Strange results give rise to strange discussions In iiiir paper Kutlroc~rrhuri ~krri1ig (11 I ~ P C h i -Frtrr&id hwndirij, ,I/ iht, .Swihvh 7iIlie Si dt,. b) Lars Brunnberg and Gdraii Poisnert. in BOI-[MJ 21. X9 9h ( 1997) ue presented radioc;irbon h t e , of organic I prriostrdcuni) and inorganic (shell carbonate) fraction\ from I'orrimdrti ( YiildiiiJ (rr( LI shells from 'I well-defined stratigraphic ldqer iii a vaned glacial cia! dated to 10.370 \me jsara RP Ihting results from a lish ykeleton found iii ;I correTponding clay \ar\e time inrenal Mere also prcteritetl These dates were conipared Hith existing calibr,ition ddca a, uell ac u.ith the Swedish cla! \;me time scale In the ~Iiscus~ion \be hale taken the reserroir dlects into coii~iJcra~~o~~ The obtained radiocxbon ages ;ire compared both .ritti [he clay bane time scale md \\ith similar nieawre- niencs reported from terrestrial material. Since the age of the carbiinate frdction is higher thm the cLi) \ar\e date. a snialler diferrnce \\ill qpcar uhen a correction for thc re\ervoir etTect is applied An) reservoir cHect will normally make the mea- sured dge higher than the 'real' one. For thc organic materiiil [ periosti-acuni and fish skeleton). on the other hand. which is younger than the clay varve date. a iqqu dr[/t~r~,11w will be obtained when the reservoir effect is subtracted. We have to reduce the measured age with the correction f,ictor. which means that the discrepancies, instcad of 1000 )car\ which ue hale written (page 95, first column \econd paragraph). will be 2000 years. We regret this mistake and the confusion it may have caused the readers. Unfortu- natel) the comparison bet\\een dating methods and dated m;ite- rial in our piper no\\ conies out more unaspected than berim. Lorr RI rititi/wrq. Dipurri~iiw~ <I/ Qiu~r~~rtiirrv Rc.~eurv.h, Storhholtn 1 ;iii.i,r511j. Oilett~~iirirn 6.7. S- 113 22 Stockholtn, Su~&n: Gbrirw Po, 51i~'rr. Tlic Srrdhr,x Lirhornrorj'. L'tiii-o.sitr of L~J~s~u. 811.1- ... $7 i. S- 731 .?I ~~jJ/JSdil. SII &II, .Voi.mrher, 1992.

Strange results give rise to strange discussions

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Strange results give rise to strange discussions

In iiiir paper Kutlroc~rrhuri ~ k r r i 1 i g (11 I ~ P C h i - F r t r r & i d

hwndirij, , I / i h t , . S w i h v h 7 i I l i e Si dt , . b) Lars Brunnberg and Gdraii Poisnert. in BOI-[MJ 21. X9 9h ( 1997) u e presented radioc;irbon h t e , of organic I prriostrdcuni) and inorganic (shell carbonate) fraction\ from I'orrimdrti ( YiildiiiJ (rr( L I

shells from 'I well-defined stratigraphic ldqer iii a v a n e d glacial cia! dated to 10.370 \ m e jsara RP Ih t ing results from a lish ykeleton f o u n d iii ;I correTponding clay \ a r \e time inrenal Mere also prcteritetl These dates were conipared H i t h existing calibr,ition ddca a, uell ac u.ith the Swedish cla! \ ;me t i m e scale

In the ~Iiscus~ion \be h a l e taken the reserroir d l e c t s into c o i i ~ i J c r a ~ ~ o ~ ~ The obtained radiocxbon ages ;ire compared both . r i t t i [he clay b a n e time scale m d \\ith similar nieawre- niencs reported from terrestrial material. Since the age of the carbiinate frdction i s higher t h m the cLi) \ a r \ e date. a snialler diferrnce \\ill q p c a r uhen a correction for thc re\ervoir etTect

i s applied An) reservoir cHect wi l l normally make the mea- sured dge higher than the 'real' one.

For thc organic materiiil [ periosti-acuni and fish skeleton). on the other hand. which i s younger than the clay varve date. a i q q u dr [ / t~ r~ ,11w wi l l be obtained when the reservoir effect is subtracted. We have to reduce the measured age with the correction f,ictor. which means that the discrepancies, instcad of 1000 )car\ which u e h a l e written (page 95, first column \econd paragraph). will be 2000 years. We regret this mistake and the confusion it may have caused the readers. Unfortu- natel) the comparison bet\\een dating methods and dated m;ite- rial in our piper no\\ conies out more unaspected than berim.

Lorr RI ri t i t i /wrq. D ipurr i~ i iw~ < I / Q i u ~ r ~ ~ r t i i r r v Rc.~eurv.h, Storhholtn 1 ; i i i . i , r511j . O i l e t t ~ ~ i i r i r n 6.7. S- 113 22 Stockholtn, Su~&n: Gbrirw P o , 51i~'rr. Tlic Srrdhr,x Lirhornrorj ' . L'tiii-o.sitr of L ~ J ~ s ~ u . 811.1-

. . . $ 7 i. S- 731 .?I ~ ~ j J / J S d i l . S I I &I I , .Voi.mrher, 1992.