Studio optics: Adapting interactive engagement pedagogy to upper-division physics Christopher M. Sorensen, Dyan L. McBride, and N. Sanjay Rebello Citation: American Journal of Physics 79, 320 (2011); doi: 10.1119/1.3535580 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1119/1.3535580 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aapt/journal/ajp/79/3?ver=pdfcov Published by the American Association of Physics Teachers Articles you may be interested in Developing a Kerr microscope for upper-division solid-state physics laboratories Am. J. Phys. 82, 574 (2014); 10.1119/1.4863916 Incorporating Sustainability and 21st-Century Problem Solving into Physics Courses Phys. Teach. 51, 372 (2013); 10.1119/1.4818380 ACER: A framework on the use of mathematics in upper-division physics AIP Conf. Proc. 1513, 90 (2013); 10.1063/1.4789659 Strategies for Adopting Interactive Engagement Methods Phys. Teach. 45, 395 (2007); 10.1119/1.2768707 Interactive video tutorials for enhancing problemsolving, reasoning, and metacognitive skills of introductory physics students AIP Conf. Proc. 720, 177 (2004); 10.1063/1.1807283 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AAPT content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 07:24:30

Studio optics: Adapting interactive engagement pedagogy to upper-division physics

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Page 1: Studio optics: Adapting interactive engagement pedagogy to upper-division physics

Studio optics: Adapting interactive engagement pedagogy to upper-division physicsChristopher M. Sorensen, Dyan L. McBride, and N. Sanjay Rebello Citation: American Journal of Physics 79, 320 (2011); doi: 10.1119/1.3535580 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1119/1.3535580 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aapt/journal/ajp/79/3?ver=pdfcov Published by the American Association of Physics Teachers Articles you may be interested in Developing a Kerr microscope for upper-division solid-state physics laboratories Am. J. Phys. 82, 574 (2014); 10.1119/1.4863916 Incorporating Sustainability and 21st-Century Problem Solving into Physics Courses Phys. Teach. 51, 372 (2013); 10.1119/1.4818380 ACER: A framework on the use of mathematics in upper-division physics AIP Conf. Proc. 1513, 90 (2013); 10.1063/1.4789659 Strategies for Adopting Interactive Engagement Methods Phys. Teach. 45, 395 (2007); 10.1119/1.2768707 Interactive video tutorials for enhancing problemsolving, reasoning, and metacognitive skills of introductoryphysics students AIP Conf. Proc. 720, 177 (2004); 10.1063/1.1807283

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Page 2: Studio optics: Adapting interactive engagement pedagogy to upper-division physics

Studio optics: Adapting interactive engagement pedagogyto upper-division physics

Christopher M. SorensenDepartment of Physics, Kansas State University, 116 Cardwell Hall, Manhattan, Kansas 66506-2601

Dyan L. McBrideDepartment of Physics, Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pennsylvania 16509

N. Sanjay RebelloDepartment of Physics, Kansas State University, 116 Cardwell Hall, Manhattan, Kansas 66506-2601

�Received 7 May 2010; accepted 14 November 2010�

The use of interactive engagement strategies to improve learning in introductory physics is not new,but have not been used as often for upper-division physics courses. We describe the developmentand implementation of a Studio Optics course for upper-division physics majors at Kansas StateUniversity. The course adapts a three-stage Karplus learning cycle and other elements to foster anenvironment that promotes learning through an integration of lecture, laboratories, and problemsolving. Some of the instructional materials are described. We discuss the evaluation of the courseusing data collected from student interviews, a conceptual survey, an attitudinal survey, and theinstructor’s reflections. Overall, students responded positively to the new format and showed modestgains in learning. The instructor’s experiences compared favorably with the traditional course thathe had taught in the past. © 2011 American Association of Physics Teachers.

�DOI: 10.1119/1.3535580�


Research has shown that students learn better through in-teractive engagement.1 A variety of interactive engagementmodels have been used in introductory level physics coursessuch as Studio Physics,2 Tools for Scientific Thinking,3

Workshop Physics,4 Peer Instruction,5 Socratic DialogLaboratories,6 and the New Studio method developed atKansas State University.7 All of these models have focusedon the introductory level. Application of similar models toupper-division classes is much less explored, although thereare some notable examples such as Paradigms in Physics,8

where the junior-senior curriculum for physics majors wasrevamped and tutorials developed for upper-division physicstheory courses.9

In this paper we describe an interactive course in optics atthe junior-senior and first year graduate student level thatincorporates the methods of interactive physics instruction.Similar efforts have recently been reported by others.10 Wedescribe our efforts to infuse interactivity in the upper-division optics course by incorporating into the lecture shortlaboratory experiences which we call lab-demos.


The optics studio course, Physics 651, is the first 15 weeksemester of our three-semester optics curriculum. The text-book is Optics by Hecht. The course schedule is 2 h onMonday and Wednesday and 1 h on Friday. The total of fivecourse hours equals the time available in previous courseofferings before the studio model was implemented, but theway in which the time is allocated between lecture and ex-periment different.

The course topics are elementary waves and electromag-netism, Fresnel equations, dispersion theory, geometric op-tics and instruments, polarization, interference, and diffrac-tion. The second and third semesters, which have not yet

been adapted to the studio format, include Fourier optics,coherence theory, holography, scattering, lasers, nonlinearoptics, ultrafast optics, and fiber optics.

Implementation of the studio/workshop concept has sev-eral important components. The lectures, experiments, anddiscussion occur in the same room with 1200 ft2 of space,with five 4�6 ft optical tables for the students, and one 4�8 ft optical table for the instructor. Students work ingroups of up to four, so a total of 20 students can be accom-modated. Two whiteboards are at the front for the instructorto use for lectures as well as for students to talk and shareinformation as they work in small groups on the experi-ments. At the front of the room is a wide TV screen to dis-play PowerPoint slides or information from the internet. Thislayout allows a seamless integration and transitions betweenthe lectures and experiments. It also puts the students to-gether for interaction and peer instruction, and the instructorhas easy access to all the groups for facile teacher-studentinteraction.

Another key component of the studio/workshop concept isthe close temporal connection between the lecture andhands-on experimentation. We typically follow a three-ministep approach consistent with Karplus’s learning cycle11

or Schwartz and Bransford’s “time for telling” strategy.12

Step 1: Miniexploration, �5 min: This step is a brief fa-miliarization with the topic where the students “messaround” with equipment and think qualitatively about ideasthat will be discussed in the minilecture. The duration of thisstep is curtailed to not lose focus.

Step 2: Minilecture, �5–20 min: The instructor lectures onthe subject in the usual manner, including concepts, deriva-tions, and terminology, in bite-sized units that students canassimilate and apply. This idea is borrowed from Paradigms.8

We do not want the lecture to go too long before studentsapply their knowledge. Rather they do so immediately in theminilaboratory. In a 2 h studio period, two to threeminilectures/minilaboratories are taught. In some cases the

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Page 3: Studio optics: Adapting interactive engagement pedagogy to upper-division physics

minilecture is taught first with the minilaboratory verifyingthe lecture as well as amplifying and cementing the concepts.In other cases the minilaboratory precedes the theory dis-cussed in the lecture, and the students are guided to discoverprinciples to be subsequently discussed in the minilecture.

A limitation of this approach is that students do not havean adequate opportunity to perform careful extended datataking and analysis. However, our discussions with the in-structor who has mentored some of our students when theybecome graduate student researchers in his research labora-tory indicate that they do not appear to have deficiencies intheir ability to analyze research data.

Step 3: Minilaboratory, �10–30 min: Students makequantitative measurements to verify and apply what theyhave learned in the minilecture. Some of the minilaboratoriesalso involve group problem solving. Many of the assignedhomework problems can be related to the minilaboratories,thus giving reality to the problems. Comparison of numericalresults obtained from relevant homework with experimentalresults instills a sense of experimental uncertainty which var-ies widely in optics.

A novel feature of the minilaboratory is the use of labora-tory demos. The lab-demos are short hands-on activities thathave both experimental and demonstrational components inthe spirit of lecture demonstrations. This style was success-fully implemented several years ago for our calculus-basedphysics course.7 The optics lab-demos quickly demonstratethe main idea or ideas of the minilecture and integratereadily with both the lecture material and assigned problems.For example, 20 min of forming images with lenses givesreality to ray diagrams and the paraxial formula. A total of 46lab-demos have been developed.

The development of the lab-demos was modeled after ourdevelopment of lab-demos for our introductory physicscourse.7 A professor, who had taught optics six times, re-viewed the course topics and suggested the relevant lab-demos. These ideas were given to a graduate student assis-tant to try them. This tryout ranged from simply grabbing afew lenses and rehearsing image formation to designing andprototyping new equipment. Once a lab-demo worked wellenough, six copies of the equipment were made and/or pur-chased, often with the aid of our machine shop. The profes-sor wrote brief, noncookbook descriptions of the lab-demosand assembled them into the Optics Studio Manual. Materi-als were purchased with the aid of an NSF grant and totaled�$80,000. Some examples from our studio manual areshown in the Appendix.

As mentioned, relevant experimentation with opticalequipment immediately follows the minilecture. At minimumthis one-two punch of the same subject matter helps the stu-dents’ retention through repetition. But the immediate juxta-position of lecture �that is, theory� and experiment is muchricher. In this way the lecture material immediately takesform as real phenomena and relations. Students interact withthe phenomenon and explore it with other students and theprofessor. This setting of lively interaction is very conducivefor learning.


After the activities had been developed and before the Stu-dio Optics course was offered, we conducted interviews with12 students to determine how they would respond to learningusing the studio optics activities. Eight of the students were

physics majors in their sophomore or junior year who had allcompleted 1 yr of calculus-based physics. The other fourwere beginning graduate students who had completed an un-dergraduate optics course. Our goal was to ascertain the is-sues that students might have regarding the studio laboratoryformat. In particular, we were interested in the clarity of theinstructions for the experiments. How do students proceedand reason through the experiment?

Each student was interviewed twice, with each interviewsession about a week apart. Each session was about 50 minlong. The interview topics were single slit diffraction in thefirst session and circular diffraction and Poisson’s spot in thesecond session. In each session the student was providedwith the laboratory instructions, the equipment for the labo-ratory, and a large sheet of paper on which to record data asthey worked through the laboratory exercise. Students wereasked to work through the experiment as they would do in areal course. The interviewer was mainly an observer, and didnot provide assistance, but asked them to explain what theywere writing. If the students were off track, the interviewerprovided cues so that the student would make observationspertinent to the experiment goal. The interviewer also askedstudents to defend their explanations of the observations. Allinterviews were videotaped and transcribed. The transcriptswere analyzed for patterns of student behavior and reasoningand not as much for details about the correctness of the phys-ics concepts related to the particular laboratory.

Our analysis of student work through the laboratory exer-cises indicated that the instructions were clear to all of thestudents. However, most students were uncomfortable withthe philosophy of “messing around.” Nine out of the 12 stu-dents tended to revert to using a traditional experimentalprocedure even without being asked to do so. Students alsohad difficulties with the physics as evinced by their relianceon equations rather than qualitative reasoning and inability torecognize incorrect results �for example, when they calcu-lated the wavelength of the laser in millimeters instead ofnanometers�. Overall, students’ expectations of what theyshould be doing in a laboratory appeared to constrain theexploratory mode of the studio laboratories.

A conceptual test was administered during the first offer-ing of Studio Optics. To assess student learning we adminis-tered the conceptual test three times in the course: first as apretest, then as a midtest with a subset of the questions ad-dressing topics that were covered in the course, and finally asa post-test with the remainder of the test questions. The ques-tions were adapted from Ref. 13 and were based on what theinstructor indicated would be covered during the semesterand included questions on ray optics, polarization, interfer-ence, and diffraction. There were short answer questions aswell as multiple-choice questions that also asked students toexplain the reasoning for their answer.

The short answer and reasoning questions were graded ona scale of 0–4 based on correctness: “0” was for no answer,“1” indicated an incorrect answer, and points 2–4 were as-signed depending on the reasoning. After multiple attempts,we were able to build consistency in using the scoring rubricto 97%.

Table I shows the data from the conceptual test. Onlythose students who were present for all three evaluations areincluded for statistical purposes, a total of 15, and the valuesin the table are averages for these participants. Table I shows

321 321Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 3, March 2011 Sorensen, McBride, and Rebello

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Page 4: Studio optics: Adapting interactive engagement pedagogy to upper-division physics

the normalized gain6 for the score on each test item as wellas the effect size for both pretest to midtest comparisons andpretest to post-test comparisons.

The normalized gain is given by

�g� = �post% − pre%

100 − pre%if post% � pre%

post% − pre%

pre%if post% � pre%.� �1�

Equation �1� is a ratio of the actual pretest to post-test in-crease �or decrease� in score on a question to the maximumpossible pretest to post-test increase �or decrease�, yielding amaximum possible normalized gain of 1 �if post%=100%�and a minimum possible normalized gain of �1 �if post%=0%�.

The effect size is given by

r =post% − pre%

Standard Deviation. �2�

Equation �2� is the ratio of the actual pretest to post-testincrease �or decrease� in score on a question to the pooledstandard deviation from both pretest and post-test scores onthat question. Although there are no set standards, effectsizes greater than 0.8 are usually considered a large effect,whereas those near 0.2 are often regarded as a small effect.

From Table I we see that gains on only two of the ques-tions are significant �effect size greater than 0.8�: Q4 frompretest to post-test and Q11 from pretest to midtest.

Many of the gains are negative, particularly from pretestto midtest. Students seem to have forgotten about the con-cepts they had learned prior to the midtest when they tookthe post-test. Forgetting might be expected when the coursecovers a vast amount of content and students do not revisitwhat they had learned earlier in the course. Thus, some ofthe misconceptions that students had when they entered thecourse, such as their belief that a part of an image will dis-appear when a lens is covered,14 persisted even after theyhad completed the course. Further work is needed to developways for students to overcome these misconceptions.

An online survey was administered toward the end of thecourse. The survey had Likert-scale questions with space for

students to provide further comments. A summary of studentresponses on the Likert-scale questions is shown in Table II.For the first, third, and fourth sets of questions we collapsedthe strongly agree and agree responses into a single positivecategory. Similarly, we collapsed the strongly disagree anddisagree responses into one negative category. The secondset of questions, which inquired about the adequacy of timespent, differed from the other sets of questions and was col-lapsed into three categories: less than adequate, adequate,and more than adequate. The actual percentage of students ineach collapsed category is a more accurate representation ofthe data than the means and standard deviations of theLikert-scale rankings.

The first set of questions was on whether the studio activi-ties were closely related to the lecture material, how theyhelped build understanding of optics, and how keeping alaboratory notebook helped them. Most of the student re-sponses were positive, with the only negative responses com-ing from questions on laboratory notebooks.

The second set of questions was on the time allotted forcompleting the studio activities. The responses in Table IIindicate that most students believe that the time spent on thestudio activities was adequate. It appears that students pre-ferred coverage of the topics in a brief lecture before theactivities. For example, one student commented, “It wouldbe better to spend more time after the activities to relate whatwe did to the book material. This way, the concept is pre-sented at the beginning of class, we do something physicallyto visualize it and then the concept is repeated to tie up anyloose ends.” Another student remarked, “Perhaps dedicatinga little bit more time to follow up would be nice, as some-times, even with the hands-on activities, I don’t really under-stand the concept or material.” These suggestions are relatedto the reason why some students did poorly on the post-test,especially on items related to material covered before themidtest. Due to a lack of time that the students spent on eachtopic, they were unable to foster a deep conceptual under-standing of the material.

The third set of questions asked students about the equip-ment and technology that was used during the studio activi-ties. The results are positive, but as with questions in thesecond set, there are more neutral responses than positiveresponses. A typical student comment is “I would like to seemore quantitative activities infused into this class; perhapssomething similar to what we would encounter in research.”Several responses indicated frustration with a lack of equip-ment such as optics bolts, set screws, posts and post holders,and protractors.

The final set of questions was aimed at determining stu-dents’ opinions of the Studio Optics course and its compari-son with a more traditional laboratory course. The responseswere overall positive, with few negative responses. Studentsappeared to have enjoyed the studio format compared to thetraditional laboratory and would overwhelmingly choose thestudio format over the traditional laboratory. Students wereunanimous in their view that they learned more from thestudio format than from the traditional lecture.

The course instructor was experienced in teaching the op-tics course in the traditional format before he began teachingthe Studio Optics course. The instructor did not participate inthe development of Studio Optics, and thus his perspective issimilar to that of an experienced instructor who would beasked to teach the class in the revised format. The instructoris also an active researcher in nonlinear optics. A few of the

Table I. The normalized gain �Ref. 1� and effect size on each of the testitems between the pretest and midtest or between the pre- and post-test. Theshaded cells indicate significant gains with an effect size greater than one.

Q No.

Pretest to midtest Pretest to post-test

Normalized gain Effect size Normalized gain Effect size

1 ¯ ¯ 0.17 �0.372 0.0 0.16 �0.14 �0.553 �0.26 0.72 0.14 0.334 �0.08 0.29 0.41 1.135 0.14 0.35 0.29 0.886 ¯ ¯ 0.16 0.347 ¯ ¯ 0.29 0.888 ¯ ¯ 0.0 0.269 ¯ ¯ 0.11 0.5310 ¯ ¯ 0.32 0.7611 0.47 1.15 0.29 0.6312 0.57 0.75 0.49 0.70

322 322Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 3, March 2011 Sorensen, McBride, and Rebello

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Page 5: Studio optics: Adapting interactive engagement pedagogy to upper-division physics

students who took this class, both graduates and undergradu-ates, went on to conduct research in this professor’s researchlaboratory. Thus, the course instructor could offer his com-mentary on the extent to which the Studio Optics laboratoryexperiences prepared students for optics research.

We interviewed the instructor for about 30 min in an un-structured format. The interview began with the overarchingquestion: What are your overall impressions as instructor ofthe Studio Optics course? During the conversation the inter-viewer asked follow-up questions that asked the instructor toelaborate on the similarities and differences between the twoformats as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each.In the following we describe some of the emergent themesfrom the instructor interview.

Student access to equipment: When the course was taughtin the lecture format with a separate laboratory, students hadto wait until they went to the laboratory to use the equipment

and do the experiments to test the ideas introduced in thelecture. In the studio format, the students were able to learnthe new ideas through concrete experience.

Combating student boredom: Previously, during the 50min lecture, students often became bored and lost interest.The attendance was sparse. Missing an occasional class didnot hurt the good students, because they were able to learnthe material by themselves. However, the poor studentsstruggled. In the studio format students were more active.They moved around, engaged in experiments. The minilec-tures were short enough that students did not get bored, be-cause as soon as the minilectures were completed the stu-dents were engaged in the hands-on activities.

Multiple representations of new concepts: In the tradi-tional lecture students were unable to interact with a newconcept in any other way; that is, the only way they learnedthe concept during class time was by listening to the lecturer.

Table II. Results of the attitudes survey.

Studio activitiesNegative




1. The studio activities relate closely to what we aretalking about in lecture. 38 622. Keeping a laboratory book helps me to betterunderstand the studio activities. 20 32 483. Keeping a laboratory book helps me understandhow the activities relate to the material. 20 32 484. The studio activities help me understand theprinciples of optics 9 9 825. The studio activities help me relate the theory towhat is really happening. 34 666. The studio activities clearly relate to what we arediscussing in lecture. 27 46 27

Time spent in studioLess than adequate


�%�More than adequate

�%�7. How would you describe the time allotted forcompleting the studio activities? 56 448. How would you describe the time spent coveringa topic before the activity? 36 649. How would you describe the time spent coveringa topic after the activity? 24 52 24

Studio equipment NegativeNeutral


�%�10. The studio equipment is sufficient forcompletingthe studio activities. 54 4611. The studio equipment is being used to its fullpotential. 8 9212. The course appropriately makes use of availabletechnology. 100

General opinionsNegative



�%�13. I enjoy the studio format. 8 9214. I enjoy the studio format more than the typicallaboratory format. 18 24 5615. If traditional form and studio format wereoffered,I would choose the studio. 9 9 8216. I believe I have learned more from the studioformat than a traditional lecture. 100

323 323Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 3, March 2011 Sorensen, McBride, and Rebello

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Page 6: Studio optics: Adapting interactive engagement pedagogy to upper-division physics

In the studio students were able to revisit a new concept byobserving its implications using real equipment. For ex-ample, students would not have had a feeling for what is amilliradian. With the appropriate equipment they were ableto gauge what a milliradian is.

Preparation for future learning: The studio laboratory ex-perience was closer to a real research laboratory experience.Not only did students use the same equipment in the studiolaboratory that they used in their research laboratory, theyalso played with the equipment in a way similar to a researchlaboratory. Previously, students who had not taken StudioOptics were often scared as they entered the research labo-ratory. Students who had completed Studio Optics weremuch more confident when they entered the research labora-tory. The lack of explicit instructions and directions appearedto have better prepared these students to learn how to doresearch later.

Students’ expectations of what they should be doing in alaboratory appeared to constrain the exploratory mode of thestudio laboratories. More needs to be done to make studentscomfortable with the loosely structured nature of the studiolaboratories. Student performance on the written conceptualtest showed that students improved significantly from thepre- to post-test on only some of the items. They also re-gressed on some of the items that had been learned beforethe midtest. More attention needs to be paid to the number ofdifferent concepts and how often they are revisited in thecourse. Students also expressed the need for better integra-tion of the vast number of concepts across the course tofacilitate their conceptual understanding of the material. Thisresult is consistent with the lack of conceptual understandingdemonstrated on some items of the conceptual assessment.The instructor also observed that the interactive style of thecourse improved student enthusiasm and alleviated theirboredom. These and other intangible benefits are not measur-able by conceptual assessments and attitudinal surveys.


The studio format allows for seamless spatial and tempo-ral integration of lecture and laboratory activities. The imme-diate juxtaposition of theory and experiment allows studentsto interact with the phenomenon and explore it with otherstudents and the professor. The lab-demos in the minilabora-tory demonstrate the main idea or ideas of the minilecturetopic and integrate readily with both lecture material andassigned problems.

The Studio Optics course is based on the assumption thatinteractive engagement is superior to traditional lectures. Ourevaluation of the course indicates that students respond posi-tively to the overall format of the course, but more needs tobe done to improve the course and its impact on studentlearning. We need to better prepare the students in the courseso that they become more comfortable with the open-endednature of some of the minilaboratories. Another changewould be to reduce the number of topics so that studentshave the opportunity to develop a deeper conceptual under-standing of the material covered in the course.


This work was supported in part by the U.S. NationalScience Foundation, Grant No. DUE-0511667. The authorsthank Professors Zenghu Chang, Brett DePaola, and Bruce

Law for useful interactions. Opinions expressed in this ar-ticle are those of the authors and not necessarily those of theNSF.


Lab-demo 14. Lenses. Set up a luminous object, a lens,and an observation screen.

• Form an image of the object on the screen using a positivelens. Measure the image and object distances. Compare tothe paraxial formula. Vary your object distances frommuch greater than the focal length f to twice the focallength �the “2f point,” an important point of symmetry� tof. Closer than f, what happens? Draw a ray diagram andshow consistency with both the calculation and the mea-surement for your situations. Measure the image and objectsize and compare to calculation and your ray diagram.

• Mess around with a negative lens. Can you form a realimage? Can you ever magnify �enlarge� with such a lens?Lab-demo 17. Telescopes. Make a telescope using two

positive lenses, see Fig. 1. A focal ratio of about 5 to 1 workswell for this demo. Test your telescope by looking at a dis-tant object. What is the lens separation for a distant object?Verify that the final image is inverted. Calculate the magni-fication of your telescope. Estimate the experimental magni-fication by looking through your microscope with one eye,looking at the object with your other eye and allowing youreyes to relax—your brain will overlap the images. Measurethe magnification using the clear aperture and the exit pupil.Change the orientation of the lenses and see which leads tothe least image distortion. Why do things look smaller whenyou look the “wrong way” through your telescope?

A Galilean telescope uses an eye lens with a negative focallength. Make one. Is the image erect or inverted? What is thespacing between the lenses when focused at infinity? Com-pare this to the telescope with two positive lenses. Also com-pare both telescopes’ fields of view.

Fig. 1. Diagram of a telescope.

Fig. 2. The square pulse and its Fourier transform.

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Page 7: Studio optics: Adapting interactive engagement pedagogy to upper-division physics

Lab-demo 31. Single-slit Fraunhofer diffraction. Shine alaser onto a closed adjustable slit. Slowly open the slit untilthe interference pattern appears on a distant �1 m� screenor wall. Observe and sketch how the pattern changes withvarying widths and qualitatively explain. Calculate the wave-length of the laser based on the interference pattern that ap-pears and the width of the slit, and compare this to theknown wavelength of the laser. �Use a magnifying glass andmachinist’s ruler to measure the slit width.� Note that youcan also try to recreate the diffraction pattern by “squeezing”the laser beam with your thumb and index finger. Figure 2illustrates the connection between the slit and its diffractionpattern.

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325 325Am. J. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 3, March 2011 Sorensen, McBride, and Rebello

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