STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT for The Supply and delivery of Nepali Cement Sealed Quotation SQ No. PU4/2070/71 National Trading Limited Teku, Kathmandu Nepal Issued on : 2070/04/08

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STANDARDBIDDING DOCUMENTf o rThe Supply and delivery of NepaliCementSealed QuotationSQ No. PU4/2070/71National Trading LimitedTeku, at!manduNe"alIssued on : 2070/04/08Last date of submission: 2070/04/23at 12.00P!able of "ontents!able of "ontentsIntrodu#tion and In$tru#tion$........................................................................................1Se#tion I% In&itation for Sealed 'uotation.....................................................................2Se#tion II% In$tru#tion$ to Bidder$.................................................................................3Se#tion III% Condition$ of Contra#t............................................................................7Se#tion I(% S#!edule of Re)uirement$..........................................................................13Se#tion (% Te#!ni#al S"e#ifi#ation$..............................................................................14Se#tion (I%Sam"le *orm$..............................................................................................1# Standa$d %iddin& 'o(uments) P$o(u$ement of *oods Sealed Quotation) 2008Int$odu(tion and Inst$u(tionsIntrodu#tion and In$tru#tion$ Introduction 1. ThisStandardBiddingDocumentshasbeenpreparedbyGovernment of Nepal (GON!"ublic "rocurement #onitoring Office (""#Ofor use in the public procurement of goodsthrough Sealed $uotations.This Standard Bidding Document is based on the "ublic %or&sDirectives ("%D and it incorporates the provisions of "ublic "rocurement 'ct and(egulations)**+.,urther -nstructiontoBidders sectionhas beenaddedtothe"%Ddocuments to provide information to the Bidders. This SBD is to be used for procurement ofgoods up to the value of (s.1.** million.). This -ntroduction and -nstruction part of the SBD should not be incorporated into the biddingdocumentsof "ublic.ntities(".sthat maybeissuedtotheSupplierasapart of biddocuments. This part is only for the use of "urchaser in order to prepare a proper biddingdocument./. -f any provision of this document is inconsistent 0ith "ublic "rocurement 'ct (""'. )*1/ or"ublic "rocurement (egulations (""(! )*12! the provision of this document shall be voidto the e3tent of such inconsistency and the provision of ""' and ""( shall prevail.Se(tion I. In+itation fo$ Sealed Section I. Invitation for Sealed QuotationName of t,e -ffi(e: National !$adin& Limited.dd$ess of t,e -ffi(e: !e/u) 0at,mandu) N1P.LIn&itation for Sealed 'uotation for $u""l+ and deli&er+ of Ne"ale$e CementSealed Quotation No: PU04/2070/71'ate of fi$st Publi(ation: 2070/04/081. !,e National !$adin& Limited ,as been sellin& "ement 2u$(,asin& in afte$ sales 2a3ment and sales(ommission basis f$om its outlets sin(e lon&. In sellin& "ement National !$adin& Limited ,as ea$ned,i&, $e2utation b3 su22l3in& 4ualitati+e and full 4uantit3 "ement to t,e (onsume$s. No5 National!$adin&Limitedis2lannin&tosell"ement ina5idel3andinane52a(e. !,us) no5National!$adin&Limitedin+itessealed4uotationfo$t,e$ateofsales(ommissionf$omNe2aleseP$i+ate"ementanufa(tu$e$s5,ose2$odu(tmeetst,e&o+e$nment madestanda$danda$einte$estedtosu22l3 "ement on afte$ sale 2a3ment basis to t,e National !$adin& Limited and its b$an(,es.2. Inte$ested eli&ible Su22lie$s ma3 obtain fu$t,e$ info$mation and ins2e(t t,e Sealed 4uotation 6o$msat t,eoffi(eofN.!I-NL!7.'IN*LII!1') "1N!7.L-66I"1) !10U) 0.!8.N'U)N1P.L)PU7"8.S1 UNI! P8. No. 4227983) 6.:: 422#1#1) ob. No. ;8#10;;294 o$ +isit to555.nationalt$adin&limited.(om.n2.3. Sealed Quotation 6o$ms ma3 be 2u$(,ased b3 eli&ible manufa(tu$e$s on t,e submission of a 5$ittena22li(ation and u2on 2a3ment of a nonualifications as described belo05a uirements+. Technical Specifications,. Clarification ' prospective Supplier9Bidder may obtain clarification on the$uotation ,ormfromthe the "urchaser stated in -nvitation for$uotation.-. .an!ua!e of Quotation'll documentsrelatingtothe$uotationshall bein.nglishor inNepali. /. 0ocuments Comprisin! QuotationThe $uotation by the Bidder shall comprise the follo0ing5a. $uotation and "rice Schedulesb. Bid Securityc. Schedule of (e>uirementsd. Technical Specifications1. Quotation 2ricesThe Bidder shall indicate on the appropriate "rice Schedule the unitprices (0here applicable and total price of the goods to be suppliedunder the contract.'llduties! ta3es and other levies payable by the Bidder under thecontract shall beincludedintherates! pricesandtotal Bid"ricesubmitted by the Bidder."rice >uoted by the Bidder shall remain fi3ed and valid untilcompletion of the ?ontract "erformance and 0illnot be subAect to Standa$d %iddin& 'o(uments) P$o(u$ement of *oods Sealed Quotation) 2008Se(tion II. Inst$u(tions to %idde$svariation in any account.3.Quotation 4alidityThe$uotationshall remainvalidfor theperiodof 26daysafteropening of the >uotation.15. Quotation SecurityThe Bidder shall furnish a Security in Nepali (upees in the amountnot less than ).6 B of the bid amount. The Bid Security shall remainvalid for a period of +6 days after opening of the >uotation.The Security shall be in the form of cash voucher deposited in theBan& 'ccount of the .mployer specified in the notice for C-nvitationfor $uotationD or a ban& guarantee from a ban& acceptable to the.mployer. 11. +ormat and Si!nin! of QuotationsThe $uotation shall be typed or 0ritten in indelible in& and shall besigned by an authoriEed person. 'ny entries or amendmentsincluding alternations! additions or corrections made shall beinitialled by the same authoriEed person.12. Sealin! and 6arkin! of QuotationsTheBidder shall submit his$uotationinsealedenvelopes. Theenvelope shall beaddressed to the "urchaserspecified in the-nvitationfor $uotation and shallbear thename and identificationnumber of the >uotation.1#. 0eadline for Su"mission of Quotations$uotationsshall bedeliveredtothe"urchaserat theaddressnolater than the time and date specified in the -nvitation for $uotation. 1*. .ate Quotation 'ny $uotation received by the "urchaser after the deadline shall notbeacceptedandshall bereturnedunopenedtotheBidderuponre>uest.1,.6odification 'nd Withdra(al$uotations once submitted shall not be 0ithdra0n or modified.1-. Bid $penin! The"urchaser shall openthe$uotationsinthepresenceof theBiddersF representatives 0ho choose to attend at the time and in theplace as specified in the -nvitation for $uotation..The"urchasershall prepareandprovideminutesof theopeningincluding the information disclosed to those present.1/. 2rocess to "e Confidential-nformation relating to the e3amination! evaluation and comparisonof $uotations and recommendations for the a0ard of a contract shallnot be disclosed to Bidders or any other persons not officiallyconcerned 0ith such process until the a0ard to thesuccessfulBidder has been announced. 'ny efforts by the Bidder to influencethe "urchaser in the $uotation evaluation! comparison or contracta0ard decisions may result in reAection of BidderGs >uotation.11.7amination ofQuotations "rior to the detailed evaluation of $uotations! the "urchaser shall determine 0hether each $uotation (a meets the eligibility criteria defined in ?lause )H (b has been properly signedH (c is accompanied by the re>uired securitiesH and (d is substantially responsive to the re>uirements of Standa$d %iddin& 'o(uments) P$o(u$ement of *oods Sealed Quotation) 2008Se(tion II. Inst$u(tions to %idde$s the Bidding documents.13. valuation andComparison ofQuotations18.1 -n evaluating the $uotations! the "urchaser shall determine foreach $uotation the evaluated Bid "rice by adAusting anycorrections for errors. $uotations shall be chec&ed by the"urchaser for any arithmetic errors. .rrors shallbe correctedby the "urchaser as follo0s5a. 0here there is a discrepancy bet0een the amounts infigures and in 0ords! the amount in 0ords shall governHandb. 0here there is a discrepancy bet0een the unit rate andthe line item total resulting from multiplying the unit rateby the >uantity! the unit rate as >uoted shall govern18.) -f the Bidder does not accept the corrected amount! the $uotation shall be reAected and the Security pursuant to ?lause 1* may be forfeited.25. '(ard of ContractThe "urchaser shall decide the a0ard of the contract! 0ithin 16 daysof the opening ofthe >uotation! tothe Bidder 0hose $uotation is0ithin the approved estimate and 0ho has offered the lo0estevaluated Bid "rice! provided that such Bidder has been determinedto be eligible in accordance 0ith the provisions of ?lauses ).21. 2urchaser8s 9i!ht to 'cceptor 9e:ect The "urchaser reserves the right to accept or reAect any $uotationor to cancelthe biddingprocess and reAectall$uotations!atanytime prior to the a0ard of the contract! 0ithout assigning anyreasons 0hatsoever and 0ithout thereby incurring any liability to theaffected Bidder or Bidders.22. Notification of '(ardand Si!nin! of '!reement)).1 The Bidder 0hose $uotation is accepted and all otherparticipatingbiddersshall benotifiedof thea0ardbythe"urchaser. %ithin+daysof receipt of thenotification! thesuccessful Bidder shall deliver the "erformance Securitypursuant to ?lause )/ and sign the 'greement. ))./ -nability of the Bidder to ma&e an 'greement 0ithin the abovestated period shall result in cancellation of the ?ontract '0ardand forfeiture of the BidderGs Security! upon 0hich the?ontract shall then be a0arded to the ne3t successivesuccessful Bidder.2#. 2erformance SecurityThe successful Bidder shall deliver to the "urchaser a "erformanceSecurityincashorBan&Guaranteeacceptabletothe"urchasere>uivalent to 6B of the $uotation amount. Standa$d %iddin& 'o(uments) P$o(u$ement of *oods Sealed Quotation) 2008Se(tion III."ondition -f "ont$a(tSection III. Conditions of Contract1. 0efinitions 1.1 -nthiscontract! thefollo0ingtermsshall beinterpretedasindicated5a. IThe ?ontractI means the agreement entered intobet0een the "urchaser and the Supplier! as recorded inthe?ontract ,ormSignedbytheparties! includingallattachmentsandappendicestheretoandall documentsincorporated by reference thereinHb. IThe ?ontract "riceI means the price payable to theSupplier under the contract for the full and properperformance of its contractual obligationHc. IThe GoodsI means .>uipment and related 'ccessoriesand spareJparts or any other materials 0hich the Supplieris re>uired to supply to the "urchaser under the contractHd. IServicesI means servicesancillary to thesupply of thegoods such as transportation and insurance including theinstallation! commissioning and the operational andmaintenance training of the supplied e>uipment.e. IThe"urchaserI meanstheprocuringentitypurchasingthe goodsHf. IThe SupplierI means the organiEation supplying thegoods and services under this contract.2. Technical Specification).1 Thegoodssuppliedunderthiscontract shall confirmtothestandards mentioned in the Technical Specification.#. 2atent 9i!ht /.1 The Supplier shallindemnify the"urchaser againstallthirdJparty claims of infringement of patent! trademar& or industrialdesign rights arising from use of goods or any part thereof inthe "urchaserFs country.*. 2erformance Security2.1 %ithin seven days (+ of receipt of a0ard of contract from the"urchaser the successful Bidder shall furnish the performancesecurity in accordance 0ith the Sub J ?lause 2./ of the?onditions of ?ontract in the"erformance Security ,ormprovided in the Bidding Documents.2.) ,ailure of the successful Supplier to comply 0ith there>uirement of Sub J clause 2.1 shall constitute sufficientgrounds for the annulment of the a0ard and forfeiture of thebidsecurity! in0hichevent the"urchaser mayma&ethea0ard tothe ne3t lo0est Supplier or call for ne0sealed>uotations.2./ The performance security 0ill be as follo0s5a. The amount of performance security as a percentage ofthe contract price shall be five (6 percent of the Sealed$uotation "rice in the currency of the Sealed $uotationprice.2.2 The validity of "erformance Security shall be one (1 year afterthe final installation and commissioning of the Goods and theissueof final acceptancecertificatetotheSuppliers. TheSupplier shall promptlye3tendthevaliditysuitablytocoveragreed e3tension of the 0arranty period of the supplied goods. Standa$d %iddin& 'o(uments) P$o(u$ement of *oods Sealed Quotation) 2008Se(tion III."ondition -f "ont$a(t2.6 The performance security shall be released 0ithin )K days ofcompletion of 0arranty period and upon submission of claimby the Supplier.,. Inspection and Tests6.1 The"urchaser or its(epresentativeshall havetheright toinspect and9or test the goods to confirm their conformity to theTechnical Specificationandthe>ualityof performanceafterthe supply and delivery of good to the "urchaserFs premises.-. 2ackin! 1.1 TheSuppliershall providesuchpac&ingof thegoodsasisre>uired to prevent their damage or deterioration duringtransmit to their final destination as indicated in the contract.1.) The pac&ing shall be sufficient to 0ithstand! 0ithout limitation!rough handling during transit and e3posure to e3tremetemperatures! salt andprecipitationduringtransit andopenstorage.1./ The pac&ing!mar&ing and documentation 0ithin and outsidethe pac&ages shall comply strictly 0ith such specialre>uirementsasshall bee3presslyprovidedinaccordance0ith international standard and practice./. 0elivery of ;oods+.1 Delivery of the goods shall be made by the Supplier inaccordance0iththetermsspecifiedbythe"urchaserinitsSchedule of (e>uirements.+.) The terms I.7%I! I,OBI! I?-,I! I?-"I etc.! shall be governedby the rules prescribed in the current edition of -N?OT.(#Spublished by the -nternational?hamber of ?ommerce (-??!"aris.1. Insurance K.1 The goods supplied under the contract shall be fully insured inthecurrencyof theSealed$uotationpriceagainst lossordamage incidental to manufacture or ac>uisition!transportation! storage and delivery in the manner specified.K.) %here delivery of the goods is re>uired by the "urchaser on a?-, or ?-" basis to a specified destination! the Supplier shallarrange and pay for insurance! naming the "urchaser as thebeneficiary andtheSupplier shall bere>uiredtomeet alltransport and storage e3penses until delivery.3. Warranty 8.1 TheSupplier0arrants thatall thegoods suppliedunderthecontract shallfully comply 0ith the specification laid do0n inthe contract.8.) The 0arranty shallremain valid for one year after the goodshavebeendeliveredtothefinal destinationindicatedinthecontract! and accepted by the "urchaser after installation andcommissioning of e>uipment by the Supplier.8./ The "urchaser shall promptly notify the Supplier in 0riting ofany claims arising under this 0arranty.8.2 uivalentamount valid until the goods are delivered and in the formprovided in the S$ documents or another form acceptableto the "urchaser.b. On shipment9Site delivery5 .ighty (K* percent of thecontract price of the Goods shipped or delivered shall bepaid through irrevocable confirmed letter of credit openedinfavor of theSupplier inaban&initscountry! uponsubmission of clean Bill of 4ading and other documents oron Site deliveryc. On acceptance5 Ten (1* percent of the contract price ofgoodsreceivedshall bepaid0ithinthirty(/* daysofreceipt of the goods upon submission of claim supportedby the acceptance certificate issued by the "urchaser.11. 2rices 11.1 "rices charged by the Supplier for goods delivered under thecontract shall not vary from the prices >uoted by the Supplierin its sealed >uotation.12. Chan!ed $rder 1).1 %here the "urchaser desires to ma&e changes in Scheduleof 9e%uirement! it shall not e3ceed more than 16 percent.1#. .i%uidated 0ama!es1/.1 -f the Supplier fails to deliver any or all of the goods 0ithin thetime periodspecified inthecontract! the "urchaser shall!0ithout preAudicetoitsother remediesunder thecontract!deduct from the contract price! as li>uidated damages! a sume>uivalent to*.*6percent of thecontract priceof delayedgoodsfor eachdayof delayuntil actual delivery! uptoama3imumdeduction of 1* percent of the delayed goodsFcontract price.Once the ma3imum is reached! the "urchasermay consider termination of the contract.1*. 9esolution of 0isputes14.1 -f any dispute or difference of any &ind 0hatsoever shall arisebet0een the "urchaser and the Supplier in connection 0ith orarising out of the ?ontract! the parties shall ma&e every effortto resolve amicably such dispute or difference by mutualconsultation.12.) -f! after thirty (/* days! the parties have failed to resolve theirdispute or difference by such mutual consultation! then eitherthe "urchaser or Supplier may give notice to the other party ofitGs intention to commence arbitration! as hereinafter provided!as to the matter in dispute! and no arbitration in respect of thismatter may be commenced unless such notice is given. Standa$d %iddin& 'o(uments) P$o(u$ement of *oods Sealed Quotation) 2008Se(tion III."ondition -f "ont$a(t 12.).1 'ny dispute or difference in respect of such a notice ofintentiontocommencearbitrationhasbeengiveninaccordance 0ith this ?lause shall be finally settled byarbitration.'rbitrationmaybecommencedpriortoorafter delivary of the Goods under the ?ontract. 12.).)'rbitrationproceedingsshall beconductedinaccordance 0ith in accordance 0ith the rules of Nepal?ouncil of 'rbitration (N."?'.12./ Not0ithstanding any reference to arbitration herein! a. the parties shall continue to performtheir respectiveobligations under the ?ontract unless they other0iseagreeH andb. the "urchaser shall pay the Supplier any monies due theSupplier.1,. ;overnin! .an!ua!e16.1 The Governing 4anguage shall be5 Nepali or .nglish1-. 'pplica"le .a( 11.1 The applicable la0 shall be 4a0s of Nepal.1/. Notices 1+.1 "urchaserFs address for notice purposes5LLLLLL1+.) SupplierFs address for notice purposes5 LLLLLL11. Ta7es and 0uties 1K.1 The Supplier shall be entirely responsible for all ta3es! duties!licence fees and other such levies imposed by the GON.13. $peration& 6aintenance andSpareuipment.25.Conduct ofSuppliers)*.1 The Supplier shall be responsible to fulfil his obligations as perthe re>uirement of the ?ontract 'greement! Biddingdocuments! GoNGs "rocurement 'ct and (egulations.)*.) The Supplier shall not carry out or cause to carryout the follo0ing acts 0ith an intention to influence the implementation of the procurement process or the procurement agreement 5a. giveor propose improper inducement directly or indirectly!b. distortion or misrepresentation of factsc. engaging or being involved in corrupt or fraudulent practiced. interference in participation of other prospective bidders.e. coercion or threatening directly or indirectly to impair or harm! any party or the property of the party involved in theprocurement proceedings!f. collusive practice among bidders before or after submission of bids for distribution of 0or&s among biddersor fi3ing artificial9uncompetitive bid price 0ith an intentionto deprive the "urchaser the benefit of open competitive bid price..g. contacting the "urchaser 0ith an intention to influence the "urchaser0ith regards to the bid or interference of any &indin e3amination and evaluation of the bids during the period after opening of bidsup to the notification of a0ardof contract Standa$d %iddin& 'o(uments) P$o(u$ement of *oods Sealed Quotation) 20081*Se(tion III."ondition -f "ont$a(t21.Blacklistin! Supplier)1.1%ithout preAudice to any right of the "urchaser under this ?ontract! the GoN! "ublic "rocurement and #onitoring Office(""#O may blac&list a Supplier for his conduct up to three years on the follo0ing grounds and seriousness of the act committed by the supplier5a. if it is proved that the supplier committed acts pursuant to the Sub J clause )*.)!b. if the supplier fails to sign an agreement pursuant to -TB ?lause ))!c. if it is proved later that the supplier had committed substantial defect in implementation of the contract or had not substantially fulfilled his obligations under the contract or the completed 0or& is not of the specified >uality as perthe contract !d. if convicted by a court of la0 in a criminal offence 0hich dis>ualifies the supplier from participating in the contract.)1.)'Supplier declaredblac&listedandineligiblebytheGONshall be ineligible to bid for a contract during the period of timedetermined by ""#O. Standa$d %iddin& 'o(uments) P$o(u$ement of *oods Sealed Quotation) 200811Se(tion III."ondition -f "ont$a(tBid Se#urit+Bid must accompanied by ?ash security or Ban& guarantee amounting to )6!*** (T0entyJfive thousand 0hich shall be valid for +6 days after opening ofthe sealed >uotations.-f bidder 0ishes to submit the ?ash Security! the cash should be deposited in Deposit 'ccountNo. *1K**/*81/**12 at =imalayan Ban& 4imited! Te&u Branch and submit the receipt of thedeposited amount of cash along 0ith the Sealed $uotation. Standa$d %iddin& 'o(uments) P$o(u$ement of *oods Sealed Quotation) 20081)Se(tion I?. S(,edule of 7e4ui$ementsSe#tion I(% S#!edule of Re)uirement$!,e deli+e$3 s(,edule eB2$essed as 5ee/s/mont,s sti2ulates ,e$eafte$ a deli+e$3 date 5,i(, is t,e date ofdeli+e$3 >i@ at 1:D 2$emises) o$ >ii@ to t,e (a$$ie$ at t,e 2o$t of s,i2ment 5,en t,e (ont$a(t is 2la(ed on6-% o$ "I6 te$ms) o$ >iii@ to t,e fi$st (a$$ie$ 5,en t,e (ont$a(t is 2la(ed on 6". o$ "IP te$ms.In o$de$ todete$minet,e(o$$e(t dateof deli+e$3,e$eafte$ s2e(ified) t,ePu$(,ase$ ,as ta/enintoa((ount t,eadditional time t,at 5ill be needed fo$ inte$national o$ national t$ansit to t,e P$oCe(t Site o$ to anot,e$(ommon 2la(e.1Num,er De$#ri"tion 'uantit+ Deli&er+ $#!edule >s,i2ment@In -eek$.mont!$ from EEEE 21. National !$adin& Limited 5ill send $e4uest lette$ to t,e su22lie$ as 2e$ need of 4uantities in a5$itten fo$m.2.Su22lie$ s,ould su22l3 t,e (ement as $e4uest lette$ 5it,in t,$ee da3s f$om t,e $e(ei2t date of t,elette$ and must obtain t,e $e(ei2t of t,e (ements.3.Pa3ment s,all be &i+en in ea(, 3$d 5ee/ of e+e$3 mont, b3 dedu(tin& sales (ommission of totalsold (ement.1 The delivery may be specified for a single shipment, or for several partial shipments, for a specific date, or range of acceptable delivery periods.2The Purchaser must specify here the date from which the delivery schedule will start.That date should be either the date ofcontract award, or the date of contract signature, or the date of opening of Letter of Credit, or the date of confirmation of theLetter of Credit, as appropriate.The SQ Form should include only a crossreference to this Schedule. Standa$d %iddin& 'o(uments) P$o(u$ement of *oods Sealed Quotation) 20081/Se#tion (%Te#!ni#al S"e#ifi#ation$[Text of Technical Specifications to be inserted in the SQ documents by the Purchaser, as applicable.]Specification! >uality andpac&ingshouldbeasaccordance0iththeGovernmentFsmadestandards (NS. ,actory itself 0ill be responsible about the standards of cement if not that canlead the factory up to blac&listing ho0ever the representative of factory can chec& the stoc& and>uality of cement at any office time.Bidder must furnish the specification of cement belo0 or can give on their letterhead. Standa$d %iddin& 'o(uments) P$o(u$ement of *oods Sealed Quotation) 200812Se#tion (I% Sam"le *orm$/% 'uotation and 0ri#e S#!edule$'ate:!o: *entlemen and/o$ Ladies:8a+in& eBamined t,e Sealed Quotation >SQ@ do(uments) 5e t,e unde$si&ned) offe$ to su22l3 and deli+e$#ement inafter $ale "a+ment ,a$i$in(onfo$mit35it,t,e said SQdo(uments fo$ t,e sumof%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% $ale$ #ommi$$ion for t!e $ale$ of #ement o$ su(, ot,e$ sums as ma3be as(e$tained in a((o$dan(e 5it, t,e S(,edule of P$i(es atta(,ed ,e$e5it, and made 2a$t of t,is SQ.Deunde$ta/e) ifou$SQisa((e2ted) todeli+e$ t,e&oodsina((o$dan(e5it,t,edeli+e$3s(,edules2e(ified in t,e S(,edule of 7e4ui$ements.If ou$ SQ is a((e2ted) 5e 5ill obtain t,e &ua$antee of a ban/ of 7s) 2#000.00 >!5ent3s2e(if3 2o$t@ o$"IP named 2la(e>s2e(if3 bo$de$2oint o$ 2la(e ofdestination@!otal "I6 o$ "IP2$i(e 2e$ item>(ol. 4 B 9@Unit 2$i(e ofinland deli+e$3 tofinal destinationand unit 2$i(e ofot,e$ in(identalse$+i(es?.! andot,e$ taBes2a3able if"ont$a(t isa5a$ded!otal "IP >2la(e of destination@ P$i(e GGGGGGGGGGGGGG. >in 5o$ds@Si&natu$e of%idde$ Note:In (ase of dis($e2an(3 bet5een unit 2$i(e and total) t,e unit 2$i(e s,all 2$e+ail..Unit 2$i(e indi(ated in (ol.8 is not t,e total (ost 2e$ unit of &oods but onl3 inland deli+e$3 (ost 2e$ unitsta$tin& f$om t,e "I6 named 2o$t o$ "IP named 2la(e to final destination. Standa$d %iddin& 'o(uments) P$o(u$ement of *oods Sealed Quotation) 2008110ri#e S#!edule for Dome$ti# Good$ Offered from -it!in Ne"alName of Su22lie$ .. Pa&e of 1 2 3 4 # 9 7 8 ;Item 'es($i2tion "ount$3of o$i&inQuantit3 Unit 2$i(e1:D 2e$ item"ost of lo(allabou$) $a5mate$ial and(om2onent!otal 2$i(e1:D 2e$item>(ols. 4 B #@Unit 2$i(es 2e$item finaldestination andunit 2$i(e ofot,e$ in(identalse$+i(es?.! and ot,e$taBes 2a3ableif "ont$a(t isa5a$ded!otal P$i(e to final destination GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG>in 5o$ds@Si&natu$e of %idde$Note:In (ase of dis($e2an(3 bet5een unit 2$i(e and total) t,e unit 2$i(e s,all 2$e+ail Standa$d %iddin& 'o(uments) P$o(u$ement of *oods Sealed Quotation) 20081+1%Bid Se#urit+'ate : !o: [name and address of the Purchaser]D,e$eas)[name of Bidder]>,e$einafte$ (alled Ht,e %idde$I@ ,as submitted ,is Sealed Quotation >SQ@dated [date of submission of SQ] fo$ t,e su22l3 of [name andor description of the !oods] >,e$einafte$(alled Ht,e Sealed [email protected] .LL P1-PL1 b3 t,ese 2$esents t,at D1 [name of Ban"] of Ne2al ,a+in& ou$ $e&iste$ed offi(e at[address of ban"]>,e$einafte$ (alledHt,e %an/I@ a$e boundunto[name of the procurin!entity]>,e$einafte$ (alledHt,ePu$(,ase$I@ int,esumof[specifyamount infi!ureand#ords]fo$ 5,i(,2a3ment 5ell and t$ul3 to be made to t,e said Pu$(,ase$) t,e %an/ binds itself) its su((esso$s) and assi&nsb3 t,ese 2$esents. Sealed 5it, t,e "ommon Seal of t,e said %an/ t,is EEEEEEEE da3 ofEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 20EEEEEE.!81 "-N'I!I-NS of t,is obli&ation a$e:>1@ If) t,e %idde$ 5it,d$a5s its SQ du$in& t,e 2e$iod of bid +alidit3 s2e(ified b3 t,e %idde$ on t,e SQ6o$mJ o$>2@ If t,e %idde$ ,a+in& been notified of t,e a((e2tan(e of its SQ b3 t,e Pu$(,ase$ du$in& t,e 2e$iod ofbid +alidit3:>a@ fails o$ $efuses to eBe(ute t,e "ont$a(t 6o$m) if $e4ui$edJ o$>b@ fails o$ $efuses to fu$nis, t,e 2e$fo$man(e se(u$it3) in a((o$dan(e 5it, t,e Inst$u(tion to%idde$sJ5e unde$ta/e to 2a3 to t,e Pu$(,ase$ u2 to t,e abo+e amount u2on $e(ei2t of its fi$st 5$itten demand)5it,out t,e Pu$(,ase$Ks ,a+in& to substantiate its demand) 2$o+ided t,at in its demand t,e Pu$(,ase$ 5illnotet,at t,eamount (laimedb3it isduetoit o5in&tot,eo((u$$en(eofoneo$ bot,of t,et5o(onditions) s2e(if3in& t,e o((u$$ed (ondition o$ (onditions.!,is&ua$antee5ill $emaininfo$(eu2toninet3>7#@ da3s f$omt,edateof o2enin&of t,eSealedQuotation) and an3 demand in $es2e(t t,e$eof s,ould $ea(, t,e %an/ not late$ t,an t,e abo+e date.EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE[si!nature of the ban"]EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE[common seal of the ban"] Standa$d %iddin& 'o(uments) P$o(u$ement of *oods Sealed Quotation) 20081K2% *orm of Agreement!8IS.*7111N!made t,e EEEEEda3of EEEEEEEEEE20EEEEEbet5een!name of Purchaser">,e$einafte$ (alledHt,ePu$(,ase$I@ of t,eone2a$t and!nameof Supplier"of!cityandcountryofSupplier" >,e$einafte$ (alled Ht,e Su22lie$I@ of t,e ot,e$ 2a$t:D8171.S t,e Pu$(,ase$ in+ited Sealed Quotation fo$ (e$tain &oods and an(illa$3 se$+i(es) +iF.)!briefdescription of goods and services" and ,as a((e2ted a SQ b3 t,e Su22lie$ fo$ t,e su22l3 of t,ose &oodsand se$+i(es in t,e sum of !contract price in words and figures" >,e$einafte$ (alled Ht,e "ont$a(t P$i([email protected] !8IS .*7111N! DI!N1SS1!8 .S 6-LL-DS:1. Int,is .&$eement 5o$ds andeB2$essions s,all ,a+e t,esamemeanin&s as a$e $es2e(ti+el3assi&ned to t,em in t,e "onditions of "ont$a(t $efe$$ed to.2. !,efollo5in&do(umentss,all bedeemedtofo$mandbe$eadand(onst$uedas2a$t oft,is.&$eement) +iF.:a. Quotation 6o$m and t,e P$i(e S(,edule submitted b3 t,e Su22lie$Jb. !,e S(,edule of 7e4ui$ementsJ(. !,e !e(,ni(al S2e(ifi(ationsJd. !,e "onditions of "ont$a(tJ ande. !,e Pu$(,ase$Ks Notifi(ation of .5a$d.3. In(onside$ationof t,e2a3ments tobemadeb3t,ePu$(,ase$ tot,eSu22lie$ as,e$einafte$mentioned) t,e Su22lie$ ,e$eb3 (o+enants 5it, t,e Pu$(,ase$ to 2$o+ide t,e &oods and se$+i(esand to $emed3 defe(ts t,e$ein in (onfo$mit3 in all $es2e(ts 5it, t,e 2$o+isions of t,e "ont$a(t.4. !,e Pu$(,ase$ ,e$eb3 (o+enants to 2a3 t,e Su22lie$ in (onside$ation of t,e 2$o+ision of t,e &oodsand se$+i(es and t,e $emed3in& of defe(ts t,e$ein) t,e "ont$a(t P$i(e o$ su(, ot,e$ sum as ma3be(ome 2a3able unde$ t,e 2$o+isions of t,e (ont$a(t at t,e times and in t,e manne$ 2$es($ibed b3t,e "ont$a(t.#. Su22lie$ 5ill su22l3 t,e &oods as 2e$ $e4ui$ement of t,e National !$adin& Limited on afte$ sale2a3ment basis.9. National !$adin& Limited 5ill 2a3 one+e$3 3$d 5ee/s of e+e$3 mont, a((o$din& to t,esales of&oods b3dedu(tin&t,esales (ommission. 1+e$33ea$ t,e$ateof sales (ommissionma3be$e+ie5ed fo$ in($ementas 2e$ mutual unde$standin&.7. !,e deli+e$3 and ot,e$taBes le+ied out side t,e &odo5n of National !$adin& Limited 5ill be t,ea/( of su22lie$.8. Not sold o$ not salable &oods s,ould be lifted b3 su22lie$ in t,ei$ o5n eB2enditu$e as 2e$ t,e salesbill.;. Su22lie$ 5ill be $es2onsible fo$ t,e 4ualit3 of t,ei$ &oods about t,e (ustome$ (om2lain and 4ualit3ins2e(tion b3(on(e$ned aut,o$it3 ,o5e+e$su22lie$ (an ins2e(t t,e sto(/ and (,e(/ t,e 4ualit3 oft,ei$ &oods at an3 offi(e time.10. !,is a&$eement 5ill $emain one 3ea$ but (an be $ene5ed andf$om t,e date of (ont$a(te+e$3 3ea$t,e sales (ommission 5ill be in($eased as a((o$dan(e 5it, mutual (onsent.11. If an3 amendment and $e+ie5 5ill be ne(essa$3 (an be done as 2e$ mutual unde$standin&.12. 1B(e2t as mentioned in t,is (ont$a(t eBistin& la5 5ill &o+e$n t,is (ont$a(t.13. Ifan3dis2ute$aisedbet5eent5o2a$ties) it5illt$iedtobesol+edami(abl3ifnotsol+edt,ede(ision of %oa$d of t,is offi(e 5ill be final and bindin&.IN DI!N1SS 5,e$eof t,e 2a$ties ,e$eto ,a+e (aused t,is .&$eement to be eBe(uted in a((o$dan(e 5it,t,ei$ $es2e(ti+e la5s t,e da3 and 3ea$ fi$st abo+e 5$itten.-n be,alf of t,e Pu$(,ase$ -n be,alf of t,e Su22lie$Name: Name:'esi&nation: 'esi&nation:Si&n: Si&n:Seal: Seal:3ITNESS3ITNESSName:,e$einafte$ (alledHt,eSu22lie$I@ ,as unde$ta/en) in2u$suan(eof"ont$a(t No. [reference number of the contract] dated EEEEEEEEEEEE 20EEEEE to su22l3 [descriptionof !oods and ser$ices] >,e$einafte$ (alled Ht,e "ont$a([email protected]' D8171.S it ,as been sti2ulated b3 3ou in t,e said "ont$a(t t,at t,e Su22lie$ s,all fu$nis, 3ou5it, a ban/ &ua$antee b3 a $e2utable ban/ fo$ t,e sum s2e(ified t,e$ein as se(u$it3 fo$ (om2lian(e 5it,t,e Su22lie$Ks 2e$fo$man(e obli&ations in a((o$dan(e 5it, t,e "ont$a(t..N' D8171.S 5e ,a+e a&$eed to &i+e t,e Su22lie$ a &ua$antee:!81716-71D1,e$eb3affi$mt,at 5ea$e *ua$anto$s and$es2onsibleto3ou) onbe,alf of t,eSu22lie$) u2 to a total of [amount of the !uarantee in #ords and fi!ures]) and 5e unde$ta/e to 2a3 3ou)u2on 3ou$ fi$st 5$itten demand de(la$in& t,e Su22lie$ to be in default unde$ t,e "ont$a(t and 5it,out(a+il o$ a$&ument) an3 sum o$ sums 5it,in t,e limits of Lamount of &ua$anteeM as afo$esaid) 5it,out 3ou$needin& to 2$o+e o$ to s,o5 &$ounds o$ $easons fo$ 3ou$ demand o$ t,e sum s2e(ified t,e$ein.!,is &ua$antee is +alid until t,e EEEEEEEEE da3 of EEEEEEEEEEEEEE20EEEEE.Si&natu$e and seal of t,e *ua$anto$s [name of ban" or financial institution] [address] Standa$d %iddin& 'o(uments) P$o(u$ement of *oods Sealed Quotation) 2008)*[date] Standa$d %iddin& 'o(uments) P$o(u$ement of *oods Sealed Quotation) 2008)15%Bank Guarantee for Ad&an#e 0a+ment!o:[name of the Purchaser][name of %ontract]*entlemen and/o$ Ladies:Ina((o$dan(e5it,t,e2a3ment 2$o+isionin(ludedint,e"ont$a(t) 5,i(,amends"lause10oft,e*ene$al "onditions of "ont$a(t to2$o+ide fo$ ad+an(e 2a3ment)[nameandaddress of Supplier]>,e$einafte$(alledHt,eSu22lie$I@s,all de2osit 5it,t,ePu$(,ase$aban/&ua$anteeto&ua$anteeits2$o2e$andfait,ful 2e$fo$man(eunde$t,esaid"lauseoft,e"ont$a(t inanamount of[amount of!uarantee in fi!ures and #ords].De) t,e[ban" or financial institution]) as inst$u(ted b3 t,e Su22lie$) a&$ee un(onditionall3 andi$$e+o(abl3 to &ua$antee as 2$ima$3 obli&ato$ and not as su$et3 me$el3) t,e 2a3ment to t,e Pu$(,ase$ onitsfi$st demand5it,out 5,atsoe+e$ $i&,t ofobCe(tiononou$2a$t and5it,out itsfi$st (laimtot,eSu22lie$) in t,e amount not eB(eedin& [amount of !uarantee in fi!ures and #ords].De fu$t,e$ a&$ee t,at no (,an&e o$ addition to o$ ot,e$ modifi(ation of t,e te$ms of t,e "ont$a(t to be2e$fo$med t,e$e unde$ o$ of an3 of t,e "ont$a(t do(uments 5,i(, ma3 be made bet5een t,e Pu$(,ase$and t,e Su22lie$) s,all in an3 5a3 $elease us f$om an3 liabilit3 unde$ t,is &ua$antee) and 5e ,e$eb3 5ai+enoti(e of an3 su(, (,an&e) addition) o$ modifi(ation.!,e +alidit3 2e$iod of t,e &ua$antee s,all be 30 da3s be3ond t,e 2e$iod s(,eduled fo$ $e2a3ment of t,ead+an(e 2a3ment and t,e &ua$antee s,all $emain +alid and in full effe(t f$om t,e date of t,e ad+an(e2a3mentunde$ t,e"ont$a(tuntil t,ePu$(,ase$$e(ei+es full $e2a3mentoft,esameamount f$omt,eSu22lie$.Nou$s t$ul3)Si&natu$e and seal of t,e *ua$anto$s [name of ban" or financial institution] [address] Mdate Standa$d %iddin& 'o(uments) P$o(u$ement of *oods Sealed Quotation) 2008))