A leading catholic boys school established by the marist brothers in 1950 STRATEGIC IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2019 - 2021

STRATEGIC IMPROVEMENT PLAN...Dear members of the Marcellin College family, It is with a great sense of excitement and anticipation that I present to you the Marcellin College Strategic

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Page 1: STRATEGIC IMPROVEMENT PLAN...Dear members of the Marcellin College family, It is with a great sense of excitement and anticipation that I present to you the Marcellin College Strategic

A leading catholic boys school established by the marist brothers in 1950


2019 - 2021

Page 2: STRATEGIC IMPROVEMENT PLAN...Dear members of the Marcellin College family, It is with a great sense of excitement and anticipation that I present to you the Marcellin College Strategic

A village on the hillMarce l l in Col lege was es tab l i shed by the Mar i s t Brothers in Camberwel l in 1950 and moved to i t s current s i te in Bu l leen in 1963. From a humble beg inn ing o f 107 s tudents , the Col lege now prov ides an educat ion for over 1400 boys .

Marce l l in i s a p lace that cont inues to evo lve and remains commit ted to dr iv ing a s t rong improvement agenda for our inc lus ive fa i th learn ing communi ty. In recent years our Leadersh ip Team es tab l i shed rev iews in to many aspects o f our Col lege operat ions over recent years . We commenced th i s process in deve lop ing a long- term Masterp lan for fu ture deve lopment o f the phys ica l env i ronment o f our campus. Th is was fo l lowed wi th a rev iew in in to our Wel lbe ing S t ructures wi th one outcome see ing the success fu l in t roduct ion o f our tenth house, Ch i ra t . We have a l so under taken important rev iews in to the prov i s ion o f Careers Educat ion, Ind iv idua l Needs and the work and funct ion o f our Resource Centre.

Most recent ly the Col lege as worked in par tnersh ip wi th the Austra l i an Counc i l o f Educat iona l Research (ACER) Commit ted to Exce l lence program by commiss ion ing a Nat iona l School Improvement Tool (NSIT) Rev iew in to the prov i s ion o f learn ing and teach ing .

The NSIT Rev iew i s spec i f i ca l l y des igned to equ ip pr inc ipa l s and s ta f f w i th the data they need to p lot the i r school ’ s current pos i t ion aga ins t in ternat iona l e f fec t ive prac t i ce and to p lan a focused approach to school improvement appropr ia te to the context our ind iv idua l context .

Much o f the NSIT Rev iew f ind ings has shaped the format ion o f our S t ra teg ic Improvement P lan 2019 – 2021. A p lan that p laces learn ing a t the centre o f the next phase in our long h i s tory as we cont inue to re- imag ine opportun i t ies for each young man in our care d i scover the i r poss ib i l i t y.

Dear members o f the Marce l l in Col lege fami ly,

I commend th i s S t ra teg ic Improvement P lan 2019-2021 to you.

I t has emerged a f ter a comprehens ive rev iew process dur ing 2018. Th is process named the many key s t rengths o f the great Marce l l in communi ty whi le ident i f y ing some areas tha t requ i red fur ther deve lopment .

In work ing wi th Mark Murphy and h i s leadersh ip team there i s an obv ious commitment to . young men be ing known, respected and supported to f lour i sh in learn ing and l i fe . Th i s p lan wi l l fur ther support th i s commitment whi le acknowledg ing tha t young men wi l l f lour i sh in an env i ronment where the Catho l i c and Mar i s t t rad i t ions are s t rong and ce lebra ted. In tegra l to these t rad i t ions i s the importance o f educat ion and cha l leng ing each s tudent to ach ieve the i r potent ia l .

Th i s S t ra teg ic Improvement P lan char ts a path forward through engag ing in contemporary educat iona l research as Marce l l in Col lege cont inues to encourage s tudents to s t r ive for the h ighes t wi th v i r tue and courage.

Mar i s t Schools Aus t ra l i a as the governors o f Marce l l in Col lege fu l l y endorses th i s p lan and o f fer our prayers and encouragement to Mark Murphy and h i s s ta f f as they set about implementa t ion.

JULIE RYAN B.Comm, D ip Ed , Grad D ip Cur r, Grad D ip RE , MEd (Po l i c y ) , FACEL (V ic )

A Message from the Regional Director of Marist Schools Australia











Page 3: STRATEGIC IMPROVEMENT PLAN...Dear members of the Marcellin College family, It is with a great sense of excitement and anticipation that I present to you the Marcellin College Strategic

Dear members o f the Marce l l in Col lege fami ly,

I t i s wi th a great sense o f exc i tement and ant i c ipa t ion that I present to you the Marce l l in Col lege S t ra teg ic Improvement P lan 2019 - 2021.

As a Catho l i c School in the Mar i s t t rad i t ion, Marce l l in Col lege a ims to be a centre o f learn ing , o f l i fe and o f evange l i s ing . Our inc lus ive Col lege communi ty i s commit ted to the educat ion o f the whole person in an a tmosphere founded in co l lec t ive teacher e f f i cacy. Th is concept i s we l l descr ibed through the second Vat i can Counc i l ’ s Pas tora l Const i tu t ion “Gaud ium et Spes” which recogn ises tha t we can jus t l y cons ider that the future o f human i ty l i e s in the hands o f those who are s t rong enough to prov ide coming generat ions w i th reasons fo r l i v ing and hop ing .

Through the ded ica t ion o f our s ta f f, the t rus t o f our parents and the energy and openness o f our s tudents i t i s my des i re and prayer tha t th i s s i gn i f i cant document wi l l support us in br ing ing hope to our young men as together we forge a new and exc i t ing path in learn ing . One which wi l l engage and connect wi th our s tudents as they prepare for a contemporary wor ld beyond our imag in ing . As fo l lowers o f Champagnat we draw insp i ra t ion f rom h i s dream of forming Good Chr i s t ians and Good C i t izens .

MARK MURPHY Dip T, BA , BTheo l , Pos tg rad D ip (S tudent Wel fa re) , MSL , MBA (Exec)

A Message from the Principal







Page 4: STRATEGIC IMPROVEMENT PLAN...Dear members of the Marcellin College family, It is with a great sense of excitement and anticipation that I present to you the Marcellin College Strategic

CATHOLICTo improve unders tand ing o f the Catho l i c f a i th t rad i t ion that underp ins our Catho l i c Mar i s t Col lege communi ty.


To improve unders tand ing o f the Catho l i c fa i th t rad i t ion that underp ins our Catho l i c Mar i s t Co l lege communi ty.

That s ta f f, s tudents and fami l ies demonstra te an enhanced unders tand ing o f the Col lege ’s Catho l i c Mar i s t miss ion to make Jesus Chr i s t known and loved.

Rev iew induct ion processes and s ta f f format ion opportun i t ies to c lar i f y tha t our Col lege ’s miss ion i s to en l i ven the Catho l i c f a i th t rad i t ion through a Mar i s t lens .

Rev iew recru i tment processes to enhance l i ke l ihood that fu ture s ta f f a re commit ted to support ing and nour i sh ing the Catho l i c t rad i t ion o f our communi ty.


Deepen the unders tand ing o f our Catho l i c Mar i s t t rad i t ions through enhanc ing re l i g ious i conography wi th in the Col lege, both through d i sp layed i tems and d i s t r ibuted in format ion about them.

Rev iew Re l ig ious Educat ion curr icu lum to ensure that learn ing outcomes inc lude drawing exp l i c i t connect ions between the Catho l i c f a i th and i t s Mar i s t express ion.


Cont inue to en l iven prayer and re f lec t ion that nour i shes connectedness wi th God for. a l l in our communi ty.

In t roduce a Feas t o f S t . Marce l l in Champagnat Mass and Lunch for the extended communi ty to be he ld dur ing So l idar i ty Week.


CARETo commit to a safe and supportive environment which fosters growth, sel f-awareness, identity and posit ive relat ionships, ensuring that al l individuals are valued and have a sense ofbelonging.


To commit to a sa fe and suppor t i ve env i ronment wh ich fos ters g rowth, se l f -awareness , ident i ty and pos i t i ve re lat ionsh ips , ensur ing that a l l i nd i v idua l s a re va lued and have a sense o f be long ing .

In terac t ions between a l l members o f the communi ty – s ta f f, s tudents and fami l ies – are focused on the learn ing and wel lbe ing o f s tudents and on cont inua l l y improv ing the school ’ s ab i l i t y to meet the needs o f a l l s tudents That there i s a s t rong, persona l , co l lec t ive and co l leg ia l respons ib i l i t y for improv ing s tudent learn ing and wel lbe ing .

Rev iew s ta f f and s tudent unders tand ing o f Res tora t ive Prac t i ces and engage s ta f f in pro fess iona l learn ing and re implement program.

Deve lop an implementa t ion s t ra tegy for pos i t i ve psycho logy pr inc ip les in our Catho l i c context which inc ludes s ta f f pro fess iona l learn ing .


Implement pos i t i ve psycho logy pr inc ip les through Learn ing and Wel lbe ing programs.

Research and deve lop new un i t s in S tudent Wel lbe ing Program on Be long ing and Divers i ty in our communi ty. 2020

Del iver new un i t s in S tudent Wel lbe ing Program on Be long ing and Divers i ty in our communi ty.

Deve lop and de l iver a parent program that deve lops a par tnersh ip between the Col lege and parents to support pos i t i ve psycho logy pr inc ip les in our Catho l i c context .


CONNECTIONTo es tab l i sh an agreed and overarch ing pedagog ica l f ramework for the co l lege to improve s tudent learn ing outcomes.


To es tab l i sh an agreed and overarch ing pedagog ica l f ramework fo r the Co l lege to improve s tudent learn ing outcomes.

That there i s ev idence o f cons i s tent growth in measurab le s tudent learn ing outcomes.

That there i s a pedagog ica l f ramework deve loped and implemented based on bes t prac t i ce and research to enhance a l l aspects o f learn ing and teach ing .

Agree on a sharp, narrow, endur ing focus for school-wide learn ing improvement inc lud ing key pr ior i t ies targeted a t improv ing s tudent outcomes.

Bu i ld s ta f f capac i ty in the use o f da ta focused on improv ing s tudent outcomes. Sk i l l midd le leaders in the process o f f acu l ty-based data rev iew.


Implement f ramework(s ) and s t ruc tures to support the in t roduct ion o f exp l i c i t ta i lored teach ing pedagogy based on format ive feedback, d iagnost i c tes t ing , assessment and report ing arrangements , wi th a focus on both learn ing a t ta inment and learn ing ga in .

Pr ior i t i se the e f fec t ive implementa t ion o f learn ing progress ions for l i teracy and numeracy in curr icu lum de l ivery dur ing the ear ly years o f secondary school ing .


Rev iew the sus ta inab i l i t y and re levance o f co -curr icu lar events and par tnersh ips for the i r s t ra teg ic connect ion to the exp l i c i t in tent ions o f the co l lege and the resources ava i l ab le .

Commit to a communi ty tha t bu i lds par tnersh ips wi th parents and carers , pr imary schools , par i shes , Old Col leg ians , bus iness and the wider communi ty in support o f s tudent growth and l i fe beyond Marce l l in Col lege.


Page 5: STRATEGIC IMPROVEMENT PLAN...Dear members of the Marcellin College family, It is with a great sense of excitement and anticipation that I present to you the Marcellin College Strategic

COMMUNITYTo fos ter a communi ty o f connectedness , sus ta inab i l i t y and respons ib le f inanc ia l and resource management .


To fos ter a communi ty o f connectedness , sus ta inab i l i t y and respons ib le f inanc ia l and resource management .

That we have a connected and co l l aborat ive Catho l i c Mar i s t communi ty.

That we have an innovat ive market ing approach resu l t ing in s t rength o f reputa t ion for enro lment s tab i l i t y and fundra i s ing in i t i a t i ves contr ibut ing to long term sus ta inab i l i t y.

Es tab l i sh a p lan to connect wi th a l l re levant s takeholders ( f ami l ies , feeder par i shes , Old Col leg ians , the bus iness communi ty, the Marce l l in Foundat ion and others ) and set targets for the e f fec t iveness o f the engagement .

Br ing together Communi ty Engagement & Market ing Team in a new re imag ined o f f i ce space to a l low improved co l l aborat ion.


Enact p lan to ach ieve agreed targets in fundra i s ing and other resource sus ta inab i l i t y in i t i a t i ves wi th a focus on those in greates t need.

Foster communi ty connectedness through the ce lebra t ion o f our inc lus ive , re la t iona l and hope- f i l led school over the pas t 70 years .


Assess the e f fec t iveness o f improved communi ty engagement and awareness ac t iv i t ies .

S tewardsh ip o f the env i ronment by implement ing the three ma in p i l l a rs o f sus ta inab i l i t y : economic , env i ronmenta l , and soc ia l .


CULTURETo embed a cu l ture o f h igh per formance and cont inuous school improvement .


To embed a cu l tu re o f h igh per fo rmance and cont inuous schoo l improvement .

That there wi l l be a cu l ture o f h igh-qua l i ty teach ing and pedagog ica l prac t i ces , re f lec t ive o f innovat ive prac t i ce , i s ev idence based and i s focused on growth and ach ievement .

Parents and fami l ies are va lued as par tners in s tudent learn ing , and parents , school leaders and teachers work together in mutua l l y support ive ways . There i s a s t rong sense o f be long ing and pr ide in the school .

Deve lop a cu l ture tha t pos i t i ve ly promotes , a f f i rms and ce lebra tes educat ion. Deve lop a s t rong co l leg ia l cu l ture where s ta f f w i l l have an exp l i c i t and shared commitment to the improvement o f prac t i ce and an openness to feedback.

Clar i f y and a l i gn a l l the ins t ruct iona l leadersh ip s t ruc tures , respons ib i l i t ies , pro fess iona l learn ing support , and t imel ines set , to de l i ver on an agreed narrow, sharp agenda for school-wide improvement .


Create the cond i t ions and c l imate to enab le a cont inuous ly improv ing pro fess ion through the prov i s ion o f h igh-qua l i ty pro fess iona l learn ing for a l l s ta f f ; appropr ia te to the i r career s tage, deve lopment needs and the changes rap id ly occurr ing in soc ie ty.

Focus on support ing s tudents in the i r learn ing , academic ach ievement , leadersh ip deve lopment and wel lbe ing . 2020

Cont inue to enact the Col lege ’s Masterp lan, creat ing spaces for learn ing , p lay and engagement .

Create authent ic opportun i t ies for s ta f f, s tudents and fami l ies to connect as co - learners . 2021