say of the severity of this Hadith, Allah Taala Himself has said in the Quran:

    "Peoples whispering and tale bearing is often devoid of good, except of those who encourage

    others to be charitable, virtuous or to have improved mutual relationship; and whosoever does

    this for the pleasure of Allah, We shall grant him immense rewards shortly. (An-Nisaa: 114)

    Abu Zarr Radhiallaho anho has said that when he requested Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe

    wasallam to give him some advice, he said, "I bid you to ever remain fearful of Allah Taala, as

    by that, every action of yours will become like able. He requested him for some more advice.

    He said, "Be regular in reciting the Quran and the remembrance of Allah Taala, as this will

    cause your remembrance in heavens and provide you light in this world." He asked for more

    advice; the reply was, "Observe silence most often, which will keep away Shaitan from you and

    help you in performing religious duties." He asked for still more; the reply was, "Abstain from

    laughing too much, as it deadens the soul and reduces luster of the face."He still requested for

    more; the reply was, "Speak the truth always, however bitter it may be." He asked for more; the

    reply was, "Do not fear anyone in your dealings involving Allahs commandments." On yet

    another request for more, the reply was, "The anxiety about your own faults should prevent you

    from looking at other peoples fault.

    "Imaam Ghazali Rahmatullah alaihe has said, "The tongue is one of the greatest boons of Allah

    Taala. It is one of His most wonderful and exquisite creations. It is small in size but, by the

    exercise of tongue, one can perform great deeds like profession of faith, or fall into heinous sins,

    such as apostasythe two extremes of human behaviour."After that, he recounts many sins

    that are committed by the tongue, e.g. idle talk, absurd conversation, quarrels and altercations,

    talking while making faces, talking with false eloquence and ostentatious style, obscene talk,

    abusive language, cursing, over indulgence in poetry, making fun of others, disclosing peoples

    secrets, making false allegations through hidden reference, backbiting, slander, duplicity in talk,

    out-of-place praises for someone and asking improper questions, etc, etc. So many of these

    mischiefs are related to so small a thing that the problem becomes really dangerous.

    That is why Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam has repeatedly exhorted us to remain silent

    and has said that whoever observes silence will find deliverance. One Sahabi Radhiallaho anho

    requested Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam to tell him of certain essentials in Islam for

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    which he may not need to ask anyone else. The reply was, "To believe in Allah Taala and to be

    steadfast therein." He further asked as to what thing should he guard against. The reply was,

    "Improper use of tongue." Another Sahabi Radhiallaho anho asked Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe

    wasallam the way to attain salvation. The reply was, "Restrain your tongue, remain at home (do

    not wander about) and keep lamenting over your sins."

    In one of the Ahadith, Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam has said, "Whoever can give me

    guarantee against misuse of two things, I shall guarantee his entry into Jannah: one, the tongue

    and the other, the private parts." One of the Ahadith says that someone asked Rasulullah

    Sallallaho alaihe wasallam, "What is the most important virtue which will help people to enter

    Jannah?" the reply was, "The fear of Allah Taala and good habits." The next question was about

    the deeds that will cause entry into Jahannam.

    The reply was, "Misdeeds relating to the mouth and the private parts." Abdullah Ibne Masood

    Radhiallaho anho was once performing the sayee (formal walk between Safa and Marwah)while he kept saying to his own tongue, "You will gain if you talk of good things and avoid evil

    talk; this will keep you safe from being put to shame."Someone asked him whether these were

    his own words or he had heard them from Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam. He said that he

    had heard Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam saying that most of mans sins arise from his

    tongue. Abdullah Ibne Umar Radhiallaho anho has quoted Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam

    as saying, "Allah Taala will hide the misdeeds of the one who keeps his mouth shut and He will

    save from His punishment one who controls his anger, and whoever seeks Allahs pardon, it is

    granted to him.

    "Muaz Radhiallaho anho requested Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam to give some good

    advice; the reply was, Worship Allah Taala as if you could see Him, consider yourself among

    the dead and, if you like, I may tell you something which could give you a hold on these things,"

    and then Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam made a gesture towards his own tongue.

    It has been narrated from Sulaiman Alaihissalam, that if speech is silver, silence is gold. Luqman

    Hakim(Alaihissalam), who is famous for his wisdom, was a Negro slave of plain looks. Due to his

    wisdom and vast knowledge, he gained world-renown in his time. Someone asked him if he was

    not the slave of such and such person. He replied in the affirmative. The next question was, "Are

    you not the same person who used to graze goats at the foot of such and such mountain?" hereplied, "Yes". The person asked him how he had attained his present position. He replied, "By

    four things: Fear of Allah; speaking the truth; trustworthiness and preferring silence to useless

    talk." Several other narratives indicate it as his main habit. (Durre Manthur)

    Baraa Radhiallaho anho has said that a Bedouin (villager) approached Rasulullah Sallallaho

    alaihe wasallam to ask him about the deeds which would take him to Jannah. Rasulullah

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    Sallallaho alaihe wasallam said, "Give food to the hungry, a drink of water to the thirsty; tell

    people to do good and forbid them from evil deeds; if you are unable to do that, restrain your

    tongue from uttering anything but good." Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam has advised us

    to guard our tongues from saying anything but good, as that would enable us to overcome


    The above are some of the Traditions narrated briefly; besides these, there are many other

    sayings and Traditions which Imaam Ghazali Rahmatullah alaihe has mentioned. All those have

    been supported by Allama Zubaidi Rahmatullah alaihe and Hafiz Iraqi Rahmatullah alaihe.

    It appears from the above that the control of tongue is most important and yet we are totally

    unmindful, and talk whatever we like, disregarding the fact that Allah Taala has appointed two

    watching angels for day and night whore main with us on our right and left shoulders, writing

    every good and bad action committed by us. In spite of that, the mercy and favours of Allah

    Taala and blessings of Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam are with us. For lack of attention,we are prone to speak uselessly at times; for this, Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam has

    prescribed an atonement that, before dispersing from a gathering, we should recite three times

    the prayer:

    "Subhanallahe wa bi hamdhehe Subhanakallahuma wabehamdheka ash hadhu alaailaaha illah

    antha asthagfirukawa athoobo ilaik"

    One Hadith says that Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam used to recite this prayer at the end

    of all meetings. When somebody submitted that he Sallallaho alaihe wasallam had never done

    so before, the reply was that it serves as an atonement for what may have been spoken in agathering; and if the gathering is for righteousness, those words will become a seal to the whole

    affair, like a seal that is put at the end of a document. Those words are:

    "Subhanakallahuma wabehamdheka laailaaha illah antha asthagfiruka wa athoobo ilaik" (Abu
