Stadiile Dezvoltarii Morale Dpa Kohlberg

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  • 8/7/2019 Stadiile Dezvoltarii Morale Dpa Kohlberg


    Stages of Moral DevelopmentDescribes Kohlberg's "six levels of moral development" and its relevance for gifted


    KOHLBERG'S APPROACH to levels of moral development is attractive,

    particularly in the context of the gifted who are often accused of being immature

    on the grounds that they do not always readily find a set of social peers.

    The following information to the table of Kohlberg's stages comes from Guidingthe Gifted Childby Webb Meckstroth and Tolan.

    "In addition, gifted children move rapidly through what have been called the

    'Stages of Moral Development' [Kohlberg, 1964], summarised in Table 10. Thisrapid movement means that the gifted child is likely to be out of step with many

    of the needs, preferences, even personality traits of his age peers. He is, therefore,

    likely to question, challenge or defy traditions that his peers take for granted.

    "Only about 10% of all people reach the last two stages of moral development. In

    our experience, though, most gifted children do achieve these upper levels unless

    their environment has prevented their growth. People in these upper levels are theleaders, creators and inventors who make major contributions to society and who

    help reformulate knowledge and philosophy, often changing major traditions in

    the process. While traditions form a continuum from the most insignificant matterof social custom to the principles formed into law, they may also go beyond law,

    to sweeping principles of universal order. Those who have reached the highest

    levels of moral development may go beyond the law as well, sometimes

    sacrificing themselves and often changing the world's perception of the law, andfinally the law itself. Gifted children may set themselves on such a course early in


    Table 10 is reproduced below.

    Stages of Moral Development (Adapted from Kohlberg, 1964)

    Stage Issue of Moral Concern



    I Rules followed to avoid punishment; obedience and concern for physicalconsequences.

    IIDoing things for others because it will result in others doing things in return;concern for reward, equal sharing and benefit to self.


    to Traditions

  • 8/7/2019 Stadiile Dezvoltarii Morale Dpa Kohlberg


    IIIWhatever pleases the majority is considered morally right; other viewpoints can

    be seen, conformity is prized, desire to do things for others.


    Group authority, law, duty and rules of society prized; concern for maintaining

    social order for its own sake; social disapproval avoided; emphasis on the

    inherent 'rightness' of rules and duties.






    Internal commitment to principles of personal conscience; concern with

    individual rights within standards set by consensus; emphasis on fair procedures

    for reaching consensus and for evaluating principles and rules.


    Concern with universal ethical principles and abstract morality affecting all

    beings regardless of conventional views; emhasis on universality, consistency,and logical comprehensiveness.

    To put Kohlberg's moral stages into perspective it is appropriate to mention two

    criticisms. One is that it does not take into account emotions which may becritical motivators for our actions but concentrates on moral reasoning. People of

    different temperaments may respond differently even if at the same moral stage.

    Another criticism of Kohlberg's theory is that it is biased towards western

    cultures. Some non-Western cultures do not value individualism and would not

    see challenging society's rules as a "higher" stage of morality. Do we regard these

    societies as at a lower moral stage?

    Last updated: 15-feb-05

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