Storytellin to teach young learners

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  • 8/9/2019 Storytellin to teach young learners



    The purpose of English language teaching in Basic Education for students is to get

    the necessary knowledge to engage in social practices with written and oral language to

    interact with native and non-native English speakers by means of specific competences

    with the language (SEP, !""#$ The learning process that the %ormalistas have been part

    from "stsemester to &thand 'thsemesters led them building certain learning strategies that

    encourage the achievement of the purpose of English anguage teaching$

    The thematic line in which this work lies is the number one called )Teenagers and

    their learning processes)$ *nder this thematic line the tools that were ac+uire during the

    learning and training teaching process will help to implement and to analye teaching-

    learning strategies and didactic skills that are consistent with the purposes of secondaryschool education$ ne of the strategies that a teacher can develop is the storytelling and it

    was the chosen strategy for this work$

    Storytelling has a widespread use in education because it has a lot benefits. stories

    are the oldest form of teaching, in others word, is a well proof and developed techni+ue to

    teach, it promotes the sociocultural learning and finally the use of stories put learners at

    the center of the learning process$ /s you could see the story telling have multiple applies$

    Storytelling is the oldest form of education0 without the oral tradition the

    transmission of knowledge and the use of instruments, traditions, warnings, tips, laws and

    customs were not formulate$ The storytelling is the way of transmitting, from the days

    before writing, culture, e1periences and traditions of a society through stories, legends,

    fables, myths, etc$ 2f you want you can say that it is the key to the survival of the human


    Storytelling fosters the learning trough the social interaction$ The socioculturaltheories of learning, such as those that derive from 3ygotsky4s research into children4s

    cognitive development, foreground the role of conversation as the medium for all learning,

    and have contributed to the notion that effecting teaching is essentially a 5long

    conversation6(7ercer, "889#$:ecent searches into second language ac+uisitions also

    support the view that the learning of second languages may be successfully mediated

    through conversational interaction( 3an ier, "88;#$

    The best of the storytelling is that you give to your students an unbeatable change

    to take part in the teaching-learning process$ Stories give learners a chance for their

  • 8/9/2019 Storytellin to teach young learners


    voices to be heard, you make that your students think that their e1periences are valued$

    Barrett (!!;# argues that stories combine different aspects of learning pedagogy,

    including. student engagement, reflection for deep learning, technology integration, and


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    =uring the last year of studies, from &> to '> semesters, we will become part of a

    new school, this will be the clima1 of ? years of preparation, the period inside we

    are going to apply all the knowledge that we ac+uired from all the observation and practiceperiods$ This year will be the one in which we will have a new kind of e1perience about

    teaching, more real and fruitful$ @or this purpose we were assigned to a specific school$

    The teaching work from &> and '> semester took part in the E$ S$ T$ /$ %o$ !!!"A

    )ic$ /ndrs 7olina EnrC+ue) which belongs to the municipality of Docotitln$ The

    community is located in the nortwest of the Estado de 71ico, it borders with the town of

    21tlahuaca, El ro, Di+uipilco, Temascalcingo and San @elipe del Progreso$

    Docotitln has around 9; communities, the main ones are. Santa 7aria Fitende

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    provide a better attention$ The hours of school are from &.! to .A!, and there are some

    breaks, one from 8.!! to 8."! and other from "".A! to ".!!, those breaks were imposed

    as a measure to avoid distraction and health problems created by the lack of nutrition and


    2nside the school e1ist some resources to improve the teaching process$ This

    resources are laptops, cannons, speakers, recorders, etc$ 2nside the school there is a

    policy that every teacher has their own classroom, the assigned classroom was an

    e1cellent space because it give to you the freedom to used it in the best way for you and

    your students, it has enough space for the ?! students that each group has, a bookshelf,

    ?! seats, a desk, and a whiteboard$

    E+ually important is the teachers4 contributions$ This school have around ?!teachers who have different ma

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    Khat is a teacher is a topic that is still debating, however there is an agreement and

    is the idea that the role of the teacher has changed0 as the teachers is no longer the key

    mediator of the knowledge$ Jowever the students in secondary do not build the knowledge

    alone, but they do it through the mediation of others in a certain moment and in a particular

    conte1t0 herein lies the great importance of a teacher0 be one of the main actors, but not

    the only one, in the learning process$ /ccording with Gimeno Sacristan ("8''#.

    5The teacher is the mediator between the students and the culture

    through his own cultural level0 the meaning that he gives to the curriculum in

    general and to the knowledge that he transmits in particular, and by the

    attitudes the he has towards the knowledge or a certain part of same$ Thescreening of the curriculum by teachers produce a big amount of different

    meanings$ *nderstanding how teachers mediate the knowledge that students

    learn in educational institutions is necessary for a better understanding of

    why students differ in their learning processes, attitudes to what they learn

    and in the sharing of what is learned$ )

    2t is really difficult to define what a teacher is and what he have to do, being a

    good teacher and what you have to do to become one can be a big deal for new

    teachers, or in this case a training teacher, but there are clear bullets where start0 the

    School teacher4s pay and conditions document (=ES, "8''# says that the duties of a

    teacher are.


    Planning and preparing courses and lessons 0

    Teaching, according to their educational needs, the pupils

    assigned to him, including the setting and marking of work to be carried

    out by the pupil in the school elsewhere0

    /ssessing, recording and reporting on the development and

    progress of pupils0


    Promoting the general progress and well-being of individual

    pupils and of any class or group of pupils assigned to him$

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    /lso the teacher have to know about his sub

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    Khen we talk about being a controller, we are talking in being the one who

    laddering the class, this role is a traditional one, because is the one that is according with

    the view of the learning where the teacher is in the center of the process$ This view has

    been change with the past of the years, the new humanistic views of the teaching-learning

    process puts students in the center of the learning$ @or instead this role have somedisadvantages like you cut down the participation of the students and, like you are always

    in the same way of teaching, the class stars to be always the same affecting the

    atmosphere because the lack of variety$ But being a controller is not e1actly against the

    learning of students, sometimes is useful like when you are trying to recover the attention

    or the order of the class or give instructions for some activities$

    Being and organier inside the second language classroom means that you have totake in account all the characteristics inside the classroom to make the learning of

    students more efficient and effective$ /n efficient class is where you achieve the best result

    that you can obtain with the resources that you have, as an e1ample, when students are in

    a group activity, you take care about the elements of the teams0 the profile of each student

    to conform groups of work that really 5K:L6$

    / prompter is someone who encourage the students in a balance way that is

    enough to show them the path but not too much to limit the students intervention, is like

    when you ask if they were trying to say something instead of other thing, or when you said.

    5/re you trying to sayM$6

    @rom my tough, the best role of being a teacher is when you are a participant, apart

    from laddering the activities, you also can participate in these ones$ This is a really fruitful

    techni+ue, because you become an active part of the learning process, an e1ample is

    when you become part of a team or take part in a role play, in a discussion or in a debate$

    Sometimes is

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    moderate, you are trying to improve the reflection about their learning, not making a

    receipt for a goof grade$

    2f we want to learn we need tools and resources and one of the biggest resources in

    the second language classroom is the teacher0 but first it is really important to rememberthat anybody knows everything$ So, teachers are not perfect, sometimes we make

    mistakes (actually more than sometimes# but we can offered students guidance and all our

    e1perience, in this case, with the language$

    Sometimes, we offer our help to small groups, or a single student to guide them in

    some task that needs specific steps, being a tutor implies some closure between the

    participants, because the guidance is more specific and personal$ This is really common inthe secondary school, a lot of students want to talk with you in the free spaces that they

    have, and sometimes these tutoring activities are not e1actly in the language learning

    camp, but in the end you are providing them help for their development$

    2n all the activities that our students perform the attention on their development is

    primordial, because in the end, improve their skills is what we want0 so thought observing

    we can realie what our students need and also what we want to improve in our classes$

    Being and observer is an a important part for the educational evaluation, we have to

    observer the results of what we are doing and grade our success and used this information

    to improve the +uality of education$


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    The duties of a teacher, as we saw, are e1tensive but ones of the most important

    are planning and assessing$ Planning is the way that teacher take in account all the factors

    that can improve or delate the learning of the students and plan how to take advantage ofthem, and for instance is a fundamental part of the teaching- learning process$

    To begin we are going to defined what is planning0 planning is a 5Mset of ordered,

    systematic and widespread process for the determination of actions for a balanced and

    coherent development of educationM6(/%*2ES, "8&'#0 and according with the manual of

    planning("8'9# is characteried for being participatory, indicative, prospective, iterative,

    integral, optional and operational$

    Participatory refers to take in account to all the educational actors0 in the lesson

    plan we have to look not only for being a teacher tool, it has to include the students,

    parents, directives, etc$ 2n the plan the participation can be seen when environments are

    include0 when we talk about the familiar and community environment we are including all

    the society in our planning, then is literary and ludic environment and it takes care of the

    personal interest of the students and finally we have the academic and educational

    environment that is related of the school, teacher and student$

    Khen a plan is indicative is saying that we have certain ob

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    ptional refers to the different alternatives to overcome une1pected situation, in

    others words, the fle1ibility of the lesson plan to change according with the situation$

    @inally we have the operative field, when we talk about an operative plan, we talk

    about a plan that give good results, that works and impact in the learning and teaching


    %ow, all this characteristics have to be inside every lesson plan, it does not matter

    the method that follows0 the PPP 7odel -- Presentation, Practice, and Production (3an Els

    et al$, "8'?#, the JE Fycle -- bserve, Jypothesie, E1periment (ewis,"88"#, the 2TB

    7odel -- 2nto, Through and Beyond (Brinton and Jolten, "88, the ES/ 7odel -- Engage,

    Study, /ctivate (Jarmer, "88'#$

    The model what 2 used at the beginning of work was P$P$P$ that is a model that

    comes from the oral approach and Situational anguage Teaching, but making an

    analysis, this model is more useful for the syllabus !!;, where we can see the different

    situations where the language have to be performance ( *nit "$, *nit $, etc$#,

    The Situational anguage Teaching is characteried, according with :odgers (# by.

    anguage teaching begins with the spoken language$ 7aterial

    is taught orally before it is presented in written form$

    The target language is the language of the classroom$

    %ew language points are introduce and practice situationally$

    3ocabulary selection procedures are followed to ensure that

    and essential general service vocabulary is covered$

    2tems of grammar are graded following the principle that simple

    forms should be taught before comple1 ones$

    :eading and writing are introduce once a sufficient le1ical and

    grammatical basis is stablished$

    /s was said a legacy of ST is the PPP method that contained a lineal structure,

    where the learning course is stopped when the student does not understand the last stage,

    it means that if the student does not understand the simple forms we cannot move on$ This

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    method is conform by a P:ESE%T/T2% (when you present the grammar in a controlled

    situation#, P:/FT2FE (it is a controlled practice phase# and finally the P:=*FT2% (the

    learner transfer the structure to freer communication#$

    But in recent years and with the new perspectives of teaching a language, the

    model of PPP was much criticied, Koodward ("88A# writes.

    (The NPPPO# model seems to be firmly rooted in the tradition of

    thought springing from =escartes who believed that things should be Ndivided

    up the better to study themO$ This analytic view of study is in contrast to the

    growing feeling in our own time that more holistic or e"oloi"al ways of

    looking at interlocking variables and systems might be healthier$

    =espite his popularity and its widespread used, this method have been criticied as

    being incompatible with the findings of second language ac+uisition researches, which

    state that the learner does not simply learn one grammatical item after another (Skehan

    "88'0 Scrivener "88;#$

    /s an alternative for planning, one that is suitable with the sociocultural approach of

    syllabus !"", is ES/ model$ The ES/ model born with Deremy JarmerM


    /part from the planning, another important tool for teacher is assessing0 according

    with the !"" syllabus the assessing of learning is the process to obtaining evidence,


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  • 8/9/2019 Storytellin to teach young learners


    7Q 2%TE:3E%T2% ST:/TEGQ

    Khat is and strategy

    Khat is my strategy

    Jow is going to help students

    7ET=GQ @ ST*=Q (9-

    Khat is a methodology

    Jwts is a ++ulitative research

    Khat si study case

    ST*=E%TS P:@2E (&-8#

    Student a

    Student bR

    student c

    P:DEFT "(T/SL ",,A,#

  • 8/9/2019 Storytellin to teach young learners
