TALISMAN: Targeted Active Learning for Object Detection with Rare Classes and Slices using Submodular Mutual Information Suraj Kothawade University of Texas at Dallas [email protected] Saikat Ghosh University of Texas at Dallas [email protected] Sumit Shekar Adobe Research [email protected] Yu Xiang University of Texas at Dallas [email protected] Rishabh Iyer University of Texas at Dallas [email protected] Abstract Deep neural networks based object detectors have shown great success in a variety of domains like au- tonomous vehicles, biomedical imaging, etc., however their success depends on the availability of a large amount of data from the domain of interest. While deep models per- form well in terms of overall accuracy, they often struggle in performance on rare yet critical data slices. For exam- ple, detecting objects in rare data slices like “motorcycles at night” or “bicycles at night” for self-driving applica- tions. Active learning (AL) is a well-known paradigm to incrementally and adaptively build training datasets with a human in the loop. However, current AL based acquisi- tion functions are not well-equipped to mine rare slices of data from large real-world datasets, since they are based on uncertainty scores or global descriptors of the image. We propose TALISMAN, a novel framework for Targeted Active Learning for object detectIon with rare slices us- ing Submodular MutuAliNformation. Our method uses the submodular mutual information functions instantiated using features of the region of interest (RoI) to efficiently target and acquire images with rare slices. We evalu- ate our framework on the standard PASCAL VOC07+12 [7] and BDD100K [32], a real-world large-scale driving dataset. We observe that TALISMAN consistently outper- forms a wide range of AL methods by 5% - 14% in terms of average precision on rare slices, and 2%-4% in terms of mAP. 1. Introduction Deep learning approaches for object detection have made a lot of progress, with accuracies improving consistently over the years. As a result, object detection technology Rare Classes Rare Slices Figure 1. Problem Statement: Rare classes and Rare slices in BDD100K [32]. Motorcycle and bicycle classes have the least number of objects, thereby making them rare classes, on which the model performs the worst in terms of average precision (AP). Fur- ther, motorcycle/bicycle objects at night are rarer, thereby making them rare slices on which the model performs the worst. is extensively being used and deployed in applications like self-driving cars and medical imaging, and is approaching human performance. One critical aspect, though in high- stake applications like self-driving cars and medical imag- ing, is that the cost of failure is very high. Even a single mistake in the detection and specifically a false-negative in a detection (e.g., missing a pedestrian on a highway or a motorcycle or bicycle at night) can result in a major and potentially fatal accident 1 . An important aspect in such problems is that there are a number of rare yet critical slices of objects and scenar- ios. Because many of these rare slices are severely under- 1 An unfortunate example of this is the self-driving car crash with Uber: https://www.theverge.com/2019/11/6/20951385/uber- self - driving - crash - death - reason - ntsb - dcouments where the self-driving car did not detect a pedestrian on a highway at night, resulting in a fatal accident. 1 arXiv:2112.00166v1 [cs.CV] 30 Nov 2021

[email protected] arXiv:2112.00166v1 [cs.CV] 30 Nov 2021

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TALISMAN: Targeted Active Learning for Object Detection with Rare Classesand Slices using Submodular Mutual Information

Suraj KothawadeUniversity of Texas at Dallas

[email protected]

Saikat GhoshUniversity of Texas at [email protected]

Sumit ShekarAdobe Research

[email protected]

Yu XiangUniversity of Texas at Dallas

[email protected]

Rishabh IyerUniversity of Texas at [email protected]


Deep neural networks based object detectors haveshown great success in a variety of domains like au-tonomous vehicles, biomedical imaging, etc., however theirsuccess depends on the availability of a large amount ofdata from the domain of interest. While deep models per-form well in terms of overall accuracy, they often strugglein performance on rare yet critical data slices. For exam-ple, detecting objects in rare data slices like “motorcyclesat night” or “bicycles at night” for self-driving applica-tions. Active learning (AL) is a well-known paradigm toincrementally and adaptively build training datasets witha human in the loop. However, current AL based acquisi-tion functions are not well-equipped to mine rare slices ofdata from large real-world datasets, since they are basedon uncertainty scores or global descriptors of the image.We propose TALISMAN, a novel framework for TargetedActive Learning for object detectIon with rare slices us-ing Submodular MutuAl iNformation. Our method usesthe submodular mutual information functions instantiatedusing features of the region of interest (RoI) to efficientlytarget and acquire images with rare slices. We evalu-ate our framework on the standard PASCAL VOC07+12[7] and BDD100K [32], a real-world large-scale drivingdataset. We observe that TALISMAN consistently outper-forms a wide range of AL methods by≈ 5%−14% in termsof average precision on rare slices, and≈ 2%−4% in termsof mAP.

1. Introduction

Deep learning approaches for object detection have madea lot of progress, with accuracies improving consistentlyover the years. As a result, object detection technology

Rare Classes

Rare Slices

Figure 1. Problem Statement: Rare classes and Rare slices inBDD100K [32]. Motorcycle and bicycle classes have the leastnumber of objects, thereby making them rare classes, on which themodel performs the worst in terms of average precision (AP). Fur-ther, motorcycle/bicycle objects at night are rarer, thereby makingthem rare slices on which the model performs the worst.

is extensively being used and deployed in applications likeself-driving cars and medical imaging, and is approachinghuman performance. One critical aspect, though in high-stake applications like self-driving cars and medical imag-ing, is that the cost of failure is very high. Even a singlemistake in the detection and specifically a false-negative ina detection (e.g., missing a pedestrian on a highway or amotorcycle or bicycle at night) can result in a major andpotentially fatal accident1.

An important aspect in such problems is that there area number of rare yet critical slices of objects and scenar-ios. Because many of these rare slices are severely under-

1An unfortunate example of this is the self-driving car crash with Uber:https://www.theverge.com/2019/11/6/20951385/uber-self- driving- crash- death- reason- ntsb- dcoumentswhere the self-driving car did not detect a pedestrian on a highway at night,resulting in a fatal accident.









] 3

0 N

ov 2


represented in the data, deep learning based object detectorsoften perform poorly in such scenarios. Some examples ofsuch data slices are “motorcycles at night”, “pedestrians ona highway”, and “bicycles at night”. Fig. 1 shows the distri-bution of slices in the BDD100K [32] dataset. As is evident,these slices are very rare – for instance, the number of mo-torcycles at night, is 0.094% of the number of cars in thedataset.

This causes a more pronounced issue in the limited datasetting. To understand the effect of this imbalance, wetrained a Faster-RCNN Model [24] on a small subset ofBDD100K (5% of the dataset) and we noticed a significantdifference in mAP between “cars” class (around 55% mAP)and “motorcycle” (around 9% mAP). This gap is evenmore pronounced for rare slices. Active learning based datasampling is an increasingly popular paradigm for trainingdeep learning classifiers and object detectors [5, 9, 26, 30]because such approaches significantly reduce the amount oflabeled data required to achieve a certain desired accuracy.On the other hand, current active learning based paradigmsare heavily dependent on aspects like uncertainty anddiversity, and often miss rare slices of data. This is becausesuch slices, though critical for the end task, are a smallfraction of the full dataset, and play a negligible role in theoverall accuracy.

1.1. Our Contributions

In this paper, we propose TALISMAN, a novel activelearning framework for object detection, which (a) providesa mechanism to encode the similarity between an unlabeledimage and a small query set of targeted examples (e.g., im-ages with “motorcycles at night” RoIs), and (b) mines theseexamples in a scalable manner from a large unlabeled setusing the recently proposed submodular mutual informa-tion functions. We also provide an approach where we canmine examples based on multiple such rare slices. Similarto standard active learning, TALISMAN is an interactivehuman-in-the-loop approach where images are chosen iter-atively and provided to a human for labeling. However, thekey difference is that TALISMAN does the selection by tar-geting rare slices using only a few exemplars. The overviewof targeted selection using TALISMAN is shown in Fig. 3.

Empirically, we demonstrate the utility of TALISMANon a diverse set of rare slices that occur in the real-world.Specifically, we see that TALISMAN outperforms the bestbaseline by significant margins on different rare slices (c.f.Fig. 2).

2. Related WorkA number of recent works have studied deep active learn-

ing for image classification [1, 4, 15, 17–20, 27, 28, 31].The most common approach for active learning is to se-lect the most uncertain examples. These include approaches































) 13.8

7.9 7.5



Gain in Rare Class AP onRare Slice Over the Best Baseline

Figure 2. Efficiency of TALISMAN over the best-performing base-line on a variety of rare slices in BDD100K.

Labeled Dataset : L

Unlabeled Dataset: U

TargetedSelection using


Query Set Q withwith Motorcycle

at Night RoI

Selected Subset A withMotorcycle(s) at Night

AugmentedLabeled Set

A + L

Train ObjectDetector

ImprovedPerformanceon Rare Slice (Motorcycle at


Figure 3. Targeted Selection using TALISMAN for one round oftargeted active learning. Motorcycles at night is a rare slice in thelabeled data. We mine images from the unlabeled set that seman-tically similar to the RoIs in the query set by using the submodularmutual information (SMI) functions. These images are then la-beled and added to the labeled data to improve performance on therare slice.

like ENTROPY [28], LEAST CONFIDENCE [30], and MAR-GIN [25]. One challenge of this approach is that all the sam-ples within a batch can be potentially similar, even thoughthey are uncertain. Hence, a number of recent works haveensured that we select examples that are both uncertain anddiverse. Examples of these are BADGE [1], FASS [31],BATCH-BALD [19], CORESET [27], and so on.

Recently, researchers have started applying active learn-ing to the problem of object detection. [5] proposed an un-certainty sampling based approach for active object detec-tion, while [26] proposed a ‘query-by-committee’ paradigmto select the most uncertain items for object detection. Re-cently [9], studied several scoring functions for active learn-ing, including entropy based functions, coreset based func-tions, and so on. [14] proposed an active learning approachbased on the localization of the detections, and studied the


role of two metrics called “localization tightness” and “lo-calization stability” as uncertainty measures. [6] studied ac-tive learning in the setting of users providing weak super-vision (i.e., just suggesting the label and a rough locationas opposed to drawing bounding boxes around the objects).All these approaches have shown significant labeling costreductions and gains in accuracy compared to random sam-pling. However, the major limitation with these approaches(which are mostly variations of uncertainty) is that they fo-cus on the overall accuracy, and do not necessarily try to se-lect instances specific to certain rare yet critical data slices.To overcome these limitations, we provide a generalizedparadigm for active learning in object detection, where wecan target specific rare data slices.

A related thread of research is the use of the recentlyproposed submodular information measures [12] for dataselection and active learning. [16] extended the workof [12] and proposed a general family of parameterizedsubmodular information measures for guided summariza-tion and data subset selection. [20] use the submodularinformation measures for active learning in the imageclassification setting to address realistic scenarios likeimbalance, redundancy, and out-of-distribution data. Fi-nally, [21] use the submodular information measures forpersonalized speech recognition. To our knowledge, this isthe first work which proposes an active learning frameworkfor object detection capable of handling rare slices of data.

3. BackgroundIn this section, we discuss different submodular func-

tions and their mutual information instantiations.

3.1. Submodular Functions

Submodular functions are an appealing class of functionsfor data subset selection in real-world applications due totheir diminishing returns property and their ability to modelproperties of a good subset, such as diversity, representa-tion and coverage [2, 3, 13, 29]. Consider an unlabeled setU = {1, 2, 3, · · · , n} and a set function f : 2U −→ R.Formally, f is defined to be submodular [8] if for x ∈ U ,f(A∪x)−f(A) ≥ f(B∪x)−f(B), ∀A ⊆ B ⊆ U and x /∈B. For data subset selection and active learning, a numberof recent approaches [15, 31] use f as an acquisition func-tion to obtain a real-valued score for f(A), where A ⊆ U .Given a budget B (the number of elements to select at everyround of subset selection of batch active learning), the opti-mization problem is: maxA:|A|≤B f(A). Two examples ofsubmodular functions that we use in this work are FacilityLocation (FL) and Graph Cut (GC) functions (see Tab. 1(a)).They are instantiated by using a similarity matrix S, thatstores the similarity scores Sij between any two data pointsi, j. The submodular functions admit a constant factor ap-proximation 1− 1

e [23] for cardinality constraint maximiza-

tion. Importantly, submodular maximization can be done innear-linear time using variants of greedy algorithms [22].

3.2. Submodular Mutual Information (SMI)

While submodular functions are a good choice of func-tions for standard active learning, in this work, we wantto not only select the most informative and diverse set ofpoints, but also select points which are similar to a spe-cific target slice (typically only a few examples from arare slice). The Submodular mutual information (SMI)functions capture this second property and are defined asIf (A;Q) = f(A)+ f(Q)− f(A∪Q), whereQ is a queryor target set (e.g., a few sample images of “motorcycles atnight”). Intuitively, maximizing the SMI functions ensurethat we obtain diverse subsets that are relevant to a queryset Q. We discuss the details of the SMI functions used inour work in the next section.

3.3. Specific SMI Functions Used In TALISMAN

We adapt the mutual information variants of Facility Lo-cation (FL) and Graph Cut (GC) functions [16] for targetedactive learning.Facility Location: The FL function models representation(i.e., it picks the most representative points or “centroids”).The FL based SMI function called FLMI can be written asIf (A,Q) =





Sij [16]. This function

models representation as well as query relevance.Graph Cut: The GC function models diversity andrepresentation, and has modeling properties similar toFL. The SMI variant of GC is defined as GCMI, whichmaximizes the pairwise similarity between the query setand the unlabeled set. The GCMI function can be written asIf (A;Q) = 2



Sij .

Tab. 1(a) and (b) demonstrate the SMI functions we willuse in this work and the corresponding submodular func-tions instantiating them. Note that in [12, 16], a number ofother SMI functions and instantiations have been proposed.However, keeping scalability to large datasets in mind (seeSec. 4.4), we only focus on these two.

Table 1. Instantiations of different submodular functions.

(a) Instantiations of Submod-ular functions.








(b) Instantiations of SMIfunctions.







GCMI 2∑i∈A




4. TALISMAN: Our Targeted Active LearningFramework for Object Detection

Algorithm 1 TALISMAN: Targeted AL Framework for Ob-ject Detection (Illustration in Fig. 4)Require: Initial labeled set of data points: L, large unla-

beled dataset: U , small query set Q, object detectionmodelM, batch size: B, number of selection rounds:N .

1: for selection round i = 1 : N do2: Train modelM on the current labeled set L and ob-

tain parameters θi3: Compute S ∈ R|Q|×|U| such that: Squ ←

TARGETEDSIM(Mθi , Iq, Iu), ∀q ∈ Q,∀u ∈ U{Algorithm 2}

4: Instantiate a submodular function f based on S.5: Ai ← argmaxA⊆U,|A|≤BIf (A;Q) {Greedy maxi-

mization of SMI function to select a subset A}6: Get labels L(Ai) for batch Ai and L ← L ∪ L(Ai),

U ← U −Ai7: end for8: Return trained modelM and parameters θ.

4.1. TALISMAN Framework

In this section, we present TALISMAN, our targeted ac-tive learning framework for object detection. We show thatTALISMAN can efficiently target any imbalanced scenariowith rare classes or rare slices. We summarize our methodin Algorithm 1, and illustrate it in Fig. 4. The core idea ofour framework lies within instantiating the SMI functionssuch that they can mine for images from the unlabeled setwhich contain proposals semantically similar to the regionof interests (RoIs) in the query set. The query set containsexemplars of the rare slice that we want to target.


Unlabeled Dataset: U

Query Set Q with RoIs

TargetedSimilarity Matrix

Instantiate SMIFunction

Selected Subset A

Figure 4. Architecture of TALISMAN during one round of targetedactive learning. We illustrate the targeted similarity computationin Fig. 5.

We start with training an object detection model M onan initial labeled set L. UsingM, we compute embeddingsof the query set Q and the unlabeled set U . Next, we com-pute pairwise cosine similarity scores Squ,∀q ∈ Q,∀u ∈ U

to obtain a similarity matrix S ∈ R|Q|×|U|. We discuss thedetails of computing Squ for a single query image q and asingle unlabeled image u in Sec. 4.2. Using the similar-ity matrix S, we instantiate the SMI function If (A;Q) asdiscussed in Sec. 3 (note that both the SMI functions weconsider in this work are similarity based functions). Fi-nally, we acquire a subset A that contains regions that aresemantically similar to the RoI inQ by maximizing the SMIfunction If (A;Q):


If (A;Q). (1)

Since this function is submodular (i.e. If (A;Q) is submod-ular inA for a fixed query setQ), we can use the greedy al-gorithm [23] (to solve Equ. (1) and Line 5 in Algorithm 1)which ensures a 1− 1

e approximation guarantee of the opti-mal solution.

4.2. Targeted Similarity Computation

We summarize our method for targeted similarity com-putation in Algorithm 2 and illustrate it in Fig. 5. Forsimplicity, consider a single query image Iq ∈ Q with TRoIs (targets) indicating a rare slice, and an unlabeled im-age Iu ∈ U with P region proposals obtained using a re-gion proposal network (RPN). Using M that is trained onL, we compute the embedding of the RoIs in Iq to ob-tain Eq ∈ RT×D, and for the proposals of Iu to obtainEu ∈ RP×D. Here, D denotes the dimensionality of eachfeature vector representing a RoI or region proposal. We usethe embeddings Eq and Eu to represent Iq and Iu respec-tively. We use these embeddings to compute the targetedsimilarity (see Algorithm 2).

In order to compute cosine similarity between Eq and Euefficiently, we L2-normalize along the feature dimension oflength D. This enables us to highly parallelize the simi-larity computation via off-the-shelf GPU enabled dot prod-uct 2 implementations. Next, we compute the dot productalong the feature dimension to obtain pairwise similaritiesbetween T RoIs in Iq and the P proposals in Iu whichgives us RoI-proposal score map Xqu ∈ RT×P . Finally,we assign the similarity score Squ between Iq and Iu bycomputing the element-wise maximum of Xqu, which en-tails the best matching proposal of the P region proposalsto some query RoI in the T RoIs.

4.3. Using TALISMAN to Mine Rare Slices

A critical input to TALISMAN (Algorithm 1) is the queryset Q. The query set consists of a specific target slice,which could be a rare class (e.g. “motorcycles”) or a rareslice (“motorcycles at night”). In our experiments, westudy the role of TALISMAN for both scenarios. For oursetting to be realistic, we need to ensure that Q is tiny –

2See torch.tensordot


Unlabeled Image

Query Image with T ROIs


Backbone Features




Backbone Features






IntermediateScore Map


Final Score

Proposal Features

ROI Features


P Proposals

Figure 5. TARGETEDSIM: Targeted Similarity computation in TALISMAN.

Algorithm 2 TARGETEDSIM: Targeted Similarity Match-ing (Illustration in Fig. 5)Require: Local feature extraction model Fθ, Iq ∈ Q with

T RoIs and Iu ∈ U with P region proposals.1: Eq ← Fθ(Iq) {Eq ∈ RT×D}2: Eu ← Fθ(Iu) {Eu ∈ RP×D}3: Xqu ← COSINE SIMILARITY(Eq, Eu) {Xqu ∈ RT×P .

Compute Cosine similarity along the feature dimen-sion}

4: Squ ← max(Xqu) {Element-wise Max, Squ representsthe score between the best matching proposal j ∈ P tosome query RoI i ∈ T}

5: Return Similarity score Squ

since these are rare slices, we cannot assume that we haveaccess to a large number of these rare examples. For thisreason, we set Q to be between 2 and 5 examples in ourexperiments. It is worth noting that since the SMI functionsnaturally model relevance to the query set and diversitywithin the selected subset, they pick a diverse set of datapoints which are relevant to the query set Q.

4.4. Scalability of SMI functions

A key factor in our choice of the two SMI functionsFLMI and GCMI is their scalability. The memory and timecomplexity of computing the similarity kernel for boththese functions is only |Q|×|U| – sinceQ is a tiny held-outset of the examples from the rare slice (of size 2 to 5), thetime complexity of creating and storing the FLMI and GCMIfunctions is only O(U). For the greedy algorithm [23], weuse memoization [11]. This ensures that the complexity ofcomputing the gains for both FLMI and GCMI functionsis in fact O(|Q|, which is a constant, so the amortizedcomplexity using the lazy greedy algorithm is |U| log |U|.We can also use the lazier than lazy greedy algorithm [22],

which ensures that the worst case complexity of the greedyalgorithm is only |U|. As a result, both FLMI and GCMIcan be optimized in linear time (with respect to the size ofthe unlabeled set), thereby ensuring that TALISMAN canscale to very large datasets.

5. Experimental Results

In this section, we empirically evaluate the effective-ness of TALISMAN for a wide range of real-world scenarioswhere the dataset has rare classes or rare slices. We do so bycomparing the performance of SMI based acquisition func-tions (Tab. 1(b)) with existing active learning approachesusing a wide variety of metrics, namely the mean averageprecision (mAP), recall, and the number of data points se-lected that belong to the rare slice. We summarize all nota-tions used in Appendix. A.

5.1. Experimental Setup

We apply TALISMAN for object detection tasks ontwo diverse public datasets: 1) the standard PASCALVOC07+12 (VOC07+12) [7] and 2) BDD100K [32], a largescale driving dataset. VOC07+12 has 16,551 images in thetraining set and 4,952 images in the test set which comefrom the test set of VOC07. BDD100K consists of 70K im-ages in the training set, 10K images in the validation setand 20K images in the test set. Since the labels for the testset are not publicly available, we use the validation set forevaluation. For active learning (AL), we split the trainingset into the labeled set L and unlabeled set U .

Since the problem of targeted active learning is moreabout sampling objects semantically similar to a region ofinterest, we create the initial seed set for AL by randomlysampling images such that an object-level budget is satisfiedfor each class. This allows us to simulate multiple scenar-ios with rare classes or rare slices. In the following sections,we provide the individual splits for L,U , andQ in each rare



1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600Labeled Set Size













sses (a) VOC07+12: Avg AP of Rare Classes

1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600Labeled Set Size














cted (b) VOC07+12: #Boat Class Objects

1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600Labeled Set Size















cted (c) VOC07+12: #Bottle Class Objects

1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600Labeled Set Size












(d) VOC07+12: Full-Test mAP

Figure 6. Active Learning with rare classes on VOC07+12. Plot (a) shows the average AP of the rare classes, plots (b-c) show the numberof boat and bottle objects selected respectively, plot (d) shows the mAP on the VOC07+12 test set. We observe that the SMI functions(FLMI, GCMI) outperform other baselines by ≈ 8%− 10% average AP of the rare classes.

class or rare slice scenario.In all the AL experiments discussed below, we use a

common training procedure and hyperparameters to ensurefair comparison across all acquisition functions. We usestandard data augmentation techniques like random flipsfollowed by normalization. For all experiments on bothdatasets, we train a Faster RCNN model [24] based on aResNet50 backbone [10]. In each round of AL, we reini-tialize the model parameters, and train the model for 150epochs using SGD with momentum. The initial learningrate is set to 0.001 with a step size of 3, the momentum andweight decay are set to 0.9 and 0.0005 respectively. Forcomparing multiple acquisition functions in the AL loop,we start with an identical model that is trained on the initiallabeled setL. All the experiments were run on a V100 GPU.

5.2. Baselines in All Scenarios

We compare the SMI based acquisition functions withmultiple AL baselines: namely ENTROPY [9, 28], TargetedEntropy (T-ENTROPY), Least Confidence (LEAST-CONF)[30], MARGIN [25], and RANDOM sampling. Below, wediscuss the details for each baseline:Entropy: We compute the entropy for each region proposalof a specific class by using the probability scores generatedby the modelM. This entropy is computed as follows:

H(Rc) = −Rc logRc − (1−Rc) log(1−Rc), (2)

where Rc represents the probability for class c at the regionproposal R. We set the number of region proposals P =300 in our experiments. We compute the final entropy scores of an unlabeled image Iu by taking the maximum acrossall C classes for each proposal and then taking an averageacross all proposals as follows:

s = avgR

maxc∈CH(Rc). (3)

Targeted Entropy: In order to encourage ENTROPYsampling to select more points relevant to the query set,we make ENTROPY target-aware by following a two-stepprocess. First, we select the top-K data points withmaximum entropy. Next, we compute a |Q| ×K similarity

matrix using these top-K uncertain data points and thequery set Q (as done in lines 3-5 of Algorithm 1). Finally,we select the top-B samples from these top-K samples thathave a region semantically similar to some RoI in Q. Werefer to this method as Targeted Entropy (T-ENTROPY).We set K > B in our experiments so that T-ENTROPY hasenough samples to choose from.Least Confidence: Least confidence (LEAST-CONF) is an-other intuitive acquisition function based on uncertainty.We compute the LEAST-CONF score s of each data pointby averaging over the minimum predicted class probabilityof P region proposals as follows:

s = avgR


Rc (4)

Intuitively, we select the bottom B data points that have thesmallest predicted class probability scored by s.Margin: For MARGIN sampling, we score each data pointby averaging over the difference between the top two pre-dicted class probabilities of P region proposals as follows:

s = avgR


Rc1 −Rc2 (5)

Intuitively, we use the score s to select the bottom B datapoints that have the least difference in the probability scoreof the first and the second most probable labels.Random: For RANDOM, we selectB data points randomly.

5.3. Rare Classes

Dataset setting: We conduct the experiments for the rareclasses scenario on the VOC07+12 dataset. In particular,we create the initial labeled set, L which simulates the rareclasses by creating a class imbalance at an object level. LetCLi be the number of objects from a rare (infrequent) classi and BLj be the number of objects from a frequent class j.The initial labeled set L is created such that the imbalanceratio between CLi and BLj is at least ρ, i.e., ρ ≤ (BLj /CLi ).All the remaining data points are used in the unlabeled setU . In our experiments, we choose two classes to be rarefrom VOC07+12: ‘boat’ and ‘bottle’. We do so due to tworeasons: 1) they are by default the most uncommon objects



400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800Labeled Set Size












Slice (a) MC-Night: MC AP on Rare Slice

400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800Labeled Set Size











cted (b) MC-Night: #MC at Night Objects

400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800Labeled Set Size












(c) MC-Night: Full-Test mAP

400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800Labeled Set Size












ce (d) BC-Night: BC AP on Rare Slice

400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800Labeled Set Size










cted (e) BC-Night: #BC at Night Objects

400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800Labeled Set Size













(f) BC-Night: Full-Test mAP

Figure 7. Active Learning with Motorcycle (MC) at Night (top row) and Bicycle (BC) at Night (bottom row) rare slices on BDD100K. Leftside plots (a,d) show the AP of the rare class on the rare slice of data, center plots (b,e) show the number of objects selected that belong tothe rare slice, and right side plots (c,f) show the mAP on the full test set of BDD100K. We observe that the SMI functions (FLMI, GCMI)outperform other baselines by ≈ 5%− 14% AP of the rare class on the rare slice.

in VOC, thereby making them the natural choice, and 2)they are comparatively smaller objects than other classeslike ‘sofa’, ‘chair’, ‘train’, etc. We use a small query set Qcontaining 5 randomly chosen data points representing therare classes (RoIs). We construct the initial labeled set bysetting ρ = 10, |CL| = 20 and |BL| = 2858. This givesus an initial labeled seed set of size |L| = 1143 images.Note that the imbalance ratio is not exact because objectsof some classes are predominantly present in most images,thereby increasing the size of |BL|.

Results: In Fig. 6, we compare the performance ofTALISMAN on the rare classes scenario in VOC07+12[7]. We observe that TALISMAN significantly outperformsall state-of-the art uncertainty based methods (ENTROPY,LEAST-CONF, and MARGIN) by ≈ 8% − 10% (Fig. 6(a))in terms of average precision (AP) on the rare classes andby ≈ 2%− 3% in terms of mAP (Fig. 6(d)). This improve-ment is performance is because the SMI functions (GCMIand FLQMI) are able to select more data points that con-tain regions with objects belonging to the rare classes (seeFig. 6(c)). Interestingly, the SMI functions were also able togive a fair treatment to multiple rare classes at the same timeby selecting significant number of objects belonging to boththe rare classes (‘boat’ and ‘bottle’, see Fig. 6(b,c)). Thissuggests that TALISMAN is able to select diverse data pointsby appropriately targeting regions containing rare class ob-jects in the query image.

5.4. Rare Slices

Dataset setting: We chose BDD100K [32] since it is arealistic, large, and challenging dataset that allows us toevaluate the performance of TALISMAN on datasets withnaturally occurring rare slices. Since we want to evaluaterare slices, the procedure to simulate the initial labeledset and the evaluation is slightly different from the rareclasses experiment in the above section. In the followingsections, we discuss experiments where the initial labeledset L has a rare slice made of a class and an attribute. Forinstance, motorcyles (class) at night (attribute), pedestrians(class) in rainy weather (attribute), etc. Let |OAc | be thenumber of objects in L that belong to class c and attributeA. Concretely, we create a balanced initial labeled setL, such that each class c contributes an equal numberof objects, i.e.|Oc1| = |Oc2|,∀c1, c2. Let i be the classinvolved in the rare slice. We simulate the rare slice bycreating an imbalance in Oi based on an attribute A suchthat the ratio between the number of objects of class i withattribute A and the ones without attribute A (denoted byA) is at least ρ, i.e.ρ ≤ (|OA

i |/|OAi |). In all the rare sliceexperiments, we start with an initial labeled set by settingρ = 10, |OA

i | = 100, and |OAi | = 10. For all other classesj, we randomly pick objects such that |Oj | = 110. Notethat we use a small query set in all experiments (≈ 3 − 5images). The exact number of images in L and Q foreach experiment is given in Appendix. B. For evaluation,we compare the performance of TALISMAN using threemetrics: 1) Rare Class Rare Slice AP: the average precision



400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800Labeled Set Size












ce (a) Ped-Night: Ped AP on Rare Slice

400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800Labeled Set Size













cted (b) Ped-Night: #Ped at Night Objects

400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800Labeled Set Size











(c) Ped-Night: Full-Test mAP

400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800Labeled Set Size












ce (d) Ped-Rainy: Ped AP on Rare Slice

400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800Labeled Set Size













cted (e) Ped-Rainy: #Ped at Rainy Objects

400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800Labeled Set Size










(f) Ped-Rainy: Full-Test mAP

400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800Labeled Set Size











ce (g) Ped-Highway: Ped AP on Rare Slice

400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800Labeled Set Size











cted(h) Ped-Highway: #Ped at Highway Objects

400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800Labeled Set Size













(i) Ped-Highway: Full-Test mAP

Figure 8. AL with Pedestrian (Ped) at Nighttime (top row), Pedestrian in Rainy Weather (middle row), and Pedestrian on a Highway(bottom row) rare slices on BDD100K. Left side plots (a,d,g) show the AP of the rare class on the rare slice of data, center plots (b,e,h)show the number of objects selected that belong to the rare slice, and right side plots (c,f,i) show the mAP on the full test set of BDD100K.We observe that the SMI functions (FLMI, GCMI) outperform other baselines by≈ 5%− 10% AP of the pedestrian class on the rare slice.

Figure 9. A false negative motorcycle at night (left) fixed to a truepositive detection (right) using TALISMAN.

(AP) of the ‘rare class’ (e.g.motorcycle) on the ‘rare slice’(e.g.night), 2) # Rare Slice Objects: the number of objectsselected that belong to the rare slice, and 3) Overall TestmAP: the mAP on the complete test set.

Results: We show the results for the ‘motorcycle at night’and ‘bicycle at night’ rare slices in Fig. 7. We observethat the SMI functions outperform other baselines by≈ 5% − 14% AP of the rare class on the rare slice (seeFig. 7 (a,d)), and by ≈ 2% − 4% (see Fig. 7 (c,f)) in termsof mAP on the full test set. The gain in AP of the rare classand mAP increases in the later rounds of active learning,since the embedding representation of the model improves.

Specifically, GCMI outperforms all methods since it modelsquery-relevance well by selecting many rare class objectsthat belong to the rare slice (see Fig. 7(b,e)). In Fig. 9, wequalitatively show an example false negative motorcycle atnight fixed using TALISMAN.

To study the robustness of TALISMAN in diverse sce-narios, we evaluate its performance for the ‘pedestrian’rare class on multiple attributes - 1) ‘night’, 2) ‘rainy’,and 3) ‘highway’ (see Fig. 8). We observe consistentperformance of both the SMI functions used in TALISMAN(GCMI and FLMI) across all scenarios. Concretely, weshow that the SMI functions are able to robustly find morepedestrians than any other baseline across all rare slices(see Fig. 8(b,e,h)). This reinforces the need of TALISMANfor improving the performance of object detectors on suchrare slices.

6. Conclusion

In this paper, we present a targeted active learning frame-work TALISMAN that enables improving the performanceof object detection models on rare classes and slices. Weshowed the utility of our framework across a variety of


real-world scenarios of rare classes and slices on the PAS-CAL VOC07+12 and BDD100K driving dataset, and ob-serve a ≈ 5% − 12% gain compared to the existing base-lines. The main limitation of our work is the requirement ofa reasonable feature embedding for computing similarity.A potential negative societal impact can be the misuse ofTALISMAN to mine data that incorporates negative biases.

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AppendixA. Summary of Notations

Topic Notation Explanation

U Unlabeled set of |U| instancesTALISMAN (Sec. 4) A A subset of U

Sij Similarity between any two data points i and jf A submodular functionsL Labeled set of data pointsQ Query setM Object detection modelB Active learning selection budgetIq A single query image in the query set QIu A single unlabeled image in the unlabeled set UT Number of region of interests (RoIs) in a single query image

IqP Number of proposals in a single unlabeled image IuEq Embedding of T RoIs in Iq , Eq ∈ RT×DEu Embedding of P proposals in Iu, Eu ∈ RP×DD Dimensionality of each feature vector representing a

RoI/proposalFθ Feature extraction module with parameters θXqu Intermediate score map obtained by computing cosine similar-

ity between Eq and Eu, Xqu ∈ RT×P

CLi Number of objects in L that belong to the rare (infrequent)class i. The total number of rare objects in L is |CL|

TALISMAN for RareClasses (Sec. 5.3)

BLj Number of objects in L that belong to the frequent class j. Thetotal number of rare objects in L is |BL|

ρ Imbalance ratio between CLi and BLj|OAc | Total number of objects in L that belong to class c and have

the attribute ATALISMAN for RareSlices (Sec. 5.4)

|OAc | Total number of objects in L that belong to class c and do not

have the attribute Aρ Imbalance ratio between |OAc | and |OA

c |

Table 2. Summary of notations used throughout this paper

B. Additional Experiments and DetailsWe provide the exact number of images in the initial labeled set L and the query set Q for each rare slice experiment

in Tab. 3. Next, in Tab. 4 and, Tab. 5 we provide the standard deviation using 5 runs for our rare slices experiments inSec. 5.4. Further, in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 we qualitatively show how TALISMAN is able to fix a false negative motorcyclefailure case. Lastly, in Fig. 12 we show the effectiveness of TALISMAN in another rare classes scenario on the BDD100Kdataset. We observe that SMI functions used in TALISMAN outperform the baselines by ≈ 8% − 14% AP of the rare classand by ≈ 3%− 4% in terms of the mAP.


Table 3. Number of data points in the initial labeled set L and query setQ for different rare slice experiments in Sec. 5.4

Rare Slice Initial L Size(# Images)

Query Set Q Size(# Images)

Motorcycle at Nighttime 363 5Bicycle at Nighttime 348 5Pedestrian at Nighttime 355 3Pedestrian in Rainy Weather 361 5Pedestrian on a Highway 362 5

Table 4. BDD100K: Standard deviation of Full-Test mAP(%) for all acquisition functions in different rounds of active learning. Wecompute the standard deviation for 5 runs across all experiments of rare slices.

Strategy R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7FLMI 0.66 0.45 0.45 0.37 0.16 0.21 0.16GCMI 0.5 0.41 0.45 0.51 0.12 0.05 0.09Targeted Entropy 0.16 0.42 0.49 0.6 0.37 0.56 0.05Entropy 0.81 0.24 0.09 0.38 0.12 0.36 0.37Least-Conf 0.29 0.24 0.64 0.69 0.37 0.4 0.29Margin 0.31 0.37 0.45 0.24 0.38 0.31 0.31Random 0.05 0.05 0.66 0.66 0.53 0.41 0.12

Table 5. BDD100K: Standard deviation of Rare Class Rare Slice AP(%) for all acquisition functions in different rounds of active learning.We compute the standard deviation for 5 runs across all experiments of rare slices.

Strategy R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7FLMI 1.97 2.29 1.85 1.74 0.62 1.21 2.71GCMI 0.56 0.51 1.68 0.34 0.74 1.77 3.33Targeted Entropy 0.91 1.4 1.03 2.65 0.95 0.68 1.4Entropy 2.24 2.85 2.72 2.37 3.67 4.69 3.84Least-Conf 0.85 2.05 0.7 2 0.9 2.27 1.6Margin 1.28 1.74 2.02 2.79 0.6 2.39 1.55Random 1.84 1.56 2.45 3.31 2.65 3.16 1.6

Figure 10. A false negative motorcycle at night on the road (left) fixed to a true positive detection (right) using TALISMAN.


Figure 11. A false negative motorcycle at night parked on the road (left) fixed to a true positive detection (right) using TALISMAN.


400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600Labeled Set Size













sses (a) BDD100K-MC: Avg AP of Rare Class

400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600Labeled Set Size














cted (b) BDD100K-MC: # Rare Class Objects

400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600Labeled Set Size













(c) BDD100K-MC: Full-Test mAP

Figure 12. Active Learning with Motorcycle (MC) rare class on BDD100K. Left side plot (a) shows the AP of the rare class, center plot (b)show the number of objects selected that belong to the rare class, and right side plots (c) show the mAP on the full test set of BDD100K.We observe that the SMI functions (FLMI, GCMI) outperform other baselines by ≈ 8%− 14% AP of the rare class.