SPECIAL FEATURE: PERSPECTIVE Community ecology in a changing environment: Perspectives from the Quaternary Stephen T. Jackson a,b,1 and Jessica L. Blois c a Southwest Climate Science Center, US Geological Survey, Tucson, AZ 85719; b Department of Geosciences and School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721; and c Life and Environmental Sciences, School of Natural Sciences, University of California, Merced CA 95343 Edited by David Jablonski, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, and approved September 17, 2014 (received for review May 1, 2014) Community ecology and paleoecology are both concerned with the composition and structure of biotic assemblages but are largely disconnected. Community ecology focuses on existing species assemblages and recently has begun to integrate history (phylogeny and continental or intercontinental dispersal) to constrain community processes. This division has left a missing middle: Ecological and environ- mental processes occurring on timescales from decades to millennia are not yet fully incorporated into community ecology. Quaternary paleoecology has a wealth of data documenting ecological dynamics at these timescales, and both fields can benefit from greater interaction and articulation. We discuss ecological insights revealed by Quaternary terrestrial records, suggest foundations for bridging between the disciplines, and identify topics where the disciplines can engage to mutual benefit. community ecology | Quaternary paleoecology | climate change Community ecology and Quaternary paleo- ecology are both concerned with the compo- sition and structure of biotic assemblages, including patterns of spatial variation and dynamics in changing environments. Com- munity ecology focuses on the here and now of existing species assemblages, emphasizing mechanistic understanding of local species interactions and their consequences. Quater- nary paleoecology uses geohistorical evidence (1) to infer properties of past communities and how they have changed, at local to re- gional scales, during the past few thousand to the past 2.6 million years. Both fields are under increasing demand to inform scientists, resource managers, and policymakers of what might be in store for biodiversity and ecosys- tems services under ongoing and future global change (25). Despite their shared concerns, however, community ecology and Quaternary paleoecology are fundamentally disconnected, with relatively little engagement. Community ecology arose from popula- tion biology and natural history and has concentrated on local mechanisms, usually biotic, to explain such properties of local assemblages as diversity, dominance, and composition (68). Community ecology is rich in underlying theory and concept and in local empirical detail. Recent critiques have questioned whether local processes are suffi- cient to explain community properties and even whether the ecological community is a realistic construct in a dynamic world (2, 911). These issues remain controversial (12), but consensus is emerging that community properties cannot be understood without bio- geographical and historical context (13, 14). Repeated appeals have been made to in- tegrate history into community ecology (10, 11, 15, 16). In community ecology, history often is treated as comprising only phylogeny and continental or intercontinental dispersal (8, 10, 11, 14, 17)processes that are manifest mainly at timespans of 10 6 10 7 years. For example, in a recent discussion of processes influencing species distributions within a region, the pri- mary example of historical processes was evo- lutionary diversification (11). Contemporary theory and concepts in community ecology are thus largely bimodal: The real-time pro- cesses of local communities set in the context of a regional species pool and the deep-time processes by which continental or subconti- nental floras and faunas are envisioned to de- velop. Largely missing are the ecological and environmental dynamics of intermediate time- scales, ranging from the past few centuries to the past million years. These dynamics shape ecological communities no less profoundly than real-time and deep-time processes. Quaternary paleoecology focuses on eco- logical change at these intermediate time- scales and in recent decades has emphasized climate change as the primary locus of explanation for ecological change (1823). Compared with community ecology, paleo- ecology is somewhat depauperate in theory and concept and is often deficient in spa- tial, temporal, and taxonomic precision. The dearth of explicit explanatory theory is re- lated to paleoecologys strong empirical and inductive traditions, which derive in part from its roots in historical geology and pa- leontology (24). Shortcomings in precision derive largely from the nature of the science; whereas real-time ecologists have the luxury of observing and measuring in whatever de- tail is permitted by time and resources, pa- leoecological observations are restricted to whatever material evidence has been left in sediments, tree-rings, rodent middens, or other geohistorical archives (1, 24, 25). Pale- oecologists can exercise some control over precision (via site selection, sampling den- sity, type of fossil) but eventually run up against hard limits to detail (2426). Despite its limitations, paleoecology offers some- thing lacking in community ecology: records of species assemblages spanning many gen- erations, embedded in patterns of regional colonization and extirpation, against a back- drop of environmental changes diverse in rate, duration, and nature. Both community ecology and Quaternary paleoecology can benefit from greater en- gagement. Community ecology offers pro- cesses and theory that can be applied to Author contributions: S.T.J. and J.L.B. designed research, performed research, analyzed data, and wrote the paper. The authors declare no conflict of interest. This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: stjackson@ usgs.gov. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1403664111 PNAS | April 21, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 16 | 49154921 SPECIAL FEATURE: PERSPECTIVE

SPECIAL FEATURE: PERSPECTIVE Community ecology … · SPECIAL FEATURE: PERSPECTIVE Community ecology in a changing environment: Perspectives from the Quaternary Stephen T. Jacksona,b,1

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Page 1: SPECIAL FEATURE: PERSPECTIVE Community ecology … · SPECIAL FEATURE: PERSPECTIVE Community ecology in a changing environment: Perspectives from the Quaternary Stephen T. Jacksona,b,1


Community ecology in a changingenvironment: Perspectives fromthe QuaternaryStephen T. Jacksona,b,1 and Jessica L. BloiscaSouthwest Climate Science Center, US Geological Survey, Tucson, AZ 85719; bDepartment of Geosciences and School of Natural Resourcesand Environment, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721; and cLife and Environmental Sciences, School of Natural Sciences, University ofCalifornia, Merced CA 95343

Edited by David Jablonski, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, and approved September 17, 2014 (received for review May 1, 2014)

Community ecology and paleoecology are both concerned with the composition and structure of biotic assemblages but are largelydisconnected. Community ecology focuses on existing species assemblages and recently has begun to integrate history (phylogeny andcontinental or intercontinental dispersal) to constrain community processes. This division has left a “missing middle”: Ecological and environ-mental processes occurring on timescales from decades to millennia are not yet fully incorporated into community ecology. Quaternarypaleoecology has a wealth of data documenting ecological dynamics at these timescales, and both fields can benefit from greater interactionand articulation. We discuss ecological insights revealed by Quaternary terrestrial records, suggest foundations for bridging between thedisciplines, and identify topics where the disciplines can engage to mutual benefit.

community ecology | Quaternary paleoecology | climate change

Community ecology and Quaternary paleo-ecology are both concerned with the compo-sition and structure of biotic assemblages,including patterns of spatial variation anddynamics in changing environments. Com-munity ecology focuses on the here and nowof existing species assemblages, emphasizingmechanistic understanding of local speciesinteractions and their consequences. Quater-nary paleoecology uses geohistorical evidence(1) to infer properties of past communitiesand how they have changed, at local to re-gional scales, during the past few thousandto the past 2.6 million years. Both fields areunder increasing demand to inform scientists,resource managers, and policymakers of whatmight be in store for biodiversity and ecosys-tems services under ongoing and futureglobal change (2–5). Despite their sharedconcerns, however, community ecology andQuaternary paleoecology are fundamentallydisconnected, with relatively little engagement.Community ecology arose from popula-

tion biology and natural history and hasconcentrated on local mechanisms, usuallybiotic, to explain such properties of localassemblages as diversity, dominance, andcomposition (6–8). Community ecology isrich in underlying theory and concept andin local empirical detail. Recent critiques havequestioned whether local processes are suffi-cient to explain community properties andeven whether the ecological community isa realistic construct in a dynamic world (2,9–11). These issues remain controversial (12),

but consensus is emerging that communityproperties cannot be understood without bio-geographical and historical context (13, 14).Repeated appeals have been made to in-

tegrate history into community ecology (10,11, 15, 16). In community ecology, history oftenis treated as comprising only phylogeny andcontinental or intercontinental dispersal (8, 10,11, 14, 17)—processes that aremanifestmainlyat timespans of 106–107 years. For example, ina recent discussion of processes influencingspecies distributions within a region, the pri-mary example of historical processes was evo-lutionary diversification (11). Contemporarytheory and concepts in community ecologyare thus largely bimodal: The real-time pro-cesses of local communities set in the contextof a regional species pool and the deep-timeprocesses by which continental or subconti-nental floras and faunas are envisioned to de-velop. Largely missing are the ecological andenvironmentaldynamicsof intermediate time-scales, ranging from the past few centuries tothe past million years. These dynamics shapeecological communities no less profoundlythan real-time and deep-time processes.Quaternary paleoecology focuses on eco-

logical change at these intermediate time-scales and in recent decades has emphasizedclimate change as the primary locus ofexplanation for ecological change (18–23).Compared with community ecology, paleo-ecology is somewhat depauperate in theoryand concept and is often deficient in spa-tial, temporal, and taxonomic precision. The

dearth of explicit explanatory theory is re-lated to paleoecology’s strong empirical andinductive traditions, which derive in partfrom its roots in historical geology and pa-leontology (24). Shortcomings in precisionderive largely from the nature of the science;whereas real-time ecologists have the luxuryof observing and measuring in whatever de-tail is permitted by time and resources, pa-leoecological observations are restricted towhatever material evidence has been left insediments, tree-rings, rodent middens, orother geohistorical archives (1, 24, 25). Pale-oecologists can exercise some control overprecision (via site selection, sampling den-sity, type of fossil) but eventually run upagainst hard limits to detail (24–26). Despiteits limitations, paleoecology offers some-thing lacking in community ecology: recordsof species assemblages spanning many gen-erations, embedded in patterns of regionalcolonization and extirpation, against a back-drop of environmental changes diverse inrate, duration, and nature.Both community ecology and Quaternary

paleoecology can benefit from greater en-gagement. Community ecology offers pro-cesses and theory that can be applied to

Author contributions: S.T.J. and J.L.B. designed research, performed

research, analyzed data, and wrote the paper.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.

1To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: [email protected].

www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1403664111 PNAS | April 21, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 16 | 4915–4921







Page 2: SPECIAL FEATURE: PERSPECTIVE Community ecology … · SPECIAL FEATURE: PERSPECTIVE Community ecology in a changing environment: Perspectives from the Quaternary Stephen T. Jacksona,b,1

understanding patterns in the Quaternaryrecord. Paleoecology offers temporal context,filling the “missing middle” between the real-time concerns of community ecology and thedeep-time patterns of phylogeny and bio-geography (Fig. 1). Community ecology isgrounded in natural history, which generatesthe fundamental observations, patterns, andquestions to be explained by theory andtested by experiment or further observa-tion (17). In this context, paleoecologycan be viewed as a temporal extension of

natural history; by extending the observa-tional foundation of community ecology, itreveals fundamental patterns and dynamicsto which ecologists are otherwise blind. Fur-thermore, Quaternary records provide a test-ing ground for theory and pattern incommunity ecology. Bridging between ecol-ogy and paleoecology can extend ecologicaltheory and understanding to longer time-scales, identify where existing theory needsto be modified or replaced to accommodatelonger-term dynamics, and provide frame-works for understanding the complex eco-logical dynamics underlying paleoecologicalrecords. In this paper we provide an over-view of what Quaternary terrestrial recordsreveal about environmental and communitychanges, suggest some foundations for bridg-ing between community ecology and Quater-nary paleoecology, and identify topics wherethe two fields can engage to mutual benefit.Our review is necessarily selective; in par-ticular, we do not discuss paleoecology’sperspectives on the classic Clements/Gleasoncommunity-structure controversies, whichare amply reviewed elsewhere (19, 22, 27–30).

Ecology and Time’s EnvironmentalTextureMuch of ecological concept and theory hasconsidered time as a simple, uniform di-mension, wherein ecological processes unfoldagainst a constant environmental backdrop.Time is treated as an independent variable,and ecological properties change as time-dependent ecological processes run theircourse. A classic example is the exponentialmodel of population growth, together with itsmany derivative models incorporating re-source competition, predation, multiple spe-cies, age structure, time lags, and other fea-tures. The environment itself may change,but only as a consequence of the ecologicalprocesses themselves (e.g., consumption ofresources; autogenic successional processessuch as soil development or lake infilling) oras a stochastic variable, fluctuating randomlyabout a constant mean. Long-term environ-mental change has long been acknowledgedby ecologists, but only recently have envi-ronmental change and nonstationary vari-ability been explicitly incorporated intoecological models, usually as discrete pertur-bations or at relatively short time intervals(seasons to decades) (31–34).Time is richly textured by environmental

change and variability. Paleoclimate recordsindicate a broad and apparently continuousspectrum of climate variability and change,from the years and decades experienced byindividual organisms and populations tothe tens of millions of years experienced

by higher-order clades and biogeographicprovinces. These climatic changes, theircauses, and their ecological and evolutionaryimplications are reviewed and summarizedelsewhere (19, 35–39).We note here a few important features of

Quaternary climate variability and change.First, climate variability is rarely, if ever, sta-tionary in nature. Climate means evolvethrough time, as do variances, extremes, andmodalities. For example, moisture records ofthe past two millennia from tree-rings andother sources indicate that there is no “nor-mal” climate, revealing instead a continuallyevolving array of wet periods, dry periods,and intermediate periods, varying in du-ration, magnitude, frequency, and sequence(see figure 1 in ref. 35). Similar patternsof nonstationary variation in interannual tocentennial variability are probably charac-teristic of the past million years (36, 40),although the details vary in space and time.Second, although some climatic phenom-

ena exhibit cyclic or quasicyclic behavior,environmental conditions do not necessarilyrepeat themselves. For example, individual ElNiño events of the past century have differedsubstantially in magnitude, spatial extent, andduration (41, 42). Similarly, each of the sixmost recent interglacial periods has had aunique duration and spatial and temporalclimatic patterns (43). Third, climate changeoften involves changing climatic realizations,whereby combinations of seasonal tempera-ture, seasonal precipitation, and other factorschange (19, 44, 45). Fourth, climate changecan be gradual and directional, but it is oftenpunctuated by episodic events and by rapidstate transitions (40, 46, 47).To summarize, no modal or normal climate

state exists for the Quaternary. Climate hasvaried widely and changed both gradually andrapidly, across the planet. Changes have oc-curred at all timescales, from 100 to 106 years,although the nature, magnitude, and rate ofchange differ among scales and at differenttimes. Changes have occurred in all parts ofthe globe, although the nature, magnitudes,and rates have differed among regions andlocales. The changes have involved virtually allecologically relevant manifestations of tem-perature and moisture, including means, ex-tremes, variance, seasonal patterns, and per-sistence. The rich, complex, multiscale textureof the environment through time has had andwill continue to have important consequencesfor individuals, populations, communities,and regional species pools.

Communities Come, Communities GoIn a recent review, Ricklefs (11) noted thatan ecological community comprises a single


ent (



Duration (years)100 10¹ 10810710610510410³10²10-¹10-²


Spatialmosaic of


Regionalspecies pool

(Sub)continentalspecies pool








Community Ecology

Quaternary Paleoecology

Phylogeny & Biogeography

Fig. 1. The ecological community in space and time.Local communities aggregate (A) into spatial mosaics ofcommunities, which in turn aggregate to form regionaland then (sub)continental species pools. Each level con-strains (C) processes occurring at finer spatial and tem-poral scales. For example, a spatial mosaic of communitiesin a region is determined by the composition, size, andspatial array of its individual elements (communities) andin turn constrains those elements by influencing propa-gule sources and dispersal, connectivity, adjacency, prox-imity, and other properties that influence communitycomposition and dynamics. Similarly, a regional speciespool is determined by composition of its various constit-uent communities and mosaics, aggregating the respon-ses of countless individuals and populations to theirphysical environment and to each other. At the same time,the regional species pool constrains membership in re-gional mosaics and local communities and is subject to theconstraints of the (sub)continental species pool, which issubject to phylogenetic and biogeographic processesoperating across vast areas and large sweeps of time.Each level has a finite spatial extent and temporal dura-tion. Filled rectangles indicate the most common or modalextent and duration of terrestrial communities, anddashed lines indicate the extremes. Climate influenceseach level, and climate change is a primary determinant ofthe composition of communities, spatial mosaics, and(sub)continental species pools. For example, paleoeco-logical evidence indicates that terrestrial plant, vertebrate,and insect communities rarely persist without composi-tional change for more than a few thousand years (23, 48,56, 57, 64). Regional species pools undergo change asspecies migrate, abandoning newly unsuitable habitatsand colonizing newly favorable territory (18, 22, 50). Cli-mate exerts influence at all levels, both directly and in-directly via aggregation of influences from below andconstraint by influences from above.

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place that happens to be occupied by an as-semblage of species with overlapping dis-tributions and environmental tolerances. Hefurther argued that the community conceptbe “replaced by the spatial distributions ofpopulations, which now become the primaryfocus for understanding biodiversity pat-terns” (p. 744 in ref. 11). Paleoecologicalrecords support a parallel conception in-volving time. An ecological community canbe viewed as a single point in a spatialframework of species distributions super-imposed on environmental gradients andpatchworks and in a temporal framework ofpopulation and biogeographic responses toenvironmental change and variability. Thespace and time dimensions cannot be treatedseparately; spatial distributions evolve throughtime and are often contingent on temporalprocesses. Conversely, the temporal patternsof occurrence and abundance at an individualsite are contingent on spatial distributions,patterns, and processes. Understanding ofcommunity properties is inevitably in-complete in the absence of both spatial andtemporal context (Fig. 1).The changing composition of forest com-

munities at a single locale during the past8,600 y is shown in Fig. 2. All the major andmost of the minor upland forest speciesin the surrounding region (Central UpperMichigan) are represented in the Tower Lakerecord (48). Surrounding forests now aredominated by Fagus grandifolia, Tsuga can-adensis, Acer saccharum, and Betula alleghe-niensis, with scattered Pinus strobus. Thiscombination of species has existed at thesite for the past 1,400 y, starting with the

colonization and expansion of Fagus, whichexpanded eastward in the region during thepast 3,000 y (49). Thus, the forest communityat Tower Lake has existed for no more than1,400 y, and it arose from an interactionbetween local ecological processes (dispersal,demography, competition) and regional bio-geographic processes (range expansion) (18,50). Those regional processes depended inturn on local ecological processes at countlessother individual sites, were driven by regionalclimatic changes spanning centuries or more(18, 20, 51), and may have been modulatedby annual- to centennial-scale climate vari-ability (35, 48).Not only has the modern forest commu-

nity at Tower Lake persisted for only a shorttime, no forest community persisted there forlonger than 1,500 y (Fig. 2). The 8,600-y se-quence shows at least seven distinct forestphases. Within each, forest compositionchanged as decades and centuries passed,usually in more subtle ways than the majortransitions (Fig. 2). The Tower Lake recordspans only a few millennia, but set in thecontext of other records across the region (49,52) and eastern North America (18, 50), itillustrates how an ecological community isone small, ephemeral point in a roiling, dy-namic unfolding of environmental change,distribution dynamics, and spatially aggre-gated ecological processes.These dynamics are not restricted to tem-

perate regions or to the postglacial period.An 86,000-y pollen record of upland vege-tation from Lake Petén-Itzá in the Gua-temalan Neotropics shows many similarfeatures (Fig. 3). As at Tower Lake, the

community observed at any single pointin time is ephemeral, rarely persisting formore than a few millennia before beingreplaced by something new (53, 54). Thesechanges were also driven largely by climatechange, often accompanied by changes infire regime (53–55).The examples of Tower Lake and Lake

Petén-Itzá are illustrative, not representative.No single modal pattern can be identified forthe past 8,600 y, for the past 86,000 y, or forany other interval. During the past millen-nium, communities in different locales havevariously persisted unchanged, undergonesmall shifts in species abundance, been col-onized by new species, experienced pop-ulation decline of dominants, lost incumbentspecies to extirpation, or even undergonenearly complete compositional turnover. Anyother millennium in the past 20,000 y, andprobably the past million years, would showsimilar diversity of patterns. Nor are thesepatterns restricted to plant communities.Similar patterns are recorded for terrestrialinsects (56) and especially for vertebrates, forwhich the extensive Quaternary mammalrecord has recorded similar changes in spe-cies abundances (23, 57, 58), range shifts (22,59), extirpations and colonizations (23, 60),and extinctions (61–63). Terrestrial commu-nities are highly dynamic, and patterns varywidely in space and time. Some communitiesat some locales may persist over many mil-lennia, but persistence for more than 10 mil-lennia seems to be rare for the past 20,000 y(64) and possibly for the entire Quaternary.Communities are best understood not only aslocal realizations of overlapping species rangesand environmental gradients (11, 65) but alsoas passing manifestations of ecological andbiogeographic processes in a world of cease-less environmental change (19, 29).

What Governs Community Assemblyand Disassembly?Determinants of community structure andcomposition are a central focus of commu-nity ecology and tend to align with one ofthree modal concepts: interaction assembly,environment assembly, or neutral assem-bly (Fig. 4). Interaction assembly is deeplyrooted in community ecology and empha-sizes the Eltonian niche (66, 67), consideringcommunities to be structured primarily bystrong interactions among species (8, 33).Such interactions may include facilitation,mutualism, and trophic relationships (pre-dation, parasitism, herbivory), but resourcecompetition often is treated as first amongequals (68, 69). Interaction-based com-munities have limited membership, gov-erned by equilibrium population processes

0 10











0 5

0 15

0 5

0 3

0 80

0 3

0 20

0 100

0 25

0 15

0 25

0 500

0 80

0 100

0 50

0 10

0 20



Abiesneedles needles needles

Pinus subg. Pinus Pinus strobus Betula Quercus Acer saccharum Tsuga Fagus grandifoliabudscales budscales budscales budscalesfruits and bracts

pollen pollen pollen pollen pollen pollenpollenpollenpollenPicea Abies PinusPinus Betula Quercus Acer saccharum Tsuga Fagus grandifolia

Age (


Zone T-4

Zone T-3c

Zone T-3b

Zone T-3a

Zone 2

Zone T-1b

Zone T-1a

Fig. 2. Pollen (silhouettes) and macrofossil abundances (horizontal bars) for selected tree taxa and macrofossil typesat Tower Lake, MI. Pollen data are expressed as percentages, and macrofossil data represent numbers per 50 cm3 ofsediment volume. Solid bars for Betula macrofossils denote B. allegheniensis, while open bars represent B. papyrifera.Horizontal lines delineate major transitions in forest composition. Reprinted with permission from ref. 48.

Jackson and Blois PNAS | April 21, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 16 | 4917







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as determined by interspecific interactions(7, 8, 68). In contrast, neutral assembly con-siders communities to be structured entirelyby random processes, particularly dispersal,recruitment, and mortality (70). Neutralcommunities have virtually unlimited mem-bership, are nonequilibrium, and bear his-torical imprints; composition is influencedby legacies of past demographic and dis-persal events, and hence community prop-erties may drift as the result of singularevents (70). Finally, communities under en-vironment assembly are structured primarilyby species’ physiological and demographicresponses to the physical environment(19, 33). The environment-assembly con-cept is also niche-based but emphasizes theGrinnellian niche (6, 19, 67). It is predicated

on all species having finite environmentalrequirements or tolerances, which imposestrong filters on community membership.Community composition is governed bywhether potential members’ fundamental(Grinnellian) niches overlap with the localenvironmental realization. These three con-cepts are not mutually exclusive, and someefforts have been made to reconcile interac-tion assembly and neutral assembly (71–73).Environment assembly has received less at-tention in community ecology than the othertwo, although it underlies the recent explo-sion of empirical models predicting speciesdistribution and abundance and communitycomposition under various climate-changescenarios (74).Paleoecological support for environment

assembly is very strong, resting on boththeoretical (19, 75) and empirical founda-tions (e.g., 20, 76–80). Paleoecologists gener-ally look first to environmental change,particularly climate change, as a driver of thekinds of dynamics shown in Figs. 2 and 3,and they often look no further. They findimplicit justification in three decades ofbroad-scale comparisons of paleoecologicalrecords with paleoenvironmental records (20,77, 79) and with paleoclimate simulationsfrom general circulation models (44, 51). Byitself, ecological drift would produce a mosaicof community types independent of envi-ronmental mosaics. However, the temporalpattern at Tower Lake (Fig. 2) is similarto that at other sites across central UpperMichigan and regions to the south and east.The spatiotemporal coherence of faunal andfloral assemblages over broad regions (18, 77,81, 82) suggests overarching controls, andclimate has no compelling competitor to ex-plain regional coherence.

Although environment assembly seemsnecessary to explain the dynamics observed inpaleoecological data, is it sufficient? Speciesand populations are not billiard balls knockedaround the landscape by changing climate;climate change drives community changevia processes that involve individuals, pop-ulations, and communities. Ecological inter-actions matter, and ultimately the changesobserved in paleoecological time series rep-resent outcomes of interactions among pop-ulations of different species, as influenced bya changing environment (Fig. 4). Althoughthese interactions play out locally and oftenbriefly, even the broadest geographic patternsare spatial aggregations of local interactions,and all temporal changes, regardless of scale,are ultimate outcomes of population pro-cesses and interactions. Paleoecological dy-namics (Figs. 2 and 3) cannot be understoodfully without considering population pro-cesses and species interactions.Neutral assembly is formally embodied in

a theoretical framework that assumes thatniche properties are irrelevant to communitystructure and composition, which derive en-tirely from ecological drift (70). Drift pro-cesses are effectively random with respect tospecies niche properties (Eltonian or Grin-nellian), yielding community realizations thatcannot be predicted from either prevailingenvironment or species interactions. Eco-logical drift has a distinguished history inpaleoecology; Davis (27, 28), for example,argued that the composition of Holoceneforest communities was determined largely byeffectively random processes of seed dispersaland proximity of glacial refugia. Althoughthis view has been largely superseded by en-vironment assembly in recent years, attentionis being refocused on historical contingencies(35), which represent neutral assembly pro-cesses. Cross-scale interactions (83) involvingclimate variability and ecological responses atdifferent temporal scales lead to contingentoutcomes, with strong influences of historicalprocesses (mortality, disturbance, dispersal,recruitment) (35). Those historical processes,although they involve both Eltonian andGrinnellian niche attributes, are effectivelyneutral because the ecological outcomesyears, decades, or centuries later cannotbe predicted from niche properties and en-vironment alone. Recent paleoecologicalstudies provide many examples (35, 84, 85).The question of whether environment as-

sembly is necessary to explain paleoecologicalrecords has been raised by a recent study thatsimulated pollen sequences based on neutralassumptions (86). The simulated profilesshare features with observed diagrams (e.g.,Figs. 2 and 3): successive dominance of












Age (

























































0 10 20 20 40 20 20 20 20 40 60 10 20 20 20 20 40 60 150 300 450 20 20 20 20 40 10 200 600 20 40 60 160 480 20 40 60 200 600 20 20Percent pollen of selected taxa, expressed as a percentage of the pollen sum (Correa-Metrio et al. 2012).



10 200 600 20 20




Fig. 3. Percent pollen of selected taxa, expressed as a percentage of the pollen sum from core PI-6, Lake Petén-Itzá,lowland Guatemala. Modified with permission from ref. 53.




Climate change

Fig. 4. Three primary loci of explanation for communityproperties: species interaction, environmental forcing,and neutral processes that cause ecological drift. Pro-cesses interact among these domains. Environmentalchange (e.g., climate change) can be a primary driver ofchanges in community properties, both directly (organis-mal and demographic responses) and indirectly (by alteringinteractions among species and setting neutral processesin motion). Climate change and variability continuallyperturb and redirect processes within all three loci toreshape community properties.

4918 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1403664111 Jackson and Blois

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different species, changing combinationsof species, and turnover in species com-position and abundance. The study pro-vides a cautionary lesson, demonstratinghow temporal structure can arise in theabsence of a coherent structuring mecha-nism, and showing that environmentalforcing need not be taken for granted. ThePetén-Itzá pollen sequence (Fig. 3) has beenused in an explicit test of whether vegeta-tional changes are attributable to ecologicaldrift or environmental change (55). Thatstudy goes beyond simple comparison toincorporate an explicit alternative hypoth-esis (neutral assembly) but concludes thatenvironmental change explains most of theobserved patterns. Similarly, McGill et al.(81) found that mammal assemblages weremore coherent across space and time thanpredicted by neutral assembly, althoughpatterns were not specifically attributed toenvironment or interaction assembly.Just as neutral processes interact with en-

vironmental change (35), so too do speciesinteractions (Fig. 4). A modest change intemperature or moisture may shift the com-petitive balance in favor of one species,leading to an increase in that species at theexpense of others. Climate change may ren-der circumstances more or less favorable forconsumers, leading to changes in host or preypopulations or to altered interactions be-tween plants, herbivores, and climate (33,87). Effects may be profound, with environ-ment assembly contingent on species inter-actions as well as the reverse (88). Forexample, the late-glacial megaherbivore de-cline may have been a proximal driver ofvegetation changes that ultimately were aresponse to climatic changes that occurredcenturies or more before (89).In the final analysis, asking whether

communities are structured by interaction,neutral, or environment assembly processesis futile; communities are subject to diverse,interacting influences (90), and explanationmay be more a matter of causal “thickets”than “chains” (91). Environmental changeis a powerful driver of community changeand should be incorporated more explicitlyinto community ecology (33). Species in-teractions govern the community out-comes of environmental change, often insubtle ways, and should be considered moreexplicitly in paleoecological explanation. In-teractions of neutral processes with envi-ronmental change and species interactionsintroduce indeterminacies as well as his-torical legacies that may persist as localor even regional anachronisms. Paleoeco-logical studies, informed by community

ecology, can reveal the short- and long-termconsequences of these interactions.

Spanning the Missing MiddleThe missing middle of Quaternary ecolog-ical history provides abundant opportunityfor collaboration between paleoecologistsand community ecologists. Success will re-quire mutual understanding and engage-ment. Paleoecologists must understand theecological questions to which their data areapplied, and ecologists must understandthe nature of paleoecological data and in-ference. To avoid mismatches between dataand applications, careful attention must bepaid to scale and taphonomy (24–26, 48).We identify a nonexhaustive set of themes,topics, and questions upon which collabo-rations might be centered.

Community Assembly and Disassembly.Paleoecological records show not only thatcommunities come and go but also thatcommunity turnover occurs in many formsand at many rates. Some communities arisequickly, whereas others develop in slowtransitions (Figs. 2 and 3). Conversely somecommunities disassemble gradually via de-cline and replacement of dominants, butothers appear to undergo rapid collapse (Figs.2 and 3). These and other records providediverse case studies for understanding thevarious roles and interactions of environ-mental forcing, intrinsic community prop-erties (e.g., resilience, hysteresis, keystonespecies), and ecological drift in communitytransitions, whether gradual or abrupt. Spe-cific critical transitions can be targeted forintensive study, based on various criteria (e.g.,knowledge of natural history of taxa, exis-tence of independent paleoclimatic records,precision of paleoecological records, avail-ability of multiple paleoecological sites forreplication or pattern analysis, potential sig-nificance of observed patterns). The rapidincrease or decline of a dominant species orthe disappearance of a community, for ex-ample, is of obvious interest in conservationcontext and may be driven by rapid envi-ronmental change, cross-scale interactions, orboth (23, 84, 92). Intensive, integrated studyof a carefully selected array of paleoecologicalcase studies would test fundamental theoryand indicate the extent to which communityturnover follows general rules. In addition,paleoecological data from individual sites orsite arrays can be analyzed to test specifictheoretical predictions concerning commu-nity turnover (e.g., refs. 55, 81, and 93–95).

Trait-Based Community Patterns. Trait-based assembly and inference have become

an important focus in community ecology(96, 97). Traits and related functional groupsof species may govern whether and in whatorder species can join communities (97), andinfluence interactions of individuals with theenvironment and with each other. Paleon-tology has a rich tradition of connecting traitswith ecological and evolutionary processes(98), and trait-based approaches to commu-nity assembly are ripe for paleoecologicalapplication (99). A critical challenge is todetermine which traits extractable from thefossil record map directly or indirectly ontoniche properties (Grinnellian or Eltonian),and how they are related to traits commonlymeasured by modern ecologists. An emerg-ing agenda in paleoecology is to track specifictraits through time with the goal of explicitlyconnecting the past with the present (99,100). Merging trait-based paleoecology withcommunity ecology can identify the stabilityof trait relationships through time. Much liketemporal variation in species and communi-ties, trait distributions within species arelikely to vary through time and with chang-ing environments. Paleoecological traitstudies can assess conservatism of trait–environment relationships and trait proper-ties within taxa. Furthermore, they can helpidentify the extent to which communitiesmay display functional stasis while un-dergoing compositional turnover (60, 81).

Diversity Dynamics Through Time. Agrowing body of work has demonstrated thatenvironmental variability affects species di-versity on short time scales (33, 101, 102),suggesting a species–time relationship (103)as an analog to the species–area relationship.However, key differences between spatial andtemporal processes imply that they may haveunique diversity-scaling relationships (103,104). In addition, space and time constrainone another, motivating theoretical formu-lation and empirical testing of integratedspecies–time–area relationships (103, 105).White et al. (103) point to several fruitfulareas to promote this integration. However,most of their case studies are modern,encompassing climatic variation over a fewdecades at most (e.g., refs. 101, 105), and theirsingle fossil example starts with an intervallength of >700,000 y (106). The missingmiddle remains unfilled. Brown et al. (102)examined how environmental variability mayregulate diversity dynamics in several sys-tems, including Holocene fossil pollen re-cords at family resolution. They postulatedthat although environmental change main-tains diversity by influencing colonizationand extinction of different species, whensufficiently large it could alter diversity

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by changing species-level carrying capacity(102). These conjectures remain unexplored.

Ecological Rules in the Anthropocene.Have ecological and evolutionary processeschanged fundamentally during the Anthro-pocene (107)? Do anthropogenic activitiesoverride past controls on community dy-namics? Addressing these questions requiresaccurate baselines to compare diversitytrends and patterns, and the Quaternaryprovides critical linkages between deep timeand the Anthropocene. For example, mam-malian biodiversity patterns throughout thepast 30 million years suggest that the Holo-cene is different from all time periods thatcame before (63), implying human impactswell before the Industrial Revolution. In somesettings, beta diversity and functional di-versity appear to have remained relativelystable despite compositional changes, pro-viding context to evaluate whether ongoingprocesses override those of the past fewmillion of years (108–110). Beyond issuesof the Anthropocene, there are legitimatequestions concerning whether the Quater-nary itself is unique and whether ecologicalrules evolve with the global environmentalsetting (19, 111, 112). Existing paleoecologicalrecords provide an untapped source for in-vestigation of diversity dynamics in diversesystems and at different timespans (113, 114).

Dynamics of Regional Species Pools.Community ecologists are focusing atten-tion on the biogeographic and phylogeneticcontexts of species pools (e.g., refs. 115–117)and their implications for community prop-erties (e.g., ref. 118). These studies tend totreat the regional species pool as static, sub-ject to the same processes as (sub)continentalpools (Fig. 1). Regional species pools, how-ever, are subject to at least partial turnoverover hundreds to thousands of years (refs.18, 19, and 22, but see ref. 82) and arepredicted to change rapidly under globalchange because of both extinction and rangeshifts (119, 120). Implications of species-pool dynamics are being explored frombiogeographical and macroecologicalperspectives (82, 121), but the conse-quences for community assembly and struc-ture represent open territory for collabo-ration between community ecologists andpaleoecologists.

Clocking Time-Dependent Processes.Many ecological processes are time-depen-dent, and paleoecological studies indicatethat similar plant communities are estab-lished at different times in different places(64). Comparative studies of secondary

communities (mycorrhizae, invertebrates,vertebrates), using antiquity of the plantcommunity as an independent variable, canprovide insights into processes of commu-nity development and evolution (122). Agemay be one among many differences amongsites, but other properties (e.g., physicalenvironment, climate history, genetics)can be controlled in study design. Time-dependent processes may be sufficientlylarge to override other effects, many of whichcan be assessed directly from paleoecologicaland paleoenvironmental studies. For exam-ple, ancient DNA may provide informationon local genetic changes (123, 124).

Meeting Cowles’ ChallengeMore than a century ago Henry ChandlerCowles identified the central challenge ofecological dynamics, observing that vegeta-tional response to the environment was “avariable approaching a variable rather thana constant” (125). The challenge has onlygrown since Cowles’ time: Ecological dy-namics comprise a multitude of variables,with different response times, changing atdifferent rates, and often interacting in subtleways. The environment, too, is far moredynamic than envisioned even a decade

ago, with nested climatic changes interactingacross a range of temporal and spatial scales.Community ecology offers tools and theoryto help understand ecological change; paleo-ecology offers diverse data and observationsof actual ecological change. By working to-gether, these disciplines can advance under-standing of ecological dynamics in changingenvironments.We live in a time of rapid environmental

change and associated societal challenges.Novel communities and ecosystems are al-ready widespread (126) and will only increasewith global change in coming decades.Communities of the future will representcontingent outcomes of the complex dy-namics of environmental change, speciesinteractions, and ecological drift. Integratingthe mechanisms of community ecology withthe empirical richness of paleoecology willnot only advance the science of ecology butwill also increase its capacity to contributeto climate-change adaptation and minimizerisks to biodiversity and ecological services.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Discussions and critiques wereprovided by D. Sax, M. King, C. Nolan, and anonymousreviewers. Funding for this work was provided by Na-tional Science Foundation Grants DEB-1257033 (toJ.L.B.) and DEB-0345012 and EF-1065732 (to S.T.J.).

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