41 I. Write the meanings for the following words: 10M 1. Judicious _____________________________ 2. Thatch _____________________________ 3. Depleted _____________________________ 4. Outburst _____________________________ 5. Broadcast _____________________________ II. Rewrite the sentences by replacing the highlighted word with its synonym given in the box. 8M • monster • price • beneath • high 1. The dog curled up under the table. _____________________________________________________ 2. I’d hire a giant to drop the box. _____________________________________________________ 3. The cost of the toy was too high. _____________________________________________________ 4. The building is very tall. _____________________________________________________ III. Write own sentences using the words given below. 6M 1. Boat: ______________________________________________ 2. Scatter: ______________________________________________ 3. Dig up: ______________________________________________ Summative Assessment - II ENGLISH Name : ............................................................... Secon : ........... Roll No. ........... 100 STANDARD - 5

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Page 1: Summative Assessment - II


I. Write the meanings for the following words: 10M

1. Judicious _____________________________

2. Thatch _____________________________

3. Depleted _____________________________

4. Outburst _____________________________

5. Broadcast _____________________________

II. Rewrite the sentences by replacing the highlighted word with its synonym given in the box. 8M

• monster • price • beneath • high

1. The dog curled up under the table.


2. I’d hire a giant to drop the box.


3. The cost of the toy was too high.


4. The building is very tall.


III. Write own sentences using the words given below. 6M

1. Boat: ______________________________________________

2. Scatter: ______________________________________________

3. Dig up: ______________________________________________

Summative Assessment - IIENGLISH

Name : ............................................................... Sec� on : ........... Roll No. ...........100


Page 2: Summative Assessment - II


IV. Form word pairs by selecting one word from each box. 5M

1. ___________________ 2. ___________________

3. ___________________ 4. ___________________

5. ___________________ 6. ___________________

V. Fill in the blanks with simple past or past progressive. 8M

1. We ________________ (play) tennis when John _______________ (hurt) his ankle.

2. I ______________ (sit) in a cafe when you _____________ (call) me.

3. When I ____________ (walk) into the room, everyone ___________ (work).

4. Anansi __________ (try) to climb the tree when his son __________ (laugh).

VI. Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun. 6M

1. The Taj Mahal _________________ was built by Shahjahan is very beautiful. (who/which)

2. The boy _________________ is wearing blue T-shirt, is my elder brother. (whom/who)

3. The car _______________ was sold by him is not in good condition. (which/whose)

4. The dog _________________ bit the boy, is mad. (that/whose)

5. The girl _________________ hair is grey, is my maid’s daughter.


6. The book _________________ I was looking for, is nowhere in the market. (that/whose)

A door horse candle water time neighbour

B keeperhoodpurifier line rider light

Page 3: Summative Assessment - II


VII. Match the describing words to the pictures. 5M

1. hot (a)

2. thin (b)

3. cold (c)

4. red (d)

5. black (e)

VIII. Add appropriate suffi xes (ly, -ment, -less, -ness and -ful) to make meaningful words. 5M

1. joy + _____________ = ______________________

2. pay + _____________ = ______________________

3. hope + _____________ = ______________________

4. happy + _____________ = ______________________

5. alert + _____________ = ______________________

IX. Give the singular/plural forms of the following nouns. 5M

1. wife ______________ 2. teeth ______________

3. photo ______________ 4. country ______________

5. scarf ______________

X. Write the feminine nouns for the following masculine nouns. 6M

1. Nephew ______________ 2. Husband ______________

3. Uncle ______________

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XI. Answer the following questions. 36M

1. How did people get all the wisdom? _____________________________________________________


2. What happened with the old woman when she returned to the cottage with the heavy present?



3. What was the fi rst thought and impression of Mini on meeting Kabuliwala? _____________________________________________________


4. What did nature want to remind the humans? _____________________________________________________


5. Why was the old man not happy? Give two reasons. _____________________________________________________


6. Why was Mr Breeze fl ushed out? _____________________________________________________


7. From where did Anansi’s son step out and what did he suggest his father? _____________________________________________________


8. What is the poet talking about in the poem ‘Silver’? _____________________________________________________


9. Why does the child need a large box? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

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Summative Assessment - IIMATHEMATICS

Name : ............................................................... Sec� on : ........... Roll No. ...........100


I. Find area of the rectangles with following measurements. 5M

a. length = 2.6 km b. length = 6.5 m

breadth = 1.4 km breadth = 4 m

II. Arrange each group of the fractions in ascending order. 8M

a. ,42 ,8

1 ,123

167 _______________________________

b. ,41 ,5

2 ,103

85 _______________________________

III. Find the area of the squares with the following measurements. 9M

a. Side = 13 m b. Side = 4.8 m c. Side = 16.4 cm

IV. Look at the fi gure and fi ll in the blanks. 5M

a. The intersecting line

segments are ____________.

b. The point of intersection is


c. There are ____________ line segments in this fi gure.

d. EX and XB are also ____________.

e. Line segments XD and ED are meeting at point ____________.







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V. Divide each of the following. 8M

a. 413 ÷ 8

11 b. 522 ÷ 7


VI. Find volume of the cuboids with following measurements. 6M

a. length = 11.5 cm, breadth = 9.2 cm, height = 6 cm

b. length = 7.4 m, breadth = 6.2 m, height = 5.2 m

VII. Draw circles with the following diameters. 6M

a. 5 cm b. 3.5 cm

VIII. Find the product of each of the following. 8M

a. ×7338

52 b. ×5143


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IX. Find the LCM by prime factorisation. 8M

a. 75, 100, 150 b. 210, 280, 360

X. Write two common multiples of the numbers given below. 5M

a. 15 and 30 ________________

b. 40 and 80 ________________

XI. Find three equivalent fractions for the following fractions. 6M

a. 35

________________ b. 27


XII. Find the LCM by listing their multiples 6M

a. 6, 12, 18 b. 2, 4, 5

XIII. Word Problems. 20M

1. Bhavya bought a painting of length 4.3 m and breadth 2.6 m. Find the area of the painting.

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2. Saras covers 523 km by walking and 7

41 km by running. Find the total distance covered by Saras.

3. The product of two numbers is 2800. Their LCM is 56. What is their HCF?

4. The LCM of two numbers 96 and 144 is 288. Find their HCF.

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Name : ............................................................... Sec� on : ........... Roll No. ...........100


I. Fill in the blanks. 16M

1. Iron defi ciency leads to _________________.

2. __________________ is an eco-friendly fuel.

3. The full form of CNG is __________________.

4. _________________ are called body-building food.

5. Petroleum is also called __________________ .

6. _________________ is the process of cutting and gathering ripe crops.

7. The ozone layer protects us from harmful rays like ___________ rays.

8. A ____________ is a simple machine made up of a wheel and a rope.

II. Give two examples of each: 4M

1. Products from petroleum: ________________ ________________

2. Alternate fuel: ________________ ________________

III. Write two sources for each of the following. 6M

1. Carbohydrates __________________, __________________

2. Proteins __________________, __________________

3. Iron __________________, __________________

IV. Name two food items which are preserved by following methods. 8M

1. Canning _______________, _______________

2. Using salt as preservative _______________, _______________

3. Using sugar as preservative _______________, _______________

4. Freezing _______________, _______________

Page 10: Summative Assessment - II


V. Write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to the following statements. 14M

1. Marble is an impure form of limestone. ( )

2. Potatoes, sugar and rice are rich sources of carbohydrates. ( )

3. Mountains, hill and valleys are made up of ice. ( )

4. Diesel is obtained from petroleum. ( )

5. Scurvy occurs due to the defi ciency of vitamin ‘D’. ( )

6. Slate is a metamorphic rock. ( )

7. Paraffi n wax is obtained from coal. ( )

VI. Observe the given pictures and name the forces involved. 6M

VII. Match the following. 6M

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’

1. Anaemia a. Defi ciency of vitamin B

2. Night blindness b. Defi ciency of iron

3. Scurvy c. Defi ciency of vitamin A

4. Rickets d. Iodine defi ciency

5. Goitre e. Defi ciency of vitamin D

6. Beri-beri f. Defi ciency of vitamin C

Page 11: Summative Assessment - II


VIII. Answer the following questions. 40M

1. What is the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources?




2. What are the types of simple machines?




3. What is force? Name the types of forces.




4. What is biogas? Where is it used?




5. What are communicable diseases? Give examples.




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6. What are threshing and winnowing?




7. What is the importance of atmosphere?




8. What do you mean by dispersal of seeds? List the agents of seed dispersal




9. Explain any two metamorphic rocks.




10. What do you understand by chemical change? Explain with example.




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Summative Assessment - IIGENERAL KNOWLEDGE

Name : ............................................................... Sec� on : ........... Roll No. ...........100


I. Look at the pictures and name the Greek Gods. 12M

(Atlas, Athena, Aether, Hercules, Uranus, Zeus)

____________ ____________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________

II. Complete the rhyme and name the titles of each rhyme 15M

1. Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe.


Here’s my awl and wax and thread,

And now your shoe is quite mended. __________________

2. Red and orange,

Green and Blue,


All the colours that you know of. __________________

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3. Butterfl y, butterfl y! From where do you come? I know not, I ask not,

________________________ __________________

4. Mummy and Daddy, I LOVE YOU. Come to me, When I call you.



Mummy and Daddy, I LOVE YOU. __________________

5. Jack and Jill went up the hill, To fetch a pail of water.

________________________ and broke his crown, And Jill came tumbling after. __________________

III. Fill in the following blanks 18M

1. The fi rst season of IPL was inaugurated on __________________

2. The Offi cial Mascot for 2010 Commonwealth Games is


3. The IPL is a professional league for Twenty (20) _________________ competition.

4. _________________ country was suspended from Commonwealth Games held in Delhi.

5. The fi rst season of IPL was won by _________________.

6. _________________ is NASA’s most famous space telescope.

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7. The offi cial song of 2010 Commonwealth Games was composed by _________________.

8. The last Apollo mission was _________________.

9. _________________ was the fi rst scientist astronaut and geologist to visit the moon.

IV. Match the slippers with the same pair 10M

V. Shade the correct amount of juice in each cup and write the name from clue kit under the cup 18M

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VI. Answer the following questions. 8M

1. Which river of the South India (Peninsular India) fl ow in Rift Valleys?

Ans. ____________________________________________________

2. Which rivers of India are the longest and the largest?.

Ans. ____________________________________________________

3. After joining the Ganga which river forms the world’s biggest delta?

Ans. ____________________________________________________

4. Where is the confl uence of the rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati?

Ans. ____________________________________________________

VII. Write the name of the state where these rivers originate. 10M

Rivers States

1. Ravi ______________

2. Godavari ______________

3. Krishna ______________

4. Kaveri ______________

5. Tapti ______________

VIII. Write the common and genus names of the ratite birds 9M

______________ ______________ ______________

______________ ______________ ______________